2013年Join in入门级1 2 3 小学英语三年级上册单词短语句型语法知识点总结

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2013年Join in入门级1 2 3 小学英语三年级上册单词短语句型语法知识点总结

Join In (starter)入门级知识要点 三年级上学期(1—4单元、9单元) Words(单词):

Numbers(数字): zero (0) one(1) two(2)three(3)four(4) five(5) six (6) seven(7) eight(8) nine(9)ten (10) Colours(颜色) : red(红) orange(橙) yellow(黄) green(绿) blue(蓝 brown(棕) pink(粉) black(黑) Toys(玩具)ball(球) skateboard(滑板)doll(洋娃娃) train(火车)bicyle(自行车) car(小汽车) boat(船) plane(飞机)

Animals(动物) crocodile(鳄鱼 butterfly(蝴蝶) frog(青蛙) Sentences(句子): Stand up.(起立。)

Say “Hello”. (说“你好”。) Slap hands. (拍手。) Sit down. (坐下。)

What’s your name?(你叫什么名字?) I’m Toby. (我是Toby。) What’s this? (这是什么?) Hello. (你好。) Goodbye. (再见。)

Let’s hop. (让我们单脚跳起来。) Let’s stop. (让我们停下来。)

Rita’s balloon is number four. ( Rita 的气球是4号。) What’s the number? (这是什么数字?) It’s one-one-zero. (这是110.)

My number is five-six-zero-two-four. (我的号码是 56024) Take your ball. (拿起你的球。)

Throw it to your friend. (扔给你的朋友。) You hear a plane. (你听到飞机声。) Look up. (往上看。)

The ball comes back. (球回来了。) Let’s start again. (让我们再来一次。) What is seven and three?(7加3等于几?) Ten. (10)

What’s five minus five? (5减5等于几?) Zero. (0)

Toby paints the boat blue. (Toby 将船涂成蓝色的。) What colour is this? (这是什么颜色的?) It’s white. (这是白色的。) Happy new year! (新年好!) The same to you. (你也是。)

Merry christmas! (圣诞快乐。) 三年级下学期(5—8单元) Unit 5

Words(单词): pen(钢笔) pencil (铅笔) book(书) pencil case(铅笔盒) school bag (书包) school things caterpillar(毛毛虫) eat(吃) crawl over(爬过) crawl into(爬进) look into(往里面看) Sentences(句子):

What colour’s your pen? (你的钢笔是什么颜色的?) My pen is yellow. (我的钢笔是黄色的)

I’ve got an orange pencil. (我有一只橙色的钢笔。) Open your schoolbags (打开你们的书包。) Put in your books. (放入你们的书。) See you tomorrow. (明天见。)

What’s this in English? (这个用英语怎么说?) It’s a pencil. (这是一支铅笔。) What’s your name? (你叫什么名字?) I’m Bob. (我叫Bob。)

Nice to meet you. (很高兴见到你。) Unit 6

Words(单词): my (我的) our(我们的) classroom (教室)desk(桌子) chair(椅子) board(黑板) window(窗户)

door (门) floor(地板) plane(飞机) cut (剪) Sentences(句子):

Open the window. (打开窗户。) Close the window. (关上窗户。) Clean the board. (擦干净黑板。)

Put the pencil case in your schoolbag. (将铅笔盒放到书包里。) The floor is brown. (地板是棕色的。) The chairs are red. (椅子是红色的。)

The door is pink and blue. (门是粉蓝相间的。) Draw a plane. (画一个飞机。)

There’s a loud noise. (有非常大的噪音。)

The plane flies out of the window. (飞机飞出了窗户外。) Let’s go home. (让我们一起回家吧。) All right. (好的。)

What colour is the board? (黑板是什么颜色的?) It’s black. (是黑色的。)

What colour are the chairs? (椅子是什么颜色的?) They’re yellow. (它们是黄色的。) Unit 7

Words(单词): breakfast(早餐) milk(牛奶) cornflakes(玉米片) jam(果酱) juice(橙汁) tea(茶) toast(烤面包)

sausage(香肠) rice(米) bread(面包) ice-cream(冰淇淋)

apples (苹果) eggs(鸡蛋复数) cakes(蛋糕复数) bananas(香蕉复数) China(中国) England (英国) Sentences(句子):

What’s for breakfast? (早餐吃什么?) I’m hungry. (我饿了。) Me, too. (我也是。)

It’s time for breakfast. (到了吃早餐的时间了。) Get your sausage. (拿起你的香肠。) Take a bite. (咬一口。)

Give the rest to the dog. (将剩下的给那只狗。) Let’s watch the cartoon. (让我们一起来看卡通片。) I like tea. (我喜欢茶。) I love juice. (我喜欢果汁。)

I don’t like juice. (我不喜欢果汁。) What about you? (你呢?)

Where are you from? (你从哪里来?) I’m from China. (我来自中国。) Unit 8

Words(单词): sweets(糖果) chocolates(巧克力) lollipop(棒棒糖) popcorn(爆米花) tummy(肚子) yummy(好吃)

thirsty(渴) jump(跳) a gold ring (一个金戒指) Sentences(句子):

Have an apple. (吃一个苹果。)

Have some chocolates. (吃一些巧克力。)

Can I have some ice cream? (我能吃一些冰淇淋吗?) Here you are. (给你。)

Thank you very much. (非常感谢。) That’s all right. (不用谢。/ 没关系。) Take off your cap. (取下你的帽子。)

Throw it at the orange. (把它扔向那个橙子。)

Your cap is in the orange tree. (你的帽子在橙子树上。) Let’s climb the tree. (让我们来爬树。)

There’s something in the hole. (洞里有一些东西。) Just a minute. (等一会。)

There are for you. (这些是给你的。) My tummy hurts. (我肚子疼。) I feel sick. (我感觉不舒服。)

