
更新时间:2023-11-19 01:46:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载




命题:瑞安中学 宋丽珍 占玉霜 审题:杭州高级中学 胡艺明 校对:陈星可











1. How much will the woman pay? A. $2. B. $4. C. $6. 2. Who probably went to Prof. Freeman’s class? A. Greg. B. Eric. C. Felicia. 3. What will the man do?

A. Ask the woman to give him a discount. B. Take the book though it’s expensive. C. Try to get the book online.

4. What would the boy most likely to be? A. An astronaut. B. A pirate. C. A fireman. 5. What are the speakers doing? A. Fishing. B. Hiking. C. Swimming. 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)



题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。

6. What are the speakers going to do tonight? A. Go out to dinner at a new restaurant. B. Have a quiet dinner at home. C. Go to a party at a friend’s house. 7. What do we know about the speakers? A. They just started dating.

B. They both need to change clothes. C. They haven’t been married long.

听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. Why does the man call the woman?

A. To make an appointment with Mr. King.

B. To tell Mr. King about an important meeting. C. To ask her a question about a sale. 9. What does the man want Mr. King to do? A. Investigating the foreign exchange market B. Prepare a presentation. C. Bring some reports.

听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. Why did the man stop the woman? A. To remind her of an accident ahead. B. To give her a fine ticket. C. To tell her something is wrong with her back light. 11. What is true about fix-it tickets? A. They include a $50 fine

B. The repairs must be done within a month

C. You don’t have a choice about where to go for the repairs 12. What is the man like? A. Rude. B. Patient.

听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. Why won’t the speakers go to Europe? A. They do not have enough time. B. They have been there recently. C. They can’t afford it.

14. Where do the speakers decide to go instead?


C. Cautious. A. The nearby countryside. B. The city next to theirs. C. A nature park that is a little far away. 15. How will the speakers go on a vacation? A. By car. B. By bus. C. By train. 16. What does the woman ask the man to do before they leave? A. Make a list of what they will bring. B. Fill up the car with gas. C. Pay attention to the weather.

听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. Who started the Library of Congress? A. President George Washington. B. President John Adams. C. Thomas Jefferson.

18. What were the Library’s books about in the early days? A. Law. B. Art. C. All subjects. 19. What is most of the budget for the Library used for? A. To purchase new books. B. To hire famous experts to work here. C. To keep the valuable items safe.

20. According to the speaker, which collection at the Library is the best in the world? A. Its magic books. B. Its movies. C. Its comic books.





When I was a child, our nearest neighbor was John Marshall, who after his wife’s death rarely went into town, never spoke to women, and had no patience for children. But, despite his strange ways, my mother responded to our neighbor, saw his need, and refused to let him go hungry on her watch. Helping him would not be easy – he would see that – but Mother managed to find a way of accomplishing her mission. Between the main kitchen and the summer kitchen was a narrow hall, which opened onto back porches. It looked and felt more like a barn(谷仓) than part of the house, so John considered it “an area where a man could stand without stepping into a woman’s territory”. On a shelf, by the back door, sat an old basket. Each morning, after breakfast, Mother would wrap biscuits and muffins in a towel and take them out to the basket. Father, and many of the workers, were welcomed to the basket’s contents, but it was my mother’s intention to always have something in the basket when Mr.


Marshall walked out onto the porch and through the door for his breakfast or lunch. She would frequently put out a jar from the cupboard or a serving of baked beans for him to take home. In all my growing-up years, the basket was never empty.

21. The underlined part “her mission” in the 1st paragraph refers to ______. A. changing Mr. Marshall’s strange behaviors

B. watching Mr. Marshall take meals from the basket C. helping Mr. Marshall without being noticed by him

D. seeing Mr. Marshall’s need and showing pity for him 22. We can learn from the passage that ______.

A. Mr. Marshall was so rude that the writer didn’t like him

B. the old basket with food was intended for Mr. Marshall

C. Mr. Marshall walked into the neighbor’s kitchen to get the food D. Mr. Marshall expressed his great gratitude to my mother 23. Which word can best describe the writer’s mother? A. Generous and humorous. B. Kind and considerate. C. Clever and optimistic. D. Curious and warm-hearted.


The annual Media conference was held in southern California this week. In the past years, it has offered an informative glimpse of the intersection(交集)of media and technology, a topic that usually ends up with the newcomers like Buzzfeed and Vox being praised and the old media like The New York Times and the magazine industry declining.

This year, however, everyone’s in the same boat. Less than two months into 2016, the year has already been hard for digital media companies and their employees. Companies including Buzzfeed have been laying off employees.

“Old ” media, as it is called in the industry, is also depressing. Newspapers would be steadily cutting staff over the next three years, and fashion magazines for both men and women have suffered severe layoff problems and, in the case of Lucky and Details, shutdowns.

Cosmopolitan’s editor-in-chief Joanna Coles faced a series of questions about the future of print media and how it should make profits online. Despite all the evidence of print’s difficult future, she offered little other than optimism. “I’m not nervous about any of it because I think it’s all incredibly exciting.” But with digital media having already entered its awkward teenage phase – not yet a mature adult, but certainly beyond its childhood – those answers did little to reduce the industry panic that is getting harder to ease.

That’s why executives (高级管理人员) from old media companies had to face tough interviews. And that’s why conversations centered on whether the optimism of the digital media boom years had given way to a cruel reality: The Internet is really hard, much harder than anybody seemed to expect.

At a conference of the mostly media insiders, it took a relative outsider to really speak some hard truth.


24. Lucky and Details (in Paragraph 3) are probably ______ A. business magazines B. print media C. digital newspapers D. international conferences 25. The example of Joanna Coles’ statement is used to imply ______. A. what difficulties the media industry is having

B. that people are losing confidence in the media industry C. what attitude teenagers hold toward the media industry

D. why Coles feels excited about the future of the media industry 26. What could probably be talked about in the following part? A. Exciting speeches given by executives.

B. Effective governmental measures put forward. C. Some negative remarks about the media industry. D. Heated conversations among media companies.


Europe was once a mixture of Latin-derived (起源于拉丁语的) dialects that gradually, over the centuries, changed into a few separate languages – French, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian. What happened in France, Portugal and Spain was an organic evolution: the dialect of the most prominent city gradually became the accepted language of the whole region. The strongest city determined the language of the whole country.

Italy was different. It didn’t set itself united until 1861 and until then was a land of warring city-states ruled by proud local princes or other European powers. So it’s not surprising that, for centuries, Italians wrote and spoke in local dialects that were not possible for each other to understand.

In the 16th century, some Italians got together and decided that this was absurd and Italy needed an Italian language, at least a shared written language to remove communication obstacles. So this gathering hand-picked the most beautiful of all the local dialects and crowned it Italian. What they decided was the personal language of the great poet Dante Alighieri. It was in this “sweet new style” of dialect that his masterpiece Divine Comedy (神曲), which was published in 1321, was written. It shocked the literature world that it was not written in Latin.

Dante’s masterpiece helped shape Italian, affecting it as personally as Shakespeare would someday affect English. For a group of nationalists much later in history to have sat down and decided that Dante’s Italian would now be the official language of Italy would be very much as if a group of Oxford teachers had sat down one day in the early nineteenth century and decided that – from this point forward – everybody in England was going to speak pure Shakespeare. And it actually worked.

27. The underlined word “prominent” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.

A. comfortable B. beautiful C. important D. ancient 28. What can we learn about Italy from Paragraph 2 and 3?


A. A national Italian language was in need as people hated wars.

B. There was no written language in Italy before the 16th century.

C. Some Italians had the great poet Dante create the national Italian language. D. Literature works were supposed to be written in Latin before the 14th century. 29. The passage is mainly about _______.

A. the origin of the Italian language B. the development of the European languages C. Dante’s great efforts in shaping Italian D. Shakespeare’s influence on English language 30. How is the passage developed? A. By analyzing effects. B. By making comparisons.

C. By offering descriptions. D. By telling a story.



Do you find yourself getting angry at everything that inconveniences you? Well, you certainly have anger problems. 31 letting anger get the best of you, however, is normal. To put your anger under control, you must Observe, Analyze, and Change.

Observe to determine the roots of your anger. 32 What kind of environment are you in when your anger begins? Also, you need to take notice of your health. When you get angry, how high is your stress level, and did you sleep well the night before? By observing your case of anger, you will recognize your anger pattern. When some sign of your pattern occurs, quickly remind yourself not to fall into it.

Analyze exactly what is triggering your anger. Anger is not always reasonable, because sometimes there is a very good reason, but more often than not people’s emotions get so wildly out of control that they don’t stop to work out the actual problem. Stop and think, what is it that makes you so angry? Is it a bad mood that is transferring to anger? Is it hurt? Or helplessness? 33 34 Try the following tips. You can take a deep breath three times or count to 10 if you see yourself about to lose control. 35 And instead of doing some destructive things, go for some sports or you can talk it over with your trusted friend. You have to take these steps and at first it will feel like you are repressing yourself, but actually you are simply changing your pattern of response. A. Anger is a kind of feeling.

B. Figure out how to change your reactions C. Everyone gets angry, which is a fact of life. D. To get away from the trigger will also help. E. Does your anger frighten people around you?

F. You must first notice what causes you to lose control.

G. You have to understand your mood to find the actual reason.



第一节 完形填空(共20个小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)


I always believe there were only two options in my life. I could be 36 , or I could somehow be invisible. Until the sixth grade, a teacher had us 37 a questionnaire with “get to know you” questions.

I thought she would reading them 38 , so I felt safe to share my perspectives. The teacher 39 the sheets, shuffled them, and redistributed them to us. We’d read the student’s name and then our three favorite 40 . My sheet ended up 41 the hands of a kid who was one of the coolest and meanest.

The first question was “What is your favorite movie?” My answer was Beauty and the Beast, 42 the other kids wrote Scream and Universal Soldier. A laugh 43 from the room, and my cheeks burned. The next was “Where would like to travel?” The others said “Australia”, “Japan”. I wrote “ 44 a book takes me.” The 45 was louder thus time. The final question was “What do you do on the weekends?” When he read my answer, “Perform with Clowns for Christ”, many of them 46 at me in a disgusting manner. I was so 47 that I wanted to find a hole to hide myself in.

But then, something 48 happened. A 49 from the back of the room said, “Guys, cut it out.” It 50 to Michelle Siever, who was popular and cool. She said to the teacher, “Why are you letting this happen? What is the 51 if we are just making fun of each other?”

I don’t remember the teacher or the kid’s names, but I remember Michelle Siever. I remember 52 I felt when she spoke up for me because she showed me that day we actually have three 53 You can be cool, and you might be remembered for a little while. You can be invisible, and you won’t be remembered 54 . But if you 55 up for somebody when they need you most, then you will be remembered as their hero for the rest of life.

36. A. great B. cool C. brave D. honest 37. A. fill out B. set down C. put down D. give out 38. A. publicly B. privately C. loudly D. quietly 39. A. corrected B. received C. collected D. handed 40. A. questions B. ideas C. choices D. answers 41. A. in B. on C. with D. by 42. A. while B. since C. even though D. as if 43. A. broke B. erupted C. spread D. multiplied 44. A. Whatever B. Whichever C. Wherever D. Whenever 45. A. laughter B. noise C. cheer D. reading 46. A. stared B. called C. pointed D. smiled


47. A. angry 48. A. exciting 49. A. whistle 50. A. turned 51. A. cause 52. A. how 53. A. chances 54. A. after all 55. A. make

B. scared B. amusing B. scream B. reacted B. point B. that B. abilities B. in all B. back C. embarrassed C. confusing C. voice C. belonged C. problem C. what C. options C. above all C. stand D. anxious D. amazing D. whisper D. replied D. wish D. who

D. responses D. at all D. reach



第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分45分) 第二节(10个小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Peter: Hi, Judy! You’re back in Los Angeles. 56 was your trip to Beijing like? You must have

had a great time with your friends.

Judy: I certainly did. We had a reunion, and I saw many of my friends from school. Guess who I

came 57 in Beijing! Peter: I don’t know. Who! Judy: Julia Parker!

Peter: Julia? The beautiful American girl who used to live in our neighborhood?

Judy: Yes. That day I was walking in the street 58 a woman passed me. Suddenly she turned

around 59 called my name.

Peter: WOW! That’s really surprising! I 60 (not see) her since she married an American guy and moved to New York three years ago.

Judy: I didn’t recognize her 61 (immediate) because she looked so different. Peter: She did?

Judy: Yes. She has 62 on a lot of weight, and she isn’t as pretty as before. Peter: What a pity! What was she doing in Beijing?

Judy: She was on 63 business trip there. She told me she would probably come to America

next month, so she will come to visit us.

Peter: That’s great. I can’t wait 5 (meet) her. We will have dinner together and enjoy 65




第一节 应用文写作(满分15分) 假如你是李越南,你们学校需要若干名国际志愿者参与支持新生夏令营活动。你特意写信给你的美国好友Mary,向她推荐此项活动。内容包括: 1.活动时间:7月23日—7月30日; 2.活动内容:介绍美国文化、教英文等; 3.活动意义:对学生及志愿者自身的意义。 注意: 1.词数:80左右;

2.开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数; 3.可适当发挥,使行文连贯。 Dear Steve,


Looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Yuenan

第二节 概要写作(满分25分)


So far 106 species of lemurs(狐猴) have been identified and nearly all of them are judged to be at risk of extinction, many of them critically endangered. The habitats they depend on– most forests – only exist in Madagascar. “Just as fish can’t survive without water, lemurs cannot survive without forest. But less than 10% of the original Madagascar forest is left.” said professor Jonah Ratsimbazafy, director of GERP, a centre for primate research in Madagascar. “I believe that within the next 25years, if the speed of the deforestation(滥伐森林) remains the same, there would be no forest left. And that means no lemurs left on this land.”

The pressure to clear the forest comes from a rapid growing, but extremely poor population


seeking to open up new farmland. A form of slash-and-run agriculture sees trees cut down and bushes burnt to make way for fields of rice and other crops.

The only long-term solution, according to Professor Ratsimbazafy, is to engage communities and persuade them that the forests – and the lemurs – have a value that is worth safeguarding. In one protected area, GERP is hiring local people to watch over the forest, making the point that lemurs can be worth more alive than dead. It is supporting new ways of living in the local village including fish farming and beekeeping, and teaching new techniques for rice growing that do not require constant expansion into the forest.

But there is an additional threat to the lemurs– a continuing demand for bushmeat(野味). Although it is illegal to kill lemurs, poachers(偷猎者) are still setting traps for the animals or shooting them, either for their own consumption or to be sold to others.




听力 1-5 BBCAA 6-10 ACBCC 11-15 BBCAC 16-20 CBACC 阅读 21-23 CBB 24-26 BBC 27-30 CDAB 31-35 CFGBD

完型 36-40 BABCD 41-45 AABCA 46-50 ACDCC 51-55 BACDC

语法填空 56. What 57. across 58. when 59. and 60. haven’t seen

61. immediately 62. put 63. a/her 64. to meet 65. ourselves

应用文 Dear Steve,

I know you are always looking forward to visiting China. Here comes good news. Our school is in want of some international volunteers for the coming new students’ summer camp, which lasts from July 23rd to 30th. Volunteers are supposed to teach English and give them a taste of American culture, broadening the students’ horizons and arousing their interest in the language. I’m sure you would be interested in this voluntary work, where you can experience the Chinese culture and contribute to education! So why not seize the opportunity? (89)

Looking forward to your reply.

yours sincerely, Li Yuenan 概要写作

Lemurs face extinction as their only habitats in Madagascar are disappearing. This is because of people’s deforestation to cultivate new farmland. The only long-term solution is to get local people involved in protecting the forest and lemurs and developing new ways of living without damaging the forest. However, the illegal hunting of lemurs is still a problem to be solved. (60)



听力 1-5 BBCAA 6-10 ACBCC 11-15 BBCAC 16-20 CBACC 阅读 21-23 CBB 24-26 BBC 27-30 CDAB 31-35 CFGBD

完型 36-40 BABCD 41-45 AABCA 46-50 ACDCC 51-55 BACDC

语法填空 56. What 57. across 58. when 59. and 60. haven’t seen

61. immediately 62. put 63. a/her 64. to meet 65. ourselves

应用文 Dear Steve,

I know you are always looking forward to visiting China. Here comes good news. Our school is in want of some international volunteers for the coming new students’ summer camp, which lasts from July 23rd to 30th. Volunteers are supposed to teach English and give them a taste of American culture, broadening the students’ horizons and arousing their interest in the language. I’m sure you would be interested in this voluntary work, where you can experience the Chinese culture and contribute to education! So why not seize the opportunity? (89)

Looking forward to your reply.

yours sincerely, Li Yuenan 概要写作

Lemurs face extinction as their only habitats in Madagascar are disappearing. This is because of people’s deforestation to cultivate new farmland. The only long-term solution is to get local people involved in protecting the forest and lemurs and developing new ways of living without damaging the forest. However, the illegal hunting of lemurs is still a problem to be solved. (60)


