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Achievement Test for “ Teaching English in the Primary School” I.

Choose the best answer (30%)

Directions: In this part, you are given fifteen questions which are followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the choices carefully and choose the one which can best answer the questions. (30 points, 2 points each)

( ) 1. Which type of approach can best describe the following learning


Discussion about how to solve certain problems A. autonomous learning B. interactive learning C. contextualized learning D. task-based learning

( ) 2. What assessment are used ?

After practicing “past tense”, you can apply it in real situation That’s , good! A. language performance B. improvement in strategies C. progress


D. classroom participation

( ) 3. In teaching vocabulary, what stage is most suitable for the

following activity

The teacher asks students to do information gap. A. presentation B. production C. practice D. B & C

( ) 4. What learning strategy do the following activity help to train

in vocabulary teaching?

The teacher creates a situation for students to use the new words in. A. imagery B. association C. contextualization D. translation

( ) 5. Which role does the teacher play in the following activities?

When the students are doing a group-work task, the teacher joins one or two groups for a short period of time.

A. source of help B. controller C. participant


D. assessor

( ) 6. The activity “skimming to find the main idea” is used at ____


A. pre-reading B. while-reading C. post-reading D. both B & C

( ) 7. What strategy do the following activity help to train reading? Locating the specific information A. skimming B. scanning C. word-guessing D. inferring

( )8. In teaching grammar, what stage can the teacher use for

following activity?

The teacher asks the students to bring out their things from their schoolbags and compare whose are longer, newer, better? A. presentation B. practice C. application D. production ( ) 9. What approach do the following activity reflect?

Writing is a once-for-all action. The first draft is the last and

writing is often assigned as homework. A. Product-oriented approach B. Content-oriented approach C. Communication-oriented approach


D. Process-oriented approach

( ) 10. What items are assessed in the following questions? How well did you work in your group tasks? A. language performance B. improvement in strategies C. progress

D. classroom participation

( ) 11. What is the teacher doing? S: I go to the cinema yesterday. T: You went to the cinema yesterday. A. helping the students to correct her mistakes .

B. giving hints that there are some mistakes in her speech. C. encouraging others to correct the mistakes. D. just leaving the mistakes alone.

( ) 12. Which reading skill is the teacher using in reading?

The teacher asks the students to try to guess information or ideas that go beyond the literal meaning of the text. A. inferring or reading between the lines


B. recognizing organization of the text C. predicting D. scanning

( ) 13. How is the following activity organized?

The teacher asks all the students to do completion exercises.

A. pair work B. whole-class work C. individual D. group work

( ) 14. What instruction does the teacher give in class? Choose from the

options what the teacher wants to do. Quiet now, please. A. get the class to stop talking.

B. help the student to correct the mistakes. C. change roles in pair work.

D. tell the pupils to get into pairs for pair work.

( ) 15. In teaching grammar, what stage can the teacher use for

following activity?

The teacher asks the students to talk about what the boy is


doing according to the picture.. A. practice B. production C. warm up D. presentation

II: Write “T” for True and “F” for False. (14%)

Which of the followings are true of First Language acquisition. Write “T” for True and “F” for False.

( ) 1. rich language environment

( ) 2. conscious learning of language structures ( ) 3. long time of listening before speaking ( ) 4. little error correction ( ) 5. more focus on form ( ) 6. learning for communication ( ) 7. more instrumentally motivated

III: Match (16%)


Match Children’s characteristics with the suggestions for teachers.(4%)


Children’s characteristics ( )1. Children like to feel secure with achievable learning. ( ) 2. Children like to do things with their hand, bodies and minds. ( ) 3. Children are easily distracted. They are less able to regulate and

organized themselves.

( ) 4. Children are imaginative, creative. They like new things and

like participating in activities.

Suggestions for teachers: A. Teachers should design tasks which children can be involved in with their hands and bodies and minds.

B. Teachers should not make tasks too difficult for children to finish.

This will help children to have a secure sense to take part in activity.

C. Give children the opportunity to be imaginative and creative, e.g. ask

children to make their own drawings of a monster.

D. Teachers need to make different patterns of organization such as

group work, pair work to let children join the activity. The time for the activity should not be too long.


Matching the Description of a person with. Multiple Intelligence



the description of a person ( ) 1. The person would prefer going to a party rather than spending

the evening home alone.

( ) 2. The person can calculate numbers easily in his mind. ( ) 3. The person often uses music and chants in his lesson plans. ( ) 4. The person is good at doing a hands-on work.

Multiple Intelligence A. Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence B. Musical intelligence

C. Logical/Mathematical Intelligence D. Interpersonal Intelligence


Match the activities preferred by person with the person’s learning styles.

the activities preferred by person ( ) 1. The person often thinks more before he does things. He needs the

time to make decisions.

( ) 2. The person likes acting things out best.

( ) 3. The person likes to draw, write words down and make little


things with his hands.

( ) 4. The person likes to see cartoon pictures, photos, picture books

and nice posters. the person’s learning styles. A. Visual learner B. Kinesthetic learner C Reflective learner D . Tactile learner


Match grammar activity with the features of grammatical practice. (4%) grammar activity ( ) 1. multiple choice question ( ) 2. interviewing future plans

( )3. using the presented structure to answering questions ( ) 4. describing one’s childhood using past tense the features of grammatical practice A. mechanical practice B. communicative activity C. quasi-communicative activity D. interactive activity


IV: 名词解释(用中文回答)20%

1. 目标需求

2. 互动教学模式

3. 教学行为研究

4. 定标

5. 学习需求

6. 横向联想


7. 演绎式语法教学

8. 结果定向的写作教学模式

9. 显性和隐性语法教学

10. 评估

V: Activity designing (20%)

Directions: In this part, you are to design a 10-minute communicative speaking activity according to the material given. The activity should be based on the material. Make sure you include all the items of an activity according to the table given (objective, organization type, procedure (at least 3 procedures), assumed time, predicted problems


and solutions). Make sure you give the assumed time for each step. TEXT A. Look, there he is. B. Who?

A. Robert, the guy I’ve been telling you about. B. Oh. The guy you’re going out with? A. I wish. The guy I want to go out with.

B. Oh, he he’s really handsome. Um, lets go talk to him. A. Oh, OK. I’ll introduce you. I think you’ll really like him…Hi, Robert. C. Oh, hi.

A. Have you met my friend, Jean? B. I’m afraid not.

A. Hey, Jean, this is Robert. Robert, this is Jean. C. Nice to meet you, Jean. B. Nice to meet you . Robert.

Please design a 10-minute communicative speaking activity according to the material given.In this speaking activity, you can ask the students to learn how to make introduction.

1. Objectives (2%)。要求:活动目的描述清楚,与活动相适应得2分,不符合活动要求不得分:



2.Classroom organization (2%)。要求:活动组织形式与活动内容相适应得2分,否则不得分。


3. Assumed time (1%)。要求:给出活动的总时间即可。 _______________________________

4. Procedure( 9%)。要求:活动的程序描述要清楚,一般至少要有三个步骤组成,其中每一步骤要描述清楚教师的指令和学生行为。每一步骤能清楚地描述得3分,(共9分)。 (1)______________________________ __________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ (2) ________________________________ __________________________________ ___________________________________ (3) ________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. Predicted problems(3%)。 要求:预测问题符合学生的具体情况,

符合活动的特点得3分。预测的问题可以是1~2个。 _______________________________________________



6. Solutions (3%)。要求:解决方式适合问题类型得3分。解决的方式可以是1~2个。

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________


