
更新时间:2023-04-27 23:57:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载













l.What does the woman plan to major in?

A. Art.

B. Science.

C. Economics.

2. How does the woman suggest the man get to the hotel.

A. On foot.

B. By taxi.

C. By bus.

3. What do we know about John?

A.He retired a year ago.

B. He hasn’t decided whether to retire.

C. He worked in the marketing department.

4. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Fellow students. B, Parent and kid. C. Teacher and student.

5.What does the man offer to do for the woman?

A. Hand in her report.

B. Give her some material.

C. Proof the report to her. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)


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6. Why does the woman come to the store?

A. To buy a book_

B. To borrow textbooks,

C. To return some books

7. What should the woman do first?

A. Bring her book card.

B. Make a late payment.

C. Check her mail.


8. Why doesn’t the woman want to go to Chicago?

A. For the high cost.

B. For the limited time.

C. For the long distance.

9. Which city will the speakers visit?

A.Washington. B.Boston. C. New York.


10. What does the woman say about the conference this year?

A. There were more people.

B. It was a success on the whole.

C. The organization could have been better.

1l. How many delegates were there in the conference last year?




12.What disappointed the delegates?

A. The conference rooms.

B. The restaurant.

C. The hotel rooms.

听第 9段料,回答第 13至第 16题。

13.For whom does the woman book rooms?

A. Tourists.

B. Her co-workers.

C. Her classmates.

14.How many rooms does the woman want?

A. 7.

B. 9.

C. 12.

15. When does the conversation take place?

A. On January 8th.

B. On January 5th.

C. On January 3rd.

16. Why will the woman get a discount?

A. She is a regular guest.

B. She makes reservations for a group.

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C. She has a membership card of the hotel.


17. Where does the speaker give this talk?

A. At New York is Central Park.

B.At Ocean Beach Park.

C. At Golden Gate Park

18. When are cars forbidden in the park on Sundays?

A. In winter,

B. In summer.

C. In autumn.

19. What is located. on the eastern side of the park?

A, An indoor garden. B. A tea house. C. A theater.

20.How does the speaker describe the Japanese Tea Garden?

A. It is good for a picnic.

B. It is peaceful and relaxing.

C.It is a great place for exhibits.





When Andra Rush started her trucking company, all she had was a beat-up van, a pair of used pick-up trucks, and the inexperienced certainty of a 23-year-old. She figured it would take her about four years to make her fortune. Then she could use her newfound millions to accomplish her true goal: handling poverty on Native American reservations across North America.

Rush is 49 now and still working hard. Her tiny start-up just outside Detroit has grown to a $400 million North American business that employs hundreds of native Americans. Today Rush is a role model not only for Native Americans but also for women in the male-dominated world of trucking. For years,“people imagined that the business was run by my dad or my boyfriend,” she says. “I had to say, No, the business is me! ”

“Rush was raised 30 miles outside Detroit, not far from her paternal grandparents and their Ontario reservation. When the teenage Rush visited the

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reservation for the first time, she was struck by the poverty. “I really wanted to make a difference,” she says.

She graduated from the University of Michigan in 1982 and took a nursing job. But she was disappointed by the low pay, and within a year she got an MBA. That summer, she interned(做实习生) at a company.

She borrowed $5,000 from her parents to buy a van and two used pickups. She accepted every delivery job that came her way! and worked nursing shifts(轮班)on weekends. Within six months, Rush had ten employees, like Ford and GM. Ford was the first to offer her a job trucking parts between its plants and suppliers. Rush also kept a single-minded focus on meeting deadlines--no matter what.

By 2001, many of Rush’s 1000 employees were Native Americans. working among people of every ground. But she felt she hadn't done enough. She's come a long way from the inexperienced 23-year-old who thought “the cash would just roll in”. But Rush wouldn't change a thing: “I love my job.”

2l. Why did many people think Andra Rush's company was run by her father?

A. Women can't start a business

B. Trucking companies are mainly run by men.

C. Andra Rush wasn't famous then.

D. Andra Rush had no right to mange a company.

22. What was the force to drive Rush to start a trucking company?

A. The poverty of native Americans.

B. Her major in university.

C. Her practice at a company.

D. Her parent's support.

23. Which of the following helped Andra Rush gain people's praise?

A. Her offer of low prices.

B. Working nursing shifts.

C. Her products of high quality.

D. Keeping her credit.

24. What kept Andra Rush going so long a way along her trucking company?

A. Her rich working experience.

B. Her great love to the cash

C. Her being enthusiastic to her work

D. Her responsibility for her work.

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It is a known fact that besides certain chemical reactions of the body, weight problems can be solved by a strong will, in other words with the power of the mind. The researchers at Duke University recently conducted an experiment which showed that overweight girls could manage their problem better by reading a certain book with messages about good health. The book is called Lake Rescue and it's about an overweight girl who makes friends and manages to see herself from a better perspective by going to an outdoor trip she originally was scared of Scientists say that the story influenced the girls in making healthier decisions regarding their food, finally managing to keep their problems under control.

Unfortunately, the results were not as dramatic as scientists hoped. The girls didn't become thin overnight by the help. of some miraculous book. The experiment was conducted in the following way: a group of overweight girls had to read Lake Rescue, another group a book with no embedded(内含的)message and a third and final group had nothing to read. In time, the girls in the first group showed signs that they were capable of maintaining a certain weight and some of them actually lost a couple of pounds.

The book is believed to have had something to do with these results. Researchers believe that the book acts on a psychological level, the girls identify with the characters in the story and so this gives them the mental power and will try harder to overcome their problems. Of course, further investigations and research are needed in order to properly show if reading Can actually become

a reliable weapon against obesity and overweight problems.

25. The experiment conducted by the researchers at Duck University tells us that

A. it is possible for us to reduce weight by reading

B. we can become thin overnight by reading

C. a strong will is necessary for everyone of us

D. we should form a good habit of reading

26 . The attitude of the author towards losing weight by reading is .

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A. supportive

B. operation

C. disappointed

D. uncertain

27. It can be concluded from this passage that .

A. the books can help us to keep ideal weight

B. the researchers Were satisfied with the results

C. the girls are able to lose weight easily by reading

D. more researches will be carried out in future


Band camp

No matter what you play -- or your level of playing -- you can learn to play better! At the camp, you'll learn more about music and performance skills. Group lesson topics include performance techniques, warm-up exercises and related activities, The bands will present a concert at 6:30 pm on Friday, June 13th in Breedlove Auditorium, All students are required to participate in the concert. You'll also take special master classes in music technology.

Who are the teachers?

All the teachers have worked with young musicians just like you. They’re some of the best local band directors and studio musicians. You’ll also work with UA Fort Smith music professors, Don Bailey, Charles Booker, and Prissy Buchanan.

Am l eligible(符合条件的) to attend?

If you're a band student who is finishing grade 6,7, or 8 this spring, and have played your instrument at least one school year, you can attend! Be sure to fill out the application completely--especially with parent and band director's signature.

Where and when is the band camp?

The camp is in the Breedlove building at UA Fort Smith, where all music classes at the college are held. Each camp is from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. You can have someone drop you off at 8:30 am.

How do I apply?

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Fill out the application below and mail it with your $85 fee. Make your

check or money order payable to UA Fort Smith Dept.

When do I register?

All registration forms with payments are due by June 6. There is an additional

$10 fee for late registration or registration at the door. Application cannot

be accepted without this completed form.

Name Age

City ZIP Home Phone


T-shirt size (Adult) S ■ M ■ L ■ XL ■ XXL ■

Grade Parent's name

Parent's signature Director's


Send completed form and payment to:

Dept. of music

UA Fort Smith

ATTN: Director of Bands

5210 Grand Ave, P.O. Box 3649

Fort Smith, AR 72913-3649

28. What's the main purpose of the band camp?

A. To present concerts.

B. To improve the level of playing.

C. To have fun with each other.

D. To hold special master classes.

29. What requests will those eligible to attend the band camp meet?

A. Finishing grade at least 7.

B. The permission of parents.

C. Playing instruments over half a year.

D. The ability to play kinds of instrument.

30. Before you mail the application, you must make sure that .

A. you mail it with an additional $10 fee

B. you reach the band camp at 9:OOam

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C. you mail it with certain money.

D. your application arrives by June 6

31. Which of the following is wanted in the application form?

A. Your T-shut size.

B. Your habits.

C. Your hobbies.

D. Your school.


Though joke-lovers in many countries joyfully fool friends on April fool's day no exactly when or why, or even where, this tradition began.

Practical joking seems to have coincided with the coming of spring since the time of the Ancient Romans and Celts. Some trace April fool's day back to roman mythology(神话), particularly the story of Ceres, Goddess of the harvest, and her daughter, Proserpina. Pluto, God of the Dead, cheated Proserpina and took her to live with him in the underworld. The girl called out to her mother, but Ceres could only hear the echo (回音) of her daughter's voice. Such“fool’s errands(差事)”became a popular practical joke in Europe in later centuries. The most widespread theory of the origin of April Fool's day is the switch from the old Julian to the Gregorian calendar in the late 16th century. Under the Julian calendar, the New Year was celebrated during the week between March 25 and April l, but under the Gregorian calendar, it was moved to January l. Those who weren't informed of the change, or stubbornly kept to the old tradition, were often laughed at and had jokes played on them on or around the old New Year. In France, this took the form of practical joker sticking fish on the backs of those who celebrated the old custom, earning the victims of the joke the name Poisson d'Avril, or April Fish. In Scotland, the butts (笑柄) of April Fool's jokes were known as April “Gowks”, another name for a cuckoo bird.

In more recent times, radio stations, TV programs and websites have set up gullible readers and listeners. One of the most famous jokes was a 1957 BBC program of the annual spaghetti harvest in Switzerland. Many listeners were so fooled that they wanted to find out how to get a spaghetti bush of their own. So while you're surfing the net or watching TV today, be aware of what you see and read, or you could end up an April Fool !

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32. The text is mainly to ____.

A. explore the origin of April Fool's Day

B. warn readers against being cheated

C. show versions of the origins of April Fool's Day

D. introduce the real tradition of April Fool's Day

33. Under the Gregorian calendar, January l was _ .

A. to celebrate April Fool's Day

B. the day to celebrate the New Year

C. April l under the Julian calendar

D. the New Year's Day in the early 1500s

34. The underlined word “ gullible readers” in the last paragraph refer to readers who_ .

A. like joking very much

B. surf the web on April l .

C. like surfing the net

D. are easy to be tricked

35. Which of the following has nothing to do with April Fool's Day?

A. April “ Gowks”.

B. The origin of spaghetti.

C. Poisson d’Avril.

D. The story of Ceres.

第二节(共 5小题;每小题 2分,满分 10分)


As you know, it is a totally different experience being around positive people versus negative ones, 36 .

“Failure is part of learning.”

37 . They understand that failure is an event, and doesn't define who they are. Negative people are emotionally disabled by failure because they allow it to define who they are. They fail to understand that it ' s part of the learning and growing process.

“ 38 ”

Positive people focus on giving their best effort, regardless of the situation. They understand that there are many things they cannot control, but effort is not one of them. No matter what, the positive people strive to give their best - even if it isn't much. Negative people want things to come easy to them, If

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they have to try hard, they believe they just aren't good at it and give up.

“People can change.”

Positive people know that the only thing that doesn't change is change. They believe that they can change, and that other people can change. Negative people believe that people are fixed; therefore, they don't try to improve because they believe, “what's the use?” 39 Once a negative person puts a label on something, it's very difficult for him to see it in a different way.

“What's the bright side?”

Positive people have an attitude of gratitude. 40 Negative people struggle to see the silver lining(一线希望) in difficult situations. They don't often take the time to stop and notice the positive aspects of a situation,

A. I always give my best.

B. Teamwork makes team work.

C. Additionally, negative people don't allow others to change.

D. Positive people view failure as an opportunity to learn and get better.

E. They can see the good in a situation, and don't take things for granted.

F. If you are trying to be more positive yourself, here are 4 ways you can do so.

G. They pay close attention when others do well, and they are quick to tell them.





This past spring, J was an outpatient at a medical center in Denver. During my exam, my doctor 41 that I seemed to be having more trouble breathing. I said J was, but I thought it was a(n) _42 reaction to the surgery that I'd had two days 43 . A few minutes later, an x-ray showed that there was something the _44 _ with my left lung, so he said, “I'm sorry, you can't go home, I must

45 you in to the hospital immediately!

I then 46 that I hadn't yet packed my bags back at the hotel--my 47 and

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toiletries and medicines were still in drawers or _48 all around the room. So I asked if I could just go to the hotel to check out and _ 49 my luggage to the hospital. My doctor said, “No, I’m 50 I can't let you do that.”

1 was worried that I'd now be _51 for the hotel room and the hospital room -- on _5

2 0f a flight change fee? My doctor didn't even hesitate. He said, “I'11 go check you out”I looked at him. _5

3 _. Here he was, a very 5

4 specialist at one of the key medical and research 5

5 in the United States, and he's going to go pack my bags for me. Surely, he would send a (n) 5

6 ? But he didn’t, that’s 5

7 what he did. He drove to the hotel, located 5

8 to pack my bags , paid the maid's 5

9 , and brought my luggage back to me.

A lot of people 60 about how impersonal or uncaring doctors are these days. Not mine! I will never forget his caring and kindness that day.

41. A. watched B. examined C. noticed D. observed

42. A. common B. ordinary C. usual D. normal

43. A. before B. ago C. after D. since

44. A. thing B. matter C. wrong D. mistake

45. A. receive B. remembered C. take D. check

46. A. reminded B. accept C. explained D. forgot

47. A. clothes B. clothing C. cloth D. dress

48. A. separated B. stood C. spread D. fell

49. A. take B. carry C. send D. bring

50. A. anxious B. afraid C. fortunate D. pleased

51. A. looking B. going C. paying D. heading

52. A. top B. bottom C. side D. end

53. A. confused B. scared C. interested D. surprised

54. A. kind B. busy C. famous D. great

55. A. hospitals B. gardens C. centers D. academies

56. A. assistant B. servant C. student D. secretary

57. A. nearly B. almost C. mainly D. exactly

58. A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something

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59. A. help B. tip C. meal D. service

60 A. care B. quarrel C. talk D. worry



Jiaozi (Chinese dumpling)is a traditional Chinese Food, is essential during holidays in Northern China. Chinese dumpling becomes one of the most widely loved foods in China. There are many (reason).

Chinese dumpling is one of the (important)foods in Chinese New Year. Since the shape of Chinese dumpling is similar ancient Chinese gold or silver ingots(铸锭), they symbolize wealth. Traditionally,the members of a family get together (make) dumplings during the New Year’s Eve. They may hide a coin in one of the dumplings. The person who (find)the coin will be likely to have a good fortune in the New Year. Chinese dumpling is also popular in other Chinese holidays or festivals, so it is part of the Chinese culture or tradition. Chinese dumpling is a delicious food. You can make variety of Chinese dumplings using different fillings (base) on your taste and how various ingredients are mixed together by you.

Making dumplings is really teamwork (usual) all family members will join the work. Some people start to make dumpling when they were kids in the family, so most Chinese know to make dumplings.









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The world's longest glass bridge in the air built in China's Shiniuzhai National Geological Park in Hunan Province. After I got the news, I was exciting and couldn’t wait to visit to it. My brother Henry also showed great interest in them. So last month, we went to Shiniuzhai National Geological Park together. Therefore, when it was time to walk on the bridge, I became scared and just can't move. I was not alone. Many people looked frightened. But at the end, with my brother's encourage, I managed to cross it. How an exciting and unforgettable experience! If you also enjoy take an adventure, don't miss it!



参考词汇:利润profit:安全措施safety measures




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