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Key to the Exercises:

I. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the author‘s attitude on how people should get on the world?

The author believes that people should be ambitious and not be contented. People should show their skill and their strength even though they may meet failure. Better to work and fail than to sleep one‘s life away. 2. Name the reasons given by the author to support ambitious people.

Ambitious people are working for us all when they are working for themselves.

Ambitious people can enjoy the excitement of expectation and the stern delight of accomplished effort. 3. Name the reasons given by the author to disapprove contented people.

Contented people are actually conducting a useless and dull life.

Contented people never know the excitement of expectation and the stern delight of accomplished effort. 4. What does the author think of ―unselfishness‖? Does he hold ―unselfishness‖ an absolute virtue and

―selfishness‖ an absolute evil? Why?

According to the author, man is not given that god-like unselfishness that thinks only of other‘s good. He does not hold ―unselfishness‖ and absolute virtue and ―selfishness‖ an absolute evil. Although the ―selfish‖ people are only seeking their own reward, we are so bound together that no man can labour for himself alone. So in working for themselves they are working for us all. Each blow he strikes in his own behalf helps to mould the Universe.

5. ―A contented mind is happy anywhere.‖ Does the author approve of this philosophy? Why or why not?

The author does not approve of this philosophy. The author compares the contented people to the Jerusalem pony. Contented people can be happy, but they are put anywhere and are treated anyhow like a pony. They can not win respect and dignity and the discontented people will be bound to exceed them. II. Look up the italicized words in the dictionary and explain. 1. habitual laziness; sloth

2. try very hard to do something, using all the physical or mental strength 3. moving energetically and busily

struggling or contending frantically in order to get something 4. avoids (a blow, for example) by moving or shifting quickly aside

slides (the feet) along the floor or ground while walking

5. a person whose business is preparing dead bodies for burial and making arrangements for funeral 6. a person who cleans and polishes shoes, esp. in the street for money 7. walking with pompous bearing; swaggering 8. of small importance; trivial

III. Paraphrase the Following Sentences.

1. The metaphors sounded very nice and showed a calm attitude towards life.

2. It stimulates the traditional fighting spirit in Saxon people, just in the same way as when we were schoolboys;

we were excited by stories of those medieval knights fighting in spite of extreme difficulties. 3. What we really want to read in a novel is the underlying details of an ambitious man‘s adventure. 4. Although he acts each time in his own interest, the world benefits from his action.

5. So the person who has a contented mind loses his opportunity for promotion, whereas the discontented man

gets advancement.

6. Or, as far as the orchard is concerned, he succeeded.

7. It is better to work hard and fail than to do nothing the whole life.

8. If you are so foolish as to be satisfied with everything, do not express your contentment. You‘d better

complain as other people do.

IV. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. 从早到晚,你都能听到无数纷至沓来的脚步声——有的在奔跑,有的在行走,有的一瘸一拐,中途歇

歇,但都行色匆匆,都全身心地投入到这场激烈的赛跑中,努力抓住日益远去的成功的“地平线”。 2. 这是一个勤奋的年青人,他一边走路一边读着“如何处世”的文章,眼睛盯着书本,踉踉跄跄,任由


3. 没有路边可以让他们喘口气,没有清凉的喷泉可以让他们歇歇脚,也没有绿荫可以让他们暂时乘乘凉。 4. 我承认,路边的树荫,惬意的烟管和甜荷叶都是不恰当的比喻。

5. 就像一位迟到的游客,当他在一旁观看仙女们的酒会时,情不自禁地抢过精灵酒杯,一饮而尽,跳入

狂欢的人群中——谁又能眼看着喧闹的生活而不被吸引到其中呢? 6. 和生活的抗争也是一场胜负难卜的战斗。

7. 我肯定,追求成功的故事会像追求青春焕发的少女的故事一样有趣,虽然,顺便提一下,读起来几乎


8. 只有当你引起“成功”的注意,然后突然转身离开时,她才会对你绽开笑容。 9. 这些人错了,因为当其他人在玩耍时,他们却在运用造物主赋予的才华努力工作! 10. 诚然“知足常乐”,不过,耶路撒冷的小种马也知足常乐。结果却是,他们都被随意放置,被随意驱谴。 11. 如果你傻到很知足的话,也不要表现出来,而是像其他人一样抱怨一下。如果你只需要一点,那么就


12. 即使他失败了,他也尝到了严峻战斗的喜悦;即使他赛跑输了,至少他跑过了。

V. Find out the compounds in the texts and explain how they are formed. Give more examples to illustrate

the different ways of compounding.

nouns: lotus-leaves, ploughboy, teardrop, tea-party, hat-band, patter-song, fire-irons, mill-wheel, clothesman,

candlestick-maker, ballet-dancer, busybody, deadhead, lodging-house, undercurrent, shoe-black

adjectives: sharp-faced, broad shouldered, red-nosed, bored-looking, fashionably-dressed, god-like noun compounds day + break → daybreak n. + v. play + boy → playboy v. + n. wind + mill → windmill n. + n. verb compounds brain + wash → brainwash n. + v. bay + sit → babysit n. + v. adjective compounds man + eating → maneating n. + ving heart + felt → heartfelt n. + ved duty + free → dutyfree n. + adj. preposition compounds in + to → into prep. + prep. through + out → throughout

VI. Backformation is a process of word-formation by which a word is created by the deletion of a supposed

affix. It is also known as a reverse derivation. Thus “editor” entered the language before “edit”, “automation” before “automate”, “enthusiasm” before “enthuse”. Most of the backformations are verbs. Do you know from which words the following backformations are derived? And give some more examples of this kind. swindler, peddler, beggar, aggression, preemption, donation, peevish, gloomy, greedy, lazy more examples:

escalation→escalate, attrition→attrit, destruction→destruct, gruesome→grue, helicopter→helicopt, laser→lase

VII. Replace the italicized words with simple, everyday words or expressions. 1. oriental tobacco pipe, inactivity 6. showy and cheap 2. thoughtfully 7. late/delayed 3. countless 8. probability 4. delicate/graceful/pretty 9. courting/chas5. cheat/deceiver

VIII. Give synonyms to the following words as many as you could.

1. assorted, varied, diverse, mixed, miscellaneous, heterogeneous, dissimilar, variegated, multicolored 2. hazy, fuzzy, blurry, indistinct, vague, unclear, obscure, nebulous, dim, ambiguous, indefinite, uncertain IX. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in the brackets.

(in one‘s own half, to strain, petty, in a nutshell, motley, cheek by cheek, panacea, for one, against fearful odds, linger, hold aloof from)

1. He strained an ear to hear what they were saying. 2. The crews of the ships are a motley throng.

3. There isn‘t a panacea for all problems in the world. All that we can do is to believe in ourselves.

4. In parks on holiday, it is hard to get through the crowd of people because they are packed cheek by cheek. 5. When he claimed that he held aloof from fame and money, he was a dead liar. 6. I for one do not like his paintings.

7. In the battle with SARS, the medical staff won a decisive victory against fearful odds.

8. Owners of supermarkets adopted every measure they can imagine to stop petty theft, but to little effect.

9. When making the closing speech, the chairman concluded, ―In a nutshell, this conference is rewarding, for

many lingering problems are solved in this conference.‖

10. The executive managing director of the company was charged of transacting in his own behalf and he would

serve a five-year sentence in prison. Key to the Exercises

I. Answer the following questions.

1. The author makes some remarks on humor. So in his opinion, what is humor?

See background information 1.

2. The author makes a comparison between bubble blowing and humor. In which way is humor like bubble


By comparing humor and bubble blowing, the author is actually talking about the fragility of humor. Like a bubble, humor won‘t stand much blow up, and it won‘t stand much poking. 3. Why does the author say ― the world likes humor, but it treats it patronizingly‖?

Everybody would like to develop a sense of humor. But on the other hand, people regard humor as not serious.

A funny thing is not to be great. Being humorous in one‘s writing may hurt the writer‘s reputation because it seems to be funny, flippant, nonsensical or light.

II. Look up the italicized words in the dictionary and explain. 1. throes: a severe pang or spasm of pain 2. fatten: to grow fat

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. III. 1.

discomfort: mental or bodily distress fine: subtle, delicate

wag: a humorous or droll person; a wit

flippant: marked by disrespectful levity or casualness; pert. nub: the essence; the core

atone for: make for, compensate for auspicious: favorable

mortuary: of death, memorial

Paraphrase the following sentences

Analysts have tried to explain about humor. I have read some of their works, but they do not help much with understanding.

2. We can analyze humor in detail just as we do with a frog, but once the process of analyzing begins, humor is

dead, and only scientists will not fell sick at dead details.

3. Trouble provides raw materials for humorists, that is, trouble is the food humorists live on. 4. They profit from sorrows and express them in a way that is neither fictional nor factual.

5. There often exists a subtle distinction between laughing and crying. If a humorous piece of writing makes a

person‘s emotional reaction unreliable and turn to rational reaction, it is because humor, like poetry has something extraordinary.

6. Although the world likes humor, it treats humor in a condescending and superior way. 7. Many poets would like the public to know that they write only serious works.

8. If he does not refuse the secret laugh and includes it into his writing, he becomes a humorist, and he will bear

the mark of ―humorist‖ forever.

9. As far as artistic standing is concerned, he was more respected than modern humorists. Modern humorists,

though high in social position, are not listened to by people who have great power.

10. Of course he had a favorable beginning, because he was above all a story teller and his humor lends

additional attraction to his story.

11. He was never known to common Americans and sailors, whereas Mark Twain was. I can say he will never

succeed as far as that.

12. It seems to be unbelievable that in 40 years 78 well-known humorists are produced and collected in this book.

However, the number is far from complete.

13. It is not always clear whether the author wants his character to be writing or speaking. As far as I am

concerned, if I do not know what the book I am reading talks about, I would not continue my reading.

14. However, whether the character is writing or speaking, we can not find good reason to show that the strange,

abnormal language is all right.

15. By chance, a person who is the authority on children‘s literature told me that children are particularly fond of


16. Humor must not claim to teach and preach, but it has to preach and teach at the same time if it is going to last


IV. Translate the following into Chinese.

1. 人体因为大笑而痉挛, 笑到歇斯底里、无法控制时,就会像不断打嗝或突如其来的喷嚏一样,使人失


2. 话说得有点道理,但是表达得非常不准确。

3. 他们在与苦难的搏斗中依然心怀怜悯,忍受着痛苦的折磨仍然不失达观;因为他们知道,苦难很快会


4. 实际上每个人都有某种躁狂抑郁症,有心情高涨的时候,也有失落低沉的时候,而且不一定非要成为


5. 世界赐予它的严肃作家以桂冠,给它的诙谐作家只赏些狗尾巴草。 6. 在当今的大英帝国,吉尔伯特和沙利文的讽刺幽默享有稳固的地位,《重击》杂志就如同英国的西葫芦


7. 没有一丝幽默感的人,在他们的文章中却不时地吹嘘幽默。

8. 讽刺、滑稽讽刺、诙谐模仿、废话以及批评的微妙之处不合大众的口味,只适合拥有最高(或最低,


9. 然而不管写作还是说话,都没有充分的理由适用这种奇怪的语言。因为如果人物是在说话,那么这种


10.当他们理解后,一定感受到了成熟的第一道微光,即,能够运用高出他们正在阅读的人物的智力。 IV. Written work: precis writing

Find out the topic sentences of each paragraph if there is any, sum up the main ideas of each paragraph, then develop them into a precis containing all the main remarks made by E.B.White on humor. See Background Information 1. Key to the Exercises

I. Answer the following questions.

1. Does the author talk about conspiracy theory in general or in particular?

The author talks about conspiracy theory in general. 2. Is the author for conspiracy theory or against it?

The author is against conspiracy theory.

In which sense does the author approve that history is not an objective science but a human construct?

History does not record objectively the past. It is subjective and influenced by people‘s various conceptions. What people learn is actually adapted in accordance with the dominant group‘s favor and benefit. 4. In the author‘s opinion, what is ―cultural literacy‖?

According to the author, ―cultural literacy‖ is nothing more than a euphemism for obedience to the mores of the educated white elite. So the idea is thick with racism and elitism. By deciding on what is cultural literacy, and what is not, the elite class in power is ruling by intellectual oppression rather than for force of arms. 5. What is Americanization?

Americanization is to the action of making people more American-like. In the text, it refers to the standardized education system which aims at teaching the students universal sentiments.

6. Does the author think a common school where universal sentiments are taught is egalitarian? Why?

No. To teach universal sentiments is actually to silence the different voices that populate our schools and animate our nation. It establishes the priority of certain culture and does not allow the existence of variety of ideas, thus becoming unfair to the common people.

7. Tom Monagham donated $50 million to establish a law school that teaches ―objective verities‖ and ―moral

absolutes‖. Why are ―objective verities‖ and ―moral absolutes‖ put in quotation marks?

The ―objective verities‖ are not objective universally and the ―moral absolutes‖ can not apply to everybody. They can only represent a certain group‘s version of truth.

8. How does the author think about ―universality‖ and ―common knowledge‖?

―Universality‖ and ―common knowledge‖ are just tools that the dominant group makes use of in fooling the subjugated. Through setting their own values as the universal and common language, they dominate the mind and conception of the common people.

9. Why does the author add the question mark to the title?

The author is trying to catch the reader‘s attention. By setting it as a question and trying to work out an answer, he intends to lead readers to think about the issues he touches in the essay. II. Look up the italicized words in dictionary and explain.

1. government by the wealthy; people belonging to a particular group

2. not embarrassed, ashamed or disconcerted; small relatively unimportant offence or sin 3. an excess of

4. gratifying or indulging in (an immoral or distasteful desire, need or habit); surreptitiously arranged or

directed to produce desired effect; strenuously carried out, with great effort 5. a severe flood, suggesting a great quantity here 6. very stupid

7. (of a person) to become effusively enthusiastic

8. stimulate or excite; publicly criticize by using ridicule, irony, or sarcasm. 9. speaking or writing as if one‘s own judgment is the only correct one 10. adapted, get accustomed

11. the fixed moral customs and standards of a particular group

12. affirming, promoting, or characterized by belief in equal political, economic, social, and civil rights for all


13. breaking or attacking widely-held beliefs or customs; customary practice III. Paraphrase the following sentences.

1. Although I dislike complicated conspiracy theories, sometimes I have to withdraw and reconsider them

objectively and feel curious about them.

2. Even after it was proved to be true that Jefferson not only wrote the great documents in American history at

Monticello, but also kept slaves there, most American writers hastened to defend him and urged us not to forget that Jefferson and his people had created the dignified system of democracy.

3. Extremely little is written about how US satisfies the need of big enterprises, how US secretly directs the fight

against labor union, and how US makes strenuous effort to suppress minorities.

4. Students have been plentifully provided with the knowledge of the superiority of capitalism, Christianity and

the rightness of political wars started by America.

5. We should notice that this was happening when affirmative action favoring the black was falling to pieces in

all states around them.

6. In my opinion, this is an extension of the propaganda machine that begins in elementary school and runs

throughout one‘s life without reduction in strength.

7. Education should be objective and not influenced by personal or partisan opinion, but in fact it is very

effective at promoting discipline and so called truth on behalf of some groups‘ benefit.

8. Cultural literacy is a plan which holds without difficulty that Shakespeare and his works should be studied

and learned by the masses, whereas the activity and literature of other peoples are wrong or artistically low. 9. We can predict that they will try their best to teach what they believe as true.

10. Now the question is, how can we discover the injustices and improve them if we are predetermined to accept


IV. Translate the following into Chinese.

1. 如果我是美国的独裁者,想禁止公众因不满而产生动乱,除了美国现在正在运作的体制,难道还能找


2. 教科书很少质疑任何美国式的事物,即使有,通常也都是“伟大人物”的合理劝戒,或“必要”的征3.


3. 当然宣传爱国主义和满足现状的厚颜无耻的运动并不只局限于对美国宪法的缔造者所犯下的小小过错


4. 霍华德·金提醒我们,历史并不是客观的科学,而是人类的建构,是为保持观念和真相而创造的一件


5. 很少有人写到美国是如何对它的企业巨头屈膝逢迎,如何联手对付有组织的劳动,又是如何不懈地努


6. 后来,当我提到学生中存在的“种族主义”题目时,就连美国黑人也变得神采飞扬,对他们被赐予的


7. 昨天,是不忠的爱人之间的有趣争吵,今天是种族关系辩论,明天将看到女人们为争夺别人的丈夫而


8. 总之,媒体文化把大众从现实中推开,把他们送入一块乐土,让他们认为在那里诸如财富和美貌等霸

权思想处处皆是。通过这种手段,媒体文化阻止大众进行超越现状的思考。 9. 这个策略非常方便地把莎士比亚定为“文化素质”, 而把其他社会或团体的文学与文化活动视为错误




V. The following sentences all contain one-word metaphors. Find them out and explain their original and figurative meanings.

1. ―Fledgling‖ originally refers to ―a young bird that has recently acquired its flight feathers‖. Here it is used to

refer to the newly established United States.

2. ―Inundate‖ originally means ―to cover with water, especially floodwaters‖. The figurative sense is ―being


3. ―Monolith‖ originally refers to ―a large block of stone‖. Here it is used figuratively to describe the

powerfulness and heroicness of the United States.

4. ―Generous‖ originally means ―liberal in giving or sharing‖. Here it suggests abundance, meaning ―a lot of‖. 5. ―Deluge‖ originally refers to ―a great flood‖. Here it is used figuratively to show the large amount. It

overwhelms as if by a great flood.

6. ―Massage‖ originally refers to ―the rubbing or kneading of parts of the body to aid circulation or relax the

muscles‖. Here it means ―to relax, to discourage‖.

7. ―Rudderless‖ originally refers to ―lacking a rudder or a crew member at the rudder in a ship‖. The figurative

meaning is ―having no direction or control‖.

8. ―Malleable‖ is originally used to describe metals capable of being shaped or formed, as by hammering or

pressure. Here it is a synonym of ―docile‖, meaning ―flexible, easy to change ideas‖.

9. ―Cosmetic‖ originally refers to ―using powder or skin cream to beautify one‘s body‖. Here it means ―to

beautify or to cover oppression through certain means‖.

10. ―Program‖ originally refers to ―procedure in computer‖. Here it implies that we are controlled as if in a preset


VI. Pick out verbs ending with “-ate” from the text, and give corresponding nouns for them. elaborate—elaboration propagate—propagation inundate—inundation create—creation evaluate—evaluation titillate—titillation acclimate—acclimation indoctrinate—indoctrination educate—education subjugate—subjugation inculcate—inculcation replicate—replication donate—donation animate—animation VII. Paraphrase the italicized compounding phrases in the following sentences. 1. contemporary dictator

2. Monticello where keeps slavery 3. war between Spanish and America

4. experience from kindergarten to twelfth grade 5. routines that numb the mind 6. television in the daytime

7. process of going from the top down to the bottom; teacher being the center

VIII. Explain how the meaning of the following sentences is affected when the italicized words are replaced with corresponding forms of the words in brackets. Pay attention to the shades of meaning of the words. 1. ―Admonishment‖ means ―warning someone firmly‖. 2. ―Exhort‖ means ―strongly encourage or urge‖.

3. ―Venerable‖ means ― accorded a great deal of respect, esp. because of age, wisdom or character‖,

―respectable‖ means ―regarded by society to be good, proper or correct.‖ It also means (a person‘s appearance, clothes, or behavior) decent or presentable

4. ―Orchestrate‖ means ―arrange the elements of a situation to the desired effect, esp. surreptitiously.‖

5. ―Social‖ means more than societal. It may mean ―of or relating to society,‖ or ―of or relating to rank and

status in a society‖, or ―gregarious‖, while ―societal‖ only means ―of or relating to society‖. 6. ―Devoid of‖ suggests ―entirely lacking‖, while ―short of‖ means ―not reaching as far as...‖ 7. ―Indoctrinate‖ means ―teach sb. to accept uncritically‖

8. ―Perpetuate‖ means ―make sth., typically an undesirable situation or unfounded belief, continue indefinitely‖,

while ―continue‖ only means ―persist in an activity or process‖

IX. Give synonyms as many as you could to “admonishment” with the same part of speech.

warning, caution, advice, counsel, reprimand, rebuke, reproof, remonstrance, scolding

X. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in the brackets.

(step back, fledgling, be inundated with, pander to, a deluge of, wax, devoid of, butt of jokes, beyond one‘s fingertips, be acclimated into, be programmed to, wallow in)

1. Tom tends to wallow in details and therefore loses many opportunities for promotion.

2. Chinese automobile as a fledgling industry falls far behind international level as regards product exploration

and marketing.

3. Modern civilization has utterly changed man‘s life-style. It is high time that man stepped back and

reconsidered his relation with the nature.

4. On the press conference, he had been making polite replies, but when he was told about the news of his

defeat in election in the end, he waxed fury.

5. He was inundated with telephones and had no time to relax himself.

6. The other day he walked into the sewer pit at daytime and became butt of many jokes.

7. The veritable artifacts should not pander to some vulgar and stupid audience, but purify people‘s soul.

8. With business information beyond our fingertips, we can solve local and foreign business problems for you


9. Because the tour guide extorted tips from tourists, the travel agency received a deluge of letters of complaint


10. Jones was very nervous because this was her first lecture on stage. Her voice was completely devoid of usual


11. All members of a particular species are programmed to build nests in the same way.

12. After his wife‘s death, Peter moved to the countryside and became gradually acclimated to solitude. Key to exercises:

I. Answer the following questions.

1. What is tolerance in its most basic sense?

In its most basic sense, tolerance means respect for the practices and beliefs of others—whether or not we agree with them.

2. What is the idea that tolerance is based on?

Tolerance is based on the idea that truth is relative; no one person, group, or culture — the argument goes — has a monopoly on truth, so one can believe what one wants but cannot impose that belief on someone else. 3. Relativism may be applied in many areas. Give examples.

For example, what is right for the Christian isn‘t necessarily right for the Muslim, Buddhist, agnostic, and so on. Abortion may be fine to some people while it is wrong to some other people. The same with interracial marriage and homosexuality

4. What is the belief of Evangelicalism?

Salvation is the most important moment in life and that leading others to salvation is the most important activity.

5. How do you understand that ―tolerance at some level tells people how they can and cannot act?‖

Tolerance suggests people to do what you yourself want and don‘t impose your own opinions upon others. By suggesting so, it is actually asking others to follow its principle. It is to some extent telling people what they should do and what they should not do. It is self-contradictory.

6. How do you understand that ―the ethos of tolerance also tells people what they should think and shouldn‘t


It is the same with the last question. According to the author, first, you should think your truth is relevant to you but not necessarily to someone else; second, you should realize that no single group of standards is valid for everyone; third, you should believe it is inappropriate to try to pressure someone else to think like you do. It violates people‘s thinking.

7. According to the author, ―aggression in the guise of tolerance has been a common feature in the United States

since its inception.‖ Give examples to support his statement.

The author gives two examples of Maryland and Massachusetts to support this statement. See Para.17 and Para.18 in the text.

8. According to the author, what is the trouble with tolerance?

According to the author, tolerance is often a mask for aggression—an attempt to impose a fairly specific world view on society. It may be a good worldview, but it isn‘t more tolerant than any other. 9. According to the author, what should people do with tolerance?

People should focus on what to tolerate but not whether to tolerate or not. People should act rather than discuss.

II. Find out information on the following terms. See background information.

III. Look up the italicized words in dictionary and explain.

1. laud: v. praise, glorify; staunch: adj. firm, loyal and dependable in opinion and attitude

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. IV. 1.

persuasion: n. (group who hold a) set of beliefs (esp. religious or political) self-effacing: adj. not trying to impress people, modest

acclaim: v. solute with shouts and sounds of joy and approval circumscription: n. act of restricting (sth) within limits

decry: v. speak critically of sb./sth. to make it seem less valuable, useful pertinent: adj. relevant, to the point

ethos: n. characteristic spirit, moral values, ideas or beliefs of a group, community or culture poignant: adj. affecting one‘s feelings deeply, making one sad, full of pity take exception to: object to inception: n. beginning or start tout: v. describe flatteringly, glaring: adj. highly obvious

judicious: adj. showing or having good sense Paraphrase the following sentences

By keeping your own truth to yourself without trying to force others to accept it, you are displaying a particular aspect that is representative of a tolerant person.

2. They appear to be democratic, because they give equal importance to different opinions and likings.

3. First, to some degree it seems to tell people how they can act and how they cannot act. For example, it says

one can object to abortion, but one cannot prevent other people from having an abortion.

4. But if you think religious conversion should not be included in Evangelicalism which is supporters of

tolerance want to do, what is the exact thing you are tolerating?

5. They have achieved satisfactory effect partly because they have taken advantage of tolerance‘s inside

contradiction which tells people how to act by the authority of non-intervention.

6. Apart from telling people how to act, the characteristic spirit of tolerance also tells people what they should

think and what they shouldn‘t think.

7. In practice, tolerance, although being supported by most people today, seems to me a particular, and absolute

world perspective—one that tries to force its belief on everyone.

8. Why do we provide America‘s tiniest children with a world which is bright and full of love and tolerance,

while often provide older children with a world opposite to the tiniest children‘s?

9. I believe, many people who defend tolerance would ay this is because Falwell objects to something which is

harmless, maybe even positive, and perhaps is even imaginary.

10. Was it a good thing that Puritans were forced not to cut holes in Baptist disciple‘s tongues and cut a Quaker‘s


11. But was it tolerant? It was neither intolerant, nor tolerant.

12. I don‘t believe this is true, but I do believe that the criticism has some truth because it points out a very

obvious hypocrisy.

14. After all, they do so because they believe it is good for my spiritual happiness. V. Translate the following into Chinese

1. 他们似乎很谦虚,因为他们声称你的信仰和我的信仰一样正当合理。

2. 这种行为限制在福音教派中尤其成问题。福音教派也许是对宽容讨论得最多的地方。

3. 保守的基督徒就曾经常指出这一双重标准,认为公平心不仅应该运用于他们自己的信仰,也应该运用


4. 这三条准则在告诉人们如何思考的同时,不仅违背了其公开宣扬的宽容原则,而且自相矛盾。

5. 它们据称是相对主义原则,其实都是绝对主义,在任何时候,任何地方都适用。换句话,它们都恰恰


6. 在这个世界观里,有明确的关于正确与错误的思想。但是区分正确和错误又违背了据称支配人们思想


7. 宽容伪装下的侵犯在美国建国之初就已经成为一个普遍特征。

8. 但是1649年的《宽容法案》是由少数派的天主教派制定的一项武断措施,打出的先发制人的一招,


9. 这些问题提出的方式极端了些,那是因为宽容被到处兜售,被极端地吹捧。


的道德领域,而是允许在同样的道德线上甚至可以——不是一定,但是可以——出现根本分歧。 VI. Find out synonyms for the following words from the text.

proselytize/evangelize/convert at first place /on the surface decry/attack

equality/fair-mindedness/tolerance epitomize/exemplify connotations/notions laud/extol/tout/praise belief/persuasion force/impose Key to the Exercises

I. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the dominant theme of the essay?

The dominant theme of the essay is nostalgia. Through traveling back to the lake, the author recalls the pleasant experiences and feelings in his early age. From the son, he sees himself years ago. The last sentence also shows his sensation of being a father now. The theme can also be further explored into ―then‖ and ―now‖ and ―eternity‖ and ―change‖.

2. What is the tone in this essay when the author talks about the lake?

The author is writing in a loving and nostalgic tone when he talks about the lake. In his memory, the lake is very beautiful and the lake life is very peaceful and tranquil. Now almost everything is the same, and the sight of the lake brings a person back and forgets the passing of time. What is the melodrama the author describes in paragraph 12? It is a scene the author saw when he was young.

Why does the author suddenly feel the ―chill of death‖ in the last sentence?

The author may have thought of his dead father. To explore further, here it touches the theme of ―eternity‖ and ―change‖. It seemed that everything in the lake did not change, but now I was not swimming as years before but staying here languidly like my father. Years do have passed.

The essay is a poetic lyric. By what means does the author achieve the lyric beauty?

The lyric beauty of the essay is attributed in part to the poetic rhythm in its language. Sound rhythm, the material part of it, dots the essay and contributes directly to the tranquility and nostalgia which dominate the major tone of the essay.

1) (I have since become a salt-water man, but sometimes in summer) there are days when the

restlessness of the tides and the fearful cold of the sea water and the incessant wind that blows across the afternoon and into the evening make me wish for the placidity of a lake in the woods.

The length of sound tells the rhythm. The use of long vowels and diphthongs tends to slow down the rhythm. And short vowels quicken the rhythm. In this way, the length of sound may work on man‘s imagination. In the above sentence, most of the stressed vowels are long vowels and diphthongs. They slow down the narration, make the description fresh and impressive and demonstrate the writer‘s nostalgic reflection on the valuable life by lakeside. Besides the combination of consonants like ―bl‖ in ―blow‖, ―cr‖ in ―across‖, and ―pl‖ in ―placidity,‖ diphthongs also perform the function of slowing down reader‘s thought pace. The beauty of the sound also lies in the musical arrangement of stressed syllables and unstressed syllables which can be seen in particular in the following sentence:

Summertime, oh, summertime, pattern of life indelible, the fadeproof lake, the woods unshatterable, the pasture with the sweetfern and the juniper forever and ever, summer without end.

Language of prose is not necessarily strictly metered, but a line of congested stressed syllables sounds monotonous and jars the ear. The collocation of stressed syllables and unstressed syllables makes the material part of prose rhythm. “Flux and reflux, swell and cadence, that is the movement for a sentence.” The above sentence follows right after a sentimental description of the lake where he was taken by his father and the lake where he took with his son. The past overlaps the present in all the sensible aspects, and we come to the illusion that everything is the same and there is “no passing of time, no moving of years.” The adequate preparation for affection and nostalgia leads to the long-waited eruption finally and naturally. The affection reaches its climax and cannot be repressed any longer. We feel like singing the verse “summertime, oh, summertime”, and could not help swaying from side to side.

Another element that contributes to its beauty is the fresh and vivid imageries. These imageries are fresh because they have deposited in the writer‘s inner soul as a precious part of experience. What is true is beauty. And they are fresh because the writer appeals to various sensations, sense of touch, sight, smell, taste or sound. The following sentence displays a combination of sensory details.

3) I guess I remembered clearest of all the early mornings, when the lake was cool and motionless, remembered how the bedroom smelled of the lumber it was made of and of the wet woods whose scent entered through the screen. 4)

I knew it, lying in bed the first morning, smelling the bedroom and hearing the boy sneak quietly out and go off along the shore in a boat.

The next sentence gives a full play to man’s sense of sound:


Then the kettle drum, then the snare, then the bass drum and cymbals, then crackling light against the dark, and the gods grinning and licking their chops in the hills.

3. 4.



In the following passage, we obtain a vicarious pleasure from what the writer has seen. 6)

We stared silently at the tips of our rods, at the dragonflies that came and went. I lowered the tip of mine into the water, tentatively, pensively dislodging the fly, which darted two feet away, poised, darted two feet back, and came to rest again a little farther up the rod.

The minute description of the movement of the dragonfly impresses us very strongly. The stressed one-syllable verbs of ―came and went, darted, poised, darted two feet back, and came to rest again‖ bring out the alacrity and resilience of the dragonfly.

II. Paraphrase the following sentences.

1. I was sure that the road covered with tars would have led to the lake, and I asked myself in what other ways it

would be deserted.

2. My guess about the tarred road was right. It was less than half a mile from the shore.

3. Some of the other campers were swimming along the shore, one of them having a piece of soap. The water

looked clear and felt unreal.

4. Nowadays arriving was not so exciting as before. When you came quietly in your car and parked it under a

tree near the camp and took out the bags, it was all finished in five minutes. There was no commotion, and nobody would shout his excitement at the big boxes.

5. This was the sound that disturbed, the only one thing that would sometimes break our memory and

imagination and take us back to the present life.

6. It was very easy to get into sleep. In the morning the red squirrel would be knocking on the roof and begin its

pleasant daily work.

7. Wherever we went I could not tell which was I, the one walking beside me, or the one walking in my pants? 8. And then I thought of fun-making actor who walked into the water with an umbrella. III. Translate the following into Chinese.

1. 但是当我带着我的儿子回到那儿住进农户家旁边的营帐,回到我曾经熟悉的夏日时光时,我就知道,


2. 我把鱼杆的上端甩入水中,小心地试着把蜻蜓甩出去;蜻蜓离开了鱼杆,飞出两英尺以外,逗留了一


3. 它就像一片完全被施了魔法的海洋。这片湖,你可以几个小时地对它不管不问,然后再回来时,发现


4. 夏日时光,啊,夏日时光,忘不掉的生活。那永不褪色的湖泊,那片抹不去的树林,那永远铺满香蕨


5. 那个时候的摩托艇没有离合器,你可以在适当的时候把引擎关了,不用舵,就可以慢慢地靠岸。 6. 看着他,我会想起那种旧式的有着单缸引擎和沉重飞轮的汽船,想起你对它所能做的事情,如果你在


7. 一会儿是铜鼓声,一会儿是小军鼓声,一会儿是大鼓声和铙钹声,然后一道闪电在黑暗中炸开,神灵


IV. Explain the following words and make sentences with them in their different parts of speech. 1.

Clear as adj.

1) The voice on the telephone was clear and strong. ( easy to understand) 2) With a clear road ahead, he shifted into high gear. (free of obstruction) 3) By the end of the year, they had gained a clear profit of $12,000. (net) 4) You must give seven clear days‘ notice of the meeting. (complete, full) Clear as adv.

1) Stand clear, I‘ll start the plane up. (so as to be out of the way)

2) She had to toss her head to see the lake clear again. (with clarity, distinctly) 3) He had time to get clear away. (completely)

4) You could see clear to the bottom of the lagoon. (all the way to) Clear as verb.

1) We‘ll go out if the weather clears. (become free of cloud or rain) 2) The swift understanding cleared his mind. (be free of confusion)

3) The warden shouted a warning to clear the street. ( cause people to leave)

4) I could hope to clear $1,100 profit from each match. (earn or gain as a net profit) 5) I cleared him to return to his squadron. ( give official approval or authorization)

6) His sport‘s ruling body had cleared him of cheating. (show or declare sb. to be officially innocent) 2. Haunt as verb.

1) Mr Thompson is going to sell it because it is haunted. (to appear in the form of a ghost) 2) The riddle haunted me all morning. (to come to mind continually; obsess) Haunt as noun, usu. haunts, a place frequently visited. This pub used to be one of my uncle's favorite haunts. 3. Partition as verb.

1) India was partitioned in 1947. (divide into parts)

2) They partitioned the inside into offices. (separate one area from another with a partition) Partition as noun.

1) the partition of India in 1947. ( action of dividing)

2) a hall subdivided by movable partition. (structure that divide a room or space into two parts) V. 1.

Give synonyms as much as you could to the following words

placidity: calmness serenity peacefulness tranquility quietness undisturbance composure unper-turbance imperturbability sedateness

2. mar: spoil damage impair taint deface blight disfigure harm ruin sully

VI. Translate the following sentences, pay special attention to the underlined words or expressions 1.我说的是假的,但是他一股脑儿全接受了。


3.她很轻松地就要赢了,可是她却开始变得满不在乎起来,让对手脱离困境。 4.政府决心不论采取何种手段都不放弃这块土地。 5.因为他的粗心大意,经理辞退了他。

VII. Explain the meanings of the suffixes in the following words and for each kind of suffix, give more examples. 1. ―-proof‖: that can resist sth, or protect against sth.

More examples: leak-proof batteries, bullet-proof glass, sound-proof room, water-proof clothing.

2. ―-ama, -rama‖: large-sized, full view.

More examples: telerama, cinerama, circusama

3. ―-crat‖: member or supporter of a type of government or rule.

More examples: democrat, technocrat, meritocrat, Eurocrat. 4. ―-itis‖: in flammatory disease of.

More examples: appendicitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, gingivitis.

―-itis‖ also means ―excessive interest in sth‖, often humorous and used to form temporary compounds.

More examples: World-cup-itis, golfitis, jazzitis, adjectivitis (喜欢用形容词的), vacationitis (度假癖), professoritis (当教授癖).

5. ―-wise‖: in the manner or direction of.

More examples: likewise, lengthwise.

―-wise‖ also means ―with reference to‖, ―as far as sth is concerned.‖

More examples: business-wise, weather-wise, profit-wise, education-wise.

VIII. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in the brackets.

(outside of, haunts, clear to, crop up, leave...to one‘s own devices, draw up, have...eating out of one‘s hand, following, nerve, indelible)

1. A police car drew up before them just as the robbers left the bank.

2. The villagers try their best to protect the river from industrial pollution, that is why you could see the river

clear to the bottom.

3. In the tournament, she kept her nerve and won five games.

4. Bars were once the favorite haunts of London artists, but now they are reduced into places for public


5. Some emergency has cropped up, we must work late to deal with it.

6. Outside of occasional loss of temper, he has almost nothing to find fault with.

7. When they made the return voyage to West Port, they sailed with a following wind and arrived at the

destination in less than two days.

8. The teacher left us to our own devices in choosing the books for reading reports. 9. Mr. Niu is a first-rate technician who can have all machines eating out of his hand. 10. Her radiant smile twenty years ago has left an indelible impression on his memory. Key to the Exercises:

I. Answer the following questions.

1. What do Baker‘s visits with his mother cause him to yearn for most? Why?

A communication between the parents and the children. As the author says, ―I wish I had not thrown off my own past so carelessly. We all come from the past, and children ought to know what it was that went into their making, to know that life is a braided cord of humanity stretching up from time long gone, and that it cannot be defined by the span of a single journey from diaper to shroud.‖

2. What has Baker learned that he would someday like to share with his children? When he does talk to them,

how do you think they will respond? Do you think they will feel that what he has to say is important? What kinds of experiences might help them hear what he has to say?

He would someday try to tell his children about his early life. The children may dislike the stories and regard them as unimportant. But when the children turn old and have the experience of being parents and the father gets beyond explaining, they may want to know those past things. The story between my mother and I may help the children to understand this paradox and get willing to hear what he has to say. 3. Why does the author say ―Lord, how I hated those words‖ in the end?

The author hates those words because now he realizes they are wrong, which shows his regret and pity over the past.

II. Look up the italicized words in the dictionary and explain.

1. preside over: phr. to direct (a committee or other formal group of people) 2. ignoramus: n. an ignorant person

3. squawk: v. (esp. of some birds) to make a loud rough-sounding cry

behead: v. to separate the head from; decapitate 4. trip: v. to stumble

giblets: n. the innards of a bird

gravy: n. the juices that drip from cooking meat battered: adj. broken

5. layman: n. a man who is nonprofessional

6. banal: adj. uninteresting because very common

silver lining: n. silver-colored cloth for the inner surface of clothes

count her blessings: list her happiness pep: n. vigor

satchel: n. a small bag, often having a shoulder strap, used for carrying books or clothing gall: v. to irk or exasperate; vex

out of earshot: beyond the distance up to which a sound can be heard muffle: v. to make vague or obscure

diaper: n. the cloth a baby uses to keep its wastes, here referring to human birth shroud: n. the cloth used to wrap a dead human body, here referring to human death III. Paraphrase the following sentences.

1. On other days she took charge of cooking dinners for the family on Sunday afternoons for children who were

now having grey hair because of old age. When wandering through all this, she was lying in the bed, but she moved across time by traveling in the past decades of years rapidly and comfortably. That was what medical treatment cannot supply her.

2. She could be very bitter to people whom she found ignorant or foolish.

3. When she made the bed, she was running; when she set the table for dinner, she was running. Whatever she

did, she did it quickly.

4. For a period I could not accept the inevitable fact. As I sat by her bed, my first urge without thinking was to

argue with her and wake her up to real life.

5. She had once fought against life with ferocity. In the past ten years or more, the ferocity had become an

extreme fury against the weakness, boredom, and absence of love that had been brought to her by senility. 6. I had gone down from New York to Baltimore where she lived to pay her one of my visits which were

infrequent. Afterwards I had written to her with some commonplace advice to look for the hopeful side, to be grateful for what she had instead of complaining to other people about her miseries.

7. She was a woman who never apologized, but for one moment with the pen in her hand, she was almost about

to apologize.

8. A world of my mother had lived and died. Though it was part of my own life, I knew little about it just as I

knew little of the world of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs.

9. If a parent does open his world a bit, the result is often to impress greatly the young people with some typical

story of how much harder life was in the old days.

10. I was angry with him for doing that, but I was angrier with myself for having become one of those old dull

persons whose memories of the past are based on their likes and dislikes, and so become undoubtedly untrue even to the eyes of small children. IV. Translate the following into Chinese.

1. 她盯着眼前这个来自无法想象的未来、大得荒谬的人,很快置之不理。 2 她追赶着咯咯叫的受惊的鸡群,手里拿着一把斧子,一门心思要把其中一只砍头,成为饭桌上的美食。 3 写这封信是出于孩子对父母永恒力量的一种稚气的信仰。他天真地认为,岁月的沧桑能够让位于个人

的意志和努力,认为她只需要一番鼓舞斗志的谈话来重新振作精神。 4 我很快放弃了试图把她拽回我所认为的现实世界的努力,而是试着和她一起在奇妙的旋转中,畅游过

去。 5 威廉·霍华德·塔夫特正入主白宫,欧洲仍然沉浸在伟大的和平年代里,半睡半醒,美国还是一个年

轻的国度,未来就像束束水晶般透明的阳光一样展现在它的面前。 6 本能地,我想冲破束缚,不再做一个被她的时代所局限的人,把她的未来付诸过去,去创造我自己的

未来。 7 我们都从过去中走来,孩子们应该知道是什么使他们长大成人,应该了解生活是一条扭结在一起的人

性绳索,它延伸自遥远的过去,它也不会局限在从出生到死亡的简单过程中。 8 我知道,我会不得不从我的母亲开始讲起,讲讲她对提高男人素质的热情,这种热情在我的身上表现

为逼迫我“有所作为”。 4-A Key to the Exercises: I. Answer the following questions.

1. What descriptive details prepare you for Elisa‘s emotional isolation?

a. ―Her face was eager and mature and handsome; even her work with the scissors was over-eager,

over-powerful. The chrysanthemum stems seemed too small and easy for her energy.‖ (Elisa was strong, energetic, but devoted herself completely to the garden which seemed too small and easy for her energy and separated her from the outside world.)

b. ―Henry put on his joking tone. ?There‘s fights tonight. How‘d you like to go to the fights?‘ ?Oh, no,‘ she said

breathlessly. ?No, I wouldn‘t like fights.‘‖ (Elisa was contented enough with home and husband and garden, isolating herself from the chaos of the outside world.)

c. Descriptions of Elisa‘s encounter with the tinker. Elisa didn‘t detect the tinker‘s calculated interest in her

chrysanthemums. Rather she had fancied a sympathetic bond between them. She talked to the tinker passionately about the planting of chrysanthemums. They seemed to love the good bitter smell and have sympathetic feeling towards each other‘s life. All of these feelings she should have shared with her husband. She was lonely and delicate, not physically, but spiritually. 2. How is the tinker‘s deception foreshadowed?

Firstly, after failing to find some mending work to do for Elisa, the tinker‘s eyes fell to search the ground. They roamed about until they came to the chrysanthemum bed. Secondly, when Elisa protested against the 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

tinker‘s remarks on the smell of the chrysanthemums, which ―smell kind of nasty‖, the tinker changed his tone quickly and became sympathetic. At last, he fabricated a story which incensed Elisa‘s interest and passion, giving him a pot of chrysanthemum sprouts.

3. By what means are we made aware of the change in Elisa‘s image of herself?

From the way she scrubbed herself in the bathroom and from the narcissistic appreciation of herself before the mirror in the bedroom, we know that Elisa‘s awareness of herself as a woman awakened.

4. How adequately does the story account for Elisa‘s frustration? Explain the fluctuations in her appearance and


The story shows Elisa‘s frustration from the fluctuations in her appearance and mood. In the beginning Elisa was dressed as a laborer in the field (Para.5). She was happy to work and did not like the violent things (Para.21). However, when the tinker came and Elisa learned about his life style, she was severely stirred. After the tinker left, she immediately went to take a bath and made herself up. She was very excited for her awakened dormant urges. But when she saw the tinker had thrown away her flowers and found she was deceived, she got very sad and irritated. She thought of violence, asking for wine and fight shows. After the surge of anger, she relaxed limply finally and wept weakly.

5. By what means are we made aware that her relationship with Henry is not satisfying?

From the way they communicate with each other. It seemed that they did not care about each other‘s work too much. Elisa looked confusing to Henry when she makes herself up. They seldom went out for dinner together. Both of them have been going all out for their farm work.

6. The action, rising in emotional intensity to its climax, is developed in four scenes. Describe Elisa‘s feeling in

each scene and attempt to account for them. Scene One: Before the Tinker‘s Arrival

Elisa was devoted to and revealed in her flower gardens. She loved chrysanthemums; she liked their ―good bitter smell‖. She did all her gardening herself, proud of her ―planter‘s hands,‖ wearing a figured print dress, corduroy apron, man‘s hat, clodhopper shoes, heavy leather gloves. Elisa liked her husband, and was pleased with him when he sold several steers at nearly his own price; and she enjoyed going to Salinas with him for dinner and a show.

Scene Two: Encounter with the Tinker

Although contented enough with home and husband and garden, Elisa still could feel the attraction of the itinerant tinker‘s uncertain roving life. His visit and his calculated interest in her chrysanthemums awakened dormant urges within her, so that she felt like breaking away from her secure domesticity and taking to the open road.

Scene Three: In the Bathroom and the Bedroom

She was aware of herself as a woman. She examined her body, tightened her stomach and threw out her chest. She turned and looked over her shoulder at her back. She put on her newest underclothing and her nicest stockings and the dress which was the symbol of her prettiness. She worked carefully on her hair, penciled her eyebrows and rouged her lips. She was critical of her husband‘s remarks about her appearance. In a word, she changed both in appearance and in mentality, which confused her husband. Scene Four: On the Road to Salinas

When she found that the tinker had thrown away the chrysanthemum sprouts which she had given him—that she had only fancied a sympathetic bond between them—she at first had thoughts of violence, and then with a few tears of frustration composed herself.

II. Replace the italicized words in the following sentences with plain words. 1. surround, envelope

2. short ends of grain stalks left in the ground after harvesting 3. rise or form into a mass or mound against sth closely 4. too pleased with or proud of oneself 5. plant

6. remove or reduce by cutting

7. tall and slim with long, slender limbs 8. tense (of muscles or nerves) 9. be more numerous than 10. harshness or severity

11. slight hollow in a hard, even surface 12. animal‘s buttocks 13. act or speak clumsily

14. cause an engine to run slowly while disconnected from a load or out of gear III. Paraphrase the following sentences.

1. The thick undeveloped willow trees long the river shone like flame because of the clear and distinct color of

yellow leaves.

2. The hair of the cattle on the higher slopes of the hill are getting long and rough. 3. His voice sounded low as if in pain.

4. The irritation and resistance softened on Elisa‘s face.

5. From his mouth we can see he is sure of the job and knows it how to deal with it.

6. The wagon turned its head and left the entrance road slowly, then went back along the river to the way from

which it had come.

IV. Put the following sentences into Chinese.



2. 她用手套背面拂开遮住眼睛的一缕头发,脏手套在她脸上留下一道泥污。她背后是一幢整洁的白色农


3. 他笑声一止笑容立马从脸上消失。他地眼睛黑黑的,目光流露着赶车人或水手才有的那种郁郁寡欢的


4. 她自己的低语声把她吓了一跳。她甩了甩头,使自己清醒过来,然后朝四周看了看有没有人听见。只


5. 这辆双人敞篷小汽车颠簸在沿河边的泥土路面上。几只速鸟被惊飞起来,野兔钻进树丛,两只鹭鸶扑

打着翅膀飞过那排柳树,一头扎进河中央去了。 6. 她软弱无力地靠在座位上。“啊,不,不,我不想去,确实不想去。”她把脸从他那边转开。“今晚喝

点酒酒行了,就足够了。”她把大衣领子竖起来,为的是不让他看见她象在象一个老妇人那样——虚弱地哀哀哭泣。 V.(Omitted)

VI. Tell the possible symbolic meanings of the following items as described in the text. 1. Scissors may symbolize the restraining power that restricts and stifles Elisa. 2. The chrysanthemum shoots may symbolize Elisa‘s desire. 3. The wine symbolizes pacifier.

VII. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in the brackets.

(close off, overhaul, live up to, gear up, consensus on, benefit from, kick in, rely upon, rip off, provoke)

1. It is much more fashionable and fun to find a great bargain wine or go on holiday to a place where you can

have a great time without feeling ripped off.

2. If he moves too quickly, he might provoke a backlash from the opponents. 3. Disney can always be relied upon for a decent, new feel-good movie.

4. The chief obstacle to solving spam is that there is no consensus on what spam really is. 5. I didn‘t have the know how to be able to benefit from the situation. 6. Politicians are already gearing up for the election in two year‘s time.

7. The desire to become a great star is kicking in earlier among the youngsters. 8. Police have closed off all approaches to the university campus.

9. If you have a complain to make about a product which fails to live up to its maker‘s, write to this address. 10. Now the government is moving to overhaul China‘s tobacco industry, according to state officials. 4-B Key to the Exercises:

I. Answer the following questions.

1. If you agree that ―The Bet‖ is primarily the lawyer‘s story, why is our view of the lawyer filtered through the

reminiscences and observations of the banker? Why are we permitted to see the lawyer directly only twice? What artistic purposes are served by the use of hearsay and notes and letters, and by the sparseness and flatness of the account of the lawyer‘s years of confinement?

The perspective seems more objective and reflects the banker‘s life and thoughts. It takes years for him to understand the deep meaning of life. When you have finally achieved what you want, you realize what you have been striving for is not what you actually need. It leaves more space for the readers to think and explore. 2. Trace the changes in the lawyer‘s activities as they mark the development and resolution of the action. What

are the implications as to his ultimate fate?

During the first year, the lawyer suffered terribly from loneliness and boredom. He read books of light character; novels with a complicated love interest, stories of crime and fantasy, comedies, and so on. These are superficial life enjoyments. Then he turned to classics which would arouse some thoughts. However, he was still greatly stirred by his earthly desire and in the fifth year he indulged himself and got extremely bored. At the same time he started to write which suggested he started to organize his random thoughts. After that, he explored into various subjects and finally came to philosophy, religion and theology, which are sciences of human spirit. In the end, he developed a clear view of the world and decided that he did not want those worldly successes. 3.

How do the shifts in time contribute to suspense and tone?

The banker and the lawyer behaved differently in their different periods. The shifts in time show contrast and irony.

Find examples of irony and paradox.

The lawyer claimed ―It‘s better to live somehow than not to live at all‖ in the beginning but chose to die in the end.

The banker was afraid to lose while the lawyer intended to lose. 5.

How do you reconcile the lawyer‘s nihilism with his lyrical assertion that he has known the beauty of earth and love, has seen nature in her glory and tempestuousness, and has achieved wisdom –‖all that the unresting thought of man has created?‖ What evidence can you find that Chekhov‘s vision of life extends beyond negation of all values? (Omitted)

II. Look up the italicized words in the dictionary and explain.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

priori: priority

spoiled: pampered; capricious: indulgent stick it out: bear erudite: learned haphazard: casual

speculation: engagement in risky business poke his way into: grope his way into strewn: spread, scattered

emaciation: the state of being very thin and weak ethereal: heavenly suffuse: fill

III. Paraphrase the following sentences 1.

They found capital punishment out of date, not fitting a country believing in Christianity, and immoral. (Christianity indoctrinates benevolence and love for your neighbors, while capital punishment violates these doctrines and therefore does not fit a Christian country.)

2. The state has no right to take away man‘s life that it can not return to him, even if it wants to return.

3. At that time, having too many millions to himself, the banker was very wealthy, self-important, and willful,

and he was so delighted that he lost his self-control.

4. Unhappy man, don‘t forget either that a voluntary imprisonment weighs more on your mind than an

imprisonment by force. The idea that you are free to walk out at any moment will make the whole of your life in the jail room a bitter suffering.

5. He could receive anything necessary, including books, music, wine, in any quantity by sending a note

through the window. (This is a sentence with a prepositional object. ―Books, music, wine‖ is the apposition of ―everything necessary‖.)

6. If he made the smallest attempt to violate the conditions of imprisonment, to escape even if two minutes

before the time, the banker would be free from having to pay him the two millions.

7. He read and studied these subjects so fiercely and hungrily that the banker hardly had time to find enough

books to satisfy him.

8. During the last two years of his imprisonment the prison read a great amount of books, at random and

without plan.

9. He read as though he were swimming in the sea among broken pieces of ship having been wrecked, and was

eager to grasp one piece after another in the hope of saving his life. (Metaphors and symbolism are used here. Reading is compared to swimming in the sea, books of various sorts are likened to broken pieces of wreckage which might save his life and deliver him from distress.)

10. His hair was becoming bright like silver and getting grey, and no one who took a hasty look at the aging, thin

and weak face would have believed that he was only forty-years old.

11. Here the lawyer is sarcastic and contemptuous to the banker‘s way of life, because the latter is immoral,

knowing no distinction between truth and falsehood, ugliness and beauty. Notice the symbolic meanings of apple and orange trees, frogs and lizards, roses, and a sweating horse.

12. The banker at once went to the wing of the house with his servants and proved that his prisoner had escaped. IV. Translate the following into Chinese.

1. 死刑让人立刻丧生,终身监禁则一点一点地夺去人的生命。

2. 两百万对我来说无足轻重,但是你却要白白浪费生命中最美好的三到四年。我说三到四年,是因为你


3. 第一年,送给律师的都是轻松愉快的书籍,有复杂曲折的爱情小说,有犯罪故事和幻想小说,有喜剧


4. 有时他会全神贯注地钻研自然科学,有时他会阅读拜伦的诗歌或莎士比亚的戏剧。 5 股票交易所里的赌博,冒险的投机,以及到老也摆脱不掉的草率,所有这些使他的生意日渐衰败。昔


6. 虽然瞪大了眼睛,银行家既看不见地面,也看不见白色的雕像;既看不见花园耳房,也看不见树木。 7. 那是个骷髅,紧巴巴的皮肤,一头像女人一样的长卷发,和一簇蓬乱的络腮胡。他的脸色青黄,就像


8. 在你的书中,我攀登了埃尔布鲁兹峰和布朗峰,从峰顶上目睹了太阳如何在早晨升起,如何在晚上给

天空,海洋和道道山脊染上一道紫红的金色。 Key to the Exercises:

I. Answer the following questions.

1. Does English have the same function as French in the life of the author? And how did the author feel about

his first language?

No, English does not have the same function as French in the author‘s life. To the author, his first language is still in his deep consciousness and influences his understanding of things, especially in critical moments. 2. What language did the author possibly use to express his feelings when he was suffering intense pain?


3. What are the differences between English and French in the eye of the author?

English is his tool for making a living while French governs the primal realm in his mind. The French language long corresponds to the soul while English is the world. In other words, English is the language that he uses consciously while French is the language that he uses unconsciously or for his virtual feelings. 4. How did the author know about the specific origins of English words and phrases?

He related them to the French word that he knew. 5. When and where did the author begin his schooling?

The author began school in Belgium at three and a half.

6. Why did the parents never think of employing English as their household tongue?

There were basically two reasons. One was that the parents were not good at English; the other one was that they did not plan to stay in America long and English would not be much useful. 7. What double role did the family keep up?

They were immigrants as well as tourists.

8. Why did the family keep using French at home?

They were trying to keep the Belgian features by keeping everything Belgian, including the language. 9. How was his father learning English? Is it difficult for him to learn English well?

He remembered a little of his high school English, he pronunciation rules. After they came to America, they learned through the old dictionaries and textbooks and the non-native friends and acquaintances. It was very hard for them to learn English well.

10. When did the author‘s family immigrate to the US? In 1957. 11. Can you tell how the author learned the word ―handsome‖?

From Marie-Louise‘s exclamation at the appearance of Cesar Romero on television. 12. How did the author like Walloon compared with French?

Walloon would arouse more sentiment and emotion in the author. 13. What happened when the author heard somebody talked in Walloon?

He would get very emotional.

14. How many languages does the author speak?three

II. Explain the italicized words and phrases in the following sentences. 1. the particular words 3. arrangement of words 5. a child's bib or pinafore 2. silenced; ordinary things 4. the modified meanings 6. to surpass or outdo (another), as in speed, growth, or performance 7. a work shift from afternoon to late evening 8. systematically

9. gap in time or space

10. a product that has been concentrated, especially a food that has been reduced in volume or bulk by the

removal of liquid 11. bear, tolerate 14. something that is reflected 16. flourishing, maturing 12. do the same 15. general acceptance or use, 17. illusion 13. growing, flourishing prevalence 18. occasion III. Paraphrase the following sentences.

1. The English language is probably the main tool I use to outline the things, formulate the meaning and express

my ideas and feelings.

2. French is the channel by which I am able to understand my childhood, my natural or undisguised feelings in

the childhood, or even the way by which I can recall the sensational impressions deeply kept in my minds. 3. If the suggestion is put forward in French, the way it is used has more powerful effects on me than the

specific words used in it.

4. My parents never thought of using English as the means of communication at home. 5. My family kept two roles of being immigrants and tourists.

6. My family still leads a typical European life in the American land.

7. Belgium became sort of an image in our mind, and language was its major concrete element.

8. Considering the circumstances around, it is not surprising that my parents were a little confused, switching

among several languages.

9. My French speech is also intermingled with some outdated expressions.

10. My complicated knowledge of various languages blocked me from giving out clear expressions at once. 11. It is not that I have no root but that I have many roots. IV. Pair the words with similar meaning. 1. L 2. F 3.B 4. G 5.E 6. A 7. C 8. D 9.I 10. M 11. J 12. K 13. H V. Give the noun forms of the following verbs. 1. evoke evocation 2. maintain maintenance 3. resist resistance 4. insist insistence 5. pronounce pronunciation 6. judge judgment 7. subscribe ubscription

8. reveal revelation

VI. The following words are some names of edible plants and fruits. Look up the dictionary and find out

what they are. 1. leeks 韭 6. strawberries草莓 12. spinach 菠菜 2. parsley 香芹,欧芹 7. lettuce 莴苣, 生菜 13. celery芹菜 3. chervil雪维菜,山萝卜 8. radish萝卜 14. apricots杏子 4. gooseberries 醋栗 9. carrot胡罗卜 15. persimmon柿子5. red currants (无核)葡萄干, 10. turnip萝卜,芜菁

[植]黑醋栗 11. asparagus芦笋 VII. Translate the following sentences into English.

(as far back as, at that, commensurate with, detachment, establishment, on end, prospect, to account for, to amount to, to attune, to babble, to broach, to cross one‘s mind, to develop, to incorporate, to kill off, to size up, to summon):

1. Before we could stop him, he had babbled our plans to the group. 2. He had to summon up all his strength to jump the stream.

3. I didn't know how to broach our plan for the new year before the board of directors. 4. These two hotels are both excellent establishments.

5. It did cross my mind to ask him for some money, but later I decided not to.

6. Students were surprised at the professor‘s air of detachment in talking about his own books. 7. He was satisfied with the job commensurate with his abilities.

8. T. S. Elliot successfully attuned his language to the times in which he lived. 9. They have no prospects of becoming rich.

10. I can assure you that we will incorporate your suggestion in the new plan. 11. John must be ill; it is the only thing that will account for his strange behavior.

12. The severe frost killed off nearly all the apple-blossom, with the result that we had a very poor crop this


13. He invented a new machine, and a most needed one at that.

14. Give him some time to size up the situation and he will tell you what to do next. 15. For five kilometers on end the road was bordered with apple orchards. 16. With hard work, she developed into a great writer.

17. Whether I pay or whether my wife pays amounts to the same thing because we share all our money. 18. Lao Li began learning English as far back as the 1950s. Key to the Exercises:

I. Answer the following questions.

1. On what basis did the author come to the conclusion that women wait for men more than men wait for


Men have more activities than women. ―We learn a few things as we go along, but we do not learn to love, to hate, or to quarrel very differently‖.

2. How does the author react when his friends are late for the appointment?

She gets very angry.

3. What sort of people does the author think are best at waiting?


4. What does the author mean by ―We mortals weary of our vigils, unlike the animals who wait in the most

concentrated and flexed way until the prey is caught‖?

The animals can keep their body bended and mind concentrated until they catch the prey. Unlike the animals, we human beings will get tired of waiting.

5. According to the author, what are the purposes for men‘s waiting?

They wait for the promotion, the kill and the prize.

6. What‘s the implied meaning of ―While indoors, waiting has a touch of masochism, outdoors it takes on a

martial turn‖?

When we wait indoors, we are somewhat afflicting ourselves. When we wait outdoors, it is like military activities since so many people get waiting together.

7. According to the passage, how many kinds of waiting can there be? Do you agree with the author?


II. Fill in the blanks with proper words. 1. primarily 2. media 6. its 7. other 11. communicate 12. While 16. linguistics 17. with 21. contexts 22. on III. Word-building A1. maudlin 6. vicarious

2. pander

3. unavailable 8. other 13. over 18. Phonetics 23. changes

4. means 5. that 9. wide 10. distinguishes 14. beyond 15. study 19. words 20. meaning 24. In 25. to 4. effete

5. ascetic 10. wanton 5. asceticism

3. gregarious

7. rationalize 8. obsequious 9. sublimate 3. gregariousness

B.1. vicariously 2. rationalization

4. obsequiously

6. panderer

7. sublimated

8. wantonness

4. maudlin

5. vicarious

C.1. gregarious 6. rationalize

2. obsequiously 3. effete

8. panders

7. ascetic 9. sublimation 10. wanton

IV. Put the following paragraphs into Chinese.

1. 为了训练自己学会等待的艺术,我有时特意想象一些难以忍受的情况——我想到监狱里的人怎样度日


2. 我很欣赏艾尔弗雷德·苏泽的一段名言。他说:\长期以来,我都觉得生活——真正的生活似乎即将开

始。可是总会遇到某种障碍,如得先完成一些事情。没做完的工作,要奉献的时间,该付的债,等等。之后生活才会开始。最后我醒悟过来了,这些障碍本身就是我的生活。\这一观点让我意识到没有什么通往幸福的道路。幸福本身就是路。所以,珍惜你拥有的每一刻,且记住时不我待,不要再作所谓的等待——等你上完学,等你再回到学校;等你结婚或离婚;等你有了孩子或孩子长大离开家;等你开始工作或等你退休;等你有了新车或新房;等春天来临;等你有幸再来世上走一遭才明白此时此刻最应快乐?? Key to the Exercises

I. Answer the following questions.

1. Bronowski aims to discuss the imagination of man in this essay, but why does he begin with an experiment

conducted on animals? Of all the distinctions between man and animal, what is the characteristic gift which makes us human?

In order to highlight the distinctiveness and powerfulness of man‘s imagination, the author presents us with a comparative study of animals‘ and man‘s reactions toward the light signal. Imagination, among others, is the characteristic gift which makes us human.

2. According to Bronowski, what does to imagine mean? And what is the meaning of image? What are the most

important images for human beings? How do they function in our life?

According to the author, image is used in a wide sense. It‘s more of a sign, not referring to visual images in the narrow sense. One of the most important images for our human beings are words. Words will not only evoke our memory of the past, but also create the future.

3. What do deduction and induction mean respectively? How does the human reason discover new relations

between things?

deduction refers to the action of determining or deciding something from general principles in relation to a particular thing, event or fact. Induction is another way of reasoning using known facts to produce general laws. With speculation and insight, human brain discovers new relations between things.

4. Did Galileo really drop two unequal balls from the Leaning Tower of Pisa? How did Galileo refute Aristotle‘s

standpoint in his book? What the significance of Galileo‘s argument?

Galileo did not really drop two unequal balls from the Leaning Tower of Pisa; he only imagined it. Galileo refuted Aristotle‘s theory with an imaginary experiment that uncovered a contradiction. Galileo‘s argument is significant because it is suggestive and imaginative; it opensa new view.

5. What does imagination mean in Bronowski‘s usage? Where do science and literature both spring and grow

and flourish together?

Imagination means the power to work with images.It‘s from imagination thatt science and literature both spring and flourish together.

6. Can Galileo‘s argument and Newton‘s result be settled without an actual experience? Why? What is the test of

imagination? How to test imagination in both science and literature?

Galileo‘s argument and Newton‘s result can be settled without an actual experience. They can be tested in imagination. In science we can make imaginary experiment and in literature we can write about our fantasy. 7. What is the strength of nature? What is the relation between reality and the imagination in arts and science?

In science and arts when imagination conforms to nature, it will turn into reality. II. Look up the italicized words or phrases in the dictionary and explain: 1. duly: in a proper manner

2. staggering: causing great astonishment, amazement, or dismay; overwhelming

3. highbrow: (derog) person who has or is thought to have superior intellectual and cultural tastes

egghead: (derog) very intellectual person

4. deduction: the process of reasoning in which a conclusion follows necessarily from the stated premises;

inference by reasoning from the general to the specific

induction: the process of deriving general principles from particular facts or instances 5. reach: the extent or distance something can reach. 6. heady: excited and acting rashly

7. to gain on: to come closer to sb/sth, esp a rival or sth persued 8. rudimentary: elementary; basic

9. to hazard: to venture (something); dare

10. higgledy-piggledy: without order; completely mixed up III. Pair the words or phrases with similar meaning.

1. E 2. C 3. K 4. B 5. F 6. D 7. H 8. J 9. A 10. G 11. I 12. L IV. Please choose suitable words to finish the following sentences. 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. A V. Please paraphrase the following sentences in English.

1. As soon as the animal receives a signal, it will respond with a quick action. In this case, the signal is turned

into a primitive imagery. As in this example, when the animal sees the light, it will act quickly by running toward it. Only in this way can the image of light be kept in its mind temporarily.

2. For me, the word image can be used in a broad sense and I will not take it to mean a mental picture only. I

agree with Charles Pierce on this point that an image is a sign, not necessarily something to be seen.

3. The images we have in mind will display to us many different things that haven‘t come into existence. In

this sense, it is future possibilities that the images are presenting us with. These possibilities do not exist for the present, and some of them may never be materilized in the same form.

3. Before we do anything we consider to be worthwhile, we will first visualize it in mind.

4. Literature is alive to us because it can conjure up pictures in our mind so that we will feel it vividly. It works

the same way as chess game. In playing chess, we will first consider in our mind the different moves we might make before hand and then make the decision. So in reading a play, we will try to imagine the possible situations described in the play and then we‘ll come to understand it.

5. In calculating the days it takes for the moon to round the earth, Newton made full use of his imagination and

came up with the right answer. In this case, imagination was in harmony with nature. Or in other words what is imagined proves to be true. It is the same with our landing on moon. We have imagined it earlier in the history of modern science and in science fiction. Finally our imagination is translated into reality. VI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. 在过去的三千年里,人类的想象力一直是诗人们非常感兴趣的一个问题。诗人们在为人类的想象力感


2. 对于我们人类而言,记忆东西无需像动物那样全神贯注,而记忆却可以在我们的头脑里保存很长时间。


3. 几乎在同时,塞缪?泰勒?克勒律治于1796年首次对被动想象和主动想象进行了区分。他提出二者的差


4. 人类生活的丰富多彩体现在我们拥有的生活方式的多样性之中。我们不仅能够享有现有的生活,而且

同样可以体验虚拟的人生。因此如果我们有一千种活法,那么我们就会有一千种死法与之对应。 5. 我们应当屏弃浅尝辙止的科学研究,因为这样做只会歪曲自然的本真;我们还应当抛弃浅薄粗俗的文


6. 这些具有象征意义的符号所蕴含意义的广泛性和多元性远远超出了它们的字面意思和实际含义涵盖的


VII. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Their announcement set the scientific community agog.

2. Imagination is the faculty that is specifically human, and it is the common root from which science and

literature both spring together.

3. The conclusion joined by Galileo is staggering, that is two unequal balls fall at the same speed from the same


4. Edison liked fiddling with lab instruments and showed great interest in science from childhood. 5. The Socialists are gaining on the conservatives in the opinion polls.

6. He was permitted to go abroad with the proviso that he should return at the end of two years. 7. How can we make up to you for what you have suffered in this air disaster? 8. Some breeds of dog have only rudimentary tails. 9. The difficulties that confront us seem insuperable. 10. Rock-climbers sometimes hazard their lives.

VIII. Please point out the figures of speech used in the following sentences and rewrite them in plain


1. personification

2. personification; rhetorical question 3. antithesis 4. analogy

Key to the Exercises:

I. Give brief answers to the following questions, using your own words as much as possible.

1. In this essay, Eldredge refers to the Scopes II trial in California. What was the first Scopes trial in Tennessee

about? What issues about evolution were raised in 1925 by the trial?

The first Scopes trial is also known as the Scopes ?Monkey Trial‘. It captured the world‘s attention in July, 1925. The defendant John Scopes, a 24-year-old high school biology teacher was charged with illegally teaching the theory of evolution.He violated the ―Butler Law,‖ which prohibited the teaching of evolution in the classroom. The bill was first introduced by John Butler and then in February, Tennessee enacted the bill making it unlawful ―to teach any theory that denies the story of divine creation as taught by the Bible and to teach instead that man was descended from a lower order of animals.‖ Oklahoma, Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina and Kentucky already had such laws. After a heated debate, Scopes was convicted. The problem at the heart of the trial is a conflict of Christian belief on man being created by God and the evolutionary theory of man descending from lower organism.

2. What is the relationship between the two Scopes trial?

What lies at the heart of the two Scopes trial is the struggle of two competing ideas, with creationism trying to replace science.

3. What is the relationship between the populist-conservative movement and creationism?

Since both hold similar views on moral and social issues, they can seek common ground and make partentership.Thus Creationsts can gain more influence by relying on conversative party‘s support. Nowadays Creationists have come to depend upon conversatives as a powerful political and economic ally. 4. How do you define creationism?

Simply put, a creationist is one who rejects modern scientific explanations for the origin and subsequent development of life and the universe, preferring instead a hypothesis of supernatural creation by God. Creationists hold that the creation story of Genesis is the literal truth of the origin of the universe.The majority of creationists are fundamentalist Christian Protestants, but there are creationists of other denominations as well.

5. How does Eldredge respond to the claim that since Darwinian evolution is only a theory, equal time in the

schools should be given to the proponents of creationism?

There is only relative truth in science, and the progress of science will be infinite. Therefore accepting the authorianism of science only leads to misunderstanding. And the scientific discoveries might prove to be true now and then lose validity later.

6. For Eldredge, what are the dangers of accepting the authoritarianism of science? What does he believe the

real function of the scientific enterprise to be?

The real function of the scientific enterprise lies in challenging received ideas, modifying them and replacing them with better ideas.

7. According to Eldredge, how do creationists misunderstand the meaning of the contrast debates raging in the

scientific community?

Creationists see scientic debate as a sign of weakness. But in fact, it is a sign of vitality, because only with open discussion can science be challenged and improved.

8. What causes one major scientific theory to predominate for a given period of time? Why has Darwin‘s theory

held the support of scientists for such a long time?

When two competing theories coexist, they will work on each other until one predominate over the other. Consequently a major theory will hold sway over a period of time.

9. Why does Eldredge believe that creationism does not lend itself to testing? What is the significance of testing


Creationists‘s explanation of the world and life maily rely on what the supernatural creator God tells us in the Bible. But they can‘t hold up any tenable evidence to prove it. Actually apart from some attempts to document the remains of Noah‘s Ark on the flanks of Mt. Ararat, they possess no testable theories about the origin, diversity, and distribution of plants and animals. II. Fill in the blanks with proper words. 1. ancient 2. through 3. instruments 4. Later 5. use 6. by 7. universal 8. physicist 9. At 10. and 11. laid 12. mathematics 13. scientific 14. provided 15. which 16. on 17. in 18. inspired 19. Revolution 20. in 21. developments 22. paved 23. so 24. included 25. forward 26. much 27. as 28. of 29. with 30. on III. Word-building A.

1. altruist 2. egoist 3. chauvinist 4.liberal or radical 5. epicurean 6. atheist 7. agnostic 8. stoic 9. jingoism 10. fatalist 11. conservative or reactionary B.

1. atheistic 2. agnostic 3. conservative 4. liberal 5. fatalistic 6. egoistic 7. stoical 8. chauvinistic 9. epicurean 10. jingoistic 11. altruistic IV. Put the following paragraph into Chinese. (for reference only)


的帮助,把对自己的批评当作最珍贵的友谊。正如歌德所说,‖我们赞同的东西使我们处之泰然,我们反对的东西才使我们的思想获得丰产。‖ 这都是因为,赞同的意见未必正确,反对的意见未必错误。退一步说,即使错误的反对意见,对自己的科学研究也是很有好处的。 Key to the Exercises:

I. Answer the following questions.

1. Hilton Als‘ protagonists are usually black women, perhaps because black women are the most marginalized

group in American society. What is the meaning of Negress? And whom does Negress really refer to in this passage?

Negress means Negro woman or girl in an offensive way. Negress refers to the author‘s mother as well as the femininity inside the author.

2. Why does the author‘s mother want to be different from her mother, from her siblings, and from other


Because mother‘s parents and siblings are not polite or nice people and mother wants to separate herself from them.

3. Has the author‘s mother been ill for quite a long time? Does she want to be ill? Why?

The author‘s mother has been ill for quite a long time, but she welcomed her illness as a way of getting others‘ attention, which she needed badly, though she would never admit to it.

4. Does the author‘s mother support her children on their ambitions? Can you enumerate some examples?

The author‘s mother was very supportive of her children‘s ambition. When she learned that the author wanted to be a writer, she bought him writing tablets at Christmas. She also gave him books to read, such as novels and collections of poem.

5. Why will the author‘s mother and his sisters be angry with the author sometimes?

The author‘s mother would become angry with the author because he always identified with women. His sisters would get mad at him for he always hung around their bedrooms and they were confused about his gender orientation.

6. Although the title of this passage is Notes on My Mother, the author devotes a lot of space to write other

characters, such as his sister, his father‘s lover, even himself. Why? Do they share any similarities?

What the author intended to do is to write about the way black women are defined by society and how they are influenced by the social and cultural environment and become what they are. II. Look up the italicized words or phrases in the dictionary and explain. 1. impetus: an impelling force; an impulse.

2. to diminish: to make (sb/sth) seem less important than it really is; devalue 3. capricious: characterized by or subject to whim; impulsive and unpredictable. 4. to capitalize on: to turn something to one's advantage; benefit

5. presumptuous: going beyond what is right or proper; excessively forward

6. to forfeit: to lose or give up sth as a consequence of a punishment for having done sth wrong, or in order to

achieve sth

7. tantrum: a fit of bad temper

8. out of wedlock: of parents not legally married to each other 9. mediocre: moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary

10. extension: an additional telephone connected to a main line

11. pique: a state of vexation caused by a perceived slight or indignity; a feeling of wounded pride 12. saunter: a leisurely pace III. Paraphrase the following sentences.

1. For years before and after mother died, I have been trying to feel her being by imagining myself as a Negro

woman just like her. Thus I began living the routine life of a homosexual.

2. My mother was very self-disciplined and for a long time she wouldn‘t tell others about her illness. Nor would

she talk about what caused her problems. Therefore we were all kept in suspens and would take care of all her needs.

3. My mother was intelligent and graduated from high school. But she knew verry well that as a Negress there

would not be much chance for her.

4. After working a while in the salon, my mother did not respond to her customer‘s problems any more. It

became clear to her that they just wanted to talk about it but never cared about seeking any solutions. She became more and more indifferent towards them.

5. I never told mother how I associated with other homosexuals. They , like me, had similar experience of

emigrating to New York form some small islands like Jamaica. Neither did I talk with them about my mother. Nor would they mention their mother to me, even though after we had met each other in cars and bars and went back home by subsway, we would meet our mothers at the kitchen door. IV. Pair the words with similar meaning. 1. L 2. C 3. F 4. E 5. D 6. B 7. N 8. I 9.H 10. O 11. M 12. A 13. K 14. G 15. J

V. Please finish the following sentences with suitable words or phrases. 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. C VI. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. If you need any help, I‘m at your service.

6. D

2. In order to listen in to his wife‘s conversation, he installed an extension in his room.

3. If you do any damage to the computer even by any chance, you'll forfeit your right to get the fund. 4. The student tried hard, but his work is mediocre.

5. The treaty will give an impetus to trade between the two countries. 6. It is too presumptuous of him to do so.

7. Having worked in that restaurant for two years, he is already very good at culinary arts. 8. I have two brothers and a sister: three siblings in all. 9. Last week, they chartered a bus for the picnic.

10. When he realized that nobody was listening to him, he left the room in a fit of pique. 11. His behavior under fire approved him a man of courage. 12. In romance, romantic heroines are often capricious.

VII. Please point out the figures of speech used in the following sentences and rewrite them in plain English. 1. rhetorical question 2. antithesis; metaphor 3. parallel

4. repetition; contrast

VIII. Fill in the blanks with proper words.

1. to 2. origin 3. slavery 4. with 6. for 7. in 8. considered 9. attention 11. pride 12. on 13. Latin 14. African 15. express 16. differences 17. adoptive Key to the Exercises:

I. Answer the following questions.

1. In this smorgasbord, Leacock creates his classical comic character E.P., can you describe the

exceptionality of E.P.’s character in plain words?

E.P. has exceptional skills of communication or flattery, and he is an unbashful boaster with indomitable self-belief.

1. Can you describe E.P.‘s behavior in the general election in Canada in 1878 briefly? Did he reap the fruit of the

election? Why?

He was deeply involved in the general election. As a preparation and warm-up, he picked up the history and politics of Upper Canada in a day, and in a week knew everybody in the countryside. He spoke at every every meeting and treated people in bar-rooms. E.P. knew better than to reap the fruits of general election. He went to the West for more adventures and opportunitis. 3. Can you describe E.P.‘s economic and political activity during the Manitoba boom briefly?

During the Manitoba boom, E.P. became president of a bank that never opened, head of a brewery and secretary-treasurer of the Winnipeg, Hudson Bay and Arctic Ocean Railway. Politically, he was elected into the Manitoba Legslature. 4.

Did the crash of the Manitoba boom affect E.P.’s life? How did he get money from the banker? In what way did he escape the bill of hotels, shops and livery stables?

While simple people were wiped out in the crash of the Manitoba boom, E.P. went right on. Although he was utterly broken, he still used cerdit. He would try his best to impress the banker with his importance and finally intimadated him into granting him loans. In similar ways he dealt with hotels, livery stables and bills in shops. 5.

Please describe E.P.’s life when he became completely bankrupt and nobody trusted him anymore. When E.P. became completely bankrupted, his creditors grew hard and friends turned their face away from him.He had to go back to England eventually.

How did E.P. get in on life again?

He helped a religious brotherhood claim a large amount of money from the Bristish government and in return he became their permanent manager and lived a comfortable life ever since.



II. Fill in the blanks with proper words. 1. when 6. applying 11. back 16. be 19. science 21. or 26. necessary 29. what

2. who

7. including 12. eager 17. as 20. that 22. subjects 27. To 30. political

3. later

8. other

13. who 14. how

18. Opponents

23. human 28. measured

4. on 9. data

5 115. objective 25. For

24. debate

III. Word-building 1. atheist 2. virtuoso 3. numismatist 4. esthete 5. pedant 6. judas 7. coquette 8. circe 9. martinet 10. egoist 11. ascetic 12. sycophant 13. demagogue 14. agnostic 15. futilitarian

16. amazon 17. virago 18. gourmet 19. adonis 20. vulgarian 21. tyro 22. philologist 23. clairvoyant 24. connoisseur 25. philatelist IV. Put the following paragraph into Chinese.

尽管我喜欢广交朋友,但我只愿与为数不多的几人成为至交。我所提及的那位黑衣男士,就是那样一个我希冀与其成为莫逆之交的人,因为他深得我的景仰。诚然,其行为举止不乏某些怪异的出尔反尔,他全然可被称为幽默家王国中的幽默大师。虽然他慷慨大方,乃至奢靡无度,但他仍假惺惺地希望人们将其视作节俭与审慎之奇才。尽管其言谈之中满是污秽和自私的格言,其内心却充盈着最博大无际的爱心。据我所知,他常宣称自己是人类憎恶者;然而,他的脸庞上却总漾溢着怜悯之情。虽然其神情会柔化为一片慈悲,我却听到过他使用最为恶劣的言辞,其恶劣程度可谓无以复加。有些人佯装人道与柔情,也有一些人则夸耀说这样的秉性乃天性使然。但在我所有认识的人当中,唯有他羞耻于其与生俱有的慈悲之心。他会竭力掩饰其真情,一如任何一个伪君子会掩饰其冷漠那样。然则,在每一个毫无防范的瞬间,那戴着的假面具便会脱落下来,使其毕露于哪怕是最为肤浅的观察者。 Key to the Exercises:

I. Answer the following questions.

1. Why did Rabbi Aaron Naphtali have few followers?

Because he was rather indifferent to the dwindling numbers of his followers and he didn‘t atempt to make any changes so as to attract more followers. As a result of his negligence, toadstols grew on the walls and the ritual bath fell to ruin. The beadles were too old. 2. How did he contend with the vengeful devils?

When he prayed, he put on two pairs of phylacterises at once.On Friday afternoons, he read the prescribed sectin of the Pentateuch. He would also make incantations to drive away the evil spirits. 3. What did the rabbi mean when he cried out ―They have won‖?

He meant that the evil spirit got their revenge and he was going to die. 4. What role in the story is played by Hindele‘s father? Her mother?

The death of the father and mother was a heavy blow to Hindele and she became insane with her mind full of the her father‘s death-bed warnings. Her parents‘ tragic fate anticipated Hindele‘s inevitable death. 5. Why had Reb Simon‘s mother consented to his marring Hindele?

That‘s only because by marring Hindele her son can take over the Tzivkev rabbinical power and became the head of Tzivkev rabbies.

6. Why is it necessary that Hindele marry?

Both Tzivkev and Yampol took the union as a good opportunity to expand their power and restore their former glory. So it‘s necessary to marry Hindele to Reb Simon for mutual benefits.

7. What does the author mean by ―…let them get everything by force as one kind word spoken to Satan is

equivalent to sacrificing to the idols…‖?

Hindele decided not to submit to the evils in any event, because if she ever complied with them, she would die immediately. Therefore she had to steel her heart and never showed any mercy to the evils. Otherwise it would lead to her destruction.

8. What did Hindele take the assorted gifts given to her for?

She thought the gifts were devices to ensnare her in the net of evil.

9. Why didn‘t she dare to scream, even though she was extremely frightened?

Because her father had warned her that if she didn‘t keep silent she would be lost forever. 10. Does the fact that Hindele gives birth to a male child support the idea that she is insane?

Yes, that‘s a clear proof of her insanity. From Hindele‘s consciousness we understand that she believed the child in her belly was a devil with a body of half-frog and half-ape, eyes of a calf and scales of a fish. But in fact the child she gave birth to was a normal boy.

11. What is the meaning of ―Nor was she able to bear this blasphemy and mockery‖?

Hindele was anxious to get rid of the child. For one thing, she couldn‘t bear the pain in her belly cause by the growth of the child. For another, she couldn‘t bear the idea of giving birth to a devil child. Chaste and pious as she was, bearing a devil child was unholy and violated the sanctity of God. It was an ironic mockery to her piety.

12. What does the sentence ―A piercing scream tore itself from Hindele‘s throat and she was swallowed in

darkness.‖ suggest?

The word ―swallow‖ and ―darkness‖ all suggest that Hindele lost her life in giving birth. Being swallowed in darkness is eqivalent to being lost to death. 13. At what time in history is this story set? Why?

It must have happened in the nineteenth century. Because in that period people are very concerned about religion andblack magic, evil and goodness.

14. Most of the story is focused through Hindele‘s consciousness. Why is this point of view necessary?

Only in this way can the reader get a first-hand information about Hindele‘s inner thoughts as well as her visons about life, marriage and death. As Hindele is a silent and reserved Jewish girl she will never reveal her thoughts or speak her mind. Therefore the only pssible way to approach her will be through her


II. Look up the italicized words or phrases in the dictionary and explain. 1. contend: claim, say with strength;

melancholy: sadness, esp. over a period of time and not for any particular reason

2. an artificial human being in Hebrew folklore endowed with life, a robot or an automaton 3. strive or vie in content or rivalry or against difficulties 4. the saying of words used in magic, spell 5. fail, useless

6. a formal word meaning dead, used especially when talking about someone who died recently 7. keep from punishing, harming or attacking 8. (of the stated time) exactly

9. fast: eating no food, esp. for religious reasons

fall into a swoon: lose consciousness, faint 10. a condition of agreement

10. the drawing of a liquid from a large container such as a barrel, eg. draught beer生啤 11. opponent or enemy

12. the personal possessions, including clothes and articles for the home, that a woman brings with her when she

marries; dowry

13. gave out a foul, or stinky, smell 14. gentle scolding or warning 15. various

16. quietly, secretly

17. famous, known for one‘s great works 18. a large number, a large crowd

19. speak in favor of another, esp. in order to save him form punishment 20. often changing

21. to their hearts‘ content, freedom from control 22. a person who helps, an assistant 23. ancestors

24. a piece of news

III. Fill in each blank with the proper form of a suitable word chosen from the list at the head of each group. A. 1. deafening 2. ear-splitting 3. rowdy 4. penetrating 5. piercing 6. resounding 7. booming 8. raucous 9. boisterous B. 1. yelled 2. screaming 3. groans 4. roars 5. ranting and raving 6. bellowed 7. bawling 8. holler 9. howling 10. wailed C. 1. gape 2. peeping 3.Squinting 4. peered 5. scowled

6. glaring 7. leered 8. peeking D. 1. shaking 2. shuddered 3. vibrate 4. wobbled 5. vibrated

6. rattling 7. juddered 8. wobbling 9. rattled 10. jolted 11. trembling 12.waggling 13. twitched 14. wiggle 15. quivering 16. shiver 17. shuddered 18. Shaking

IV. Fill in the blanks with proper words. 1. effects 2. erected 3. exerted 4. translating 5. affiliations 6. later

7. community 8. discarded 12. well

9. taken

10. converted

11. retained 13. contributions 14. originated 15. profoundly

19. physics

20. distinguished

16. psychoanalysis 17. as 21. renaissance 22. Hebrew

18. circles 23. provide

24. living 25. cultural

V. Choose the one word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it were

substituted for the underlined word. 1. B 11. C

2. C 12. C

3. B 13. B

4. A 14. A

5. B 15. C

6. C 16. A

7. B 17. C

8. A 18. C

9. A 19. B

10. B 20. A

VI. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. There was no bomb, as the telephone caller said. It was all a hoax. 2. The baby‘s suffering wrung its mother‘s heart.

3. He interceded with the governor for me, and I was saved.

4. The people were so excited that they jumped and shouted with abandon/ in gay abandon. 5. The house has fallen into ruin through years of neglect.

6. It had never before occurred to Lanny to find any serious fault with his mother. 7. They tried their hardest to save him from his folly, but to no avail.

8. As soon as the young man returned home, his parents assailed him with questions about the interview.

9. All men who were in the room when the watch was stolen must submit to being searched. 10. Things were done to the minute.

11. All laws were to be submitted to the people for ratification before being put into force. 12. He knows the regulations, and if he refuses to comply he must take the consequence. 13. The vitamin dosage of this drug is equivalent to the minimum daily requirement. 14. He would intercede with the headmaster for the boy to prevent his expulsion. Key to the Exercises:

I. Answer the following questions.

1. If this story is a dream, who is the dreamer?

The dreamer is a country doctor.

2. What do the details of the dream tell us about the anxieties and frustrations of the dreamer?

As a physician the dreamer is worried about his performance, for he can only accomplish so much but the patients are often needy, vulnerable and sometimes demanding. 3. What is his conflict?

He wanted to get back for the case is past helping, and there was nothing he could do about it.But the patient‘s family expected so much of him and wouldn‘t let him go without any prescriptions. Besides he was worried about his servant Rose who was left behind alone with a dangerous stranger. 4. Is the groom someone the doctor fears? Emulates?

The doctor fears the groom for he is evil and forceful. Besides, he has got his eye on Rose, and he would be a hard rival to compete with and emulate.

5. Does the doctor desire Rose or want to protect her or both?

Both.The doctor had a desire for Rose even though he never realized it until Rose was in danger of being raped. Naturally he wanted to protect her from any harm. 6. Who is the sick boy?

The sick boy is the demon himself.

7. What is the point of the doctor‘s getting into bed with the boy?

Once in bed with the boy, the doctor, who can do nothing for the boy medically, is required to serve in the capacity of spiritual counselor, setting the boy‘s mind at ease so he can die in peace. It is noteworthy to observe that traditional Judaism also regards contact with a corpse as unclean. The doctor has helped the boy spiritually, but has sullied himself by doing so.

8. What is the significance of the wound on the boy‘s side?

The location of the wound is particularly significant; it is located below the boy‘s hip, and would thus correspond to the wound that the Biblical patriarch Jacob receives in wrestling with the angel of God. It is significant also that the wound resembles a blown rose, with the worms serving as wriggling stamens. The rose has always served as a symbol of sexuality -- the doctor‘s maid who is raped at the very beginning of the story is named Rose.

9. Is the boy in any way similar to Rose?

Yes, at least they have one thing in common. Both of them are weak and vulnerable and they need help badly.

10. Is the doctor supposed to be a savior figure? Is he sick too?

Yes, a doctor was expected to cure people. But he is sick of people‘s expectations and was tormented by them mentally.

11. Is the boy‘s wound also his?

Yes. The boy‘s rose-shaped wound symbolizes his sexual desire. The country doctor also has a desire for his servant Rose, but his desire has been lurking unconsciously. And he has neglected the pretty girl for so many years. It was not until the lecherous stranger showed up and Rose was in danger that he realized how much he valued her.

12. Does the doctor accept or reject the notion of the underlying absurdity of human existence?

Yes, he has to accept the absurdity of human existance although there is an undertone of helplessness. 13. Is the story a moral allegory? On how many levels does the allegory function?

Yes, it is. For one thing, there is the theme of modern man‘s lonliness, desolation and helpness. his characters are drawn by urges they do not understand, coerced into actions they have no rational reason to commit, and buffeted to and fro by forces that are beyond their grasp.Secondly, the story symbolizes the experience of being a healer at any time or place. The sick are needy, vulnerable and sometimes demanding; the physician is only human, can only accomplish so much and is often mistaken. Thirdly, his anxiety to get back to rescue his girl servant Rose reveals his frustrated sexual desire. 14. Chart the plot line. What kind of plot does Kafka use?

There are many sub-stories within the plot. II. Word-building

A. Find the meaning for each word. 1. obstetrician产科医师 2.pediatrician儿科医生 3.podiatrist足病医生 4.osteopath整骨疗法家

5.oculist/ ophthalmologist眼科医生 6.optometrist验光师,视力测定者

7.optician眼镜商,光学仪器商 8.gynecologist妇科医生 9.dermatologist皮肤科医生 10.psychiatrist精神病医师


B. Which specialist would you call in?

1. podiatrist or chiropodist 2. optometrist 3. pediatrician 4. obstetrician 5. psychiatrist 6. orthodontist 7. gynecologist 8. dermatologist 9. oculist or ophthalmologist 10. osteopath 11. optician III. Put the following paragraph into Chinese.

孟买湾之后的第32天开始就透着些许的不祥。清晨,海浪先是将一扇船门砸坏。我们冒着浓浓的雾气冲了进去,发现厨师浑身湿透,正在对这条船大发牢骚。―它变得一天比一天不中用了。它愣是要想法子把我淹死在这炉灶前。‖他显得异常的愤怒。我们设法让他平静下来,而木工尽管被海水冲走过两次,但还是努力把门修好。由于发生了这一变故,我们的晚饭直到很晚才弄好,但这一点最终也变得无关紧要,因为前去厨房端饭菜的Knowles被汹涌的波涛掀倒在地,饭菜顺着船舷全都撒入海中。船长脸上的表情变得愈发严峻,双唇紧咬。他全然没能意识到,整条船由于被要求去完成许多它力所不能及的任务,打从我们认识它以来,首次出现了力不从心的迹象。 Key to the Exercises:

I. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the definition of ―humanism‖ according to the author? What is your understanding of this word?

According to the author, ―humanism‖ is ―a philosophy of life that offers all of us — both as individuals and as members of society — a secular ethic grounded in human value.‖ Traditionally, ―humanism‖ is considered a philosophical and literary movement in which man and his capabilities are the central concern. The term was originally restricted to a point of view prevalent among thinkers in the Renaissance. The distinctive characteristics of Renaissance humanism were its emphasis on classical studies, or the humanities, and a conscious return to classical ideals and forms. Modern usage of the term has had diverse meanings, but some contemporary emphases are on lasting human values, cultivation of the classics, and respect for scientific knowledge. Generally, the term can be understood as a doctrine, attitude, or way of life centered on human interests or values.

2. What relationship is there between human beings and reason and reasonableness?

―Reason and reasonableness serve as guides to tackling human problems — hence our attachment to them.‖ Human beings are attached to reason and reasonableness. Human beings can never be without them. Without them, human beings would not have survived so many disasters, natural and contrived. Human beings depend on them to solve various kinds of problems. 3. What does the author mean by ―secular societies‖?

According to the author, ―secular societies‖ are the societies that are not under the rule or the strong influence of any kinds religion. There is no god at all. Any common person is their own lord. What guides them in their life is the humanistic philosophy.

4. What is implied by the author in the phrase ―paralysis by analysis‖?

The phrase means that too much talk will impair human beings practical actions. The more you discuss the details of a thing, the less you know how to deal with it.

5. The author mentions ―the essential difference‖ in paragraph 6. What does it refer to?

―The essential difference‖ refers to the one between humanism and religion, especially when they are asking those same questions mentioned by the author in the previous paragraph. Humanism would pay a great attention to those questions and how to solve them, while religion would try to keep those questions, and especially the answers to those questions to themselves. They do not want people to know the truth. 6. A sort of equation is described in paragraph 7. Why does the author mention that?

one male = 100 camels or 200 cows; one female = 50 camels or 100 cows; one camel = two cows; one male = two females.

Humorously the author points out that the camels or the cows will feel unfairly treated. Yet what the author really wants to show is the inequality between men and women.

7. In what way does the author rebut the statement that ―humanists have no appreciation of beauty, no aesthetic

sense, and can‘t appreciate the arts‖?

The author takes two famous humanists — M. N. Roy and Thomas Hardy as examples. Roy and Hardy well demonstrate that humanists have sufficient appreciation of beauty, sufficient aesthetic sense, and they can well appreciate the arts.

8. What can humanism and science do to the human beings?

Humanism helps human beings to understand who we are and what we are; science enhances the power of that understanding. ―Science empowers us by explaining our capability to fathom the depths of the universe, thereby adding to the dignity and self-worth of humankind.‖ (With the help the science, we human beings can have a better understanding or the universe we are in, and thus we may well feel proud of ourselves.) 9. ―The beacon lights‖ in the text obviously have their symbolic meaning. What do they stand for in paragraph


―The beacon lights‖ refer to our spiritual guides, and to be specific, they were humanists. They are the leaders of people, both spiritually and practically.

10. What is the difference between ―heads of organizations‖ and ―leaders of people‖?

We can infer from the author‘s words the difference between ―heads of organizations‖ and ―leaders of people‖ that the ―heads of organizations‖ are just some icons who will not do any practical things for the sake of the people; while the ―leaders of people‖ are firstly among the people, and do every thing out of the concern of the people, and at the same time, they are people‘s spiritual guides.

11. What are the grandest achievements of humanism mentioned by the author?

The grandest achievements of humanism ever achieved in the West are ―democracy, free choice, human rights, the spirit of science, and a spirit of openness.‖ 12. What is the grand task of humanists?

The grand task of humanists is ―to re-create the world according to our conception of the human being, to be true to the spirit of Thomas Paine‖ (the spirit of Thomas Paine is the spirit of individualism). II. Paraphrase the following sentences.

1. As humanists, we will not just accept any established power or knowledge that is passed down to the human

beings by God; we will try our best to obtain knowledge and power according to our own free human will, which is the essential foundation of scientific spirit.

2. Reason and reasonableness help human beings how to solve the problems in their life in a correct way —

so human beings are closely related to both of them.

3. other people advise us with a good will to pay a great attention the bright aspects of humanism, and to let

alone the dark aspects of religion.

4. The intrinsical and everlasting concern of humanism is to keep figuring out the truth about our universe and

the real conditions of human beings in it.

5. I was shocked at such unenlightened way of doing things, and I think you are also shocked when you are

reading these words now.

6. Let us just remember that an excellent scientist and humanist like Albert Einstein can also be a good

appreciator of art.

7. To a certain degree, it seems that humanists have already failed in changing the world into a humanist one. 8. As long as we just keep trying our efforts as we are doing now, then who knows that we will not achieve a

successful end in this world during our lifetime?

9. In order to achieve your destination, you should be both passionate and reasonable — reason is what you

can never be without, while passion is what can make your work easier.

10. Many examples show that the combination of religion and state politics is the major cause of the violation of

human rights all over the world. III. Translate the following into Chinese.

1. 我们的人文主义思想是关于自由和民主的生活哲学。而且作为人文主义者,我们对于共同的人性有着


2. 作为宗教怀疑论的倡导者,我们要建立一个不受宗教约束的社会——这不仅仅意味着宗教和国家政权


3. 那些还不能通过掌握这个宇宙的规律来与其节奏协调一致的人们,那些无法体味探询真理和发现真理


4. 某种程度上讲,人文主义者们要把这个世界描绘成一幅人文主义图景的努力似乎已经失败了。我认为,


5. 因此,在结束这次演讲的时候,我要向所有人文组织的领导者们,向置身于我们之中的科学家们,当


IV. Explain the italicized words and phrases in the following sentences. 1. attitude toward life 2. made known by God

3. regarding human beings as the central or the most important element of existence 4. strongly encourage or urge 5. wrongdoer; sinner

6. appalling or monstrous behavior 7. to a certain degree 8. propagators

9. available for use as sb prefers; according to one‘s own will 10. to be put under strict control 11. a member of a sect

12. interweaving … with …

V. “Jargon” refers to the specialized or technical language of a trade, profession, or similar group. To learn a certain kind of jargons is a better way to probe deep into a certain trade. Give the Chinese equivalents to the following terms in the field of newspaper editing.

banner 通栏标题 beat 独家报道 byline 标题下署名之行 circulation 销售量,发行额 column 专栏,专栏文章 copy editor 版面编辑 deadline (发稿)截至期限 editorial 社论,署名评论文章 feature story 新闻分析 flag 报头,报刊名 front page 头版 headline (大字)标题 jump 转入他页 lead 导语

masthead 刊头(报刊等登载社址及各部门工作人员名单的部分) sidebar(主要新闻报道的)补充报道,特写 typo 排印错误 wires(wire service) 通讯社

VI. Different kinds of people are mentioned in relation to the ideologies in the text. Try to find as many examples as possible.

e.g. Ethical Culturist secularist

rationalists, humanists, skeptics, atheists, agnostics, Ethical Culturists

VII. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in the brackets. ( equate … with in the name of entangle … with come into one’s own exhort conscious of in the crucible of impede)

1. In the middle of the 20th century, jazz music began to come into its own in the USA.

2. In the days when SARS was willfully prevailing, the medical experts exhorted the citizens to keep away

from the places with large crowds.

3. You can use money to enhance your happiness, but you can never equate money with happiness.

4. There have been more wars, persecutions and massacres perpetrated in the name of religion than from any

other single cause.

5. Bill Clinton, the ex-President of USA, once entangled himself with Monica Lewensky, the White House

intern, in a series of sex scandals.

6. He took pride in the decision he made just now, and was not conscious of the dead mistake in it at all. 7. SARS impeded the World Cup of the Women Football Game which was to be held in China, 2003. 8. In Iraq, a great number of innocent people have to be put in the crucible of war. Key to the Exercises:

I. Answer the following questions on the text.

1. What does the author mean by saying that ―Religion is such tricky thing‖?

The author means that religion is a vague term. It is quite confusing sometimes, especially when it is talked about in connection with cults and sects. So you have to be very cautious when you are explaining them to your children. Otherwise, you will be cornered by their questions. 2. For what purpose does the author mention ―a half-dozen Trotskyists‖?

Ironically, the author mentions this term to show how confusing it is for people to distinguish what is a sect and what is a party.

3. How do you understand ―one Asian under dog‖? What is the author‘s purpose to mention this phrase?

The phrase is a parody of ―one nation under God.‖ ―One nation under God,‖ a phrase in ―Pledge of Allegiance,‖ originally refers to the USA as a God blessed country — the phrase is praising the United States; ―one Asian under dog‖ means a poor person trampled on by a dog, which naturally reminds us of unfairness and inequality. The author mentions this to mock and satirize the meaningless applying of religion in patriotism.

4. What is the author‘s attitude toward the religion in the form of ―family value‖?

The author is obviously condemning the fact that religion has been seeping into public policy in the form of ―family value.‖ And the author retorts those who criticized her as a family-destroyer with the simple fact that she has a warm and lovely family with perfect children and remains in close contact with dozens of relatives. 5. Why does the author‘s mention Monica Lewinsky and Dick Morris when talking about Clinton‘s signing of

―the welfare reform bill‖?

It is a great mock and a sharp satire on ―the welfare reform bill‖ which means to ―bring abstinence education to the unmarried poor women.‖ The bill was signed while Lewinsky, Bill Clinton and Dick Morris are indulging themselves in pleasure and lechery. The bill absolutely failed to help the poorest of the poor in the USA.

6. What is conveyed in the author‘s story about her great grandmother?

Through the story about her great grandmother, we see that religion is snobbish and hypocritical. Religion means nothing to, and will do nothing to help the poor.

7. What does the author mean by pleading that ―Jesus Christ, protect me from your follower‖?

Jesus Christ in the author‘s mind is an ―inveterate troublemaker, permanent vagrant and socialist revolutionary.‖ The Christianity represented by Jesus Christ is not what today‘s Christians have in their minds. In other words, the followers of Christianity have distorted and violated the spirit of Jesus Christ. By pleading that ―Jesus Christ, protect me from your follower,‖ the author is actually urging those Christians to be clear about the true spirit of their religion, and not to launch any more persecutions over the non-Christians and not to set any more pan-religious standards to rule over various aspects of life. 8. According to the author, in what way Christian religion has been abused?

Such religion as Christian has not only been merging into patriotism, but also been seeping public policy in the form of ―family value.‖

II. Paraphrase the following sentences.

1. One of the most shocking and surprising things during the recent few decades is that religion has been quickly

merging into patriotism and other traditional values like family value.

2. these are not the subject or topic discussed or argued about between different parties.

3. Those poor people would not believe in priests and ministers any longer because they hated their bosses and

bankers very much. [From the bosses and bankers, they learnt that any one who offered to do something for you was actually intending to get hold of your money. The poor believed that priests and ministers offered to help them not for nothing. Hence the distrust of them.]

4. If you are really in need of help, go to a non-Christian for help — because the non-Christians will do some

practical things to solve the problem you face as quickly as possible, they will not keep talking about God and waste time.

5. Christianity was a program to get rid of the predominance of the armed forces in the administration or policy

of the state, and to redistribute wealth among all human beings.

6. I know many people who go to church and take part in the praying as the other church goers, though they are

secretly atheists and agnostics. The simple reason for them to be so is that they want to merge into the whole community. They do not want to be the ―outsiders.‖ III. Translate the following into Chinese.

1. 我这一辈子所见到的令人感到震惊和担忧的发展之一就是爱国主义以及其它所谓的传统价值观,如家


2. 不仅仅是宗教和爱国主义已经合而为一,而且,宗教已经以“家庭观”的形式渗透进了公共决策体系。 3. 这都是些穷人,他们对于牧师和宗教神职人员的不信任源于他们对老板和银行家的仇恨。简单地说,


4. 并且,这就是我本人的社会激进主义的哲学基础。如果有上帝的话,那么上帝从来没有对阻止战争、

结束父权制、消除饥饿、救治病患、或者其它许多急待解决的问题表现出浓厚的兴趣。这就是为什么我们必须要由我们自己来解决这些问题。如果没有一个关心我们的上帝,那么我们就只得彼此关照。 5. 事实上,有时候我在想,假如所有的人都能够记得基督教最初的意义,那么,美利坚合纵国要是成为

一个“基督教国家”,那该多么了不起啊。最初的基督教并不是一项对同性恋者、穷苦大众、人为堕胎者、以及传播进化论的教师们进行迫害的活动。它是一项旨在消除穷兵黩武、激进地对社会财富进行重新分配的活动。 Key to the Exercises

I. Answer the following questions.

1. According to Forster, in what way has the phrase ―art for art‘s sake‖ been much misused?

According to Forster, ―art for art‘s sake‖ has been much misused, because many believe that the term means that only art matters.

2. Where does art stand, for Forster, in the list of things that matter?

Art is one of the most important things that matter in human life. 3. What does the phrase ―Macbeth for Macbeth‘s sake‖ mean?

Macbeth, as a piece of art work, exists because it has its own artistic value. 4. Why does the author turn to talk about the order in daily life?

Forster is paving the way for his further explanation that order in art is intrinsic and attainable, in contrast to the fact that order in daily life cannot be achieved whatever. 5. What is the author‘s attitude towards ―Science‖?

Distant and unfriendly, with a slight sense of sentimentalism. 6. For what reason does Forster mention George Meredith?

To illustrate a past romantic tradition that people believed that there was an unalterable law that governed the whole universe, and thus there was order there always in the sky.

7. What does the author want to illustrate by mentioning ―Antigone,‖ ―Sistine,‖ and ―Phedre‖?

Order in art.

8. What can you infer from paragraph 10?

Forster tries to points out the misunderstandings concerning order in art.

9. Forster mentions ―a peacock‘s feather‖ for several times in this essay. What does ―a peacock‘s feather‖ stand


See 2 in ―Detailed Studies of the Text.‖

10. If a poet or an artist is a legislator, then in what way do they legislate?

They provide the chaotic world with ORDER through their artistic works. II. Paraphrase the following sentences.

1. Man lives for many different things and desires, and if man lives only for one thing — art, then his life will

be powerless and dull.

2. The aggressive and priggish science makes man unable to believe that there is order in material life, or in the

blue sky.

3. The worldwide state of exhaustion will reinforce that kind of feeling, which is now warmly propagandized by

many of those celebrities.

4. We human beings have never experience the state of exhaustion, and we are too optimistic and confident to

realize that there will be a state of exhaustion, and that state might cause a new decay in our society.

5. All the other things simply have some superficial form, but without internal harmony. When their form is

taken away, they are nothing and meaningless.

6. With that power of invention, he escapes the society. Sometimes he has to face various kinds of

condemnations, and sometimes he is warmly welcomed by those cheap persons. Yet he will always be calm and self-confident whether there is the sharp criticism or hokey applause.

7. The law of order by the artist is never well recognized by his contemporaries, though it is sometimes clearly

seen by future generations.

8. But form of some kind is imperative. But some kind of form is very important and indispensable. III. Translate the following into Chinese.

1. 现在我们可以很轻易地去除掉那些孔雀翎和其他的一些装饰——它们只是些微不足道的小玩意儿——


2. 而《麦克白》则是一个由莎士比亚创造的,凭借自身的艺术价值而存在的独立的世界。在这个意义上


3. 我想要说的是秩序是内在产生的,而非外在强加的。秩序是一种内在的稳定和协调。在社会和政治领


4. 我对社会的评价也许显得过于悲观,但是我坚信社会只能代表人类精神的一部分,另一部分则需要通


IV. Explain the italicized words and phrases in the following sentences. 13. in fashion; fashionable 14. impotent, powerless 15. avoid; exclude

16. A postimpressionist school of painting characterized by the application of paint in small dots and brush


17. by constraint of circumstance; of necessity, unavoidably 18. control; utilize

19. give or ascribe supreme authority or honour to 20. friendly and sociable 21. self-assertive; arrogant 22. be influential and powerful 23. lookouts; guards 24. prohibited; prevented

V. The following are some of the hot terms concerning war. Put these terms into Chinese.

Airborne Division 空降师 artillery barrage 掩护炮火 battalion 营 company 连 civilian casualties 平民伤亡 direct firefight 正面交火 human shield 人体盾牌 mechanized units 机械化部队 militia/paramilitary fighter 民兵 psychological operations 心理战

air raid siren 空袭警报 Division 步兵师 brigade 旅 corps 军 commando 突击队 foxhole 掩体 humanitarian supply/aid 人道主义援助 military barracks 兵营

precision-guided bomb 精确制导导弹 Tomahawk cruise missile ―战斧‖式巡航导弹

VI. Many French words are used by the author in this essay. And English have also borrowed many words

from French. Look up the following words in your dictionaries, and put them into Chinese.

démodé 不合时的, 陈旧的 fiancé 未婚夫 grande 宏大的,盛大的 chandelier 枝形吊灯 attaché 随从,随员 reblochon 半软淡味干酪

piste 滑雪道 pistou 蔬菜蒜泥浓汤 repertoire 保留节目 object d‘art 艺术品

nuit blanche 不眠之夜 numéro 号码,编号;怪人 navarin 洋葱马铃薯炖羊肉 Moyen Age 中世纪

mon vieux 老兄 sirvente 讽刺诗歌 tapette搞同性性关系的男子 tendresse 温情

vin doux 开胃甜酒 lorgnon 单片眼镜

VII. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in the brackets.

(in the swim, keep … in proportion, sterilize, rule out, make a digression, assimilate, get into harmony with, enthrone, give oneself airs, ride the whirlwind, take an opportunity, on the evidence of) 1. On the evidence of their recent matches, it is unlikely the Spanish team will win the cup.

2. When being asked about whether he would get married recently, the famous singer made a digression, and

began talking about his next album.

3. It is only ignorant people who always give themselves airs.

4. I‘d like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues for their support.

5. The plan was eventually abandoned, presumably because circumstance, possibly financial, ruled it out.

6. Immigrants from the District of the Three Gorges of the Changjiang River have been successfully assimilated

into the local community.

7. We should hold frequent consultations to ensure that our policies and purposes might be kept in harmony. 8. If she seems an angel to you, enthrone her in your heart of hearts.

9. It is quite ridiculous and unwise to spend all your money on the expensive clothes just to be in the swim.

10. Love is not the only in life. There are many other things that are equally important. We should keep them in


11. In order to avoid infection, we have to have all these things used by the patient sterilized thoroughly.

12. You have to make yourselves well prepared now in order you can ride the whirlwind in your own field in the


Key to the Exercises

I. Answer the following questions.

1. What does the author mean by ―formula genre‖ in paragraph 2?

The author means that science fiction is thought by many to be of a very common kind and unworthy of any forma discussion.

2. What is the attitude of the author‘s colleague toward science fiction?

Disdainful and indifferent.

3. What does the author mean by ―pandering‖?

To be subservient to; to indulge.

4. What distinction does the author make between science fiction on one hand and the sword-and-sorcery novel

and space opera on the other?

Science fiction stands between the other two, clean-faced and intelligent. 5. What does science fiction mean to the author? Explain in detail.

Refer to Paragraph 8.

6. For what purpose does the author mention E. M. Forster?

That a world famous author like Forster also wrote some science fictions only proves that science fiction is

worth our discussing.

7. Why does the author describes works by Miller, Delany, Le Guin, and others as profound works of fiction?

Questions dealt with in those works are the ones we human beings are facing, and are the most important questions of the 20th century.

8. What is the tone of this essay? How does the author establish it?

Humorous with a sense of disappointment. (Let the students to discuss.)

II. Paraphrase the following sentences.

1. See No. 1 in ―Detailed Studies of the Text.‖ 2. See No. 8 in ―Detailed Studies of the Text.‖ 3. See No. 9 in ―Detailed Studies of the Text.‖

4. It was and is not easy to tell the difference between the more serious science fiction and its other two

disreputable relative kinds.

5. See No. 14 in ―Detailed Studies of the Text.‖

6. I know this book is of great value because it has initiated many wonderful papers I have ever seen from my

students, some of the papers are of the best.

7. There is nothing common and simple in this book.

8. If there were science fictions that were worth discussing then, then there should be more valuable science

fictions now.

9. See No. 18 in ―Detailed Studies of the Text.‖

10. That is the power of science fiction, in which the philosophy of mind could last. III. Translate the following into Chinese.

1. 一般而言,他们只是知道什么是科幻小说——除了那两部尽人皆知的《用感的新世界》和《1984》外,

就没读过什么科幻作品——知道它属于庸俗之列,就像凶杀或神秘故事一样,不值得在课堂上讨论。 2. 如果我是在媚俗,我肯定不是有意的。我想要开设这门课是有着很充分的理由的。我认为只有在科幻


3. 哲学家们过去曾经常常提出同样的问题。他们当中还有为数不多的人仍在提问。但是,对于大多数哲


4. 如果你想要在文学作品中听人们公开而有严肃地谈论意义,尤其是关于这个越来越为我们自己所改造


5. 但是并没有很多赫胥夷们、奥维尔斯们、和福斯特们。他们一生中曾经一两次带着已有的殊荣踏进科


6. 我承认我的一些同事们的担心不是毫无道理的。他们不是担心作品,而是担心我。因为我觉得科幻作

品所传达的思想太具诱惑力了。 Key to the Exercises

I. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the ―ideal of self-identical art‖?

In simple words, that is ―the painter paints a picture rather than what it represents.‖ 2. What according to Adorno is unusual about the ―aesthetic identity‖?

The most unusual point is that the aesthetic identity means to help fight for its own singleness against the mundane world where there is such an overwhelming impulse of making everything have its fakes. 3. What does the author wants to emphasize when talking about works of art?

Works of art are abstracted from daily life, in that they have something in them that the realistic life cannot have. In the process of achieving their aesthetic identity, works of art throw away the wide-spreading yet shallow notion of the so-called life experience.

4. How does the author explain that works of art have their own lives, and they live differently from human


Through a personification.

5. According to Adorno, what does ―form‖ mean to art?

Aesthetic form is a sedimentation of content. 6. What is the fractured nature of art?

The lack of communication (the non-communication) with the outside world. 7. What is true about the communication between art and the ―outside world‖?

A lack of communication because art seeks to seclude itself from the world.

8. What do you think ―something that once upon a time was literally a shared experience of all mankind and

which enlightenment has since expelled‖ stands for? Generally speaking, it could be any non-art object.

9. What according to Adorno defines the art‘s relation to society?

The immanent problems of artistic form.

10. What does the author mean by saying that ―If art is perceived strictly in aesthetic terms, then it cannot be

properly perceived in aesthetic terms‖?

According to this essay, Adorno probably means that art cannot exist solely for itself; works of art are the after-image of empirical experience.

11. For what purpose does the author mention Valery and Madame Bovary?

To illustrate the point that ―art is and is not being-for-itself.‖ 12. Why does Adorno say that ―Hegel is the exception‖?

Because his aesthetics of content recognized the moment of otherness inherent in art, thus superseding the old aesthetic of form.

13. Why does Adorno discuss Hegel‘s philosophical points in paragraph 10?

To illustrate the criterion of successful works of art. 14. What is the conclusion drawn by Adorno?

Art is not pure spirituality.

II. Paraphrase the following sentences.

1. It is because of the fact that there is a gap between the reality of life and the work of art that the work of art

can be sth that is higher above the mundane reality. 2. see No.4 in ―Detailed studies of the Text.‖

3. To emphasize the process of making works of art seems to say indirectly that how they are produced is


4. see No.8 in ―Detailed studies of the Text.‖

5. The essential contents of artistic experience are similar to the objective world from which art evolves. 6. The non-artists make the world of art so cheap that there nothing of higher order left. 7. see No.25 in ―Detailed studies of the Text.‖ 8. see No.27 in ―Detailed studies of the Text.‖

9. That art is unreal and not even existing at the same time is the innate quality of art, as if it were produced by


10. Naturally, synthesis is just on the base that works of art are also material objects. III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. 美学的折射如果没有了接受体就会象想象缺少了想象的内容一样而不完整。

2. 然而,美学特性在一个重要的方面有着根本的不同:它是要帮助本质不同的东西抵制在外部世界占统


3. 所谓的纯粹的艺术形式,比如传统音乐,所做的一切,甚至具体到每一个音符所表达的意义,都是从


4. 当一件艺术品在某个特定的时间内不知不觉地、默默地抗议社会环境的时候,无论多么令人崇敬,它


5. 只有一种方法来解释这一切——那就是把它们看作受制于一种动态的、抑或内在的史实,以及一种处


6. 在艺术作品中所展露出来的美学张力表明了这些艺术作品在从外在表面现象中解脱出来时,以及通过


7. 艺术家必须根据自身经历感觉到现实的他性的存在,以便能够使得这种经历得到升华,这样就可以把


8. 在艺术领越,成功的标准是双重的:首先,艺术作品必须能够完善物质,详尽地描述其内在的形式规


9. 当然,那个不真实的瞬间是产生于物质因素间的定量关系的一种结构。这些定量关系依次是对于真实


10. 艺术作品的真实存在的特性正好说明了这种向心力。这种向心力使得艺术作品能够吸纳现实生活中的


IV. Explain the italicized words and phrases in the following sentences. 1. relying on or derived from observation or experiment 2. get rid of; throw away; abandon 3. foundation or groundwork

4. the use of ultimate purpose or design as a means of explaining natural phenomena 5. takes part in

6. see No.21 in ―Detailed Studies of the Text.‖

7. containing a lot of particular colour, quality or feature

8. determined by chance, whim, or impulse, and not by necessity, reason, or principle; willful 9. moving or directed toward a center or axis 10. the act of combining

V. Learn the following hot words by putting them into Chinese.

强制性产品认证 保险金 保险索赔

反倾销诉讼 保险赔付金 按竭贷款

住房公积金 电话充值卡 疯牛病(牛海绵状脑病) 总载重量

漫游服务 语音提示 分餐制 临时帐篷

VI. Slang refers to the very informal words and expressions that are more common in spoken language, especially

used by a particular group of people. The following are the slang expressions quite popular among the American youth. Explain the meanings of the following expressions.

It’s textbook. — (这很典型;不足为怪) It is such a typical, standard example of this type (of behavior, method) that it could be used for or taken from a textbook.

She stood me up. — (她失约了;她放我鸽子) She never showed up for the date or appointment; from the fact that someone is left standing around waiting for the other person to show up.

Don’t bail on me. — (别离开我) Don‘t leave/abandon me; this comes from ―bail out,‖ meaning jump out of an aircraft (with a parachute), and from that, leave a meeting, social occasion, or project; ―bail‖ has the sense of escape from some commitment or social activity and may be a bit milder than abandon.

I had a major crush on you. — (我真的很喜欢你) I really fancied you, had strong feelings for you. The word ―crush‖ means ―to break or grind into small pieces by pressing with strong force,‖ so ―a crush‖ is a strong, but usually short-lived desire for someone; ―major‖ means ―larger in size or importance‖ but it has come to mean ―strong.‖

Shoot for the stars! — (远大的理想) Have high ambitions, expectations. The related expression ―aim high‖ is often used by a teacher or parent to encourage a young person.

It sucks! — (真恶心) It‘s disgusting, awful, unpleasant, or unsatisfactory. ―Suck‖ is a funny word, with many negative or dirty senses; basic meaning: to draw something into your mouth as if it were a pump, to pull air into the lungs; form that we get a vulgar slang word describing a particular sexual act. Blowing me off. — (不理我;晾着我) Ignoring me, making excuses not to talk to me; especially used when one person likes another, but the feelings are not returned.

Make my toes curl. — (让我心动;心痒痒) Something that turns you on (arouses you sexually), sends shivers of excitement down your spine. It is also used to describe revulsion, fear, or terror.

chick magnet — (少女杀手) a boy who attracts a lot of females; a lighthearted way men might praise their mates. Similar phrase: ―babe magnet;‖ both usually mean someone who is sexually attractive.

chick-flick — (女性情感片) a romantic movie with girls and for girls. One that guys usually hate because there‘s no action, guns or blood.

suck up to sb — (拍马屁;奉承) to gain favor with someone by being exceptionally agreeable, or flattering.

screw up — (搞砸了) to make a mess (of a situation)

VII. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in the brackets.

(by virtue of, in accordance with, deny, slough off, none the less, polemicize against, be subject to, salvage, partake of, in the guise of, shot through with, give rise to)

1. Remember, your responsibilities cannot be sloughed off so easily.

2. These problems are not serious. None the less we shall need to tackle them as soon as possible. 3. His sculptures partake of the aesthetic fashion of his time.

4. She got the job by virtue of her rich experience and eximious talents.

5. It is now well-know phenomenon in Hollywood that one movie‘s success will give rise to a number of


6. AC Milan lost 2 to 5, salvaging a little pride with two last goals.

7. The government officials must execute their administration strictly in accordance with legal requirements. 8. All nuclear installations are subject to international safeguards.

9. In a voice shot through with emotion, he related his experience in hospital during the period SARS was

prevalent in China.

10. The new Nazi‘s speech presented racist idea in the guise of nationalism.

11. People with lofty ideals should polemicize against the execrable phenomena in the society. 12. As the citizens of this country, we must not be denied the access to information. Key to the Exercises

I. Answer the following questions.

1. Why does Roland Barthes ask a series of questions after quoting a sentence from Balzac‘s Sarrasine?

To show that there can be many possibilities. And at the same time, Barthes is paving the way for his further discussion on the death of the author.

2. What does the author mean by saying that ―the voice loses its origin‖?

No one knows who is the speaker of those words.

3. According to Roland Barthes, when does writing begin?

When the author is dead.

4. For what purpose does the author mention Baudelaire, Ban Gogh, and Tchaikovsky?

To explain how traditionally great writings are valued.

5. What does the ―author‖ mean to the English empiricism, French rationalism and the personal faith of the


The author is the ―human person,‖ is all what his book is about.

6. Why does Roland Barthes mention Mallarmé? What is Mallarmé‘s attitude toward literary writing?

To illustrate that Mallarmé is a representative of the writers who would not attach a great importance to the author, the person. Mallarmé suppresses the author in the interests of writing. 7. What is Valéry‘s attitude toward the ―author‖?

He never stopped calling into question and deriding the author; he stressed the linguistic and was visibly concerned with the task of inexorably blurring the relation between the writer and his characters. 8. What kind of viewpoint is illustrated through the example of Proust?

The novel is not modeled on the author‘s life. 9. What does Surrealism do in the field of literature?

See No.8 in ―Detailed Studies of the Text.‖

10. Why does the author say that ―the removal of the Author is not merely an historical fact or an act of writing‖?

Because that implies a completely new way of creating and reading the text.

11. According to Roland Barthes, what is the significance of ―the death of the author‖?

Signifies the birth of the reader.

12. What is a ―reader‖ to Roland Barthes?

The reader completes the writing.

II. Paraphrase the following sentences.

1. … once writing is fulfilled, no one can tell who is the speaker, and what is the source.

2. The author remains a very important factor in histories of literature, biographies of writers, interviews,

magazines, because so many clear-minded men of letters were so eager to write about themselves through diaries and memoirs.

3. … the new criticism has just strengthened the influence of the author in the book.

4. The result of linguistic research has just proved the death of the author, that is if there is not a listener, then

whatever a clear pronunciation is will be meaningless. 5. see No.12 in ―Detailed Studies of the Text.‖

6. … the writer can only write down what has already happened or existed, nothing original.

7. To give a text an Author is to confine that text to a limit, to force a final signified upon it, to end the writing. 8. The true place of writing is not any person or writer, but reading. III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. 写作是一个中性的、拼凑成的、我们的主题会发生偏斜的场所,是一张没有身份特征的底片,而这一


2. 一旦某一事实的表达不是直接作用于实际事件的评价,而是无所指的的话,也就是说,这些话语除了


3. 在文学方面,资本主义的意识形态的体现和最高成就也就自然应该是这一实证主义的结论,它赋予作


4. 尽管那位受到明显的心理影响的人物被认为是对他本人分析,普鲁斯特本人显而易见是在努力消除作


5. 完全相反的是,现代的书写匠是伴随着文本诞生的,根本就不拥有任何写作以前或超越写作而存在的

东西,不是人们所预料的书本书写的对象;他所做的就只有照本宣科,而每一个文本都是现成的。 6. 我们现在知道一个文本并不是只传达唯一“宗教”意义(作者上帝的“信息”)的一组文字,而是一个


7. 胜过作者的是,书写匠自己并没有激情、幽默、情感和印象,只有一本巨大的辞典,他可以无休止地


8. 正是以这种方式,文学(从现在起最好称之为写作)通过拒绝给文本(以及世界这个大文本)任何“秘

密的”、终极的意义而解放了所谓的反神学的活动——这一活动拒绝确定的意义,是一场真正的革命,它终将摒弃上帝及其三位集合体——理性、科学、和规律。 Key to the Exercises

I. Answer the following questions.

15. What does the narrator‘s friend want him to do? According to the narrator, what is his friend?

To search for a portrait in a museum. Maybe he is a man with confused mind, a very eccentric person. 16. Obviously the narrator hates to fulfill his friend‘s commission. But why does he visit the museum?

It is by chance. It happened that he was under the roof of the museum when there was a sudden shower.

17. Why does the narrator take a second visit to the museum?

Because directly, he tried to prove to the curator that there was such a portrait in the museum, and indirectly he was determined to carry out what his friend asked him to do.

18. On what condition does M. Godard consents to confirm whether there is a certain picture in the museum as

mentioned by the narrator?

Whether there was the portrait or not, he would have the sum of money. 19. How is the museum changed between the first and second visits?

It was now filled with a large crowd.

20. At what point does the story seem to abandon ―ordinary‖ perspective?

At the point that the narrator was following the curator from hall to hall, as if there were no ending. 21. What elements of dream structure are present in this story?

It is suggested that students have their own opinions after a thorough discussion. 22. Can this story be dismissed as simply a dream? Why?

It is suggested that students have their own opinions after a thorough discussion. II. Paraphrase the following sentences.

11. I had never believed in my friend‘s capacity not to tell nonsense.

12. Everything was as it should be: gray colors, objects that lie there peacefully, things that seem to be immaterial 13. ancient valuable minerals lay in the dusty container made of pulped paper; 14. but who decided, and why, that they deserved a place in the museum?

15. I walked up closer and, to my great surprise, I saw the very portrait whose existence had up till now seemed

to me just a fancy in a confused mind.

16. I had the feeling one could find in his features the essential similarities, as it were, to my friend. 17. When I have the mood to do something, no one can hold me back. 18. see No.13 in ―Detailed Studies of the Text.‖

19. I was anxious to leave the endless museum and in a peaceful and open circumstance to end my business

negotiations with M. Godard.

20. see No.22 in ―Detailed Studies of the Text.‖ 21. see No.26 in ―Detailed Studies of the Text.‖

III. Translate the following into Chinese.

11. 我的朋友想知道那幅画是否真在那儿;如果在那儿,是否可以赎回;如果可以,要花多少钱。

12. 然而事情就这样发生了,当我在蒙逖赛空旷的街道漫步,寻找文具店并一路咒骂着在每条街道的尽头


13. 这是一幢面积并不很大的建筑,由许多颜色各异的石头砌成,有立柱矗立,画着壁画的山墙之上是镏


14. 管理员迈着碎步一直在后面跟着,总是保持着一定的距离。而现在他走上前来,一只手放在身后,另


15. 我迈着轻快有力的步伐,走出博物馆,发现雨已经停了,天空湛蓝一片,一位袜子上溅着泥点的女士


16. 我简要地解释了一下我来的原因,甚至说出了我的朋友愿意出的大体价钱,尽管他要我不要提这事儿,


17. 其他那伙年轻人,大概是农村体育组织成员,在喧闹说笑,有的拿酒精里的虫子开心,其他的则取笑


18. 在巨大的大理石雕像的腿间,我一度迷了路,围着举人的膝盖转了两圈才看到高达德先生,他正在旁


IV. Explain the italicized words and phrases in the following sentences.

1. at a public sale in which property or items of merchandise are sold to the highest bidder 2. travels; journeys

3. a route or proposed route of a journey

4. pictures painted on fresh, moist plaster with pigments dissolved in water 5. a flat slab of stone used as a paving material. 6. materials made from pulped paper 7. false

8. a stone coffin, often inscribed or decorated with sculpture 9. with splashes of dirty points 10. a man's detachable shirt front 11. added

12. smooth, chewy candies made with sugar, butter, cream or milk, and flavoring 13. clear; lucid 14. vista

15. an apparatus consisting of two vessels connected by a tube, formerly used for distilling liquids.. 16. the curly, wavy fur made of the skins of young lambs from Astrakhan

V. Learn the following hot words by putting them into Chinese.

法人资格 货币回笼 不良资产/贷款 行政许可 国有资产流失 贸易顺差/逆差

农村信用合作社 合资银行 洗钱

企事业单位 职务犯罪/渎职 热钱投机

VI. Learn some funny slang by translate the following sentences into Chinese, paying attention to the italicized

expressions. 1. “下周我会轻而易举地通过英语考试。”“我过不了,那对我来说就是个白日梦。” Pipedream: unrealistic


2. “你知道切尔西足球俱乐部已经签下麦克尔·欧文了吗?”“噢,那没什么奇怪的。我还听说他们买下

了贝克汉姆呢。”That rings a bell: that sounds familiar; that reminds me of something 3. “别朝我嚷嚷,吉姆。放松点。你失态了。” You’re losing it: you‘re going crazy, losing your mind or

losing contact with reality.

4. “我不喜欢他,也不相信他说的每一句话。我觉得他就是满嘴胡言乱语。” He’s full of it: he talks a lot

of rubbish

5. 别总是顾虑重重的,就做你想做的事情就得了。 Throw caution to the wind: act in a carefree manner,

without worrying about the consequences of your action

6. 他总是跟在我后面转来转去,让我觉得很不自在。creeps me out: scares me, makes me feel uneasy 7. “雷切尔,是不是你偷了我的灯?”“我早就告诉过你,我没有。别再问我了。” Enough with the third

degree: stop questioning me; stop harassing me

8. 圣诞节那一天,孩子们急不可耐地等待打开他们的礼品。 on pins and needles: anxious with anticipation VII. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in the brackets.

(deplore, conjecture, dedicate to, relate, at auction, be at a loss, ransom, make a resolution to, distract … with …, hold back, outwit, overtake)

1. The adventurer related his adventures when he was in the desert in Africa.

2. The criminals demanded that the kidnapped diplomat could only be ransomed on the condition that ten

million dollars should be paid to them.

3. After experiencing the torment of the serious disease, he finally made a resolution not to smoke any more. 4. The bank will sell his house at auction because he has no capacity to pay back the loan at all. 5. In the face of all that had happened here, he was at a loss for a word to describe his feelings. 6. He was distracted with all those turmoil and noise around him. 7. No one can hold back the forward-moving wheel of history. 8. The thief failed to outwit the police and was arrested finally.

9. China will always be one of the countries that deplore the use of nuclear weapons.

10. Some American businessmen were overtaken by a series of accidents in the Middle East countries. 11. Ke Shouliang dedicated a large sum of money to the education in the poverty-stricken areas in China. 12. The commentators made various conjectures about the outcome of the next election. Key to the Exercises

I. Answer the following questions.

13. What is the function of the opening paragraphs?

Refer to No. 1 in ―Detailed Studies of the Text.‖

14. What are Gustav and Anton like? How are they similar? Different? What is their world like?

According to the story, Gustav and Anton can be referred to as rascals. They are jealousy, offensive, and fond of putting their nose into other‘s affairs. They are tolerant to nothing that is different from theirs. They are alike, in that they are of the same kind, and they look like twins, especially from behind. They are different, because, matter-of-factly, Anton doesn‘t have a job. Their world is the one that is dull, hard, and meaningless. 15. Why does Romantovski irritate the brothers? Is his name significant?

Because he is quite different from them; because he appears to be of the kind that need not to work hard; and because he won‘t share his privacy with them. As for his name, it is quite close to ―Romantics‖ in pronunciation. Maybe it is the way his creator want the reader know that his affairs are not necessarily true. And his name also reminds the reader of a famous Russian writer: Lemontov. Maybe that is why the narrator claims that Romantovski is a poet.

16. What does the narrator mean when he says, ―Hateful is everything that cannot be palpated, measured,

counted‖? To whom does this statement refer?

People will become blind in their action when their hearts are filled with hatred. The Gustav brothers are in the condition just like this statement describes.

17. What is the relationship between the movie that Romantovski sees and the larger story in which he is an


The movie gives the reader some hints about Romantovski‘s fortune. 18. Why do the brothers kill Romantovski? Why do they enjoy it?

The murder is highly symbolical. By killing Romantovski, the two brothers succeed in getting rid of the one who remains distant from them. This is the success of the ―over-determinism.‖ They are happy because they think they can control anything.

19. What is the point of the last paragraph of the story?

The narrator is lamenting a world that is dull, merciless, and lack of tolerance. 20. What is the relationship between Romantovski and the narrator?

The relationship between them can be that they are of the same kind. The narrator, like Romantovski, is greatly different from those like Gustav and Anton. II. Paraphrase the following sentences.

1. The world should be like this according our will: every man shall do some laborious work, just like every

man shall eat.

2. Although the world had not yet turned into one with the same features inside out, although there were still

many different kinds of people who could not be seen through at one sight, and who were with strong self-esteem, the brothers felt comfortable and confident about themselves, anyway, in this world. 3. The two brothers were fond of making her laugh with every possible means.

4. But at that time, in the comfortable life of the two brothers something that made them uneasy appeared.

5. They realized immediately that this was a person who was quite different from the others. They had that

ability which could never be wrong.

6. The two brothers, one in red sweater, the other in gray, went up to the window and even extended their bodies

out. They were alike when looked at from behind.

7. Everything that cannot be touched, understood, and everything that is out of one‘s control is hateful.

8. They knew that Romantovski was sitting somewhere in the front of the movie house, feeling sad and


9. The ghost-like characters on the miracle screen talked with each other in high resonant tones.

10. With the low, doglike grunt, Gustav assembled in him a strong desire to have a bloody fight, and at any

moment, he would surprise his enemy by a sudden attack. III. Translate the following into Chinese.

1. 在它的对面矗立着一栋阴森肮脏的出租房,简陋的窄小的阳台一个个伸将出来,就像一排排拉出来的


2. 再说一遍:这个世界是属于每天出力流汗,身体强壮的人的。懒汉、寄生虫和音乐家都不允许有存身


3. 他身材细长瘦削,脸色苍白、鼻子尖挺,眼神游移不定、滴溜溜乱转。他的双排扣的夹克的袖子太短


4. 同时,这对兄弟开始膨胀、增大,他们占据了整个房间,整个屋子,然后又伸到了屋外。和他们相比,


5. 天哪,很有可能他月底就搬走了——毫发无损,完整无缺,昂首挺胸地阔步而行。问题还不是说他的


6. 可怜的罗曼托夫斯基呀!我和他们一样也相信你确实与众不同。说心里话,我相信是一位了不起的诗


