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Guidance for Industry
Immediate Release Solid Oral Dosage Forms
Scale-Up and Postapproval Changes: Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls, In
Vitro Dissolution Testing, and In Vivo Bioequivalence Documentation
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
November 1995
I. PURPOSE OF GUIDANCE (本指导原则的目的). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 II. DEFINITION OF TERMS(术语定义). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 III.COMPONENTS AND COMPOSITION(辅料成分或组成的变更). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 IV. SITE CHANGES(地点变更) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13 V. CHANGES IN BATCH SIZE (SCALE-UP/SCALE-DOWN)(批量大小(放大/缩小)的变更). .. . . . 16 VI. MANUFACTURING(生产变更) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 VII. IN VITRO DISSOLUTION (体外溶出试验). . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 VIII. IN VIVO BIOEQUIVALENCE STUDIES (体内生物等效性). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 IX. REFERENCES(参考文献) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 APPENDIX A: NARROW THERAPEUTIC RANGE DRUGS(附录A:治疗窗狭窄药物). . . . . . . . . A-1
This guidance provides recommendations to sponsors of new drug applications (NDA's), abbreviated new drug applications (ANDA's), and abbreviated antibiotic applications (AADA's) who intend, during the postapproval period, to change: 1) the components or composition; 2) the site of manufacture; 3) the scale-up/scale-down of manufacture; and/or 4) the manufacturing (process and equipment) of an immediate release oral formulation.
This guidance is the result of: 1) a workshop on the scale-up of immediate release drug products conducted by the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists in conjunction with the United States Pharmacopoeial Convention and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA); 2) research conducted by the University of Maryland at Baltimore on the chemistry, manufacturing and controls of immediate release drug products under the FDA/University of Maryland Manufacturing Research Contract; 3) the drug categorization research conducted at the University of Michigan and the University of Uppsala on the permeability of drug substances; and 4) the Scale-Up and Post Approval Changes (SUPAC) Task Force which was established by the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls Coordinating Committee to develop guidance on scale-up and other postapproval changes.
本指导原则是以下工作的成果:1)在美国药学科学家协会与美国药典委员会和FDA的指导下,进行速释药品放大生产的车间;2)在位于巴尔的摩的马里兰大学指导下,并在FDA/马里兰大学生产研究合同下的速释药品的化学、生产和控制的研究;3)在密歇根大学和乌普萨拉大学指导下的药品分类学研究中关于药物渗透性的研究;4)由药品评价和研究中心(CDER)化学、生产和控制协调委员会成立的放大生产和批准后变更(SUPAC)特别小组, 来制定关于放大生产和其它的批准后变更的指导原则。
The guidance defines: 1) levels of change; 2) recommended chemistry, manufacturing, and controls tests for each level of change; 3) in vitro dissolution tests and/or in vivo bioequivalence tests for each level of change; and 4) documentation that should support the change. For those changes filed in a “changes being effected supplement” *21 CFR 314.70(c)+, the FDA may, after a review of the supplemental information, decide that the changes are not approvable. This guidance thus sets forth application information that should be provided to CDER to assure continuing product quality and performance characteristics of an immediate release solid oral dose formulation for specified postapproval changes. This guidance does not comment on or otherwise affect compliance/inspection documentation that has been defined by CDER’s Office of Compliance or FDA’s Office of Regulatory Affairs. This guidance does not affect any
postapproval changes other than the ones specified. For changes not addressed in this guidance, or for multiple changes submitted at one time or over a short period of time, or where the number of batches needed for stability testing is not specified, sponsors should contact the appropriate CDER review division or consult other CDER guidances/guidelines to obtain information about tests and application documentation.
21 CFR 314.70(a) provides that applicants may make changes to an approved application in accordance with a guideline, notice, or regulation published in the FEDERAL REGISTER that provides for a less burdensome notification of the change (for example, by notification at the time a supplement is submitted or in the next annual report). This guidance permits less burdensome notice of certain postapproval changes within the meaning of § 314.70(a).
FDA 的法规(21 CFR 314.70(a))规定申请人可以根据发表在联邦登记(Federal Register)上的指导原则、通知或条例的规定,对所批准的申请内容实施变更,如此可以减轻繁重的变更通告量(举例而言,可以在递交补充申请时或在下一年年报中予以通告)。对于符合§ 314.70(a)的某些批准后变更,本指导原则允许减少通告量。
For postapproval changes for immediate release dosage forms that affect components and composition, scale-up, site change, and manufacturing process or equipment changes, this guidance supersedes the recommendations in section 4.G of the Office of Generic Drugs Policy and Procedure Guide 22-90 (September 11, 1990). For all other dosage forms and changes, this guidance does not affect the recommendations in Guide 22-90.
当速释制剂的批准后变更涉及成份和组成、生产规模放大、生产地点变化和生产工艺或设备改变时,本指导原则将代替仿制药办公室(OGD)制定的 Policy and Procedure Guide 22-90 (September 11, 1990)章节 4.G中提供的建议。但对于所有其他的剂型和变更,本指导原则不适用,仍应遵循Guide 22-90中的建议。
A. Batch 批
A specific quantity of a drug or other material produced according to a single manufacturing order during the same cycle of manufacture and intended to have uniform character and quality, within specified limits [21 CFR 210.3(b)(2)].
在同一个生产周期中,按照相同的生产规程制备的特定数量的药品或其它物料,并意图使其性质和质量在规定的限度内具有一致性。 B. Contiguous Campus 毗邻区域
Continuous or unbroken site or a set of buildings in adjacent city blocks. C.
连续的或未被隔断的地区,或者在毗邻街区内的一组建筑物。 Dissolution Testing溶出试验
Case A: Dissolution of Q = 85% in 15 minutes in 900 milliliters (mL) of 0.1N hydrochloride (HCl), using the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) <711> Apparatus 1 at 100 revolutions per minute (rpm) or Apparatus 2 at 50 rpm.
情况A:采用美国药典(USP)<711>装置1,转速为100rpm(转/分),或采用装置2,转速为50rpm,溶出介质为900mL 0.1N的HCl,药品15min内溶出限度达到85%。 Case B: Multi-point dissolution profile in the application/compendial medium at 15, 30, 45, 60, and 120 minutes or until an asymptote is reached for the proposed and currently accepted formulation.
Case C: Multi-point dissolution profiles performed in water, 0.1N HCl, and USP buffer media at pH 4.5, 6.5, and 7.5 (five separate profiles) for the proposed and currently accepted formulations. Adequate sampling should be performed at 15, 30, 45, 60, and 120 minutes until either 90% of drug from the drug product is dissolved or an asymptote is reached. A surfactant may be used with appropriate justification. 情况C:对变更后的产品和现行产品绘制多点溶出曲线,应选取水、0.1N的HCl,以及美国药典规定的3种pH分别为4.5,6.5和7.5的缓冲介质为溶出介质(5条独立的溶出曲线)。应采用充足的样品进行溶出度试验,取样点应选择15,30,45,60和120分钟直至药物累计溶出度达到90%或至稳态。在有恰当理由的情况下可使用表面活性剂。 Drug Product药品
A drug product is a finished dosage form (e.g., tablet, capsule, or solution) that contains a drug substance, generally, but not necessarily, in association with one or more other ingredients [21 CFR 314.3(b)]. A solid oral dosage form includes tablets, chewable tablets, capsules, and soft gelatin capsules.
药品是指已完工的剂型(比如片剂、胶囊或溶液),含有药物,一般还含有(但非必需)与其相关的一种或几种其它配料[21 CFR 314.3(b)]。固体口服剂型包括片剂、咀嚼片、胶囊和软胶囊。 Drug Substance原料药
An active ingredient that is intended to furnish pharmacological activity or other direct effect in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of a disease, or to affect the structure of any function of the human body, but does not include intermediates used in the synthesis of such ingredient [21 CFR 314.3(b)].
在疾病的诊断,治疗,症状缓解,处理或疾病的预防中发挥药理活性或其他直接作用,或者能影响人体的功能或结构的一种活性成分,不包括其制备过程中产生的中间体[21 CFR 314.3(b)]。 Equipment设备
Automated or non-automated, mechanical or non-mechanical equipment used to produce the drug product, including equipment used to package the drug product. 用于生产药物制剂的自动化或非自动化、机械式或非机械式的设备,包括包装设备。 Formulation处方
A listing of the ingredients and composition of the dosage form.
制剂中的一系列的配料和组分。 H. Justification 合理性证明
Reports containing scientific data and expert professional judgment to substantiate decisions. 用以证明决策合理的报告,其内容由科学数据和专家的专业评判组成。 I. New Drug Substance新原料药
Any substance that, when used in the manufacture, processing, or packing of a drug, causes that drug to be a new drug, but does not include intermediates used in the synthesis of such substance [21 CFR 310.3(g)]. 在药品生产、加工或包装过程中用到的使药品成为一种新药的物质。但不包括其合成中产生的中间体。
J. Operating Principle 工作原理
Rules or concepts governing the operation of the system. K.
用于指导系统运行的规则或理念。 Pilot Scale中试规模
The manufacture of either drug substance or drug product by a procedure fully representative of and simulating that used for full manufacturing scale.
For solid oral dosage forms this is generally taken to be, at a minimum, one-tenth that of full production, or 100,000 tablets or capsules, whichever is larger (see the FEDERAL REGISTER of Thursday, September 22, 1994, 59 FR 48754-59).
对于口服固体制剂,中试规模一般至少是生产规模的十分之一或者100,000片或胶囊,取其中值较大者(见联邦公报1994年9月22日)。 Process 工艺
A series of operations and/or actions used to produce a desired result. 为产生期望的结果而进行的一系列的操作和/行动。 Ranges 范围
The extent to which or the limits between which acceptable variation exists. 可接受的变化程度或范围 Same 相同
Agreeing in kind, amount; unchanged in character or condition.
种类和数量上的一致性;性质或状态不变。 O. Scale-up放大
The process of increasing the batch size.
批量放大的过程。 P. Scale-down 缩小
The process of decreasing the batch size. 批量缩小的过程。 Q. Similar 相似
Having a general likeness. 具有总体上的相似性。
R. Significant body of information大量信息
A significant body of information on the stability of the drug product is likely to exist
after five years of commercial experience for new molecular entities, or three years of commercial experience for new dosage forms.
对于新分子实体而言,制剂稳定性方面的大量信息可能会在上市后五年得到;对于新剂型而言,则可能为上市后三年。 S. Validation 验证
Establishing through documented evidence a high degree of assurance that a specific process will consistently produce a product that meets its predetermined specifications and quality attributes. A validated manufacturing process is one that has been proven to do what it purports or is represented to do. The proof of validation is obtained through collection and evaluation of data, preferably beginning from the process development phase and continuing through the production phase. Validation necessarily includes process qualification (the qualification of materials, equipment, systems, buildings, and personnel), but it also includes the control of the entire processes for repeated batches or runs.
This section of the guidance focuses on changes in excipients in the drug product. Changes in the amount of drug substance are not addressed by this guidance. Changes in components or composition that have the effect of adding a new excipient or deleting an excipient are defined at Level 3 (defined below), except as described below.
A. Level 1 Changes 1类变更
1. Definition of Level 定义
Level 1 changes are those that are unlikely to have any detectable impact on formulation quality and performance.
1类变更是指不会对制剂质量和性能产生可查知的影响的变更。 Examples: 例如:
a. Deletion or partial deletion of an ingredient intended to affect the color or
flavor of the drug product; or change in the ingredient of the printing ink to another approved ingredient.
b. Changes in excipients, expressed as percentage (w/w) of total formulation, less
than or equal to the following percent ranges:
EXCIPIENT辅料 Filler填充剂 Disintegrant 崩解剂 Binder 粘合剂 Starch 淀粉 Other其他 Calcium(Ca) or Magnesium(Mg) Stearate 硬脂酸钙或硬脂酸镁 Other其他 Glidant 助流剂 Film Coat 薄膜衣 Talc滑石粉 Other其他 ±1 ±1 ±0.1 ±1 PERCENT EXCIPIENT (w/w) OUT OF TOTAL TARGET DOSAGE FORM WEIGHT 辅料与整个片剂重量的百分比(w/w) ±5 ±3 ±1 ±0.5 Lubricant 润滑剂 ±0.25 These percentages are based on the assumption that the drug substance in the product is formulated to 100% of label/potency. The total additive effect of all excipient changes should not be more than 5%. (Example: In a product consisting of active ingredient A, lactose, microcrystalline cellulose and magnesium stearate, the lactose and microcrystalline cellulose should not vary by more than an absolute total of 5% (e.g. lactose increases 2.5% and microcrystalline cellulose decreases by 2.5%) relative to the target dosage form weight if it is to stay within the Level 1 range).
The components (active and excipients) in the formulation should have numerical targets which represent the nominal composition of the drug product on which any future changes in the composition of the product are to be based. Allowable changes in the composition should be based on the approved target composition and not on previous Level 1 changes in the composition.
2. Test Documentation试验资料
a. Chemistry Documentation化学资料
Application/compendial release requirements and stability testing.
Stability testing: one batch on long-term stability data reported in annual report. 申报资料/药典要求的资料和在年报中提供的稳定性试验资料。 稳定性试验资料:在年报中提交一批长期稳定性数据 b. Dissolution Documentation溶出研究资料
None beyond application/compendial requirements. 申报资料/药典要求的资料,不需其他资料。
c. In Vivo Bioequivalence Documentation体内生物等效性资料
3. Filing Documentation归档文件
Annual report (all information including long-term stability data).
B. Level 2 Changes 2类变更
1. Definition of Level定义
Level 2 changes are those that could have a significant impact on formulation quality and performance. Tests and filing documentation for a Level 2 change vary depending on three factors: therapeutic range, solubility, and permeability. Therapeutic range is defined as either narrow or non-narrow. A list of narrow therapeutic range drugs is provided in Appendix A. Drug solubility and drug permeability are defined as either low or high. Solubility is calculated based on the minimum concentration of drug, milligram/milliliter (mg/mL), in the largest dosage strength, determined in the physiological pH range (pH 1 to 8) and temperature (37 + 0.5oC). High solubility drugs are those with a dose/solubility volume of less than or equal to 250 mL. (Example: Compound A has as its lowest solubility at 37 + 0.5 C, 1.0 mg/mL at pH 7, and is available in 100 mg, 200 mg and 400 mg strengths. This drug would be considered a low solubility drug as its dose/solubility volume is greater than 250mL (400 mg/1.0 mg/mL=400 mL). Permeability (Pe, centimeter per second) is e defined as the effective human jejunal wall permeability of a drug and includes an apparent resistance to mass transport to the intestinal membrane. High permeability drugs are generally those with an extent of absorption greater than 90% in the absence of documented instability in the gastrointestinal tract, or those whose permeability attributes have been determined experimentally).
2类变更的试验和归档文件的改变取决于3种因素:治疗范围,溶解性和渗透性。治疗范围被定义为治疗范围狭窄或非狭窄两类。治疗范围狭窄药物的列表见附录A。药物的溶解性和渗透性均被定义为低或高两类。溶解性是根据药物的最大应用剂量在生理pH范围(pH 1-8)和生理温度(37+ 0.5℃)条件下,计算得出的药物的最低浓度(mg/mL)。高溶解性药物是指溶解单位剂量药物体积小于等于250ml的药物。(例如化合物A,在37 + 0.5 C, pH 7条件下的最低溶解度为1.0 mg/mL,且其可应用的剂量为100mg,200 mg和400 mg。那么认为该药物为低溶解性药物,因为其剂量/溶解度的值大于250mL(400mg/1.0mg =
a. Change in the technical grade of an excipient. (Example: Avicel PH102 vs.
Avicel PH200.)
一种辅料技术等级的改变。(例如:Avicel PH102改为Avicel PH200.)
b. Changes in excipients, expressed as percent (w/w) of total formulation, greater
than those listed above for a Level 1 change but less than or equal to the following percent ranges (which represent a two fold increase over Level 1 changes):
辅料用量的改变,以处方总质量的百分比(w/w)计算,大于上述的1类变更,但小于或等于以下百分比范围(其代表超过1类变更2倍的增加)。 EXCIPIENT辅料 Filler填充剂 Disintegrant 崩解剂 Binder 粘合剂 Starch 淀粉 Other其他 Calcium(Ca) or Magnesium(Mg) Stearate 硬脂酸钙或硬脂酸镁 Other其他 Glidant 助流剂 Film Coat 薄膜衣 Talc滑石粉 Other其他 ±2 ±2 ±0.2 ±2 PERCENT EXCIPIENT (w/w) OUT OF TOTAL TARGET DOSAGE FORM WEIGHT 辅料与整个片剂重量的百分比(w/w) ±10 ±6 ±2 ±1 Lubricant 润滑剂 ±0.5
These percentages are based on the assumption that the drug substance in the drug product is formulated to 100% of label/potency. The total additive effect of all excipient changes should not change by more than 10%
The components (active and excipients) in the formulation should have numerical targets that represent the nominal composition of the product on which any future changes in the composition of the product are to be based. Allowable changes in
the composition should be based on the approved target composition and not on the composition based on previous Level 1 or Level 2 changes.
2. Test Documentation 实验资料
a. Chemistry Documentation 化学资料
Application/compendial release requirements and batch records.
Stability testing: 1 batch with 3 months accelerated stability data in supplement and 1 batch on long-term stability.
稳定性试验资料:1批样品的3个月的加速稳定性试验数据(在补充申请中提供),以及1批样品的长期稳定性试验数据。 b. Dissolution Documentation 溶出研究资料
Case A: High Permeability, High Solubility Drugs情况A:高渗透性、高溶解性药物
Dissolution of 85% in 15 minutes in 900 mL of 0.1N HCl. If a drug product fails to meet this criterion, the applicant should perform the tests described for Case B or C (below).
以900mL 0.1N的HCl溶液为溶出介质,药物的溶出度可在15min内达到85%。如果药物未达到此标准,那么该药的申报应执行如情况B或C(下文)所述的试验。
Case B: Low Permeability, High Solubility Drugs 情况B:低渗透性、高溶解性药物
Multi-point dissolution profile should be performed in the application/compendial medium at 15, 30, 45, 60 and 120 minutes or until an asymptote is reached. The dissolution profile of the proposed and currently used product formulations should be similar.
Case C: High Permeability, Low Solubility Drugs 情况C:高渗透性,低溶解性药物
Multi-point dissolution profiles should be performed in water, 0.1 N HCl, and USP buffer media at pH 4.5, 6.5, and 7.5 (five separate profiles) for the proposed and currently accepted formulations. Adequate sampling should be performed at 15, 30, 45, 60, and 120 minutes until either 90% of drug from the drug product is dissolved or an asymptote is reached. A surfactant may be used, but only with appropriate justification. The dissolution profile of the proposed and currently used product formulations should be similar.
c. In Vivo Bioequivalence Documentation 体内生物等效性资料
None: if the situation does not meet the description in Case A, Case B or Case C, refer to Level 3 changes. 不需要:如果变更不满足情况A、B或情况C所描述的情形,请参考第3类变更。
3. Filing Documentation 归档文件
Prior approval supplement (all information including accelerated stability data); annual report (long-term stability data). 此前批准的补充文件(所有信息,包括加速稳定性试验数据);年报(长期稳定性试验数据)
C. Level 3 Changes 3类变更
1. Definition of Level 定义
Level 3 changes are those that are likely to have a significant impact on formulation quality and performance.
Tests and filing documentation vary depending on the following three factors: therapeutic range, solubility, and permeability.
试验和归档文件根据因三个因素而不同:治疗窗、溶解度、渗透性。 Examples: 例如
a. Any qualitative and quantitative excipient changes to a narrow therapeutic drug
beyond the ranges noted in Section III.A.1.b.
治疗窗狭窄药物处方中辅料的质和量的改变超出章节III.A.1.b.规定的范围。 b. All other drugs not meeting the dissolution criteria under Section III.B.2.b.
c. Changes in the excipient ranges of low solubility, low permeability drugs
beyond those listed in Section III.A.1.b.
低溶解性、低渗透性药物处方辅料的变更超出了章节III.A.1.b.规定的范围。 d. Changes in the excipient ranges of all drugs beyond those listed in Section
2. Test Documentation 试验资料
a. Chemistry Documentation 化学资料
Application/compendial release requirements and batch records. 申报资料/药典要求的资料和批记录。
Significant body of information available: (已积累大量信息的情况)
One batch with three months accelerated stability data reported in supplement; one batch on long-term stability data reported in annual report.
Significant body of information not available: (未积累大量信息的情况)
Up to three batches with three months accelerated stability data reported in supplement; one batch on long-term stability data reported in annual report.
b. Dissolution Documentation 溶出研究资料
Case B dissolution profile as described in Section III.B.2.b. 在章节III.B.2.b中规定的情况B的溶出曲线。
c. In Vivo Bioequivalence Documentation 体内生物等效性试验资料
Full bioequivalence study. The bioequivalence study may be waived with an acceptable in vivo/in vitro correlation has been verified.
3. Filing Documentation 归档文件
Prior approval supplement (all information including accelerated stability data); annual report (long-term stability data).
Site changes consist of changes in location of the site of manufacture for both company-owned and contract manufacturing facilities and do not include any scale-up changes, changes in manufacturing (including process and/or equipment), or changes in components or composition. Scale-up is addressed in Section V of this guidance. New manufacturing locations should have a satisfactory current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) inspection.
A. Level 1 Changes 1类变更
1. Definition of Level 定义
Level 1 changes consist of site changes within a single facility where the same equipment, standard operating procedures (SOP's), environmental conditions (e.g., temperature and humidity) and controls, and personnel common to both manufacturing sites are used, and where no changes are made to the manufacturing batch records, except for administrative information and the location of the facility. Common is defined as employees already working on the campus who have suitable experience with the manufacturing process
2. Test Documentation 试验资料
a. Chemistry Documentation 化学资料
None beyond application/compendial release requirements.
申报资料/药典要求的资料,不需要其它资料。 b. Dissolution Documentation 溶出研究资料
None beyond application/compendial release requirements. 申报资料/药典要求的资料,不需要其它资料
c. In Vivo Bioequivalence Documentation 体内生物等效性资料
None. 不需要
3. Filing Documentation 归档文件
Annual report. 年报
B. Level 2 Changes 2类变更
1. Definition of Level 定义
Level 2 changes consist of site changes within a contiguous campus, or between facilities in adjacent city blocks, where the same equipment, SOP's, environmental conditions (e.g., temperature and humidity) and controls, and personnel common to both manufacturing sites are used, and where no changes are made to the manufacturing batch records, except for administrative information and the location of the facility. 2类变更是指变更前后的生产地点位于毗邻区域,或在毗邻的街区,且变更前后的生产设备,标准操作规范,环境条件(比如温度和湿度)、质量控制和人员素质应完全一致,生产记录中除了管理信息和生产地点外,其它内容不得改变。 2. Test Documentation 试验资料
a. Chemistry Documentation 化学资料
Location of new site and updated batch records. None beyond application/compendial release requirements.
One batch on long-term stability data reported in annual report.
在年报中提供一批的长期稳定性试验数据。 b. Dissolution Documentation 溶出研究资料
None beyond application/compendial release requirements.
c. In Vivo Bioequivalence Documentation 体内生物等效性资料
None. 不需要
3. Filing Documentation 归档文件
Changes being effected supplement; annual report (long- term stability test data). 实施变更的补充申请资料;年报(长期稳定性试验数据)。
C. Level 3 Changes 3类变更
1. Definition of Level 定义
Level 3 changes consist of a change in manufacturing site to a different campus. A different campus is defined as one that is not on the same original contiguous site or where the facilities are not in adjacent city blocks. To qualify as a Level 3 change, the same equipment, SOP's, environmental conditions, and controls should be used in the
manufacturing process at the new site, and no changes may be made to the manufacturing batch records except for administrative information, location and language translation, where needed.
3类变更是指变更前后的生产地点位于不同的区域。不同区域是指位于变更前生产地点的非毗连的地点或非毗邻的街区。达到3类变更的要求,变更前后的生产设备、标准操作规范、环境条件和质量控制应一致,批记录中除了管理信息、生产地点和翻译的语言(如果需要的话)外,其它内容不得改变。 2. Test Documentation 试验资料
a. Chemistry Documentation 化学资料
Location of new site and updated batch records. Application/compendial release requirements. 生产地点变更声明和最新的批记录。 申报资料/药典要求的资料。 Stability: 稳定性研究资料
Significant body of data available: (已积累大量信息的情况)
One batch with three months accelerated stability data reported in supplement; one batch on long-term stability data reported in annual report.
Significant body of data not available: (未积累大量信息的情况)
Up to three batches with three months accelerated stability data reported in supplement; up to three batches on long- term stability data reported in annual report.
b. Dissolution Documentation 溶出试验资料
Case B: 情况B:
Multi-point dissolution profile should be performed in the application/compendial medium at 15, 30, 45, 60 and 120 minutes or until an asymptote is reached. The dissolution profile of the drug product at the current and proposed site should be similar.
c. In Vivo Bioequivalence Documentation 体内生物等效性试验资料
None. 不需要
3. Filing Documentation 归档文件
Changes being effected supplement; annual report (long-term stability data). 实施变更的补充申请资料;年报(长期稳定性试验数据)。
V. CHANGES IN BATCH SIZE (SCALE-UP/SCALE-DOWN) 批量变更(生产规模的放大/缩小) Postapproval changes in the size of a batch from the pivotal/pilot scale biobatch material to larger or smaller production batches call for submission of additional information in the
application. Scale-down below 100,000 dosage units is not covered by this guidance. All scale-up changes should be properly validated and, where needed, inspected by appropriate agency personnel.
批准后,将生产规模从制备生物批的中试规模(pivotal/pilot scale)进行放大或缩小需要提交补充申请资料。生产规模缩小到10万剂量单位以下的变更不属于本指导原则范畴。对所有生产规模放大的变更均应进行合理的验证,并且必要时应由合适的代理人进行核查。
A. Level 1 Changes 1类变更
1. Definition of Level 定义
Change in batch size, up to and including a factor of 10 times the size of the pilot/biobatch, where: 1) the equipment used to produce the test batch(es) is of the same design and operating principles; 2) the batch(es) is (are) manufactured in full compliance with CGMP's; and 3) the same standard operating procedures (SOP's) and controls, as well as the same formulation and manufacturing procedures, are used on the test batch(es) and on the full-scale production batch(es).
生产规模的变更在原中试规模/生物批的10倍以内,并且与中试规模相比,1)试验批所用生产设备应具有相同的设计和工作原理;2)生产过程应完全符合cGMP的要求;3)试验批和全规模生产批应采用相同的标准操作规范、质量控制方法,以及相同的处方和生产步骤。 2. Test Documentation 试验资料
a. Chemistry Documentation 化学资料
Application/compendial release requirements. Notification of change and submission of updated batch records in annual report. One batch on long-term stability reported in annual report.
申报资料/药典要求的资料。批量变更声明和在年报中提交的新的批记录。 b. Dissolution Documentation 溶出研究资料
None beyond application/compendial release requirements. 申报资料/药典要求的资料,不需要其他资料。 c. In Vivo Bioequivalence 体内生物等效性资料
None. 不需要
3. Filing Documentation 归档文件
Annual report (long-term stability data).
B. Level 2 Changes 2类变更
1. Definition of Level 定义
Changes in batch size beyond a factor of ten times the size of the pilot/biobatch, where: 1) the equipment used to produce the test batch(es) is of the same design and operating principles; 2) the batch(es) is (are) manufactured in full compliance with CGMP'S; and 3) the same SOP's and controls as well as the same formulation and manufacturing procedures are used on the test batch(es) and on the full-scale production batch(es).
以及相同的处方和生产步骤。 2. Test Documentation 试验资料
a. Chemistry Documentation 化学资料
Application/compendial release requirements. Notification of change and submission of updated batch records.
申报资料/药典要求的资料。批量变更声明和在年报中提交的新的批记录。 Stability testing: One batch with three months accelerated stability data and one batch on long-term stability.
稳定性试验:一批3个月的加速稳定性试验和一批长期稳定性试验。 b. Dissolution Documentation 溶出研究资料
Case B testing. 按情况B进行溶出试验研究。 c. In Vivo Bioequivalence 体内生物等效性资料
None. 不需要
3. Filing Documentation 归档文件
Changes being effected supplement; annual report (long-term stability data). 实施变更的补充申请资料;年报(长期稳定性试验数据)。
Manufacturing changes may affect both equipment used in the manufacturing process and the process itself. 生产变更可能造成两方面的影响,即生产过程中使用的设备以及生产工艺本身。 A. Equipment 生产设备的变更
1. Level 1 Changes 1类变更
a. Definition of Change 定义
This category consists of: 1) change from non-automated or non-mechanical equipment to automated or mechanical equipment to move ingredients; and 2) change to alternative equipment of the same design and operating principles of the same or of a different capacity.
b. Test Documentation 试验资料
i. Chemistry Documentation 化学资料
Application/compendial release requirements. Notification of change and submission of updated batch records.
Stability testing: One batch on long-term stability.
ii. Dissolution Documentation 溶出研究资料
None beyond application/compendial release requirements. 申报资料/药典要求的资料,不需要其他资料。
iii. In Vivo Bioequivalence Documentation 体内生物等效性资料
None. 不需要
c. Filing Documentation 归档文件
Annual report (long-term stability data). 年报(长期稳定性试验数据)
2. Level 2 Changes 2类变更
a. Definition of Level 定义
Change in equipment to a different design and different operating principles. 设备的设计和工作原理的改变。 b. Test Documentation 化学资料
i. Chemistry Documentation
Application/compendial release requirements. Notification of change and submission of updated batch records.
Stability testing: 稳定性试验:
Significant body of data available:(已积累大量信息的情况)
One batch with three months accelerated stability data reported in supplement; one batch on long-term stability data reported in annual report.
Significant body of data not available:(未积累大量信息的情况)
Up to three batches with three months accelerated stability data reported in supplement; up to three batches on long-term stability data reported in annual report. 补充申请资料中应提供3批3个月的加速稳定性试验数据;在年报中提供3批长期稳定性试验数据
ii. Dissolution Documentation 溶出研究资料
Case C dissolution profile. 情况C的溶出曲线图。
iii. In Vivo Bioequivalence Documentation 体内生物等效性资料
None. 不需要
c. Filing Documentation 归档文件
Prior approval supplement with justification for change; annual report (long-term stability data).
B. Process 生产工艺的变更
1. Level 1 Changes 1类变更
a. Definition of Level 定义
This category includes process changes including changes such as mixing times and operating speeds within application/validation ranges.
此类所指的工艺变更为在申报/验证范围内的变更,如混合时间和运行速度。 b. Test Documentation 试验资料
i. Chemistry Documentation 化学资料
None beyond application/compendial release requirements.
ii. Dissolution Documentation
None beyond application/compendial release requirements. 申报资料/药典要求的资料,不需要其他资料。
iii. in Vivo Bioequivalence Documentation 体内生物等效性资料
None. 不需要
c. Filing Documentation 归档文件
Annual report. 年报
2. Level 2 Changes 2类变更
a. Definition of Level 定义
This category includes process changes including changes such as mixing times and operating speeds outside of application/validation ranges.
此类所指的工艺变更为超出申报/验证范围的变更,如混合时间和运行速度。 b. Test Documentation 试验资料
i. Chemistry Documentation 化学资料
Application/compendial release requirements. Notification of change and submission of updated batch records.
Stability testing: One batch on long-term stability.
ii. Dissolution Documentation 溶出研究资料
Case B dissolution profile. 情况B的溶出曲线图。
iii. In Vivo Bioequivalence Documentation 体内生物等效性资料
None. 不需要
c. Filing Documentation 归档文件
Changes being effected supplement; annual report (long-term stability data). 此前批准的补充申请资料及变更的验证资料;年报(长期稳定性试验数据)。
3. Level 3 Changes 3类变更
a. Definition of Level 定义
This category includes change in the type of process used in the manufacture of the product, such as a change from wet granulation to direct compression of dry powder.
b. Test Documentation 试验资料
i. Chemistry Documentation 化学资料
Application/compendial release requirements. Notification of change and submission of updated batch records.
Stability testing: 稳定性试验
Significant body of data available: (已积累大量信息的情况)
One batch with three months accelerated stability data
reported in supplement; one batch on long-term stability data reported in annual report.
Significant body of data not available: (未积累大量信息的情况)
Up to three batches with three months accelerated stability data reported in supplement; up to three batches on long-term stability data reported in annual report.
ii. Dissolution Documentation 溶出研究资料
Case B dissolution. 按情况B进行溶出研究。
iii. In Vivo Bioequivalence Documentation 体内生物等效性资料
In vivo bioequivalence study. The bioequivalence study may be waived if a suitable in vivo/in vitro correlation has been verified. 体内生物等效性研究。如果已合理地证明了体内外相关性,可免除生物等效性研究。
c. Filing Documentation 归档文件
Prior approval supplement with justification; annual report (long-term stability data).
See current United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary, section <711>, for general dissolution specifications. All profiles should be conducted on at least 12individual dosage units. 参见现行版的美国药典/国家处方集,第<711>章。所有溶出曲线都应采用至少12个剂量单位进行试验。
Dissolution profiles may be compared using the following equation that defines a similarity factor (f2): 溶出曲线的相似性可用以下方程进行比较,其中相似性以相似因子f2表示:
f2 = 50 LOG {[1+1/n ∑nt=1 (Rt -Tt )2 ] -0.5 x 100}
where Rt and Tt are the percent dissolved at each time point. An f2 value between 50 and 100 suggests the two dissolution profiles are similar.
Below is a general outline of an in vivo bioequivalence study. It is intended as a guide and the design of the actual study may vary depending on the drug and dosage form.
A. Objective: 目的
To compare the rate and extent of absorption of the drug product for which the manufacture has been changed, as defined in this guidance, to the drug product manufactured prior to the change.
B. Design: 试验设计
The study design should be a single dose, two-treatment, two-period crossover with adequate washout period between the two phases of the study. Equal numbers of subjects should be randomly assigned to each of the two dosing sequences. 此项研究的实验设计应该为单剂量,两种处理,两周期交叉试验研究,在两个阶段的研究之间应有充足的清除期。应将相同数量的受试者随机分配到每组。 C. Selection of Subjects: 受试者的选择
The number of subjects enrolled in the bioequivalence study should be determined statistically to account for the intrasubject variability and to meet the current bioequivalence interval. 进行生物等效性试验的受试者数量应该由统计学分析确定,应考虑到受试者内的变异性并达到目前的生物等效区间。 D. Procedure: 试验步骤
Each subject should receive the following two treatments:
Treatment 1: Product manufactured with the proposed change. Treatment 2: Product manufactured prior to the proposed change.
Following an overnight fast of at least 10 hours, subjects should receive either Treatments 1 or 2 above with 240 mL water. Food should not be allowed until 4 hours after dosing. Water may be allowed after the first hour. Subjects should be served standardized meals beginning at 4 hours during the study. 每个受试者应接受以下两种治疗方法: 治疗方法1:变更后的药品。 治疗方法2:变更前的药品。
在经过至少10小时的通宵禁食之后,受试者需用240mL水按治疗方法1或2服用药物。在服药后4小时内不得进食。受试者在服药1小时后可以饮水。应于每天服药4小时后给受试者提供标准餐。 E. Restrictions: 限制条件
Prior to and during each study phase, water may be allowed ad libitum except for 1 hour before and after drug administration. The subject should be served standardized meals and beverages at specified times. No alcohol or xanthine- or caffeine-containing foods and beverages should be consumed for 48 hours prior to each study period and until after the last blood sample is collected. 在研究开始前和研究过程中,受试者在除服药前后1小时以外的时间里可随意饮水。应在规定的时间为受试者提供标准餐饮。在每次试验开始前和最后一个血液样品收集结束后的48小时内,受试者不得进食含酒精、黄嘌呤或咖啡因的食物或饮料。 F. Blood Sampling: 血样的采集:
Blood samples should be collected in sufficient volume for analysis of parent drug and active metabolite(s), if any. The sampling times should be such that it should be able to capture the Cmax and Tmax during the absorption period. Sampling should be carried out for at least three terminal elimination half-lives for both parent drug and active metabolite(s). Whole blood, plasma or serum, whichever is appropriate for the analytes, should be harvested promptly and samples should be frozen at -20 oC or -70 oC to maintain sample stability.
求。取样时间的选取应能够获得吸收过程中的Cmax和Tmax。取样应能够检测两个母体药物和活性代谢物的至少3个终末消除半衰期。全血、血浆或血清,无论哪种适用于检测,都应迅速取样,而且样品应在-20℃或-70℃下冷冻保存以保持其稳定性。 G. Analytical Method: 分析方法
The assay methodology selected should ensure specificity, accuracy, interday and intraday precision, linearity of standard curves, and adequate sensitivity, recovery, and stability of the samples under the storage and handling conditions associated with the analytical method. 试验所选择的分析方法应该具备良好的专属性、准确度、日内日间精密度,同时要有良好的线性,足够的灵敏度和重现性,此外还应保证样品在储存和处理过程中稳定。
H. Pharmacokinetic Analysis: 药代动力学分析
From the plasma drug concentration-time data, AUC0-t , AUC0-inf , Cmax, Tmax, Kel and t1/2 should be estimated. 应根据血药浓度-时间数据,计算AUC0-t , AUC0-inf , Cmax, Tmax, Kel and t1/2值。 I. Statistical Analysis: 统计分析
Analysis of variance appropriate for a crossover design on the pharmacokinetic parameters using the general linear models procedures of SAS or an equivalent program should be performed, with examination of period, sequence and treatment effects. The 90% confidence intervals for the estimates of the difference between the test and reference least squares means for the pharmacokinetic parameters (AUC0-t, AUC0-inf, Cmax) should be calculated, using the two one-sided t-test procedure.
使用SAS中的普通线性模型程序或其他相似的程序对采用交叉实验设计所获得的药动学参数进行方差分析,并考虑给药周期,顺序和治疗效应。采用双侧t检验计算实验组与对照组药动学参数(AUC 0-t, AUC0-inf, Cmax)的最小二乘均数,以90%置信区间来评价组间差异。
A. Code of Federal Regulations 210.3(b)(2) and (10), 310.3(b) and (g), and 320.1(a) and
B. FDA/University of Maryland Manufacturing Research Contract Summary.
C. Federal Register. Vol. 59, No. 183, Thursday, September 22, 1994, pages 48754-59. D. “Guideline for Industry: Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products,” U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, September 1994. E. “Guideline for Submitting Documentation for the Manufacture of and Controls for
Drug Products,” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, February 1987.
F. Policy and Procedure Guide #22-90: “Interim Policy on Exceptions to the Batch-Size
and Production Condition Requirements for Non-Antibiotic, Solid, Oral-Dosage Form Drug Products Supporting Proposed ANDA’s”, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Office of Generic Drugs, September 13, 1990
G. Workshop Report: Scale up of Immediate Release Oral Solid Dosage Forms,
Pharmaceutical Research, 10 (2): 313-16, Skelly et al.
Narrow Therapeutic Range Drugs
Aminophylline Tablets, ER Tablets 氨茶碱片,缓释片
Carbamazepine Tablets, Oral Suspension 卡马西平片,口服混悬剂 Clindamycin Hydrochloride Capsules 盐酸克林霉素胶囊 Clonidine Hydrochloride Tablets 盐酸可乐定片 Clonidine Transdermal Patches 可乐定透皮贴剂 Dyphylline Tablets 二羟丙茶碱片
Disopyramide Phosphate Capsules, ER Capsules 磷酸丙吡胺胶囊,缓释胶囊
Ethinyl Estradiol/Progestin Oral Contraceptive Tablets 乙炔雌二醇/黄体酮口服避孕药 Guanethidine Sulfate Tablets 硫酸胍乙啶片
Isoetharine Mesylate Inhalation Aerosol 甲磺酸乙基异丙肾上腺素吸入气雾剂 Isoproterenol Sulfate Tablets 硫酸异丙肾上腺素片
Lithium Carbonate Capsules, Tablets, ER Tablets 碳酸锂胶囊,片剂,缓释片 Metaproterenol Sulfate Tablets 硫酸奥西那林片 Minoxidil Tablets 米诺地尔片
Oxtriphylline Tablets, DR Tablets, ER Tablets 胆茶碱片,迟释片,缓释片
Phenytoin, Sodium Capsules (Prompt or Extended), Oral Suspension 苯妥英钠胶囊(速释或缓释),口服混悬剂
Prazosin Hydrochloride Capsules 盐酸哌唑嗪胶囊
Primidone Tablets, Oral Suspension 普里米酮片,口服混悬剂
Procainamide Hydrochloride, Capsules, Tablets, ER Tablets 盐酸普鲁卡因胺胶囊,片剂,缓释片 Quinidine Sulfate Capsules, Tablets, ER Tablets 硫酸奎尼丁胶囊,片剂,缓释片 Quinidine Gluconate Tablets, ER Tablets 葡萄糖酸奎尼丁片,缓释片
Theophylline Capsules, ER Capsules, Tablets, ER Tablets 茶碱胶囊,缓释胶囊,片剂,缓释片 Valproic Acid Capsules, Syrup 丙戊酸胶囊,糖浆
Divalproex, Sodium DR Capsules, DR Tablets双丙戊酸钠迟释胶囊,迟释片 Warfarin, Sodium Tablets 华法林钠片 ER - Extended Release ER-缓释 DR - Delayed Release DR-迟释
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