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课时作业(三) City and Country & Communication Workshop Ⅰ.单词拼写

1.The teacher asked us whose father is a(n)________(会计)last week. 2.The room soon was ________ (拥挤的)with people. 3.The cinema ________ (附近的)can seat 1,000 people. 4.We can see the mountain from the ________(距离).

5.My parents lent me the money.________(否则)I had no money to buy this house. 6.We came by ________ (地铁).

7.The ________(预报)said it would be sunny. 8.She's been off work because of ________(疾病). 9.He pushed his way through the ________(人群). 10.He suffers from ________(肺)cancer. Ⅱ.单项填空

1.(2013·宿州高一检测)You must believe you are the best and then make ______ you are. A.sure B.surely C.certainly

D.certain of 2.(2011·四川高考)Always remember to put such dangerous things as knives out of children's ________.21世纪教育网版权所有

A.touch C.reach

B.sight D.distance

3.Set out________,or you'll be late for class. A.all right C.just now

B.right now D.by now

4.—Are you the same person________ I spoke to on the phone yesterday? —Yes,I am. A.as C.that

B.than D.for

5.(2013·汾阳高一质检)You can buy the book that I bought yesterday at ______ bookstores. A.nearby C.away

B.near by D.far away

6.________ parents say and do has a life-long effect on their children. A.That C.What

B.Which D.As

7.The mountain is very high.We can see it from a ______ of 20 kilometres.

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A.distance C.difference

B.space D.way

8.Progress so far has been very good.________,we are sure that the project will be completed on time.21教育网

A.However C.Therefore

B.Otherwise D.Besides

9.It was________weather that everyone wanted to go outing.21·世纪*教育网 A.so fine C.so a fine

B.such fine D.such a fine

10.Your desk is ________ with too many unnecessary things.You have to remove some of them.2-1-c-n-j-y

A.crowding C.covering Ⅲ.阅读理解


Most people buy a lot of gifts just before Christmas.But some people think we buy too much.They have started a special day called Buy Nothing Day.They don't want anyone to go shopping on that day.【版权所有:21教育】

Buy Nothing Day is November 29. It's 25 days before Christmas. It's after Thanksgiving and often the first day of Christmas shopping. At this time, we see ads in Newspapers and on TV telling us to “Buy, buy, buy!”21*cnjy*com The idea for Buy Nothing Day started in Vancouver,British Columbia.Now people all over the world celebrate Buy Nothing Day.In California, parents and children get together to read stories, sing songs,and paint pictures.The children talk about why they don't need a lot of toys.This year,in Manchester,England,people dressed up in costumes to tell people that we buy too much.

In Albuquerque,New Mexico,high school students wanted to tell other students about Buy Nothing Day.They organized a spaghetti dinner to give people information about Buy Nothing Day.They asked restaurants in the neighbourhood to donate the food.They made posters and talked to other students about it.The dinner was a big success,and many students agreed not to buy anything on November 29. The students at high school liked the idea of this new tradition. Next year,they want to have another dinner to tell more people about Buy Nothing Day!

1.Which of the following is NOT true about Buy Nothing Day? A.It falls on November 29. B.It's 25 days before Christmas.

B.busy D.crowded

21世纪教育网 -- 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站。 版权所有@21世纪教育网


C.It's after Thanksgiving. D.It's the first day after Christmas.

2.When do people usually have a Christmas rush? A.A week before Thanksgiving. B.A week after Thanksgiving.

C.Before Christmas and after Thanksgiving. D.Anytime before Christmas.

3.What did the students do in New Mexico for the day?2·1·c·n·j·y A.They donated the food of their own. B.They talked to others about it. C.They made some signs for it. D.They organized a luxurious dinner.

4.Who would most probably oppose Buy Nothing Day? A.Parents. C.Store managers.

B.College students. D.Little children. B We offer five kinds of courses. Each course has been designed to help students according to their needs.21·cn·jy·com

Course 1: General English

General English is designed to develop students' basic communication skills in:Speaking and Pronunciation,Reading,Listening,Writing,Grammar and Vocabulary.Tuesday to Friday:9∶00 am to 11∶00 am, $288 per week.【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】

Course 2: Academic English

Academic English is for students who want to take the IELTS exam or for those who need to use English in a professional area.Monday to Friday:4∶00 pm to 5∶00 pm, $ 320 per week.

Course 3: High School ESL

Why not make the most of your time studying in Australia with the help from TIES? We have High School ESL classes each week specifically designed for international students.Tuesday to Friday:8∶00 am to 11∶00 am,$25 per hour.www-2-1-cnjy-com

Course 4:Night Classes

Do you want to improve your English and get the best results possible in your GRE test? We have two night classes each week designed to meet your needs.Tuesday and Thursday evenings:8∶30 pm to 10∶30 pm,$60 per day.

Course 5:One on One

If you are interested in some One on One lessons with TIES teachers,we can design a

21世纪教育网 -- 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站。 版权所有@21世纪教育网


curriculum to meet your needs.One on One lessons can improve your English language skills more quickly and help students who want to take TOEFL.Tuesday to Friday:2∶00 pm to 5∶00 pm, $80 per hour.

5.If you are an English beginner,you'd better choose________. A.General English B.High School ESL C.Night Classes D.One on One

6.Which course would be helpful for students who want to take the IELTS exam? A.Course 1. C.Course 3.

B.Course 2. D.Course 4.

7.How much will you pay if you spend two weeks taking the High School ESL course? A.$200. C.$350.

B.$250. D.$600.

8.What can we learn from One on One according to the passage? A.Its lessons are given in the morning. B.It's designed just for English beginners. C.It's more expensive than the other courses. D.Its lessons are designed to improve writing skills. Ⅳ.翻译句子


________________________________________________________________________ 2.那是我一直想做的事。(what引导的表语从句)

________________________________________________________________________ 3.这电影很有趣,她想再看一遍。(so...that)

________________________________________________________________________ 4.确信门是关着的。(make sure)

________________________________________________________________________ 5.你的钢笔看上去和我的一样。(the same)


21世纪教育网 -- 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站。 版权所有@21世纪教育网



Ⅰ.1.accountant 2.crowded 3.nearby 4.distance

5.Otherwise 6.tube 7.forecast 8.sickness 9.crowd 10.lung 21*cnjy*com

Ⅱ.1.A 句意:你必须相信你自己是最好的,然后努力使自己成为最好的。make sure“确定,确保”,其中sure 不能换成surely。【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】

2.C 句意:时刻记住,这些危险物品,比如刀子,要放在孩子们够不着的地方。out of touch不联系,不接触;out of sight看不见,在视野之外;out of reach手够不着,达不到;out of distance远离=far away。21cnjy.com

3.B 句意:马上走,否则上课就迟到了。right now“立刻,马上”,符合题意。all right“好吧”;just now“刚才”;by now“至今,到如今”。【出处:21教育名师】

4.C 句意:“你是昨天在电话里和我讲话的那个人吗?”“是的,我是(那个人)。”the same...that...“同一个??,相同的??”;the same...as...“和??一样的”。

5.A 句意:你可以在附近的书店买到我昨天买的那本书。句中缺少前置定语,故选A。

6.C 句意:父母的言行对他们的孩子有终生的影响。what引导主语从句,在从句中作say和do的宾语。

7.A 句意:这座山很高。我们能从20千米以外的地方看到它。from a distance of...“从??远的地方”,符合题意。

8.C 句意:情况至今进展良好,因此我们确定这个项目将能按时完成。前后句为因果关系,故应选C项。

9.B such+adj.+不可数名词,so+adj.+a(n)+单数可数名词,空白处用fine修饰不可数名词weather,只能填such。21教育名师原创作品

10.D 句意:你的桌子上有太多不需要的东西,你得去掉其中的一些。be busy with忙于做??;be crowded with挤满了??。

Ⅲ.1.D 细节理解题。根据文中第二段前三句话可知,A、B、C三项都是指的同一天,即定于11月29日的Buy Nothing Day。

21世纪教育网 -- 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站。 版权所有@21世纪教育网


2.C 推理判断题。根据第二段第三、四两句可知,感恩节之后,报纸和电视上会出现大量的商品促销广告,人们开始为圣诞节而疯狂购物。

3.B 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段可知,在这一天New Mexico的孩子们采取各种方式宣传Buy Nothing Day,劝人们减少购物。

4.C 推理判断题。Buy Nothing Day的设立是号召人们在这一天不去商场购物,由此推断商场的经理们应该最有可能表示反对。www.21-cn-jy.com

5.A 细节理解题。根据文意可知,对于初学英语的人来说,参加General English(普通英语)课程,可以培养在听、说、读、写、词汇与语法等方面的基础技能,故选A项。

6.B 细节理解题。根据Course 2:Academic English 部分的第一句可知,第二个课程是为准备雅思考试的学生而开设的。

7.D 数字计算题。根据Course 3:High School ESL部分的最后一句可知,这项课程每周的学费是25(美元)×3(小时)×4(天)=300(美元),故两周的学费为300(美元)×2(周)=600(美元)。

8.C 细节理解题。五个课程每小时的学费分别为36美元、64美元、25美元、30美元、80美元,故可知Course 5学费最高。

Ⅳ.1.The boy put the ink back where it came from. 2.That is what I have been thinking of doing.

3.The movie is so interesting that she wants to see it again. 4.Make sure that the door is closed. 5.Your pen looks the same as mine.

21世纪教育网 -- 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站。 版权所有@21世纪教育网

