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Unit 1 college

1、要是我赶不上飞机或火车怎么办? What if I miss the plane or the train ?

2、那位演员在成名之前,经历了一段艰难困苦的时期。 The actress went through a tough period before she was well-known .


Remember not to leave out any words when you’re copying the file .

4、大家一致认为,他的粗心大意造成了这次事故 It was agreed that his carelessness resulted in the accident . 5、在冬天,天往往会黑得早一些。 In winter ,it tends to turn dark earlier .

Unit 2 family


It’s natural for Tom to get high grades on the Chinese test 2、他们的计划被一些突如其来的事打乱了 Their plan was upset by something unexpected . 3、她的努力给老师留下了深刻的印象

she impressed her teacher greatly with her hardworking 4、一切都在我们的控制之中。

Everything is under our control 5、如果不能来上课请提前请假

If you don’t come to have lessons ,please ask for leave in advance . Unit 3 sports

1、校长又检查了一遍教室以确保没有学生留在教室里 The headmaster check the classroom again to make sure that no students stay there .

2、在登山前,小组长给大家腰上牢牢地系上了跟绳子 The group leader attaches a long rope tightly to everyone’s waist before climbing the hill .

3、你为什么不参加这项极限运动呢? Why not participate in the extreme sports? 4、蹦极需要极大勇气

Bungee jumping involves much courage 5、亨利突然想到了一个绝妙的主意 A fantastic idea occurred to henry . Unit 4 travel


I’m thirsty ,so I feel like drinking a cup of tea ,what about you ? 2、自从在那次事故中受伤后,他行动迟缓多了。

His action has slowed down a lot since he got hurt in that


3、这个城市里有许多旅游景点 The city has many tourist attractions . 4、因为雨水充沛,今年庄稼长势好 Due to abundant rain, the corn grew well . 5、历史博物馆位于火车站附近

The history museum is located near the railway station . Unit 5 food


The disease always takes the form of high fever 2、那条公路修好后,这座城市周围新建了许多工厂 After the road was built ,many factories sprang up around the city

3、这两个问题在会议上占了首要地位 The two questions dominated the conference .

4、经过讨论,他们同意用国产机器代替原来的外国机器 After the discussion ,they agree to substitute the home-made machines for the original foreign ones


Inspired by birds,the two Americans invented the airplane at the 20the centuries .


Unit 1 Lifestyle


Tom didn't want his parents to be burdened with his tuition. 2、政府正采取各种措施以消除通货膨胀的可能性。

The government is taking measures to eliminate the possibility of inflation.


After the earthquake the Red Cross allocated a large sum of money to help the victims.


The company incurred a heavy loss during the financial crisis. 5、考虑到公司的财务状况,经理认为每个人的费用不应超过100美元。

Taking the financial situation of the company into consideration, the manager thought the cost for each person should not exceed $100.

Unit 2 Environment

1、新鲜空气有益于人们的健康。 Fresh air is beneficial to people's health. 2、如今人们越来越关注社会的可持续发展。

Today,people are more and more concerned about the sustainable

development of the society. 3、教室里一共有30位学生。 The classroom house thirty students. 4、他昨天的演讲令人印象深刻。 He made an impressive speech yesterday. 5、关于这部新戏,人们看法不一。

Varied opinions were expressed on the new play.

Unit3 Money

1、他对目前的工作感到心满意足。 He is content with his present job.


Modern technologies have freed people from heavy housework. 3、安妮尽一切可能使婚姻不致破裂。

Annie did all she could to keep the marriage from falling apart. 4、他再也忍受不住牙痛,于是就去看医生。

He could no longer put up with his toothache, so he went to see a doctor.


In management, it's most difficult to assess an employee's work.

Unit4 advertising


