On pursuing fashion
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On pursuing fashion
Nowadays, many people are keen to pursue fashion. They dress strangely, behave exaggeratedly and follow the so-called prevalence all the time. More and more people have become slaves of fashion. In my opinion, it’s high time that we scrutinized ourselves and returned to our own style――the natural beauty.
Among those fashions, plastic surgery is given priority to by most people. According to official estimates, there are about 1 million plastic surgery operations performed every year in China. Why are people so ardent about it?
Firstly, pursuing all-rounded beauty has been rooted profoundly in our social values. Being leggy, busty and skinny is widely accepted as the beauty standard. People who don’t own satisfying appearance have no choice but to do plastic surgery to cater to public appreciation of the beauty. It’s a tragedy actually. Perfect appearance will do you a favor in the job interview and many interviewers pay much attention to interviewee’s appearance. It’s ridiculous, isn’t it? How can we belittle a person if he or she is not pretty?
Secondly, many people want themselves to be outstanding and conspicuous. They follow those stars’ example to reshape themselves. Do you notice men these days are becoming more and more interested in how they look? Some men use makeup everyday, some of them even wear
jewelry. Every time you come near them you get a whiff of their cologne. And it’s said that one out of every ten people who get plastic surgery is male. People’s conception towards beauty is really tortured actually. Following the fashion blindly may lead to the lost of ourselves. We are beautiful because we are just who we are. Less imitation, more self-admiration.
All in all, we shouldn’t follow the fashion at the expense of our own health. The most beautiful person definitely has the most charming temperament while not only the outer appearance. Don’t be the slaves of fashion, and try to be yourself!
On pursuing fashion03-31
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