加拿大大学 CS专业
更新时间:2023-07-27 06:28:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载
- 加拿大大学排名前十推荐度:
- 相关推荐
蒙特利尔麦吉尔(McGill University)大学排名世界18名,这是加拿大在世界上的最高排名。
Application deadline to be considered for financial support for
September is January 1st.
Application deadline without consideration for financial support:
March 1st.
90 (internet-based test)
多伦多大学目前排名第29名,比2008年上升了12名。 http://www.gradschool.utoronto.ca/Admission_Requirements/english-proficiency-requirement.htm
ACADEMIC DIVISION Minimum Score Requirement - Overall Score 93
Writing/Speaking 22
The application deadline for admission for September 2011 is December 8, 2010 (9:00 am Toronto time) and the referee deadline is December 12, 2010 (9:00 am Toronto time). However, some information, such as English
language test scores and grades earned after the deadlines, may be updated on the application form after this date by applicants whose applications were submitted before the deadline.
亚伯达大学(University of Alberta)的排名从去年排第74位升至今年第59位。 CS 最低要求97分,申请时间已过
滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)、 Fall deadline: December 15 http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/grad/admissions/applications
International applicants from non-English speaking countries must submit a TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) showing an overall minimum internet-based score of 100
卡加利大学(University of Calgary) http://www.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/grad/admission/requirements
To increase your chances of acceptance, you should:
Become familiar with the . whose research meshes with your interests. Discuss if they would make a suitable supervisor for your graduate program. List the potential supervisors that you have identified on your on-line application form.
We only consider students for which at least one of our professors has indicated that
he/she will supervise the student.
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of at least 600 (written test) or 100 (internet-based test), or an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score of 7.5 is required.
Admissions Date Final Application Deadline: February 1
西安省大学(University of Western Ontario)今年的排行均比去年进步,尤其是卡加利大学从去年第170位飙至今年第149位。
We will be accepting applications for the January 2011 term for the PhD program only. If you wish to apply for the September 2011 term, please send your application materials before Feb. 28, 2011.
If your mother tongue is not English and you have not attended a university or college in an English speaking country for the past two years, then you must take TOEFL and achieve a score of at least 580 (237 in case of computer-based TOEFL test, or 92 in case of Internet-based Testing), with a minimum score of 60 (25 in case of computer-based TOEFL exam, or 20 in case of Internet-based Testing) in each section. The TOEFL test date must be within two years of the first term of registration at The University of Western Ontario. We also accept the results of the following tests as proof of proficiency in English
Deadline: January 1st
IBT : Computer Science 100 http://www.calendar.ubc.ca/vancouver/index.cfm?tree=12,204,345,0 满地可大学(Universite de Montreal)、
皇后大学(Queen's University)、 http://www.cs.queensu.ca/applicants/graduate.php
Send in the application package by January 15 of the year http://www.cs.queensu.ca/students/graduate/GradHandbook/app_form.php TOEFL
24 22 88 Speaking 22 Listening 20
麦马士打大学(McMaster University) 这个学校可以试一下 http://www.cas.mcmaster.ca/cas/0template1.php?1002#TOEFL
Minimum accepted TOEFL scores (as outlined in the Graduate Calendar for the Faculty of Engineering):
iBT: (Internet Based Test): 80
We are currently accepting applications from qualified individuals for September 2011. Applications are processed on a "first come - first served basis". Offers of admission will be made on an ongoing basis until all spaces are filled, but interested students should apply as soon as possible. The application process for September entry is usually completed by May.
西门菲莎(Simon Fraser University)。
What are the minimum TOEFL and IELTS scores? The minimum TOEFL requirement is: paper based 600, computer based 250, and internet based 88 (minimum of 20 in each category). The minimum IELTS requirement is: an overall score of 7.
February 1
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