当代显示技术 第一章
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当代显示技术 第一章
Copyright 9/1998Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
当代显示技术 第一章
1. Introduction
1.1 Displays
1.2 Various kinds of displays
1.3 Display market
1.4 Cathode ray tubes
2. Basic structure of LCDs
3. Material science One
3.1 Properties of LC materials
3.2 Classification of LC
3.3 LC mixtures
4. Fundamentals of optics
4.1 Colours
4.2 Reflection and refraction
4.3 Light polarization
4.4 Birefringence
4.5 Retardation plates
5. LCD director and alignment
5.1 LC director
5.2 Director alignment on the boundary surface
5.3 Elastic deformation of the LC director
5.4 Some special examples
5.5 Details on T-cells
5.6 Bistability of LC alignment
6. Electro-mechanics of LCD – director deformation
under an electric field
6.1 Introduction
6.2 LC dielectric anisotropy
6.3 Dielectric energy
6.4 Euler-Lagrange equations
6.5 Threshold voltage and Frederick transition
6.6 Response times
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7. Polarization optics – Jones Matrix
7.1 2x2 matrix
7.2 Coordinate transformation
7.3 LCD Optics modeling
7.4 Jones matrix of uniformly twisted nematic cells
7.5 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of MLC
7.6 Parameter space
8. LCD optical modes
8.1 ECB modes
8.2 Waveguiding modes
8.3 Mixed modes
8.4 Reflective modes
9. Electro-optic properties of LCD
9.1 Transmission voltage curve
9.2 Contrast ratio
9.3 Viewing angle
10. Several LCD types
10.1 TN
10.2 ECB
10.3 Guest-host display
10.4 Cholesteric (Phase change) display
10.5 PDLC
10.6 Ferroelectric LC
11. Material science Two
11.1 Glass
11.2 Polarizer
11.3 Alignment layer
11.4 Spacers
11.5 ITO
11.6 Retardation film
12. LCD measurements
12.1 Tilt angle
12.2 Cell gap
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12.3 Electro-optic curve
12.4 Viewing angle
13. LCD electronics
13.1 Driving frequency
13.2 Direct drive
13.3 Multiplexing – segment displays
13.4 Alt and Pleshko law
13.5 Multiline addressing
13.6 Grayscale
14. STN displays
14.1 Twist angles
14.2 Different STN modes
14.3 STN LC mixture
14.4 Film compensated STN
15. Active matrix LCD
15.1 Microelectronics
15.2 Amorphous silicon
15.3 Diode addressing
15.4 Thin film transistors
15.5 Poly-silicon TFT
15.6 Chip on glass
16. LCD manufacturing processes
17. Radiometry and photometry
17.1 Ocular response
17.2 Blackbody radiation
17.3 Photometric units
17.4 Color charts
当代显示技术 第一章
Chapter 1. IntroductionDisplays are the conduits to the information superhighway.Monitors, TV, sign boards, etc
Display requires knowledge in materials science, opticalphysics and electronics.
ScienceOpticsProgress in each area can affect the performance of thedisplay. e.g. new LC materials, new polarizer, new electronicdriving schemes, new optical modes for LCD.
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Information displays:Fixed displays
Electronic displays
Electronics displays:Emissive
Non-emissive, light control
Emissive displays:Neon light
Cathode ray tube (CRT)
Light emitting diode (LED)
Electroluminescent display (ELD)
Plasma display panels (PDP)
Vacuum fluorescent
display (VFD)
Field emission display (FED)
Flat CRT
Organic ELD (OELD)
Organic LED (OLED)
Non-emissive display:Mechanical displays
Liquid crystal display (LCD)
Digital mirror display (DMD)
Electrochromic display (ECD)
Electronic ink (e-ink)
Liquid crystal light valve (LCLV)
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Display classification:
Direct view: All of the above
Based on LCLV or CRT
Front projection
Rear projection
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The deflection coils may be replaced by electrostatic fields.The einzel lens is like optical lens for light.
Phorsphor efficiency: near 90%.
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Chapter 2. Basic structure of a liquidcrystal display:
SpacerCell gap = 2 - 20 microns
Other materials used but not shown:
Silver dots for connecting top ITO ground to bottom
glass plate
Epoxy perimeter seal
Epoxy end seal
Dopant for liquid crystal
PI adhesion promoter
Light diffuser/reflector
Connectors to electronics
当代显示技术 第一章
LCD operates by polarization manipulation of light using
electrical pulses. Polarization change => brightness changes.The effect of the applied voltage is first felt by the LC
molecules, which rotate and align themselves in the electricfield. This alignment change will then affect the optical
properties and the polarization of the light passing through it.
Common model of a TN display:
We shall see that this picture is slightly inaccurate later!
Need to understand several things for the basic operation ofLCD:
1. What is liquid crystal?
Phase transition
当代显示技术 第一章
2. How can we align liquid crystals?
Boundary conditions
3. How does an applied voltage affect the alignment?
Elasticity, dielectric anisotropy
4. How does the alignment affect the optics?
Optics of anisotropic and electro-active
For further understanding and design of LCD:
1. Flow dynamics of LC – response time
2. Optical modeling of LCD
3. Optical modeling with additional optical elements
such as retardation films1. Transmittive: The LCD is viewed in transmission. This isoften the case for LCD with backlighting.
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There is no reflector.
2. Transflective: This is the most popular. The rear reflector is
often a diffusive type reflector to eliminate mirror effects.
Ambient light or front lighting is used.
This transflective LCD is simply 2 transmittive LCD in tandem.3. Reflective: In a truly reflective LCD, there is only one frontpolarizer. This is a new development with HKUST being oneof the active participants.
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The advantages are obvious. There is one less polarizer andalso the reflector can be placed inside the LC cell.
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Chapter 3. Material Science One:A liquid that has partial crystalline structure.
Ordinary liquid: molecules are randomly oriented
Perfect crystal: all atoms are fixed at regular intervals.
Only in solids (crystalline).
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Usual behavior of liquid:
Liquid crystal material:
Melting temperature Tm
Clearing temperature Tcl
Liquid crystal is useful only between Tm and Tocl.
The typical useful range is between –20 C and 80o CCan be as wide as –30o to 120o C
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Thermotropic: State of the liquid is determined by
temperature. All liquid crystal displays are of this
Lyotropic:State of the liquid is determined by concentration.
Useful in biological systems.
Amphitropic: Both temperature and concentration are
Shapes of the liquid crystal molecule:
Calamitic: Rod shape. All common LCDs are of this type.Discotic:Disk like shape.
Phases of liquid crystals:
Nematic (N): All the LC molecules point in the same
direction. All common LCD are of this type.
Smectic (Sm): The LC molecules point in the same direction
and form layers.
Cholesteric (Ch): Twist angle between molecules. Same as
chiral nematic.
Structures of the liquid crystal “crystal”:
In a perfect crystal, all the molecules are fixed in space and
orientation – no freedom
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In a liquid, all the molecules are free to move and rotate –
complete freedom
Nematic LC are fixed in orientation, free in translation
Smectic LC are fixed in orientation, fixed in z direction motion,
and somewhat fixed in the x-y plane.
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Smectic B (SmB) forms a hexagonal structure in the x-y plane.(almost like a perfect crystal)
Chiral Smectic C (SmC*) is also called ferroelectric LC. Moreon that later.
Structurally, cholesteric = chiral nematic (N*) = twisted nematicTN LCD = twisted nematic LCD
STN LCD = supertwisted nematic LCD
(All nematic.)
Chiral = twist. Can be induced by chiral dopants, or intrinsic inthe LC molecule itself.
Whether a cholesteric is called a TN or STN or SSTN (Ch)
depends on the natural pitch.
TN pitch – 100 µm
STN pitch – 10 µm
Chpitch – 1 µm
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Common LCDs are made with nematic, thermotropic and
calamitic (rod shape) liquid crystals.
Examples of common LC materials:
MBBA (p-methyoxybenzylidene-p’-butylaniline)
O -
- CH = N -- C4H9
However, most nematic LCDs are doped to have a twiststructure. TN, STN.
For any LC, we can describe the orientation of the moleculesby the director n. For the simplest case
n = n(z)
where z is distance perpendicular to the LC cell. The directorn is fully defined by the polar angle φ and the azimuthal angleθ. For a LC cell, the tilt angle is defined as 90-θ. It is the anglebetween the director and the x-y plane.For nematic LC, we can define an order parameter S todescribe the degree of ordering:S = 13cos2θ 12
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where we have defined the direction of the LC as the z-axis.Note that this is different from a LC cell. The averaging over φis zero. S is a measure of randomness of n. n is distributedabout the z-axis in a cone. Thereforeπ1π2S = ∫(3cosθ 1)f(θ)sinθdθ/∫f(θ)sinθdθ200
where f(θ) is the distribution function of θ.
Check: if f=constant, i.e. the director is randomly distributed,
S = 0
If f(θ) = δ(0), i.e. the director is perfectly pointing in the samedirection,
S = 1.
Maier-Saupe Theory shows that in general yTS = 1 T cl β
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where y is of the order of 0.98 and β is in the range of 0.13-0.18. Hence the S for all LC are more or less the same in Tdependence if plotted against normalized temperature T/Tcl.
The following is the case for M15 and M21.Most LC molecules are of the structure:
Y - -X- - Z
当代显示技术 第一章06-12
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