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必修3 Module 1单元测试题





The island of Lanai is one of Hawaii’s best kept secrets. With its old country beauty, rocky land, empty beaches and forests, the island of Lanai is like an attractive Colorado village in the middle of the Pacific. What to see

In fact, you’ll need a 4-wheel sightseeing bus to get to most of the island’s attractions. Lanai offers 400 miles of rocky dirt roads that lead you through rainforests (热带雨林), up to Mount Lanaihale — the island’s highest point, through a tour of ancient rock paintings, and to the island’s famous Garden of the Gods.

If you want to experience the local island color, head to Lanai City, the island’s only town and home to nearly all of its 3,000 people. The attractive little town offers pop shops, local art and small cafes. Accommodation (住宿)choices

Lanai only has three hotel choices: one beautiful historical village and two Four Seasons resorts (度假胜地). Stay one night in Hotel Lanai,the smallest and cheapest of the choices, and you’ll feel like you stepped back to old Hawaii.

The two Four Seasons resorts offer different characters of the island. The Lanai at Manele Bay is the island, s beachside resort that faces a near-sea preserve (保留区).The second Four Seasons resort, The Lodge at Koele, covers over 80 km2 of rolling hills, gardens and trees. You’ll need a blanket to stay warm at night. It feels like a very different Hawaii. How to get there

With all its beauty, getting to Lanai is no easy task. If you are planning a trip there, you’ll have to fly into the island of Maui and catch a boat that leaves from Lahaina five times a day, or you can catch one of Hawaiian Airline’s daily flights. 1. What can you find in Lanai City? A. Empty beaches. B. Rainforests. C. Pop shops. D. Rock paintings.

2. If you don't have much money for accommodations, you can choose ________. A. Hotel Lanai

B. The Lanai at Manele Bay C. The Lodge at Koele D. Garden of the Gods

3. Which of the following is a Four Seasons resort? A. Mount Lanaihale. B. Garden of the Gods. C. Hotel Lanai.

D. The Lodge at Koele.

4. Lahaina is located on the island of ________. A. Manele B. Maui C. Lanai D. Colorado


Standing in a bombed (被轰炸过的)home, little Maureen Jenkins watches celebrations held to mark the end of World War II. This is a black and white picture taken on Victory in Europe Day (VE Day), May 8, 1945.

Maureen Jenkins, now 70 years old, looks back with pride on the small part she played on VE Day. She was two as she stood in Henley Street, Battersea. “l was too young to remember VE Day,” says Maureen. “But it is such a heartbreaking picture to me because it shows me the struggle our family went through during the war. It wasn’t easy for my mum, having five children and being bombed. We were so short of money, and it was frightening.”

Like most parts of London, Battersea suffered terribly from bombing. For Maureen and dozens of the other children living on her street, deserted (废弃的)homes became a playground. “There was a lot of danger, but that’s how it was in those days,” said the grandma who now lives in Norfolk. UA few houses on our street had got bombed. I was sure people died but my mum didn’t speak about that very much in front of me. In those days I was often told to go outside and play,” added Maureen.

“My philosophy is that you have to live through something to know something,” she said. “I’m proud to be in the photo. People today haven’t been there in a war. And young people should be shown just what it could be like.”

For those who are left, memories of VE Day remain clear. Winston Churchill announced the war’s end at 3:00 pm and crowds gathered at Buckingham Palace across the country. People poured onto the streets to sing war songs, wave flags and dance until dawn. 5. Who now lives in Norfolk? A. Winston Churchill. B. Maureen’s. friend. C. Maureen’s grandma. D. Maureen Jenkins.

6. Why did Maureen’s mum ask her to play outside? A. Because deserted homes became a playground. B. Because other children were playing outside. C. Because it was dangerous inside.

D. Because her family was short of money.

7. The underlined word “philosophy” in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by “________”. A. point B. guess C. answer D. feeling

8. What does the last paragraph show? A. How people celebrated VE Day.

B. What we should learn from World War II. C. Where the celebrations of VE Day were held.

D. 'What VE Day means to people who suffered World War II.


When David Hyche was helping his local church plan an annual Easter egg hunt nine years ago, he realized his then 19-month-old blind daughter Rachel would not be able to folly take part in it. He decided to look for a way for his daughter to experience an Easter egg hunt just like her normal-sighted older brother.

David then researched online on how a blind child could do an Easter egg hunt and have fun with it. He found there were people who could make beeping (有哔哔声的)eggs. He then called a man in Los Angeles and the man told him how he did it. David then thought he could spread beeping eggs around the world.

He made forty beeping eggs that year and sold them at a price of $14 per egg. Each egg took him about 20 minutes to make. It contains a switch (开关),a beeper,and a 9-volt battery, joined together by wires (导线).

A handful of blind kids, Rachel included, showed up at the first beeping Easter egg hunt hosted by David in Birmingham nine years ago. Hoping to spread it further, David employed his coworkers and friends throughout Alabama to help him make more beeping eggs. This year, three beeping Easter egg hunts were held in Birmingham alone, with dozens more held across the country.

Around six years ago, David’s idea drew an ally (同盟军)in the International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators (IABTI). IABTF s members collect the eggs and then send them to the requesting groups. Each egg now costs $11.50 to make, according to the IABTI, which posts a step-by-step explainer on its website.

“A lot of schools for the blind use the eggs to teach kids how to locate (定位)things because it teaches them to use a logical mind to search,” said David. “It’s teaching these kids independence,” he said. “It’s not just an Easter egg hunt like it is for other people.” 9. Why did David want to make the beeping Easter egg at first? A. To plan a special Easter egg hunt.

B. To make his daughter enjoy an Easter egg hunt. C. To draw people’s attention to an Easter hunt. D. To provide beeping Easter for blind children. 10. What can we infer from the passage? A. Rachel is 9 years old now.

B. It is not too hard for David to make a beeping egg. C. David learned how to make a beeping egg by chance. D. Few children were interested in the beeping egg at first. 11. David asked his coworkers and friends to help ________. A. raise money B. send finished eggs

C. make beeping eggs D. post an explainer online

12. Why do many schools for the blind use beeping eggs? A. Because they help blind kids to be independent. B. Because an egg hunt is a lot fun like it is for others. C. Because they are easy to locate for the blind. D. Because a logical mode is used in making them.


There are still no signs of little green men, but NASA said on Monday that there is proof of recent

flowing liquid (液态的)water on Mars. This finding is very important because it increases the chances that there is life on the Red Planet.

A new study published in the journal Nature Geoscience shows that the Earths next-door neighbor had many dribbles (滴) of salt water that were wet as recently as last year. This is not the first finding of water on Mars. Scientists showed in 2008 that the Red Planet has frozen water. Now tools aboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have found the strongest proof that salt water falls down in certain Martian places each summer, according to the researchers. Mars is now the only planet in our solar system to show signs of water on its surface, other than our own.

Five years ago, researchers found dark narrow lines on Mars’s surface that appear and grow during the warmest Martian months and are gone during the rest months of the year. The lines look like signs of water. Scientists used the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to prove it. The spacecraft (航天器)found something exciting.

“Because liquid water is necessary for life, the finding suggests that it would be possible for there to be life today on Mars,” NASA’s science mission chief, John Grunsfeld, said at a news conference.

Ojha, who led the research, however, said the salty water found by his team would not be a good home for living things, since what exists in the water is harmful to living things.

Michael Meyer, lead scientist for NASA’s Mars exploration program, said the best way for now to find out whether there’s life on Mars is to collect rocks and soil for study on Earth. 13. The finding of the new study is important because it shows ________. A. life once existed on Mars B. life might exist on Mars now

C. Mars could be humans,next home D. Mars is the only planet having salt water

14. According to Paragraph 3, what did the spacecraft probably find? A. Rocks and soil.

B. Some changeable lines.

C. Signs of flowing liquid water.

D. Something strange on Mars 9s surface. 15. In Michael Meyer’s opinion, ________. A. Mars isn’t suitable for life to exist

B. the Earth is the only place to do the study C. rocks and soil from Mars need to be studied D. life will be proven to exist on Mars in months


根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能 填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。

Everyone has best friends who feel down every once in a while. Maybe your best friend has recently moved, got fired or experienced something that could make her feel sad. 16 However, there are many things you can do to help cheer her up.

Communicate with her. There are many smart ways to let your best friend know how important she is to you. 17 You might consider sending a text message you both find funny. You can also

choose a picture of you two and send it by email to let her know you are thinking about her. Another email idea might be to write, her a story that is all about the two of you on an adventure. A wonderful gift for your friend may be all she needs to cheer up. 18 If it is cute and holds a meaning between the two of you, it can go a long way. If she knows you are terrible at making arts and crafts (手工艺品),go ahead and make her something. A bad attempt (尝试)at arts and crafts says a lot about how much you care.

19 If your best friend feels down, she may decide to stay locked-up in her house for days at a time. Instead of letting her stay in, work to get her up and out of the house. Invite her over to your house to play games.

Music is a powerful way to get your best friend out of a bad mood. 20 To make it cute, you can record yourself singing a song, or put a personalized message before each song to make her laugh.

A. Just listen to her.

B. Get her out of the house.

C. It does not have to be an expensive one.

D. You might call her and tell her a joke you both like.

E. You might even decide to take her to watch a surprise movie.

F. It is difficult to see a friend, especially a best friend, feeling down.

G. You could make your friend a list of some of your favorite “feel good” songs.



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个 选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项。

Stuck in the middle of town, I was waiting to move forward in my car in a long line. The water company was digging 21 the road to repair a water line. I looked around the street, not knowing that I was about to 22 a miracle (奇迹).

As I looked at one old 23 I saw a young mother walking 24 into it. Her face was filled with different emotions: stress, 25 and even desperation (绝望). Her red watery eyes looked like she had been 26 for a long time. In her arms, her 3-year-old girl seemed to have felt her mother’s fear and was 27 tightly around her mom’s neck. Ten minutes later, I 28 the mother and her child come back out. This time, they were 29 . The mother’s smile was big and her eyes were 30 . The little girl was laughing and running around 31 . I noticed one difference was the big bag of food the mother held. I later learned the old house was the home of a local food storeroom. Since that day I have twice 32 what I had to help that food pantry (储藏室)fill their shelves. I felt so 33 to be able to help them and others. I felt so right to 34 my love to make this world a better place.

What can you do today to make this world a better place? Today you can help fill a 35 child’s stomach. Today you can give a 36 family hope. Today you can 37 others’ sadness with your smile and kindness. Today you can raise other people’s 38 with your joy. Today you can 39 your love that has no end. Today you can use what you have to make the Earth a little more

40 . Do what you can today! 21. A. toward B. around

C. through D. on 22. A. perform B. hear

C. create D. see 23. A. house B. town

C. car D. street 24. A. proudly B. happily

C. carefully D. quickly 25. A. worry B. peace

C. hope D. joy 26. A. waiting B. driving

C. sleeping D. crying 27. A. lifting B. climbing

C. holding D. pulling 28. A. watched B. felt

C. thought D. knew 29. A. amazing B. different

C. strange D. intelligent 30. A. bright B. empty

C. curious D. open 31. A. her mom B. the road

C. me D. herself 32. A. hidden B. gained

C. used D. left 33. A. funny B. fancy

C. good D. real 34. A. keep B. describe

C. return D. share 35. A. naughty B. hungry

C. bad D. spoilt 36. A. rich B. promising

C. small D. struggling 37. A. feel B. reduce

C. express D. show 38. A. emotion B. hands

C. voice D. fame 39. A. put away B. send out

C. give up D. cut down 40. A. helpful B. curious

C. beautiful D. serious


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容 (1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

This story is about a warm-hearted bus driver, who is a very kind person. I think it’s a story 41 is well worth sharing.

One day, I 42 (ride) on a bus as usual. This bus driver was on duty that day. He’s very different 43 others. He would always have a smile on his face while driving. He would always say “hello”? and whenever a person was leaving the bus, he’d tell him 44 (have) a nice day. That day it happened to be raining 45 (heavy) and I was sitting near the front row. The bus driver asked me if I had a long way to go, and offered to lend me 46 umbrella. I was moved after 47 (hear) what he said. I told him I didn’t need it for the short path I took. Soon before I left, another woman also entered and 48 (ask) the same question by the driver. I saw that she accepted his 49 (kind).

So yeah, it’s very nice to know there are such warm-hearted people out there. I told this story to my friends, and they were really 50 (surprise) that there are such kind people out there.


第一节短文改错(、共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误 仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(/\\),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线⑴划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1海处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

Yesterday, I had to post a letter. There weren’t any stamps in the house, but I had to go to the post office. But when I got there, I found I have forgotten to take my wallet. When I was about to leave the post office, I stopped by an old man in front of me. He gave me one of his stamp. Never having been given the stamp for free before, I asked him how many he wanted for it. But surprising, he said it was given to me for free. I sincerely thanked for him and went on my way. It was so a small act of kindness. But it was good to knowing that people were still out there being kind to strangers.


假设你是李明,你的英国笔友Mike暑假 想来北京旅游,来之前他想先了解有关北京的情况,请你给他回一封信介绍北京。内容包括:

1. 地位:首都北京是中国的政治、文化中心,位于中国北部,历史悠久; 2. 名胜古迹:长城,天安门广场,紫禁城,颐和园,鸟巢,水立方等。 注意:1.词数:100左右;.

2. 开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 参考词汇:紫禁城the Forbidden City,鸟巢 Bird’s Nest,水立方 the Water Cube

Dear Mike,

I’m glad to have received the letter you sent me last week. I would like to introduce Beijing to you briefly.



Best wishes to you. Tm looking forward to your coming to Beijing.

Yours faithfully, Li Ming


PART A: Reading Aloud 模仿朗读(满分 20 分)

In this part, you are required to watch a video clip, and read after the speaker in the video.

...80 billion trillion miles from home... 13 and a half billion years ago, the very instant of the Big Bang — the most violent, most creative moment in history. Everything that’s ever happened follows from this moment. Every religion, every culture, has pondered it. But we still don’t know what sparked this act of creation or why. This is where our journey ends and the universe begins.

PART B: Role Play角色扮演(满分16分)

In this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to the conversation, ask three questions and then answer five questions. 角色:你是Kate。

任务:(1)询问Luke其他相关信息; (2)根据谈话内容回答问题。

1. Please get ready to ask three questions according to the following Chinese tips. 问题1:现在请准备提出第一个问题。(中文提示:你昨夜为什么没睡?) Q: ________________________________________________________ 问题2:现在请准备提出第二个问题。(中文提示:诸如河流、交通之类的事物怎么使你觉 得你是较大的事物的一部分?)

Q: ________________________________________________________ 问题3:现在请准备提出第三个问题。(中文提示:什么使你不敢追梦?) Q: ________________________________________________________

2. Please get ready to answer five questions in English. 问题1:现在请准备回答第一个问题。

A: ________________________________________________________ 问题2:现在请准备回答第二个问题。

A: ________________________________________________________ 问题3:现在请准备回答第三个问题。

A: ________________________________________________________ 问题4:现在请准备回答第四个问题。

A: ________________________________________________________ 问题5:现在请准备回答第五个问题。

A: ________________________________________________________

PART C: Retelling故事复述(满分24分)

In this part, you are required to listen to a monologue, and then retell it based on what you have heard.

故事梗概:我们班举行了主题班会了解重阳节, 并去敬老院看望老人。 关键词(组):Double Ninth Festival(重阳节)Old Folks’ Home (敬老院)

theme class meeting (主题班会) celebrate (庆祝)meaningful (有意义的)


