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Unit 1 Language building-up Task 1/Specialized vocabulary 1. 饲料经销商;饲料批发商 2. 为他自己的收益而工作 3. 技能与劳动力 4. 制造塑料 5. 私人交易 6. 包装并定价 7. 无形之手 1. priced 2. labor 3. transactions 4. gain 5. labor; manufactured 6. invisible hand 7. distributor Task 2/Signpost language 1. Today, in millions of homes across the nation, God will be thanked for many gifts, for the feast on the table and the company of loved ones, for health and good fortune in the year gone by, for peace privilege of having been born, or having become — American(Line 2, Para.1). 2. And yet, isn't there something wonderous, — something almost inexplicable in the way your Thanksgiving weekend is made possible by the skill and labor of vast numbers of total strangers? (Line 1, Para. 4) 3. ...Thanksgiving Turkey, there would be one, — or more likely, a few dozen— waiting. (Line 3, Para.6) Task 3/Formal English 1. very many 2. buying or selling 3. a large group of 4. more huge 5. understand 6. troubled Unit 2 Language building Task 1: Part 1: 1)无形之手; 2) 自由企业制度 3)股东 4)经济体制 5)开发产品和服务 6)市场力量;市场调节作用 7)金融机构 8)严重衰退 9)破产 10)mission 11)stock price 12)corporate motto 13)assets 14)maximize profits 15)financial system Part 2: 1)market forces 2)financial institutions 3)free enterprise system 4)deep institutions 5)invisible hand 6)stockholder 7)profit maximization 8) economic system Task 2: 1.and; 2.Another; 3. also; 4. Not only; but; 5. other Task 3 1. understanding; 2. agree with; 3. forces? to be accepted; 4. bad 5. purpose 6. charitable ; 7. given; 8.famous. Unit 3 Language building Task 1: collocation Part 1: 1) 充满敬畏与感激; 2) 与外部世界隔离 3)陷入绝境 4)易感抑郁 5)恢复体能 6)界定性特征 7)暂时的挫败 8)不因挫败而心烦意乱 9)竞选权位 10)吹着欢快的曲调 Part 2:1)bout 2)validated 3)squabble 4)aptitude 5)platitude 6)debilitate 7)reassuring 8) undermine 9)ruminate 10)martial Task 2: 1.contrasting; 2.in contrast; 3. However; 4. different; 5. on the other hand 6. in the opposite way 7.however Task 3 1. full of; 2. becomes alert and energetic 3. keeping thinking about 4. been left in hopelessness 5. likely to suffer from 6. not disturbed 7. saying something that people are quite familiar with 8. officially approved Unit 4 Language building Task 1: collocation Part 1: 1. green movement 2. protected areas 3. extinction of animals and plants 4. wild fish stocks
5. make clean power 6. save resources 7. 培育生物多样性 8. 控制污染 9. 阻止对生态体系的破坏 10. 扩大清洁产业 11. 集体世界观 12. 生态经济 Part 2:1. Embedding a narrative that moves us on from protecting nature from people to protecting nature for people is an essential part of this reframing. (Para.6) If such a narrative is to gain practical effect, then looking after nature must urgently be seen as not only an environmental challenge, but also an economic one. (Para.7) The author manages to bring in a new topic and maintain coherence by repeating keys words such as narrative, nature. 2. So long as we continue to travel in two directions at once, promoting environmental goals on the one hand while on the other directly contradicting that with measures to achieve more economic growth, the longer we will fail to make real progress. (Para.7) When it comes to economics and ecology there is plenty of good thinking already done. (Para.8) The author manages to bring in a new topic and maintain coherence by repeating key words such as economic, economics. Task 3 Formal language 1. unchangeable; increasing 2. control 3. effort; charitable 4. pleasant detail 5. complicated 6. change 7. Changing 8. important Unit 5 Language building Task 1: collocation Part 1: 1. having a mind 2.behave as if you understand 3.what and how we know 4.inside;reflects Mentalist D behaviorist B Epistemologist A phenomenologist C Part 2 1. psychological 2.spiritual 3.behaviour 4.phenomenologist 5.perplexity 6.mentally Task 2: ?,classified? This class of? The class of? ?a less severe label? The huge class Task 3 1. what we imagine about computers today 2.we have broken the distinction between the first type of response 3.for the sake of convenience so that it is easier to refer to the first type of response 4. you have the same reason for thinking that M had a mind. 5. (The reason you believe your mother has a mind is based) not on your prejudice 6. as groundless as believing that computers have mind Unit 6 Task 1: Specialized vocabulary Part 1 1. 数学化,数字处理 2. 计算机辅助设计 3. 统计 4. 基因组学 5. 运筹学 6. 优化组合 7. 概率 8. 数据库 Part 2: 1. database 2. CAD 3. statistics 4. probability 5. optimization 6. genomics 7. mathematization 8. Operations research Task 2: 1. Here are a few simple examples of prescriptive mathematics that extended from single numbers to exceedingly complex systems:?(Line 1,para.8,Text A) 2. Admittedly this is rather vague, but it will clarify a bit as I go on and mention a few of the many examples that Baker gives:?(Line 8, para.10, Text A) Task 3 Formal language 1. exists 2. included 3. explained 4. model 5. get 6. environment 7. knowledgeable person; in which 8. until now 9. fix ideas of (caution) in one’s mind Unit 7 Task 1: Specialized vocabulary Part 1 1. -h 2.-f 3.-a 4.-j 5.-i 6.-b 7.-d 8.-g 9.-c 10.-e Part 2: 1. To achieve professional development isimportant as a means to the end of becoming an expert and gaining more flexibility and independence 2. Numerous studies over the last 30 years have suggested that personality is a powerful predictor of a person's life satisfaction 3. An employee's work orientation is shaped in the first instance by their understanding of “what work is about” 4. The government is trying to introduce new measures to create a better social safety net and encourage better worker pay
Task 3 Formal English 1 explanation/interpretation; impacts 2 is present all over; analyze/explain/interpret 原文地址:http://fanwen.wenku1.com/article/18177654.html 范文二:《学术英语综合》季佩英版课文翻译 翻译,U1 U1 A 感谢看不见的手 感谢全能的上帝是感恩节的主题,并自清教徒带来在他们的第一个丰收的朝圣者…直到今天,在全国各地的数以百万计的家庭,上帝会感谢许多礼物,桌上的盛宴和亲人的公司,健康和好运,在过去的一年,和平时期的家庭,为无数特权出生或成为-美国人。 但这可能不会发生在我们太多的感谢的事实,本周当地超市有大量的火鸡出售。即使不虔诚感谢上帝的航班安排,使得某些亲人飞回家过感恩节。或为当地的电影院在周末的时间掌握和(电影名)到来。或者是报纸上伟大的越橘苹果派食谱的食品部分。 这些东西我们采取更多或更少的理所当然。这几乎不需要一个奇迹来解释为什么杂货店的股票在感恩节前火鸡的股票,或者为什么好莱坞电影在大假期的时间释放。这就是他们所做的。上帝在哪里,然而,在那里,没有什么奇妙的东西-几乎是无法解释的-在你的感恩节周末的方式是可能的技能和劳动力的大量的陌生人 把火鸡的餐桌,例如,需要成千上万的人努力的家禽农户养的鸟,当然,也提供营养,谁把它带到农场的卡车司机的饲料经销商,更不用说建筑师设计的孵化场,工人建造它,并保持它的运行技术人员。这只鸟已经被宰杀、拔毛和检查运输和卸载包售价并显示。完成这些任务的人是由其他人的军队来完成的,其他人完成了其他的任务--从精炼的汽油,燃料的卡车,制造塑料的肉类包装。 无数的活动遥远的男人和女人经过结婚几个月必须精心设计和精确定时,使v'nen结果你买新鲜的感恩节火鸡,会有一个或更多的可能,几十个等待。协调水平,需要把它关闭是令人难以置信的。但更令人难以置信的是:没有一个协调。 没有火鸡沙皇坐在指挥所的地方,咨询硕士计划。发号施令。没有人骑着所有的人,迫使他们合作,为你的利益。然而他们合作。当你到达超市的时候,四只火鸡在那里。你不必做任何事情,但如果出现买thatisrit,奇迹。那我们应该称之为? 亚当斯密称它为“看不见的手”导致无数人的神秘力量,各为自己的利益工作,推动结束,受益多。出于对不协调的私下交易,数以百万计的混乱出现自发的市场秩序。自由人自由地互动,结果是一系列的商品和服务,比人类的心灵更能理解。没有独裁者,没有官僚机构,没有超级计算机提前计划。事实上,越是计划经济,就越是困扰着短缺的错位和失败… 自由的社会秩序,如财富和进步,这是一个非同寻常的礼物。在这个感恩的日子,每一天,我们都要心存感激。 B 作为信号的礼物 一个男人正讨论给女友的生日礼物。”我知道;”他自言自语,“我给她现金。毕竟,我不知道她有什么品味,有了钱,她可以买任何她想要的东西,”但是当他交给她钱的时候,她很生气。他并不真的爱她,她打破了关系。这个故事背后的经济学是什么? 在某些方面,送礼是一种奇怪的风俗。作为男人,在我们的故事中,人们通常都知道自己的喜好比人做的更好,所以我们可以期望每个人都喜欢现金的实物转移支付。如果你的雇主用替代的商品支付你的薪水,你可能会反对支付手段。但是你的反应是非常不同的,当有人(你希望)爱你做同样的事情。 送礼的一种解释是,它反映了非对称信息和信令。我们故事里的男人有私人信息,女朋友想知道:他是否真的爱她,选择一个好的礼物给她是他的爱的信号。当然,挑选一份礼物,有正确的特性是一个信号。它是昂贵的(需要时间),它的成本取决于私人信息(多少他爱她)。如果他真的爱她,选择一个好礼物很容易,因为他一直在想着她。如果他不爱她,找 到合适的礼物就更难了。因此,给了一个适合女友的礼物,是他传达他对她的爱的私人信息的一种方式。给现金表明他甚至不想尝试。 送礼的最具信号原理的理论是一致的另一个观察:人们关心的惯例是,喜爱的优点是最大的问题。因此,给现金给一个女朋友或男友是个坏举动。但是当学生从家长那得到支票,他们不太经常生气。父母的爱不可能会有疑问,那么收件人可能不会将现金礼物当做喜爱缺乏的信号。 近年来最重要和最有争议的反垄断案是美国政府控告微软公司一案,于1998年提交。当然,这并不是缺少戏剧。它使世界上最富有的人之一(比尔盖茨)对抗一个世界上最强大的监管机构(美国司法)。为政府辩护的是一个杰出的经济学家(麻省理工学院的教授富兰克林fisher,为微软辩护的是一个同样杰出的经济学家(麻省理工学院教授李察… 岌岌可危的是世界上最有价值的公司(微软)是一个经济最快发展的产业(计算机软件)。 微软案涉及的一个核心问题,特别是,微软是否应该被允许将其网络浏览器整合到其视窗操作系统中。政府声称,微软将这两种产品捆绑在一起共同开拓市场支配力'到已经在电脑操作系统无关的市场(网络浏览器)。允许微软将这样的产品进入其操作系统,政府称,这将阻止其他软件公司如网景公司进入市场,推出新产品。 微软回应指出,把新功能加进老产品是技术进步的自然部分。今天,包括汽车音响和空调,曾经单独出售,还有相机内置闪光灯。同样的操作系统是正确的。随着时间的推移,微软已经增加了许多功能给Windows窗口,它以前是独立的产品。这使得计算机更可靠,更容易使用,因为消费者可以确定这些部件一起工作。微软认为,互联网技术的融合是自然的下一步。 意见分歧一点是微软的市场权力。注意到超过80%以上的新个人电脑使用微软的操作系统,政府认为该公司有大量的垄断权力,它在试图扩大。微软说,软件市场是不断变化的,微软的Windows不断地被竞争对手挑战,如苹果mac和Linux操作系统。它也认为,以50美元的低价格收取Windows ,或只有典型电脑价格的3%,是它的市场控制力被严重限制的证据。 C 传统的亚当史密和戴维李嘉图 经济学家早已了解贸易收益。这里是最伟大的经济学家亚当斯密提出的论点:“这是一句格言对每一个精明的家长,不要试图怒,可在家里将花费什么他比买。裁缝不想制作自己的鞋子,但买他们的鞋匠。鞋匠不想制作自己的衣服,但采用一个裁缝。农夫既不会去做一个也不是其他,而是雇用drjferent artficers。所有的人都认为自己的利益,在一种方式中,他们有一些优势,他们的邻居,并购买其产品的一部分,或什么是相同的东西,与价格的一部分,无论他们有什么机会。 这个观点来自斯密的1776年的书《探究国民财富的性质和原因》,这是一个里程碑,在分析贸易与经济的相互依赖性。 史密斯的著作启发了戴维李嘉图,百万富翁的经纪人,成为一个经济学家。在他的1817本书政治经济学及赋税原理,李嘉图提出了正如我们今天所知道的比较优势原理。他提出一个例子,有2个商品(葡萄酒和布)和两国(英国和葡萄牙)。他表明,这两个国家可以通过开放贸易和专业的比较优势的基础上获得好处。 李嘉图的理论是现代国际经济学的出发点,但他的自由贸易防御的不是单纯的学术活动。李嘉图把自己的信念作为英国议会的一员,在那里他反对谷物法,是限制谷物进口的。 亚当史密斯和戴维李嘉图的贸易所得的结论在好长时间都经住了考验。虽然经济学家经常在政策问题上意见分歧,但他们在自由贸易上意见一致。 此外,在过去的2个世纪中没有太多改变。虽然扩大了其范围,细化了其理论,但经济学家对贸易限制的反对是基于比较优势理论。 阅读详情:http://www.wenku1.com/news/19657C69B8D0C03F.html 范文三:英语作文周佩佩 adequte prepration should be given to exams As is known to all,quite some college students seldom take exams with adequate preparation,which leads to low marks or even failure in the exams. The reasons for this phenomenon lie in many aspects. In the first place,college students nowadays attach less importance to marks and exams. Second,college students are occupied by so many activities that they can just spare little time for exam preparation. In addition, some teachers fail to be strict with the students, which encourages students to neglect the exams. To solve this problem, I think both students and teachers should play their parts. On the one hand, students should have a proper attitude towards exam preparation, through which they can have a better command of the knowledge. On the other, teachers ought to control the exams more strictly. 上文大意:众所周知,相当部分大学生很少参加考试有了充分的准备,从而导致低成绩甚至考试不及格。 造成这种现象的原因是多方面的。在第一个地方,现在大学生不重视分数和考试。其次,大学生占了很多活动,他们可以腾出一些时间准备考试。此外,一些教师没有严格要求学生,鼓励学生忽视考试。 为了解决这个问题,我认为学生和老师都应该发挥自己的部分。一方面,学生应该有一个正确的态度对待考试的准备,使他们能有一个更好的掌握的知识。另一方面,教师应该更严格控制考试。 My View on Driving Restrictions in Big Cities Traffic jams are very commonly-seen in big cities, and a big headache for the citizens. In rush hours, endless cars get stuck on the road and the whole city is like a huge parking lot. The driving restrictions, therefore are put forward to alleviate the traffic problems in big cities. By implementing driving restrictions, around half of the private cars can be reduced from the road, which will help decrease。 the possibility of traffic jams。 I believe that the driving restriction can be effective, but it is not the only way out. If the car ownership is increasing continuously, this policy will have limited effects. So the government should look at other areas to address the traffic problem,including reasonable road design, and encouragement of the public using public transport system. 我认为对驾驶限制在大城市 交通拥堵是非常常见的在大城市,而大伤脑筋的公民。在繁忙时间,无尽的车卡的道路上,整个城市就像是一个巨大的停车场。 驾驶的限制,因此提出了缓解大城市的交通问题。通过实施驾驶限制,大约一半的私家车可以减少从路,这将有助于减少交通阻塞的可能性。 我相信驾驶的限制可以是有效的,但它不是唯一的出路。如果汽车拥有量不断增加,这项政策将影响有限。因此,政府应该在其他地区解决交通问题,包括合理的道路设计,并鼓励市民使用公共交通系统。 The Significanceof Waste Sorting People are producing waste every day,which is a huge burden on the planet's habitat Some waste is not degradable naturally, which will exist forever, but some waste can be recycled and reused again.
2. 暗喻是一种隐性的比喻,它能够把两个不同但是有一些共同之处的事物联系在一起。 3. 实际上,熟练地使用论据经常是区别优秀演说和空洞演说的关键所在。 4. 为了使表达更加富有效果,你演说中的举例应该生动活泼,丰富多彩。 5. 扩展性的例子---描述、叙述或者奇闻轶事---通常长些,但更具体。 6. 虚拟性的例子描述想象中的情形,能够十分有效地将演说者的思想传达给听众。 7. 只要演说者对于统计数据用之得当并且加以解释,这些数据将有助于传达信息,听众也能从统计数据中获益匪浅。 8. 引用那些权威的观点对于增加演说者的 可信度来说是一种好方法。 9. 语言是演说者展示才能的工具。对于他们来说,如同其他职业的工具一样,语言也有特殊的功用。 10. 演说的表达方式基本上有四种:通读手稿中的段落,复述背诵过的一段文章,幻灯片辅助的演说,即兴发挥的演说。 B. Translate the following passage into Chinese. (P15) 发言提纲是有效发言的基础。通过写发言提纲,你可以确保你的想法是相关联的, 你的思路是从一点谈到另一点,你的讲话结构是连贯的。通常,准备讲演你可以采用两种提纲方式:详细准备提纲和简单发言提纲。 在准备提纲中,应该写出你的特定目的及中心思想,并以连贯的方式确定主要观点和次要观点。发言提纲应该由简要的提要组成,这些提要在你讲话时能够给予你一些帮助。发言提纲还应该包括帮助你记忆的重点词或重点短语。在些发言提纲时,可采用准 备提纲的模式。尽可能使你的发言提纲简要,同时,要确保提纲清晰、易于辨认。 C. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and phrases in brackets. Make additions or changes where necessary. (P16) 1. The younger generation should continue to sustain and develop our fine traditions and long-standing culture. 2. In the course of preparing one’s speech, one should be clearly aware of how one could make effective use of statistics and examples to bolster one’s point of view. 3. An impromptu speech is one of the speaking skills that college students should learn and develop through practice. 4. By using simile and metaphor, you can make your language more vivid and more attractive to your audience. 5. The proper examples you cite might help reinforce the impression on your listeners and make your viewpoints more convincing. 6. When you are speaking, you should choose common and easy words and at the same time avoid clutter in your speech. 7. When you write a paper, citing the views from some experts is a good way to make your ideas more credible. 8. A good method of delivering a speech will improve its quality and will help convey the speakers’ideas clearly and interestingly. 9. You should not blindly use a word that you are not sure about, and if you are not sure, look up the word in a dictionary. 10. Your language should adapt to the particular occasion and audience. If your language is appropriate in all respects, your speech is successful. D. Translate the following passage into English.(P17) Before you deliver an academic speech, you should, first of all, get well prepared for it. Then, you should make your major points clear in your speech, and your speech should be well organized. When speaking, you should not speak too fast, and your language should be explicit. Don’t always read the notes you prepared beforehand. From time to time, you should look at your audience. On one hand, you can show your respect to your audience, and on the other hand, you will be able to go on with your speech more smoothly. Task 5 Writing Practice (P18) This article is about how to make an effective speech. First of all, a speaker should understand how language works. To present an effective speech, the speaker should be able to use his words accurately, clearly and vividly. To make a speech more effective, three basic types of supporting materials are needed: examples, statistics and testimony. The use of these materials can help affect the speech in a satisfactory way. Speech delivery is also very important. The article suggests some effective ways of delivering speeches. One of them is to use PowerPoint. Other factors which may affect a speech are also mentioned briefly, such as personal appearance, bodily actions, gestures, eye contact and volume, pauses and so on. Section C Writing: How to Write a Short Speech Task 1 Sample Writing (P27) Good morning, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, It is my great pleasure on behalf of the university to extend our warm welcome to all the conference participants. It is a special honor for us to be holding the International Symposium on Computer Science at our university. Among the participants are well-known professors, scientists and scholars in this field. I believe that this symposium will offer a good opportunity for you to exchange your ideas, share your latest research achievements and further cooperation in the field of computer science as well. Also, to some extent, this symposium will help us develop computer science in our university and help push forward our research in this field. Finally, I hope the symposium will be a great success and I hope everyone will enjoy their stay here. Thank you! Task 3 Sample Writing (P28) Ladies and gentlemen, Happy New Year to everybody! I am very happy to see all of you here to celebrate the arrival of the new year. In particular, I am delighted to have so many foreign professors, teachers and friends with us this evening. Last year, with the joint efforts of all the faculty members, we made some impressive achievements in both research and teaching. Some of our research and teaching programs have won awards at the national and provincial levels. We certainly owe these achievements to our colleagues and our foreign friends here. I’d like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to you for what you have done for our university. Also, I’d like to wish everyone good health and success in the new year. Now let me propose a toast. Happy New Year! Useful Expressions: Welcoming speech — Today, we feel very honored to have … with us. — On behalf of all present here, ... — Let’s extend our warm welcome and cordial greetings to our distinguished guest. — Now let us invite … to give us a lecture. Answering speech — Thank you for your nice welcome and reception. — It has been a long cherished hope to visit … — We are fortunate to enjoy this rare chance today. — We feel specially honored to be given this opportunity to meet such a nice group of distinguished people. Send-off speech — How time flies! — It was here that we gave … a hearty welcome … ago. We are now here again to bid … farewell. — As you know, … is well known to the world for his great achievements in the field of … — … will leave for home tomorrow. — We sincerely hope that … will benefit us with some advice and valuable suggestions. — Finally, we want to take this opportunity to beg … to convey our profound friendship and best regards to his people. — We are sure our stay here will be a fruitful and enjoyable one. 阅读详情:http://www.wenku1.com/news/F22BC6F04F9A12AE.html 范文五:学术综合英语听力答案 学术综合英语 Road building 1. The lecture is mainly about the relationship between road building and economic development. 2. The two important agricultural products are grain and cotton. 3. In the East they grew grain; in the South they grew cotton. 4. Advantages of roads: fast and convenient. 5. Purpose for road building: to transport grain and cotton Task two 1. A booming trade in grain and cotton 2. Because of the rapidly growing population and the large number of immigrants from Europe.
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