book3 词组短语句子

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1. 如果你能够发展提出新思想的能力, 你就有竞争优势。

You will have a competitive advantage if you develop your ability to come up with new ideas.

2. 人类不可能凭空创造东西。Humans cannot make anything out of nothing. 3. 参观者心中充满惊奇和崇敬。The visitor was lost in wonder and admiration. 4. 你给这一组合增加了价值, 因为整体大于各部分之和。

You will have added value to the synthesis, for a whole is more than the sum of its parts.

5. 设想你自己是发明家。Put yourself in the shoes of an inventor. 6. 等级制度,劳动分工, 网络Hierarchy, division of labor, networks.

7. 如果你照抄, 就会有麻烦。If you copy directly, you are heading for trouble. 8. 拓展你的来年想范围。Widen your span of relevance 9. 百闻不如一见。one seeing is worth 100 hearings.

10. 只眷顾有准备的头脑。Chance favors only the prepared mind. 11. 节约的成本非常可观。Savings in cost is considerable. U2

1. a reserved person is one who does not talk very much to strangers, does not show

much emotion, and seldom gets excited.

一个谨慎的人不太会和陌生人聊天, 不会流露太多情感, 并且很少会兴奋。 2. the English value at least a show of modesty.


3. the starting point of the English sense of humor is self-depression, and its ideal is the

ability to laugh at oneself—at one’s own faults, one’s own failures and embarrassments, even at one’s own ideal.


1. a sense of humor is an attitude to life rather than the mere ability to laugh at jokes.

幽默感是一种对生活的态度, 并非仅仅是 开玩笑的能力。 4. rules are the essence of sport.


5. sportsmanship is the ability to practice a sport in obedience to its rules, while also

showing generosity to one’s opponent and good temper in defeat.

运动员精神是指按照规则从事体育运动的能力, 同时, 也表现在对对手的慷慨大度, 以及失败后的良好心态。

6. one of the most elementary rule of life is never hit a man when he’s down, in other

words, never take advantage of another person’s misfortune.

运动员精神的最基本生活规则之一是“不打跌倒的人”, 换言之, 就是不利用别人的不幸。

7. all politeness is based on the elementary rule of showing consideration fro others, and

acknowledging the consideration they show to you.

所有的礼貌都是建立在这样的基本原则之上: 为别人着想, 同时也认可别人对你的关心。

8. however obviously you are entitled to it, you are always expected to say “ Thank you”.


9. in fact, without being conscious of it, British people sometimes make offers out of


事实上,人们没有意识到, 英国人常常处于礼貌而提供帮助。 10. the British are rather particular about table manners.


11. old age and seniority alone do not command authority.

仅仅年老和有资历在英国并不享受权威。 U3

1. there is no denying the effects of a good magic trick. 我们无法否认好魔术的效果 2. the appeal is universal. 魔术的魅力普遍存在 3. magic is a deception. 魔术是骗术

4. consciousness is a construction and may be an illusion. 意识是一个可以构建甚至可


5. magicians used suggestion and misdirected attention to get their illusions to work.


6. magic is all about convincing others that the impossible has just happened. 7. 魔术是让别人相信不可能的事已经发生。

8. the deception is achieved with a high degree of skill and showmanship.


9. magicians are manipulating your consciousness. 魔术师操纵你的意识。

10. our brain filter out a huge amount of the mass of sensory input flooding in from our

environment. 我们的大脑对周围环境大量涌入的信息进行过滤。

11. we see what we expect to see and what our brains are interested in.

我们看到自己期望看到的东西, 看到我们干感兴趣的东西。

12. perception does not involve looking at an object but attending to it.

直觉不仅仅和看物体有关, 而且和注意物体有关。

13. the human mind is a lot more fallible than we magicians expect.

人的大脑比魔术师期盼的更容易出错。 U4 Text


Accept whatever come my way. homereading

1. 我们对公司未来的看法开始出现分歧, 我们争吵起来。

our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out. 2. 我们的董事会站在他那边, 我出局了。

the Board of Directors sided with him so at 30 I was out.

3. 我让企业界的前辈失望。I let the previous generations of entrepreneurs down. 4. 取代沉重成功的是轻松的重新开始。

the heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again.

5. 生活有时候会用一块砖排挤你的脑袋。sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. 6. 几乎所有的事情—外界的期望, 所有的荣耀, 对尴尬和失败的恐惧—在面对死亡时都

会烟消云散, 只留下真正重要的东西。

because almost everything—all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure—these things just fall away in the face of death. 7. 避免调入你以为自己会 失去设么这个思维陷阱, 你已经一无所有。

avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked/

8. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. 我完全不知道自己一生要干什么事情 9. I trust that it would all work out OK. 相信一切问题都会解决的。 10. follow my curiosity and intuition跟随好奇心和直觉。 U6

1. 出差儿, 走样儿 go awry 2. 混乱chaos

3. 人员配备不足understaffing 4. 过分渲染overblown

5. 盲目相信I have blind faith 6. 继续教育continuing education 7. 涌进市场hit the market

8. 穿白大褂不等于是药剂师a white coat does not make a pharmacist 9. 不合理工作量unreasonable workload 10. 工作量与错误率相关

11. a correlation between pharmacists’ workload and error rates U7

1. Marriage was not an affair of personal affection, but of family avarice,


2. She pervades poetry from cover to cover; 他遍布于是个的扉页

3. It would be ambitious beyond my daring, to suggest期望过高,超出我的胆量。 4. she was the apple of her father's eye. 她是她父亲的账掌上明珠。

5. Now and again an Emily Bronte or a Robert Burns blazes out and proves its presence.

不是地, 以为艾米丽勃朗特, 活着罗伯特彭斯大放光彩, 证明这种天才的存在。 U8

1. 有时我想到,过好每一天是个非常好的习惯,似乎我们明天就会死去。

Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow.

2. 时日在无穷的展望中延展着The days stretch out in an endless vista. 3. 只有聋子才珍惜听力,唯有瞎子才体会到能看见事物的种种幸福.

Only the deaf appreciate hearing, only the blind realize the manifold blessings that lie in sight.

4. 还是那相同的老话,对我们所有的官能不知珍惜,直至失去它,对我们的健康意识不到,直至生病时。It is the same old story of not being grateful for what we have until we lose it, of not being conscious of health until we are ill.

5. 黑暗会使他更珍惜视力,寂静会教导他享受声音。

Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would tech him the joys of sound.

6. 或许,这是人性共有的特点;对我们具有的不怎么欣赏,而对我们不具有的却渴望得到。然而,这是一个极大的遗憾,在光明的世界里,视力的天赋仅仅作为一种方便之用,而没有


It is human, perhaps, to appreciate little that which we have and to long for that which we have not, but it is a great pity that in the world of light the gift of sight is used only as a mere conveniences rather than as a means of adding fullness to life. U9

1. Be bound to 一定 1. once and for all永远的

2. internationally recognized as authoritative国际公认的权威 3. it was more or less by chance that…或多或少是碰巧的 4. Pavlov’s theory of conditioning巴甫洛夫的条件理论 5. in collaboration with跟。。。合作进行 6. among others等等 7. be sound asleep酣睡 8. hallucination幻觉

9. dreaming can be regulated at will做梦可随意调节

10. so far nothing contradicts it到面为止还没有与之相抵触的事情 11. the nervous system神经系统 12. instantaneous即刻的 U10

1. the credibility principle诚信原则 2. stand tall in the crowd出类拔萃的人 3. unfulfilled promise没兑现的承诺

4. violates the credibility principle不遵守诚信原则

5. I see absolutely no reason whatsoever for any delay


6. in view of somebody’s past record考虑到他以往的工作记录 7. chances are that…情况往往是。。。(很可能。。) 8. he give you the run-around all day他整天都躲着你 9. inconvenience you给我们造成不便

10. the average American has lost confidence in our local and national leadership


11. constantly stretch the facts when they project what they are going to do 12. 他们在计划要做的事情时总是夸大事实。

13. life is simply too short to go through the same exasperating situation twice with the

person who let you down

生命太短暂了, 谁再想与那个(不按约定把货物送上门)让你失望的家伙重复一次拿恼火的经历呢。

14. many people whose talent borders on genius achieve only mediocre results in their

career because they lack the necessary follow-through to actually perform well.

许多人虽然才智几与天才相等但事业上成就平平, 就是因为他们缺乏必需的 坚持到底把事情真正做好的精神。

15. less gifted people continually outperform these so-called geniuses because they

come though when they are supposed to .

天赋不甚高的 人常常胜过那些所谓的天才, 就是因为他们该坚持到底就坚持到底。

16. this is the winning image you must develop if your career is to enjoy longevity.

如果你想事业成功, 这是你必须树立的赢的形象。 U11

1. Alan seems relaxed and even-tempered. Margaret tense and irritable. Karen seems

open and straight forward, Amy hostile and evasive.


2. you reach these conclusions on the basis of what they say nonverbally - with their

postures, gestures, and facial expressions.


3. he did not take into account the importance of nonverbal communication。


4. He got up from his chair like a condemned man and plodded to the lectern as though

going to the guillotine.

他像个死囚犯似的从椅子上站起来,步履沉缓地走上讲台,那样子像是走向断头台。 5. Dan rushed to his seat and collapsed into it, looking enormously relieved.


6. he found that the more he made himself look confident, the more confident he



7. It was his nonverbal signals that made all the difference.

他的非言语信号改变了一切。 8. You would be one of the few, the very few, who live outside the rules, who are

expected to be unusual.

你会成为不受常规约束,人们期望与众不同的极少数人中的一个。 9. the odds are against it. 但事情往往难遂人愿。

10. As you rise to speak, try to appear calm, poised, and confident, despite the butterflies

in your stomach.

在你站起来演讲时,要尽力显得镇静、从容、自信,虽然你紧张得直恶心。 11. This will give your closing line time to sink in.


12. As you do so, maintain your cool, collected demeanor.

这样做时,要保持镇静自若的风度。 13. They should appear natural and spontaneous, help to clarify or reinforce your ideas, and be suited to the audience and occasion. 手势应该显得自然,由衷而发,应该帮助阐明或进一步证实你的观点,还应该适合于听众和场合。

14. We look to them to help gauge the truthfulness, intelligence, attitudes, and feelings of a speaker.

我们依靠双眼来判断一个演讲者的真 诚、智力、态度和感情。

15. The quickest way to establish a communicative bond with your listeners is to look them in the eye, personally and pleasantly.



1. Revive the nature-nurture debate: is intelligence malleable or genetically programmed?

Is a humane mind born or made?

在此引起人们对先天禀赋和后天培育这个问题的争论, 智力是克训练还是遗传不变的?人类思想是天生的还是创造出来的?

2. Intelligence is also the most highly inheritable mental attribute known.


3. Can we remediate low intelligence or enhance normal intelligence through genetic

manipulation or intervention?

我们能够通过遗传操纵获干预来补救低智力获增进一般智力吗? 12. U13

13. what mental traits cause us to behave morally and to what extent other animals

possess those tools.

什么智力特点引起我们符合道德地行动,多大程度上别的动物也具有 这些工具?

14. Can other creatures share, cooperate, punish cheaters, show empathy, and act



15. 3. Here, then, is an intriguing example of how inhibition plays a crucial role in

maintaining social conventions among monkeys.


16. 4. Thus research indicates that animals can inhibit their impulses and punish those

who violate community rules.


17. 5. In that regard, the roots of our moral intuition are entwined with the self-interest

shown by other animals.

在这点上,我们道德直觉的根源和其它动物所显露出来的利己主义交织在一起的。 U14

18. This has been a popular approach, for it relieves the critic of the responsibility of

judgment and the public of the necessity of knowledge.


19. It pleases those resentful of disciplines, it flatters the empty-minded by calling them

open-minded, it comforts the confused.


20. A climate of appreciation is essential to its flowering


21. In no other field of expression has so much double-talk flourished, so much confusion

prevailed, and so much nonsense been circulated.

其他任何一个表现领域都不会象画界一样如此盛行煞有其事的言谈,流行如此多的废话 22. I had always thought that the prime function of art was to create order out of chaos


