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Internet is influencing peoples’ life style and concept of values in a large scale. No one can deny its convenience as information technology has broken up the limit of time and space. In our group’s opinion, network has brought so many advantages to us. And here are some of them:
I will focus on the social significance, and my partner will introduce the individual part to you. 1. The financial significance.
It is with the information technology that the electronic commerce develops. Now people can shopping on line by clicking on the things they want through the mouse. Instead of driving to the shopping mall, change the goods with cash, it is more convenient. And the enterprise can also show their new product, deal with the work on line. This new commercial style really can low down the price. 2. The political significance
The internet has become a new stage for government and people to communicate. Through the internet, government can release news to their people while people can offer their ideas to the government freely. The speech on the internet play a more important role as the years goes on. 3. The cultural significance
Network culture offers the youth new ideas of value such as openness, freedom, democracy and equality. In addition, with the help of digital library, distance learning, search option and free E-mail, we can enjoy ourselves in the ocean of knowledge. Furthermore, there are no national boundaries and class limitations on the internet, no matter you are Chinese or English, doctor or work, rich or poor, you have the same rights to get the information which attracts you. This character make different cultures blend in and help to improve people’s level
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