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I still ask myself if I did the right thing, abandoning his floating city.我还在问我自己,究竟有没有做错,把他那漂浮的城市遗弃了 I don't just mean for the work.我不仅仅指工作,

The fact is, a friend like that,a real friend, you won't meet again事实上,那样的朋友,一个真正的朋友,你不会再遇上, if you decide to go on Land,如果你想上岸,

if you just want to feel something solid under your feet如果你只是想感受一下脚踩到东西的感觉,

and then you no longer hear the music of the gods around you.那么你就不会再听到上帝的音乐,

But,like he used to say :但是正如他经常说的,

''You're never really done for as long as you've got a good story and someone to tell it to.''有了好故事,才会去告诉别人,

The trouble is that no-one would believe a single word of my story.问题是没有人会相信我说的话,

It happened everytime that someone would look up and see her.每次都有人抬起头来看她,

It's difficult to understand.真难理解,

I mean,there were more than a thousand of us on that ship,我指的是我们有1000多人在船上,

travelling richfolk, immigrants,旅游的富人,移民,


strange people and us.陌生的人,还有我们,

Yet,there was always one, just one可总是有一个人,就一个人, who would see her first.会首先看到她,

Maybe he was just sitting there eating也许他刚好在那吃东西, or walking on the deck.或者在甲板上散步,

Maybe he was just there fixing his pants.也许他刚好在那摆弄裤子, He'd look up for a second, glance out to sea他把头抬起一秒钟,眺望大海, and he'd see her.他就看到她了,

Then he'd just stand there, rooted to the spot, his heart racing.他站在那,一动也不动,他的心在狂跳,

And everytime, I swear every damned time,每一次,我发誓真的是每一次, he'd turn towards us,to the ship, towards everybody and scream...他转向我们,转向大家,然后大叫: America !“美国”

I lost a Iot of money betting on who'd be the first to see her,在打赌谁是第一个看到她中,我输了很多钱, America.美国 片名:海上钢琴师

It's a miracle, SantaRosalia !这是个奇迹,罗莎莉,

What do you mean SantaRosalia, it'sthe Madonna di Lourdes !罗莎莉是什么意思,圣母玛利亚的意思,

The one who sees America first. There's one on every ship !这是首先看到美国的


人. 每艘船上都有一个,

And don't be thinking it's an accident or some optical illusion.不要认为这是海市蜃楼,

It's destiny.这是命运,

Those are people who had that precise instant stamped on their life.这些人生命中就注定有这么一刻,

And when they were kids, you could Iook into their eyes当他们是小孩子时,你可以透过他们的眼睛,

and if you looked carefully, you'd already see her,看到她,如果你认真看的话, America.美国,

I've seen a few Americas !我见过一些美国人,

Six years on that ship, five crossings a year :在那船上6年,每年跑5个来回, Europe,America and back. Always soaking in the ocean.去欧洲,美国,返回来,老是泡在海上,

When you stepped on land you couldn't even piss straight in the john.在岸上几乎撒尿都不准,

It was steady, the john I mean,厕所是固定的,

but you'd keep bobbing like an idiot.但是你却像傻子一样不停地动,

You can get off a ship all right, but off the ocean . . .离开船还可以,可是离开大海就…

I was just closing. What can I do for you?我正要关门. 有什么可以帮你的吗? When I boarded I was twenty-four years old,上岸的时候,我24岁,


and only cared about one thing in life : playing the trumpet.只担心一件事:吹喇叭,

I'm selling it.我要卖掉它, A Conn.康涅狄格州的, Not bad.不错,

Best brass money can buy !上等黄铜做的,能卖个好价钱, Could be, in its day.不过是在以前,

Been a while since you played, eh ?你用了好一段时间了吧,

If you mean for money, a couple of years.如果你是指价钱的话,用了几年了, But I've never stopped playing it to get rid of the blues.但我一直吹它来赶走忧郁, Don't get me wrong . . .不要误解我,

The greatest jazz players blew through brass like that.好的爵士乐手都是这样做的,

I'm sure they did, but after the war, people want sweet sounds.我知道,但是战后大家都想听轻松点的音乐,

They want bright sounds, forget jazz !他们想要明快的音乐,忘记爵士吧, This now, is just a collector's item.现在这只是用来收藏而已, Nine pounds fifty, not a penny more.9.5镑,一分也不能多了, Christ, that's only 9 or 10 dollars !天啊,只值9镑或10镑, That horn's my whole Iife.这喇叭是我的生命,

Okay, no-one's going to rememberme like BuddyBolden or Satchmo,当然,没有人会记得我,


but even as anobody I'm worth more than 9 lousy dollars !但普通人也不止9镑吧,

If you put it like that, I don't think it's worth even half a crown !如果你这样比喻的话,我觉得你连半镑也不值,

Shut the door when you leave, please.离开的时候请关上门, Okay, Pops,you win !好,按你说的做,

You just bought yourself a piece of musical history.你买了一段历史, If you want some advice,如果你想听意见的话,

go out now and get something hot to eat.我建议你现在就走,喝点热的, At least let me play it one last time.至少让我最后吹一次, I don't have time to waste !我不想浪费时间, All right.好了,

Hurry up though, I'm closing.快点,我要关门了, Thank you.谢谢。

Two peas in a pod,wouldn't you say?你不是想说同病相怜吧,

Are you all right? Please don't faint in here.你没事吧?不要晕倒在这里, It's the music that you just played. Don't you recognise it ?这是你刚才弹奏的音乐,认不出了吗, What is it ?这音乐叫什么, It doesn't have a name.没有名字,

Only a handful of people have had the privilege of hearing it.只有少数人有幸听过它,


What style !什么流派的,

I've been wondering since this morning,自从今天早上我就一直很想知道, but I can't work out who this amazing piano player is.我想不出究竟是谁弹得如此美妙,

I don't think you've ever heard of him.我想你没有听说过他, Who is he ?他是谁?

If I told you that this pianist never existed, I wouldn't be lying.如果我告诉你,这个钢琴家根本不存在,我是说实话。

I don't like secrets. They're like dirty underwear !我不喜欢秘密,就像肮脏的内衣裤,

Come on,Yank, who the devil is playing ?说吧,究竟是谁弹的, It's my secret.这是我的秘密,

It was the first year of this frigging century,那是这该死的世纪的第一年, as defined by an unknown coloured coal stoker on the Virginian.正如弗吉尼亚号上的一个烧煤黑人说的那样,

Rich ass bastards ! Only lose dirty handkerchiefs and cigarette butts !有钱人是狗崽子只留下脏的手帕和烟头,

Nevera watch, even a dented one, oran odd cuff-link.从不留下手表,即使是表面凹凸的手表、衫袖链扣之类的东西,

Not even a fake fucking ring !也不会有假的戒指, Hey,look here, a whole cigar !看这儿,有个完整的香烟,

Must have been some rich pauperat the party.肯定是有些败家子在宴会上,


Look at this shit ! Damn rich !看,该死的有钱人,

They never forget anything, except when they owe you money.他们不会忘记任何事,除非他们欠你的钱,

What the hell are you doing here ?你在这干什么? T.D. Lemons.T.D.柠檬, Hello, Lemon !你好,柠檬。 Immigrant business !移民的生意,

Give birth in secret somewhere on deck在甲板的某个地方悄悄地生了个孩子, and then leave onthe ship another mouth to feed !然后留给船上的其他人养, That's big trouble with the immigration office !移民局有麻烦了,

What can a kid like him be when he grows up ? Another immigrant !小孩长大以后什么样子呢?又一个移民,

Don't listen to those bastards. Go on, lap it up boy !不要听他们胡说.来,舔一下,It's milk.这是牛奶,

They left this one in first class hoping some rich guy would take him他们把小孩留在头等舱,想有个有钱人收养他, and give him a happy life.给他幸福的生活,

-Isn't that right, Danny? -What do you think ?丹尼,你说对吗?你说呢? And who does the little ape get instead? A poor worthless nigger !现在谁收养了?一个穷光蛋的黑鬼,

Fuck poverty, you stinking sewer rats !见鬼去吧,穷!讨厌的沟渠老鼠, T.D.was written on the box, do you rats know what that means ?篮子上写着“T.D.”.



I forgot, you can't read !哦,我忘记了,你们不识字,

I'll tell you what it means, it means Thanks Danny !我告诉你们吧,是“谢谢丹尼”的意思,

They left that boy for me and I'm keeping him.他们把孩子留给我,让我来照顾他, -What are you going to call him ? -That's a problem.你叫他什么,这是个问题, I didn't think of that.我没想过,

To start with, I'll give him my name, DannyBoodman.我会让他跟我姓,叫丹尼布曼,

Then I'll put T.D. inthe middle like the rich put on their cuff-links.我会把T.D.放在中间,就像富人们在衫袖链扣上写的那样,

It's classy to put letters inthe middle of a name.把字母放在名字中间很经典, All the fucking lawyers have got them in the middle of their names.所有该死的律师都是把字母放在名字中间的,

One of mine was called John P.T.K.Wonder.我的律师中有一个就叫做约翰P.T.K华德,

-The one who sent you to jail ? -What a good memory you've got !就是送你进监狱的那个吗?真好的回忆,

If my son grows up to be alawyer, I'll kill him !如果我儿子长大以后做律师,我就杀了他,

But his name's goingto be DannyBoodman T.D. Lemon.但是他的名字还是叫丹尼布曼T.D.柠檬,


-What do you think ? -It's up to you.You're his mother !你们觉得怎样?你决定吧,你是他的母亲,

I like it, but it's short. It needs an ending.“我喜欢,不过太短了,需要有个结尾”, He ain't no duke's son, Danny !他不是公爵的儿子,丹尼,

You found him on a Tuesday, call him Tuesday !你是星期二发现他的,就叫他星期二吧,

That's a good idea for a stupid nigger !好主意,蠢材,

I found him the first month of the first year of this new century,我在这个新的世纪的第一年的第一个月发现他,

so I'm calling him Nineteen Hundred !我要叫他1900,

-But that's a number ! -It was, but now it's a name.可那是个数字.本来是,但现在是个名字了,

DannyBoodman T.D. Lemon Nineteen Hundred !丹尼布曼T.D.柠檬1900, Quick,the baby !快,孩子, Stop that cradle.把摇篮停下来,

How can something that small shit so much ?一个小孩怎么拉这么多屎, Lemon Nineteen Hundred. Shake him, shake him.柠檬1900.摇他, Nineteen Hundred's lucky, he was born in shit !1900真幸运,在屎中出生, Thanks Danny?谢谢丹尼, Thanks Danny?谢谢丹尼,

It was like the second coming of Christ.好象是耶稣的二次降临,

Maybe it was,with all the miracles that kid had up his sleeve.也许就是,因为这孩



Hell, he did everything on the water but walk.他能在水上做任何事,除了走路, And I heard that he'd done that too.我听说他也试过水上走路, And that's how little Nineteen Hundred grew up这是1900成长的过程, inside that cradle as big as a ship.在船一样大的摇篮里,

Dannywas afraid that they'd take him away because of documents and visas,丹尼害怕有人会带走他,因为证明和签证的问题,

so the boy lived his early years hidden away所以早年这孩子是在躲藏中度过的, in the belly of the Virginian.在弗吉尼亚号的里面, Now try by yourseIf.现在你试试,

Push your finger against these words so the letters can't run away !用手指指着单,他们就不会跑掉,

-Man . . . -Okay, Lemon.“人”.好的,柠檬, Go . . .“去”…

-Ma. . . -Just abit more.“马”.大声点, Ma.“马”,

You read like a god, Lemon !你读得像上帝,柠檬,

Now put them all together like the boiler valves.现在连在一起读,就像窝炉阀一样, Go on.来,

Man-go-Mama !人去马, Right, keep going.就这样,继续,


Ya-nk my ch-ain.人去马,

Danny,why are you laughing so much ?丹尼,你为什么笑得这么大声,

These are the names of horses. I'm crazy about horses names.这是些马的名字,我很喜欢马的名字,

Read there, that one ran yesterday at Cleveland.读一下这个,它昨天参赛了, Ha-ppyHoo-fers.哈-批-花-飞,

-I'm pissing myself ! -Listen to this one.我笑得忍不住要撒尿了. 听我念这个, -Sa-ssyLa-ssy. -SassyLassy !撒屎拉屎,

And this one, Red Hot Mama.还有这个,红热妈妈, What's a mama, Danny?什么是妈妈,丹尼, A mama?妈妈? It's a horse !是匹马,

-A horse ? -A race horse.一匹马?一匹跑的马,

Mamas are thorough breds, the best race horses in the world.妈妈是纯种马,世界上跑得最好的马,

If you bet on a mama, you always win.如果你在它身上下注,肯定赢, Dan, put your finger here and read.丹尼,手指放在这里,念出来, T.D. doesn't mean Thanks Danny.T.D.不是谢谢丹尼的意思, Who's this pansy?这个奶油小生是谁,

That's enough reading for tonight. Too much reading's bad for you !今晚读够了.读得太多对你不好,

What else is bad, Danny?还有什么是不好的,丹尼,


Everything off the Virginian is bad.弗吉尼亚号以外的所有东西都是不好的, Everything.所有的东西,

They've got sharks on the land that will eat you alive. Be careful !岸上有鲨鱼会活生生地咬死你,小心点, See this here.看这里,

That was those white sharks.这就是那些白鲨, What's an orphanage ?什么是孤儿院,

It's a big prison where they lock up folks with no kids.那是一个大监狱关着很多没有小孩的人,

So if it wasn't for me, they'd put you in an orphanage.如果不是我,他们就会把你关到孤儿院去,

You bet, little Lemon. Go to sleep now.小柠檬,快睡吧,

On that extraordinary floating city, apart from a father,在那特殊的漂浮的城市远离父亲,

Nineteen Hundred found a whole family made of truly unique people,1900找到了一个由各种人组成的完整的家庭, like the ship's doctor.好象船上的医生, Open your mouth,like this.张开嘴,像我这样,

Shit, doctor,what's that hanging from your throat ? Are you ill ?医生,你喉咙里有什么东西?你是不是生病了,

What's your name, doctor?你叫什么名字,医生,

Dr Klausermanspizwegensdorfentage.克罗瑟曼斯皮伟根斯多芬塔医生,


What a name ! If they had to call you quickly,they've had it !多长的一个名字!如果他们想快点叫你,怎么办,

That circus of cooks, sailors, radio operators and waiters还有厨师,水手,无线电员和侍应,

all looked after him.全都在照顾他,

Everyone tried to give him what they thought was a good education.每个人都设法以自己认为最好的的方法来教育他,

Even the ship's Captain, in his way, ended up being part of the family.即使是船长也用自己的方式成为家庭的一员,

Captain Smith, a wise man, had only three defects :史密斯船长,一个聪明的人,只有三个缺点:

he suffered from claustrophobia, had a horrible fear of drowning他患了幽闭恐惧症,害怕溺水,

and hated sweets.讨厌甜的东西,

Nineteen Hundred, how many times have I told you not to come up here ?1900,我告诉过你多少次,不要来这里,

Especially if it's to steal !尤其是为了偷东西,

Put the booty back where you found it and return to your den把东西放回原处,回你的房间去,

or I'll send you to the orphanage !否则我把你送到孤儿院,

Mr Boodman,this orphan business must come to an end !布曼先生,你不能再收养这孤儿了,


It's even against the law.这还违反了法律, Fuck the law !让法律见鬼去吧,

Hey, Mick,what do you think about in the middle of a storm ?米克,暴风雨中的感觉怎么样?

What ? Do I think my lawyer shouId never have been born ?什么?我是不是在想我的律师,不应活在这世上, Yes,the storm.是的,这暴风雨,

You bet he was warned, then I blew off his head !他受到警告了,我吹掉他的头了,

You think of jam and bread ?你在想生计? Yes.是的。

Know what I think, Mick ? I think you're loco !知道我在想什么吗?米克?我想你是个疯子,

I have gusto?我有嗜好?

Danny,tell Pedro how I cut that lawyer's head off !丹尼,告诉派其我是怎样砍掉那律师的头的,

The WarIdorf? I've never been there.我从未到过那里,

The whites would only let me in to clean the shit out the toilets !那些白人只让我进去,清洗厕所外面, Watch out !小心,

-Danny ! -Run, quickIy !丹尼,走,快,

-Get out the way, let me see. -Call a doctor.让开,让我看看.叫医生来,


The doctor, quickly.医生,快, Danny, don't move.丹尼,不要动,

-Hold on. -It's just apat on the back.坚持住,只是后面轻轻地拍了一下, Hang on, the doctor's coming.坚持住,医生正赶来, Doctor Kla-Kla-Klaus . . .医生克罗…克罗… Klau-Klauserman !克罗瑟曼

Klausermanspizwegens Frischerri . . . Kemmanschov . . .克罗瑟曼斯皮伟根斯多芬塔….

Quick on the Trigger was in the lead“一触即发”领先 over Holy Shoot and . . .跟着是“荷利” Times were Good,时间刚刚好 Saucy Bossy,“发号司令” Brave Victory,“勇敢者” Regrets Only,“遗憾者” Blue Balls Running,“蓝球赛马”

and Hurricane over Open Sesame“飓风”在“芝麻”的前面 was past the post in Chicago.在芝加哥过了终点。

It took three days for old Danny to go.老丹尼只能活三天了。

He let go on the sixth race in Chicago,won by Drinkable Water芝加哥第六段赛事时,他死了,“饮水”获得冠军

by two lengths over Vegetable Soup and five over Blue Foundation.比“蔬菜汤”快了两个马位,比“蓝基地”快了五个马位


Dr Klausermanspizwegensdorfentage克罗瑟曼斯皮伟根斯多芬塔医生 declared that if it hadn't been for the belly laughs,说如果丹尼不笑, Danny probably would have survived.可能不会死,

But his tory isn't made of''ifs''. The only thing we know for sure但是历史是没有如果的,我们只知道一件事, is that suddenly,就是突然地,

Lemon Nineteen Hundred became an orphan for the second time.柠檬1900又一次变成了孤儿, Music.音乐,

Nineteen Hundred was eight years old then.那时柠檬1900才八岁,

He'd made the trip between Europe and America about fifty times.他在欧洲和美国之间来来回回航行了大约50次, The ocean was his home.大海是他的家,

Sure, and his skin was covered with scales and he had fins, not arms !他的皮肤上布满了鱼鳞,他长的是鳍,而不是手, It's all true, Pops.我讲的都是真的,

-You can bet your soul on it. -But that's absurd !你可以用灵魂来打赌. 但荒谬极了,

That's right.但就这样,

He never set foot on dryland. Never.他从未踏上过土地,从未,

He'd seen it from the ports many times, but he never got off the ship.他从港口看到过许多次,但从未离开过船,


The only trouble was that as far as the world knew, he didn't even exist.唯一的问题是,直到世人知道了 他已不在了

There wasn't a city, a parish, a hospital, or baseball team那不是一座城市,教区,医院

that had his name anywhere.或是知名的棒球队

He didn't have a country, a birth date, a family.他没有国家,出生日期,家庭 He was eight years old, but officially, he'd never been born.他八岁了,但严格来讲 他从未出生过 America !美国 America !美国 Kidnapping.绑架

Charges of kidnapping could be brought against you, Captain,船长,你有可能被控绑架

if one day the boy's kin were to show up.如果有一天孩子的家人出现了 After eight years, I seriously doubt it.已经过了八年了,我真的不相信

However, I think the time has come to allow the boyto have anormal life.但是,是时候让孩子过正常的生活了

I've written a personal note I'd Iike you to give to the orphanage head.我已经写了一封信 我想你交给孤儿院院长

Very well, Captain. Where is the lad ?好的,船长.那家伙呢 Boatswain, show these gentlemen the way.水手长,帮先生带路 Forward.向前



Search everywhere, upstairs too.到处找,上楼找

What's in that case? Stop the baggage being off-loaded.那箱子里是什么?先不要卸行李

-Have you seen a little boy? -No.你见过一个孩子吗?没有

22 days later,when the Virginian headed for Rio deJaneiro,22天后 当弗吉尼亚号抵达里约热内卢

Nineteen Hundred hadn't been found and no-one knew anything about him.还没有找到1900,没有人知道他去哪里了

Everyone had death in their hearts大家都以为他死了

because they had all gotten attached to the little boy,因为大家都惦记着他 although no-one would say so.虽然没有人这样说 -Captain ! Wake up ! -Let me sleep.船长,起来.让我睡觉 -Come with me, quickly ! -Christ !跟我来,快点.天啊 -Are we sinking ? -Worse than that !我们下沉吗?比这还厉害 -What's his name ? -Nineteen Hundred.他叫什么名字?1900

-Not the song,the boy. -Nineteen Hundred.不是音乐的名字 是男孩的名字.1900 Like the song !我喜欢这音乐

Captain Smith would have liked to ask him many questions right then.史密斯船长当时 就有许多问题想问他

For example : ''Where the hell did you learn to play the piano ?''例如:“你从哪学的钢琴”


Or : ''In what damn hole were you hiding ?''或者“你藏在哪个洞里?”

Or else : ''Where in Christ's name are you getting this music from还有“你从哪里知道这音乐的?”

which seems to enter into your veins ?''那音乐好像从他血脉里流出似的 But he was aman in uniform.但他是个船长

He only managed to say : ''All of this is against the regulations.'他只能忍住, 说:“这是违反规定的.”

Fuck the regulations !让规定见鬼去吧

His exact words : ''Fuck the regulations !''没错,他说“让规定见鬼去吧.” But I don't understand what the record has to do with any of this.但是我不明白这唱片 和这有什么关系呢

You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer, Pops. That's his music.你还不知道,这是他的音乐

The greatest ivory tickler on the seven seas.七大洋上的象牙备忘录 That's amazing !不可思议

If that's all true, this record must be worth a fortune !如果这是真的话 这张唱片肯定很值钱

This record can make us both rich.这唱片可以令我们两个富起来 That record shouldn't exist.这唱片不应该存在

The only existing matrix was destroyed right after it was cut.唯一的唱片模具 在刚制成后就被毁掉了

Well,this is amatrix.这是一个唱片模具


It's one of those that they used for on the spot recording.这是其中之一,他们用来录音

How did you find it ?你怎么找到它的

I spent a whole day trying to put the pieces together.我花了一整天的时间把 碎片合在一起

I found them by accident, hidden inside one of those two pianos.我偶然发现了它们在那架钢琴里

I bought them from a second-hand dealer我从一个旧货商里买来的

who emptied out an old hospital ship down at Plymouth.他从停靠在普利茅兹的一艘医院轮船里淘来的

They're goingto destroy it in a couple of days.他们准备要毁掉它 What do you mean ''destroy'' ?你是什么意思,“毁掉”

-Where's the old hospital ship ? -That's it.旧的医院轮船在哪?在那 Thank you.谢谢

-Where are you from ? -Liverpool.你从哪来?利物普 -I'm a barber. -Sign there.我是个理发师.这里签名 Next. What's your trade ?下一个.你做什么的

-I'm a cook, barber,tailor. -Too many things for us, out !我是厨师,理发师,水手. 对于我们来说太多了,走

-I'm also a good mechanic. -Get out ! Next.我还是一个称职的机械师. 走,下一个

-What do you do ? -I play the trumpet.你做什么的?我吹喇叭的


We've already got musicians on board. Get out !我们已经有音乐家在船上了,走 Next.下一个

Where the hell's he going ?他在干吗

-What was that ? -I don't know.那是什么?我不知道

When you don't know what it is, it's jazz !你什么时候不知道的,这是爵士乐 Jazz !爵士乐

-What's your name ? -Max Tooney.你叫什么?马斯突尼 Okay !好的

It was the happiest day of my life.那是我一生中最开心的一天 All those people with hope in their eyes,所有人眼里充满了希望

the goodbyes,the sirens and that floating world starting to move.道别声,汽笛声,漂浮的世界正要启程

It felt like one big party just for me.就像专门为我而开的盛大的舞会

But just three days later the ocean got tired of the festivities.但三天以后大海厌倦了欢庆

Suddenly, in the middle of the night, she went berserk and hell broke out.突然,在深夜,她发疯似的乱嚎叫

Now, a guy blowing atrumpet on a ship这时候,有人正在船上吹喇叭 can't do much when there's araging storm.狂风暴雨的时候没什么好做的 Not playing the trumpet is all he can do not to complicate matters.不吹喇叭是唯一他可以做的 不把事情弄复杂的事

But I couldn't bear being downthere.但我不甘心呆在那


The same line kept raging in my head : ''he died like a rat.''头脑中不停有声音 “他像老鼠一样死去.”

And I didn't want to die like a rat.我不想像老鼠一样死去 Damn it, I'm lost !妈的,我迷路了 Conn, what's the problem ?你怎么啦 Have you lost your sea legs ?你晕船了?

You're the newtrumpet man, aren't you ?你是新来的吹喇叭的那个人,是吗 You blow a Conn, right ?你晕船,没错吧

Come with me. I have a cure for your misery.跟我来,我有办法帮助你 Follow me.跟我来

-Take the brakes off. -But that's crazy !把闸开了.不是吧,你疯了 Trust me. Go on,take them off.相信我,来吧 Come and sit near me.来坐在我旁边

-You're really nuts ! -Get on now or you never will.你疯了. 现在上来,要不就上不来了

-Tell me, have you got children ? -No.告诉我,你有孩子吗?没有

Shit,they'll lock you up in an orphanage one of these days !妈的,他们会锁在孤儿院里

He's nuts.他疯了

-Whoa, Mama ! -I see you know your horses.啊,妈妈.我看你知道你的马 -A little. -Good man !一点点.不错

It was like the sea was rocking us and while we were floating around大海向我们



brushing the lamps and furniture,狂扫灯和家具

I realised that what we were really doing我意识到我们在做什么

was dancing with the ocean. Perfect, crazy dancers,和大海共舞,完美而疯狂的舞者

locked in a joyful waltz on the golden parquet of night.晚上在金色地板上跳华尔兹

Want some ? Cheers !来点吧,干杯 Hallo, Captain.你好,船长

-Care to go for a ride ? -Nineteen Hundred !介意一起来吗?1900

Who else on this ship would do anything as crazy as this ?在这船上还有谁会 像你一样这样疯狂

I was just experimenting, sir.我只是在试验,先生

When I've perfected it, it won't happen again.当我熟练了,就不会这样了 For me it's a question of brakes. Fix those and away you go !对于我来说只是闸的问题. 把这些弄好,走

-How much will that window cost ? -I don't know, it was huge !那窗户要多少钱? 我不知道,很多吧

We're going to be shovelling coal on this ship forever !我们要永远在船上铲煤吗 Oh, shit !妈的

At I east you know what you'll be doing when you grow up !至少你知道当你长大后要干什么


You'll shovel lots of coal.你要铲多点煤 -Hey, Conn. -What ?嘿,什么

-You're from New Orleans, right ? -How did you know that ?你来自新奥尔良,对吗? 你怎么知道的?

-I love that town. -How come you know it ?我喜欢那里.你怎么知道那里的? In the winter, it's beautiful.那里冬天很漂亮 And in March三月的时候

there's always an afternoon, when you least expect it,总有一个下午,在你期待的时候

a roof offog comes down, abarrier,一屋顶的烟雾,栅栏

that hangs just below the street lamps and cuts everything.弥漫在街灯周围 Like a white sword. It's magic !像一把白色的剑,真神奇

The houses lose their top floors, trees lose their branches,房子没有了屋顶 树木没有了枝桠

St Louis Cathedral loses its spires and the passers-by their heads.圣路易斯教堂没有了尖顶 路人没有了脑袋

From the neck up, everything disappears.从颈部,所有的都消失了

All you can see in Jackson Square is abunch of decapitated bodies,在杰克逊广场上所见的是一堆堆的无头尸

stumbling about and greeting each other.互相问候着 ''Everyone all right at home ?''“在家好吗?”

Wonderful ! Too bad it doesn't last long.好极了.怎么不讲下去?


But how do you know all these things ?你怎么知道这些事的 Who knows ?谁知道 You know,你知道

ever since I've been on board, I keep hearing about this guy自从我上岸以来 我就不断听到这个人

with a name as long as a Georgia freight train.他的名字像火车一样长

Seems he was born on this ship and hasn't been off it since.好象他出生在船上 从未离开过船

What a crazy story. Twenty years without ever setting foot on land.难以置信.20年没有踏上过土地 Twenty-seven.27年

They say this guy makes music that's never been heard before.他们说这人会弹 以前从没听过的音乐

I've heard of him,too.我也听说过他

At first, I thought it was you.开始我想他就是你

-But something didn't add up. -Of course.但有些不太像,当然

I thought : ''If he's Nineteen Hundred how could he know New Orleans ?''我想,如果他是1900 怎么会知道新奥尔良?

I mean, you've been to New Orleans.我是说你曾到过新奥尔良

If I told you that I'd never set foot in that town,would you believe me ?如果我说我从没到过那里 你相信吗

你是谁?马斯突尼Whoever you are, Max Tooney.


