
更新时间:2023-03-08 05:30:50 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



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dinner colour difficult sure chocolate 当然 巧克力 颜色 晚餐 困难 二、 看图选择正确的短语。(10分)

A. clean the window B.light the candles C.play the piano

D .plant flowers E. take photos

( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( )


( ) 1. Would you like oranges?

A.any B.some C.an

( ) 2. My birthday party begins 6:00 Saturday afternoon.

A.at,in B.at,on C.in,on

( ) 3.Let’s a walk in the park. A.takes B.to take C.take

( ) 4.Lily like playing the piano. A.takes B.to take C.take ( ) 5..I have many . A.hobby B.hobbys C.hobbies ( ) 6.Mary a new picture card. A.is B.has C.have

( ) 7.The park is .

A.beautiful B.beauty C.beautifully ( ) 8.What’s hobby ? A.you B.yours C.your ( ) 9.Can I help ? A.your B.you C.my

( ) 10.I want a computer. A.have B.to have C.having 四、用词的正确形式填空。(20分) 1. After school, she often (have) a cake.

2. We (be) interested in playing football. 3.They are so (colour).

4.What is your (grandpa) hobby?

5. My mother and father (take ) a walk together every evening.

6. Tom (go) to school at8:00. 7. Tomorrow is (he) birthday.

8. Here are my invitation (card) for all of you.

9.Look at (those) photo.

10.After dinner, I often do some .(read)

五、选词填空 (10分)

at by with to of 1.I’ m very happy get your email . 2.Here are my invitation cards for all you. 3.We learn English singing and chanting. 4.I often play football my friends. 5.She is dancing her birthday party.


Li Dong is a school boy.He lives in Beijing.He gets up at 6:30.He reads English and Chinese in the morning.He has breakfast at 7:00.In the afternoon, he has three classes. He often does the homework after dinner.

Li Dong likes playing football.His mother’s hobby is planting flowers.His father is interested in collecting stamps. ( )1. How old is Li Dong ?

A. He is eleven. B.He is fine. C.He is twelve. ( )2. Does he have breakfast at 6:30? A.Yes,he is. B.Yes, he does. C.No, he doesn’t. ( )3. What’s Li Dong’s hobby? A. He likes wathing TV. B. His hobby is playing football. C. His hobby is planting flowers.

( )4. Is his mother’s hobby planting trees? A.Yes,he is. B.No, it isn’t. C. Yes, it is. ( )5. What is his father interested in ? A. His father is interested in collecting maps. B. His father is interested in collecting stamps. C. I don’t know.


evening reading watch homework do over about home dinner play A: It’s 4:00 in the afternoon. School is . B: What you do after school?

A: I often go and then I have . B: Me,too. What do you do in the .

A: I often and do some .What you? B: I do my and then I computer games . A: Oh,I do my homework,too .

七、根据提示,用英语描述一下你的兴趣爱好,至少五句话(10分) collecting stamps collecting maps reading going fishing playing computer games

My hobby is

