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[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

You are to write an essay on the topic “My Community”. You should base your essay on the outline below:

1. 描述你所居住地区的基本情况。

2. 你是否喜欢现在的居住地区?原因是什么? 3. 你希望自己的居住地区能有什么样的改进? [选项] [答案]

My community is located in a quiet and peaceful area near a very famous university. There are many flowers and trees in my community and it is also well-equipped with facilities, including exercise equipment and supermarkets.

I am fond of my community very much for several reasons. First, it is very conveniently located. I can gain easy and quick access to different services. For example, there is a big shopping mall near my community. It takes only 5 minutes for me to drive there. There are also a primary school and a kindergarten with the walking distance, which makes it easy for me to send my child there. Second, I like the atmosphere of college life. When I see vibrant and lively college kids on campus, my spirits can also be lifted. On weekends, I can also immerse myself in the temple of knowledge---the university library. Third, the environment of my community is very inviting with beautiful flowers and green trees.

Frankly speaking, I am extremely satisfied with my community. If I have to find one aspect where my community can make improvements, I think it has something to do with the establishment of a grocery market where fresh fruit and vegetable are available.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 描述你所居住地区的基本情况。你是否喜欢现在的居住地区?原因是什么?你希望自己的居住地区能有什么样的改进? [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

You are to write an essay on the topic “My Favorite TV Program”. You should base your essay on the outline below.

1. 你最喜欢什么电视节目? 2. 这类节目的内容和特点。 3. 你喜欢它的原因。 [选项] [答案]


The News Report has always been my favorite TV program. Almost every day I turn on the TV at 6:30 p.m. and wait for the news program. This has become a part of my life.

The News Report contains a large amount of information from the international political situation to the latest foot-ball game. And the most important character is its fast pace. Because of this fast pace, news programs can contain much information in a short time.

In my opinion, the News Report is more than a TV program. It is a way of communication. From this program, people can know and understand world affairs. The world thus becomes smaller and smaller. I especially appreciate this benefit of watching the news.


There are various kinds of TV programs, covering a wide spectrum of topics, such as history, geography, culture, news, sports, etc. They can be educational and instructive or intended merely for entertainment. TV programs, without any doubt, can fill our modern life with rich and colorful information.

As for me, The News Report has always been my favorite TV program. Almost everyday I turn on the TV at 6:30 p.m. and wait for the news program. This has become a part of my life.

The News Report provides up-to-the-minute information about can keep me well-informed about what is happening both at home and abroad, from the international political situation to the latest football game. And the most important character is its fast pace. Because of this fast pace, news programs can contain much information in a short time.

In my opinion, the News Report is more than a TV program. It is a way of communication. From this program, people can know and understand world affairs. The world thus becomes smaller and smaller. I especially appreciate this benefit of watching the news.


Nowadays, watching TV has become an indispensable part of people’s daily life. After working, people will turn on the TV to watch the show they like. It is a good way for people to relax themselves. There are many different kind of TV programs shown every day. Some of them are cooking show, some of them are soap operas, and my most favorite program is called “The Animal World”. The CCTV-8 plays it on every Saturday night.

Born in a big city, I never ever have a chance to the wild animals. But with this amazing TV program, I can see the various living beings from different places. It not only broadens our horizon, but also gives us a lot of useful knowledge about animals and plants.

As far as I concern, it is a funny as well as valuable TV program. The pictures are not only very beautiful in the show, but also very hard to see. This show opens a brand-new door to the world that we do not know. I really enjoy watching it.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 你最喜欢什么电视节目?这类节目的内容和特点。你喜欢它的原因。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作: Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

Surfing on the Internet is becoming more and more popular for young people. Some are doing so for fun, while others are for more serious purposes. What is your view? Write an essay on the topic

“ My View on Surfing the Virtual World (虚拟世界)”.You should base your essay on the outline below.

1. 很多人喜欢网络提供的多姿多彩的生活。 2. 也有很多人对网络的虚拟空间有各种担忧。 3. 你的观点。 [选项] [答案]

My View on Surfing the Virtual World Internet, the virtual world, in which we can gain much as well as to lose much, is argued drastically whether it is good for the youngsters. The reasons of someone in theside to support are as followed. It is said surfing on Internet is free to express the ideas, good for studying languages, and easily to make friends.

But the other people's stands are different that they think surfing online is just wasting time and so to shorten the time on his school work, even possibly cheated.

In my opinion, as the manufacture of the new world, Internet is undoubtedly going to influence everyone's life. We’d better accept it and use it to serve us. However, we shouldn't spend too much time online or easily believe in the words of someone we don't know about.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 很多人喜欢网络提供的多姿多彩的生活。也有很多人对网络的虚拟空间有各种担忧。你的观点。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

Everyone in the world needs friendship. When he is happy, his friend can share his happiness; when he is in trouble, his friend can lend him a hand. Write an essay on the topic “My Ideal Friend”. You should base your essay on the following outline.

1. 你心目中理想的朋友是什么样的?

2. 现实生活中你是否有这样的朋友以及你如何获得这样一个朋友? 3. 和好朋友相处应该注意哪些问题? [选项] [答案]

Friendship is the most valuable to every one in the world. As far as I am concerned, friends will make my life more colorful and meaningful. However, there are a great variety of friends, with whom we have to make friends according to our own tastes. I personally think an ideal friend should have the qualities as follows.

In the first place, my friend and I should have the same interest. We are likely to do or talk about things which interest both of us. In other words, we will study together, and go to our favorite place for relaxation when being tired. She and I could be curious about one certain field in our study, so we could help each other and encourage ourselves to make greater progress. Secondly, an ideal friend would deeply understand me and appreciate me. When I am in a terrible fix and has a bad mood, she is able to help and comfort me. At this time, even if I shout aloud, looking like a mad creature, she should try her best to enlighten me patiently. It's certain that we ought to be tolerant with one another.

Show our friendly and genuine congratulations to the other's success if need be. Lastly but by no means the least, the friend should be faithful and reliable. If I badly need help, she must be the first person I could think of. Anyway she could help me out of trouble and give me a little confidence in almost everything. Whenever we are and wherever we go, I always tell her some private things and there is no secret between us. It's absolutely a beautiful thing to have the most trustworthy listener in daily life.

Simply speaking, my ideal friend, to some degree is really a gift from god. Although it's very possible that she would not be the most perfect one, I am still pleased to have such a friend. As a saying goes, “a friend in need is a friend indeed”, an ideal friend could accompany me, console me and criticize me if possible.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 你心目中理想的朋友是什么样的?现实生活中你是否有这样的朋友以及你如何获得这样一个朋友?和好朋友相处应该注意哪些问题? [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

With the development of high technology and IT industry, more and more people prefer to work at home. Write an essay on the topic “MyView on Working at Home”. And you should base your essay on the outline below.

1. 随着高科技的发展,越来越多的人选择在家工作。 2. 选择在家工作的利与弊。 3. 我的观点。 [选项] [答案]

The revolution in computer and telephone technology has made it a reality for business people to work at home, and this has brought about much convenience and pleasure to people. Generally, people enjoy working at home for the following benefits. For one thing, they not only save time by not having to travel distance to work every day but save money on transportation and business clothes. For another, suffering less stress from their employers, they think more clearly and can be more creative in the quiet peaceful atmosphere of their home. Most agreeable of all, they have the freedom to decide for themselves how and when to do their job, which permits them to spend more time with their family.

While as is often the case, working at home allows of much more freedom than working at office, some people who work at home admit there are problems. For example, they can not separate their personal life from their working life. Besides, the loneliness from the lack of person-to-person communication and new ideas is more likely to cause some mental illness. Then again, there is a problem of holidays. Perhaps, the main problem with working at home is that some people never get a day off.

To the above mentioned problem, I believe, there are some solutions. People who work at home should well organize their work schedule, leaving adequate time for making human communication not for the purpose of business but for the sake of relaxation. And these people should bear in mind that it depends on their effort to entertain themselves. In fact, working at home has provided them with

much more freedom to participate in social activities. [解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 随着高科技的发展,越来越多的人选择在家工作。选择在家工作的利与弊。我的观点。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

You have grown up from a little child to a college student. In your life, there must be a teacher who has impressed you most and therefore has won your respect. Write an essay on the topic “My Respected Teacher”. You should base your essay on the following outline.

1. 你最尊敬的老师是谁?

2. 他/她的哪些行为赢得了你的尊敬? 3. 你从中有哪些感悟? [选项] [答案]

Teacher, a lofty but affable name, illustrates scenes of patient instruction, genuine care as well as values of integrity and courage. On the occasion of the annual Teachers' Day, please allow me to convey my utmost greetings and heartfelt gratitude to my head teacher.

I've graduated from high school for quite a few years, while something back then still lingers in my mind, as though it just occurred yesterday. Around the college entrance exam, students grew edgy with each other due to pressure of the imminent test. Having sensed the seemingly uncontrollable atmosphere, my head teacher, Mr. Liu, assigned each student to list everything nice about the others. All handed in their paper. And on the following Monday, each student received a list with all his strong points gathered by our teacher. In a minute, the entire class was filled with whispering, \didn't know that means anything to others!\or \do like me!\Later on, everything became normal, even much better. Each of us has cherished it as a most valuable treasure.

As Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher, said, \a good illustration of the importance of a teacher. I will, by virtue of the focused knowledge and great sense of purpose you taught me, repay you by pursuing only the worthiest goals that are beneficial to the betterment of the lives of others and that contribute to our society. Thank you, dear teacher.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 你最尊敬的老师是谁?他/她的哪些行为赢得了你的尊敬?你从中有哪些感悟? [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

Advertisement is everywhere around us (in newspapers, magazines, on TV, or even on buses etc.), but different people hold different ideas about it. Write an essay on the topic “My Views on Advertisement” and you should base your essay on the outline below.

1. 广告在我们的生活中无处不在。

2. 有的人认为广告影响了他们的生活,而有的人认为广告很有必要。 3. 我的观点。 [选项] [答案]


Every day when we turn on the TV-set, what appears into our eyes first is advertisement. Some people think that advertisements have many advantages, while I take no interests in them at all. On the contrary, they are a great nuisance in my mind.

There are two main disadvantages of advertisements. For one thing, advertisements often mislead us. Most sellers on advertisements boast that their products are superior to other ones in the markets. However, they are inferior in quality. When people fall for the tricks, they can do nothing but complain and regret because they can’t contact the sellers to get compensation after purchasing. For another, advertisements usually take up plenty of time on TV, so we can’t watch any TV programs in a happy mood. What is worse is that many interesting programs are affected by a lot of boring advertisements, which makes us feel annoyed. But we have to stand.

In conclusion, advertisements have become a new form of visual pollution which must be controlled strictly. 范文二:

As is known to all, angels and evils are poles apart. But is there anything that combines the two perfectly? Some there is-the advertisement. With the growing influence of mass media, advertising invades every aspect of our lives.

Whenever we turn on the TV, look through a newspaper, open the mailbox, or surf on the Internet, advertisements would immediately jump into our sight. As they make things so attractive, we often end up buying things that we do not really need. Advertising not only adds to the price of the goods, thus harming the consumer's interest, but also imposes a kind of materialistic value upon the audience. But that is only part of the story-advertisements are informative as well as persuasive. They provide us with up-to-date information about the latest products. Some advertisements are so elegantly presented that we are inspired or even moved.

No matter it is an evil or an angel, advertisement has become an indispensable part of our modern life.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 广告在我们的生活中无处不在。有的人认为广告影响了他们的生活,而有的人认为广告很有必要。我的观点。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题

[章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

Everyone should have an unforgettable person in life: a family member, a friend, a colleague, or a classmate. Write an essay on the topic “The Person I Can Never Forget”. You should base your essay on the outline below.

1. 我最难忘的人(与我的关系及其外貌特征)。 2. 他/她的品质及令我难忘的具体事件。 3. 此人现在的情况以及与我的联系。 [选项] [答案]

The person I can never forget is my head teacher, who is a not very tall man in his middle forties. He is reasonable-looking, but he is rather warm-hearted, always ready to help others.

I've graduated from high school for quite a few years, while something back then still lingers in my mind, as though it just occurred yesterday. Around the college entrance exam, students grew edgy with each other due to pressure of the imminent test. Having sensed the seemingly uncontrollable atmosphere, my head teacher, Mr. Li, assigned each student to list everything nice about the others. All handed in their paper. And on the following Monday, each student received a list with all his strong points gathered by our teacher. In a minute, the entire class was filled with whispering, \didn't know that means anything to others!\or \do like me!\Later on, everything became normal, even much better. Each of us has cherished it as a most valuable treasure.

Now Mr. Li is still working in high school, imparting his knowledge and important lessons in life to new generations. I keep close contact with him and inform him about my current situation. [解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 我最难忘的人(与我的关系及其外貌特征)。他/她的品质及令我难忘的具体事件。此人现在的情况以及与我的联系。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

“Time and tide wait for no man.” Why do we have to go to school and how to make the most of the school days? Write an essay on the topic “Make the Most of the School Days”. You should base your essay on the outline below.

1. 我们为什么要上学? 2. 充分利用在校时间的意义 [选项] [答案]

Almost one-fourth of our lifetime is spent in school. It is also a most crucial period, for in school we are preparing our future and our duty to the community. Meanwhile, we make our life-long friends who would be a great help in our future. Therefore, we must see to ourselves that we make the most of the time in school.

Why do we go to school? Most of us would surely think we go to school in order to be educated,

to be a learned man, and to be useful when we complete our studies. Of course, this is true, but I think there is more than that. We go to school, not only to be educated, but to adjust ourselves, for school is a society in miniature. Our classmates are of different nature, so we begin to learn human nature early. Thus it enables us to handle relationships between different kinds of people later. A school provides many extracurricular activities, which is a stepping-stone to social life. A school also trains a student to have a clear and sound mind.

While we are in school, we can have more contact with our teachers. Teachers are as human as we are and with a wide range of knowledge which can solve our secret little problems.

Some of us tend to go to extremes, either we are too fond of studies and become a bookworm or we are fully occupied by off-campus activities that completely make us forget our studies. The former, doubtlessly, are top pupils at school, but not likely to be successful in their career because they lack the knowledge of human nature, and their range of interests is too narrow. The latter, since they lack essential knowledge, are not likely to succeed, either. Thus, we must stand in the middle of these two extremes.

Let's make fewer mistakes but have more delightful experiences while in school.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 我们为什么要上学?充分利用在校时间的意义 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

Many university students have a part-time job to earn money of their own. Some teachers say this is not good for their study. Write an essay on the topic “My View on Taking Part-time Jobs”. You should base your essay on the outline below.

1. 很多大学生喜欢勤工俭学,认为可以挣钱,同时可以锻炼能力。 2. 有些老师认为这样会影响学生学习。 3. 你的意见如何以及理由是什么? [选项] [答案]

Many college students take part-time jobs in their spare time. Whether it is good or bad is still subject to constant debates.

Some people believe that taking a part-time job certainly brings about several advantages. To begin with, students can learn how to get along with people and know the society better by taking a part-time job. Furthermore, to take a part-time job provides the students with a valuable opportunity to put what he has learned from books into practice. Finally, students can make some money, which helps to unload their families' financial burden.

However, problems may also arise. Firstly, some students spend too much time doing part-time jobs while neglecting their studies. Secondly, when taking part-time jobs, the students may be distracted from their studies by the colorful lives in the society. Thirdly, some students may be cheated or hurt by their employers, because they don't know how to protect themselves.

As for me, I share the view that college students need to step out of the campus and take some part-time jobs if their schedule permits. After all, it opens them a window to know about the society, which is essential to their maturity.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 很多大学生喜欢勤工俭学,认为可以挣钱,同时可以锻炼能力。有些老师认为这样会影响学生学习。你的意见如何以及理由是什么? [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

With the improvement in living standards, more and more people start to go abroad for their holidays. Write an essay on the topic \The Advantages and Disadvantages of Going Abroad for Holidays\

1.出国旅游悄然兴起,出国旅游的种种好处; 2.出国旅游的种种弊端; 3.你的看法以及理由。 [选项] [答案]

Many people have started go abroad for their holidays so that they can be more adventurous and visit more unusual places.

There are several advantages to going abroad. First of all, you can choose a country where you can be more certain of good weather, and you can follow particular interests and hobbies, which may not be possible in your own country, such as scuba diving or wildlife holidays. In addition to this, you can learn about foreign language skills.

However, going abroad has some disadvantages. Although you can choose a country with better weather than your own, you may come into contact with unusual illnesses that your body is not used to. While you can follow particular interests and hobbies, you may not be able to speak the language of the people you meet who share your interests. What is more, even though you can learn about foreign cultures, you may find it difficult to adapt to these cultures; for example, attitudes to women may be different and difficult to accept.

In conclusion, personally, despite the disadvantages I prefer taking holidays abroad because I have an opportunity to learn more about the world.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 出国旅游悄然兴起,出国旅游的种种好处;出国旅游的种种弊端;你的看法以及理由。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

To learn a foreign language is very important, but it is not an easy task. Do you have any difficulties in learning English? What are they? Write an essay on the topic “The Difficulties in My English Learning”. You should base your essay on the following outline. 1. 学习英语的重要性。 2. 你在英语学习中碰到的困难。 3. 如何解决这些困难。 [选项] [答案]

Most Chinese students have difficulties in learning English. The difficulties vary so much from person to person that it is difficult to cite here in a few words. Some may have problems in reading. Others may have trouble in writing. I also had problems in English learning, but my difficulty seemed to lie in listening. For example, when tested for listening comprehension, I couldn't understand a single sentence, let alone a passage of medium level.

In order to overcome the difficulty in my English learning, I made great efforts to find the key to the problem. I consulted my teacher and found out that I merely didn't have enough time to practice listening. So I bought a tape recorder and listened to it at least two hours a day. In addition, I listened to \English\on VOA. I also went out of my way to speak to foreigners on the campus whenever we meet so that I could have the chance to listen to the native speakers. After half a year's hard work, I could get 70% of the questions correct in listening comprehension tests.

I owe my success to my English teacher. It is him who tells me the correct way to learn English. It is him who always encourages me when I encounter difficulties and feel disappointed. [解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 学习英语的重要性。你在英语学习中碰到的困难。如何解决这些困难。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

For about three decades, China has been upholding “one-child family” as its fundamental policy of family planning. Write an essay on the topic “MyView on One-child Family”. And you should base your essay on the outline below.

1. 一些人对独子家庭持肯定态度。 2. 另一些人持否定的态度。 3. 我的看法。 [选项] [答案]

Most of the Chinese people think that a family with one child is better than those with more children. For one thing, many people will try their best to achieve career success and have little time

to care about their children; for another, if they only raise one child they can afford better education for the child.

But there are also some negative views about the one-child family. They think it is better to have a big family. Everyone in the family can help each other when they have difficulties. What is more, the more children they have, the better life they will live when they grow old.

In my opinion, it's better for a family to have one child. Nowadays population expansion is one of the most serious problems in the world. Overpopulation contributes to a series of problems: shortage of natural resources and food supply, crowded cities and the high rate of unemployment. Some day the earth will be too crowded for people to live in.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 一些人对独子家庭持肯定态度。另一些人持否定的态度。我的看法。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

Pollution is becoming more and more serious all over the world, and people's health is threatened. How to solve this problem remains one of the most important issues for each country. Write an essay on the topic \

1. 全球污染现象变得日益严重。

2. 全世界人民都非常关注这一现象。各国政府也采取了一定的措施来解决这一问题。 3. 我们应该怎么做。 [选项] [答案]

I read a piece of news recently. It says that in Japan many businessmen are selling fresh air to customers, and now it is becoming increasingly popular. Why? Fresh air is getting less and less in Japan, and so is it in the U. S. A., China, India, etc.

In fact, environmental pollution is a very serious problem the whole world is facing. It is largely caused by the waste products released from artificial substances, industrial production and increased consumption of goods. Besides, the use of chemical substances in agriculture also causes environmental pollution. Look at the sky, you can see that dense smoke is being released from the high and big chimneys; those dirty and poisonous substances are flowing into the rivers that we use for drinking water and millions of tons of waste products are heaping around us.

Indeed, the earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our descendants. In my opinion, we should work out concrete solutions to the problem of pollution For example, poisonous gas given off by automobiles should be controlled by equipping them with a device which can dispose of waste gas so as to prevent it from polluting air.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 全球污染现象变得日益严重。全世界人民都非常关注这一现象。各国政府也采取了一定的措施来解决这一问题。我们应该怎么做。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题]

[子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

You are to write an essay on the topic “How to Improve Traffic Conditions”. You should base your essay on the outline below. 1. 目前我国的城市交通状况。 2. 造成这种状况的原因。 3. 可能的解决方案。 [选项] [答案]

Nowadays, with the improvement of our living standards, there emerges a more diversity of transportation tools in modern cities, such as private cars, motorcycles and sophisticated mass transit systems. While our life is made easier with these tools, the dramatic increase in vehicles also contributes to severe outcomes.

First of all, pollution is becoming increasingly serious in cities. Vehicles, in particular private cars, emit plenty of waste gas, which makes air dirty. Meanwhile, vehicles also make a lot of noise. Those who live nearby the streets suffer tremendously. Some people even find themselves unable to fall asleep with unbearably loud noise from vehicles.

Secondly, traffic jams are also another problem with the increase of vehicles. Many people complain about traffic congestions during rush hours, say, from 7:30 to 8:30 in the morning or from 5:00 to 6:00 in the afternoon.

Then, how to deal with these problems? I want to propose two solutions. For one thing, people should reduce the use of private cars; instead, they should be encouraged to use public transportation. Thus, air pollution and noise pollution can at least diminish. For another, different companies may have different work time. To be specific, some companies may ask their employees to work from 7:30 to 4:30 while others may require their employees to work from 9:30 to 6:30. In this way, the problem of traffic jams might be lessened.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 目前我国的城市交通状况。造成这种状况的原因。可能的解决方案。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

You are to write an essay on the topic “Proper Use of Mobile Phones”. You should base your essay on the outline below:

1) 手机在人们生活中起的作用; 2) 手机使用不当对生活造成的干扰; 3) 使用手机时需要注意的事项。 [选项] [答案]

Mobile phones are the main invention of modern technology. If we look at our society, we can see that all kinds of people are using mobile phones. Maybe they have many advantages, but they also experience drawbacks.

The main advantage of mobile phones is that people can use them anytime and anywhere, so they can use it for an emergency. In addition, people can access the internet whenever they use the mobile phones, so business people can use them at work to get information from the internet more conveniently. Moreover, it is very easy to send messages to your friends. Mobile phones can make people keep intimacy in spite of long distance. Mobile phones are turning the world into a small village where we can communicate with each other easily and simply. Finally, another point in favor of mobile phones is that you can avoid disturbing anyone when he is sleeping or working because in that case people often turn off their mobile phones.

On the other hand, there are some drawbacks, too. Firstly, the most important disadvantage is the unknown effects on health in case of over-use. Scientists found that mobile phones can cause brain cancer. If you talk for so many hours, you are going to have headache and ear problems. Secondly, the mobile phone stimulates home for the high cost of communication. If you are in 3-membered family, you would spend a lot of money on mobile phone. Furthermore, the inappropriate use of mobile phones could be bothersome. For example, it is very inappropriate to hear a mobile phone ringing during a formal conversation, during a lesson, in a library or in a cinema. Finally, mobile phones waste people too much time. An American survey shows that teenagers spend an average of 2 hours sending messages every day.

In conclusion, there are some benefits and drawbacks to mobile phones. Personally, I don’t like mobile phones very much, but I need to use them. In my opinion, mobile phones are good only if you use them correctly and politely, as in this case, all technology is beneficial!

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 手机在人们生活中起的作用;手机使用不当对生活造成的干扰;使用手机时需要注意的事项。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

In your life, you have met a lot of different people. Some of them have helped you, while others may have hurt you. Write an essay on the topic “The Person I Feel the Most Grateful to”. You should base your essay on the following outline. 1. 你一生中最想感谢的人是谁? 2. 为什么要感谢他/她?

3. 这个人对你的影响或意义。 [选项] [答案]

I am now a college student. I not only stay on top in studies in my class, but also have a strong constitution. Perhaps no one believes that as a child I was meager and weak, unable to speak and walk until three years old. The reason might be that my family was very poor when my mother was pregnant with me. There was not enough to eat, to say nothing of nourishing food.

Mother never gave up hope and tried all means to feed me up. She worked very hard. She raised pigs and chickens, and planted vegetables. She learned how to make edible oil from peanuts, vinegar from millet, and beancurd from soy beans. She did all this by herself, for my father was working for a geological prospecting party, always away from home. Mother took perfect and minute care of me. Once I had a high fever, she carried me on her back and walked three hours at night to see a doctor. Little by little, I grew stronger, then I went to school. Mother often encouraged me to take exercise in order to keep fit.

Now I am a sturdy young man, while mother, only a small more than forty, is a grey-haired woman with a wrinkled face, looking much older than she actually is. I feel I owe everything to my mother and she is the one I should be most grateful to.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 你一生中最想感谢的人是谁?为什么要感谢他/她?这个人对你的影响或意义。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

You are to write an essay on the topic “Where to Shop”. You should base your essay on the outline below:

1) 现代社会人们经常购物的场所;

2) 比较两种主要的购物场所的优势和缺点; 3) 你经常去哪里购物,原因是什么。 [选项] [答案]

With the development of economy, people’s living standard has been enormously improved. Accordingly, supermarkets and department stores are springing up like mushrooms. Every day, especially at weekends, crowds of shoppers flock there and smilingly come out with rich harvests.

Both supermarkets and department stores have their own strengths and weaknesses. For example, it is always very convenient for you to buy daily necessities in supermarkets whereas you may find it hard to buy sophisticated and major items, such as refrigerators, air-conditioners and computers. In contrast, department stores are filled with top-quality items and famous brands of clothes or shoes while daily necessities are extremely expensive there.

When it comes to me, I do a lot of shopping in the supermarket for following reasons. Firstly, it is very convenient to do shopping there. What you need do is walk your handcart along the aisles and take anything you need from the shelves to fill your cart. Secondly, the market provides a bumper variety of goods. Food, clothes, daily articles and drinks are within your arm's reach. Thirdly, the

environment is clean and comfortable with all-year-round ventilation and air-condition. Fourthly, payment is made easily, either in cash or with a card. And you don't have to wait long. Fifthly, often, small gifts like soft toys, beauty-parlour coupons and instant lucky draws are offered to customers. [解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 现代社会人们经常购物的场所;比较两种主要的购物场所的优势和缺点;你经常去哪里购物,原因是什么。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

Some people choose to live in the city, while others prefer to live in the suburbs. Write an essay on the topic \Living in the City or in the Suburbs\below.

1.有人认为居住在城里有很多好处。 2.有人认为居住在郊区有很多好处。 3.你的选择及原因。 [选项] [答案]

People’s opinions vary on where to live. Some people think that it is far better to live in the city. To begin with, city life is more colorful and exciting which may be an important factor to attract some people especially the young. If you live in the city, you can surely find places to spend your spare time. For a person who wants to enjoy the stimulus of modern life, the various opportunities offered in the cities will never disappoint him. In addition, city life is definitely more convenient than the life in the country. Supermarkets are in a distance of a few minutes’ walk, and you can get almost everything you need without any effort.

Others think otherwise. They prefer to live in the suburbs due to clean air, spacious room, the blue sky and more countryside activities.

For my own part, as a person who enjoys the beauty of nature, I prefer to live in the suburbs. There are several reasons for my choice. The most important one lies in my love for the nature. It's just so sad that some people are confined to the skyscraper, and don't have the chance to get close to nature. In today’s world, the city center is full of noises are colorful lights, so you can easily lose yourself and can't find the true self. The other reason is that living in the suburbs is more helpful to one's health than living in the city center. With all kinds of cars emitting pollution to the air every day, the only place where we can breathe fresh air is the suburbs and countryside.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 有人认为居住在城里有很多好处。 有人认为居住在郊区有很多好处。 你的选择及原因。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项]

[答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

You are to write an essay on the topic \Should Private Cars Be Encouraged in China\You should base your composition on the outline below:


2.私家车给人们生活带来哪些变化。 3.你的态度。 [选项] [答案]

With the development of China, the number of people who own private cars is on the rise day after day.

There is no doubt that private cars have been playing a vital part in daily activities. To start with, cars can save much time for people when they go out. Second, cars can take people to the destination they want to arrive at. Moreover, owning a car is a fashion and represents the high quality of life. Of course, private cars may also give rise to a series of problems, such as air pollution, traffic jams and energy consumption. Besides, it is actually harmful to the health of people when they spend too much time behind the wheel.

In my opinion, we must weigh every factor carefully before making decisions about private cars. Though the number of private cars keeps on increasing, popularization of luxurious things like cars will have to wait. Therefore, I do not think it is wise to encourage private cars in China.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 目前中国私家车状况。私家车给人们生活带来哪些变化。你的态度。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

You are to write an essay on the topic “My Dream House”. You should base your essay on the outline below: 1. 描述你现在住所的状况。 2. 你梦想的住所是什么样子? 3. 在你的梦想住所都可以做哪些活动? [选项] [答案]

My dream house is a villa which lies on the coast. There are two yards in the villa. The front yard

is a garden with many beautiful flowers and plants for different seasons. There is a swimming pool in the back yard, as my parents are fond of swimming. On the first floor, there is a big hall when you enter the gate. On the right of the hall is a sitting room, there we can relax, have a rest, watch TV and enjoy entertainments. On the left there are a computer room and a study belonging to me, where I can bury myself in the ocean of knowledge. On the second floor, there are six bedrooms with bathrooms. The villa will be equipped with the modern equipment, such as security alarms controlled by computers, vision phones, lifts an automatic doors.

In one word, my dream house is where I enjoy my study and life.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 描述你现在住所的状况。你梦想的住所是什么样子?在你的梦想住所都可以做哪些活动? [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

There exist some environmental problems in our country. Please illustrate your opinion on the topic “The Environmental Problems in Our Country”. You should base your essay on the outline below.

1.列举存在的环境问题。 2.分析形成这些问题的原因。 3.提出解决问题的建议。 [选项] [答案]

The environment of our nature is becoming worse and worse with the development of society. Air isn’t as clean as before; the river is becoming dirtier; vehicles produce a lot of unbearably loud noise on streets. Thus, the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue.

There are several contributing factors as follows. First, the population is rising so quickly that the world has become way too crowded. We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. Second, industrialization leads to polluted river and air. For example, in some areas where there are many chemical factories, much polluted air is emitted. Paper-making factories may pollute the river.

I think our government should enforce laws to protect our natural environment from being polluted. Meanwhile, people should be further educated to recognize the importance of the problems, conserve our natural resources and recycle our products. We are confident that we can have a better and cleaner place in the future.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 列举存在的环境问题。分析形成这些问题的原因。提出解决问题的建议。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干]

[选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

You are to write an email to a friend who failed to attend an interesting party. You should base your email on the outline below:

1. 问候并表达对朋友没能参加聚会的遗憾。

2. 描述聚会的场景(如地点、参加的人员、食物、有趣的事件等)。 3. 邀请朋友参加下次的聚会。 [选项] [答案]

Dear Xiao Liang,

How are doing recently? I feel it a huge pity that you couldn’t make it to the party I threw last Sunday.

Last Sunday, we held an interesting party in Fun Hotel, which was located near the beautiful West Lake. Altogether 15 colleagues, including the manager, attended the party. Fun Hotel is well-renowned for its delicious food. We were all fond of food there, in particular lobster and crab. When our appetite was satisfied, we held a gala performance, where everybody was required to showcase their special talents. Li Hua was very good at singing and he could imitate Jacky Cheung’s singing perfectly. Xiao Wang was keenly interested in singing the Yue Opera and she gave us a performance of Sister Lin from the Dream of Red Mansions. The most interesting episode was a crosstalk performed by Xiao Fang and Lao Wu. They exchanged their roles: Xiao Fang acted as an old man while Lao Wu pretended to be a pretty girl. Their performance brought us waves of laughter.

We are going to hold a party next Saturday and I sincerely hope that you can join us.

All the best, Wang Ming

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 问候并表达对朋友没能参加聚会的遗憾。描述聚会的场景(如地点、参加的人员、食物、有趣的事件等)。邀请朋友参加下次的聚会。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

You are to write an essay on the topic “Healthy Relationships”. You should base your essay on the outline below:

1) 建立良好的家庭关系的必要性。 2) 建立良好的社会关系的必要性。 3) 建立良好的人际关系的几个要素。 [选项] [答案]

No human is an island. It means that people have to deal with various kinds of personal relationships, including the relationship among family members, among colleagues, or friends. Therefore, the importance of establishing healthy relationships should be stressed.

It is essential that you should be on good terms with your family. Most of the time, you stay with your family. If you have a good relationship with your parents, spouses and children, you will be very happy. Research shows that happiness has a positive effect on your health. Meanwhile, you should also develop healthy relationships with others, such as your colleagues, neighbors and even strangers. This can also enhance your sense of happiness.

If you want your relationship to thrive, it is advisable that you should take into account the following ingredients. First, honesty is one of the most basic of all elements to any healthy relationship. A deep and loving honesty between two people says, “No matter what happens, you will always know the true me.” This feeling allows people to open up and be the best they can be with each other. Second, people need to learn how to talk through both easy and challenging issues. Disagreements are a part of every relationship. To get through them, people have to learn to respect their different ways of communicating. This means learning how to communicate love in a way that others hear and feel it.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 建立良好的家庭关系的必要性。建立良好的社会关系的必要性。建立良好的人际关系的几个要素。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

Many students complain that they have too much pressure in their study. Do you think it is a good idea to give students high pressures of study, or should we give them more free time to do what they are interested in so that they can engage in more creative activities? Write an essay on the topic “Should Students Be Given More Free Time or Not?” You should base your essay on the outline below. 1. 目前大学生学业压力很大,大部分时间用来应付考试,几乎没有时间选择自己擅长并有兴趣的事情,并有所创新。 2. 自由学习和髙压学习的优缺点。 3. 你的观点以及理由。 [选项] [答案]

Currently, college students are confronted with an increasing amount of academic pressure. Most of their time is dedicated to their preparation for final exams, thus depriving them of opportunities to not only do something that they are interested in and adept at but also explore their innovativeness.

I think college students should be encouraged to relax and have more free time. It is good for

students to acquire their knowledge. Firstly, students can relax and refresh their minds. When students relax, most of them will forget their worries and pressure from studying. Furthermore, they can do other things that can improve students’ skills. For instance, reading can improve their understanding skills and some other related skills. It is clear to see that they can improve their analytical thinking in many various ways! Finally, many students love doing sports when they have spare time. Doing sports is an extraordinary good method to relax and improve skills. Most of students are weak because of lacking of doing sports. Students will be stronger so that students will have a good mood in studying.

In a word, it is apparent that more free time for college students helps them to attain self-development.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 目前大学生学业压力很大,大部分时间用来应付考试,几乎没有时间选择自己擅长并有兴趣的事情,并有所创新。自由学习和髙压学习的优缺点。你的观点以及理由。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

Some people prefer a high-paying job with long hours that would allow them little time of enjoying leisure with their families and friends, while others are in favour of a lower-paying job with shorter hours that would give them more time with families and friends. What is your opinion? Write an essay on the topic “Salary and Leisure”. You should base your essay on the outline below:

1)高薪高压力的工作的优势和弊端。 2)低薪低压力的工作的优势和弊端。 3)你会做出什么样的选择,原因是什么? [选项] [答案]

Some people may prefer to have a lower-paying job as long as the job asks for short working hours so that they can have more free time with their friends and family. However, others prefer a high-paying job with longer hours so that they can achieve a sense of accomplishment, though little time will be spent with their friends and family.

As for me, I would choose a lower-paying job with shorter hours for the following reasons. First, man is born free but he is in chains. He has various duties to perform. He must earn the bread for his family. But in doing so, he shouldn’t devote most of his time to his work so that he has little time stored for his family and friends. There are times when he should give some time for his family to strengthen family ties and enhance personal relationships.

Secondly, though money is essential, it is not the only thing we should run after. If a friend is in need, we should be available for help. If a relative is ill, we should set aside some time to see him. And above all, if our family needs us, we should put aside our work and be there. We cannot escape from our duties by just saying that we are too busy with our work. We should keep our priorities in order.

Finally, happiness is the most important thing in my eyes. When I spend my time with my family or friends, I feel very happy. Even though I don’t earn a lot of money, it is still worthwhile.

Taking into account all these aspects, I want to choose a lower-paying job with shorter working


[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 高薪高压力的工作的优势和弊端。低薪低压力的工作的优势和弊端。你会做出什么样的选择,原因是什么? [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

You are to write an essay on the topic “Dangers in Sports”. You should base your essay on the outline below:

1) 运动可能带来的危险和伤害有哪些? 2) 应该怎样注意避免运动中的危险和伤害? [选项] [答案]

Sports are a great way for people to exercise and keep healthy, but playing sports can be dangerous. A basketball player can go up for a rebound, fall awkwardly and injure the back, knee or ankle. Football players may be at risk to broken bones and knees. Baseball players can get injured if they get hit with the ball or take a hard fall while chasing down a ball. Apart from these physical injuries, sometimes sports may even affect somebody mentally. For example, some kids might be discouraged because of their failures in sports.

How to avoid those potential dangers and injuries in sports? I think specific ways to avoid them may vary from sport to sport, but there are basic rules to follow. First, warm-up exercises are very important before beginning any sports practice. Give sufficient time for stretching, as stretching done in a hurry may prove to be inadequate and cause adverse effect. Slow and consistent breathing is required throughout the activity. Along with physical preparation, warming up prepares you mentally to begin a sport, building self-confidence. A warm-up session should last for at least 10 minutes. Second, don’t overdo sports. Some people do not realize the effect of overdoing during the performance and keep doing it until they feel extremely tired. This can be very dangerous. Third, just as warming up is essential before any physical activity, cooling the body down after playing a sport is also a significant part. When you are done with your sports session, you can conclude with walking, jogging or easy running.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 运动可能带来的危险和伤害有哪些?应该怎样注意避免运动中的危险和伤害? [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

What is the focus or the most important task for students, study or housework? Write an essay on the topic “Should We Learn to Do Housework”. You should base your essay on the outline below: 1. 学生应否学做家务?有人认为应该。 2. 有人认为没必要。 3. 我的观点。 [选项] [答案]

Nowadays, we can see some boys and girls who live in a small world of their own. They bury themselves among books and are proud of themselves. They think that it will make them lose their face if they do housework for they often think themselves very noble. Some people think that it is unnecessary for students to learn to do housework whereas others think otherwise.

In my opinion every student should have knowledge of housework. After all, they will have a family of their own, and they should do their part in keeping a good home. Boys should also learn to do housework, for what will they do if they remain single? Though not all boys remain single, yet they will be very helpful in the family if they know some housework. Anyhow they will not lose anything, but, on the contrary, they will gain something useful. For what I said above, we can find some examples of our fellow-students studying abroad. All young men do housework as girls do. Someone would argue that we can employ servants. This is true. However, what shall we do if the servant leaves us and all things are left to ourselves? We just cannot leave our clothes as they are and let worms and ants eat them up. And what can we do it we go and study in a foreign country where servants are out our means to employ? We must work for ourselves. Why not start to learn to do housework now or else it will be too late? Everyone should learn to do housework. What do you think about my idea, boys and girls?

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 学生应否学做家务?有人认为应该。有人认为没必要。我的观点。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

There are some problems in today's education. With your own experience, illustrate the problems by writing an essay on the topic \The Problems of Today's Education\the outline below.

1.你认为现在的教育中存在哪些问题? 2.分析存在这些问题的原因。 3.总结观点,提出改进的建议。

[选项] [答案]

Currently, many educators and experts cast their doubt over today’s education, claiming that there exist several major problems. One of the main problems with today’s education is that too much emphasis is placed on test scores. It has become the most important criterion for college enrollment. A student, however creative and intelligent, will not be admitted into a college or succeed in employment competitions if his/her test scores are not high enough. Another crucial problem with education is that students’ creativity is killed. Students find themselves concentrating more on strategies to achieve high scores than on acquiring knowledge. Therefore, their innovation has gradually drained away.

The contributing factor for these problems is schools’ orientation and parents’ requirement. On one hand, many high schools want to improve their reputation. If students perform wonderfully in the National College Entrance Examination, they will build up their fame, thus attracting more students to enroll in their school. On the other hand, parents urge schools to focus their attention on improving students’ test scores, asserting that these can be one of the cornerstones of their children’s future success.

In my opinion, it is high time that measures were taken to solve these problems. One of the solutions is to adjust the criteria of enrollment and people’s perspectives. Anyway, test scores are not the determining factor of one’s success. What counts most is ability. If you gain fair mastery of skills, chances are that you can gain huge success.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 你认为现在的教育中存在哪些问题?分析存在这些问题的原因。总结观点,提出改进的建议。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

You are to write an essay on the topic “Means of Communication”. You should base your essay on the outline below:

1) 语言交流(面对面、电话、网络语音聊天)的优势。 2) 书信、邮件交流的优势。

3) 你更倾向于哪种交流方式,原因是什么? [选项] [答案]

The older form of communication is speech. In the beginning of human history, people could only use direct verbal speech to communicate. But it had many shortcomings. For instance, we couldn't speak to a person far away when we needed. Therefore, distance was a barrier. And the spoken word could not be kept secret easily. Thus, people wanted to invent a new method of communication.

The next big step forward in communication was the invention of writing. Writing is one of human being's most important inventions. It solved the problem of distance and keeping secrets. With the advent of the digital era, people gradually abandon the habit of writing letters because of its snail speed although letters do bring warmth and love to the recipient and they turn to contact each other via

sending e-mail thanks to its fast speed and convenience.

As for me, I prefer text messages and emails. Not just because of their convenience. Since I often find myself awkward dealing with people directly, these ways can save me the discomfort. Besides, irrespective of the effort required, writing letters is also on my list of preference. Because both I and my friends know that, a bosom friend afar brings a distant land near, and a letter from such a friend acts as the best medium. The power of words can be infinite, especially written words. [解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 语言交流(面对面、电话、网络语音聊天)的优势。书信、邮件交流的优势。你更倾向于哪种交流方式,原因是什么? [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

Mass media is becoming more and more important in our everyday life. But different people make different use of it. Write an essay on the topic “The Role of Mass Media in People's Modern Lives”. You should base your essay on the outline below: 1. 有些人利用大众媒体获得信息; 2. 有些人利用大众媒体获得娱乐; 3. 比较二者,谈谈你的看法。 [选项] [答案] 范文一:

Mass media are very important tools of communication, through which information is passed to even the farthest end of the world. They enable us to communicate with each other by helping us to overcome the barriers of time and apace.

Mass media function in various ways. Below are listed the most commonly seen. First, mass media keep us well informed of the happenings of the world which would otherwise remain unknown. Second, mass media persuade us mostly through advertisements. As we can see, newspapers, magazines, TV and computer are filled with all kinds of colorful, persuasive advertisements which tempt us to buy their products. Third, mass media give us entertainment. Television and radio broadcasting provide us with a big variety of programmes every day. Films, books, magazines, etc. give us daily amusement.

In a word, mass media will be all the more important in the future and their influences will enormously expand. Limited by apace, only a few examples are mentioned here.


Mass media are very important tools of communication, through which intonation is passed to even the farthest end of the world. They enable us to communicate with each other by helping us to overcome the barriers of time and space.

Mass media function in various ways. On the one hand, mass media keep us informed of the happenings of the world which would otherwise remain unknown. On the other hand, mass media give us entertainment. Television and radio broadcasting provide us with a big variety of programs every day. Films, books, magazines, etc. give us daily amusement.

As far as I am concerned, mass media will be all the more important in the future and their functions will be enormously expanded. We should take advantage of mass media to get Ae information we need as well as the entertainment we enjoy.

[解析] 按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作:有些人利用大众媒体获得信息; 有些人利用大众媒体获得娱乐;比较二者,谈谈你的看法。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

Many people dream to have a private car nowadays. Do you think it is a good idea to have a car for every family in China at present? Write an essay on the topic \Owning a Private Car\base your essay on the outline below:



3.你认为私家车是利大于弊,还是弊大于利? [选项] [答案] 范文一:

With the development of China, the number of people who own private cars is on the rise day after day.

There is no doubt that private cars have been playing a vital part in daily activities. To start with, cars can save much time for people when they go out. Second, cars can take people to the destination they want to arrive at. Moreover, owning a car is a fashion and represents the high quality of life. Of course, private cars may also give rise to a series of problems, such as air pollution, traffic jams and energy consumption. Besides, it is actually harmful to the health of people when they spend too much time behind the wheel.

In my opinion, we must weigh every factor carefully before making decisions about private cars. Though the number of private cars keeps on increasing, popularization of luxurious things like cars will have to wait. Therefore, I do not think it is wise to encourage private cars in China. 范文二:

Advantages and disadvantages of private cars with the fantastic spur both in industry and in economy in China; the number of people who own private cars is on the rise. Some people have bought cars of their own, and others are planning to buy cars.

But there have been two quite different views on this phenomenon. Some claim that there are many advantages brought about by cars. First, the automobile industry provides jobs for countless workers and strong support for other industries. Second, if conditions permit, owning a car can make us work more efficiently. Finally, life will become more convenient. A car allows one to move freely and with a car there is no need to wait for the bus in the cold or under the burning sun. However, others strongly object to the increase in developing private cars. They hold that automobiles will give rise to a series of problems. In the first place, as more and more cars are produced and run in the street a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere and causing actual harm to the health of people. Next, private cars contribute to traffic congestion so greatly that the

advantages gained in comfort and freedoms are often cancelled out by the frustration caused by traffic jams. The last problem is the increasing number of car accidents that have killed and will kill a lot of people in a friction of a second.

In my opinion, although automobiles have been playing a vital part in the daily activities of our society, they also bring us numerous troubles such as more serious environmental pollution, more traffic accidents and more energy consumption. They drink up huge amounts of fuel and throw out huge amounts of pollutants. Traffic accidents kill thousands and thousands of people each year and cripple more. Jams waste our precious time. Therefore, I am against developing private cars.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作:私家车给人们带来的方便。私家车给人们带来的麻烦或问题。你认为私家车是利大于弊,还是弊大于利? [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

For about three decades, China has been upholding “one-child family” as its fundamental policy of family planning. Write an essay on the topic \My View on One-Child Family\essay on the outline below:

1. 一些人对独生子女家庭持肯定态度; 2. 另一些人持否定的态度; 3. 我的看法。 [选项] [答案] 范文一:

Whether a family should have one child or more? Some approve of it while others don’t.

On the one hand, some people hold the opinion that a family should have one child. They think that limited amount of people is of great advantage to Chinese economy. Besides, more resources may be saved and more space can be spared so that Chinese people can live a more happy life. On the other hand, others hold a different idea. They argue that more children will make a family more harmonious. Moreover, our country's future lies in children's hands; therefore, more and more children can help it.

As far as I am concerned, I support the later because more children will be beneficial not only to a family or the society. The aging of population can be remitted in the future. 范文二:

Most of the Chinese people think that a family with one child is better than those with more children. For one tiling, many people will try their best to achieve career success and have little time to care about their children: for another, if they only raise one child they can afford better education for the child.

But there are also some negative views about the one-child family. They think it is better to have a big family. Everyone in the family can help each other when they have difficulties. What is more, the more children they have the better life they will live when they grow old.

In my opinion, it’s enough for a family to have one child. Nowadays population expansion is one of the most serious problems in the world. Population expansion contributes to a series of problems:

shortage of natural resources and food supply, crowded cities and high rate of unemployment. Some day the earth will be too crowded for people to live in.

[解析] 按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 一些人对独生子女家庭持肯定态度;另一些人持否定的态度;我的看法。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

You are to write an essay on the topic “Good Health”. You should base your essay on the outline below:

1. 你所能了解到的人们健康状况; 2. 保持健康的方法; 3. 你将怎么做? [选项] [答案]

All the people want to stay in good health. Health is better than wealth. It is true that health is the first step to success. Imagine this, if you’re sick, all you can do is to stay in bed and do nothing at all, how can you chase after your dreams?But if you’re in good health, you can overcome the adversities you ever encounter and make your dreams come true. Since health is so important for everybody, how can we maintain and enhance our health? There are some useful suggestions:

First of all, we should lead to a regular life. Early to bed and early to rise makes a healthy man. Do not stay up late. Some people love to play cell phones games or reading electronic-books before sleep, this can be bad for the health. We should remember to turn off the phones before sleep. Second, don’t be too particular about food. Try to eat more fruit and vegetables and less sugars and soft drinks. If you want to eat a bar of chocolate, eat an apple instead. If you want to drink milk tea or coffee, drink water instead. Don’t eat too much meat in one week. Last but not least, we should do exercise everyday. There are many exercises for us to choose. Such as, swimming, jogging, square dancing, playing badminton and so on. Doing exercise can increase the circulation of blood and enhance our immune system. The one who in better immune system, the less disease he will have.

In conclusion, if we pay close attention to our health, we can avoid getting sick. Try to sleep earlier, eat more fruit and vegetable, drink more water, and do exercise every day. You will realize that it’s not that hard to stay in good health.

[解析] 按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 你所能了解到的人们健康状况;保持健康的方法;你将怎么做? [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案]

[解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

You are to write an essay on the topic “Will Computers Replace Us?”. You should base your essay on the outline below:

1. 计算机在工作中的应用; 2. 计算机是否取代人类; 3. 你的理由。 [选项] [答案]

We are in the computer age today. The computers are working all kinds of wonders now. They are very useful in automatic control and data processing.

At the same time, computers are finding their way into the home. They seem to be so clever and can solve such complicated problems that some people think sooner or later they will replace us.

But I do not think that there is such a possibility. My reason is very simple: computers are machines, not humans. And our tasks are far too various and complicated for any one single kind of machine to perform.

Probably the greatest difference between man and computer is that the former can do things of his own while the latter can do nothing without being programmed. In my opinion, computers will remain nothing but an extension of our human brains, no matter how clever and complicated they may become.

[解析] 按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 计算机在工作中的应用;计算机是否取代人类;你的理由。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

There are different ways of getting information: reading. Watching TV, or surfing the Internet(上网).You are to write an essay on the topic “Ways of Getting Information”. You should base your essay on the outline below:

1. 现代社会获取信息方式的多样化; 2. 你更喜欢哪种方式,原因是什么;

3. 不同的人为不同的目的应选择合适的方式。 [选项] [答案]


We can get information by using all kind of means, such as internet, books and our teacher. Among these, my favorite means is using internet. Here are several advantages of using internet to get information.

First, internet is the most efficient way to get information if our conditions are allowed. Second, using internet to get information is a way to practice our ability of thinking, judging and making choices. Finally, using internet to get information is also a process to broaden our knowledge. Therefore, using internet is the best means I like to get information.

Perhaps, the most common way of getting information is surfing the Internet which can be used by either young people or the old. However, some people would prefer to get information on TV, especially some people who are not able to use the computer. Besides, many old people still keep on learning news from the newspaper for it is not only their habit but also their interests. No matter in which way, we should catch up with the times. 范文二:

There are many different ways to get information. On the one hand, the traditional ways such as newspapers, magazines, books, and so on play a very important role in obtaining the information for many people. On the other hand, with the development of science and technology, internet and multi-media become more and more popular for people to get information.

As far as I am concerned, I like to get information through reading newspapers. There are three reasons for this. First, there are many interesting things on the newspaper besides what I am looking for. Second. I like to read the printed words which will always give me a deeper understanding of the language. As was said by Francis Bacon, reading makes a full man. Third, it provides me with a chance to clip down all the articles and useful things so as to be kept for later use.

In conclusion, different people prefer different ways to get what they want. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that no definite way is suitable for all circumstances. With the development of science and technology, we’d better make good use of the advanced media so as to.

[解析] 按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作:现代社会获取信息方式的多样化;你更喜欢哪种方式,原因是什么;不同的人为不同的目的应选择合适的方式。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

Virtues and success are often related. There are different virtues, for example, diligence, honesty, fairness, etc. Are they all related to success? You are to write an essay on the topic “Virtues and Success”. You should base your essay on the outline below: 1. 人有种种美德,他们都与成功有关系;

2. 你觉得哪种美德对于成功最为重要,原因是什么; 3. 人们应尽可能多地培养自己做人的美德。 [选项] [答案]

Virtues and success are often related. There are different virtues, for example, diligence, honesty, fairness etc. Everyone tries to achieve success in his/her career. But some finally attain their aims

while others fail. Why? Some continue their cause to the end through long period of hard struggles, but others are easily disappointed and stop halfway.

In my opinion strong wills, perseverance and diligence are the three essentials of success. A man of strong will and perseverance always has an inflexible spirit. He sticks to his cause no matter how tough it might be. Life is short and we have too much to do. Without diligence no one can achieve anything.

I believe that where there is a will there is a way, and that success belongs to those who can make constant efforts. People should develop the virtue possibly. Don't be afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.

[解析] 按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 人有种种美德,他们都与成功有关系;你觉得哪种美德对于成功最为重要,原因是什么;人们应尽可能多地培养自己做人的美德。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

You are to write an essay on the topic “Online Shopping”. You should base your essay on the outline below:

1. 网上购物的现状; 2. 网上购物的利弊; 3. 你的看法。 [选项] [答案]

With the development of Internet, more and more people tend to shop on the Internet. Online shopping has provided some benefits for us, but it also has some disadvantages at the same time.

For one thing, online shopping has brought some convenience for consumers. Instead of going one shop to another, people can choose and buy all kinds of commodities they like as long as they click the mouse gently. This is not only a better choice for the old who do not have enough energy to go outside but also a great convenience for those who have no time to go shopping in person. In addition, consumers have more choices and can do some comparison when they are shopping on the Internet. They can glance over various commodities in all shapes, sizes and colors and decided to buy or not. Furthermore, online shopping has made a great contribution to the development of express delivery industry.

However, for another, shopping on the Internet also has some shortcomings. Firstly, those who shop on the Internet can’t try the goods before they buy. Sometimes, the real goods are not the same as the goods they see on the Internet. Secondly, some shops on the Internet are dishonest and they would not deliver the goods after paying. And if this situation happens, the consumers would find nowhere to complain and never pull out the money any longer.

Therefore, we should pay more attention when shopping on the Internet.

[解析] 按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 网上购物的现状;网上购物的利弊;你的看法。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题]

[子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

You are to write an essay on the topic “Treasure Water”. You should base your essay on the outline below:

1. 水资源状况; 2. 节约用水的措施; 3. 你将做些什么。 [选项] [答案]

Water is very important to us. We can’t live without water. But some people don’t care about this. They often waste a lot of drinking water. They pour dirty water into rivers or lakes, and they throw rubbish into them, too. At the same time, many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted by factories. So we have less and less drinking water.

What can we do to deal with this problem? On the one hand, we should save water by turning off running water and reusing water. On the other hand, we should find ways to recycle water. Besides, we must protect water and plant more trees.

In a word, we should treasure every drop of water, and never throw litter directly into river.

[解析] 按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 水资源状况;节约用水的措施;你将做些什么。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

“A friend in need is a friend indeed”. We do need friends and friendship in our life. You are to write an essay on the topic “Making Friends”. You should base your essay on the outline below: 1. 每个人都交朋友; 2. 但交友也需谨慎; 3. 我的交友之道。 [选项] [答案]

A proverb says \

things in life which we alone cannot perform. We need friends' help. Friends are people who willingly and readily help us when we are in trouble, and show sympathy for us when we are in misery.

The benefits of friendship are boundless and sometimes invisible. For example, when we have passed the graduation examination and are looking for a job. we need experienced and reliable friends to guide us and help us on our way. A good friend is also an adviser, because our own points of view towards things may not be always right Therefore, it is necessary for us to seek advice from friends.

In order to make friends, we ourselves must be honest, noble-minded and kind-hearted whereby to leave a favorable impression on others since other people observe us the same way as we do.

At the same time, we should avoid bad friends, because they always do harm to us and moreover, they are dangerous to the people around. What is even worse, they mar our friendship with good friends. Indeed, seeking acquaintance with bad friends would be a serious mistake.

[解析] 按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 每个人都交朋友;但交友也需谨慎;我的交友之道。

[难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

Nowadays water crisis has become a problem worldwide. People cannot have adequate clean drinking water. Write an essay on the topic “How to Deal with Water Crisis”, You should base your essay on the outline below.

1. 水资源危机是一个世界性问题,多年来全世界各部门以及各国政府做出了许多努力,


2. 同时水源浪费现象很严重。

3. 你认为有效的节水措施该有哪些? [选项] [答案]

People can’t imagine life without water. Without it, the earth we live on would be a dead one. However, nowadays water crisis has become a problem worldwide. People cannot have adequate clean drinking water.

Although nearly three quarters of the earth’s surface is covered with water, it is sea water and undrinkable. The demand for water is increasing, while water resources are scarce. Agricultural production needs enormous amounts of water, so does industry. Besides, the rapid growth of population makes it more and more difficult for people to survive because of the water shortage. So water shortage has become one of the most serious problems.

Fortunately, people have realized this pressing problem and are trying to find ways to salve it. First people are urged to economize on water. Second, measures are taken to protect water resources. Third, circulating water is used for industrial purposes over and over in factories and treated sewage water is used for irrigation in farming land.

[解析] 按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作:水资源危机是一个世界性问题,多年来全世界各部门以及各国政府做出了许多努力,解决水危机问题。同时水源浪费现象很严重。你认为有效的节水措施该有哪些?

[难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

Water, a vital part of natural resources for human being, is getting more and more heavily polluted with the development of economy. Write an essay on the topic “What Can We Do with the Water Pollution?”. You should base your essay on the outline below.

1. 水资源污染的主要原因; 2. 水资源污染带来的危害;3. 如何解决水资源污染的问题。 [选项] [答案]

Water pollution is a serious problem now, which is mainly caused by waste from factories and cities. The amount of waste water increases. The waste water usually gets dumped straight into lakes, rivers, or even the oceans. This makes the water which is clean be polluted with waste, too. Also, broken oil ships on the sea are a great problem too. It spills the oil into the ocean. Oceans are able to clean themselves, but certain seas, once they become dirty, are not able to do so. Lakes and rivers also have the same problems.

We can't live without water. It is dangerous to drink such polluted water. The polluted water also makes many animals in the lakes, rivers and ocean dead.

People come to know the seriousness of water pollution. The government is taking measures to protect the lakes, rivers, and oceans against pollution, and starts building various facilities, such as, sewage treatment. People also try their best to protect rivers and keep them clean. Most people realize not to waste water and re-use water in daily life.

Therefore, remember to turn off the tap when you don't use it. Water is the source of our lives. It is very important to protect water.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作:水资源污染的主要原因;水资源污染带来的危害;如何解决水资源污染的问题。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

City traffic includes various ways: by bus, by taxi, or driving your own cars. Write an essay on the topic “A Healthy Way of Going Out”. You should choose one from the above three. And you should base your essay on the outline below.

1. 城市不同出行方式各有利弊。

2. 你倾向采取哪种方式出行,原因是什么。 3. 人们应从哪些方面考虑选择健康的出行方式。 [选项] [答案]

There are various ways for city residents to go out----they can go out by using the public transportation system, for example, buses, taxies, and subway, etc. They can go out by riding bikes. They can drive if they have their own cars.

However, it is not worthwhile to drive to a place that is not too far away. Personally speaking, I prefer walking because I can get some exercise and have a good look of the world around me, as long as the destination is within walking distance.

When choosing the ways of going out. I think people should take the factor of protecting the environment into consideration and avoid using cars as far as possible.

[解析] 按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作:城市不同出行方式各有利弊。你倾向采取哪种方式出行,原因是什么。人们应从哪些方面考虑选择健康的出行方式。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

[题型] 问答题 [章节] 英语 [类别] 测试

[题干] 写作:Instructions: Your essay should be no less than 150 words.

“Time and tide wait for no man.” Why do we have to go to school and how to make the most of the school days? Write an essay on the topic “Make the Most of the School Days”. You should base your essay on the outline below.

1. 我们为什么要上学?

2. 充分利用在校时间的意义. 3. 荒废在校时光的后果。 [选项] [答案]

Almost one-fourth of our lifetime is spent in school. It is also a most crucial period, for in school we are preparing our future and our duty to the community. Meanwhile, we make our life-long friends who would be a great help in our future. Therefore, we must see to ourselves that we make the most of the time in school.

Why do we go to school? Most of us would surely think we go to school in order to be educated, to be a learned man, and to be useful when we complete our studies. Of course, this is true, but I think there is more than that. We go to school, not only to be educated, but to adjust ourselves, for school is a society in miniature. Our classmates are of different nature, so we begin to learn human nature early. Thus it enables us to handle relationships between different kinds of people later. A school provides many extracurricular activities, which is a stepping-stone to social life. A school also trains a student

to have a clear and sound mind.

While we are in school, we can have more contact with our teachers. Teachers are as human as we are and with a wide range of knowledge which can solve our secret little problems.

Some of us tend to go to extremes, either we are too fond of studies and become a bookworm or we are fully occupied by off-campus activities that completely make us forget our studies. The former, doubtlessly, are top pupils at school, but not likely to be successful in their career because they lack the knowledge of human nature, and their range of interests is too narrow. The latter, since they lack essential knowledge, are not likely to succeed, either. Thus, we must stand in the middle of these two extremes.

Let's make fewer mistakes but have more delightful experiences while in school.

[解析]按照作文题目中的大纲提示进行写作: 我们为什么要上学?充分利用在校时间的意义。荒废在校时光的后果。 [难度] 难 [分数] 20 [子题] [子题型] [题干] [选项] [答案] [解析] [分数]

