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一. 单项选择题

1. ----Who broke the toy car?

----It_____ Alex. He likes to throw things here and there.

A. is B. must be C. can’t be

2. ----We’ve waited for the two singers for two hours. Will they be able to come here?

----I’m afraid____ of them will come today because of the heavy snow.

A. Neither B. either C. both

3. If you want a ticket for a round-trip, sir, you’ll have to pay_____$80.

A. another B. other C. more

4. Not only the twins but also their father_____ apples very much.

A. like B. like C. is like

5. -----I can’t stop playing computer games.

----For your health, my boy, I’m afraid you_____.

A. can B. have to C. may

6. ---Do you know Sandy?

---Yes, she is from Oxford University and she is ____ honest girl.

A. a B. an C. 不填

7. ----How are you getting on with your parents?

----_______. They are like my friends.

A. very good B. very well. C. very bad

8. ----When did Tom come to this small town?

----He ________here for several months.

A. came B. has come C. has been

9._____ great fun playing soccer is!

A. What B. What a C. How

10. These doctors gave us some very useful_____ on how to keep healthy, especially on how to keep fit.

A. wish B. idea C. advice

11. ----Do you know when the 30th Olympic Games______?

A. was hold B. will held C. will be held.

12.-----se me. I want to see a doctor. Where can I find a hospital?

-----I know_____ not far from here. You can easily find______.

A. that; it B. it ; one C. one; it

13. I ______ angry when someone was always late for meetings.

A. use to be B. used to C. used to be

14. What would you do if you ____to the meeting?

A. invited B. were invited C. are invited

15. My sister has two skirts. One is yellow, _____is black.

A. other B. the other C. another

16. ------I have finished reading the English story book that you lent to me.

-------When ____you_____ it?

A. do ; finish B. did; finish C. have; finished

17. I can’t stay____ I want to see you again. It’s two years since I saw you last time.

A. how much B. how long C. how soon

18. ---We haven’t heard from Jane for a long time.

----What do you suppose______?

A. she happened B. did she happen C. has happened

19. This week we asked some students____ the best way ______English.

A. in, to study B. about, to study C. in, of studying

20. Tom often spends as much time as he can_____ English.

A. learn B. learning C. to learn

21. There’re ____ people in this city.

A. two millions of B. two million C. two million of

22. At last, Kangkang made the baby______ and began to laugh.

A. stop to cry B. stop crying C. to stop crying

23. I’ll give you_____ paper. You need _____buy any.

A. two; not B. some; not C. no; /

24. Tom, your hair is too long. Would you please get your hair ____?

A. cut B. cutting C. to cut.

25. ----Have you seen him recently?

----Yes. I ____ him the other day on the street.

A. see B. saw C. have seen

26. Many people in China speak English______ second language.

A. as the B. as a C. like the

27. The black pen____ very well.

A. writes B. wrote C. is written

28. I often watch a little boy_______ the road.

A. across B. to cross C. cross

29. ---When shall we go to the museum, this afternoon or tomorrow morning?

-----______is ok. I am free these days.

A. Both B. All C. Either

30. ---Excuse me!


----How can I get to the nearest post office?

A. Yes? B. Pardon? C. What’s wrong?

31. ----Could you tell me________?

----About ten minutes’ walk.

A. how long the People’s park is?

B. how far the People’s Park is?

C. how long it takes to get to the People’s Park

32. ---Mario, is that you? I never of meeting you here!

-----Yeah, it is. I haven’t seen you for four years!

A. carefully enough, enough time

B. enough carefully, enough time

C. carefully enough, time enough

33. He is ____dogs. So he never keeps any of them at home.

A. interested in afraid of C. worried about

二. 根据句意和所给首字母填单词。

1. The boy didn’t sleep very well last night. Now he felt very s_____.

2. The thief said to the police he had nothing to do with the old man’s d_____.

3. Students in Grade 9 should be a_____ to have Sunday off, or they will be stressed out.

4. John ran q____ and at last he got the first place in the boys’ 50-meter race.

5. My father has some trouble p____ some of the Russian words.

6. Tom’s face turned red when he r_____ his mistakes.

7. Anyone can see the i_____ of good idea.

8. I haven’t seen my car for two days. I’m very a_____ about it.

9. The population of the city has i______ quickly.

10. Would you like to trek t______ the mysterious jungle?

11. If you find out the c_____ answer. I’ll give you a gift.

12. She always get nervous when she p_______ some strange names in German.

13. It seems that Joe has p_________ passed the math test, but no one is quite sure.

14. Our geography teacher told us there are four o_______ on the earth.

15. Lucy likes singing a_______ with her favorite songs.

16.What would you do if you b______ your hand while cooking?

17. The more careful you are, the f____ mistakes you’ll make.

18. There are some fantastic sights , i______ the Eiffel Tower.

19. The place has d_______ from a small fishing village into a famous vacation spot.

20. Chengdu is c_________ as one of the most livable cities in China.

三. 汉译英。 根据汉语意思和英语提示翻译句子。

1. 我们应该遵守交通规则,我们不能在红灯亮的时候横穿马路。(obey; traffic; cross; with…on)


2. 说实话, 我对展出的东西一点都不感兴趣,我宁愿呆在家里看书。(to be honest; on display; would rather) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. 我们为成都在过去几年发生的巨大变化感到自豪。(take pride in; take place)


4. 他们创办了一个志愿者中心,他们每周花一段时间来照顾这些残疾人。(set up; volunteer; spend; take care of )


5. 尽管她不想让朋友失望,但由于她害怕在人面前说话,她最终放弃了演讲比赛。( let…down; be terrified of; contest)


6. 我不喜欢做报告。 我在很多人面前讲话感到紧张。( speech; in front of )


7. 刘梅似乎改变了不少。(seem; change )


8. 父母不同意儿子天天练习打篮球,他们认为那样会妨碍他的学习。(allow; get in the way of)


9.他过去常常抱怨学校并很生老师的气。(complain; be angry with)


10. 老师认为我么应该更关注学习,那样对我们提高成绩有好处。(concentrate on, be good for)


11. 这幅画让我想起了我曾经住过的老房子。(remind of; used to)


12. 在我们小区明天将会有一场大型的摄影展,我们期待着你的光临。(will; expect)


13. 在过去的两年中,我们年级通过艰苦的努力取得了很多的奖项。(by doing; prize)


14. 我宁愿面对这个挑战也不愿选择放弃,因为它对我来说是一次的机会。(would rather… than; chance.) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

15.她被允许代表我们学校参加这个世界级的跳舞大赛了吗?(allow… to…)


16. 刘英认真对待功课。 因此她在学校的考试中总是名列前茅。(serious about; come top)


17. 我一点不想打扰你, 只是想让你了解这个真相。(in the slightest; instead)


18. 地震造成了很多问题,但我们有信心克服他们。(cause; get over)


19.即使有很多人不同意,他也会坚持自己的梦想。(even though, hold on)


20. 你应该把钥匙藏在除了我俩谁也找不到的地方。( hide; except)


四. 完成对话。 在对话的空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词,把答案按编号依次填入下方表格内。

A: How are you feeling now? George and I was quite worried about you when Ann called us yesterday.

B: Not too ____1___ yet. I feel terrible. I still have a headache and my right ____2____ even can ____3____ take a cup.

A: What about your legs?

B:Well, much better. I feel less ______4______ in my knees, ______5______ I can’t walk. Just now the doctor and the nurses told me to stay in bed for two weeks.

A: That’s ok. But how did it ___6_____?

B: Oh, yesterday morning I cleaned the windows. In order to _____7_____ the work earlier, I climbed over the window and stood ______8______ the windows, I worked quickly, but suddenly I ______9_____ down to the garden. When I woke up, I found myself lying in bed in the ______10_____.

A: Excuse me, sir. You can’t come in without doctor’s _____1______.

B: But I’m just visiting my uncle. He’s in hospital!

A: What’s ______2_______with him?

B:He ______3_____ his left leg in running.

A: Is he the man ____4_____ with a doctor over there now?

B: Yeah! So can I come in?

A: Sorry, sir. You can’t. They are ___5___ a conversation. Maybe about his illness.

B: But he’s my uncle!

A: I see. Even __6___ he is your uncle, you can’t visit him now.

B: Are you always ____7____ with visitors? It’s too strange!

A: Sorry, sir. It’s the rule in our hospital. You can’t ___8_____ them while they are being looked over by doctors. It’s not ____9___ for them to become well. I hope you can understand.

B: Ok… Thank you for explaining it so ___10_____. I’ll come here later. By the way, sorry about my shout. A: Never mind. See you, sir.

B: See you.

Anne: There will be a charity bazaar(义卖) for blind people next day. We’ll design and sell some clothes. We have decided that everyone in the world in the activity should ____1_____ a uniform.

Hank: ____2_____ will it be held?

Anne: At the National Park.

Hank: Is there anything I can do for a ___3___?

Anne: Yes, of course. Please give me some ____4___.

Hank: I don’t have ____5____ good ideas about clothes.

Anne: I can see that. Who would wear a green shirt with orange trousers and red socks like you?

Hank: Don’t play_6__ on me. This is fashion… What do you have in that charity bazaar?

Anne: Most of the things are from our company. We have T-shirts, hats and bags. There are different styles with the same ____7__ on each ---a big heart.

Hank: It ___8___ great. I want very much to ___9____ you. Will you let me try?

Anne: Ok. Call me ___10____ Monday morning and I’ll let you know about it.

A: Hi! Fred. You came very close this morning.

B: Yes!

A: What ___1__ to you?

B: Well, first of all, my alarm didn’t go off, I ____2____ late. Even though I got up and had ___3__ as quickly as I could, by the time I got outside, the bus had already ____4____.

A: So you can take a taxi to ____5____ time. Don’t you?

B: Yes, I did. However there was a ___6___ traffic because of an ___7___ . A schoolboy fell off his bike and hurt his leg badly. There was a big crowd on the road. I could only__8____ in the taxi instead of doing anything. A: Oh, what a pity! But you are not really late now. Why?

B: Five minutes later, I decided to get ___9___ of the car.

A: Then what did you do?

B: Nothing but ran all the way to office fast.

A: Oh, what a pain. It’s not a surprise you look so ___10____. Take a seat to rest.

B: Thanks a lot.

五: 短文填空。用下面方框中单词的适当形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确,通顺(每词限用一次)。 将答案按编号依次填入下方变格中。

I used to watch a little girl playing basketball every day from my kitchen window. One day I asked her why she practiced so ___1___ . She said: “ I want to go to college.” The only way I can go is ___2___ a scholarship. I like basketball and I want to be the ___3___ player in college. My dad told me: “ If the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count.”

She never changed her mind. I watched her through those junior high years and into senior high school. One day before she graduated from high school, I saw her ____4___ on the grass. I asked her what was wrong. She told me that her coach(教练) said she was too short to be a good basketball player, so she should stop ___5____ about going to college. She was heartbroken and it ___6____me feel bad too. Then she smiled and told me her father said that coach was wrong. He did not understand the power of dream. Her father said to her: “ if you ___7___ want to play for the scholarship of a good college, nothing but you __8___ can stop your dream.” He told her again: “ If the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count.”

The next year, she and her team went to a big game. She ___9___ by a coach of a famous college team and was offered a scholarship to the ___10___ basketball team of their college. She was to get the college education that she had dreamed of and worked toward for all those years.

“If the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count.” It’s true.

spends at least $1.2 billion every year ___2___ the poor. The world has about one billion poor people.

Bill is the most generous man in the world. He was born on October 28, 1955. When he was 20, he left university. Two years later he started Microsoft. For 11 years , Bill has been the world’s ____3_____ man.

This year, he again ___4___ top with $76 billion , but he is giving$28 billion to help others. “ I will give my money back to the world.” Said the rich man. “ Many people are waiting to be ___5___ much medicine and care, and then they can become healthier.”

Bill loves helping others just as he loves computers. He always says” super” when he talks about making people’s health better. “ The world’s health is a lot ___6____for us. It’s like solving computer ____7____. It’s good that we’ve __8___ how important the world is for human beings.” He said. If you asked him ___9____ was

the money he got, he would answer, “All the money I got is the society’s. He likes giving away his money because of his mom. She asked him to do it years ago when he was just a small boss.” According to the __10____ report, he will visit the people in Africa.

Mr. Hill arrives at London Airport, at the end of the three ___1___ holiday in ___2____. Usually he wears a beard. As it has been _____3____ there, he has taken it off. But his passport photo shows him ____4_____his beard.

An officer looks at the photo for a moment and say, “ will you excuse me? Please sit down. I shall not keep you long.” With this , he walks away, shows the photo to a second ____5____, and says: “ I know that face” The second officer looks at the passport and asks where Mr. Hill has come from.. When he hears that Mr. Hill has__6___ back from Paris, the ___7__officer smiles and says: “an Englishman with a beard stole a painting in Paris on Friday, and that man looks just the kind of man.”___8____ the first officer realizes who Mr. Hill is. He returns to him, and asks: “ Did you teach at the NO. 2 High School?” When Mr. Hill answers in ____9____ that he did, the first officer smiles and says: “ I thought _____10____ I’m Jack Smith. You taught me French. You haven’t changed a bit.”

300 meters tall. It was designed and by Alexander Gustave Eiffel many years ago for the Paris Universal Exposition.

new kinds of food are displayed.

tower for people to visit, it was also for use. Now, the tower gets much more than another famous building—

An old man lived in a side street of a small town. Every day after supper ,some children would play football in the street. The children were too for the old man to have a good rest.

One evening, the old man told the children that he would give them 25 cents each week them play football in the street at night. He said, "I am so glad when you play football happily." This was his The boys were believe that they could to do something they enjoyed. with 15 cents. The fourth week, the old man said he was ill and he had spent almost all his money on medicine. He gave the boys only 10 cents. The boys were very to do about it.

At the end of the fifth week, the boys came back again only to get 5 cents. After that, the children never played football in the street again.


1. The united States _______________fifty states, including California and New York.

2. Kate is so friendly that she ____________________ every classmate in her class.

3. All of us are ___________ about the price of the house.

4. Have you __________ a good idea for the following clean-up day?

5. Most student _________ work hard to achieve their dreams.

6. Excuse me, could you please tell me who ___________ these different bags?

7. Everyone in our country ___________ our development we have got during these years.

8. My favorite artist’s works are ___________ in the museum now. Let’s go and have a look!

9. I think you need to practice ____________ your work when you are at work.

10. I ______________ my decision, but she didn’t care about it.

11. Every year,he ___________ 10% of his income(收入) to the charity.

12. He ___________do homework when his come came back home.

13. In our modern life we ________________learn from our parents, our teachers, our friends and even strangers.

14. __________________________small things and you can make great progress.

15. You’d better ______________ the newspaper first before you read it carefully.

