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P2P 金融下的中小企业融资
Waitz M
中小企业融资难是世界性难题。文章介绍了互联网金融的概念,重点概括了 P2P 金融在科技和金融创新融合方面的发展,综合了现在学术界对 P2P 金融研究的五大方向方面的各种观点和见解。指出了当前 P2P 金融发展的突出问题风险控制,并对互联网金融的大趋势进行了分析。
关键词: P2P金融; 金融创新; 风险管控 1引言
业融资环境和渠道狭窄,有 60% 以上无法获得银行贷款。目前,科技型企业又有轻资产的特点,融资困境,成为困扰可持续发展的巨大瓶颈。
2 互联网金融的概念
近两年来,互联网金融呈现井喷式发展, 2014 年以来,互联网金融板块表现强势。当前经济领域存在两个特别矛盾的现象,一是中小企业在企业总数中占比很大,但普遍存在融资难的问题; 二是民间闲散资金多,但除了股市和房市,往别的领域投资很难。而以互联网、大数据、云计算为基础和高度契合市场引领的互联网金融的发展,对于解决这两个难题,更好地为实体经济,尤其是中小企业发展创造良好的金融环境,也为中国在国际竞争当中实现弯道超车起到重要作用。
互联网金融除了掌握客户端外,还便于做好上游资本供给方、下游资本使用方点与点的整合,结合互联网的其中特质( P2P) 及金融的本质( 资本) 。依托互联网金融的发展,金融供给能力得以提高,包容性得以增强,可以动员更多的金融资源,覆盖面更广,覆盖度更多,满足更分散、更多元化的需求。
互联网金融最狭隘的概念就是 P2P( Peer-to-Peer Lend-ing) 金融平台,P2P 模式的核心是: 在这个具有资质的网站平台上,借款人发出借贷信息,并提供借贷项目的具体情况、借款人的相关诚信及经济实力等有关信息; 投资人根据平台上提供的信息,进行决策,最后做出向借款人发放贷款的决定。P2P 金融是一种新的金融
模式,通过互联网和大数据,使借贷双方信息不对称降到最低,这种新的融资渠道,为个人和企业提供了很大的便利,是现有银行体系的有益补充。P2P 对我国金融业务影响很大。传统银行的商业模式,主要是存贷业务,P2P 全新的商业模式,解构了传统银行的商业模式,打破了国有银行垄断的局面,在一定程度上以碎片化的方式补充了市场的缺憾。
P2P 金融实现了科技和金融的创新融合发展,释放了科技机制改革和金融改革的双重红利,有利于推出更多的金融产品来服务科技创新,支持科技型企业的发展,解决素来轻资产的科技型中小企业多面的融资难; 也有利于金融业创新,寻找新的投资方向,以获得较高的投资回报。
2005 年,全球第一家 P2P 金融公司 Zopa( Zone of Possi-ble Agreement) 成立于伦敦。2006 年,美国第一家 P2P 金融公司 Prosper 成立于加州。2007 年,我国第一家 P2P 金融公司拍拍贷成立,目前我国 P2P 金融公司超过 300 多家,交易额高达 200 多亿元。金融是一个风险高度放大的行业,P2P 金融具有互联网天然的便捷属性,但相对传统金融机构而言,互联网的开放性也决定了 P2P 金融在网站平台、信息安全等方面可能会受到极大的挑战,风控压力会更大。通过对 P2P 金融进行规范,可以引导民间资本更好地促进实体经济的发展。
3 目前 P2P 金融研究的五大方向 3.1是什么: 是颠覆者还是补充者
有观点认为: P2P 金融是传统金融与互联网创新的融合,现阶段还处于融合的阶段,存在很多问题,出现问题并不可怕,问题也可以看做是一个矛盾,解决问题的过程,正是推动一个新生事物向前发展的过程,这是 P2P 金融成长的必经阶段。要正确对待现阶段 P2P 金融存在的问题和不完善的地方: 一要引导; 二要规避风险。只有这样,才会引导金融和互联网产生更多的创新,走向理性的繁荣。
3 .2 干什么: 服务草根还是服务高端
综合这一方向的研究成果,主要有以下几种观点和见解。有观点认为: 资本市场是多层次的,P2P 金融是其中的一个组成部分,与传统金融企业相比,应该走差异化的发展路子,主要为融资难的中小微企业服务。有观点认为: P2P 金融如果服务的对象,大多数是低风险客户,那么就会出现一个问题,必须做够一定的规模,才能有比较好的经济回报,而要做够一定的规模,必须投入一定的人力成本、时间成本和资金成本,这对同样小规模的 P2P金融企业而言,会形成不小的压力,为此,一些 P2P 金融企业就逐渐搞起了“资金池”,将资金贷给大的客户,如果大的客户经营出现问题,就容易使 P2P 金融出现风险,甚至导致P2P 金融企业主“跑路”。所以 P2P 金融企业,应该多做小额贷款,不要轻易涉猎大的客户,大的客户风险太大,不是P2P 金融企业所能承担的。而多做小额贷款,成本也比银行低,有竞争优势。
3.3 怎么干: 模式创新下的风险防范
综合这一方向的研究成果,主要有以下几种观点和见解。有观点认为: 互联网技术和金融的融合还没有达到非常合理、科学的地步,P2P 金融还会出现许多新问题。而当P2P 金融达到一定规模后,风险管控将会成为 P2P 金融健康发展的关键。如果对 P2P 金融进行监管,也将成为对 P2P监管者智慧的重要考验。有观点认为: 要对 P2P 金融进行风险管控,应该从对客户的征信做起,征信系统完善后,再对接借贷款双方,这样做虽然很辛苦,但可以规避许多风险,保障 P2P 金融行业的健康发展。同时,要明确行业监管的主体,为方便管理,应该进行属地管理。
3.4 谁来干: 金融领域干还是非金融领域干
综合这一方向的研究成果,主要有以下几种观点和见解。有观点认为: P2P 金融由有金融背景的团队来做更好;由于 P2P 金融是基于互联网的,有互联网基因,所以团队中应该有具有互联网知识和技能的专门性人才参加。有观点认为: P2P 金融既可以由传统金融转型发展而来,也可以由互联网公司创新而来,最后形成的团队,必须既有金融和投资知识、又有互联网知识。其中具有金融和投资方面知识的人员,要按照金融行业的规矩管控风险; 具有互联网方面知识的人员,要按照网络行业的规矩进行大数据分析,选定客户进行销售、客户维护,同时做好网络安全。有观点认为: P2P 金融代表了未来金融发展的方向,现在一些商业银行也大力发展 P2P 金融,但同时要防范风险向银行系统的转移,加大对 P2P 网络借贷平台的监管。
3.5 如何管: 跨界发展与分业监管
有观点认为: P2P 金融,从本质上讲,仍然是金融,与传统金融业相比,只不过是金融模式的变化,所以必须监管。如果不加强监管,就会出现跑路等问题,既对行业健康发展不利,又容易带来严重的社会问题,影响社会稳定。有观点认为: 在研究监管时,应该有国家投资基金,扶持这个领域中的顶层技术创新。P2P 金融作为一个新的金融业态,要对顶层提前进行研发,防止出现银行系统类似现在的问题。有观点认为: 欧洲、美国基于大数据的对个人的征信系统较为发达,可以有效防止欺诈行为。一是要尽快建立个人信用体系。二是要尽快建立 P2P 网络借贷的相关法律法规。三是要加强 P2P 网络借贷的行业自律。四是准入资格要非常清楚,实行备案注册制。
The small and medium-sized enterprise financing under P2P finance
Waitz M
Small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult is worldwide difficult problem. Article introduces the concept of the Internet financial, mainly summarized the P2P financial in the development of financial innovation and integration of science and technology, a combination of academic research on P2P financial now of the five directions of various views and opinions. Points out the current P2P financial problems in the development of risk control, and analyses the trend of the Internet financial.
Keywords: P2P financial; Financial innovation; Risk control
1 Introduction
Look from the history of enterprise development, a large enterprise originate from small and medium-sized enterprises. Small and medium-sized enterprises (smes) is the most dynamic part of the national economy, often walk in the forefront of technology development, in the high-tech industry, clean energy, green economy, etc, have good performance, play an important role in the economic transformation. Small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult is worldwide difficult problem. These small and medium-sized enterprise financing environment and narrow channels, more than 60% are unable to get a bank loan. At present, science and technology enterprises and the characteristics of light assets, financing difficulties, become a huge bottleneck of sustainable development.
2 The concept of the Internet financial
In the past two years, the Internet financial show explosive growth, since 2014, the Internet financial sector performance strength. Current economic field exists the phenomenon of two special contradiction, one is the small and medium-sized enterprises in the total number of enterprises accounted for a large, but the universal problems of financing difficulties; Second, folk idle capital, but in addition to the stock market and housing market, it is difficult to invest in other areas. And on the basis of the Internet, cloud computing, big data and highly fit market leads the development of the Internet financial, to solve these two problems, better serve the real economy, especially small and medium-sized enterprise development to create a good financial environment, but also for China's overtaking play an important role in the implementation of international competition corners.
Internet financial besides master client, also facilitate completes the upstream suppliers, downstream capital use party, the integration of point and point, combining with the characteristics of the Internet (P2P) and the nature of financial (capital).Based on the development of the Internet financial, financial supply ability is improved, inclusive to strengthen, can mobilize more financial resources, broader, more coverage, more decentralized, more diversified needs.
The Internet the most narrow financial concept is P2P (Peer - to - Peer Lend - ing) financial platform, the core of the P2P model is: on the web site has a qualification platform, the borrower credit information, and provide the loan project specific situation, the borrower's integrity and economic strength and other related information; Investors according to the platform to provide information, make decisions, and finally made a decision of to make loans to borrowers.P2P finance is a new kind of financial model, through the Internet and large data, make to minimize the asymmetric information,
this new financing channels, for individuals and businesses to provide great convenience, is a beneficial supplement of the existing banking system. Peer-to-peer (P2P) had a great influence on financial business in China. Traditional banking business model, mainly is the savings and loan business, P2P entirely new business models, deconstructs the traditional banking business model, breaking the monopoly of state-owned Banks, to a certain extent, in the form of fragmentation added to the drawback of the market.
P2P financial innovation of science and technology and financial integration development, the release of the science and technology system reform and the double dividend of financial reform, to introduce more financial products to serve the scientific and technological innovation, support the development of science and technology enterprises, solve to create light assets of small and mid-sized enterprise multidimensional financing difficulties; Also is helpful for financial innovation, find new investment direction, in order to obtain a higher return on investment.
In 2005, the world's first P2P Zopa, a financial company (Zone of Possi - ble Agreement) was founded in London. In 2006, the United States, the first a P2P financial company Prosper founded in California. In 2007, our country the first P2P finance company established on credit, at present, the P2P financial firms more than more than 300, traded as high as more than 200 one hundred million. Financial risk is a highly amplified industry, P2P financial with convenient Internet natural attributes, but relative to the traditional financial institutions, financial in the Internet's openness also determines the P2P web site platform, information security, etc, could be affected by a great deal of challenges, risk control will be more pressure.
3 The five direction of current P2P financial 3.1 What is: it is subversive or supplementary
Has view: P2P financial is the innovation of the Internet
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