新职业英语2通用版Unit 8 Business start up

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Unit 8 Business start up Teaching objective After studying this unit, the students are able to master the key words and structures, and more importantly, to communicate for the following purposes: ? know the basic steps in starting up a company ? discuss what business to start ? talk about the ways to raise capital ? express a preference in choosing a business location ? make comments on interview performances ? deliver a thank-you speech The method of approach 1. Discussing, listening, reading, presenting, and role-playing by the students; 2. Explanation and demonstration by the teacher; 3. After-class research and practice by the students. Unit content Reading A: Risk it When Young Reading B: Setting up s Home-based eBay Business Listening & Speaking: Starting s Business Writing: Report Mini-project: Drafting a Business Start-up Plan Learning Strategy: Using the Internet to Learn English Time requirement: 8-9 periods 1

Unit Focus

ambition approach auction bidder course crafts debit card dumb end up feedback figure in fund

get(sth) off the ground graduate school hindsight impressive inventory minor odd on track pay off prompt range route slip under one’s belt utility verification wares workaday

Teaching procedures

This unit is arranged for a time span of 8 hours, during which a time limit is suggested for each step. Though it’s always important to keep a time limit in mind for each activity, a teacher should never stick to a rigid time plan in teaching, but rather follow a more flexible time table when dealing with unexpected in-class occurrences and make necessary adjustments accordingly. Note that not every step suggested here is a must in teaching. A teacher can make whatever changes he thinks necessary. Hour 1:

Course introduction 45 minutes Warming-up Task 1 10 minutes Objective: Ss can identify the advantages and disadvantages of being an employee and a self-employer. Steps:

? Ss read Warming-up Task. ? Explain difficult words to Ss.

? Ask Ss to discuss with their partners and do the task. ? Ask Ss to give their answers ? Give comments. Key

New words in Reading A 15 minutes

Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc. Steps:


Discussions before Reading A 10 minutes

Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc.. Steps:

? Ss know something about Reading A. ? Ss discuss the following the questions:

Start an business, or start graduate school and a new job? ? Comment briefly on their work. Hours 2-3:

Reading A 45 minutes

Language points 35 minutes

Paragraph 1

approach v. to come near to someone or something in distance or time; to begin to deal with a problem, task, etc. in a particular way

e.g. It is not allowed to approach the forbidden area.

e.g. As they approached the wood, a rabbit ran out of the trees.

Paragraph 2

suck someone into something to involve someone in an activity or a situation, especially one they don’t want to be involved in

e.g. The government should carry out a policy to help the teenagers who are sucked into a life of crime.

slip away to stop existing; to disappear e.g. Their support gradually slipped away.

e.g. Those young guys were sucked into computer games and time slipped away quickly.

Paragraph 4

hindsight n. the ability to understand facts about a situation only after it has happened e.g. By hindsight, I should have gone there earlier. e.g. We often realize mistakes we’ve made with hindsight. dumb a. (informal, especially AmE) stupid e.g. That was a pretty dumb thing to do.

Paragraph 5

course n. the general direction in which someone’s ideas or actions are moving e.g. The president appears likely to change course on some key issues.

e.g. Politicians are often obliged to steer a course between different interests. fund n. a sum of money or other resources set aside for a specific purpose e.g. The government supplied them with the fund to build the hospital. scrape v. to manage to win or get something with difficulty

e.g. The family scraped together some cash to send the boy to further his study abroad. e.g. That poor guy scraped a living by the craft of making furniture.


get (something) off the ground to start happening successfully

e.g. Without more money, the movie is unlikely to get off the ground. pay off (of a plan or action) to be successful and bring good results e.g. You are taking a risk on a bet that will pay off poorly. raise v. to bring or collect money

e.g. The local government raises money from the neighbors for a charity every year. e.g. He fails to raise the extra three thousand dollars.

high-profile a. (only before noun) receiving or attracting a lot of public attention on television, in newspapers, etc.

e.g. They have started a high-profile campaign to raise standards.

Paragraph 7

range v. to include a variety of different things in addition to those mentioned; to vary between two particular amounts, sizes, etc.

e.g. The paper deals with the nation’s problems, ranging from inflation to air pollution. e.g. There were 120 students whose ages ranged from 10 to 18.

utility n. a service provided for the public, such as water, electricity, or gas; the state of being useful, profitable or beneficial.

e.g. Their research project has limited practical utility.

Paragraph 8

on track acting or thinking in a way that is likely to achieve a particular result e.g. James is on track for the gold medal.

e.g. After long frustration, we have put the project on track again.

Paragraph 9

under one’s belt having already achieved or obtained something e.g. I’ve got 50 flight missions under my belt.

impressive a. making a strong or vivid impression; striking or remarkable e.g. There will be an impressive ceremony for the game.

e.g. This aircraft’s safety record is an impressive testament to its designers’ skill.


WePay: WePay was founded by Bill Clerico and Rich Aberman inAugust 2008 following three observations:

1) Collecting money is a struggle for groups of all sizes—from a group of friends splitting the cost of a ski house to a fraternity collecting membership fees and soliciting donations.

2) People collecting money have two options: hold shared funds in a personal bank account or go through the trouble of setting up a separate bank account.

3) Maintaining transparency and sharing account activity information with group members is a challenge.

Task 1

Objective: Ss can write down the important events

5 minutes



? Ss do Task 1.

? Ask Ss to work individually. ? Check the answers.

Suggested Answers

1.At the end of their senior year at Boston College.

Both Rich Aberman and Bill Clerico faced a tough decision as to whether they should start an online-payment processing business, or graduate school and find a new job. 2. Just a few months after graduation

They changed course: Aberman left law school and Clerico quit his job, and they founded WePay.

3. A year after their founding the company

Aberman and Clerico have raised nearly $2 million for WePay from high-profile Internet investors. 4. On march 30

Wepay launched its service, allowing individuals and groups all over the world to establish an account and collect money in a variety of ways.

Task 2 5 minutes

Objective: Ss can answer the questions according to the passage and fill in the blanks. Steps:

? Ss read the passage. ? Ss complete the task.

? Ss compare their work with others. ? Select Ss to present their work. Key Suggested Answers:

Language lab 45 minutes

Task 1 5 minutes Objective: Ss know the spelling and meaning of the words and expressions from

Reading A.



