
更新时间:2023-09-03 06:07:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



1.历史在发展。 2.我们都呼吸、吃饭且喝水。

3.太阳从东方升起,西方落下。 4.孩子们是我们的快乐、希望和未来。

5.鱼在热天容易变坏。 6.他整天都保持沉默。

7.那个女孩看起来很高兴。 8.他知道一些法语和英语。

9.他喜欢玩篮球。 10.我不知道下一步要做什么。

11.我们能够学会新知识。 12.我们的老师给我么讲述了一个有趣的故事。

13.你愿意帮我一个忙吗? 14.老师吧书给了那个小女孩。

15.他妈妈出示给我一些老照片。 16.请给我买两张电影票。

17.警察把钱包递给他的妹妹。 18.我想要把每件事在七点钟前准备好。

19.那个老板发现有人在教室里面读书。 20.他们看到火车离开了车站。

21.所有的学生都选汤姆做班长。 22.我们认为你的建议很有用。


1.英国、美国和澳大利亚都是讲英语的国家。 2.最后,布朗和他的朋友互换了礼物。

3.他穿上衣服、起了床,走了出去。 4.火车已于下午三点钟时到了。

5.当时,电话铃声响了。 6.昨天晚上,我的胃疼。

7.很快,彩虹消失了。 8.今天上午,他在家里打碎了一个杯子。

9.中国拥有大量的煤和天然气。 10.在晚会上,我们过得很开心。

11.他喜欢读一些有趣的书。 12.他向我展示了一台新电脑。

13. 这个公司去年提供了我一份好工作。 14.你们应该支付我十美元。

15.他们叫我汤姆。 16.你最好保持这条狗在屋子外面。

17.农夫们必须保持土壤处于良好的状态。 18.我看到工人们正在车间里工作。

19.他提高了声音目的是使自己被别人听到。 20.他将找人修房子。


1.铃声正在响,并且这节课结束了。 2.我正在工作,而我的同事在浏览网站。

3.多穿些衣服,否则你会感冒的。 4.昨天晚上一定下雨了,因为地面是湿的。

5.我的自行车坏了,因此我走着回家。 6.他谈得很少,但他想的很多。

7.Mary 喜欢音乐和舞蹈,并且她唱的非常好。 8.或者他来这,或者我去那。


11.我没有看过这部小说,我也不知道它的作者。 12.努力,你就能赶上其他人的。

13.下个月我要去上海,届时我要访问几个朋友。 14.不是你疯了,就是我疯了。

15.快点,否则我们会上学迟到了。 16.再多几分钟我会把任务完成得更好。 巩固练习:











1. On Sunday afternoon, I always have a bath, ____ a children’s programme on TV and do some shopping. A. watched B. watching C. to watch D. watch

2. She got down to work after supper ____ the report two hours later.

A. finished B. to finish C. having finished D. and finished

3. Would you like to have a rest ____ shall we get down to work at once?

A. and B. then C. or D. because

4. My name is Robert, ____ most of my friends call me Bob for short.

A. then B. instead C. however D. but

5.Also rail travel is very safe and I am never sick on a train ____ I am on a ship.

A. when B. while C. like D. and

6. I was going to be late ____ the manager wasn’t going to be pleased.

A.as B. but C. and D. or

7.Tom took the first prize, ____ was a wonderful achievement for a small child.

A. and it B. this C. that D. and which

8. We’re going to the bookstore in John’s car. You can come with us ____ you can meet us there later. A. but B. and C. or D. then

9. They haven’t enough to eat, they ____ in dirty surroundings, and diseases are common.

A. living B. to live C. live D. lived

10. John wanted to play basketball; ____, it was raining and he stayed at home.

A. however B. or C. and D. but

11. Follow your doctor’s advice, ____ your cough will get worse.

A. or B. and C. then D. so

12. Lose one hour in the morning ____ you will be looking for it the rest of the day.

A. but B. and C. or D. so

13. ____straight on and you’ll see a church. You won’t miss it

A. Go B. Going C. If you go D. When going

14. –English has large vocabulary, hasn’t it?

--Yes.___more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and communicate.

A. Know B. Knowing C. To know D. Known


1. The cake tastes deliciously. Would you like to taste it?

2. My bag was disappeared suddenly. I was very worried.

3. It’s a wonderful place. I’d like to visit again very much.

4. I remember lending you the necklace, but you brought it back for me the next day.

5. Will you please change this ten-yuan note to me?

间接宾语在句中通常位于直接宾语之前,如果位于其后,间接宾语之前须加介词to表示动作对谁做,或者加for表示动作为谁做。下列动词要用带for 间接宾语:

Prepare make order catch save chang buy\get cook find cut spare build fix do choose keep leave I bought her a book. = I bought a book for her. He gave me the newspaper. = He gave the newspaper to me.


