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13电商 13物流 适用

基础课部 朱伊帆



Unit 1 Good Manners ............................. 3 Unit 2 Living Environment ...................... 10 Unit 3 Fast Food ............................... 16 Unit 4 Daily Shopping .......................... 22 Unit 5 Modern .munication ...................... 29 Unit 6 Health Care ............................. 35

Unit 1 Good Manners


1. Enlarge students’ vocabulary relating to social behavior; 2. Let students have some idea of what makes good manners; 3. Make students know how to write a note of thanks.

4. Learn different expression to ask for directions and give directions


1. Vocabulary: (omitted)

2. Speaking: Good manners and ways to express thanks 3. Grammar: Modal verb in English

4. Practical writing: How to write a note of thanks


Period 1: Warm-up Discussion; study of words and expressions in Text A Period 2: Discussion of Text A Period 3: .prehensive Exercises

Period 4: Grammar Tips; Active Words and Vocabulary Check Period 5: Discussion of Text B and the follow-up .prehension Period 6: Practical Writing

Period 7: Starting Out & In-class Activities (Practical Listening and Speaking Course)

Period 8: Cultural Notes & After-class Activities (Practical Listening and Speaking Course)


(1) Practice speaking and listening (2) Discussion

(3) Presentation and role play (4) Exercises

Teaching Procedures Period 1:

Step 1. Warm-up Discussion (5 minutes)

Ask the students to talk about manners and why good manners are important in our life.

Question: Do you think good manners are important in our life? Why?

Hint: Good manners are important because (1) they help us make friends; (2) they show that we are well-educated; (3) they help to get things done.

Step 2. Background Information (10 minutes)

Tell something about Cultural differences between Chinese and Americans. Addressing Chinese Use “Lao X” for old people or me older than oneself who are also one’s friends; Use “Xiao X” for young people familiar to oneself to show friendliness; Use first names among people on close terms with each other; Use “tongzhi”, “xiansheng” or “shifu” for strangers; Use titles (plus surname) for people of position. .pliment 你这画真好看! 你烧的菜真好吃! 你的领带真还看! What a nice picture! I really like the food! I really like your tie! Americans Use first names or nicknames among friends; Use “Mr., Mrs. Or Miss X” for acquaintances or someone one wants to show respect to; Use “Sir” or “Madam” to address strangers. Chinese Americans Response to .pliment 不怎么样。 学着做的。 过奖了。 Thank you. I’m glade to hear that. I like yours, too. Step 3. Vocabulary in Text A (20 minutes)

Ask Ss to read new words and expressions by themselves and then read the new words together. Explain the important points.

1. old-fashioned adj. 过时的,老式的,守旧的 Phrase: (1) out of fashion 过时 (2) in fashion 时尚的,流行的

e.g. Is it the fashion to wear short skirts? Yes, short skirts are in fashion. 2. courtesy n. 礼貌,谦恭;许可 courteous 有礼貌的,谦恭的

e.g. It was courteous of him to offer to help the old lady cross the street. Antonym: discourtesy Synonym: politeness

3. historically adv. 在历史上,从历史角度看

historical 历史上的,有关历史的 historical lessons 历史教训

historic 有历史意义的,历史上有名的 a historic meeting 历史性会议 historian 历史学家,从事历史研究的人 4. respect n.尊敬,敬佩;方面 vt.尊敬 respectful adj.恭敬的,尊敬的,有礼貌的 respectable adj.可敬的,值得尊敬的 respective adj.分别的,各自的

5. concern vt.涉及,牵涉;使担心 n.关心,担心;关心的事 Phrase: (1) as / so far as…is concerned 就……而言 (2) (be) concerned about 关心,操心 (3) (be) concerned with 有关,涉及 concerning prep. 关于,涉及

e.g. There was a heated discussion concerning the value of the book. concerned adj. 关切的,焦虑的;相关的,牵涉到的 e.g. Everyone was concerned about your health. 6. sense n. 感觉,官能

Phrase: (1) .e to one’s sense 恢复理智;醒悟过来;苏醒过来 (2) in a sense 从某种意义上说 (3) make sense 讲得通,有意义 (4) make sense of 理解,弄懂

7. tough adj.凶悍的,粗暴的;艰苦的;坚韧的 e.g. (1) a tough winter一个严冬

(2) the toughest questions最困难的问题 toughness n.韧性,坚韧;凶悍,粗暴 8. mercy n. 怜悯,宽恕,仁慈 merciful adj. 仁慈的,慈悲的

merciless adj. 毫无同情心的,冷酷无情的

Phrase: at the mercy of 任由……摆布,完全受……支配

e.g. They were lost at sea, at the mercy of wind and weather. 9. be supposed to 应该

e.g. We are not supposed to play football on Sundays. 10. .e up 发生

e.g. The question never came up.

Step 4. Vocabulary Check B &C (10 minutes)

Ask the students to finish the exercise, vocabulary check (part B and C). Then check the answers.

Period 2:

Step 1. Language Points in Text A (30 minutes)

Explain the language points to Ss and analyze the structure of the passage. Pay more attention to longer sentences in Text A and try to make Ss understand.

1. One of the good things for men in women’s liberation is that men no longer have to pay women the old-fashioned courtesies: One way that men benefit from women’s liberation is that they no longer need to be polite to women in the old ways, since the old rules of politeness are no longer popular. pay sb. courtesy: be polite to sb.

2. According to an article on the changes on manners, a perfectly able woman no longer has to act helplessly in public as if she were a modal: Based on an article about changes in manners, a fully able woman does not have to behave in public as

Unit 2 Living Environment

Objectives: 1. Basic vocabulary: accident, trip, tower, step, cab, rug, reproduction, painting, spotless, passenger, decorate, pit, butt, sticky, stuff, butter, considerate, license, fare, reserve, incline, instruct, rarity, respond.

2. Speaking and discussion: talking about our living environment and how to protect our environment, making it beautiful and .fortable. 3. Grammar: The adverbial clause of time 4. Writing: writing a note of apology


1. The usage of words and expressions 2. Grammar: The adverbial clause of time 3. Writing: writing a note of apology

4. Listening: pay attention to the listening skills and contents.


Period 1: Vocabulary and expressions Period 2: Reading: text A Period 3: Grammar

Period 4: Exercises and writing Period 5: Reading: Text B

Period 6: .prehensive exercises Period 7: Listening and speaking Period 8: Listening and speaking

Teaching methods

(4) Practice speaking and listening (5) Discussion

(6) Presentation and role play (7) Exercises

Period 1-2 Step1: warm up (10minutes)

Ask the students to talk about the situation of our environment and how to make our environment beautiful and nice.

Step2: vocabulary and expressions (50minutes)

Ask Ss to read new words and expressions by themselves and then read the new words together. Explain the important points. 1.trip n. 旅行,旅途 e.g. make a trip 进行旅行

go on /take a trip 去旅行

2. step v. 走,踩,踏入 n. 步子,步伐 e.g. step across a street 横穿一条街道 step by step 按部就班的,一步一步的 3.reproduction n. 再现,复制;繁殖 e.g. reproduction furniture 仿制家具 reproduce v. 再生产, 复制, 繁殖 reproductive adj. 再生产的,再现的 4. painting n. 油画,绘画 e.g. oil painting 油画

5. spotless adj. 没有污点的,没有瑕疵的 spot n. 斑点,污点

e.g. John’s face was covered with spots. 6. decorate v. 装饰,装修

e.g. Their house was decorated in the French style. decoration n. 装饰, (复数) 装饰品 decorative adj. 装饰的 7.sticky adj. 粘的,粘腻的

e.g. The tape is not very sticky. stick v. 粘住,坚持,困住 e.g. Stamps stick together.

8. stuff n. 材料,原料 v. 填充,塞满 e.g. green stuff 蔬菜

9. considerate adj. 考虑周到的, 体谅的

e.g. It was very considerate to let us know you were going to late. consideration n. 考虑, 照顾

e.g. Jane never shows any consideration for her mother’s feelings. 10. license n. 执照,许可证 vt. 批准,特许 e.g. apply for a driving license licensed adj. 得到许可的 licensee n. 被许可的人 licenser n. 认可者

11. reserve vt. 保留,预定,预约

e.g. A great future is reserved for you. reservation n. 保留,预定 e.g. make a reservation 12. incline v. 倾向于

e.g. He was inclined to go back home by air. inclination n. 倾向,爱好

13. instruct vt. 教育,教导,指示

e.g. Our staff members have been instructed to offer you every assistance. instruction n. 说明,指导 14. rarity n. 稀有,稀少 rare adj. 稀有的,罕见的

e.g. rare mental 稀有金属

in rare cases / on rare occasions 难得,偶尔 15. respond vi. 回答,响应

e.g. Mike responded to my suggestions with a laugh. response n. 回答,响应.

Step3: Exercise (15minutes)

Ask the students to finish the exercise, vocabulary check (part B), and page 25 Then check the answers

Step4: Reading text A (15minutes)

Give students 10students to go through the whole text, and finish .prehension A., then check the answers.

Key: 1. Jack was a taxi driver. 2. Jack hit on the idea when he had a job as a clean-up man for the taxi .pany. 3. He tried out his idea as soon as he got his taxi license. 4. He did so when the boss reserved the same car for him each day. 5. According to Jack, people appreciate beautiful things. 6. They became good friends.

Period 3-4:

Step1: Text A (45minutes)

Explain the language points to Ss and analyze the structure of the passage. Pay more attention to longer sentences in the text and try to make Ss understand. Text A: Living environment Language Points:

1. by accident 碰巧,偶然

e.g. I met my best friend in Nanjing quite by accident. 2. make a trip to 到某处去

e.g. He made a trip to Hangzhou to visit his colleague. 3. make sure 确保,确信

e.g. I made sure that the front door was locked. 4. in order 整齐, 情况良好

e.g. Please put everything in your dormitory in order. 5. put up 张贴

e.g. The exam results will be put up on Friday afternoon. 6. hit on 偶然发现

e.g. I have hit on the only error in the whole program. 7. add to 增添,增加

e. g. I gave him a rare Swedish stamp to add to his collection. 8. The moment I stepped into the cab, I realized it was different the moment that sb. does sth.: as soon as sb. does sth. e.g. I will tell him the moment he .es in.

Step2: Review the new words and expressions (10minutes)

Review the new words and expressions, then do the exercises, vocabulary check (part C),page 25.

Key: 1. instructions 2. accidentally 3. rarity 4. response 5. reservation 6. spotless

9. inclination 8. decoration

Step3: Grammar Tips (20minutes)

First, ask Ss to preview the explanation and then give further study of the grammar tip. Do the exercises to check out whether Ss know the grammar well.

时间状语从句 (The Adverbial Clause of Time)

在英语中,时间状语从句表示时间。可以分成三类:第一,由连词引导的;第二, 由一些表示的时间的短语引导的;第三,由一些关联连词引导的。 一 由连词引导的从句

这些连词是as, after, before, once, since, till, while, as long as 等 e.g. It will warm up a little bit on Sunday as the cold front passes. e.g. As soon as I .e back, I will call you.

二由一些表示的时间的短语引导的从句 这些短语是 the instant, the moment, the minute, the day, every time, each time, next time

e.g. The moment he saw her he fell in love.

e.g. The day he returned home, his father was already dead.

三 由一些关联连词引导的从句

这些关联词是 hardly…when , scarcely…when, no sooner…than e.g. Scarcely had he gone when she appeared.

e.g. I had hardly closed my eyes when I heard a shot.

Step4: Exercise (15minutes)

Ask the students to finish the practice on page 26

Key: 1. I have never met my cousin again since he left Nanjing.

2. Before the next term begins, you each need to make some preparations for the course.

3. When Xiao Ming had just arrived at the airport, it began to rain. 4. We talked while we were playing cards.

5. I decided to buy the book the moment I saw it. 6. Soon after he left, she arrived.

Period 5-6

Step1: Fast reading (10minutes) Give students 5 minutes to go through the text, and then do the exercise, .prehension (Part B).

Key: F F F F F

Step2: Text B (35minutes)

Select some important words and expressions to explain and analyze. Then ask Ss to scan the text and conduct further study. Language points:

1. If you live in a large city, you must be quite familiar with some of the problems of noise ,but you may not be aware of its harmful influence on human behavior. Be familiar with: know sth. Well because you have seen it. e.g. Are you familiar with this type of machine? Be aware of: realize sth.

e.g. Most smokers are perfectly aware of the danger of smoking. 2. together with: in addition to

e.g. Just bring it back to the store, together with your receipt. 3. more or less 或多或少

e.g. The desk cost me 100 dollars, more or less. 4. at hand 在手边,手头上

e.g. The autumn harvest is at hand. 5. in general 一般说来

e.g. In general he goes back home once half a year. Homework: .prehensive Exercise (part B,C&D),page 3 0-32

Step3: Check the answers (15minutes) Check the answers of the homework. Key: Part B : DCAAB CAB

Part C: harmful health environment far smoke public

Part D: 1. In general, people living in a good environment live longer.

2. The government required that the factory be closed to make sure that the tourist site would not be polluted.

3. We would rather move away because the noise here is too loud. 4. Xiao Ming hit on a good idea to deal with the polluted water. 5. The street is clean at one time, and very dirty at another time.

6. Whether a restaurant can attract customers always depends on its environment.

7. The city’s clean environment adds to its attraction.

8. We are inclined to plant trees and flowers on both sides of the street. Step4: Writing (30minutes)

It is necessary to teach some writing skills beforehand, and then study the sample. Ask Ss to write a note on the spot. Note-writing:

Learn how to write a note of apology.

Sep. 10 Dear Mr. Smith, I am very sorry to tell you that I won’t be able to meet you this Friday. This morning, manager asked me to go to Beijing on business. I won’t return until next Monday. Could we meet next Wednesday afternoon? Please forgive me for an in convenience I may cause you . Sincerely yours, ***

Period 7-8

This is listening and speaking course.

Unit 2 listening and speaking: Food and Eating Out Step1: Brief introduction (15minutes)

Introduce the new words and sentences related to the listening material Group the food into three columns:

(1) hamburger, sandwich, hot dog, bread, bun (2) cheese, ham, beef, chicken, fish

(3) soft drinks, Coke, Spirit, Fanta, small/medium/large cup, diet/regular beer Starter and Response:

Starter: What do you have for breakfast? What’s your favorite food? What can I get for you? May I take your order now? Give me the bill, please. It’s all on me. Let’s go Dutch.

Response: I have milk and bread for breakfast. Apple is my favorite.

I’d like to have a large Coke. Could you bring us the menu?

Step2: Listening (10minutes)

Play the record and ask Ss to listen carefully. Key: TTFF 1. Because they have no class in the afternoon. 2. A double cheeseburger, a small diet coke, a bag of French fries, a chocolate ice cream. 3. $5.25 4. A large regular coke. 5. $4.35

Notes: For here or to go? 带走还是堂吃?

Step3: Listening (10minutes)

Listen to Section B and then do the exercises Key: TFTTF BCAA

Notes: 1.house specialty 本店特色菜 2. Would you like to have a try?

3. carp from the Yellow River 黄河里的鲤鱼 4. shrimp fried rice 虾仁炒饭 Step4: Speaking (10minutes)

Ask Ss to practice Speaking Activities”, dialogue 2.

“ Unit 3 Fast Food


1. Vocabulary: (omit)

2. Speaking: western and Chinese foods and drinks 3. Grammar: the adverbial clause of purpose

4. Practical writing: how to write a note of congratulations


1. The usage of words and expressions

2. Grammar: The adverbial clause of purpose 3. Writing: writing a note of congratulations

4. Listening: pay attention to the listening skills and contents.


Period 1: Vocabulary and expressions Period 2: Reading: text A Period 3: Grammar

Period 4: Exercises and writing Period 5: Reading: Text B

Period 6: .prehensive exercises Period 7: Listening and speaking Period 8: Listening and speaking

Teaching methods

1. Practice speaking and listening 2. Discussion

3. Presentation and role play 4. Exercises

Period 1-2 Step1: warm up (10minutes)

Question: do you like the food at McDonald’s or KFC? What attracts/ frustrates you most there? Hint: I enjoy eating at McDonald’s or KFC because (1) the food there is diversified; (2) with the soft background music, the whole environment looks clean and tidy; (3) service there is efficient and friendly. I don’t enjoy eating at McDonald’s or KFC mainly because (1) the food there, though tasty, is not nutritious; (2) eating too many burgers or other similar junk food causes obesity, which leads to more obesity-related diseases in the end.

Step2: vocabulary and expressions (50minutes)

Ask Students to read new words and expressions by themselves and then read the new words together. Explain the important points.

1. uniform n. 制服 adj 统一的 e.g. school uniform 校服

uniformity 相同性;统一性;一致性 2. operation n 运作,运转; 手术

e.g. (1) Protective clothes must be worn when the machine is in operation. 操作这机器时必须穿防护衣。

(2)Many small businesses fail in the first year of operation. 很多小工商企业常常在经营的第一年破产。

(3)The operation to be performed is highly risky. 即将要做的这次手术风险很大。 Phrase: .e / go into operation 开始生效 Operate vt 操作,做手术

e.g. (1) He does not know how to operate the new machine. 他不知道如何操作这台新机器。

(2)Doctors had to operate on his spine immediately. 医生不得不立即给他做脊椎手术。

3. register n 收银机;登记,注册;挂号 v 登记,注册;挂号邮寄

e.g. (1) We are registering the baby’s birth this morning. 我们今天上午要给孩子做出生登记。

(2)How many students have registered for the English class? 有多少学生报名选修了英语课?

Registration n 登记,注册,挂号

e.g. All students need to fill in this registration form. 所有学生都必须填写这张登记表。

4. control n 控制,支配 vt 控制

Phrase: (1) have / take control of /over 对….有所控制 (2)Lose control of 失去对….的控制 (3)Under control of 处于掌控之中 (4) Out of / beyond control 失控

e.g. (1) I prefer living alone because I feel I have more control over my life. 我宁愿一个人生活,因为我觉得这样更能支配自己的生活。

(2) He took a corner tool fast and lost control of the car. 他转弯太急了,汽车失去了控制。

(3)Ten people have been killed, and it was obvious that the situation had gone beyond the control of the authorities. 已经有十个人被害,很明显当局已经控制不住局势了。

Controllable adj 可以控制的、 无法控制的 5. press vt 压,挤,按

e.g. (1) The little boys pressed their noses against the glass. 那些小男孩把他们的鼻子紧贴在玻璃上。

(2)What happens if I press the button? 如果我按按钮会怎么样呢?

(3)The crowd pressed around her, hoping for her autograph. 人群围挤在她身旁,希望得到她都签名。

6. .bination n 组合,结合,合并,联合

e.g. A .bination of factors may be responsible for the increase in cancer. 多种因素可能导致了癌症发病率的上升。 .bine vt 联合,结合

e.g. We must .bine theory with practice. 我们应该理论联系实际。 7. staff n 全体职员

Phrase: teaching staff 教职员工

8. shake vt 动摇,摇动 n 奶昔;摇动,动摇;颤抖 e.g. (1)shake one’s mind 摇头

(2)shake one’s confidence/belief/faith 动摇某人的信心、信念,信仰

(3) Give the bottle a good shake before you pour. 倒出前先把瓶子好好摇一摇。 Phrase: shake hands with sb. 和某人握手。 Unshakable adj 不可动摇的

e.g. William has developed an unshakable belief in himself. 威廉对自己有不可动摇的自信心。

Shaky 衰弱的;摇晃的;颤抖的

e.g. Grandpa was a little shaky when walking after the accident. 那次事故之后爷爷走路就有点不稳了。

Step3: Exercise (15minutes)

Ask the students to finish the exercise, vocabulary check (part B), and page 25 Then check the answers

Step4: Reading text A (15minutes)

Give students 10students to go through the whole text, and finish .prehension A., then check the answers

Period 3-4:

Step1: Text A Language Points in Text A (45minutes)

1. My uniform hat and apron were handed to me and a helpful McDonald’s assistant explained the operation of the cash register. Hand sth. to sb:pass sth. to sb.

e.g. She handed her ticket to the ticket collector. 她把票递给检票员。

Explained the operation of the cash register: explained how to operate the cash register

2. to those unused to all the different colors and names, the cash register looked a little bit like the control panel of an aircraft.

To those unused to all the different colors and names: here, “unused to all the different colors and names” modifies “those”. To: as far as…be concerned 对于…而言

e.g. To me, this is not a bad choice. 对于我而言,这是个不错的选择。 A little bit: somewhat

e.g. She looks a bit like a creature from another planet. 她长得有点像外星人。 3. Each button was for a different type of food: Each button stood for a different type of food.

4. I was told it was very important to place the carton of fries with the McDonald’s name facing the customer so that they could receive the advertising message loud and clear: I was told it was very important to place the carton of fries with the McDonald’s name opposite the customer so that they could unmistakably receive the advertising message.

So that: introducing an adverbial clause of purpose

e.g. She raised her voice so that everyone could hear it. 为了让大家都能听见,她提高了嗓门。 5. If I couldn’t find the correct button on the register, a McDonald’s staff member, who was always kind to “temporary employees”, would .e and help me out. Who was always kind to” temporary employees”: a non-restrictive attributive clause introduced by “who”, modifying “a McDonald’s staff member”. Help sb. out: to help someone out of trouble.

e.g. He was obviously in some kind of trouble, but I didn’t know how I could help him out. 他显然遇到了麻烦,但我不知道该怎样帮助他摆脱困境。

Step2: Grammar Tips (20minutes)

First, ask Ss to preview the explanation and then give further study of the grammar tip. Do the exercises to check out whether Ss know the grammar well. 英语目的状语从句(The adverbial clause of purpose in English)

目的状语从句一般由so that或in order that 等引导,表示特定的目的或意图。

The teacher must speak clearly so that his students can understand well. 老师吐字清晰,学生才能理解的透彻。

They climbed to the top of the building in order that they could get a bird’s-eye view of the city. 他们爬上了楼顶,以便俯瞰整个城市。 So that结构中的that在非正式文体中可以省略。

We’ll .e at eight so (that) the meeting can be early. 我们八点来,这样可以早点开会。

注意:在表示目的的从句中一把都含有can, could, may, might, will, would等情态动词。 (见课本)

Step3: Practical Writing

祝贺信用于表达自己在得知他人学业有成,事业发展,婚姻或家庭生活美满等时感到的欣喜快慰之情。主要内容包括: 1. 传达祝贺之意和欣喜之情; 2. 解释祝贺原因; 3. 表达对未来的良好祝愿。 写祝贺信要注意以下几点: 1. 要写得及时; 2. 不需要写的太长; 3. 感情真挚热情,措辞得体,不要夸大事实。


Sentence patterns for expressing congratulations in English: I congratulate you upon your success

Please allow me to congratulate you most heartily on your success in...

I’m glad to hear that you are going to graduate from the school with honor..., on which I congratulate you most heartily.

Your diligence, patience and perseverance have finally paid off.

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your success.

A sample for the writing task in this unit: Oct.26 Dear Xiao Xia, I’m so glad that you have recently found a job as assistant manager in an import and export .pany, on which I congratulate you most heartily. I remember you displayed remarkable leadership during your school days, and now your diligence, patience and perseverance have finally paid off. Please once again accept my sincere congratulations and I wish you every success in the future. Yours truly, Xiao Zhang

Period 7-8:

This is listening and speaking course.

Step 1: Brief introduction (15minutes) 1. ask where to buy certain things

2. ask for information about goods on sale 3. ask about prices 4. ask for refund

step 2:Starting Out Teaching Suggestions:

This activity can be done either in pairs or in groups. For low-level students, this activity can be carried out in pairs. The students will ask each other questions and take down notes, and then some of them will be asked to report to the class their

partner’s shopping habits. For more advanced students, this activity can be conducted in group of four to five as an interview. One student may play the role of a reporter from a certain TV station, who is doing a program on people’s shopping habits, and the other group members act as interviewees. They may be encouraged to ask questions other than those in the list.

Conduct a survey on shopping. You may ask each other the following questions: 1. where do you do your weekly shopping? May I ask why you shop there? 2. have food prices risen a lot recently? 3. how much do you spend on food every month?

4. where do you do your shopping for clothes? And why do you shop there? 5. how much do you spend on clothes ever month? 6. what has been your biggest purchase recently?

Step 3:In-class Activities Teaching Suggestions:

1. lead the students to go the New Words and Expressions

2. Play the recording once, and let the students do activity A. Then let them .pare

their choices without doing the class checking.

3. play the recording again, and let the students do Activity B. 4. check the answers together, and offer some brief explanation wherever necessary.

If the statement is false, check with the students why it is false, and ask them to provide the correction.

Step 4:Culture Notes Teaching Suggestions: 1. Ask the students to read this part on their own since the notes are mostly written

in Chinese.

2. the teacher may want to check if they have read it by asking the following


how much is the consumption tax?(5 percent of the price.) What does “XL” mean? (Extra Large)

Step 5: Speaking (10minutes)

Ask students to practice “Speaking Activities”, dialogue 2.

Unit 4 Daily Shopping


Speaking: Shopping experiences Grammar: The gerund in English

Practical writing: How to write an announcement


1. The usage of words and expressions 2. Grammar: Gerund

3. Writing: writing a note of apology

4. Listening: pay attention to the listening skills and contents.


Period 1: Warm-up Discussion; study of words and expressions in Text A Period 2: Discussion of Text A Period 3: .prehensive Exercises

Period 4: Grammar Tips; Active Words and Vocabulary Check Period 5: Discussion of Text B and the follow-up .prehension Period 6: Practical Writing

Period 7: Starting Out & In-class Activities (Practical Listening and Speaking Course)

Period 8: Cultural Notes & After-class Activities (Practical Listening and Speaking Course)


(8) Practice speaking and listening (9) Discussion (10) Presentation and role play (4) Exercises

Teaching Procedures

Period 1:

Step 1. Warm-up Discussion (5 minutes)

Ask the students to talk about manners and why good manners are important in our life.

Question: DO you like shopping? Why or why not?

Hint: I like because: it is a relaxing experience; it is full of pleasant surprise; it can help me keep up with the latest fashion I dislike shopping because: it is time-consuming; I’m short of money; some unexpected trouble may spoil the fun.

Step 2. Background Information (10 minutes)

A supermarket is a self-service store offering a wide variety of food and household merchandise. It is larger in size and has a wider selection at relatively lower prices than a traditional grocery store. It typically .prises meat, produce, dairy and baked goods departments along with shelves of canned and packaged goods as well as various nonfood items such as small electrical appliances, pharmacy products, and pet supplies, etc. Customers usually put their shopping into trolleys.

Online shopping

Online shopping is the process that consumers go through to purchase products or services by the Internet Online shopping popular mainly because of its convenience and ease of se .However, with online shopping .es the risk of Internet fraud and unreliable delivery.

Step 3. Vocabulary in Text A (20 minutes)

Ask Ss to read new words and expressions by themselves and then read the new words together. Explain the important points.

1 purchase n. [C] 购买,购买的东西 vat.购买

e.g. (1) The .pany spent a lot on expansion, including the purchase of a large warehouse.

(2) Do you wish us to deliver your purchases? Purchaser n.

2. logical adj. 合乎逻辑的

The detective has to discover the murderer by logical deduction. Logic n. 逻辑

Logician n. 逻辑学家 3. enquire v. 询问

e.g. (1) I’m writing to enquire about your advertisement in The Times. 4. corner n. 角落

e.g. (1) Write your name in the top left-hand corner of the page.

(2) I think the gas station should be just around the next corner. 5. tempt vt. 诱惑,

e.g. (1) If you leave valuables in you, it will tempt thieves.

(2) The ads hope to tempt people into buying their brand of coffee. Temptation n. [U] 诱惑,诱惑物

e.g.(1) Their might be a temptation to cheat if students sit too close together. (2) I finally gave n to the temptation and had a cigarette. 6. persuade vt. 说服,使相信

e.g. (1) I finally managed to persuade her to go out for a DRINK WITH ME .

(2) Don’t let yourself be persuaded into buying things you don’t really want. Persuasion n. 说服,说服力 Persuasive adj 有说服力的

e.g. (1) After a little gentle persuasion, he agreed to let us in.

(2) They used some very persuasive arguments. 7.trial n. 考验,审判

e.g. (1) a new drug that is undergoing clinical trials. (2) Brady was on trial for murder. Try vt. 审判

e.g. He was tried for murder. 8. total vi. 合计,

e.g. (1) He has debts totaling more than $20,000. (2) He won a total of three gold medals. Phrase : in total 总共 9 supervisor n 主管 supervise vt.监管 supervision n

e.g. (1) The teacher supervised our drawing class.

(2) Children should not be left to play without supervision of a doctor. (3) This drug should only be taken under the supervision of a doctor. 10. efficient adj. 效率高的

e.g. The efficient contingency plan to contain bird flu disease by the Chinese government was highly thought of by the WHO.

Step 4. Vocabulary Check B &C (10 minutes)

Ask the students to finish the exercise, vocabulary check (part B and C). Then check the answers.

Period 2:

Step 1. Language Points in Text A (30 minutes)

Explain the language points to Ss and analyze the structure of the passage. Pay more attention to longer sentences in Text A and try to make Ss understand. 1. One of the things I am really of is the weekly shopping experience: Doing shopping every week is one of the things I like most. I am really fond of: an attributive clause modifying: anything” with: that” serving as the subject in the clause.

2. Carefully designed not only to hold all shapes and sizes of purchases, a single trolley is hard to get out of the line of trolleys where it is parked: Pulling a singe trolley out of the line trolley is not an easy job because the shopping trolley is carefully designed not just to contain different kinds of .modities you buy. 3. The next lesson that women never follow a logical route when shopping: The next thing you should pay attention to is that women always wander here and there when shopping.

when shopping : Here “they are “ is omitted.

4. Your wife has disappeared before you know it: Your wife has disappeared but you has not noticed or realized it.

5 Supermarket managers are sent on courses to learn how to tempt the customers and persuade them to buy goods they do not really need, at prices thy are not able to affords: Super market managers are sent to attend courses to learn how to attract

customers to buy goods they do not really need at high prices they can hardly pay for.

Persuade sb. to do /persuade sb. into doing: manage to cause sb. to do sth. by giving some reasons.

afford sth/afford to do sth: to have enough time, money ,space, etc. For a specified purpose

e.g. (1) I’d like t go on vacation but I can’t afford the time. 我倒是想去度假,但是我抽不出时间来。

(2) They walked because they couldn’t afford to take a taxi.他们因为坐不起计程车而只能步行。

(3) I mustn’t annoy my boss because I can’t afford to lose my job.我可得罪不起我的老板,因为我舍不得丢掉这份工作。

6 But my wife often discouraged by my wife: But my wife often discourages me from buying things.

7 After the week’s groceries have been collected, the last trial is passing through the checkout counter: After everything for the next week has been picked up, the last tough test for a customer is to pay the bill

Passing through the checkout counter: an –in participle phrase here serving as the predicative

8 Don’t be fooled, either, by thinking that this is the end of the exercise: It would be wrong to think that this is the end of his shopping experience.

9 But the people who are packing our shopping are kind and give us friendly smiles. Who are packing our shopping: an attributive clause introduced by “who” modifying.

Packing our shopping: putting our purchases in the shopping bags.

Step 2. .prehension of Text A (15 minutes)

Give students 5 minutes to go through the text, ask them to finish the exercise then check the answers.

Period 3:

Step 1. .prehensive Exercises (45 minutes)

Ask the students to finish the exercise then check the answers.

Period 4:

Step 1. Active words (20 minutes)

Ask the students to pay more attention to the function of the active words and then finish the relative exercises.

Step 2. Grammar Tips (5 minutes)

Give students five minutes to go through and finish the relative exercises. The gerund in English


动名词一般由动词原形词尾加构成, 与现在分词形式相同。动名词兼有动词和名词的特征。 二.动名词的用法 1) 作主语

Reading aloud is very important in learning a foreign language. 2) 作宾语

It’s cold here, would you mind closing the window? 3) 作表语

His greatest pleasure is traveling. 4) 作定语

There is a swimming pool in the garden. 三 动名词的完成式和被动式

1) 动名词的完成式有 having+过去分词构成,表示动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。

2) 动名词的被动式有being+过去分词构成。 四 动名词的复合结构


1) Your going there won’t help much. 2) I don’t like your being late.

Period 5:

Step 1. Language Points in Text B (30minutes)

Select some important words and expressions to explain and analyze, pay special attention to the language points. Then ask Ss to scan the text and conduct further study.

1 grocery n. 1 grocer’s trade , a grocery store 杂货业2 grocer’s shop 杂货店

groceries n [pl].杂货

2 hardware n [U] a metal tools and household implements; heavy machinery

or machinery or weapons; mechanical and electronic parts of a .puter。五金制品,重型机器,重武器;硬件。

3 toiletries n [pl] (in shops) articles or products used in washing,

dressing, etc.(商店里)化妆品。

4 bagels n. hard ring-shaped bread roll 一种圈状的面包。

5 furniture n [U] movable articles, e.g. tables, chairs ,beds, beds, etc. put into a house or an office to make it suitable for living or working in 家具

6 lumber n [U] 1 (esp. Brit) unwanted pieces of furniture, etc that are stored away or take up space 旧家具 2 (esp. US)=timber

7 liquor n [U] any alcoholic drink; spirits 烈性酒 under the influence of liquor 已醉

Step 2. Follow-up .prehension (15 minutes)

Help students go through Text B and finish the .prehensive exercises.

Period 6. Practical Writing (How to Write a Summary)

It is necessary to teach some writing skills beforehand, and then study the sample. Ask Ss to write a summary on the spot.

Skills: A summary should include the main content of the passage, and pay attention to the use of conjunctions and conjunctive adverbs.

The conjunctions and conjunctive adverbs used to summarize a passage: in general, Generally speaking, to conclude, in a summary, the last but not the least, etc.

Step 1. General Introduction (10 minutes)

Step 2. Sentence patterns for expressing thanks in English (15 minutes):

Introduce some useful sentence patterns to help students understand how to write a thanks note.

Step 3. A sample for the writing task in this unit (25 minutes):

Period 7

Step 1. Starting Out (15 minutes)

This is the first unit of the second semester. By now the students must be very familiar with the campus. So the teacher may want some students to draw a sketch map of the campus either before or during the first class. And then on the basis of the map, demonstrate to the students how to ask for and give directions about the buildings on campus. Ask them which building they would like to locate. Teacher may want to make a dialogue with one of the more advanced students; either let him/her to ask you or ask him/her to give directions to that building. Once the students know how to do it, let them make dialogues in pairs and talk about one or two of the following topics.

1 ask yes/no and wh- questions 2 ask questions in a polite way

3 ask questions to get more information 4 offer information

Step 2. In-class Activities (20 minutes)

This section contains short dialogues that offer various expressions concerning asking for information in a polite way.

Step 3. Speaking Out (10 minutes)

This part is designed for students using certain expressions to ask for information in a polite way.

Period 8:

Step 1. Culture Notes (15 minutes)

Let the students read this section on their own. The teacher may want to check if they have know the following basic expressions.

Asking for information:

Excuse me, but do you happen to know anything about the (famous museum) here? 请问您知道(这里著名的博物馆吗)?

I was wondering if you could help me. Where do you live? 他们住在哪里?

Where do you think (you are qualified for the job)? 你为什么认为你能胜任这个工作呢?

How much (does it weigh)? 它有多(重)?

I’m still not quite clear. Could you please tell me a bit more about it? 我还是不太清楚,您能再多告诉我一些吗?

Sorry, but I’d like to know some more about it 对不起,我还想多知道一些情况。 I didn’t quite follow what you said just now. 我没完全听懂您刚才说的。

Offering information Yes, of course. 当然了。

Well, let me see. 嗯,让我想想。

Oh, let me think for a moment. 哦,然我想想。 I’m not really sure. 我不太肯定, 我需要弄清楚。 I’m afraid I don’t know. 我恐怕不知道。

I’m terribly sorry, but I really don’t know. 很抱歉,我真的不知道。

Step 2. After-class Activities (30 minutes)

Although the exercises included in this part are meant for the students to practice in their spare time, the teacher may want to select some of them to practice in class, especially those in Sections A and B. Unlike those in Book One, the exercise items included in Section B are mini-dialogues designed to prepare the students for the standardized examination they are to take in the following year.


Asking yes/no questions and wh-questions to get further information and offering information in a polite way.

Question: Where do you usually go shopping, small stores, supermarket or department stores? And why? Presentation:

1 Divide the students into groups of four. 2 Appoint a team leader for each group. 3 Give hints to them:

Hint: They may use the following sentence patterns to answer the question: I usually go shopping in small stores in my neighborhood because it is convenient

or I like to go shopping in supermarket because cargoes are abundant

Unit 5 Modern .munication

Objectives: 1. Basic vocabulary: crazy, hotline, cell, unattractive, thus, touch, grip, display, deal, manual, flash, restrict, park, lot, recognize, puzzle, spot, speechless, refer, caller, agency

2. Speaking and discussion: talking about trouble bought by a mobile phone number and how to efficiently deal with spam. 3. Grammar: The Infinitive in English. 4. Writing: how to write a notice.


1. The usage of words and expressions 2. Grammar: The Infinitive in English. 3. Writing: how to write a notice.

4. Speaking: benefits and disadvantages of modern .munication


Period 1: Study of vocabulary and expressions ,vocabulary check Period 2: Discussion and analysis of Text A Period 3: Do .prehensive exercises

Period 4: Language points; active words and Grammar Period 5: Read Text B and analyze

Period 6: Exercise, Practical Writing Period 7: Listening and speaking course Period 8: Listening and speaking course

Teaching methods (11) Practice speaking and listening (12) Discussion (13) Presentation and role play (14) Exercises

Period 1-2 Step1: warm up (10minutes)

Ask the students to talk about the way of daily .munication and how about using internet when .municating with others.

Step2: vocabulary and expressions (50minutes)

Teach the students to read the new words and expressions and then ask them to read the words and expressions by themselves

Explain the key points of new words and expressions.

1. crazy

Phase: be crazy about sb. /sth 对某人/某事着迷 e.g. He was very crazy about the model’s beauty. 2.unattractive adj.不美的,不引人注目的,泛味的 Attractive: be attractive to sb.

e.g. Jim was always attractive to women.

I must admire I’ve never found her particularly attractive. 3. touch vt.触摸,碰;触动

Phrase: be (keep, stay) /get in touch with

e.g. Our neighbors are moving away but I hope that we’ll still keep in touch with each other.

4. Display n.vt 陈列,展示,展览 Phrase: be on display

e.g. Many paintings are on display in this museum. 5. deal

Phrase: (1) strike/make/conclude a deal with sb. (2) deal in (3) deal with

e.g. He was then dealing in ancient Chinese wine vessels. Dealers: His father is a used-car dealer. 6. restrict vt

e.g. The new law restricts the sale of handguns. Restricted adj 受限制的

e.g. Press freedom is severely restricted. 7.recognize vt.认出;承认

e.g. She came home so thin and weak and her own children hardly recognized her. Recognition n 识别,认得

e.g. The girl has changed beyond recognition. 8.puzzle vt 使迷惑,使为难 n.难题,谜

e.g. What puzzled me most is how the burglar got into the house without setting off the alarm.

9. refer v.让…求助于,让…查询;查询,参考;提及 Refer to

With reference to: With reference to your recent advertisement, I am writing to request further information. 10. agency

e.g. (1) travel agency旅行社

(2) employment agency职业介绍所

11. When it .es to (doing) sth.当提到…

e.g. I can use a .puter, but when it .es to repairing them, I know nothing. 我会使用计算机,但若谈到修理,我就一窍不通了。

Step3: Exercise (15minutes)

Ask the students to do the exercise: vocabulary check (part A.B.C) on page 73-74.

Then check the answers

Step4: Reading text A (15minutes) Ask the students to go through text A, and finish .prehension work A., and then check the answers orally.

Key: 1.He bought it in a nearby store.

2. He thought the look of the phone was the most important thing. 3. He was surprised because he had never given anyone the number. 4. He asked the author to change the phone number. 5. It came on Sunday morning at 8:30.

Period 3-4:

Step1: Text A (45minutes)

Ask the students to read Text A, Explain the language points and long sentences to the students, especially the structure of these long sentences.

Text A: Modern .munication Language Points:

1.I was eager to buy a new cell phone, so I visited a nearby store. Be eager to do: have a strong desire to do

e.g. He is eager to know the result of the exam.

A nearby store: Here “nearby” serves as an attribute modifying “store” .It can also following the word it modifies. In other words, “a store nearby” is also acceptable.

2. I had suffered through two unattractive, free phones, and thus when it came to choosing my new phone this time, money was not the first consideration and the look of the thing was everything.

Suffered through: to have an unpleasant or difficult experience with

Money was not the first consideration: I don’t care so much about how much money I would spend.

The look of the thing was everything: What matters most is the appearance of the phone. “everything” here means “the most important thing”. 3. I was reading through the manual when the new phone rang! When: at that time

4. So you must have got the wrong number. Must have done sth

5. You’d better change your number Had better do sth

6. But it was not that old That: very, much, too

Step2 (35minutes):

Ask the students to preview the explanation of the grammar tips Explain the grammar tips to the students

英语不定式(The Infinitive)

英语不定式的基本结构为TO+动词短语成分,不定式可以做形容词的补足成分,如(1)做动词宾语,如:I happily decided to take a lovely little Samsung.

After I calmed down, I began to think that since I had got two calls already, I was probably going to get some more.


I decided to find an appropriate number to refer future callers to.


My mother wanted to stay at home this weekend. (15) 示目的、结果等的状语,如:

To arrive at the station on time, we got up and started out early in the morning. (16) 作句子主语(常用形式主语it 代替),如: It is necessary to learn this poem by heart.

当to引导的不定式成分作let, make, have 等表示致使意义的动词或see, hear等表示感觉意义的动词的宾语补足语时要省略不定式符号to。

Step3: Exercise (15minutes) do the practice on Page 75. Ask the students to finish the practice on page 75

Key: 1. It is important to remember the time and the location of the meeting. 2. She wished to find the book she needed. 3. I am glad to tell him the news.

4. My mother asked me to call her at weekends.

5. They left home early in the morning to catch the first train.

Period 5-6

Step1: Read Text B and do exercises orally (15minutes)

Give students 5 minutes to go through the text, and then ask them question: what should you do when you receive unwanted Emil. Discuss the question.

Step2: Text Analyzes (30minutes)

Explain some important words and expressions to the students

Language points: 1. Many .panies seem to have placed their hopes .pletely on software-based solutions: It seems that many .panies .pletely depend on anti-spam software. Seem to: give the impression of being or doing sth

2. Also, Microsoft Outlook provides software for servers and users alike to help

filter in.ing messages: Also, Microsoft Outlook provides software for both servers and users to get useful and important messages while keeping spam out.

Provide sth. for sb: make sth. Available for sb. to use by giving, lending or supplying it

e.g: The film provided me with a car.

Alike: in the same way

e.g.: treat everybody exactly alike

The climate here is always hot, summer and winter alike. 3. rely on sb to do sth

4. take responsibility for sth

e.g.: My husband took full responsibility for organizing the trip.

Step3: Check the answers (25minutes) Check the answers of the homework. Key: Part A:

Method safe, .mon, depend, reliable, prefer

Part B: B A C D A C A B

Part C: single, regular, information, favorite, online personal, website, same

Part D: 1. All types of mobile phones are on display in the store.

2. Please read through the manual before starting to use the mobile phone. 3. You can refer to the website of Zhang’s school for his phone number. 4. Yesterday Xiao Wang was searching online all day long for relevant

information about a writer.

5. Online chat should be restricted to adults.

6. The number of Internet users in this city almost doubled last year.

Step4: Writing (25minutes)

It is necessary to teach some writing skills beforehand, and then study the sample. Ask Ss to write a notice on the spot.


Learn how to write a note of notice.

NOTICE Dear students and teaching staff, Your attention, please. The east gate of the university will be closed for repair between August 5 and August 16 We are sorry for any inconveniences t may cause you, Logistics Department Jiangsu university

Period 7-8

Listening and speaking course.

Step1: Starting out (15minutes)

Point out some new word and expressions the students may encounter when they are speaking or listening. Deadline n 期限

I’ll be using it in a minute No problem

Receptionist 接待员 Sunshine 阳光

Step2 sentence practice (30 minutes) Starter and Response:

Starter: I hope you don’t mind, but would it be at all possible for me to…? I wonder if I could possibly… Would you mind if I … Is it all right if I… I’d like to …

Response: Yes, go ahead Yes, I suppose so Well, all right

I’m sorry, but it’s impossible

Step3: Listening (15minutes)

Play the record to the students and check the answers Key: FTFT 6. This conversation takes places in the professor’s office 7. Professor White suggests that Li Ting go to David for help

Step4: Listening (15minutes)

Listen to Section B and then do the exercises Key: 1.To hand in her homework next Monday

2. No, because this Friday is the deadline

3. Her .puter broke down this morning and she can’t type out her homework 4. To ask David to fix the .puter, or use the man’s own .puter 5. Last week

6. Before next Friday

Step5: Listening (15minutes)

Listen to the tape and then do the exercises Key: T F F T F

Unit 6 Health Care


1. Improve students’ ability of .prehension 2. Enlarge the vocabulary relating to diseases. 3. Get more familiar with the Past participle. 4. Finish the exercises in this unit

5. Make the students know some useful words, sentences and expressions about Jones’s diseases.

6. Let students practice how to tell others their upset feeling of bodies.


1. Vocabulary in words and expressions of Text A and Text B. 2. .prehension of Text A and Text B. 3. Grammar (The Past Participle)

4. Practical Writings :How to write a name card


Period1. 1. New word in Text A 2. Discussion of Text A Period2. 1. .prehension of Text A 2. Language points in Text B. Period3 1. New words in Text B. 2. Discussion of Text B Period 4 1. .prehension of Text B. 2 Language points in Text B. Period 5 1. Grammar exercises 2. Active words exercises Period 6 1. .prehension exercises 2..Practical writing Period 7 Listening Practice (Seeing a doctor)

Period 8 Oral English Practice

Methods (17) Practice speaking and listening (18) Discussion (19) Presentation and role play (20) Exercises

Period 1

Teaching procedure for Text A

Step 1 Warm up discussion (5 minutes) Ask the students to talk about healthy and why good healthy is important in our life. Question: Do you think good healthy is important in our life? Why?

Hint: To keep healthy, we should: 1 Wash our hands before meals;

2 Do some physical exercises every day 3 Do not eat too much meat

Step 2 Background Information (5 minutes)

Tell something about healthy care and a good sleep differences between Chinese and Americans.

Health is be.ing more and more important in people’s life. Many people think that the health is much dearer than wealth, that the health is the dearest wealth for people. Most of us take great care of our own health, but some of us don’t know how to get a strong body and also a sound brain. Through the study of this lesson, maybe we can solve some problems that worry us about our health daily.

Step 3 Learning new words and useful expressions in Text A.(10 minutes)

Students follow teacher’s voice (3-5 times) and repeat more times of longer and more difficult words. Teacher explains some useful and difficult words.

Vocabulary in Text A (10 minutes) 1. symptom n 症状

Fever is a symptom of many illnesses. 2. list vt. 列举

List three reasons why you enjoyed the film. list n. 名单

His name is first on the list. 3. vary v. 变更,改变,不同

The weather varies from day to day. various adj 各种各样,不同的

There are various ways of getting to the station. 4. freeze v.使冻结

When water freezes it be.es ice. He looks half-frozen. 快冻僵了。 5. case 事例 病例

This is a case of fever.. in case 以防 可能

Take an umbrella, in case it rains. in case of 如果, 万一

In case of fire, break the glass. 6. estimate v. 估计,评估

It’s difficult to estimate the possible results in advance.

