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法国有位化学家曾说过: 人如果不能把平生所学全部推翻,这个人就等于什么都没有学到;




需要考取多少分才能达到理想学校的要求 ? 换算到我们翻译部分应该得多少分呢?

? 想考211大学,英语一翻译需要5分以上,英语二翻译需要11以上; ? 想考985大学,英语一翻译需要6分以上,英语二翻译需要12分以上; ? 想考北大、复旦等一流大学,英语一翻译需要7分以上,英语二翻译需要13分以上。



也有考生说翻译容易: (1)输出的是汉语;

(2)要求不高:考研翻译要求(6个字)“ 准确、完整、通顺 ” ;而不是 “ 信、 达、 雅 ”。



因为大多数考生从来没有真正弄懂英语的语言规律, 学习英语的方法还是大学之前的老一套: 整日重复做着繁琐又枯燥却毫无价值的语言结构分析。其实,只要方法科学有效,所有考生都可以完全掌握好英语,甚至将英语变成自己的专长。所以,本期翻译课程,之所以称为“高分新思维”,就是因为不会采取传统的讲授方法,没有死板的学术套路,不会为考生列举机械的条条框框,不会寄希望考生课后大量艰苦的练习,结果考分还不尽如人意。

《考研英语翻译高分新思维》 将直击制约考研学子取得翻译高分过程中最核心的问题——英语语言规律 ,让考生在最短的时间内打通考研翻译的认识障碍,迅速达到理想的分数。 授课理念

1. 授课初衷:



3. 授课原则:



1. Ships from every nation are in port and strange languages can be heard in the streets. 2. His father is a humorous person. 3. Life is measured by thought and action, not by time.

4. Most commonly, we come to books with blurred and divided minds. 5. Men are kind in one way but evil in many.

6. The outcome of the secret war between downloading and uploading will shape our collective future in ways we can only begin to imagine. (12年真题)

7. Last night, I passed several hours in tormenting sleeplessness. 二.看待英语句子的新方法:

? 先主后次;

? 学会区别事实与观点; ? 不要做无用的语法分析 三.中文的句法结构:







? 课后练习题

1. The students welcomed him.

2. Their policy was that natives should man the frontline.

3. We need to learn not to create conflict-free relationships but to engage in conflicts with effective strategies.

4. Of all the components of a good night’s sleep, dreams seem to be least within control.(05年真题)

5. The homeless make up a growing percentage of America’s population. (06年真题) 6. Clearly, only the biggest and most flexible television companies are going to be able to compete in such a rich and hotly-contested market. (05年真题)

7. At the beginning of century, songbirds were supposed to be disappearing. Scientists jumped to the rescue with distinctly shaky evidence to the effect that insects

would eat us up if birds failed to control them. 第二讲 进一步认识SVO与TC的本质差异 ? 心理测试

? 测试结果说明

英美人和中国人的语言心理规律有根本不同: 英美人对主语更敏感,而中国人脑海中话题更重要。

? 测试结果运用


1. My aunt lived in a leisurely age when servants were employed to do the housework.

2. Man has infinite desires which can never be gratified and which will keep him restless even in paradise.

3. The bazaar which I am thinking of particularly is entered by a Gothic-arched gateway of aged brick and stone.

? 课后练习题

1. Gray and his colleagues have put them to the test by examining four family trees that represent more than 2,000 languages. Chomsky’s grammar should show patterns of language change that are independent of the family trees or the pathway tracked through it, whereas Greenbergian universality should predict strong codependencies between particular types of word-order relations. (12年翻译真题)

2. When Zhou Enlai’s door opened, they saw a slender man of more than average height with gleaming eyes and a face so striking that it bordered on the beautiful.

