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SB 8 Module 1~Module 2


1. We should not sacrifice environment to ________ economic growth.

A.concentrate C.associate 答案 B

解析 句意为:我们不应该靠牺牲环境来促进经济增长。根据句意可知B项正确,promote促进。concentrate集中;associate联合,联想;accumulate积聚,累积。 2. In education there should be a good________among the branches of knowledge that

contributes to effective thinking and wise judgment. A.distribution C.combination 答案 B

解析 “在知识的分支方面应该有一个好的平衡??”,balance平衡,符合题意。 3. ________ in loveless marriages,many women feel that life is colorless.


B.To trap D.Trapped

B.balance D.assignment

B.promote D.accumulate


C.To be trapped 答案 D

解析 句意为:很多妇女陷于无爱的婚姻,感到生活毫无色彩。trapped in loveless marriages为过去分词短语作状语。

4. It was not until dark ________ he found ________ might be the correct way to solve the

problem. A.that;what C.when;what 答案 A

解析 本句为强调句型,被强调的部分为not until dark,故第一空用that构成强调句型;第二空用what引导宾语从句,并且what在从句中作主语。

5. At the railway station,the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was

________. A.out of sight

B.that;that D.when;that

B.out of reach

C.out of order 答案 A

D.out of place

解析 句意为:在火车站,妈妈向女儿挥手告别,直到火车看不见为止。out of sight在看不见的地方。

6. The sooner we students adapt________the new school,the better it is________our studies.

A.on;for C.of;at 答案 D

解析 adapt通常与介词to搭配,意为“适应;适合”;be good for...对??有好处,为固定搭配。故答案为D项。

7. After studying in a medical college for five years,Jane ________ her job as a doctor in the

countryside. A.set out

B.took over D.set up

B.to;to D.to;for

C.took up 答案 C

解析 take up从事,开始做(某项工作),符合句意。set out动身,开始;take over接任;set up建立。

8. In the face of ________ failure,it is the most important to keep up ________ good state of

mind. A./;a 答案 A

解析 句意为:面对失败,保持一种良好的心态是最重要的。failure泛指“失败”时是不可数名词,其前不使用冠词。state意为“状态,情况”,是可数名词,其前可使用冠词。a...state意为“一种??的状态”。

9. It is what a painter did rather than what he said that can ________ the visitors’ interest.


B.motivate D.inhabit




C.discourage 答案 B

解析 句意为:激发来访者的兴趣的是一个画家做了什么,而非他说了什么。stock进货;motivate激发;discourage使失去勇气;inhabit居住于。由句意知选B项。 10.—Did he say something in the lecture that ________ you?

—Not really.Actually I felt sleepy over his speech. A.adjusted to

B.attached to D.appealed to

C.referred to

答案 D

解析 句意为:——他在演讲里说了什么吸引你的东西吗?——没什么吸引人的。事实上在他演讲的过程中我昏昏欲睡。根据下文可知演讲并没有吸引我,故选appeal to对??有吸引力。adjust to适应;attach to依附于??;refer to提及,参阅。 11.—Anything else to say for yourself?

—Well,dear judge,I have never ________ to hide my views. A.managed 答案 C

解析 句意为:——你还有什么要为自己辩护的吗?——哦,亲爱的法官先生,我从来都没有试图隐瞒我的观点。seek to do sth.试图/企图做某事,符合句意。manage to do sth.设法做成某事;fail to do sth.未能做某事;而succeed一般后接in doing sth.,表示成功做了某事。

12.________ is often the case,we have worked out the production plan.

A.Which C.What 答案 D

解析 句意为:我们已经制定出了生产计划,这是常有的事情。as is often the case固定搭配,意为“对??是常有的事”。

13.Usually what the teacher says will have a deep________on a child.


B.effect D.expression

B.When D.As




C.satisfaction 答案 B

解析 have a deep effect on对??产生深远影响。

14.Police________that she had some connection with the robbery,but they had no proof.

A.suspected C.supposed 答案 A

解析 句意为:警方怀疑她与那起抢劫有关系,但他们没有证据。suspect怀疑,符合题意。

15.—Shall we go to the bookstore immediately?

—________. A.It doesn’t matter

B.It’s up to you

B.believed D.expected

C.Don’t mention it D.That’s all right 答案 B

解析 根据语境可判断出B项正确。It’s up to you.由你决定。 Ⅱ.完形填空

The Peacemaker

I was travelling by the West Coast Express to Mangalore two years ago.Berth(铺位) No.20,not far from me,was __1__ by a middle-aged gentleman.When the train reached Palakkad Junction around 9 p.m.,a large group of __2__ entered with much disturbance.Just then another middle-aged man from the group __3__ that he owned Berth No.20.He __4__ had a paper given by his travel agent to support himself.

The __5__ examiner arrived and told the second man that it was not his berth.“No,” said both men.“It’s __6__.” A policeman from the Railway Protection Force tried to get the second man to leave.But he wouldn’t __7__ and he had the support of his many __8__.

Fierce arguments continued,even __9__ the train left Palakkad.Then someone even __10__ the emergency chain(应急链) as we were leaving Tirur station,four stops after Palakkad.Nobody could __11__ and it was getting late.

__12__,around midnight,I watched as a teenager,a __13__ I’m sure,climbed down from an upper berth close to me,“Please __14__ my berth,” he told the second man,who accepted it after a bit of __15__.

To my great surprise,the student then __16__ a newspaper on the floor and was soon lost in deep,peaceful sleep.By now everybody was __17__,as if nothing had happened!I’m a 58-year-old biology teacher who has __18__ two recent generations of students.I was __19__ once again that,contrary to popular opinions,young people can often be far __20__ than many older ones.And that’s the hope of our nation. 1 .A.occupied

C.supported 答案 A

解析 作者在火车上,离自己不远的20号铺位是一位中年绅士坐着,因此,可以说这个铺位是这位绅士“占着”的,也就是他的铺位。动词occupy的意思是“占据”,而book的意思是“订票”,与此语境不符。 2. A.teachers

C.tourists 答案 C

解析 根据第一段最后一句的“had a paper given by his travel agent to support himself”可知,这队人是旅游者。 3. A.declared

B.decided D.booked

B.villagers D.workers


C.predicted 答案 A


解析 根据下文的“that he owned Berth No.20”和两个人之间的吵架可知,这个人是在“宣称”这个铺位是为他所有。 4. A.still

C.yet 答案 B

解析 前面提到此人认为这个铺位是他的,而后又称自己有旅行社提供的“a paper”铺位证明,前后之间是进一步的关系。 5. A.barrier

C.quarrel 答案 D

解析 根据后面的“told the second man that it was not his berth”可知,这个人应该是列车上的检票工作人员。 6. A.his

B.mine D.theirs

B.machine D.ticket

B.even D.also

C.others 答案 B

解析 此处的语境是:当工作人员说铺位是第一位绅士的时候,此时两人都回答“那是我的”,所以才有后面的继续争吵。 7. A.go away

C.hold on 答案 B

解析 go away走开;give in屈服;hold on继续(不挂断电话);calm down镇定下来。本句话的意思是:他不愿意屈服。 8. A.companions

B.friends D.passengers

B.give in D.calm down

C.passers-by 答案 A

解析 这个中年人属于一个旅游团,因此,此处的意思是他有很多同伴在支持他。 9. A.soon after

B.long before D.now that

C.long after 答案 C

解析 根据“Fierce arguments continued”以及此时的语境知,他们应该是出发后很长时间还在吵架。soon after稍后;long before之前很久;long after之后很久;now that既然。“continued”表明火车已经开了。


C.pulled 答案 C




[来源学科网ZXXK]解析 他们俩的吵闹声很大,以致竟然有人拉响了“应急链”。 11.A.read

B.rest D.sleep

C.leave 答案 D

解析 根据下文的“it was getting late”和最后一段的“was soon lost in deep,peaceful sleep”可知,此时天色已很晚,却无人能够入眠。动词rest词义太广,表达语意不够具体。 12.A.Suddenly

C.Unluckily 答案 A

解析 根据上下文语境,吵架一直在进行,一直到作者上铺的一个学生让了铺位才终止了这次吵架,因此,这个学生的介入是“突然地”。 13.A.businessman

C.nurse 答案 B

解析 根据下文的“To my great surprise,the student then”可知,这位青少年应该是一名学生。 14.A.lend

C.take 答案 C

解析 根据下文的“who accepted it”和最后一段作者对这个人的评价可以知道,这个学生主动让出了自己的铺位。 15.A.worry

B.hesitation D.fear

B.rent D.spot

B.student D.reporter

B.Immediately D.Meanwhile

C.delay 答案 B

解析 毕竟那是别人的无私的好意,因此,对于这个学生的好意,这个人在接受之前有一点犹豫,这符合当时这个人的心理活动。 16.A.threw

B.found D.collected

C.spread 答案 C

解析 根据下文的“was soon lost in deep,peaceful sleep”可知,这个学生是把报纸铺

在地面上睡觉的。动词spread的意思是“铺开,展开”。 17.A.thankful

C.happy 答案 D

解析 一开始两人吵架,弄得车上不得安宁,而一旦两人安静下来,大家都要去睡觉了(正如这个学生一样),所以大家都马上安静下来。 18.A.controlled

C.greeted 答案 D

解析 此处指作为58岁的生物老师,作者刚教了两代青年学生,言外之意,作者对年轻人很了解。 19.A.convinced

B.satisfied D.encouraged

B.troubled D.taught

B.sorry D.quiet

C.disappointed 答案 A

解析 根据下文的“contrary to popular opinions”可知,作者是在反驳目前人们对青年人的偏见,自己深信年轻的一代是有希望的,特别是这件事更加强了作者对此的看法。 20.A.prouder

C.cooler 答案 B

解析 作者这一天所看到的是:这个年轻人主动把自己的铺位让给他人。这正表明年轻人是“很高尚的”。 Ⅲ.阅读理解

Butterfly gardens can be grown throughout the United States.There is a wide variety of both butterfly-attracting (nectar) plants and host plants covering climate zones throughout the country.Butterfly gardens can range in size from a few containers placed in a sunny spot to several acres.

Nectar-producing(产蜜的) plants will attract butterflies to your garden.In order to support a full butterfly life cycle,host plants (for laying eggs and used as a caterpillar food source) must also be present.

Throughout the country,the general requirements for butterfly gardening are the same:full sun,nectar source plants,larval(幼虫的) host plants,a pesticide-free environment,and knowledge of the local butterfly species.Many butterfly-attracting plants are natives and require little attention as they are naturally adapted to the region in which they live.

Butterfly gardens are best planted in spring with younger plants or in fall with mature plants

B.nobler D.lazier

that will become dormant quickly and re-emerge in spring.It is best not to plant in the heat of summer or the cold of winter.

One of the most common mistakes in butterfly gardening is planting only one nectar source.Adult butterflies have a very short lifespan.Planting a variety of nectar sources will encourage more butterflies to visit the garden.Planting an adequate supply of host plants gives butterflies a place to lay their eggs,which will successfully hatch(孵化) and result in butterflies that will continue to visit the garden.

Butterflies typically lay their eggs in late spring and hatch 3-6 days after they are laid.It takes 3-4 weeks for a caterpillar to pupate(化蛹) and 9-14 days to emerge as an adult.

Good resources for learning more about butterfly gardening include zoos,botanical gardens,butterfly houses,garden centers and nurseries,libraries and the Internet.There are many good websites dedicated to butterflies and butterfly gardening.

1. Native butterfly-attracting plants are better because ________.

A.they smell better to butterflies B.they can adapt to the local region C.they can grow faster and taller D.they can be planted in a container 答案 B

解析 细节理解题。从文章第三段第二句可知,本地的植物不需要太多的照料,因为它们能够自然地适应它们生长的环境。 2. Host plants are used to ________.

A.attract butterflies B.protect adult butterflies C.feed adult butterflies

D.support a full butterfly life cycle 答案 D

解析 细节理解题。从文章第二段第二句可知,寄主植物用于帮助蝴蝶完成整个生命周期。

3. Which seasons are suitable for planting butterfly gardens?

A.Spring and summer. C.Summer and winter. 答案 D

[来源学_科_网Z_X_X_K] B.Summer and fall.

D.Spring and fall.

解析 细节理解题。从文章第四段可知,种植蝴蝶园的最佳季节是春季和秋季。 4. Which of the following is the correct order of a butterfly life cycle?

a.It is born as an egg. b.It emerges as an adult.


c.A caterpillar hatches out. d.A caterpillar pupates. A.a→c→d→b C.d→a→c→b 答案 A

解析 事实排序题。从文章倒数第二段可知,蝴蝶的生命周期的正确顺序应为A项。



Module 3~Module 4


1. —How do you know about the meeting?

—The chairperson made the________that it was a success. A.remark C.difference 答案 A

解析 make the remark that...评论/评说??。

2. He often listens to the music in his spare time to________himself.

A.entertain C.educate 答案 A

解析 entertain sb./oneself使某人/自己高兴(愉快)。

3. There is an increasing________to make movies describing violence now.

A.strength C.tradition 答案 D

解析 句意为:现在拍摄描述暴力的电影正呈逐渐增加的趋势。trend趋势,符合句意。 4.—John has got a very good job in the government.

B.direction D.trend

B.encourage D.improve

B.meaning D.signal

—________ he looks so happy. A.It’s natural C.No wonder 答案 C

解析 句意为:——约翰在政府部门谋得了一份很好的工作。——难怪他看起来这么高兴。No wonder+从句=It’s no wonder that...,意为“难怪??”。 5. My parents don’t mind what job I do ________ I am happy.

A.even though C.as long as 答案 C

解析 句意为:我父母不介意我做什么工作,只要我高兴就行。as long as只要,引导条件状语从句,符合题意。even though即使,尽管,引导让步状语从句;as soon as“一??就??”,引导时间状语从句;as though“好像”,引导表语从句或方式状语从句。

6. Scientists are convinced________the positive effect of laughter________physical and mental

health. A.of;at C.of;on 答案 C

解析 句意为:科学家们坚信笑对身心健康有积极影响。be convinced of坚信,深信;effect常与on连用,意为“对??的影响”,固定搭配。 7. It’s no use ________ without taking any action.


B.complaining D.to be complained


B.as soon as


B.That’s because D.As though

D.as though


C.being complained 答案 B

解析 句意为:毫无行动的抱怨是没有用的。此句为It’s no use doing sth.固定句式。complain与暗含的人称主语是主动关系,故用主动形式。

8. This is the second time I have been ________ by that person;I shall never trust him again.

A.referred to

B.set down D.let down

C.attended to 答案 D

解析 句意为:这是那个人第二次让我失望,我再也不会相信他了。refer to提到,参考;set down放下,制定;attend to注意,照料;let down使失望。根据句意可知选D项。

9. Lucy has ________ all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new

challenges at university. A.acquired

B.finished D.achieved

C.concluded 答案 D

解析 句意为:Lucy完成了她为自己设定的高中阶段的所有目标,并且已经为迎接大学里新的挑战做好了准备。achieve one’s goal意为“完成目标”。

10.The two paintings look so much alike that I can’t ________ the authentic painting ________

the modern copy. A.tell;from C.tell;apart 答案 A

解析 考查tell不同搭配的用法。句意为:这两幅油画看起来这么相似以致于我分辨不出真品和现今的仿制品。tell A from B区分A和B;tell sb.of/about sth.告诉某人有关??的事;tell sth.apart区分某物;tell sb.off for sth.为某事斥责某人。根据句意可知应选A项。

11.A good cyclist can ________ a distance of over a hundred miles a day.


B.conquer D.count


B.tell;of D.tell;off

C.confirm 答案 A

解析 句意为:一名好的自行车手能够在一天内行驶一百多英里的路。此处cover表示“走完(一段路程)”。后三项分别表示“征服”“证实”“计数”。

12.During the discussion,many members were________my proposal,which upset me greatly.

A.objecting C.opposing 答案 D

解析 be opposed to反对??,固定短语。

13.The politician’s speech________the others that he was the man for the job.

A.informed C.reminded 答案 B

解析 convince sb.that从句,意为“使某人承认或信服??”。A、C、D三项分别意为“通知”“提醒”“警告”。

14.They had a fierce________as to whether their company should restore the trade relationship

B.objected to D.opposed to

B.convinced D.warned

which was broken years ago. A.debate C.contest 答案 A




解析 句意为:他们就公司是否应当恢复几年前中断了的这一贸易关系进行了一场激烈的争论。debate争论,辩论,指持不同观点的各方据理力争,并最终做出决定。 15.I don’t like the house;it’s too small and________,it’s too far from the city.


B.otherwise D.therefore

C.furthermore 答案 C

解析 由句意知是表示递进关系,故选furthermore(而且)。however然而;otherwise否则;therefore因此。 Ⅱ.阅读理解

The global population is living longer,and getting older,which presents new challenges.“The question becomes:who will take care of everyone?While people will always be the best caregivers for people,there just aren’t enough people.That’s where robotic technology can really make a difference,”says Professor Maja Mataric at the University of Southern California.

Her group is developing robots to work with stroke (中风) patients and elderly people.The research team has found that people react well to a robot gym instructor,and seem to get less frustrated with it than with instructions given on a computer screen.The robot can act as a perfect trainer,with infinite(极大的) patience.

“People say things like ‘I prefer this robot to my husband!Can I take it home?’” according to Professor Mataric.“In fact there’s a really important point here.As we create these care giving technologies,we’re helping not only the people that need the care,but also the people caring for them.We can give them a break,and help them avoid burnout.”

People are going to have to like,and importantly trust robots before they welcome them into their homes,and several groups around the world are working on making it easier to communicate with them.

Much of human interaction(交流) takes place through body language.Gestures,eye contact and concepts of personal space are all things that robots are being taught.In learning about how people interact with machines,researchers are also discovering new roles for robots in our lives.Robots can communicate with humans in ways that other technologies can not.

“If someone finds the robot to be more persuasive and more reliable,that’s going to affect

how they interact with it,”says Dr Cynthia Breazeal,director of the Personal Robots Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.“We can now start to think about fields where it’s the social interaction,which is the main means by which a robot helps someone.” Dr Breazeal says that means robots could be used in education,learning,and health care,where social support is important.

1. Professor Maja Mataric mainly focused on robots’ function of ________.

A.teaching C.giving care 答案 C

解析 细节理解题。根据第一、二段可知,Professor Maja Mataric重点谈论的是机器人未来在护理方面的应用。

2. Why can robots be wonderful trainers in the gym?

A.Because they are more clever. B.Because they are more patient. C.Because they cost less money. D.Because they give correct instructions. 答案 B

解析 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句可知,机器人之所以可以成为完美的健身房教练是因为,它有极大的耐心。

3. The underlined word burnout in Paragraph 3 probably means “________”.

A.feeling tired C.getting hurt 答案 A

解析 词义猜测题。上句说明机器人不但可以帮助被护理者,而且给护理者也带来帮助,这样就可以让护理者获得休息。由此判断,机器人可以帮助他们避免疲惫不堪,故A项正确。

4. The scientists are presently working hard to help robots ________.

A.to walk faster B.to react more quickly C.to communicate better D.to have more functions 答案 C

解析 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“...several groups around the world are working on making it easier to communicate with them.”可知,科学家目前研究机器人的重点是提

B.exploring D.making things

B.feeling angry

D.becoming disappointed

高它与人的沟通能力,故C项正确。 Ⅲ.阅读填空

When a parent marries again,it can be tough on children,but it’s especially tough when the new marriage comes with new stepbrothers and stepsisters.__1__Or you might feel that these new stepchildren are replacing you altogether.How can you deal with this challenging situation?


Understand that the presence of these new people in the house doesn’t have anything to do with you.The stepparents and stepsiblings(继兄弟或继姊妹) are most likely just as nervous about the new living situation as you.__2__ Get to know these new family members.They will most likely be a part of your life for many years to come,so develop a good relationship with them.__3__ __4__Honest and open communication can help everyone get used to this new living situation.

Stay out of their way.Sometimes these new stepparents and stepsiblings are a nightmare to deal with.In that case,just avoid their presence as much as possible.If you face them,it can only lead to turmoil(骚动) and make your life tougher.


__5__Sometimes it’s better to get professional help and seek the advice of a person who can listen to your concerns about the new living situation. A.You may find you have many things in common with them. B.Ask an expert for advice. C.Talk to them about how you feel.

D.Be kind to your stepparents and stepsiblings.

E.As a child,you might feel like you are losing your place within the family. F.Learn to give up some unfriendly ideas.

G.They may also act out these feelings of insecurity in different ways.

答案 1.E 2.G 3.A 4.C 5.B


Like most of my classmate,I have neither brothers nor sisters—in any other words,I am an only child.My parents love me dearly of course and will do all they can make sure that I get a good education.They did not want me to do any work at home;they want me to devote all my time to my studies so that I’ll get good marks in all my subject.We may be one family and live under a same roof,but we do not seem to get much time to talk about together.It looks as if my

parents treat me as a visitor and guest.Do them really understand their own daughter?What things are in other homes,I wonder ?


Like most of my


,I have neither brothers nor sisters—in any other words,I am an


only child.My parents love me dearly of course and will do all they can to make sure that I get a good education.They


not want me to do any work at home;they want me to devote all my do


.We may be one family and live


time to my studies so that I’ll get good marks in all my under


same roof,but we do not seem to get much time to talk about together.It looks as if my the

andthemWhat guest.Do really understand their own daughter? ortheyHow

parents treat me as a visitor

things are in other homes,I wonder ?

Module 5~Module 6


1. Perhaps most importantly,students are forced to think beyond their own interests and become

________ of the needs of others. A.careful 答案 D

解析 此处的意思是“意识到他人的需求”。become/be aware of意识到,符合题意。

2. There is no obvious evidence ________ there is life on any other planet in the solar system.

[来源学科网] B.proud C.tired D.aware

A.which 答案 B

B.that C.how D.where

解析 句意为:没有确凿的证据证明太阳系的其他行星上有生命。正确选项引导的是evidence的同位语从句,从句中不缺少任何成分,所以用that引导。

3. The party last night was ________ success.We sang and danced until it came to ________

end at 12∶00. A.a;an C.the;an 答案 A

B.a;the D./;an

解析 句意为:昨天的晚会很成功。我们一直唱歌跳舞,直到12点结束。a success一个/件成功的人/事;a failure一个失败/失败的人;come to an end/a stop结束/停止。 4. What’s the ________,in your opinion,of helping him if he doesn’t make an effort to help

himself? A.sympathy C.object 答案 D

解析 考查名词在固定句式中的用法。句意为:如果他自己都不努力的话,那么在你看来我们帮他有什么意义?what’s the point of...表示“??有什么意义?”。sympathy同情;theme主题;object物体,均与语意不符。故选D项。

5. The shop assistant was dismissed as she was________of cheating customers.

A.accused C.scolded 答案 A

解析 A、B、C三项均有“指控、指责”之意,但搭配不同:accuse sb.of sth.;charge sb.with sth.;scold sb.for sth.。curse at sb./sth.诅咒/咒骂某人(事)。 6. His long service with the company was________with a special present.

A.admitted C.accepted 答案 B

解析 句意为:公司赠予他一件特殊的礼物以表示对他在公司多年工作的认可。表达“承认;认可”,只有B项符合题意。

7. He always did well at school ________ having to do part-time jobs every now and then.

A.in spite of

B.regardless of D.in case of

B.acknowledged D.returned

B.charged D.cursed

B.theme D.point

C.on account of 答案 A

解析 句意为:尽管不断地做兼职工作,他在学校总是做得很好。in spite of尽管,符合题意。

8. You should at least________half a day every Sunday to spend with your daughter.

A.set about C.set aside 答案 C

解析 句意为:你应该每个星期天至少留出半天的时间来与你女儿一同度过。set about (doing)开始干??;set out (to do)开始做??;set off使??爆炸,出发;set aside拨出,

B.set out D.set off


9. One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living________.

A.bills 答案 B

解析 句意为:一月1 000美元不是一笔财富,但是能帮助支付我的生活费用。bill账单;expense花费,费用;price价格;charge价格,索价。 10.I’d prefer to ________ my judgement until I find all the evidence.

A.show C.pass 答案 D

解析 考查动词词义辨析。句意为:我更愿意保留我的判断,直到找到所有的证据。show展示;express表达;pass judgement评判;reserve保留。由句意、词义可知应选D项。 11.Sean’s strong love for his country is ________ in his recently published poems.


B.reflected D.recovered


[来源学&科&网] B.expenses C.prices D.charges


C.responded 答案 B

解析 句意为:肖恩对祖国的热爱反映在他最近出版的诗歌里。reflect反映,显示,表达,符合题意。relieve减轻,救济,解除;respond回答,回报;recover恢复,复原。 12.—What do you think of his teaching method?

—It should be popular;it________practical. A.proves

B.is proved

D.was proved

C.has been proved 答案 A

解析 此处的prove是系动词,表示“证明是,结果是”。后三项中的prove都是实义动词,语法结构不恰当。

13.________him and then try to copy what he does.

A.Mind C.Stare at 答案 D

解析 watch注意,留心,强调集中注意力看;glance at强调快速地看,匆匆一瞥;stare at由于生气、害怕或吃惊而睁大眼睛注视某人或某物;mind当心,注意。从原句中的try to copy what he does可知应选watch。

14.—My son is always falling behind others and he can’t follow his teachers.

—He can go to Yucai School,which ________ all ability ranges.

B.Glance at D.Watch

A.calls for C.cares for 答案 B

B.caters for D.struggles for

解析 空格处引导的从句句意为:育才中学对不同水平的人都适合。cater for满足需要。 15.We’ve ________ with each other for years but I’ve never actually met him.How I wish I

could see him during my stay in Beijing! A.compared

B.agreed D.corresponded

C.exchanged 答案 D

解析 由句意可知,应是“我们已相互通信多年”,correspond with...与??通信。 Ⅱ.阅读理解

Dr. Conwell was greatly inspired by a true story.The story was about a farmer who lived in Africa and through a visitor became greatly excited about looking for diamonds.Lots of diamonds were already discovered on the African continent and this farmer got so excited about the idea of millions of dollars worth of diamonds that he sold his farm to head out to the diamond line.He wandered all over the continent,as the years went by,constantly searching for diamonds,wealth,which he never found.Eventually he went completely broke and threw himself into a river and drowned.

Meanwhile,the new owner of his farm picked up an unusual looking rock about the size of an egg and put it on his coat as a sort of curiosity.A visitor stopped by and looked at the rock in surprise.He told the new owner of the farm that the funny looking rock on his coat was about the biggest diamond that had ever been found.The new owner of the farm said,“Oh,the whole farm is covered with them”—and sure enough it was.

The farm turned out to be the Kimberly Diamond Mine,the richest the world has ever known.The original farmer was literally standing on “Acres of Diamonds” until he sold his farm.


Dr. Conwell learned from the story of the farmer and continued to teach its moral(寓意).Each of us is right in the middle of our own “Acre of Diamonds”,if only we would realize it and develop the ground we are standing on before charging off in search of greener pastures(牧场).Dr. Conwell told this story many times and attracted enormous audiences.He told the story long enough to have raised the money to start the college for poor students.In fact,he raised nearly six million dollars and the university he founded,Temple University in Philadelphia,has at least ten degree-granting colleges and six other schools.

When Dr. Conwell talked about each of us being right on our own “Acre of Diamonds”,

he meant it.This story does not get old.It will be true forever. 1. Why did the farmer sell his farm?

A.Because the new owner offered him a good price for it. B.Because he could hardly make a living on it.C.Because he wanted to search for diamonds. D.Because he wanted to buy a better one. 答案 C

解析 细节理解题。由第一段第三句可知,这位农场主卖掉自己的农场的目的是要加入寻找钻石的队伍,故C项正确。

2. The farmer threw himself into a river ________.

A.because he lost his farm

B.because he found no diamonds on his farm C.after he made great efforts but failed D.after he heard the new owner found diamonds 答案 C

解析 细节理解题。由第一段最后两句可知,农场主历尽千辛万苦没有找到钻石后投河自尽,故C项正确。

3. What’s Dr. Conwell’s main purpose of telling the story?

A.To raise money.

B.To inspire people. D.To attract audiences.


C.To educate people. 答案 A

解析 细节理解题。由倒数第二段倒数第二句可知,Dr. Conwell讲这个故事的目的是筹集资金创办大学,故A项正确。4. What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Great regret led to the farmer’s jumping into the river. B.The farmer was hopeless when he jumped into the river. C.The visitor had been searching for diamonds for many years.

D.The new owner knew he could find diamonds before he bought the farm. 答案 B

解析 推理判断题。由第一段最后一句可以推断出,这位农场主是在极其绝望的情况下才选择自杀的。 Ⅲ.书面表达




观点 原因 1 2 3 注意:1.根据要点适当增加细节,以使行文通顺连贯;



Recently,we have had a discussion in our class about whether parents are our best


________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 参考范文

Recently,we have had a discussion in our class about whether parents are our best


Some students agree with the point because they think parents help to point out their mistakes in their lives.They teach them a lot about how to live a meaningful life.What’s more,parents’ love helps to teach them how to love others.So parents are their most important teachers.

However,not all of us hold the same views.Some think that their parents give them too much love,and they are eager to pass on their values and interests to them.Moreover,their parents sometimes expect too much of them,which makes them feel that their goals are too difficult to reach.

In my opinion,parents are our important teachers,but parents should also try to understand their children more and narrow the generation gap.

教会如何生活 指出缺点、指明方向 教会富有爱心 过分溺爱 强加兴趣、价值观 期望值过高 同意 不完全同意

