英语作文-My Dating Attitude of University
更新时间:2023-08-19 01:09:01 阅读量: 高中教育 文档下载
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My Dating Attitude of University
With the rate of divorce become higher and higher, especially among who born after 1980s and 1990s, the reason why they consider their marriage as trifling matter or a game is that their attitude of dating, in other words, their view of love. What’s more, the views toward the dating attitude vary from person to person.
In the view of some parents, they regard having a date with the opposite sex before graduating from senior high school as puppy love. Moreover, they hold their opinion that puppy love must be harmful to their children’s study, which lead to parents try their best to break up little lovers in any ways. However, they arrange a lot of marriage partners for their children when their kids come of age or go to university.
I think those parents love their children so much that they objecting puppy love persistently. In some extent, it is a quite good way to protect such innocent and simple-minded child from being hurt, but they ignore that children may become traitorous because of their forcing-type education.
Most importantly, in college, it is unavoidable to meet some opposite sex people. Therefore, it is normal to fall in love with someone because of favorable impression. More to the point, you shouldn't be too nervous or upset to find your marriage partner if you are still single. Instead, you should find your lover patiently and believe in predestined love.
Finally, if you want to find a person in good manner and satisfy all you need, you should enhance yourself first, including have a good job as well as a stable living condition and so on, because only if you become more outstanding ,can you have more choices in your life.
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