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The Differences of the Connotation of the Color Red and Their Translation Strategies红色在中西文化中的内涵差异及其翻译策略

毕 业 论 文

The Differences of the Connotation of the Color

Red and Their Translation Strategies


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The Differences of the Connotation of the Color Red and Their Translation Strategies红色在中西文化中的内涵差异及其翻译策略

Abstract: Color words and culture are inseparable relationship, and it as a part of a language, color words have the rich cultural connotation. The different cultures of Chinese and western has shown the larger difference in the language. The appearance of color words is the need of language and cultural development, although there is a similarity between different cultures, different nations for the same color may confer different symbolic meanings; red is a basic color. Because of the general characteristics of human culture, the symbolic meanings of red have many similarities in Chinese and western culture. However, because the differences of habits and customs, lifestyles, historical backgrounds and religious beliefs, There are more differences between Chinese and Western. For example the red in this paper, red is a kind of objective existence、special physical form. People in both emotionally and visually have a respond on the red to a certain extent. This paper expounds connotation difference of Chinese and Western culture on the red, it explains that mastering red words‘ deeper meaning in the two language, is a way of better understanding of Chinese and Western cultural connotations so that we can take reasonable, effective translation strategies.

Key Words: red; culture; connotation; differences; translation strategies

The Differences of the Connotation of the Color Red and Their Translation Strategies红色在中西文化中的内涵差异及其翻译策略





The Differences of the Connotation of the Color Red and Their Translation Strategies红色在中西文化中的内涵差异及其翻译策略



1. The Relationship between Language and Culture..........................1

2. The Connotation of the Color Red .....................................2

2.1 Chinese culture and ―红‖...............................2

2.1.1 Advocating the Historical Origin of Red...........................2

2.1.2Concrete Performance of Advocating Red..........................2 The Symbol of Authority and Dignity..........................2 The Symbol of Festival and Lively..........................3 The Symbol of Beauty and Health........................3 The Symbol of Prosperity and Success.........................4 A Symbol of Loyalty and Revolution..........................4 The Symbol of Exorcisms and Peace..........................4

2.2 Western Culture and ―Red‖.........................................5

2.2.1 The Main Reason for Hating Red................................5

2.2.2 Specific Performance of Hate Red...............................5 The Symbol of Blood and Violence...........................5 The Symbol of Debauchery and Obscenity......................5 The Symbol of Danger and Warming.........................6 The Symbol of Unpopular..............................6

3. Properly Policies Should Be Taken in Translation..........................7

3.1 Literal Translation................................................7

3.2 Free Translation..................................................8

3.3 Substitution Method..............................................9

3.4 Mutual Substitution Method of Basic Color Terms and Real Color.........10




The Differences of the Connotation of the Color Red and Their Translation Strategies红色在中西文化中的内涵差异及其翻译策略


Color is connected with human life, if color doesn‘t exist, human‘s life will become tedious. In order to distinguish between the various color, color word also appears in succession. Color words not only have the natural attribute, but also contain rich culture connotations and symbolic meanings. Although the color words is only a small part of the language, but the use of color words, especially the symbolic meanings of color words can greatly enhance the rhetorical effect to make the language vividly. According to some researches show that, except human color blindness, the visual system of observing the color in physiology is no different, therefore, with different national culture, color perception ability in theory should be no distinction. So in English and Chinese culture, there should have some consensus in color perception ability and the symbolic meanings of color words, sometimes those can be partial equivalence. But each language has its own unique language system and construction, every nation has their own habits and customs, way of thinking, language psychology, behavior norms, values and cultural traditions. For any one color, complete equivalence in semantics and cultural between the two languages are extremely rare. In addition, even the same color can also stimulate different ethnic people‘s different emotion, so ―red‖ reflects the different language and culture connotation in these two languages and has different symbolic meanings.

1. The Relationship between Language and Culture

The relationship between language and culture is very close. Language is the carrier of culture, it also a mirror of national culture, language cannot leave the culture exists, more cannot be separated from language education and continues its development. Culture is the human living environment, all aspects of human life are affected by the cultural. Humans living in the colorful world, naturally, it has a lasting and profound influence to social culture and color. In turn, color also reflects a little of culture. Color not only has the obvious function of aesthetics. At the same time also has the function of transmission of information and riches cultural connotation. People living in such a rich and colorful world, the feeling of color is inevitably affected by the impact of a country‘s traditional culture. ―People‘s color concept is the organic component of cultural values‖. Color words not only reflect different cultural connotations, also belong to different culture created by the cultural characteristic words.

As French linguists Sapir in the book-linguistic said: ―language has something behind, and the language cannot leave the culture exists.‖ It can be seem that language is the product of culture. A nation‘s culture has a directly impact on the nation's social organization and cognitive style. Therefore, people‘s feeling and expression on red are not the same, so the connotation of red between Chinese and Western culture will make a big difference, only grasp these differences can we profoundly understand the meanings of the original text and take accurate translation strategies, this paper take

The Differences of the Connotation of the Color Red and Their Translation Strategies红色在中西文化中的内涵差异及其翻译策略

the differences of the connotation of the color red as an example, In order to study the differences of cultural connotation and adopt the corresponding translation strategy.

2. The Connotation of the Color Red

2.1 Chinese Culture and "红"

2.1.1 Advocating the Historical Origin of Red

―Red‖ is the main tone in the Chinese nation color spectrum, Chinese favor for red with a long history. Since ancient times, from the old to the youth, all has a deep interest and affection in red. Because in the Chinese language and culture, ―red‖ is closely linked with marriage and festival and the color of happiness, which contains active, positive color meaning and cultural connotation. Red has always been decorated with Chinese life and festivals, “红” in the Chinese culture is derived from the sun, because of the hot sun like fire, its color is red. The ancients believed that sun rise and all creations wake up‘. People feel all things breeding and full of vibrant under the sun, thus have a warm feeling on the red. In addition, the Chinese nation is fond of red, which evolved from blood worship, fire worship and sun worship in the ancient times. In the primitive society, the hunting activities inevitably will be bloodshed and death. In some original tombs, red iron ore powder sprinkled on the ground beside the corpse. The ancestors used to turn undead and pray for regeneration. Visibly, blood can lead to evil or ward off evil spirits. While fire can resist cold and wild animal, and baked food, so ancestors think it can get rid of evil and eliminate disaster. As for the sun, it rises with fiery red, which has dazzling rays of light and burning temperature that brings light and warmth、hope and peace to the mankind. People think this is the gift of god to send power to make everything vitality, therefore, our ancestors full of worship for the mysterious of red. Owing to the Chinese cultural has a long history, there was never a fault, making the Chinese nation enrich and continue the worship of red.

2.1.2 Concrete Performance of Advocating Red The Symbol of Authority and Dignity

Because different nation have different historical development, describing the physical of the same color in all languages is generated by the psychological meanings cannot be identical, often with distinctive ethnic characteristics.

In ancient Chinese primitive society, red is the first one to be applied to human life in color and a symbol of the ancient Chinese southern. In addition, ―红‖in China is considered as a happy festive color, means solemn and noble. Before the 11th century, Zhou dynasty, palace buildings generally use red, and spread to future generations. Because the imperial palace is the supreme ruler‘s activity place, it must show "supreme"、"noble and rich" everywhere and all the time. Therefore, since the ancient times, people have already treated red as the supreme color. Senior official monopolize ―红‖, officials、residence and dress are also mainly in red. Du Fu said:“朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨”,“朱门”means the red door, it is known that only ancient high officials and noble lords can use red as wealthy homes, not only people cannot use it, low-level officials also cannot use. So the Chinese ancient high officials and noble lords‘ house known as“朱门”, a powerful person‘s sedan is called“朱轩”, the

The Differences of the Connotation of the Color Red and Their Translation Strategies红色在中西文化中的内涵差异及其翻译策略

clothing is called“朱衣”.Tang dynasty regulated that lords and the officials of the court above third grade, whose clothing are purple, while above fifth grade, their clothes are red. this is the reason why people described a successful people as“大紫大红”,Ming dynasty canceled hundreds of years the most noble color—purple, red instead. it regulated that the color of first to forth grade is ―绯色‖,绯色 is red. From them on, fresh red is becoming the noblest color after yellow. it is visible that red has been regarded as noble by the feudal rulers, and widely be used in various items, such as the door‘s color、the color of the clothes, the palace,“丹书” is a special certificate that imperial given special treatment to a person who does a great thing, and the surface of the book is red. Now the government issued the important documents that also called as red tape.

In the western, people prefer to purple, In ancient Greece,the ancient Rome emperor, archon and general are wore in purple, purple is a symbol of nobility and dignity, throne and reign. ―wearing purple clothes‖ means a high statue, such as to raise to the purple(升为红衣主教);to be born in the purple(生于帝王之家),to marry in to the purple(与皇家联姻) and so on. The Symbol of Festival and Lively

Red is the most commonly used and one of the most popular colors. As early as six-seven thousand years ago, the ancestors can use hematite powder dyed linen into red. People associated red with the sun. In Chinese, traditional custom and folk festival activity have to use red , for example ,in the Spring Festival, people often hang red lights and covered with red cloth ;The elder give the younger generation's New Year's money or elders saw the newly-married couple in their first time and given them a gift, which is called as ―red packets‖; a businessman do his business after the Spring Festival, at that time the prices of the goods is called ―红盘‖, some rural areas of Shanxi, the bridegroom, bride and bridegroom‘s parents and brother will paint their faces into red faces, that indicated more and more prosperous after married life; when celebrating a opening business or cooperation, people always use a bright red silk tied into a big red flower, all these are for good luck. Of course, bearing a baby is a great thing in China, so if a family has a new child, they will distribute ―red eggs‖ to their relatives and friends. In traditional wedding banquet, red expresses happy smiling faces. New house、Bridal chamber and the furniture are posted with red double happiness; burning red candle; The groom wears a red flower in the front of his chest ; the bride put on a red dress and covered a piece of red cloth on her head. ―红尘‖ refers to the dust raised by horseshoe in the old time, now it means the hustle and bustle world.

In the English-speaking countries, it is also a symbol of festive, but not far from widely used in China.A red-letter day marked in red ink, that day means a day that was worth remembering something important. This is because the Catholic church in ancient times uses red ink to write festivals and holy days on the schedule. The Symbol of Beauty and Health

In China, ―红‖ have many extensive meanings, while in English without some of those meanings. ―红‖ often related with woman , such as “红妆”“红颜”,,“红粉”,“红袖”,“红闺”.While ―red‖ has no that corresponding meanings. Thus people use

The Differences of the Connotation of the Color Red and Their Translation Strategies红色在中西文化中的内涵差异及其翻译策略

it to describe the woman‘s youth and beauty appearance, such as “红粉佳人”、“红颜知已”, the young girl‘s room is called as“朱阁”,the writing paper is known as “红笺”. The powder used to make up a person ,which is called“朱粉”,In addition, “红”is a symbol of the meaning of ―health‖, it obviously reflected in China, for example, when it comes to a boy or a girl‘s red face, meaning that he (or she) is beautiful; ―红光满面‖means a person in a good and healthy physical condition, whose face with ruddy cheek and look good. In English, when describing a person‘s health, they need not to use the word of ―red‖, but use rosy cheeks (红光满面), in the pink condition (身体健康). The Symbol of Prosperity and Success

People are fond of “红”,it embodies the pursuit of spiritual and material of the Chinese people. ―Red‖ is the most commonly used in our country that can express the meaning of one of color word. From the old to the young, they all have a deep interest and affection in red, “红”means smooth and success in Chinese, such as ―红运‖, ―开门红‖, ―满堂红‖, etc. all these shows smooth and very good luck; In the stock market also use “红利”,“分红”,“开门红”and so on, those words are used to express all things goes best. If your name on the ―红榜‖, of course,means that you have achieved success in one aspect and get the public's approval; If you are famous of acting, became a ―红角儿‖, or singing made you known to everyone, became a ―红歌星‖, that means you have very popular with the audience. In English-speaking countries, ―red‖ have very few in this connotation. The word ―red shirt‖ is not represent a winner, but that refers to the scores is bad and sports skills are excellent in American university students. A Symbol of Loyalty and Revolution

In the traditional Beijing Opera, Guanyu‘s face symbolizes the qualities of his loyalty and upright;in Chinese, ―赤胆忠心,碧血丹心‖also used to describe people's loyalty and justice.;“红”symbolizes the meaning of revolutionary with commendatory term and progress, besides, ―红‖ is closely linked with the blood, it symbolizes dauntless national integrity、the spirit of patriotism、strong revolutionary will and the communist ideal. In ancient China, farmers organize a army named ―赤眉军‖;in modern times,“红军”,“红色娘子军”,“红色政权”,“红卫兵”as revolutionary words are known to every family. Now we also easily find in our country that there are still a lot of political meanings ,which are related to "红". Such as the national flag of China is a red flag with five stars, the national emblem of China is red, and the meetings of the communist party of China are decorated in red. ―红枫‖ is a symbol of revolutionary enthusiasm, ―红烛‖ means the spirit of dedication, etc. During the "cultural revolution", even apply ―红海洋‖to signify revolution. In short, in our country ―红‖ represents the Chinese people's indomitable spirit and strong national spirit. The Symbol of Exorcisms and Peace

In the traditional custom, in one's year of birth considered in relation to the12 Terrestrial Branches, regardless of adult or child ,they will buy a red belt that commonly known as“扎红”, the child will wear red vest and red trousers ,people think in this way it could hasten lucky and eliminate all catastrophe. Today this

The Differences of the Connotation of the Color Red and Their Translation Strategies红色在中西文化中的内涵差异及其翻译策略

custom is still popular everywhere, every Spring Festival, many shops sell ―吉祥带‖、“吉祥结”,with red and yellow ribbons. This life year people will be fastened that on their waist and wrist for good wishes. In some countryside, many children die of poor medical health condition and poor nutrition in young time. For the sake of peace and health, parents will tie a red line on the neck of their children until the adults. Some places, a tree hung on red ribbons, people usually treat the tree as ―sacred tree‖, and hung a red ribbon to pray the peace of the whole family.

2.2 Western Culture and "Red"

2.2.1 The Main Reason for Hating Red

Western civilization pay attention to the exploration and application of science research method, people take pragmatic science attitude to the objective world and the objective understanding. so in Western culture the meanings of the color are less emotional and have become more rational; less mysterious and become more intuitive. Red in Western cultures can also mean festive (red-letter days), welcome (roll red-carpet for somebody ), Love (a Red Red Rose--Robert Burns) and so on, but derogatory sense is greater than commendatory sense.

2.2. 2 Specific Performance of Hate Red

2.2. 2.1 The Symbol of Blood and Violence

―Red‖ in Western culture is more representative of bad meanings. Because in the concept of the English culture, ―red‖ mainly refers to the color of the blood .Blood in the eyes of Westerners is Pentium in the body named ―fluid of life‖, and once blood flowed down, Human life will also end, so Westerners often associate red with ―dangerous‖, ―radical‖, ―bleed‖, which resulting in a color taboo. In addition, in ancient Rome and ancient Greece, red is commonly used in Western painting art to express religious beliefs. Red symbolizes fire and blood, while deep red is a symbol of brutality and killing, red also symbolizes slaughter and bloodshed, such as the red rules of tooth and claw (残杀和暴力统治), red revenge (血腥复仇),a red Battle (血战).

The 《Bible》 records:On the last supper, Jesus gave Saints sprinkled red grape and said: ―this is my blood of the Covenant, poured out for many to be exempt from sins.‖ Since then Christians regarded red wine as the Holy blood. In the English language, ―red‖ is the pronoun of the Communist party or Communism, sometimes containing insults, for example, the Red belt. Better red than dead refers to the cold war, American people would rather ruled by communist than dying of nuclear war. Red scare means a United States Government expel foreigners travel to the United States in 1919 and 1920, fearing that they were Communists. Red Brigade is a secret terrorist organization in Italy, engaging in kidnapping, murder, destruction and other terrorist activities. It is mainly representative of brutality and slaughter that is a pretty strong derogatory term. The Symbol of Debauchery and Obscenity

―A red waste of his youth‖ means debauchery and wasted youth; A red light district(红灯区)means the hooker often appears in this place; ―Paint the town red ‖means overindulgence. In the 19 century, American romantic writers –Hawthorne, his novel (《The Scarlet Letter》) tells the heroine is forced to wear a red word ―A‖ in

The Differences of the Connotation of the Color Red and Their Translation Strategies红色在中西文化中的内涵差异及其翻译策略

her whole life, which is a symbol of shame due to commit adultery. The ―Scarlet‖ (腥红,鲜红) symbolizes ―debauchery and obscenity‖, which made up a phrase ―Scarlet woman‖ refers to ―淫妇‖. Visibly,“red”is a very unpopular word, the red ―A‖ in her body symbolizes obscenity and shame, the color of ―A‖ symbolizes danger and plague, let people saw it and gone away. In the 50~60s, the domestic brand radio –―红灯‖ once sold oceans and abroad. But as ―红灯‖literal translation in English means ―a red light district‖ made ―红灯‖ brand radio poor sales overseas. Later it changed its name and became best-selling. This is also the different connotation of Chinese and western about red that caused the different understanding.

Throughout《Tess of The D'Urbervilles》,it can be found in her short life course that all deeply engraved with passion, desire, recklessness, shame, tragedy mark. The red image exists as an organization of the use of space art. This strong dazzling color impacts on the people causing a very uncomfortable mind. This harsh color as a symbol of sexual desire or joy of life is negative on life's tragic and helplessness. The Symbol of Danger and Warning

―Red‖ plays a role of warning and inhibition, remembering people to draw attention to risk, even to a certain extent, it makes people feel disturbed. This point is the same in China and English-speaking countries. The red light in the crossroads is a stop signal; of course, in front of the brothel hanging ―red‖ lights, brothels and other nasty places are named ―red light district‖. Among them, red is also a ban and has a deep meaning—sexual impluse. In the translation of “红楼梦”,the famous Chinese linguist(Hawkes)realized that ―红‖can make modern English readers think of violence、bloody, so he uses the original title--《石头记》,it translated as The Story of Stone. In English-speaking countries, ―red‖ is synonymous with the state of emergency, besides, ―red flag‖ is often used as a warning signal of danger or a signal of stop. The US Commerce Commission regulated that inflammable goods and shipping documents must be pasted with ―red label‖(红标签), which is the same in China, such as ―高压危险‖,“易燃易爆品”,“小心火灾”.In the ball game, if players make a serious mistake, the judge will show ―red card‖(红牌); if the unit or individual breaks the law or the rulers, the ―red card‖ should be showed as a signal of warning. Nowadays, financial personnel account the loss of the record in ―red‖ ink; ―running a business in the red‖ means a business operated in loss, so ―red‖ represents a loss. ―red‖ as a warning , like a red month(赤字月), go into red ink(出现赤字), in the red(有亏欠、有赤字) The Symbol of Unpopular

In English-speaking countries, ―red‖ often signifies unpopular with everyone and disgusting. In a bullfight game, the matador always uses a larger piece of red cloth to provoke the cow to attack them. A red cloth is used to enrage bull, while now refers to make people angry, such as ―like a red rag to a bull‖(肯定会使人生气或烦恼的事); ―see red‖ (暴跳如雷、极为愤怒); ―red eye‖(红眼) means cheap whiskey. If someone drinks a small amount of this wine, his eyes will become red. Surely, this meaning is entirely different from ―红眼病‖ in Chinese, ―red chicken‖ is crude heroin, in China it is commonly known as ―红鸡‖; ―red tape‖(繁文缛节、官样文章).All these examples shows the meanings of ―red‖ are unpopular.

The Differences of the Connotation of the Color Red and Their Translation Strategies红色在中西文化中的内涵差异及其翻译策略

3. Properly Policies Should Be Taken in Translation

Translation is a method that it keeps the meaning and image of the original language and the structure of sentences and not against the language standard of translation and not produce wrong relation and misleads the consumers,or finds a similar word from the Chinese Characters to tranlate the original language in accordance with its original pronunciation.

As a carrier of culture, language absorbs the essence of different national cultures. From above example, we can find color vocabulary is restrictive culture vocabulary, they can reflect culture connotations and features of the society. Therefore, it is very difficulty to directly use a kind of language to express the implied significances of another language, so we should take corresponding method under different situation, only in this way, we can accurately convey the different cultural connotations. For example, ―red‖ in this article analyzes the difference of cultural connotations between Chinese and Western. There are several translation methods, such as literal translation, free translation, mutual substitution method of basic color terms and real color words.

3.1 Literal Translation

literal translation(直译)is a kind of translation of method or words that not only keep the meaning of the original language,but also keep the structure of the source language. The use of literal translation not only greatly enriches the vocabulary of Chinese, but also greatly expands the way of expressions and the scope of expression.


(译为:He turned red with anger when he heard that.)

Translated into


(译为:Why are the flowers so red,so red as flames?)

例3:A red-haired girl is coming up.


例4:Let us paint the house red.


This shows that the purpose of literal translation is intended to preserve the cultural information of the text without changing its form, this translation not only spread the culture information of the original text as possible, but effectively pass the cultural meanings. When the connotations and literal meaning of color words will not lead to misunderstandings, we had better use literal translation. This makes the translation faithful to the original meaning and reflects the appeal of color terms or vividly describes the original in front of readers, let also allows them to get the unique charm of the original culture. For instance, this method is mostly used in the book--《The Story of Stone》. In addition, in a number of linguistic data, we found that some statements in both Chinese and English apply the same color and symbol and have the same cultural significances, in this case, we are just use literal translation.

Moreover, the deeply exchanges between Chinese and English culture, so the translation of “红” often use literal translation. For example: ―红包‖ can be directly translated as "red packets", because the increase of China‘s international status,

The Differences of the Connotation of the Color Red and Their Translation Strategies红色在中西文化中的内涵差异及其翻译策略

Chinese customs are more and more well-known by the rest of the world, so ―红包‖ do not need to translate into "red envelope containing money as a gift." Similarly, “红旗”(red flag),“红军”(red army)“红卫兵”;(red guard)Furthermore, some English color words can also directly translate into Chinese, such as red blood cells(红血球), red carpet (红地毯), red ink figure(赤字), jump a red light(闯红灯),red light district(红灯区): The word ―red ―is not the original Chinese, but because both of both countries have such a phenomenon, literal translation can better spread western culture to the Chinese , which is also a good way of translation.

In addition, literal translation can introduce new methods of the expression, these can rich the culture of the target language and promote cultural exchanges between Chinese and Western. In a word, by literal translation, some expressions in English have also been accepted by the Chinese.

3.2 Free Translation

Free translation (意译)means that combined with the culture and linguistic characters, marketing and other factors so that the reader‘s responds to translation is similar to that of the original language.

In Chinese and English culture ,―red‖(红)is limited by their cultural and social conditions, so symbolic meanings are not completely equivalent. Therefore in the process of translation between English and Chinese, most time according to the original literal meaning, and breaking the original language, then using appropriate methods to deal with it. Otherwise, it will not be able to effectively deliver the original information. So when start to translate the text, one can not just use literal translation. For example, in China we use "红颜" refers to a beautiful woman. If you translate into "red face", that will make misunderstand by the western. In this case, generally using free translation is a better way.

The purpose of free translation is according to the gist of the original, not word for word and sentence for sentence translation. When the original language and target language reflect the circumstances of vast cultural differences it can be used for translation.

Firstly, because ―红‖ and "red" are far from different in the culture of Chinese and Western. In Chinese culture, ―红‖is a commendatory word, but in the English language, ―red‖ is a derogatory expression, so the Chinese word "红" are often not translated into "red", it often use other words correspond with it. United Kingdom translator David Hawks translated“红楼梦”as ―The Story of Stone‖,besides, “怡红公子” translated as ―green boy‖, it is taken ―红‖ and ―red‖ in different cultures of the different connotations and implications into consideration.

Second, ―red‖(红) is limited by the different culture of Chinese and Western, its symbolic meanings are not completely equivalent. In Chinese traditional marriage,“红娘”is CuiYingying‘s maid ,she contributed to the combination of Yingying and Zhang. After then,“红娘”refers to a person or a unit who create opportunity to others in their marriage, and is translated as ―go-between‖ or ―mash-maker‖. The literal translation is ―red girl‖ or ―a lady in red‖, which will make people misunderstand. Look at this sentence: Stop chasing red herrings and get back to the point. Chasing red herrings like red herring group, the real meaning is jumping from one subject or changing the

The Differences of the Connotation of the Color Red and Their Translation Strategies红色在中西文化中的内涵差异及其翻译策略

subject. There is a news of describing Lotus. Its title quotes two lines of poetry: ― 接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。‖. Literal translation would seem lengthy, in order to comply with concise news headlines features. the poetry is translated as ―Lotuses in full bloom”. Therefore, free translation needs the translator deeply probe the original text, and make the text reach the combination in order to seize the key points and play a touch role.

3.3 Substitution Method

It refers to use a color word to substitute another color in the original language word, the translation can achieve the same expression effect with the original text. There are two situations required substitution method:

1. People often link the specific color with quality, these qualities or characteristics used to raise awareness of specific reactions or emotions, which are different in people with different languages and cultures. This difference is divided into two categories:

(1) A color word in a language and culture have a certain associative meanings, but in another culture without such meaning.

(2) Both two languages and cultures contain a certain amount of associative meaning, but their meanings are different

The first one can use free translation, while the second one, substitution method is available. Tang dynasty poet Wangwei (相思): ―红豆生南国,春来发几枝;愿君多采撷,此物最相思”,only 20 words, but revealed the poet‘s deep feeling. In 《The Story of Stone》, the words:“滴不尽相思血泪抛红豆”,it means lover's tears are compared to red beans. The《Bible》records that Essau want to get a bowl of red bean soup by betray her own son. Therefore, Westerners believe that red bean signifies folly and forget friendship for profit .so it can be translated for ―love bean‖ to avoid taboos. And clear show its Chinese symbol meaning“Love‖, United Kingdom translator David Hawks in translation of 《红楼梦》, considering that red lead to Westerners a bad associations, so he translates it into the other title named 《The Story of Stone》(《石头记》).Similar examples abound. United States writer Hawthorne‘s novel The Scarlet Letter was free translation. In some Chinese books, it named ―《红字》‖,I‘m afraid most Chinese readers are difficult to link the content and the affair under this title. So why not translated into《罪爱》?

2. For real color words, usually use a different color in Chinese and English

Attention to fuzziness in color words and the language itself. For example, in Chinese “红茶”, ―红糖‖cannot be translated as ―red tea‖, ―red sugar‖. Partly because of the color words is a special kind of fuzzy sets, the number of the color is very large, but the number of describe words are very limited. Spectrum does not have a precise color boundary, people are vague about color spectrum. From the Visual point of view, red, black, Brown was quite close to the color of the spectrum, there is no clear boundaries. So when Chinese people distinguish tea and sugar water color, visually see color is red, but when the British see them no longer red, those are black and Brown. On the other hand, there is a big difference in Chinese and English about word characteristics. Generally speaking, the Chinese words are fixed and pay more attention to exact, standard, rigorous and flexible word meaning, in English, a word

The Differences of the Connotation of the Color Red and Their Translation Strategies红色在中西文化中的内涵差异及其翻译策略

may have many meanings. For example, the Chinese believed that the brown sugar supplementing energy for people, so it is necessary for a weak person to drink. While in Western, it is just brown sugar;“红茶”also translated as ―black tea‖. This is because the Chinese and English people observe things and phenomena from different perspectives, so the things also have different interpretations. In this case, the substitution method has apparently become a suitable translation. This method is applicable only when the literal translation, free translation does not provide enough information for the target audience to understand the exact meaning of the original text. In order to pass the original meaning and achieve the same effect, you have to sacrifice some of the original culture.

3.4 Mutual Substitution Method of Basic Color Terms and Real Color Words In all color words, except the basic color terms, there is a real color word, it comes from the structures themselves to apply a color directly replace the objective color. The replace of these two colors means that the translation of color words in place of the original language of the basic color terms. Hawks used this method in the translation of The Story of Stone.


Heaped charnel- bones none can identify. Were golden girls and boys in days gone by.


Jia Baoyu visits the Land of Illusion; and the fairy Disenchantment performs the Dream of Golden Days.


Jia Baoyu tastes some superior tea at Green Bower Hermitage; And Liu Laolao samples the sleeping accommodation at Green Delights.

Translator in the translation of the original ―红妆‖、 ―红楼梦‖and ―怡红院‖did not use a Word, but translated into Golden and Green, respectively, and both are different colors, but has a similar meaning to target readers. Of course, this approach is appropriate or not? Whether it would be beneficial to the original culture in the target language representation or not that should be regarded as a different matter. However, we may see the influence of an extension of the meaning of color words to language and translation. In both examples, the ―golden‖ is a real word, derived from the gold, on the one hand it can represent yellow, on the other hand is often used to symbolize nobility, or the best years of a person‘s life. Therefore, the translations can properly convey the cultural connotations of the original. ―Red‖ in the Western as bad meanings, so in case 1, ―红妆‖ translated as ―Golden girls‖ by Hawks, which instead of ―red girls‖. Chinese culture pursues his vividly, and Western culture focuses on precise realism. At the time of bilingual translations, this should not be overlooked. China Central television programs of 《夕阳红》, refers to the well-being of the elderly, that translated into ―Sunset Glow‖. It refers to the beauty of the natural landscape, also means the happy life of the elderly, both relevant and authentic. Conclusion

―Red‖ embodies symbolism in a variety of national culture. Color word with

The Differences of the Connotation of the Color Red and Their Translation Strategies红色在中西文化中的内涵差异及其翻译策略

sharp of national color, different basic color word in various language rely on specific substances are different, the same basic color word in different language comes from different objects, and these object color are different, some words about ―red‖ are appear in specific history and geographic background. These vocabulary most can considered ―文化局限词‖, one who does not understand specific culture, and history background will difficult to understanding its real significance. In the process of using color words, it hosted a number of cultural connotations and cultural information. Colors expressions are associated with the social life and their peoples with a distinctive national characteristic. Red in both English and Chinese has different extended meanings and expressing different symbolic meanings. To understand the differences in English and Chinese languages due to different social customs formed by differences of extensive vocabulary of the literal meaning and significance, this is one of the keys for effectively cross-cultural communication. The usage of red, closely related to the social customs, one wants to know what are really cultural connotations, he needs to consider their social customs and cultural backgrounds. Basically, in Chinese culture, the symbol of ―红‖is based on the China's feudal rule, superstition and backward states of science and education. Therefore, the symbol of ―红‖has a very strong tendency of politicization and mysterious. In Western culture, the symbols of ―red‖ are most effect by the openness of scientific and education. Popularity, its symbolic meanings are less mysterious, much more rational, semantic and original meaning can be easier to track than Chinese. Between different cultures of ―red‖ symbolism is community development and established in the historical precipitation it is a permanent cultural phenomenon. They are able to make the language lively, interesting, humorous, intimate, so we should pay enough attention.

In short, influences impact on color words is persistent and deeply rooted. In the effect of different historical background and cultural customs between Western and Chinese has its deep of connotation. This requires us that we should understand traditional culture, value concept and customs produced by its nation and gasp the significance of color words and culture information hosted by the color words. The purpose of ultimate translation is to realize that the translation should be complied with the original meaning and style. A good translator must have good insight and skilled translation .the works after translation can also be read as smooth as the mother language for readers, though it is the second language. As long as we have a deep understanding of color words in cultural connotation of the English language and then correct its interpretation, then people from different cultures within the region can achieve quick and easy exchange and communication. Therefore, though the comparison of the red in Chinese and Western, we can appreciate the differences of color words in two languages and cultures. As one linguist says each word now has its own history and color words is no exception. If the translator masters the culture, he would deeply understand the original meaning and accurately translated it, so all nationalities are able to fluently communicate with each other to promote common development.

The Differences of the Connotation of the Color Red and Their Translation Strategies红色在中西文化中的内涵差异及其翻译策略


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The Differences of the Connotation of the Color Red and Their Translation Strategies红色在中西文化中的内涵差异及其翻译策略


I avail myself this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have helped me a lot in my graduate study and in the preparation of this thesis.

First and foremost, it‘s a great privilege and pleasure to work on the thesis under the guidance of my tutor Miss Yang, whose patient instructions and valuable suggestions have helped to shape this thesis. Without her encouragement and constant guidance, I could not have finished this thesis.

I am also greatly indebted to many of my teachers who have taught me English. And then I want to thank many of my classmates. It is with their unconditional support and encouragement that I can persist in my studies that finally lead to this thesis.

