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1. Software deteriorates rather than wears out because(软件通常是变坏而不是磨损的原因是)

A:Software suffers from exposure to hostile environments(软件暴露在不利的环境中)

B:Defects are more likely to arise after software has been used often(软件错误更容易在使用后被发现)

C:Multiple change requests introduce errors in component interactions(在组件交互中需求发生变化导致错误)

D:Software spare parts become harder to order(软件的备用部分不易组织) 2. Today the increased power of the personal computer has brought about an

abandonment of the practice of team development of software.(如今个人电脑性能的提升导致遗弃了采用小组开发软件的方式。) A:


B:False (假)

3. Which question no longer concerns the modern software engineer?(现如今的软件工程师不再考虑以下哪个问题?) A:B:

Why does computer hardware cost so much?(计算机硬件为什么如此昂贵?) Why does software take a long time to finish?(软件为什么开发时间很长?)

C:Why does it cost so much to develop a piece of software?(开发一项软件的开销为什么这么大?)

D:Why cann't software errors be removed from products prior to delivery? (软件错误为什么不能在产品发布之前被找出?)

4. In general software only succeeds if its behavior is consistent with the objectives of its designers.(通常意义上,只有表现得和设计目标一致的软件才是成功的软件。) A:


B:False (假)

5. Change cannot be easily accommodated in most software systems, unless the system was designed with change in mind.(需求变化不适应于大多数的软件系统,除非软件在设计之初便考虑了变化因素。) A:


B:False (假)

6. The functionality of most computer systems does not need to be enhanced the lifetime of the system.(大多数的软件系统的功能在它们的生命周期内不需要被增强。) A:B:

True(真) False (假)

7. Most software continues to be custom built because(大多数软件产品是定制的原因是)

A:Component reuse is common in the software world.(软件领域中组件复用很普遍) B:

Reusable components are too expensive to use.(组件重用的代价太高) C:Software is easier to build without using someone else's components.(软件很容易被开发因而不需要使用其他的已有的组件)

D:Off-the-shelf software components are unavailable in many application domains. (在很多的软件应用领域中没有现成可用的软件组件)

8. Most software development projects are initiated to try to meet some business need.(大多数的软件开发项目最初都是为了满足一些商业要求.) A:


B:False (假)

9. Software is a product and can be manufactured using the same technologies used for other engineering artifacts.(软件是一个可以通过采用其他工程领域中的相同技术来构建的产品。) A:



10. The nature of software applications can be characterized by their information(软件应用的本质可以被特色化,通过他们信息的) A:B:C:

complexity(复杂度) content(内容) determinacy(确定性)

D:both b and c (b、c都是)

11. Modern software applications are so complex that it is hard to develop mutually exclusive category names.(当今软件应用非常复杂,以至于很难提出类别互斥的名字。) A:


B:False (假)

12. The so called \died and no longer influences decisions made by businesses and software engineers.(90年代所谓的专注了商业和金融的“新经济”消亡了,并且不再影响商业和软件工程师们做出决策。) A:B:

True(真) False (假)

1. What is Software?

2. What is Software Engineering?

3. What are the characteristics of software ?

4. What are major causes of software crisis?

5. Why professional and ethical responsibilities are considered important? 二、第2章软件工程过程模型

1. The formal methods model of software development makes use of mathematical methods to(软件开发的形式化方法模型利用了数学方法)

A:Define the specification for computer-based systems(定义基于计算机的系统的需求) B:

Develop defect free computer-based systems (开发无错误的基于计算机的系统) C:Verify the correctness of computer-based systems (验证基于计算机的系统正确性)

D:All of the above (以上所有)

2. Evolutionary software process models(软件演化模型) A:

Are iterative in nature(本质上是迭代模型)

B:Can easily accommodate product requirements changes (可以轻易地适应软件需求变化) C:

Do not generally produce throwaway systems (一般不会产生丢弃系统) D:All of the above (以上所有)

3. The rapid application development model is(快速开发模型是) A:

Another name for component-based development. (组件开发模型的别名。) B:A useful approach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly.(当客户无法清晰定义需求时的有效开发手段。)

C:A high speed adaptation of the linear sequential model.(线性顺序模型的高速适应方式。)

D:All of the above.(以上所有。)

4. The spiral model of software development(螺旋开发模型) A:B:C:

Ends with the delivery of the software product(在软件产品发布后结束) Is more chaotic than the incremental model (比增量模型更混乱)

Includes project risks evaluation during each iteration(在每个迭代中都包括项


D:All of the above (以上都是)

5. The linear sequential model of software development is(软件开发中的线性模型是) A:A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined. (当需求被良好定义时的合理开发方式。)

B:A good approach when a working program is required quickly. (程序被急需时的良好开发方式。)

C:The best approach to use for projects with large development teams. (拥有大型开发团队时的最佳开发方式。)

D:An old fashioned model that cannot be used in a modern context.(一个过时的开发模式,已无法在当今的环境中使用。)

6. Which of these is not one of the phase names defined by the Unified Process model for software development?(以下哪一个阶段不属于软件开发中的统一过程模型?) A:B:C:

Inception phase (初始阶段) Elaboration phase (细化阶段) Construction phase (构建阶段)

D:Validation phase(确认阶段)

7. The prototyping model of software development is(软件开发中的原型模型是) A:A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined. (当需求被良好定义时的合理开发方式。)

B:A useful approach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly. (当客户无法清晰定义需求时的有效开发方式。)

C:The best approach to use for projects with large development teams.(拥有大型开发团队时的最佳开发方式。)

D:A risky model that rarely produces a meaningful product.(一个很少产生有意义产品的风险模型。)

8. The incremental model of software development is(软件开发中的增量模型是) A:A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined. (当需求被良好定义时的合理开发方式。)

B:A good approach when a working core product is required quickly. (当核心产品需要被迅速开发时的良好开发方式。)

C:The best approach to use for projects with large development teams. (拥有大型开发团队时的最佳开发方式。)

D:A revolutionary model that is not used for commercial products.(一个不被用于商业产品的演化模型。)

9. The concurrent development model is(并发模型)

A:Another name for the rapid application development model. (是快速开发模型的别名。)

B:Often used for the development of client/server applications. (通常被用于开发客户端/服务器程序。)

C:Only used for development of parallel or distributed systems. (只能被用于开发并行或分布式系统。)

D:Used whenever a large number of change requests are anticipated. (被用于开发可能产生大量需求变动的项目。)

10. In the Unified Process model requirements are determined iteratively and may span more than one phase of the process.(在统一过程模型中,需求在迭代中被确定并且可能跨越不止一个过程阶段。) A:



11. The component-based development model is(基于组件的开发模型) A:

Only appropriate for computer hardware design.(只适用于计算机硬件设计) B:Not able to support the development of reusable components. (无法支持可复用组件的开发)

C:Works best when object technologies are available for support. (有面向对象技术支持时效果最好)

D:Not cost effective by known quantifiable software metrics.(不符合已知的可量化的软件度量的成本效益)

1. Explain why a software system used in a real-world environment must change or become progressive less useful?

2. Provide examples of software projects that would be amenable to the waterfall, prototyping, incremental models.

3. Describe the 5 levels of CMM.

4. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of waterfall model.

5. What are the differences between the 3 incremental models mentioned in this chapter?


1. Use-case actors are always people, never system devices.(用例图中的参与者必须是人,而不能是其他的系统设备。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

2. Which of following is not a UML diagram used creating a system analysis model?(以下的UML图中,那一项不能被用来创建系统的分析模型?) A:activity diagram(活动图) B:class diagram(类图)

C:dataflow diagram(数据流图) D:state diagram (状态图)

3. In win-win negotiation, the customer\\'s needs are met even though the developer\\'s need may not be.(在一个双赢的谈判中,即使开发者的需求不被满足,客户的需求仍应当被满足。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

4. The nature of collaboration is such that all system requirements are defined by consensus of a committee of customers and developers.(合作的本质就在于客户和开发者组成一个讨论组,从而定义出一致的系统需求) A:True(真) B:False (假)

5. Analysis patterns facilitate the transformation of the analysis model into a design model by suggesting reliable solutions to common problems.(分析模式通过提出针对一般性问题的可靠解决方案,有助于将分析模型转换为设计模型。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

6. It is relatively common for different customers to propose conflicting requirements, each arguing that his or her version is the right one.(不同的用户可能提出有冲突的需求,每个人都认为他们自己的版本是最正确的,这是一个较为正常的现象。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

7. In collaborative requirements gathering, the facilitator(在协作需求收集的过程中,协调者) A:cannot be a member of the software team(不能是软件小组的成员) B:cannot be a customer(不能是客户)

C:controls and facilitates the process(控制并协调过程进度) D:must be an outsider (必须是一个外部人员)

8. Which of the following is not one of the context-free questions that would be used during project inception?(下面哪一个选项不是上下文无关、可被用于项目初始阶段的问题?) A:What will be the economic benefit from a good solution?(好的解决方案会带来什么经济利益?)

B:Who is against this project?(谁会反对这个项目?)

C:Who will pay for the work?(谁将为这些工作支付酬劳?) D:Who will use the solution?(谁将使用这个解决方案?)

9. A stakeholder is anyone who will purchase the completed software system under development.(利益相关者将购买开发完成后的完整软件系统。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

10. The best way to conduct a requirements validation review is to(进行需求验证检查的最好方式是)

A:examine the system model for errors(检查系统模型中的错误) B:have the customer look over the requirements(客户检查需求说明)

C:send them to the design team and see if they have any concerns(让客户去设计小组确认是否与他们的设想有出入)

D:use a checklist of questions to examine each requirement (用一个检查清单列表去检验每项需求)

11. Requirements engineering is a generic process that does not vary from one software project to another.(需求工程是一个一般性的过程,不会因项目的变化而变化。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

12. The result of the requirements engineering elaboration task is an analysis model that defines which of the following problem domain(s)?(需求工程中细化任务的结果是一个定义了以下哪项域的分析模型?) A:information(信息) B:functional(功能) C:behavioral(行为)

D:all of the above (以上所有)

13. The work products produced during requirement elicitation will vary depending on the(需求导出产生的产品将依赖于)

A:size of the budget(预算规模)

B:size of the product being built(产品的规模)

C:software process being used(软件的开发过程模型) D:stakeholders needs (利益相关者的需求)

14. In requirements validation the requirements model is reviewed to ensure its technical feasibility.(在需求验证中,需求模型将被检查以确保技术可行性。) A:True(真) B:False(假)

15. The use of traceability tables helps to(可追溯性表的作用是)

A:debug programs following the detection of run-time errors(在编译程序后发现运行时错误)

B:determine the performance of algorithm implementations(判定算法实现的性能) C:identify, control, and track requirements changes(识别,控制和追踪需求变化) D:none of the above (以上都不是)

16. Which of the following is not one of the requirement classifications used in Quality Function Deployment (QFD)?(以下哪一项不是质量功能展开中的需求分类?) A:exciting(兴奋需求) B:expected(期望需求) C:mandatory(强制需求) D:normal (常规需求)

17. Developers and customers create use-cases to help the software team understand how different classes of end-users will use functions.(开发人员和客户采用创建用例图的方式,帮助软件小组理解不同类型的最终用户将如何使用系统功能。) A:True(真)

B:False (假)

18. The job of the requirements engineer is to categorize all stakeholder information in a way that allows decision makers to choose an internally consistent set of requirements.(需求工程师的工作是划分利益关系者的要求,使得决策者可以选择出一致认可的需求。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

19. The system specification describes the(系统规格说明书描述了)

A:Function, performance and constraints of a computer-based system(系统的功能,性能以及约束条件)

B:implementation of each allocated system(每个分配系统的实现) C:element software architecture(软件元素的架构)

D:time required for system simulation (系统模拟的时间要求)

1. Describe the weaknesses of use-cases as part of the requirements engineering process.

2. What are the major steps for requirements engineering?

3. Give some examples of functional and non-functional requirements.

4. What are the differences between product and process Requirements?

5. Please list some main requirements sources.


1. When using structured design methodologies the process of stepwise refinement is unnecessary. (当使用结构化设计方法时,逐步精炼的过程则显得无关紧要。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

2. Software design is an iterative generic process that may be applied without modification to any software project.(软件设计是一般性的迭代过程,并可以不做修改地应用到任何软件项目)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

3. Design patterns are not applicable to the design of object-oriented software?(设计模式不适用于面向对象的软件。) A:True(真) B:False(假)

4. Software designs are refactored to allow the creation of software that is easier to integrate, easier to test, and easier to maintain.((重构软件设计,使得软件变得更加容易整合、测试和维护。))

A:True(真) B:False (假)

5. Which design model is analogous to the detailed drawings of the access points and external utilities for a house?(下面哪个设计模型可以类比成房子外部和入口的细节设计?) A:Architectural design(架构设计)

B:Component-level design(组件级设计)

C:Data design(数据设计) D:Interface design(接口设计)

6. Inheritance provides a mechanism by which changes to lower level classes can be propagated to all super classes quickly.(继承提供了低层次类的修改可以迅速被传递给所有高层类的机制。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

7. Which of the following models can be used to represent the architectural design of a piece of software.(以下的模型中,哪个可以用来表示软件的架构设计?)

A:Dynamic models(动态模型) B:Functional models(功能模型) C:Structural models(结构化模型) D:All of the above (以上所有)

8. Which design model is analogous to a set of detailed drawings for each room in a house?(哪个设计模型可以被类比成房子中每个房间的细节设计)

A:Architectural design(架构设计)

B:Component-level design(组件级设计) C:Data design(数据设计)

D:Interface design (接口设计)

9. Information hiding makes program maintenance easier by hiding data and procedure from unaffected parts of the program. (信息隐藏通过隐藏程序中的无关部分的数据和过程,使得程序更容易维护。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

10. Which of the following is not a characteristic common to all design methods?(以下哪一项不是所有设计方法的共同特性?)

A:configuration management(配置管理) B:functional component(功能性组件 C:notation quality assessment(质量评估 D:guidelines refinement heuristics (精炼)

11. Since modularity is an important design goal it is not possible to have too many modules in a proposed design.(由于模块化是重要的设计目标,在设计中出现太多的模块是不现实的。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

12. Which design is analogous to the floor plan of a house?(哪一种设计可以被类比成房子的地板设计?)

A:Architectural design(架构设计)

B:Component-level design(组件级设计) C:Data design(数据设计)

D:Interface design (接口设计)

13. Design patterns are best thought of as coding patterns.(设计模式是最好的编码模式。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

14. Polymorphism reduces the effort required to extend an object system by(多态能降低扩展面向对象系统所需的工作量,是通过)

A:coupling objects together more tightly.(将对象耦合地更加紧密。)

B:enabling a number of different operations to share the same name.(不同的操作共享相同的名称。)

C:making objects more dependent on one another.(使对象更依赖另一个对象。) D:removing the barriers imposed by encapsulation (消除封装带来的障碍。)

15. Information hiding makes program maintenance easier by hiding data and procedure from unaffected parts of the program.(信息隐藏通过隐藏程序中的无关部分的数据和过程,使得程序更容易维护。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

16. Frameworks and design patterns are the same thing as far as designers are concerned.(框架和设计模式在设计者眼中是相同的。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

17. Which of the following is not one of the five design class types(以下哪个不是五种设计类的种类)

A:Business domain classes(商业领域类) B:Entity classes(实例类) C:Process classes(过程类)

D:User interface classes (用户接口类)

18. The deployment design elements specify the build order for the software components.(部署设计元素指明了了软件组件的建立顺序。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

19. One of the key problems in software reuse is the inability to find existing reusable design patterns when hundreds of candidates exist.(软件复用的重要问题在于很难在成百上千的已有的设计模式中进行取舍。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

20. The importance of software design can be summarized in a single word(软件设计的重要性可以被概括成)

A:accuracy(精确) B:complexity(复杂) C:efficiency(高效开发

D:quality (对品质的追求)

21. Cohesion is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module(内聚可以用于表示模块)

A:can be written more compactly.(可以被编写地更加紧密的程度。) B:focuses on just one thing.(只专注一项功能的程度。)

C:is able to complete its function in a timely manner.(可以及时地完成它功能的程度。) D:is connected to other modules and the outside world. (与其他模块和外部组件联系的程度。)

22. Which design model elements are used to depict a model of information represented from the user's view?(以下哪种模型元素被用来描绘从用户角度观察到的信息?)

A:Architectural design elements(架构设计元素)

B:Component-level design elements(组件级设计元素) C:Data design elements(数据设计元素) D:Interface design elements(接口设计元素)

23. Coupling is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module(耦合可以用于表示模块)

A:can be written more compactly.(可以被编写地更加紧密的程度。) B:focuses on just one thing.(只专注一项功能的程度。)

C:is able to complete its function in a timely manner.(可以及时地完成它功能的程度。) D:is connected to other modules and the outside world. (与其他模块和外部组件联系的程度。)

1. What does the design engineering include?

2. What are the elements that make up a software architectural style?

3. Explain how effective modular design is achieved through functional independence of the individual modules?

4. What is the goal of data design?

5. Describe the principle of information hiding as it applies to software design.


1. Software quality and functionality must be measured indirectly.(软件质量和功能必须间接地测量。)

A:True(真) B:False(假)

2. Small software organizations are not likely to see any economic return from establishing software metrics program.(小型软件组织不太倾向于从确立软件度量计划中获得回报。)

A:True(真) B:False(假)

3. Which of the following software quality factors is most likely to be affected by radical changes to computing architectures?(以下哪项软件质量因素更容易被计算架构的根本性变动所影响?)

A:operation(操作性) B:transition(转换型) C:revision(修正性)

D:none of the above(以上都不是)

4. Which of following are advantages of using LOC (lines of code) as a size-oriented metric?(以下哪一项是采用代码行数(LOC)进行软件规模度量的优点?)

A:LOC is easily computed.(易于计算。)

B:LOC is a language dependent measure.(依赖于具体的语言。) C:LOC is a language independent measure.(不依赖于具体的语言。)

D:LOC can be computed before a design is completed. (在设计完成前就可以进行计算)

5. Process indicators enable a software project manager to(过程指示器能使软件项目管理者)

A:assess the status of an on-going project(获取正在进行项目的状态) B:track potential risks(追踪潜在的风险)

C:adjust work flow or tasks(调整工作流或任务) D:all of the above(以上都是)

6. The terms measure, measurement, and metric all share the same definition according to the IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terms.(术语measure, measurement, metric共享了IEEE软件工程术语标准词库中的相同定义。)

A:True(真) B:False(假)

7. Which of the following provide useful measures of software quality?(以下哪一项提供了软件质量的有效度量?)

A:correctness, business relevance, integrity, usability(正确性,商业相关度,完整性,可用性)

B:reliability, maintainability, integrity, sales(可靠性,可维护性,完整性,销售额) C:correctness, maintainability, size, satisfaction(正确性,可维护性,规模,满意度)

D:correctness, maintainability, integrity, usability(正确性,可维护性,完整性,可用性)

8. The software metrics chosen by an organization are driven by the business or technical goals an organization wishes to accomplish.(组织选择的软件度量方式由商业目标或组织期望完成的技术目标驱动。)

A:True(真) B:False(假)

9. Why is it important to measure the process of software engineering and software it produces?(为什么说度量软件工程过程和产出产品非常重要?)

A:It is really not necessary unless the project is extremely complex.(其实不必要,除非项目非常复杂。)

B:To determine costs and allow a profit margin to be set.(为了决定开销和盈利线。) C:To determine whether a software group is improving or not.(为了决定软件团队是否有改进。)

D:To make software engineering more like other engineering processes.(为了使软件工程更符合软件工程过程。)

10. Which of the following items are not measured by software project metrics?(以下哪项内容不被软件项目度量?) A:inputs(输入) B:markets(市场) C:outputs(输出) D:results(结果)

11. There is no need to reconcile LOC and FP measures since each is meaningful in its own right as a project measure.(代码行数和功能点度量方式没必要同时使用,因为它们都针对特定的项目度量。) A:True(真) B:False(假)

1. What are the goals for using object-oriented software metrics?

2. What are four useful indicators of software quality that should have measures defined and monitored by the software project team?

3. Why is it important for software developers to make use of measurement to guide their work?

4. How do software process metrics differ from software project metrics?

5. Explain how size-oriented metrics differ from function-oriented metrics. Discuss the pros and cons of each.


1. Comparison testing is typically done to test two competing products as part of customer market analysis prior to product release. (对比测试,作为早于产品发布之前的客户市场分析的一部分,最常被用于测试两个竞争产品。) A:True(真) B:False(假)

2. Random order tests are conducted to exercise different class instance life histories.(随机顺序测试用于引导测试不同类的实例的生命轨迹。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

3. Deep structure testing is not designed to(深层结构测试不被用于)

A:examine object behaviors (检测对象的行为)

B:exercise communication mechanisms (测试通信机制) C:exercise object dependencies (测试对象间的依赖关系)

D:exercise structure observable by the user (测试可被用户观察到的结构)

4. Scenario-based testing(基于场景的测试)

A:concentrates on actor and software interaction (专注于角色与软件之间的交互) B:misses errors in specifications (忽略需求中的错误)

C:misses errors in subsystem interactions (忽略与子系统交互中的错误) D:both a and b (a和b)

5. The testing technique that requires devising test cases to exercise the internal logic of a software module is called(通过设计测试用例对软件模块的内部逻辑进行测试的测试技巧被称为)

A:behavioral testing(行为测试) B:black-box testing(黑盒测试) C:grey-box testing(灰盒测试) D:white-box testing (白盒测试)

6. Graph-based testing methods can only be used for object-oriented systems基于图的测试方法只能被用于面向对象的系统)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

7. Use-cases can provide useful input into the design of black-box and state-based tests of OO software.(用例图能够提供,针对面向对象软件的黑盒以及基于状态的测试设计,的有用输入。)

A:True(真) B:False(假)

8. Multiple class testing is too complex to be tested using random test cases.(使用随机测试用例对多个类进行测试显得过于复杂。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

9. The testing technique that requires devising test cases to demonstrate that each program function is operational is called(通过设计测试用例展示每个软件功能是是否可操作的测试技巧被称为)

A:black-box testing (黑盒测试) B:glass-box testing (玻璃盒测试) C:grey-box testing (灰盒测试) D:white-box testing (白盒测试)

10. Fault-based testing is best reserved for(基于错误的测试最好被用于) A:conventional software testing (一般的软件测试)

B:operations and classes that are critical or suspect (操作和类是关键或可疑的情形) C:use-case validation (用例确认阶段)

D:white-box testing of operator algorithms(运算符算法的白盒测试)

11. Client/server architectures cannot be properly tested because network load is highly variable.(C/S架构无法被有效地测试,因为网络负载变化莫测。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

12. With thorough testing it is possible to remove all defects from a program prior to delivery to the customer.(在产品发布之前,通过彻底的测试有可能移除程序中所有的错误。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

13. Testing OO class operations is made more difficult by(使针对面向对象操作的测试变得更困难的原因是)

A:encapsulation (封装) B:inheritance (继承) C:polymorphism (多态) D:both b and c (b和c)

14. Orthogonal array testing enables the test designer to maximize the coverage of the test cases devised for relatively small input domains.(正交阵列测试使测试设计者可以尽可能大地使测试用例覆盖相对较小的输入域。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

15. Loop testing is a control structure testing technique where the criteria used to design test cases is that they(循环测试作为一种针对控制结构的测试技巧,在设计测试用例时需要遵循的标准是)

A:rely basis path testing (依赖于基本路径测试)

B:exercise the logical conditions in a program module (测试程序模块的逻辑条件)

C:select test paths based on the locations and uses of variables (基于变量的位置和使用情况选择测试路径)

D:focus on testing the validity of loop constructs (专注于测试循环结构的有效性)

16. Condition testing is a control structure testing technique where the criteria used to design test cases is that they(条件测试作为一种针对控制结构的测试技巧,在设计测试用例时需要遵循的标准是)

A:rely on basis path testing (依赖于基本路径测试)

B:exercise the logical conditions in a program module (测试程序模块的逻辑条件)

C:select test paths based on the locations and uses of variables (基于变量的位置和使用情况选择测试路径)

D:focus on testing the validity of loop constructs (专注于测试循环结构的有效性)

17. Encapsulation of attributes and operations inside objects makes it easy to obtain object state information during testing.(将属性和方法封装在对象中,使得测试中获得对象状态信息变得很容易。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

18. Test case design \individual operations.(面向对象软件中的测试用例设计“尽可能小”的原则,是由独立操作的算法细节驱动的) A:True(真) B:False (假)

19. The cyclomatic complexity metric provides the designer with information regarding the number of(圈复杂度度量为设计者提供了针对关于什么数量的信息?) A:cycles in the program (程序的周期) B:errors in the program (程序的错误)

C:independent logic paths in the program (程序中独立逻辑路径) D:statements in the program (程序中声明)

20. Equivalence testing divides the input domain into classes of data from which test cases can be derived to reduce the total number of test cases that must be developed.(等效性测试将输入域划分成几类数据,这些数据可以减少总的必须实现的测试用例数量。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

21. Which of the following are characteristics of testable software?(以下哪些是可被测软件的特性?)

A:observability (可观察的) B:simplicity (简单的) C:stability (稳定的)

D:all of the above (以上所有)

22. The cyclomatic complexity of a program can be computed directly from a PDL representation of an algorithm without drawing a program flow graph.(程序的圈复杂度可以直接通过一个算法的PDL表示进行计算,而不用画程序流图。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

23. Real-time applications add a new and potentially difficult element to the testing mix(实时软件给测试带来了新的潜在困难,这个困难与以下哪项相关?)

A:performance (性能) B:reliability (可靠性) C:security (安全性) D:time(时间)

24. Boundary value analysis can only be used to do white-box testing.(边界值分析只能被用于进行白盒测试。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

25. Which of these techniques is not useful for partition testing at the class level(以下哪项技巧对于类层面的分区测试无效?)

A:attribute-based partitioning (基于属性的分区) B:category-based partitioning (基于类别的分区) C:equivalence class partitioning (等效类分区) D:state-based partitioning (基于状态的分区)

26. Tests derived from behavioral class models should be based on the(行为类模型相关的测试应当建立在)

A:data flow diagram (数据流图上)

B:object-relation diagram (对象关系图上) C:state diagram (状态图上) D:use-case diagram(用例图上)

27. Data flow testing is a control structure testing technique where the criteria used to design test cases is that they(数据流测试作为一种针对控制结构的测试技巧,在设计测试用例时需要遵循的标准是)

A:rely on basis path testing (依赖于基本路径测试)

B:exercise the logical conditions in a program module (测试程序模块的逻辑条件)

C:select test paths based on the locations and uses of variables (基于变量的位置和使用情况选择测试路径)

D:focus on testing the validity of loop constructs (专注于测试循环结构的有效性)

28. Program flow graphs are identical to program flowcharts.(程序流图和程序流程图是相同的。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)


1. Acceptance tests are normally conducted by the(验收测试通常由以下哪类参与者进行?)

A:developer(开发人员) B:end users(最终用户) C:test team(测试小组)

D:systems engineers (系统工程师)

2. Configuration reviews are not needed if regression testing has been rigorously applied during software integration. (如果严格的回归测试已经被应用到了软件集成过程中,审阅配置是没有必要的。) A:Tru(真) B:False(假)

3. Performance testing is only important for real-time or embedded systems.(性能测试只在实时或嵌入式系统中显得重要。) A:True(真) B:False(假)

4. Software validation is achieved through a series of tests performed by the user once the software is deployed in his or her work environment.(软件验证是通过,部署在某些特定用户的工作环境中后,由用户进行的一系列测试。) A:True(真) B:False(假)

5. What is the normal order of activities in which traditional software testing is organized? a. integration testing b. system testing c. unit testing d.validation testing (传统软件测试的正常顺序是?a. 集成测试 b. 系统测试 c. 单元测试 d.验证测试) A:a, d, c, b B:b, d, a, c C:c, a, d, b D:d, b, c, a

6. The focus of validation testing is to uncover places that a user will be able to observe failure of the software to conform to its requirements.(验证测试关注点在于,发现用户可能观察到的错误,使得软件与需求一致。) A:True(真) B:False(假)

7. When testing object-oriented software it is important to test each class operation separately as part of the unit testing process.(当测试面向对象的软件时,在单元测试中逐个单独测试每个类的操作(方法)很重要。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

8. In software quality assurance work there is no difference between software verification and software validation.(在软件质量确认中,软件验证和软件确认没有区别。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

9. By collecting software metrics and making use of existing software reliability models it is possible to develop meaningful guidelines for determining when software testing is finished.(通过收集软件的度量指标,并利用已有的软件可靠模型,有可能得出有意义的原则,用于判断软件测试是否完成。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

10. Drivers and stubs are not needed for unit testing because the modules are tested independently of one another.(驱动程序和桩程序在单元测试中是不需要的,因为模块是被独立测试的。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

11. Smoke testing might best be described as(烟雾测试可以被描述为) A:bulletproofing shrink-wrapped software(防弹收缩包装软件) B:rolling integration testing(滚动集成测试)

C:testing that hides implementation errors(测试隐藏实现的错误) D:unit testing for small programs (小程序的单元测试)

12. The OO testing integration strategy involves testing(面向对象测试集成策略包含测试)

A:groups of classes that collaborate or communicate in some way(通过某些方式相互协作通信类群)

B:single operations as they are added to the evolving class implementation(被添加到演化类实现中的(操作)方法)

C:operator programs derived from use-case scenarios(从用例场景中生成的运算符程序) D:none of the above (以上没有)

13. The best reason for using Independent software test teams is that(采用独立的软件测试小组的最佳理由是)

A:software developers do not need to do any testing(软件开发者不需要做任何测试) B:a test team will test the software more thoroughly(测试小组可以更彻底地测试软件) C:testers do not get involved with the project until testing begins(测试人员指导测试开始时才参与到项目中)

D:arguments between developers and testers are reduced (可以减少开发人员和测试人员之间的分歧)

14. Bottom-up integration testing has as it's major advantage(s) that(自底向上测试的主要优点是)

A:major decision points are tested early(主要的决策点能尽早地被测试) B:no drivers need to be written(不需要写驱动程序) C:no stubs need to be written(不要写桩程序)

D:regression testing is not required (不需要进行回归测试)

15. Security testing attempts to verify that protection mechanisms built into a system protect it from improper penetration.(安全测试旨在验证系统中的保护机制确实能够抵御不符合规则的操作)

A:True(真) B:False (假)

16. Debugging is not testing, but always occurs as a consequence of testing.(调试不是测试,但通常作为测试的结果而进行。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

17. Stress testing examines the pressures placed on the user during system use in extreme environments.(压力测试,旨在检测系统在极端环境中使用时,用户承担的压力。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

18. Class testing of object-oriented software is equivalent to unit testing for traditional software.(面向对象软件的类测试等同于传统软件中的单元测试。) A:True(真) B:False (假)

19. Recovery testing is a system test that forces the software to fail in a variety of ways and verifies that software is able to continue execution without interruption.(恢复性测试是系统测试,旨在通过多种方式让软件失效,并验证软件能够在没有中断的情况下继续执行的能力。)

A:True(真) B:False (假)


1. Effective software project management focuses on four P's which are(有效的软件项目管理关注的“4P”,指的是)

A:people, performance, payoff, product(人,性能,收益,产品) B:people, product, performance, process(人,产品,性能,过程) C:people, product, process, project(人,产品,过程,项目) D:people, process, payoff, product(人,过程,收益,产品)

2. Organizations that achieve high levels of maturity in people management have a higher likelihood of implementing effective software engineering processes.(在人员管理上拥有高成熟度的组织更有可能实现有效的软件工程过程。) A:True(真) B:False(假)

3. The first step in project planning is to(项目计划的第一步是) A:determine the budget.(计划预算。)

B:select a team organizational model.(选择一个管理模型。) C:determine the project constraints.(发现项目约束。) D:establish the objectives and scope.(确定目标和领域。)

4. Process framework activities are populated with(流程框架活动包括) A:milestones(里程碑) B:work products(产品) C:QA points(质量确认点) D:All of the above (以上所有)

5. Project management is less important for modern software development since most projects are successful and completed on time.(由于大多数的项目能够成功并按时完成,项目管理在当今的软件开发中相对不重要了。) A:True(真) B:False(假)

6. Which of the following is not generally considered a player in the software process?(以下哪一项通常不是软件过程中考虑的参与者?) A:customers(客户) B:end-users(用户)

C:project managers(项目管理者) D:sales people(销售人员)

7. The best person to hire as a project team leader is the most competent software engineering practitioner available.(项目组最好的领导者是最经验丰富、能干的软件开发者。)

A:True(真) B:False(假)

8. The best project team organizational model to use when tackling extremely complex problems is the(当处理非常复杂问题时,最好的项目组管理模型是)

A:closed paradigm(封闭的方法范式) B:open paradigm(公开的方法范式) C:random paradigm(随机的方法范式)

D:synchronous paradigm(同步的方法范式)

9. One of the best ways to avoid frustration during the software development process is to(软件开发过程中避免挫败感的最好方法之一是)

A:give team members more control over process and technical decisions.(在开发过程和技术选择上加大控制。)

B:give team members less control over process and technical decisions.(在开发过程和技术选择上减少控制。)

C:hide bad news from the project team members until things improve. (对项目成员隐藏坏消息,直到情况改善。)

D:reward programmers based on their productivity.(根据程序员的产出对他们进行奖励。)

10. Small agile teams have no place in modern software development.(小型灵活的开发小组已在当今软件开发中毫无地位。) A:True(真) B:False(假)

11. Which of these software characteristics is not a factor contributing to project coordination difficulties?(以下哪一个软件特性不是造成项目合作困难的原因?) A:interoperability(互操作性) B:performance(性能) C:scale(规模)


12. Which of these software characteristics are used to determine the scope of a software project?(以下哪些软件特性被用来定义软件项目的范畴?)

A:context, lines of code, function(上下文,代码量,功能)

B:context, function, communication requirements(上下文,功能,交互需求) C:information objectives, function, performance(信息目标,功能,性能)

D:communications requirements, performance, information objectives(交互需求,性能,信息目标)

13. Product and process decomposition often occurs simultaneously as the project plan evolves.(产品和过程分解通常与项目计划同时发生。)

A:True(真) B:False(假)

14. When can selected common process framework activities be omitted during process decomposition?(在过程分解中,什么时候能够忽略一般的过程框架活动?)

A:when the project is extremely small in size(项目规模很小的时候)

B:any time the software is mission critical(任何时候,如果软件是任务关键的) C:rapid prototyping does not require their use(快速原型不需要它们功能的时候) D:never—the activities should always occur(从不,这些活动应当始终贯穿)



1~5 CBABA 6~10 BDABD 11~12 AB


1~5 DDCCA 6~10 DBBBA 11C


1~5 BABBA 6~10 ACBBD 11~15 ADBAC 16~19CAAA


1~5 BBBAD 6~10 BDCBA 11~15 BABBB 16~20 BBBBD 21~23 BBD


1~5 BBDCD 6~10 BDADC 11 A


1~5 BADAD 6~10 BABAB 11~15 BBDAD 16~20 BBACA 21~25 DADBC 26~28 CCB


1~5 BBBBC 6~10 AABAB 11~15 BABCA 16~19 ABAB


1~5 CADDB 6~10 DBDCB 11~14 BCBD

