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The culture differences in commercial contacts between China and


学 院 专 业 班 级 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 日 期

英语学院 商务英语 商务英语1202班 0310120219 翁彬青 冯超 2016年3月26日

摘 要


关键词 : 商务谈判;中美文化差异;思维方式;谈判方式;双赢



With the accelerated development of global economic integration, more and more business activities in various countries, international business negotiations continue to flourish. However, the differences between different cultural mechanisms deepen the conflict between the two sides in the negotiation process. Solutions of different cultural value system, understand and respect for cultural differences can win in the negotiations. In Sino US business negotiations, both sides should be aware to the influence of cultural differences, understanding of cultural differences on Sino US business negotiation influencing factors, so as to take appropriate strategy makes the negotiations carried out smoothly. China is a typical country of collectivism, the United States is a typical individual country. There are great cultural differences between China and America. As China enters the new century and joins the WTO, the relationship between China and the United States has become increasingly close. The development of the global economy and market operation, the business negotiation has become one of the most important contents of international business activities. In business negotiation, inevitably will encounter cultural differences. Therefore, a better understanding of the cultural differences between China and the United States, for the Sino US business negotiation has important significance.

Key Words :commercial contacts; culture difference; mode of thinking; negotiation;



Table of Contents

摘 要 .................................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ II Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1 1 The Culture Differences In Commercial Contacts Between China And America .................................................................................................................... 2

1.1Differences in language and non language behavior .......................................................... 2 1.2Difference Of Values .......................................................................................................... 2 1.3 Difference of thinking mode ............................................................................................. 3 1.4Time concept difference ..................................................................................................... 5 1.5Individualism and collectivism .......................................................................................... 6

2 Countermeasures to deal with the influence of Chinese and American cultural differences on international business negotiation. ................................. 7

2.1Seek win-win is the key negotiations. ................................................................................ 7

2.2 The begining of the negotiation......................................................................................... 9

3 Type of emotion ................................................................................................... 10 4 After negotiations to improve the follow-up to cultural differences ............. 10

4.1Cultural differences in decisions. ..................................................................................... 10 4.2In the Americans, concessions is essential at the conclusion of the contract . ................. 11

Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 12 Acknowledgments .................................................................................................. 13 References .............................................................................................................. 14




In recent years, as the two largest economies, China and the United States trade is developing rapidly. In order to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts, and to safeguard their own interests, negotiators need to learn different cultures. This paper starts from the introduction of the status of Sino US business negotiations, then from the view of value, mode of thinking, customs and other aspects of the analysis the cultural differences. Cultural differences to negotiators thinking dimension. Cultural differences on the negotiations influence. Cultural differences to negotiate group idea influence. Cultural differences influence of negotiating style. To deal with the cultural differences between China and the United States, an accurate grasp of the future negotiations on the advantage and leading and the smooth conduct of business activities and success to enter the international market, achieve a win-win situation. There are great cultural differences between China and America. As China enters the new century and joins the WTO, the relationship between China and the United States has become increasingly close. The development of the global economy and market operation, the business negotiation has become one of the most important contents of international business activities. In business negotiation, inevitably will encounter cultural differences. Therefore, a better understanding of the cultural differences between China and the United States, for the Sino US business negotiation has important significance. In recent years, as the two largest economies, China and the United States trade is developing rapidly. In order to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts, and to safeguard their own interests, negotiators need to learn different cultures. This paper starts from the introduction of the status of Sino US business negotiations, then from the view of value, mode of thinking, customs and other aspects of the analysis the cultural differences. Cultural differences to negotiators thinking dimension. With the increasingly frequent business activities in China and the United States, the impact of cultural differences on Sino US negotiations is particularly important. Solutions of different cultural value system, understand and respect for cultural differences can win in the negotiations.



1 The Culture Differences In Commercial Contacts Between China And America

1.1Differences in language and non language behavior

We understand the differences between Chinese and Western culture through the language, we will have a deeper understanding of the two cultures, and help us to grasp the influence of these two languages on Sino US business negotiations. A typical low linguistic context (Culture) of the United States is the country. In this culture, a lot of information is of clear and specific language transfer. China belongs to the high context culture and in high context culture non language communication and indirect expression is transmitting and the solution information is important factor, body language is widely used, such as the use of eyes, appearance, tone, location, distance, environment non verbal factors to communicate. 1.2Difference Of Values

China values the differences far than the verbal and nonverbal behavior difference hidden deeper, and are therefore more difficult to control and grasp. Business negotiation misunderstanding. The most important communication tool is the language and the language.And culture are complementary and inseparable, so cultural differences may be on a negative impact on effective communication between the two sides. Such as the \battery in Chinese.The trademark is very suitable. And the \elephant\of the English translation of \definitely not right.Confucianism and Taoism and further development of the Chinese comprehensive way of thinking. Han's cosmology and metaphysics in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the ontology of Buddhism in Sui and Tang Dynasties and the song and Ming Dynasties system gradually the comprehensive thinking as thinking characteristics of Chinese. Chinese people like to observe things in general and to global view of research. In the negotiations China tend to exhibit from the whole to the part, from the principle to negotiation style.In practice values differences on international business negotiation behaviors influence mainly manifests in the following several aspects:

1.2.1 Objectivity in international business negotiations reflect the behavior of \things the distinction between\

Chinese culture belongs to the high power distance cultures, is a concrete manifestation of the due status, position, seniority and other differences in the formation of upper and lower levels of vertical relationship, which determines that the Chinese people value the status difference as well as the status. And Confucianism to further deepen the kind of social hierarchy. In China, the



relationship between superior and subordinate has a profound impact on the individual behavior, and most Chinese people also basically accepted in all aspects of social life, including lack of autonomy in business negotiations.

1.2.2American culture belongs to the low power distance culture communication.

The two sides are equal. This equality concept originated in ancient Greek civilization. The development of commercial economy in ancient Greece created mankind's oldest commercial civilization, the interpersonal relationship by consanguinity is a new interest relationship of \government issued the \consciousness. In American culture, self realization is the first principle of life. So in the negotiations, the prominent role of individuals, often a person solely responsible for making the necessary strategies to exercise their rights, to make their own decision to complete task.The final decision is usually by the superior make Westerners, especially Americans towards the understanding of things with strong \at the negotiating table, Americans do not favoritism, do not care about, don't care about and his people in negotiation position is with his peer, make decisions based on facts, data words, and people are not. \words reflects the objectivity of Americans.The United States has experienced a revolution in the bourgeois revolution in the fight for equality and freedom, equality and equality, the principle of equality, justice and fairness, and the United States in the international business activities, the United States.

1.3 Difference of thinking mode

1.3.1 The influence of cultural differences on the way of thinking of negotiators

Chinese culture preference of comprehensive thinking and image thinking, habits problems in various parts of the United as a whole, combine it, attribute and relationship. When faced with a complex negotiation task, the overall decision making method of Chinese culture, pay attention to holism of all the problems, there is no obvious sequence, usually to negotiations finally, will in all the problems to make concessions, so as to achieve package agreement. American cultural preference for abstract analytic thinking. Their thinking process is made from the specific facts, and summed up, to draw conclusions from. The sequential decision method of Americans often break a large task into a series of small tasks, the price, delivery, bear the insurance contract etc. problem solve, each time to solve a problem, have the concessions and commitments from beginning to end, the last is a series of small agreement sum.



1.3.2 The influence of cultural differences on the negotiation style

Negotiations in both horizontal and vertical orientation, lateral negotiation is refers to the main problems involved in negotiations to determine start one by one to discuss a predetermined, when there is a conflict or disagreement in a problem, put the problem on the back, to discuss other issues, so the cycle to proceed, until all settled now.

Chinese business negotiation prefer horizontal negotiations. Longitudinal negotiation is refers to in the negotiations to determine the main problems, one by one to discuss each issue and terms, discuss a problem, solve a problem, until the end of the negotiations. In international business negotiations, Americans are lengthways negotiation. This is its great power status in the negotiations personnel psychological reflection. American negotiators, a \spirit.

1.3.3 The influence of cultural differences on the group concept of negotiation

Modern international business negotiations are likely to be negotiating team group action, which requires members of the group with a strong sense of collective and cooperate with each other in the negotiation process. China is advocating \of a dispute, China members of the negotiating team will fully support the chief representative of a person that speak to the overall strength of the group to compete with each other, showing China's strong concept of groups. Because the United States is an emphasis on the \of the country, so each member of the U.S. negotiating team to speak, no primary and secondary, more loose, group view .Their negotiating group was a loose union, and the Chinese and Americans represented two different groups of people in the East and the West.

Difference Of Negotiating Style

International business negotiation is not only different cultural collision and communication of different cultures. The so-called negotiating style, mainly is refers to in the negotiation process, negotiators manners, things and habits hobby. In the negotiations, Americans and Chinese people are different, usually a direct comparison, don't pay much attention to the establishment of relationships between individuals before the talks. American culture belongs to the low cultural connotation. In the low culture mode, communication is relatively easy and straightforward. American businessman frank, continuously published their own views and opinions. They pay more attention to the practical and of \could not accept the conditions of the other party, clearly tell each other their own can not accept and never vague, make the other side hope. Regardless of introduction or make recommendations, American negotiators are willing to be concise and to the point, as far as possible to provide accurate data. For any indirect, ambiguous answer will be regarded by the



American negotiator for lack of ability and confidence, not sincere or hypocritical. Influenced by the five thousand years of Chinese culture, Chinese people like to collect, sometimes convey some non direct vague information. Americans are respected equality, communication does not emphasize the distinctions of rank. Chinese negotiators tend to have major and minor differences.

1.4Time concept difference

According to Edward Hall's theory, the concept of time can be divided into two categories: linear time concept and the cycle of time view, the former emphasizes \the latter stressed that \a while\to the table as the embodiment of we can understand the United States because of the pressure of competition of the great, everyone is vigorous and resolute, do not want to waste a second of their \in-depth every American mind.Their pursuit of speed and competition and benefit, so in the negotiations they will in all aspects as far as possible to shorten the time to negotiate, and strive to make each negotiation can be quick. For them, how to evaluate a negotiation process, is of how to solve the problem, which the Americans belong to linear time concept of countries. 1.4.1The concept of time.

The performance of different cultural backgrounds from different concepts of time. The United States is a highly developed country, relatively fast pace of life. This makes Americans very seriously, cherish the time, focus on the activities of the efficiency. They will in all aspects as far as possible to shorten the time to negotiate, and strive to make each a negotiation can be a quick fix. And Chinese people's concept of time is cyclical, the Chinese people will be with a long-term vision and system method, importance in a wide range of comprehensive analysis of the issues and measurement issues, the way of thinking showed their own characteristics. Chinese people to solve the problem of the use of long-term vision and system approach, so in the business negotiation often occurs Americans complain that the negotiations each other to stall for time, the lack of efficiency, and negotiation with the other party representatives also blame Americans lack of patience.

1.4.2However Chinese people's concept of time is cyclical.

The Chinese people will be with a long-term vision and system method, in the importance of a wide range of comprehensive analysis of the issues and measurement issues, and hope to fully understand the issues involved, usually pay more attention to cooperation contributed to, and the length of time of completing negotiations will not have very strict restrictions, unwilling to the negotiation fragmented into individual topics to are discussed respectively.For Chinese people, and discuss several issues is normal, and Chinese people are expected to establish long



cooperation relationship, there is quite a lot of time to spend in the understanding of each others relevant information, dinner, entertainment, sightseeing, so negotiations continued will take longer than other expected.Chinese people value the long-term interests, it will spend a long time do a good job in bilateral relations, at the same time, it will take a long time to introduce each other and comprehensive understanding. Once the two sides to establish mutual trust will be long-term cooperation, not easily replaced partners.But for United States, by to pay more attention to the short-term benefits, so in business they will pay more attention to visible economic benefit, and not to spend time in establishing good bilateral relations, so the Americans will frequently change partners.Due to the differences in time orientation between China and the United States is also a cross cultural differences in business negotiations are everywhere. 1.5Individualism and collectivism

As is known to all, the United States is a stressed state of personal achievement, in American business negotiations, negotiators can solely on behalf of the company to make a decision. And for China, the very emphasis on collectivism of the country, the decision is made by the collective, which also led to the decision for a long time, but this is to ensure that the democratic nature of decision-making.

1.5.1The dimension of difference.

It’s easy lead to do Chinese people misunderstand American decision too hasty, irresponsible, who is misunderstood , increase the time cost. Another significant differences reflected in the Chinese delegation to the negotiations usually by a lot of people, and the United States delegation judgment only three or four individuals only.For example, a American Software Inc and a software company in China to discuss cooperation matters, the United States to negotiate a delegation composed of three members: the main negotiator, translator and legal adviser.While the Chinese delegation by the large and small dozen departments in charge and related personnel, but whenever you need to make a decision when they are informed of the need for higher authorities to verify and approve the party can be determined, which makes the U.S. Confuse.

1.5.2As far as the right distance is concerned.

China is an obvious high power distance country.Foreign negotiators should with a Chinese company sent negotiators in rank or position relative, if foreign companies negotiator for positions below the Chinese negotiators and Chinese negotiators will think of themselves and Chinese companies do not respect to attach importance.the United States is a low power distance countries, so high and low positions of status did not require special. In addition, China in introducing Chinese negotiators often emphasize negotiators position in the company, such as the




Cultural factors of international business negotiation influence is most direct, most widely. With the arrival of global economic integration, economic and trade activities have become increasingly frequent, international business negotiation's success with the results directly affect trade. To want to remain invincible in the business activities, in-depth of national culture and carry out comprehensive study and try to reduce and avoid the negative impact brought by cultural differences. The difference of the Sino US business negotiations in the cultural differences. If you want to in the negotiations in the initiative, the success of the negotiations, we must carefully study the cultural differences between the two sides. First, we should actively understand foreign cultures, accept and respect each other's culture. Secondly, we must reject the ethnocentrism or psychological. In addition, it is necessary to establish the awareness of cross-cultural negotiations, recognize that negotiators from different cultural backgrounds in demand, motivation and beliefs of different, negotiation strategy to adapt to each other's cultural appeal, an in-depth understanding of the cultural roots of the differences in US business negotiations, master to overcome these differences of strategy for the success or failure of the business negotiation has important significance.To grasp the direction and progress of the negotiations in business negotiations must be enhanced to the cultural difference sensitivity that cultural differences, cultural background and habits of the detailed understanding of the negotiation object and transcending cultural limits, and on this basis, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, respect for different behaviors under different culture businessman, reduce unnecessary conflict caused due to a lack of respect for each other. To establish mutual cooperation atmosphere, develop the appropriate negotiation strategy.




First I appreciate my university gives me a comfortable learning atmosphere.Second I want to thanks my supervisor for she’s help during the representation.Words could never express my thanks to him. From grammar,writing style,format and research skills,she has taught me everything and she has been always so patient to me whenever she revises my reports imistakes. She has been encouraging me all the time. Though my report still contains lots of problem, I have already learned a lot from this project just because of her help. I am really grateful to my teacher

To my classmate,I want to let them know that it is important for help me with my work being with your guys is the happiest time I ever had.They gave me valuable comments and suggestions, Again, a special thanks to my friends we have good time, live and work together, and give me sincere encouragement and selfless help which I was unforgettable,thanks.This paper was start at February, I searched many different sites, saved many different information, lay the foundation for my thesis.




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