
更新时间:2023-05-06 21:07:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载







Make a list of the persons that you should give a “like” button

Tell us one of the experiences that you clicked a “like” button

What could you learn from him/her?

【答案】I should give my uncle a “like” button. He is very tall and very strong. He punishes the bad people and protect the good people. He always helps others. He is my hero. He works hard.When I grow up, I want to be a policeman like my uncle. I want to help people and protect them, so they can live a safe life.

【解析】这是一篇给材料作文,讲述一件我点赞的事情,我从他/她身上可以学到什么。结合所给材料,可知本文主要考查一般现在时态,人称为单数第一,三人称,注意主谓一致问题,句子结构主要为系表结构和动宾结构,注意一些常见句式的应用,比如:I should……,He is……,He always helps……,I want to……,so they can……等句式的应用。写作中注意运用代词,注意多种句式交替运用。写作中注意叙述顺序,符合逻辑关系。

点睛:本文结构紧凑,语言简练。开头介绍了我要点赞的人,接下来介绍他的情况,最后指出我从他身上学到的东西。此处give sb sth, work hard, grow up, want to do sth, live a …life 等这些词组的运用也让文章增色不少。


请你就此事给校报投稿,以“The Importance of Promise”为题,内容要点如下:








The Importance of Promise

Dear editor,

People always emphasize(强调) the importance of the promise, and they hate people who break their promise.

Promise is very important. Everyone should keep it.


Tony 【答案】The Importance of Promise

Dear editor,

People always emphasize(强调)the importance of the promise, and they hate people who break their promise.

Recently, a thing happened to my friend, and I think it was really his fault. Last weekend, my friend Daming had a date with his friend Lingling to watch a movie. But he totally forgot it that day because of his review for his exam. So Lingling got too angry to forgive him. In my opinion, it was really his fault. Fo rgetting the date not only led to Lingling’s anger, but also made her lose trust in him. Keeping promises is always the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. What Daming should do now is to ask for forgiveness and promise that he will never do that again. Promise is very important. Everyone should keep it.


Tony 【解析】






文章结构清晰,符合逻辑,先表明自己观点,然后阐述事情,提出自己的观点和建议。整篇文章在谋篇布局上,比较严密。除此之外,中间也使用了一些连接词,例如but,so,because of等,使文章更加通顺。


体育运动是中学生的共同爱好.请根据下面提示写一篇题为What We Get from Sports 的短文,应该包含以下要点:








8.参考词语:keep slim (保持苗条)

What We Get from Sports

Students in our school have one thing in common an interest in

sports._________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________

【答案】Students in our school have one thing in common an interest in sports. But different students have different reasons for taking part in sports.

Many students have sports when they feel tired after study. They just want to relax themselves and have fun. Most boys love sports. They take part in all kinds of sports in order to become stronger. They join in the sports that interest them most, such as soccer, basketball and volleyball. As for girls, they want to lose weight. They want to keep slim, so they also like taking exercise.

In my opinion, no matter what reasons we have, we all can get a lot from sports.




亮点说明:这是一篇优秀的作文,很好地完成了试题规定的任务,语言表达符合英语习惯,准确运用时态,主谓一致,在文中使用了时间状语从句,定语从句,特别使用一些亮点词句,如have fun,in order to,as for,in my opinion等。增强逻辑关系,增加上下文意思连贯,句子通顺,行文连贯。

4.“inspire” 一词的汉语解释是“激励;鼓舞;赋予灵感;或启发思考”等。请以“The person who inspired me”为题写一篇不少于 80 词的短文,向校报的英语园地投稿。

要点: 1. What kind of person is he/ she?

2. How did he/ she inspire you?

要求: 1. 文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名。

2. 语言流畅,字迹清楚。

【答案】The person who inspired me

Many people around gave me deep impressions. They helped me, encouraged me and inspired me. But the person who inspired me most, I think, is my friend Wang Peng.

Wang Peng is a small thin boy with two big black eyes. He doesn't talk too much, but always keeps a smile on his face. He is warm-hearted and ready to help others. If I need any help for my

math exercises, he is always the one that can help me out. As a good student, he studies very hard. In the early morning, you can see him stand near a tree and read English intensively. Few students can arrive at school as early as he is. He also does well in many sports, such as badminton and ping-pang. He got the first prize in last year's ping-pang competition.

You can see the good personality and the spirit of persistence in this small body. He is my idol and I wish I could be a student as good as he is.



这篇作文要求我们以The person who inspired me为题,介绍一个曾经激励过你的人。题目中用问题的形式给予了提示,审题可知,短文应包括两个部分的内容:首先介绍这个激励过你的人是谁,他是怎样的一个人;然后介绍他是如何激励你的。学生们可以这两个问题为提纲,发挥想象力,充实细节信息,组织语言,连贯成文。短文应以一般现在时和一般过去时为主来叙述,人称是第三人称和第一人称,注意谓语动词形式的变化。写作时应注意:首先要符合题目要求,包括题目中要求的所有信息,不能遗漏要点,可以适当发挥,注意上下文的衔接。其次应注意英语表达习惯和汉语的不同,不要按照汉语思维逐词翻译。应该从句子的整体结构入手,写完整的句子。可以简单句结构为主,辅以并列句、复合句。为提升文章档次,应使用高级词汇以及复杂结构。同时语句之间使用恰当的连接成分使文意连贯、自然。


这是一篇优秀的作文,短文作者根据题目要求,介绍了一个曾经激励过自己的人。短文有以下几个优点:首先文章内容完整,层次清晰,短文分三段,第一段先介绍了这个人是谁,第二段描写了这个人身上的品质以及对自己的应选;最后一段结尾。各部分内容安排合理,主次分明。其次短文中使用了正确的人称和时态,文章以第三人称和第一人称为主来叙述,主要使用了一般现在时和一般过去时,动词形式变化准确,注意了第三人称单数形式以及过去式形式的变化,语法规范。用词准确,语言得体,句式结构完整,符合英语的表达习惯。短文中使用了一些较好的句型和短语,如But the person who inspired me most, I think, is my friend Wang Peng.、Wang Peng is a small thin boy with two big black eyes.、He doesn't talk too much, but always keeps a smile on his face.、If I need any help for my math exercises, he is always the one that can help me out.、He also does well in many sports, such as badminton and ping-pang.、He is my idol and I wish I could be a student as good as he is.等等。

5.Life is just like a mirror, you smile at it, and it smiles at you, too. 请你以“Learn to Smile”为题,根据下表所列的要点写一篇100词左右的文章(文章开头已给出)。

1、参考词汇:对某人微笑 smile at sb. 误解 misunderstand


Learn to Smile

I remember a song by Westlife, the first sentence of it is “Just a smile and the rain is gone.” Do you like smiling? I think you should learn to smile .


_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________【答案】Learn to Smile

I remember a song by Westlife, the first sentence of it is “Just a smile and the rain is gone.”

Do you like smiling? I think you should learn to smile .

First, learn to smile at yourself when something unpleasant happens in your life. If you fail an exam or you are misunderstood by your friends, don’t be sad. Just smile at yourself . Smiling at yourself brings back your confidence . Sometimes the one who beats you is not others, but yourself. And smile can also keep you healthy.

Second, learn to smile at others. It will make you communicate better with people. Smiling at others makes yourself happy as well.

In a word, smile is a kind of language belonging to everyone. It passes love and friendship and helps shorten the distance between you and other people. Living with a smile ,every day will be shiny.





某英文网站正在开展以“Going Green”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿,谈谈我们面临的主要环境问题是什么,为改善环境我们能做什么,以及你的期望。

提示词语: pollution, protect, save, recycle, take action

提示问题:● What are the main environmental problems we have?● What can we do in our daily life? ● What’s your wish?

Now there are many environmental

problems._______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________


Now there are many environmental problems. Such as air pollution, water pollution and so on.

I believe that there are many things we can do in our daily life, we can save energy by go to school by bike or on foot. We can use less water by turning off the tap while we brush our teeth, and taking shorter showers. When we see litter on the ground, we must pick it up and put it into different bins.

I hope everyone can take action. Although each one of us may only do a little, together we can make a big difference. Let’s work together to make a better place to live.






短语:save energy;brush our teeth;put it into different bins;take action;make a big difference。

句型:When we see litter on the ground, we must pick it up and put it into different bins;Although each one of us may only do a little, together we can make a big difference。


首先认真审题,看清题目中的要求和要点;然后根据提示内容,列出写作要点及每个要点中可能要用到的表达,例如save energy;brush our teeth;put it into different bins;take action;make a big difference。以及状语从句等;然后紧扣要点,动笔写作,在写作过程中,要注意句与句、段与段之间的过渡,必要时可适当运用表示转折、因果、并列、比较等关系的连词,使文章过渡平稳,自然流畅;最后,要仔细检查有无单词拼写错误、标点符号误用等,还要检查语法结构是否合理,有无重复、啰嗦的语言,大小写是否正确,词数是否符合要求等。

7.假如你是李华,你的英国笔友 Jack 给你写邮件表达了想参加你校暑期为外国学生举办的汉语夏令营的愿望,希望你告知活动举办的具体时间地点,活动安排以及你的建议。

提示词语: Chinese classes, learn, attend, culture, prepare

提示问题:● When and where will the Chinese Summer Camp be held?

● What activities will be held at the Chinese Summer Camp?

● What is your advice for Jack?

Dear Jack,

I am very glad to know that you are interested in the Chinese Summer Camp in our

school this summer holiday .



Li Hua

【答案】Dear Jack,

I am very glad to know that you are interested in the Chinese Summer Camp in our school this summer holiday.

The Chinese Summer Camp will be held in our school from July 10th to July 30th this summer. The activities of this Chinese Summer Camp are as follows:

First, you will attend Chinese classes, learning the meaning of Chinese characters.

Second, you will take part in different parties, knowing the history of China and Chinese culture, especially Chinese holidays, which will impress you deeply.

What’s more, you will have chances to visit some museums and the Great Wall. What you should prepare is a pair of shoes for the visit.

If you have any questions, please tell me. I am looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua 【解析】





短语:as follows,take part in,What’s more,look forward to。



某英文网站的“ Student Life”栏目正在向中学生征文,标题为“ A time when I made someone happy”,请你写一篇英文稿件,内容需包括以下要点:

1. Who was the person you made happy?

2. When was it?

3. What did you say or do?

4. Why did it make him/her happy?

5. How did you feel at that moment?



【答案】Last summer,though it was hot,I volunteered to teach children English in rural

area.When I arrived there,I couldn't adjust to the weather and life style.However,as time went by,I found myself quite happy when I saw the students I was teaching made great progress.In order to teach them,I had to keep on learning as well.As a result,my English improved a lot.Also,I made friends with some of my students.We are still keeping in touch by letter now.

In a word,not only did I help those in need,but also I myself learn a lot that summer.If I have another chance to do volunteer work,I am ready to go.


写作亮点:既然这是一篇记叙文,就应该完整地呈现故事,需要加上必要的背景,指明时间(Last summer),地点(in rural area),简要概括事件(teach children English),这是文章首句的点睛之笔,信息量丰富。短语和固定搭配的正确使用也为这篇文章增色不少,例如“adjust to…”(调整以适应…),“as time went by”(随着时间的流逝),“made great progress”(取得巨大进步),“keep on learning”(继续学习),“In a word”(总而言之)等等短语使用正确。在收尾部分表达了作者积极的人生态度,表示如果还有机会自己还乐于参与,这样使得这篇文章结构完整,表意更加清晰。


(1). 虽然你大部分功课你都学得比较好,但是你对自己不满意。你认为自己学习上还要


(2). 你的父母对你严格要求,但是也很关心你。(举例说明,适当发挥2—3句)……(3). 老师很乐意帮助你们。他们希望你们实现自己的理想。他们说(适当发挥2—3句)……


(1). 要求语句通顺,意思连贯。

(2). 第2要点和第3要点要用2—3句话作适当发挥。

(3). 词数90个左右,邮件开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。


Dear Amy, thank you for caring.

Now I am working hard for the senior high school entrance examination.

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________

How about you? I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Li Ming


Dear Amy, thank you for caring.

Now I am working hard for the senior high school entrance examination. I have got good results in most of my subjects, but I am not happy with myself. I think I must spend more time on my studies.

My parents are really strict with me. However, they care for me as well. Once upon a time, I failed in my physics exam and felt stressed and sad. They had a close communication with me and helped me solve my problems and cheer up again.

My teachers are also ready to help us. They hope that we can realize our dreams. They tell us to try our best and not to give up. Life is always full of ups and downs. It's important not to be afraid of any kind of difficulty.

How about you? I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Li Ming




亮点说明:这是一篇优秀的作文,很好的完成了试题规定的任务,语言表达符合英语习惯,准确运用时态、主谓一致,特别使用一些亮点词句,如get good results, spend+时间

+on sth, be strict with, however, care for, as well, once upon a time, help sb do, cheer up, be

ready to, tell sb to d o, try one’s best to do, be full of以及it is adj to do sth等,增强逻辑关系,增加上下文意思连贯,用词准确,句子通顺,行文连贯。












不同意:1.很脏,容易使学生生病。 2.不是学生应该做的事情。 3.打扫教室就足够了。

注意:1.短文应包括表中所有内容,可适当发挥,但不要逐字翻译; 2.不少于80词。生词提示:respect尊重

【答案】A strong argument has taken place among students since our school made students do voluntary labor.

Some students think it is a good way of education. Now most families have only one child. They never do hard work. To do voluntary labor is a good chance for them to learn how to do difficult work. It can also help them understand and respect the cleaners.

But others have different points. They think it is easy for them to get sick. They don’t think it is students'jobs. Cleaning the classroom every day is enough.




重点词汇及短语:argument争论;take place发生;among(三者或三者以上)之间;a good chance for sb对某人来说是个好机会;help sb do sth帮助某人做某事;get sick生病。


(1)A strong argument has taken place among students since our school made students do voluntary labor. 自从我们学校让学生做自愿劳动以来,在学生中发生了一场激烈的争论。现在完成时(have/has+done)。

(2)To do voluntary labor is a good chance for them to learn how to do difficult work. 做义务劳动是他们学习如何做困难工作的好机会。动词不定式作主语,谓语动词用单数,疑问词+to do。

