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Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20%, 25minutes)

Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then , mark your answers on the Answer Sheet. 21. It?s still in the morning. There isn?t in the office.

A. anyone B. everyone C. nobody D. any people 22. is not known that they discussed in the meeting. A. That B. He C. This D. It 23. The best news broke her and she has been gloomy ever since. A. feelings B. emotions C. mind D. heart 24. He is much of a gentleman to fight. A. so B. as C. very D. too

25. Not until this term to realize how important this subject is to his future career as a diplomat.

A. he began B. did he begin C. he has begun D. that he has begun 26. who would like to go on the trip should put their names on the list. A. Those B. These C. Somebody D. The ones 27. A bottle weights less after air is taken out, proves that air has weight. A. we B. it C. which D. what 28. How long ?

A. you suppose did it last B. do you suppose it last C. did you suppose it last D. you suppose it last 29. Smith had some trouble _______ the man?s accent.

A. to understand B. understanding C. for understanding D. with understanding 30. The next few days could be for the peace negotiation. A. maximum B. practical C. critical D. urgent 31. He quite a lot when he was young.

A. used to travel B. used to traveling C. was used to travel D. would use to travel 32. You me your telephone number in case someone wants to contact you. A. had better give B. had better given C. had better to give D. had better gave 33. Mary used to the room with Linda. A. separate B. divide C. hold D. share 34. “Must we hand in our exercise-books now?” “No, you ” A. mustn?t B. don?t C. needn?t D. can?t

35. She pulled away from the window anyone should see them. A. lest B. even though C. unless D. only if

36. Not a has been found so far that can help police find the criminal. A. fact B. clue C. symbol D. sign


37. She would make a teacher far superior the average. A. over B. than C. beyond D. to

38. Radio is different from television in it sends and receives pictures. A. which B. that C. what D. this

39. Tom and Jack have returned but students of the group haven?t come back yet. A. other B. the others C. others D. another 40. It half a year since we to study in this university. A. is; come B. is; have come C. has been; came D. has been; have come 41. The fact that something is cheap doesn?t mean it is of low quality. A. necessary B. especially C. essentially D. practically 42. They set off by car and the nearest town.

A. made for B. made after C. made out D. made to 43. Take this baggage and you can find enough room.

A. put it which B. put it in which C. put it at where D. put it where 44. He doesn?t want that he?s going away.

A. to be known B. him to be known C. that to be known D. it to be known 45. The noise around was terrible, but I had to it. A. keep away from B. keep up with C. live with D. live on 46. He that his guest were bored, although they were listening politely. A. impressed B. sensed C. inferred D. identified 47. On Sundays I prefer at home to out. A. to stay; go B. stay; going C. staying; going D. staying; go 48. I?d like to write to him, but what?s the ? He never writes back. A. significance B. business C. point D. purpose 49. There were opinions as to the best location for the new school. A. disagreeing B. conflicting C. rejecting D. reverting

50. by the news of his father?s death, he could hardly utter a word. A. To be stunned B. Stunned C. To stun D. Stunning 51. , we?d better make some changes in the plan.

A. That is the case B. That to be the case C. That been the case D. That being the case 52. They have equipped the office with the business machines. A. last B. latter C. latest D. later 53. The police found that George had still another of income. A. origin B. source C. basis D. means

54. An open-minded teacher doesn?t always one single teaching method. A. set aside B. take over C. take on D. stick to 55. Much to the student?s , the exam was postponed. A. burden B. concern C. relief D. requirement


56. Children normally feel a lot of about their first day at school. A. anxiety B. difference C. feelings D. trouble

57. The weather was hot that she decided to have the barber her hairstyle. A. rather; to change B. so; change C. much too; change D. too; changed 58. She meet her former instructor on the bus.

A. delighted to B. happened to C. pleased to D. tended to

59. Just as no two words are truly synonymous no two different expressions can mean exactly the same thing.

A. rather B. also C. yet D. so 60. The new engineer?s suggestions were in the revised plan. A. entitled B. engaged C. embodied D. estimated


Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20% 25 minutes)

Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

21. _____ the difficulties associated with the project, we?ll go on with it. A. Given B.In spite of C. Thanks to D. Because of

22. It was almost dark in the streets _______ a few very powerful spotlights. A. excluding B. but for C. except D. except for 23. _______ today, he would get there by Friday.

A. Would he leave B. If he leaves C. Was he leaving D. Were he to leave 24. He gave me some very _______ advice on buying a house. A. precious B. expensive C. wealthy D. dear

25. His goal is not to become a sportsman _________ a champion in a certain field.

A. but rather became B. but rather to become C. but rather becoming D. but rather to becoming

26. I just met her__________ on the way home from the bookstore. A. on purpose B. by accident C. in accident D. in case

27. I don?t know about him, __________ comment on him behind his back. A. let alone B. let go C. leave alone D. take leave 28. My transistor radio is out of order. It ___________.

A. need to be repaired B. need repairing C. needs repairing D. needs to repair 29. No one could tell us anything about the _________ strangers. A. conscious B. mysterious C. serious D. previous

30. Mary ________ all foolish comments and kept on working A. excluded B. ignored C. denied D. discharged 31. I agree with him______, but not entirely.

A. until a certain point B. to some point C. to some extent D. until a certain extent

32. People in some parts of the world often take their water for _____. They use as much water as they wish.


A. granted B. sure C. certain D. pleasure

33. Color-blind people often find it difficult to __________ between blue and green. A. separate B. compare C. contrast D. distinguish

34. Thousands of people in the city ________ to welcome the visiting guests. A. turned off B. turned up C. turned out D. turned over

35. The mountain place is beautiful, but ____ the working conditions, it is terrible. A. when mentioned B. when it comes to C. when it is said D. when it dies to 36. Are you ______ spending more money on the space program? A. in favor of B. by favor of C. in favor to D. out of favor

37. In the _____of many parents, standards of education in the public school are actually falling. A. idea B. thought C. opinion D. principle

38. _____ from space, out earth, with water covering 70% of its surface, appears as a “blue planet”.

A. Seeing B. To be seen C. Seen D. Having seen

39. This year?s total output value of industry and agriculture will increase _____ 5 percent over last year.

A. by B. to C. of D. with

40. Mary is the top student in the class. She studies harder _____. A. than any student B. Than all the students

C. than any other student D. than some other student 41. Many people have applied for the ________ position. A. empty B. bare C. vacant D. blank

42. My new shoes cost me 50 yuan(RMB). The price was _______ that the last pair I bought a month ago.

A. two time more than B. twice as much as C. as twice D. as much as twice 43. Almost everyone failed ________on the first day.

A. pass his driver?s test B. to have passed his driver?s test C. to pass his driver?s test D. passing his driver?s test

44. Over the traditional festival people visit each other and _____ greetings. A. exchange B. wish C. congratulate D. present

45. It was _____ because he was tired out that he fell asleep standing up. A. publicly B. openly C. specifically D, obviously

46. The young man was accused of _______ the lady of her money. A. stealing B. robbing C. taking D. grasping

47. No matter where our Party needs us, we will _____ her call.

A. give answer for B. respond to C. have response to D. answer to

48. It is astonishing that a person of your intelligence _______ be cheated so easily. A. could B. should C. might D. would

49. We were completely ____ when we finally reached the destination. A. worn off B, worn down C. worn out D. worn away 50. Many things ______ impossible in the past are common today.

A. considered B. to consider C. considering D. to be considered 51. Not until many years later ____ known.

A. was the whole truth become B. did the whole truth become


C. the whole truth became D. the whole truth had become

52. We didn?t know his telephone number, otherwise we _____ him. A. would telephone B. would have telephoned C, had telephoned D. must have telephoned

53. There is no point ____ with him, since he has already made up his mind. A, argue B. to argue C, in arguing D. of arguing 54. I appreciate ______ that letter for me.

A. you to write B. your writing C. you write D that you writing 55. I?d like to _____ a special seat for the concert of May 5. A. serve B. reserve C. preserve D. conserve

56. _____ that your son is well again, you no longer have anything to worry about. A. Since B. Now C. When D. After

57. Generally speaking, all kinds of materials will expand when heated but will _____ when cooled.

A. contrast B. contract C. survive D. return 58. You won?t know if it fits you until you ____ it on.

A. will try B. are trying C. are to try D. have tried 59. After all efforts in vain, he had to accept the result ______. A. regularly B. shallowly C. physically D. painfully

60. The rest of his life is ____ to the cause of international exchange of visiting scholars. A. added B. put C. saved D. committed 2003

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20% 25 minutes)

Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

21. A great many cancers can be cured but only if _____ before they have begun to spread or ?colonize? in other parts of the body.

A. properly treat B. properly treating

C. being properly treated D. properly treated

22. _______ she is a likeable girl, she is very difficult to work with. A. Since B. However C. As far as D. While

23. All the _____ tourists gave the robber their money. A. frightened B. frightening C. frighten D. frightful

24. __________ her age, she really did a good job in such a short time. A. Giving B. Gives C. Give D. Given

25. The soldier was _______ with neglecting his duty. A. charged B. conducted C. changed D. committed 26.The reason why the car stopped was ________.

A. because the road was not good B. that the road was not good


包括;如The average cost, excluding insurance, is around $600 a year;but for要不是…就…,通常用于虚拟语气,例如,But for his illness yesterday, he would have come to the meeting.(要不是他昨天生病,他就来参加会议了);except后排除的内容与主语往往是同一类的,而except for后所排除的内容与主语往往不是同一类的,dark(adj.)与spotlights(n.)非同一类属,所以这里应选D。

3. 答案为D。这是考条件状语从句的虚拟语气,“如果他今天离开的话,他会在星期五到


4. 答案为A。precious advice表示宝贵的意见,expensive形容东西贵,wealthy形容人富有,

dear亲爱的,或昂贵的,都不能用来修饰advice。 5. 答案为B。句子用的是not…but rather…的句型,后面跟的应前后一致,前面用的be to do

的形式,but rather后面也应用to do的形式。

6. 答案为B。我是在从书店回家的路上碰巧碰到他的。by accident偶然;on purpose 有目

的的;in case万一,以防;一般没有in accident的表达,因此选B。

7. 答案为A。我不认识他,更不用说背后对他评头论足的了。let alone 更不用说;let go

一般为let sth go表示松开,释放或不在考虑不予理会的意思;leave alone不打扰,因此选A。 8. 答案为C。need 做情态动词时,后跟动词原形,所以A,B不选,做及物动词need doing

表被动的意思,相当于need to be done。

9. 答案为B。因为没有人知道这个陌生人的情况,所以才显得他神秘(mysterious),其他


10. 答案为B。玛丽不顾所有愚蠢的评论,继续工作。ignore表示不予理睬,与句子意思最


11. 答案为C。在某种程度上,我赞同他。to some extent在某种程度上,固定表达。 12. 答案为A。take sth for granted想当然的,视……为理所当然,固定表达。 13. 答案为D。色盲的人很难区分绿色和蓝色。distinguish between A and B区分,区别;separate

通常和from搭配;compare和to/with搭配;contrast 和with搭配,表对比。

14. 答案为B。成千上万的人出来迎接客人。turn up此处表出现;turn off关掉;turn out发

展为,结果为;turn over 转交,发动等。

15. 答案为B。when it comes to 当说到……时,其他都不合适。 16. 答案为A。in favor of赞同,支持,固定表达。 17. 答案为C。in one?s opinion/in the opinion of sb按某人的意见,据某人看来;in sb?s thoughts

被某人挂念;in principle原则上。

18. 答案为C。此题考独立结构,动词形式由主句主语决定,地球是被看到的,所以用被动

式,也不需要用to be seen,后者有表将来的意思。

19. 答案为A。今年工农业的总产值将比去年增长5%。by以某个比例增长;to涨到多少比


20. 答案为C。此题考比较级的用法。她是班里最好的学生,她比任何其他学生都用功,所

以用any other student,A和B都不对,因为她也是一名学生,some other student与原文不符。

21. 答案为C。空缺的职位就用vacant position,固定搭配。

22. 答案为B。这题考倍数的比较,英文表达为倍数+as形容词原级as或倍数+more than;

选项A如改成twice more than也对。

23. 答案为C。几乎所有的人在第一天都没有通过驾驶证的考试。fail to do没能做某事。动



24. 答案为A。exchange greetings 互致问候,用其它都不通。

25. 答案为D。句子是一个强调结构It is….that…选项是作副词,修饰because的从句,表示


26. 答案为B。rob sb of sth固定表达,抢某人某物;steal sth from sb;take sth from sb;grasp


27. 答案为B。respond to one?s call响应……的号召,固定搭配。

28. 答案为B。在It is +形容词/某些动词的过去分词+主语从句的结构中,从句的谓语动

词须 should +do的形式,should可省略。这些形容词包括:decided、important、ordered、advisable、demanded、desired、desirable、essential、insistent、natural、preferable、proposed、 recommended、required、urgent, vital等等。

29. 答案为C。当我们最终到达目的地时,我们都累得不行了。be worn out 疲惫不堪的;

wear off(疼痛,感情等)慢慢消失;be worn down失去信心,精疲力竭;wear away(使)磨损。

30. 答案为A。分词做后置定语,许多以前被认为是不可能的事现在都很普通了。所以应该

用被动形式,而又由于是过去的事,不需要用to be considered这个形式。 31. 答案为B。否定词放句首,常常引起主句部分倒装。

32. 答案为B。我们不知道他的电话号码,否则我们会给他打电话的。本题考核虚拟语气,

表示与过去事实相反,应用would have done,而must have done 表示对过去情况的肯定猜测。

33. 答案为C。There is no point in doing sth做某事没有意义,固定表达。

34. 答案为B。appreciate表感激,通常用appreciate sth或appreciate sb?s doing sth一般不用

appreciate sb to do sth。

35. 答案为B。reserve a seat表示预定位置,其他几个都不行。

36. 答案为B。既然你儿子已经好了,你就不需要再担心什么了。now that表既然,其他几


37. 答案为B。通常来说,物体是热胀冷缩的。contract表收缩。

38. 答案为D。直到你试过以后,你才能知道它适不适合你,until后表达的事情发生在前面

的事之前,要用完成时。 39. 答案为D。在所有努力都白费后,他不得不痛苦地接受这个事实。从句子意思可以看出,


40. 答案为D。他的余生都致力于访问学者国际交流的事业。be committed to致力于……。 2003

Part II Vocabulary

1. 答案为D。很多癌症是可以治愈的,只要在他们扩散到身体其他地方时,被正确的治疗

了。only if引导的条件从句,从句的主语与主句相同被省略,意思表被动,也省略了be动词,形成了独立结构。而选项C就表正在发生的了。

2. 答案为D。尽管她是个可爱的女孩,她是很难共事的。while在这里表转折,however


3. 答案为A。所有受到惊吓的游客把钱给了抢劫犯。frightened表受惊吓的,frightening表


4. 答案为D。考虑到她的年纪,在这么短的时间她已做得很好了。given这里表示考虑到



5. 答案为A。士兵被指控玩忽职守。be charged with被指控??。

6. 答案为B。车停下来的原因是因为路不好。The reason why….. was that… 常用句型,that


7. 答案为A。你最好块一点,否则你上课迟到了。or表否则的话。

8. 答案为C。在接下来的一年,他们去了沙漠旅游。set off出发,启程;set in(令人不快

之物)开始,将临;send for 请(某人)来,安排送来,定购;send off邮寄,安排??去。

9. 答案为B。医生摸了摸约翰的膀子来看看他的骨头有没有断。find out 发现,查出;work

out计算,算出;look at看??;see out送??出门,活得比??长。

10. 答案为D。在昨天的会议上,他没有采纳我的建议。brush aside不理,不顾,漠视;put

away收起,将??放回原处;shut down关闭,停业,关机;show off炫耀,卖弄。 11. 答案为C。下一次会议要讨论什么问题还是个秘密。不定时作后置定语,表示将要被讨


12. 答案为C。是他的懒惰导致他期末考试没有通过。result in 导致,造成;give up放弃;

contribute 作导致时,应为contribute to;distribute分配。

13. 答案为B。老师对我对这首诗的评论提出了批评,这使我读了更多的诗。 charge这里指


14. 答案为D。在很多夜晚,简会熬夜读他男友给她的来信。stay up熬夜,不睡觉;stay on

继续停留;stay out 外出,不在家;一般不用stay off。

15. 答案为B。一年级学生正在北京郊区密云军训,那里靠近我曾经住过的地方。从句中缺


16. 答案为B。林达以及很多像他一样的年轻人申请了打字员工作。apply for申请(职位);

approach接近,临近;appeal to呼吁,吸引,诉诸;approve of赞成。

17. 答案为C。在很多城市,物价正在迅速攀升。go up上升,不及物动词,不用被动,和


18. 答案为A。在这座大楼里每个公寓可容纳六口之家。house给??提供房子。

19. 答案为B。我几乎听不见他在说什么,其他人也一样。首先句子是表否定的,A选项排


20. 答案为C。他一遍一遍的解释,把学生们的耐心都耗尽了。run out用光,耗尽;run over

(开车)碾过,超出;run on超出,讲个不停;run off逃跑,赶走。

21. 答案为D。当邻居王奶奶生病时,这个小女孩经常帮助她。help out帮助摆脱困境;fit in

适合,适应;work out算出,计算出;hold back阻挡,抑制。

22. 答案为C。如果你真的想申请这份危险的工作,虽然我认为这是个疯狂的想法,但是我不

会阻止你的。stand in one?s way 阻碍某人

23. 答案为A。他想看书,但这个时候电话不停的响。meanwhile在此期间,其它意思不对。 24. 答案为C。我不是那种喜欢过费神的假期的人,我觉得应该过轻松的假期。believe in

sth/doing sth 所以A,B排除,take it easy固定词组。

25. 答案为B。如果不把它们写下来,我可能会把它们忘了。write… down记下,写下。 26. 答案为D。她告诉弟弟过马路的时候要好好地抓住她的手。hold on to抓住,tell sb to do


27. 答案为C。如果你不介意的话我宁愿写作业而不愿打牌。would rather do sth than do sth

else宁愿做某事而不做另一件事;prefer to do rather than do或prefer doing to doing。 28. 答案为B。他们的想法是要我们立刻停止罢工。call off the strike 停止罢工;call at 中途


停下;call in拜访;call for呼吁,要求。

29. 答案为B。我的车坏了所以我只能坐公共汽车了。break down 出故障,坏了;fall down

摔倒;fall over跌到,绊倒;turn away不准??入内。

30. 答案为C。从他脸上的表情我可以推断出他很惊讶。expression表情,其他不符句子意


31. 答案为D。北美和南美,哪个更大?两者比较只能用比较级,没有more bigger,可以用

much bigger。

32. 答案为C。你必须自己观察观众对他的演讲有何反应。react to对??作出反应;reach to

伸展,延伸;refer to提到,说到;relate to与??相联系。

33. 答案为A。去年农民的收成很好,所以他们留出一大笔钱来买新机器。set aside留出,

省出;set about开始做,着手做;set up开办,设立;set back阻碍,耽搁。 34. 答案为D。我最喜欢的谚语之一是:“有志者事竟成”。favorite最喜爱的,其它与句子意


35. 答案为B。我们所需要的是长久的燃油供应。All that…结构是指:由that引导的定语从

句来修饰先行词all。当all指物的时候,all that = what; 当all指人的时候,不能如此替换。

36. 答案为A。借此机会,我想表达我对你帮助的真诚的感谢。Appreciation“感激”,其它


37. 答案为C。当船在海上遭遇暴风雪时,船长发出了危险信号。send out 发出;send for

请某人来,定购;send off邮寄,安排??去;一般不用send around。 38. 答案为C。意为“大海把台湾和中国大陆分开”。separate sth from sth固定搭配。

39. 答案为C。已决定由他来安排车去接北京来的客人。It is decided that后面的从句应用

should+动词原形,should 可以省略,所以B,D排除,arrange for表示安排,call for呼吁,要求,与原意不符。

40. 答案为B。我知道这不重要,但我忍不住要想起它。can?t help doing所以排除A,C,句

子没有被动的意思,所以选B。 2004

PartⅡ Vocabulary and Structure

21.D 此题考核的是固定搭配: take…on a tour,意为“带某人参观”。其他选项不能构成这


22.B bring up抚养;grow up指长大,不能用于被动语态;raise up无此结构,但raise可表达

“抚养”,意思同于bring up;feed up是喂养。

23.A 此题考核的是固定搭配,意思为“保持联系”,用keep in touch,其他选项不能构成这




25.A incident指(政治性的,国际性的)事件,争端;happenning表示偶然发生的事件; event




26.C此题考核的是固定搭配put…into practice,意思为:实施,付之实践。其他选项不能构


27.D 此题考核enough的用法。在修饰名词的时候放在名词的前面或后面;而在修饰形容词


28.C 否定词在句首,主句部分倒装,即:助动词,情态动词或补充助动词提前。 29.A 此题为由since引导的时间状语从句,意思为:自从此药投入使用以来,可能已经有十


30.B what引导名词性从句,既可以引导主语从句,又可以主语从句的充当主语成分。What is

called equality 做整个句子的主语。

31.B 句中用了otherwise引导表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,用would have done。此句的

意思为:我们不知道他的电话,否则就会打电话给他。(暗指:没有打电话)。 32.C 固定搭配,have no choice but to do but do to除了…没有选择,如果but前是实义动词

do及其不同时态,语态,不定式的 do要省略。

33.B survive有及物动词的用法,表示为:在…后幸存下来。本句意思为:幸运的是,上个


34.A此题考核的是固定搭配“生活方式”,只能用way of living来表达。

35.C 按句中意思,表示:大多数的…,用most,排除B D;the most 后面直接加名词,不


36.C 此题考察it be…that…的强调句型。如果强调的是“人”可用who代替that,其余均用that.

37.C if后面引导的状语从句完整的形式为it(the brain) is allowed to concentrate…。从句主语


38.B 此题考核的是固定搭配,inform sb. of sth.,通知某人某事。

39.D 不定式的完成时形式to have done,表示动作发生在主句动作之前。文中miss这个动

作发生在主句be sorry这个动作之前。

40. A/ C decline to do sth和refuse to do sth均表示“拒绝做某事”,例:he declined to discuss

his plan;Reject为及物动词,表示拒绝,通常是reject sth/doing sth;delay是及物动词,常用delay doing。

41.A bare,光秃秃的,表面无他物的;empty空的、空虚的;blank空白的;vacant(职位


42.C poll是指民意测验;election大选、选举;campaign运动;vote投票。本题意为:根据


