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(1)I 缩写(2)you 缩写
(3)she 缩写(4)he 缩写(5)they 缩写
(6)it 缩写(7)we 缩写(8)She a girl.
(9)They friends. (10)Tom and I friends. (11)He a boy.
(12)They men. (13)They women. (14)It a book. (15)They books.
(16)I a teacher . (17)LiMing a student. (18)My father a worker.
(19)My friend Xiaohong. (20)My mother and father workers.
(21)Liming and Tom my friend . (22)They boys. (23)This a door.
(24)That a pen. (25)These books. (26)Those desks. (27)She my friend.
(28)These boys smart. (29)This girl beautiful. (30)Lucy and Liming teachers.
(31)You friends. (32)You boys. (33)You a girl. (34)We women.
(35)I a girl. (36)My name Bill. (37)Lingling twelve.
(8)My father and (我)go to the park. (9)Anna and (我)go up high in a tree. (10) I invite (他们)come here。(11)It is hard for (他)to fly。
(12)The woman is behind (我)。(13)I like (他)。
(14)Tell (她)how to get there。(15)(你)and (我)are good friends。
(16)Put (它)there。(17)Who is thereIt is (我)。
(18)(他们)say,(他)is very clever。
(19)Tell (我们)how far is (它)from shanghai to Nanjing。
(20)Show (他们)how to do。(21)Excuse (我)。(22)My dog likes (他)。(23)Come with (我)。(24)This is Danny and (我)on the train。
(1)I 缩写(2)you 缩写
(3)she 缩写(4)he 缩写(5)they 缩写
(6)it 缩写(7)we 缩写(8)She a girl.
(9)They friends. (10)Tom and I friends. (11)He a boy.
(12)They men. (13)They women. (14)It a book. (15)They books.
(16)I a teacher . (17)LiMing a student. (18)My father a worker.
(19)My friend Xiaohong. (20)My mother and father workers.
(21)Liming and Tom my friend . (22)They boys. (23)This a door.
(24)That a pen. (25)These books. (26)Those desks. (27)She my friend.
(28)These boys smart. (29)This girl beautiful. (30)Lucy and Liming teachers.
(31)You friends. (32)You boys. (33)You a girl. (34)We women.
(35)I a girl. (36)My name Bill. (37)Lingling twelve.
(8)My father and (我)go to the park. (9)Anna and (我)go up high in a tree. (10) I invite (他们)come here。(11)It is hard for (他)to fly。
(12)The woman is behind (我)。(13)I like (他)。
(14)Tell (她)how to get there。(15)(你)and (我)are good friends。(16)Put (它)there。(17)Who is thereIt is (我)。
(18)(他们)say,(他)is very clever。
(19)Tell (我们)how far is (它)from shanghai to Nanjing。
(20)Show (他们)how to do。(21)Excuse (我)。(22)My dog likes (他)。
(23)Come with (我)。(24)This is Danny and (我)on the train。
(1)I 缩写(2)you 缩写
(3)she 缩写(4)he 缩写(5)they 缩写
(6)it 缩写(7)we 缩写(8)She a girl.
(9)They friends. (10)Tom and I friends. (11)He a boy.
(12)They men. (13)They women. (14)It a book. (15)They books.
(16)I a teacher . (17)LiMing a student. (18)My father a worker.
(19)My friend XiaoHong. (20)My mother and father workers.
(21)LiMing and Tom my friends . (22)They boys. (23)This a door.
(24)That a pen. (25)These books. (26)Those desks. (27)She my friend.
(28)These boys smart. (29)This girl beautiful. (30)Lucy and LiMing teachers.
(31)You friends. (32)You boys. (33)You a girl. (34)We women. (35)I a girl. (36)My name Bill. (37)LingLing twelve.
(1)I 缩写(2)you 缩写
(3)she 缩写(4)he 缩写(5)they 缩写
(6)it 缩写(7)we 缩写(8)She a girl.
(9)They friends. (10)Tom and I friends. (11)He a boy.
(12)They men. (13)They women. (14)It a book. (15)They books.
(16)I a teacher . (17)LiMing a student. (18)My father a worker.
(19)My friend XiaoHong. (20)My mother and father workers.
(21)LiMing and Tom my friends . (22)They boys. (23)This a door.
(24)That a pen. (25)These books. (26)Those desks. (27)She my friend.
(28)These boys smart. (29)This girl beautiful. (30)Lucy and LiMing teachers.
(31)You friends. (32)You boys. (33)You a girl. (34)We women. (35)I a girl. (36)My name Bill. (37)LingLing twelve.
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