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Passage one

There are two factors which determine an individual’s intelligence.

The first is the sort of brain he is born . Human brains differ

considerably, (2)being more capable than others. (3)how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence (4)he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor is what (5)environment in which he is brought (6) If an individual is handicapped (7)

will(8)of which he is (10)

The importance of environment in determining an individual’s intelligence can be (11) by the case history of the

identical twins, Peter and John. When the twins were three months old, their parents died, and they were placed in (12) foster(寄养) homes. Peter was reared by parents of low intelligence in a(n)(13)isolated community with poor educational(14) opportunities. John, (15) , was educated in the home of well-to-do parents who had been to college. This environmental (16) continued until the twins were(17) they were

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given tests (19) their intelligence. John’s I.O. was 125,

twenty-five points higher than the (20) higher than his identical brother.

1) A) for B) by C) with D) in

2) A) most B) some C) many D) few

3) A) But B) For C) Still D) And

4) A) if B) though C) as D) unless

5) A) refers B) applies C) happens D) concerns

6) A) about B) up C)forward D) forth

7) A) relatively B) intelligently C) regularly D) environmentally

8) A) fail B help C) manage D) stop

9) A) ever B) never C) even D) nearly

10) A) able B) capable C) available D) acceptable

11) A) demonstrated B) indicated C) released D) revealed

12) A) identical B) diverse C) parallel D) similar

13) A) separate B) independent C) remote D) individual

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14) A) omitted B) isolated C) enclosed D) occupied

15) A) moreover B) furthermore C) therefore D) however

16) A) exception B) division C) difference D) alteration

17) A) in B) by C) at D) for

18) A) while B) since C) when D) because

19) A) estimate B) count C) decide D) measure

20) A) average B) common C) usual D) ordinary

Passage six

In recent years, more and more foreigners are involved in the teaching

programs of the United States. Both the advantages and the

disadvantages_1 of _using faculty (教师[总称]) from foreign countries _2 in_ teaching positions have to be _3 considered_, of course. It can be said that foreign _4_background that makes the faculty member from abroad an asset(财富) also -5 creates- problems of adjustment, both for the university and for the individual.

The foreign research scholar usually isolates _6 himself_ in the

laboratory as a means of protection; _7 however_ , what he needs is to be fitted _8 into_ a highly organized university system quite different from _9 that_ at home. He is faced in his daily work _10 with_ differences in

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philosophy, arrangements of courses and methods of teaching. Both the visiting professor and his students _11 lack_ background in each other's cultures. Some _12 concept_ of what is already in the minds of America students is _13 required_ by the foreign professor. While helping him to _14 adapt_ himself to his new environment, the university must also _15 make_ certain adjustments in order to _16 take_ full advantage of what the newcomer can _17 offer_ . It isn't always known how to make _18 creative_ use of foreign faculty, especially at smaller colleges. This is

thought to be a _19 field_ where further study is called _20 for_ . The findings of such a study will be of value to colleges and universities with foreign faculty.

1. A) with B) for C) of D) at

2. A) in B) on C) for D) within

3. A) thought B) measured C) balanced D) considered

4. A) situation B) circumstance C) background D) condition

5. A) carries B) creates C) emerges D) solves

6. A) himself B) oneself C) him D) one

7. A) otherwise B) moreover C) however D) also

8. A) into B) by C) to D) with

9. A) those B) which C) what D) that

10. A) toward B) with C) to D) at

11. A) have B) possess C) need D) lack

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12. A) concept B) feeling C) plan D) intelligence

13. A) ordered B) asked C) insisted D) required

14. A) place B) adapt C) put D) direct

15. A) remain B) keep C) make D) cause

16. A) take B) make C) do D) be

17. A) show B) afford C) express D) offer

18. A) powerful B) creative C) imaginary D) advanced

19. A) scope B) range C) field D) district

20. A) on B) for C) upon D) at

Passage Eight

As civilizatlon_1 proceeds _in the direction of technology it passes the point of supplying all the basic _2 essentials _ of life-----food,_3 shelter _,clothes,and_4 Warmth _.Then we are faced with a choice between using technology to provide and_5 fulfill _needs which have hitherto been regarded as unnecessary or,_6 on_ the other hand.Using technology to_7 reduce_the number of hours of work which a man must do in order to earn a given standard of living.In other words,we either raise our standard of living above _8 that_necessary for comfort and happiness or we_9 leave_it at this level and work Shorter hours.I shall take it as axiomatic(其理自明的)that mankind has.by that time,chosen the latter_10 alternative _.Men will be working shorter and shorter hours in their paid_11 employment _.It follows that the housewife will

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also_12 expect_ to be able to have more_l3 leisure_ in her life without lowering her standard of living.It also follows that human_14 domestic _ servants will have completely _15 ceased_ to exist.Yet the great_16 majority _of the housewives will wish to be relieved completely from the_17 routine _operations of the home such as scrubbing the floors or the_18 bath_ or the_19 cooker_.Or washing the clothes or washing_20 up_,or dusting or sweeping,or making beds.

1.A.proceeds B.profits C. Projects D. promotes

2.A.events B.processions C.essentials D. luxuries

3.A.shower B.Shopping C.Shoulder D. shelter

4.A.Warmth B.friendship C.sickness D. disease

5.A.fulfill B. remark C.reject D. regulate

6.A.for B.with C.on D.in

7.A.increase B.reduce C.release D.relax

8.A.all B.What C.which D.that

9.A.leave B.lower C.locate D.list

10.A.Chance B.Choice C.alternative D.Substitute

11.A.labor B.employer C.employee D. employment

12.A. consider B.exist C.expect D.expend

13、A.Iever B.leisure C.liberty D.luck

14,A,dramatic B.domestic C.diverse D.discrete

15.A.paused B,B. stopped C. ceased D. ended

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16.A.majority B.minority C. minimum D· maximum

17.A.rotary B.row C.route D. routine

18.A. bathe B.bay C.bath D. bat

19.A.cook B.cooker C.coil D. comb

20.A.up B. away C. out Dover


He promised to help us to buy the house, but a little reluctance.


She urged me to accept that new position, although the job is not very well paid.


I'll try my best to meet the requirements of our customers.


Now that you are planning to move to Canada, you must try to adjust to the cold weather.


In the 21st century people will order their goods at home through the

Internet and have the delivered.


Eight out of every ten studends wil use sources such as museums and science facilities in doing their homework assignments.


When I go to work ,I prefer to take a bus rather than drive and that

morning was no exception.


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The increase in information and knowledge about management will be more important to top managers


As smoking advertising is banned in many areas,smoking cigarettes will be under siege.


It is what we do and what we do not do that determine our future.


I knew all along that he would graduate with distinction.


The working staff had some reservations about the truth of the claim.


The local government will not hesitate to take the severest measures

against criminals.


They finally fulfilled pledges to work for the freedom of their country at the expense of their lives.


At the weekly meeting, everyone must confine his remarks to the subject.

Passage Two

The oldest tone buildings in the world are world are the pyramids. hey have stood for nearly 5,000years, and it seems likely

they will continue to stand for thousands of years yet. There are over eighty of them scattered along the banks of the Nile, some of

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which are different in shape from the true pyramids. The most famous of these are the “Bent” pyramid.

Some of the pyramids still look much as they must have done

when they were built thousands of years ago. Most of the damage suffered by the others has been at the hands of men who were looking for treasure or, more often, for stone to use in modern buildings. The dry climate of Egypt has helped to preserve the pyramids. and their very shape has made them less likely to fall into ruin. These are good reasons why they can still be seen today, but perhaps the most important is that they were planned to last for ever.

It is practically certain that plans were made for the building of

the pyramids because the plans of other large work have fortunately been preserved. How ever, there are no writings or pictures to show us how the Egyptians planned or built the pyramids them selves. Consequently, we are only able to guess at the methods used. Nevertheless, by examining the actual pyramids and various tools which have been found, archaeologist have formed a fairly clear picture of them.

One thing is certain: there must have been months of careful

planning before they could begin to build. The first thing they had to do was to choose a suitable place. You may think this would have been easy with miles and miles of empty desert around, but a

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pyramid could not be built just anywhere. Certain rules had to be followed, and certain problems had to be overcome.

The step pyramid had to be on the west side of the Nile; the

side on which the sun set. This was for religious reasons. It also had to stand well above the level of the river to protect it against the regular floods. It could not too far from the Nile, however, as the stones to build it needed to be carried in boats down the river to the nearest point, Water transport was, of course, much easier than land transport. The builders also had to find a rock base which was not likely to crack under the great weight of the pyramid. Finglly, it had to be near the capital, or better still, near the king’s palace so that he could visit it and personally check the progress being made on the final resting place for his body.

1. One of the reasons why some pyramids remain well preserved is A. people have taken good care of them

B. it doesn’t rain often in Egypt

C. they have been buried in sand

D. the Egyptian government has protected them form harm

2. Most of the damage to the pyramids has caused by A . the weather

B. people searching for gold

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C. the Nile River

D. people in search of building materials

3. We can guess how the pyramids were built because archaeologists have A .studied them and the tools used to built them

B. found the plans of some of them

C. found paintings showing each stage of construction

D. found descriptions of how some were built

4. What, according to the writer, is the “one thing that is certain”

A . Pyramids required extensive planning

B. A pyramid’s site was not chosen with care

C. We know nothing else about the building of Pyramids

D. Pyramids posed many difficult problems

5. Why did the Egyptians build the pyramids along the bank of the Nile?

A . This must have been for religious reasons.

B. It was difficult problems to find large rock bases far from the river

C. Pyramids has to be built on the west side of the Nile

D. The river helped a lot in the transportations of building materials.

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Passage Four

The Last Supper is regarded as one of the supreme masterpieces in

the whole field of pictorial art.Tradition has it that Leonardo da Vinci worked for ten years upon the painting,the monks in the church fretting at the delay.it was said that Leonardo often painted continuously from dawn to night without eating his meals. But at other times he spent hours before the picture,lost in contemplation,examining,comparing,and gauging his figures.

This inactivity roused the indignation of the fussy Prior, the head of

the church,who belonged to the large group of those who believe that the busier a man seems, the more he accomplishes; and so he tried to find fault with the idle painter.Leonardo was slightly incensed and explained to somebody else that there is a great difference between the work of the creative artist and the stonemason. The creative artist needs time for contemplation;he may be busiest when his hands are idlest.Just now he needed two heads to complete the picture; that of Christ,for which no model on earth could be found,for where was the man to be found whose face would express the strength,and beauty, and tenderness,and the sorrow of the Christ; then he also needed a head of Judas,and that was hard to find as well,for where was the man whose face could express the meanness of that base traitor. But he would look no further, if none came his way,he would be satisfied to take the Prior as a model for Judas,This

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threat silenced the irritable Prior.who quite naturally had no desire to pass to descendants in such a fashion.

1.Why did the Prior complain about the delay?

A.Because he thought that the painter idled most of the hours.

B.Because he knew that genius might be busiest when seemingly idlest.

C.Because he liked the work of a stonemason.

D.Because he was eager to be taken as a model for Judas.

2.What does “contemplation” in the last sentence of Paragraph mean?

A.possibility.B.intention.C.deep thought D.expectation.

3.which of the following is True?

A.The painter was pleased with the Prior’s complaint.

B.The Prior was angry because he thought the painter did not work had.

C.The painter took one of the monks as a model for Christ.

D.The painter took one of the monks as a model for Judas.

4.Which of the following is Not true?

A.Leonardo took the fussy Prior as a model for Judas.

B.The prior was discontented With Da Vinci’s masterpieces.

C.The painting was accomplished in ten years.

D.The painting is justly regarded as one of the world’s masterpieces.

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5.Why did the Prior stop complaining?

A.He did not wish to be remembered like an evil traitor after he died.

B.He wanted to be painted as Judas who betrayed his master.

C.He disliked to be painted in fashionable clothes.

D.He was pleased to be a fashionable model.

Passage Seven

Have you ever stood in front Of a large group of people and had to speak or perform?some people perform in front of an audience every single day. They are the professional entertainers and their work is not always easy.

Every night in the theatre,actors and actresses have to remember thousands of words.Every night in concert hall and night clubs,musicians try hard to make no mistake when they play their music.Singers worry about singing the right notes.Magicians are nervous about making mistakes,worrying that one day a magic trick or a card trick will not work.Perhaps circus clowns and night club comedians,however have the hardest job of all.They have to make people laugh everyday with well-told jokes and funny acts.No,being an entertainer is not such an easy way to make a living·

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A lot of people also think that all entertainment world makes a lot of money of course,there are a few film stars,pop stars and television personalities who make millions of pounds every time they open their mouths.There are also a few famous film directors who make a lot of money telling actors and actresses how to speak and where to stand.Some of the best stunt men and women are also well-paid for jumping out of moving cars and off high buildings,and for all the other dangerous things that they have to do.However, there are also thousands and thousands of actors, actresses and singers who find it very difficult to get work acting and singing.Then, when they do find work,most of them earn very little money

1.From the passage,we know a magician_______________.

A.is good at telling jokes to others

B.performs in plays on the stages

C.does clever tricks with his or her hands

D.is a person interested in tricking

2.The word-closest in meaning to “entertainer” is

A.performer B.actor C.comedian D.physician

3.Who was a comedian among the following famous persons?

A.Charles Dickens B.Charlie Chaplin C.Mark Twain

D.Bernard Shaw

4.the following people make a lot of money except___________.

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A.a movie star B.film director C.a composer D.a pop star

5.The best title for the passage is_____________.

A.Famous Entertainers’ Work B.How Entertainers Work

C.Who Makes More Money D.Entertainers

Passage Ten

In the United States today, nearly halt of us live In areas that we refer to as the suburbs.Any dictionary will define the suburbs as those areas。usually residential,that lie outside cities and towns.But,for millions of Americans in the last thirty years、the suburbs have come to mean much more than that.

For those who moved to the developing suburbs alter the Second World war they represented an escape from urban congestion to a home of ones own--preferably one with an attached two-car garage---on a little half-acre of tree-shaped land.It also meant dally commutation to work by railroad or expressway,a lawn to mow and a mortgage to pay off over the years.

Nobody approves of life in the suburbs but the people who live there Urban critics argue that suburbanites enjoy all the cultural,educational,and commercial advantages that cities offer without paying for them.Farmers Worry about losing their farms to uncontrolled suburban sprawl.The suburbs have also been criticized for the monotonous sameness of their design and for their ability to insulate their inhabitants

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from the problems of the larger society In which they live.

On the other hand,defenders of the suburbs argue that the life-style that they offer is more varied and more Inclusive than the critics admit:there are many different kinds of suburbs and a variety of people living in them.While the development of the suburbs has created problems,it has also provided substantial modern housing for millions of people.Suburban living offers the best of two worlds—the city and the country----at a price that many are able to afford.

Many people will always prefer the hectic pace and excitement of life in the city, while others will want the more tranquil pace of life in the country But for those in either city or country who are willing to compromise,the suburbs are waiting.

l.The best title for this passage would be_______________.

A.Today’s Americans B.Suburban Life

C.Daily Commutation D. Urban Congestion

2.In the first sentence of*the second paragraph,the word “they” most probably refers to______________

A.the cities and the towns B.millions of Americans

C.the developing suburbs D.people who moved to the suburbs

3.People who are against suburbs thought that.

A.people living In suburbs cannot enjoy the advantages of city life.

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B.people living In suburbs have the same problems as city people

C.it is inconvenient for people to live In suburbs

D.living In suburbs cannot provide various life-styles

4.The word “suburbanites” in the third paragraph most probably means______

A.suburban areas B.suburban defenders

C.suburban critics D.suburban inhabitants

5.Those for suburban life would agree to all of the following except________

A.life in suburbs Is by no means uninteresting

B.suburbs can provide housing for many people

C.the development of the suburbs will create no problems

D.suburbs offer the advantages of both the city and the countryside

Passage Thirteen

Aging Is the process of growing old.it occurs eventually in every living thing provided, of course, that an illness or accident does not kill it premature. The most familiar outward signs of aging may be seen in old people,such as the greying of the hair and the wrinkling of the skin.Signs of aging In a pet dog or cat include loss of playfulness and energy, a decline In hearing and eyesight,or even a slight greying of the coat.Plants age too,but the signs are much harder to detect.

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Most body parts grow bigger and stronger and function more efficiently during childhood.They reach their peak at the time of maturity or early adulthood.After that,they begin to decline.Bones,for example,gradually become lighter and more brittle.in the aged,the joints between the bones also become rigid and more inflexible.This can make moving very painful.

All the major organs of the body show signs of aging.The brain,for example,works less efficiently and even gets smaller In size.Thinking processes of all sorts are slowed down.Old people often have trouble In remembering recent events.

One of the most serious changes of old age occurs In the arteries,the blood vessels that lead from the heart. They become thickened and constricted,allowing less blood to flow to the rest of the body .This condition accounts,directly or indirectly, for many of the diseases of the aged.It may, for example,result in heart attack.

Aging is not a uniform process.Different parts of the body wear out different rates.There are great differences among people In their rate of aging.Even the cells of the body differ in the way they age.The majority of cells are capable of reproducing themselves many times during the course of a lifetime.Nerve cells and muscle fibres can never be replaced once they wear out.

Gerontologists---scientists who study the process of aging---believe

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the wearing out of the body Is controlled by a built-In biological time-clock.They are trying to discover how this clock works so that they can slow down the process,This could give man a longer life and a great number of productive years.

l.What is the main idea in the first paragraph?

A.Signs of aging are easier to detect in animals than in plants.

B.Aging occurs in every living thing after it has reached maturity…

C.The outward signs of aging may be seen in old people,

D.Not all signs of aging are visible·

2.“ The arteries“ refers to___________.

A.the paths along which blood flows to all parts of the body

B.the tubes carrying blood back to the heart

C.vessels that are thickened and constricted

D.such heart diseases as suffered by old people

3.” Aging Is not a uniform process” means that.

A.old people do not have the same outward signs of aging

B.not all people age at the same ape

C.the process of aging is slow.

D.nerve cells and muscle fibres do not age simultaneously

4.Which of the statements about aging Is false?

A.People vary In their rate of aging.

B.The cells of the body age In different ways.

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C.The various parts of the body do not wear out at the same rate.

D.All body cells once worn out can never be replaced.

5,Which piece of information is given in the Passage?

A.Gerontologists can give man a longer fire.

B.Gerontologists can prevent diseases connected with aging.

C.Gerontologists have discovered that aging Is controlled by a built--in biological time--clock.

D.Gerontologists have found ways to slow down the process of aging.

Passage Eighteen

Here are six questions about your approach to life.Try to answer them as honestly as you can.

Are you hard driving and competitive?

Are you usually pressed for time?

Do you want to control others?

Do you have a strong need to do better than others in most things?

Do you eat too quickly?

Do you get upset when you have to wait for anything?

If you have answered“yes”to most of these questions , then I can make a few predictions(预测)about you, based on a recent eight-year study of nearly two thousand people who live the way that you do.

