2-Storage Tank Fabrication Program(2012 - 2 - 28)

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2. Construction Program


Program for Fabrication of Storage Tanks for Jilin Hydrogen Peroxide Project

RFQ: IN-P-2011-0155 1 of 41 Project Title:Storage Tanks for Jilin Hydrogen Peroxide Project

2. Construction Program 1、工程说明 Project Overview


The project is located in the Jilin Chemical and Industrial New Park, Long Tan Area, Jilin City, about 3000m away from South West of Jilin Sinopec Acrylonitrile Plant, China National Petroleum Corporation( CNPC ). According to our site investigation, we know this project is in the old industrial base which has plenty of construction resource. And one of our advantages is that most of our engineers come from North East of China with rich construction experience in this area. 针对本项目我公司准备了几下2种方案供业主选择:

Considering the characteristics of this project, we prepared 2 options for owner’s consideration as below:

(1) 前期的预制工作在上海进行,包括钢板切割、坡口加工、卷板、特殊工装、接管和附件制


Part of fabrications will be done in Shanghai Workshop such as plate cutting, groove preparation, plate rolling, special tooling, nozzle and accessories fabrication etc, then those semi-fabricated parts will be transported to Jilin site for fabrication and installation. (2) 所有的工作都在吉林现场进行。

All works will be done in Jilin site.


Option1: If this option is selected, we will do fabrication in workshop located in Kejian Road, where has been equipped with plate rolling machine, beveling machine etc, which can meet the specific project needs. After then we will do some transport protection and transport the semi-products (such as rolled plates, special toolings &fixture etc, fabricated nozzle and accessories etc) to Jilin Site. 第二种方案需要业主在现场提供足够的预制场地。

Option 2: if this option is selected, which needs owner to provide space enough on site for fabrication? 我公司更倾向于第一种方案,我公司在上海有各种丰富的资源可供选择,这对项目的进度和质量都会有很大的保障。

We prefer Option 1 as there are much more resources available in Shanghai, which will provide

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2. Construction Program reliable guarantee for project schedule and quality.

2、编制依据 References for This Program

(1) GB50128-2005《立式圆筒形钢制焊接储罐施工及验收规范》

GB50128-2005: Code for construction and acceptance of vertical cylindrical steel welded storage tanks

(2) HG20583-2011《钢制化工容器结构设计规定》

HG20583-2011:Specification for Structural Design of Steel Chemical Vessels (3) GB50236-2011《现场设备、工业管道焊接工程施工规范》

Code for Construction of Field Equipment, Industrial Pipe Welding Engineering (4) NBT47014-2011《承压设备焊接工艺评定》

NBT47014-2011: Welding procedure qualification for pressure equipments (5) NBT47015-2011《压力容器焊接规程》

NBT47015-2011: Welding specification for pressure vessels (6) NBT47016-2011《承压设备产品焊接试件的力学性能检验》

NBT47016-2011: Mechanical property tests of product welded test coupons for pressure equipments

(7) GB50205—2001《钢结构工程施工及验收规范》

GB50205-2001: Specification for the construction and acceptance of steel structure works (8) 伍德公司所提供的其它技术资料 Other technical specifications provided by Uhde company. 3、施工方法 Construction Plan


In order to shorten the work period, we, because of the small volume of individual storage tank, will adopt the faster way of installation method from bottom to top by use of two crawling cranes of 50T for fabrication and installation cooperation.

3.1储罐制作条件 Storage tank fabrication conditions

3.1.1 预制件、材料和外购件的检查验收合格,符合设计施工图及相关技术文件的要求;

Qualified inspection and acceptance of prefabricated parts, materials and purchased parts, complying with design construction drawing and relevant technical documents requirement.

3.1.2 基础工程验收整改符合要求;Foundation acceptance conform to requirement

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2. Construction Program 3.1.3 储罐制作所需工机具完好,HSE验审合格,有规定的使用标识,检验用量具必须具有

校验合格证;Qualified fabrication tools, qualified HSE certification, application identification added, and measuring tools for inspection must be qualified.

3.1.4 制作现场用材料、预制件等存放场地完善,道路畅通,电源符合用电安全要求,临时

用水用气设施完善,消防设施布置到位,符合法规要求,安全设施配备齐全。Lay down area for fabrication material, prefabricated parts etc are parepared ready, the construction road is smooth and clear. Power supply shall meet safety power consumption requirement, perfectly temporary utility facilities of water and steam etc. fire-fighting facilities are well positioned, satisfying legal stipulations with sufficient safety facilities.

3.2人员技能条件 Personnel qualification and certificates

3.2.1 制作人员必须经过项目的质保培训和安全培训,且经考试合格,具备了完成该项工作

的能力和经验; Fabrication people have to pass QA and safety training, shall pass the written examination requried for this project, who has owned the capability and experience for the project construction.

3.2.2 特殊工种必须持有特殊工种的上岗证,电焊工必须持有与该项目相适应的合格证书;

Special workers have to be registered with competent certificates for special work. Welders must bear the qualified certificates specific for this project.

3.2.3 质检人员、无损检测人员、安全员、等特殊岗位人员都要具备法规要求的相应资质证

书。 The personnel with special duty and work such as quality, NDE, safety inspectors etc have to be conferred with legally required qualification certificates.

3.3制作程序Fabrication Procedure 见下页 See next page

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Project Title:Storage Tanks for Jilin Hydrogen Peroxide Project

2. Construction Program 预制厂机具准备 排版图绘制 材料进场检验 钢板下料、坡口加工 胎具、样板制作 壁板卷圆板 附件制作 基础验收 底板铺设、焊接、NDE 罐顶制作、NDE 壁板安装、焊接、NDE 壁板管口开孔 罐顶安装 接管、附件安装 总体几何尺寸检查 真空试验 充水试验、基础沉降观测 罐内清理干燥、交工验收 RFQ: IN-P-2011-0155 Project Title:Storage Tanks for Jilin Hydrogen Peroxide Project

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2. Construction Program Workshop tools Prepare workshop Material receiving preparation drawing inspection Plate cutting and groove Clamping fixture and preparation template fab. Wall plate rolling Accessory Fab. Foundation acceptance Bottom plate setting, welding,NDE Tank top fabrication and NDE Tank wall plate installation, welding, NDE Wall plate nozzle opening Tank top installation Nozzle and accessory installation Dimension Check Vacuum test Water filling test and foundation setting check Tank inside cleaning, drying and turnover RFQ: IN-P-2011-0155 \\ Project Title:Storage Tanks for Jilin Hydrogen Peroxide Project

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2. Construction Program 3.4工作程序详细描述 Detailed description of work procedure

3.4.1 材料及外购件的检查验收 Inspection and acceptance of materials and purchased parts.

a) 制作储罐选用的材料和附件,应具有质量合格证明书。当对质量合格证明书有疑问时,

应对材料和附件进行复验,合格后方准使用。Materials and accessories used for the fabrication of storage tank shall be supplied together with relevant quality certificates. In case of suspecting of quality certificates, the materials and accessories have to be re-inspected until being qualified.

b) 焊接材料(焊条、焊丝、及焊剂)应具有质量合格证明书。Welding materials (electrodes,

welding wire and soldering flux) shall be supplied with quality certificates.

c) 制作储罐选用的钢板,必须逐张进行外观检查,其表面质量应符合现行的相应钢板标

准的规定。Steel plates used for storage tank have to be visually inspected one by one and its appearance quality must conform to the stipulation of corresponding current steel plate standards.

d) 钢板表面锈蚀减薄量、划痕深度与钢板实际负偏差之和,应符合下列钢材厚度的允许

偏差的规定。The sum of surface rust corrosion, scratching depth and actual negative deviation shall comply with the stipulation of steel plate thickness allowable deviation.

钢板厚度的允许偏差表Steel plate thickness allowable deviation form

钢板厚度(mm)Steel plate thickness 6~7 8~25

3.4.2 基础的复验处理 Foundation resurvey and treatment

基础的复验应根据相关标准和规范要求进行,检查基础的表面质量、平整度、坡度、形状尺寸情况、标高、地脚螺栓(或预留孔)的质量偏差情况,按照厂房轴线检查基础位移偏差,确定基础的中心轴线,中心点作为储罐制作过程中的基准检测点与线; Foundation resurvey shall comply with relevant code and specification to inspect deviation of the surface qualify, flatness, slope, external dimensions, elevation, anchorage (or pre-set openings) of the foundation. The foundation displacement error is checked as per building axis, determining the central axis of foundation. The central point is the reference point and

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允许偏差(mm)Allowable deviation -0.6 -0.8 2. Construction Program line used for storage tank fabrication.


The sand bedding of foundation shall be leveled and compacted, no heaving, concave and cracks.


If the foundation is required for trimming or penetration/leakage, it must be handled as required until next step of work begins.

3.4.3 储罐预制 Storage tank fabrication

a) 储罐在预制、组装及检验过程中所使用的样板,在构件的曲率半径小于或等于12.5

米时,弧形样板的弦长不得小于1.5米。For the template used for the fabrication, assembling and inspection, if the curvature radius of assembled part is less than or equal to 12.5m, the chord length of the arc template shall not be less than 1.5m.

b) 测量焊缝角变形的弧形样板,其弦长不得小于1米。 For the arc template for measuring

weld angular deformation, its chord length must be over or equal to 1m.

c) 直线样板的长度不得小于1米。The length of straight template must be equal or bigger

than 1m.

d) 底板预制 Base plate prefabrication

? 底板预制前应绘制排版图,底板的排版直径,宜按设计直径放大0.1%-0.15%。

Before fabrication of base plate, the plate arrangement drawing shall be drawn up. The diameter of base plate for arrangement must be enlarged by 0.1%-0.15% of the designed diameter.

? 边缘板沿罐底半径方向的最小尺寸,不得小于700mm。The minimum dimension of

edge plate along with tank bottom radial direction shall be bigger or equal to 700mm. ? 中幅板的宽度不得小于1000mm,长度不得小于2000mm。The width of middle

plates shall be bigger or equal to 1000mm, and its length is not less than 2000mm. ? 底板任意相邻焊缝之间的距离,不得小于300mm。The distance between two

adjacent welds of base plates shall be bigger or equal to 300mm.

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2. Construction Program e) 壁板预制 Tank wall plate prefabrication.

? 壁板预制前应绘制排版图,各圈壁板的纵向焊缝宜向同一方向逐圈错开,其间距

宜为板长的1/3,且不得小于300mm。 Before wall plate prefabrication, plate arrangement drawings shall be prepared. The longitudinal welds of every circumferential of wall plates shall be staggered at each circle in the same direction. The spacing shall be 1/3 of the plate length and not less than 300mm.

? 底圈壁板的纵向焊缝与罐底边缘板对接焊缝之间的距离,不得小于300mm。The

distance between the longitudinal welds of the lowest circle of wall plates and butt welds of tank edge plates is not less than 300mm.

? 开孔和罐壁之间的距离 Distance between openings and tank wall:

(1) 罐壁厚度大于12㎜,开孔接管或补强板外缘与罐壁纵环焊缝之间的距离,


In case that tank wall thickness is more than 12mm, the distance between nozzle or outside edge of reinforcing plate and longitudinal & circumferrencial welds of tank walls shall be more than 8 times of fillet weld size, and shall not be less than 250mm.

(2) 罐壁厚度不大于12㎜,开孔接管或补强板外缘与罐壁纵焊缝之间的距离不


In case that tank wall thickness is not more than 12mm or the welding between nozzle or the outside edge of reinforcing plate tank wall and the longitudinal welds of tank walls shall not be less than 150mm, the distance from the circummferrencial of tank wall shall not be less than 2.5 times of tank wall thickness and shall not be less than 75mm.

? 包边角钢对接接头与壁板纵向焊缝之间的距离,不得小于200mm。The distance

between top angle butt joints and longitudinal welds of wall plates shall not be less than 200mm.

? 直径小于25米的储罐,其壁板宽度不得小于500mm,长度不得小于1000mm。

For the oil tank of diameter less than 12.5m, its wall width is not less than 500mm, its length not less than 1000mm.

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2. Construction Program ? 壁板尺寸允许偏差表:Table of allowable deviation of wall plate dimensions

环缝对接(mm) Circumferential joint butting 板长AB(CD)≥10m Length of plate AB(CD)≥10m ±1.5 ±2 ≤3 ≤1 ≤2 板长AB(CD)<10m Length of plate AB(CD) <10m ±1 ±1.5 ≤2 ≤1 ≤2 测量部位 Measuring locations 宽度AC、BD、EF Width AC、BD、EF 长度AB、CD Length AB、CD 对角线之差︱AD-BC︱ Difference of diagonals 直线度 Straight line degree AC、BD AB、CD

f) 顶板预制 Roof plate prefabrication

? 因本项目的罐顶形式为拱顶,需要在机械厂加工,为考虑可加工尺寸和运输,直

径在8米以上的储罐罐顶分3~4部分加工,直径在8米以下的储罐罐顶分2~3部分加工,加工完毕后在现场组对成形,在壁板安装后一次性吊装。The arch top will be adopted for the tank of this project, which needs fabrication in professional machining shop, however considering the machining size and transport limit, for the tank that diameter is more than 8m, the tank top will be fabricated in 3~4 pieces, for the tanks that diameter is less than 8m, the tank top will be fabricated in 2~3 pieces.

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2. Construction Program The fabricated pieces will be assembled into one piece on site, and will be lifted in place after installation of wall plates.

? 顶板预制前应绘制排版图。顶板任意相邻焊缝的间距,不得小于200mm。Before

prefabrication, the plate arrangement drawing shall be prepared. The spacing between adjacent welds of roof plates is not less than 200mm.

? 单块顶板本身的拼接,采用对接。The splicing of single roof plates themselves shall

be butt connected.

? 拱顶的顶板预制成型后,用样板检查,其间隙不得大于10mm。After the

prefabrication of the roof plate of cone roof it is checked by template and its clearance shall not be more than 10mm.

g) 构件预制 Accessory part prefabrication

? 加强圈、包边角钢等弧形构件加工成型后,用弧形样板检查,其间隙不得大于

2mm。After fabrication of such accessory parts as reinforcement ring and top angle etc., they are inspected by arc template, its clearance shall not be more than 2mm. ? 排液槽顶部与底板坡度相同。The same slope for top and bottom part of drain


? 预制阶段的所有工作在车间内完成,预制完成后运输至现场,卷制成形的钢板需

要放置在与成形的钢板曲率半径相同的运输托架上运输至现场,托架与不锈钢板接触处要衬不锈钢薄板或者橡胶板。All the prefabrication work will be finished in the work shop first and then transported to the site. When transporting, the rolled plates shall be put on specially-made transport straddle with the same bending radius of that formed plate, and stainless steel sheet or rubber pad is required between the straddle and stainless steel plate.

3.4.4 储罐现场制作 Storage tank site fabrication

a) 底板安装 Base plate installation

? 基础质量符合技术验收要求后,按照储罐底板排版图,在基础上放出底板实样,

同时也定出方位角度线。并在基础侧面留下永久记号,避免在施工中破坏所需的方位角度线,造成重复施工影响进度。After the quality of foundation comply with acceptance requirement, the actual base plates are set out on the foundation as per tank

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2. Construction Program base plate arrangement drawing, determining the lines of bearing angles. Permanent marks have to be left on the side of the foundation to avoid damaging the line of required bearing angles and affecting the construction progress.

? 2).储罐底板在全部边缘板连接定位后才能进行边缘板对接缝的焊接。施工的焊接

位置必须对称布置,焊后进行打磨,并按有关规定的技术要求进行焊缝检验;After all the edge plates at the bottom tank are connected and aligned, the butt welding can be started. The welding must be done in symmetric way. After welding, the grinding is required and check for welding joint according to the specific technical requirement. ? 底板安装的质量检查和控制按照相关标准和规范执行,并按要求对其表面进行清

理,做好相应的标识;Please refer to relevant code and specification for base plate installation quality inspection and control, cleaning and marking the surface properly as per corresponding requirement.

? 底板包括贮液槽等构件全部点焊定位后必须对焊缝位置进行除污、除尘工作。符

合要求后方可按照焊接工艺、标识焊缝编号与分界线,按照下文的罐底焊接顺序,分段进行退焊或跳焊法进行底板的焊接,并在第二遍的焊接中错开分段焊接的接口处,确保焊缝熔合的整体质量,完成底板的焊接工作;(详见焊接施工程序) The welds must be saint, dust and rust eliminated properly after the all base plates including drainage sump etc are fully tack welded. When the requirements are met, mark weld number and boundary line. Refer to the tank bottom welding sequence of the bottom welding as below , use the process of back-step sequence or jumping welding for base plates connection, and stagger the previous sectional joints in the next/second welding to assure the internal fusion quality to complete the welding of base plate.

? 焊接完成后,用吊车提高底板的高度,按照图纸的要求进行RT检验,经检查符合

验收要求后,利用吊车完成底板的正式就位安装,并在已就位后底板上标出设备中心线与壁板位置的拼装线及其他附件的方位角度线,以便下一步的移植工作。The welded base plates are lifted to certain height by crane and RT testing for them as per drawing requirement. After inspection and acceptance, the base plates are formally positioned by crane and then mark the centerline and wall plate assembling lines and the bearing lines of other accessories for next steps of transplantation. 注:储罐焊接详情见焊接施工程序。

Note: See welding procedure for storage tank welding details. b) 壁板安装 Wall plate installation

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2. Construction Program ? 壁板用正装法安装,主要是由下而上的拼装壁板,来完成壁板的安装。吊装前在

底板上放出的壁板组装的方位角度线与壁板定位的位置线,在位置线内每隔一定的间距设置定位板,以便控制壁板拼装时储罐筒体的直径尺寸与圆度;Wall plates will be installed in the down-to-up way. Before lifting, bearing lines and position lines for assembling and locating of wall plates are set out in the completed base plates, and the positioning plate is set up at regular spacing between the position lines to control the diameter and roundness of tank cylinder when installing wall plates.

? 第一层壁板的吊装位置必须正确,其组成的几何尺寸略大于设计尺寸,垂直度必

须控制在+3mm以内,同时用斜支撑固定壁板上部,调整壁板垂直焊缝间隙并与上口平整,符合要求后点焊定位并在垂直焊缝处加焊弧形加强板,尽量减少焊接时的壁板变形,在壁板外部上口安装连接夹板;相邻两壁板上口水平的允许偏差,不应大于2mm。在整个圆周上任意两点水平的允许偏差,不应大于6mm,壁板的铅垂允许偏差,不应大于3mm;组装焊接后,在底圈罐壁1米高处,内表面任意点半径的允许偏差,应符合下表:The first circle of wall plates must be correctly lifted in place and its completed dimensions are slightly greater than design dimensions. Its verticality must be controlled within +3mm, and meanwhile brace the top of fixed wall plates, adjust the clearance of vertical welds and flush with upper opening. After meeting the requirement, provide tack welding and arc stiffening plates welded at vertical welds to minimize wall plate deformation due to welding. Install connection plate at outside top of wall plates. The allowable horizontal deviation of upper opening of adjacent two wall plates is not more than 2mm. The allowable horizontal deviation at any two points of one circle shall not be more than 6mm. The allowable vertical deviation of wall plates shall not be more than 3mm; After fit up and welding, at 1 meter height of the lowest circle of wall plates, the allowable radius deviation of inner wall at any point shall comply with following table:

底圈壁板1m高处内表面任意点半径的允许偏差 Allowable radius deviation of inner wall at any point at 1m height of the lowest circle of wall plate 罐直径D(m) 半径允许偏差(mm) D≤12.5 12.5<D≤45

? 第一层壁板的焊接施焊,必须在第二层壁板连接、点焊定位后,才可进行第一层

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±13 ±19 2. Construction Program 的垂直焊缝焊接,施焊程序详见焊接程序。After 2nd circle of wall plates are tack welded, the vertical welds of first circle of wall plates can be welded. Welding Procedure give detailed description.

? 第二层以上壁板吊装安装按照排版组装图的位置就位,在下层板锁紧夹板的相应

位置上,安装卡板,并用直槽钢加楔子锁紧来完成临时连接,然后调整垂直度、环向焊缝和径向焊缝的间隙与错边,合格后才能点焊固定,在垂直焊缝位置要装防变形胎具。必须在上层壁板拼装点焊固定后,方可进行下层壁板的垂直焊缝施焊,待下层的垂直焊缝完成后才能进行该层环向焊缝施焊工作;The wall plates above second circle is lifted and positioned as per plate arrangement drawing. Install the clip plate at the corresponding position where to install the locking clamping plate of the lower plates and connected temporarily by straight channel steel and wedge for locking and connection. Then adjust its verticality, the clearance of circumferential welds and radial welds, and misalignment. After being qualified, it can be fixed by tack welding. The arc plate is installed at vertical welds to prevent deforming. Start welding the vertical joints of lower circle of wall plates only after tack welding of upper circle of wall plates. Start welding the circumferential joints only after welding of the vertical welds of upper circle of plates.

? 按上述方法完成最上部壁板的调整点焊固定后,先完成局部与上口包边角钢连接

部的焊缝焊接(因为安装包边角钢后,该部分焊缝被覆盖,必须先进行焊接),然后拼装包边角钢和进行该层壁板的垂直焊缝和环向焊缝的焊接工作,进而完成整个壁板的安装焊接工作;On completion of tack-welding of the top circle of wall plates as per the above stated method, first weld the local portion with top angle (this part of welds will be covered after installation of top angle, therefore they must be welded first), then assemble top angle and start welding of vertical and circumferential welds of this circle of wall plates to finally end all installation and welding of whole wall plates. ? 焊缝表面清理后进行焊缝的各项检验检查工作,同时做好检查位置的标识标记工

作;Various tests and inspections are carried out after cleaning the welds surfaces and make marking at inspected and tested places.

? 壁板安装时可采取搭设脚手架或者挂架的方法。The scaffolding or temporary

platform can be adopted for installation of wall plates.

c) 罐顶安装 Roof plate installation

? 吊装前的准备,通过计算与放大样,取得顶板高度的准确数据,确定安装用中心

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2. Construction Program 支撑钢架与其他同心支撑架的高度与位置,并安装就位完。同时把储罐中心十字线移植到中心架与包边角钢上,划出具体位置线;Preparation before lifting: determine the accurate height of roof plates by calculation and plates layout/actual plate arrangement, determine the height and position of steel central support frame and other concentric steel support frame to complete installation and positioning. Meanwhile transfer the tank central cross-line onto the central frame and rolled angle steel to mark out the actual position lines for roof plate installation.

? 罐顶安装焊接检查合格后,按设计图示方位进行按管嘴开孔定位,经工程师和QC

检查人员复核后方可进行开孔/安装接管/补强板/人孔等附件,然后拆除顶板安装的临时支撑架,清理储罐内部不需用的杂物,确保施工环境安全;After qualified installation and welding inspection for roof plates, the nozzles are oriented as per design drawing. After checking by engineer and QC inspector, make openings, install nozzles, reinforcement pads, manholes etc. Afterwards, dismantle the temporary supports for roof plate installation; clean the wastes inside the storage tanks for safe construction conditions.

d) 附件及盘梯安装 Accessories and circular ladder installation

? 设计图示方位在罐体上进行开孔定位,经工程师和QC检查人员复核确认后方可进

行开孔工作,安装罐壁的接管、补强板、支架等附件;Fix the orientation of openings as per design drawing. The holes can be made only after engineer and QC inspector’s review and confirmation, then install the accessories such as nozzles, reinforcement pads, supports etc.

? 接管补强板气密性检查应符合要求;Air tightness test for reinforcement pads of

nozzle shall comply with the relevant requirement.

? 开孔接管的中心位置偏差,不得大于10mm;接管外伸长度的允许偏差应为±5mm;

The central position deviation of opening of nozzle shall not be greater than 10mm. The allowable deviation of extruding length of nozzle shall be ±5mm.

? 开孔补强板的曲率,应与罐体曲率一致;The curvature of reinforcement pad at

opening shall be consistent with that of tank.

? 开孔接管法兰的密封面应平整,不得有焊瘤和划痕,法兰的密封面应与接管的轴

线垂直,倾斜不应大于法兰外径的1%,且不得大于3mm,法兰的螺栓孔,应跨中安装。The sealing face of flange for pipe connection shall be level without overlaps and scratch. The sealing face of flanges shall be vertical to the axis of connection pipe with inclining not be greater than the flange outside diameter by 1% and 3mm. The bolt

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2. Construction Program holes of flanges shall be installed with bolts symmetrically.

e) 总体几何尺寸检查 Overall geometric dimension inspection:

? 罐壁高度的允许偏差,不应大于设计高度的0.5%。The allowable deviation of tank

wall height shall not be greater than the design height by 0.5%

? 罐壁铅垂的允许偏差,不应大于罐壁高度的0.4%,且不得大于50mm。The allowable

deviation of tank wall verticality shall not be greater than the tank wall height by 0.4% and ≤50mm.

? 罐底焊接后,其局部的凹凸变形的深度,不应大于变形长度的2%,且不应大于50mm。

After tank bottom welding, its local concave and convex deformed depth shall not be greater than the length of deformed part by 2% and ≤50mm.

3.4.5 储罐试验 Storage tank test

a) 临时给排水铺设; Temporary water supply and drainage prepared ready. b) 罐内清理;Internal cleaning of tanks

c) 接口管使用盲法兰临时封闭;Nozzles are closed temporarily with blind flange. d) 盛水试验,同时完成基础沉降观测。Water filling test, simultaneously completion of

foundation settlement observation.

? 充水试验前,所有附件及其它与罐体焊接的构件,应全部完工; All the accessories

and structure parts welded to tank shall be completed prior to water filling test. ? 充水试验用水氯离子含量不应超过25ppm,试验水温不低于5℃;For water used for

filling test, the contents of chloride ion is no more than 25ppm, the temperature of testing water is no less than 5℃.

? 充水试验检查罐底的严密性、罐壁强度及严密性、固定顶的强度、稳定性及严密

性、基础的沉降观测。Water filling test is to inspect the tightness of tank bottom, the tightness and strength of tank wall, the strength, stableness and tightness of fixed roof, and observe the foundation sedimentation.

? 罐底的严密性,应以充水试验过程中罐底无渗漏为合格。若发现渗漏,应进行补

焊。In case of no leakage occurrence during water charging, the tightness of tank bottom is qualified. If leaked, weld repair shall be done.

? 罐壁的强度及严密性试验,应以充水到设计最高液位并保持48小时后,罐壁无渗


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2. Construction Program 进行补焊。In case of no tank wall leakage and abnormal deformation occurred within 48 hours after water charged to the designed level in the tank, the strength and tightness of tank wall is tested qualified. If leaked, the water is discharged to the level lower than the leaked point by about 300mm and additional welding is executed.

? 固定顶的强度及严密性试验,罐内水位应在最高设计液位下1m进行缓慢充水升

压,当升至试验压力时,应以罐顶无异常变形,焊缝无渗漏为合格。试验后,应立即使储罐内部与大气相通,恢复到常压。引起温度剧烈变化的天气,不宜做固定顶的强度、严密性试验和稳定性试验。To test the strength and tightness of fixed roof, when the water level of tank is at the point lower than 1m of highest design level, the tank is slowly water charged. In case of test pressure reached and no tank roof deformation and welds leakage occurred, the tightness and strength is qualified. If substantial temperature changes exist due to weather variation, it is not allowed to have fixed roof strength, tightness and stableness tests.

? 固定顶的稳定性试验应充水到设计最高液位用放水方法进行。试验时应缓慢降压,

达到试验负压时,罐顶无异常变形为合格。试验后,应立即使油罐内部与大气相通,恢复到常压。The water is charged to the max design level and discharged afterwards to test the stableness of fixed roof. During test, the pressure shall be reduced gradually. If reaching negative pressure and no tank roof deformation, it is regarded as qualified. After testing, the tank is ventilated with air immediately and resumed to normal pressure.

? 充水试验中应进行基础沉降观测。在充水试验中,如基础发生不允许的沉降,应停止

充水,待处理后,方可继续进行试验。During water filling test, the foundation sedimentation shall be observed closely. During water charging, in case of over foundation sedimentation occurred, water charging shall be stopped. After proper treatment, the test can be resumed again.

? 在罐壁下部每隔10米左右,设一个观测点,点数宜为4的整倍数,且不得少于4

点。An observation point shall be set up at about every 10m at lower part of tank wall and the no. of observation points shall the multiple of 4 and not less than 4 points.

3.4.6 储罐酸洗/钝化Storage tank pickling

根据规范要求,对储罐内壁焊缝进行酸洗并用钢丝刷刷净。To conform with the specifications, the welded seams on the inner wall of tank shall be cleaned by pickling and steel brushing.

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2. Construction Program 3.4.7 储罐封闭 Internal cleaning, drying and protection inside tank

所有施工结束后应将罐内清理干净,并经业主检查认可,方可封闭。When the work is finished, the tank can only be closed after tank inside cleaned by fabricator and confirmed by owner.

3.4.8 储罐交工验收 Storage tank turn over and acceptance

交工验收时应提供所有过程资料和无损检测资料。All the in-process records and NDE report shall be included in the as-built documentation for turnover.

4、储罐焊接方法 Storage tank welding method 4.1 材料 Materials

本体母材:304L Base metal: 304L 接管和管件:304L

Nozzle and pipe fittings: 304L 法兰和锻件:304L Flange and forging: 304L 角钢、扁钢等:304L

Angle steel, flat steel and etc.: 304L

焊材:焊条E308L Φ3.2 Φ4.0 和 焊丝ER308L

Welding material: welding rod E308L Φ3.2 Φ4.0 and welding wire ER308L 4.2工艺 Welding procedure


Manual arc double-side butt welding is to be adopted for base plate of the storage tank; 储罐顶板采用手弧双面对接焊;

Manual arc double-side butt welding is to be adopted for roof plate of the storage tank; 储罐壁板采用手弧双面对接焊;

Manual arc double-side butt welding is to be adopted for wall plate of the storage tank; 储罐壁板与底板焊接采用手弧双面角焊;

Manual arc double-side fillet welding is to be adopted for wall plate and base plate of the storage tank;


Argon arc single groove fillet welding is to be adopted for nozzle and the storage tank.

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2. Construction Program 法兰与接管采用氩弧对接焊;

Argon arc butt welding is to be adopted for flanges and Nozzle. 接管与补强板采用氩弧单面坡口角焊;

Argon arc single groove fillet welding is to be adopted for nozzle and the reinforcement pad. 补强板与罐壁采用手弧角焊。

Manual fillet welding is to be adopted for the reinforcement pad and tank wall. 4.3人员资格 Welder’s qualification

操作焊工持有压力容器特种作业证,具备横、平、立、仰和管道对接焊(氩电联焊)资格。 The welder shall possess special work permit for pressure vessels and have the qualification of longitudinal fillet welding, horizontal fillet welding, vertical fillet welding, overhead welding and pipe butt welding (SMAW+GMAW).


The weld assembly personnel shall have rich experience in fabrication, and shall be qualified and certified.

4.4 环境要求 Welding surroundings requirement


In case of any one of following circumstances of welding surroundings, effective protection measures shall be taken, otherwise, welding is not permitted. a) 风速:气体保护焊时大于2m/s,其他焊接方法大于8m/s;

Wind velocity: higher than 2 m/s for gas shielded welding and higher than 8 m/s for other welding methods. b) 相对湿度大于90%;

Relative humidity is more than 90%;

c) 雨雪环境;

Rainy and snow surroundings; d) 焊件温度低于5℃。

Weldment temperature is lower than 5℃.


It is necessary to take preheating measures when the ambient temperature is lower than 5℃, for which the preheating temperature shall be ≥15℃ and the maximum preheating temperature shall be lower than 150℃. The preheating area shall be within 100 mm around the welding starting point.

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2. Construction Program 4.5 焊缝标识 Marking of weld


Upon completion of welding, visible marking shall be made immediately. The mark point shall be 20-50mm far from the weld edge.


The weld mark shall be made with erasable marker and the crater number shall be one-to-one corresponding with marking of crater layout diagram. 标识内容:焊缝号+焊工代号。

Marking items: weld number+ welder’s ID number.


Marking of the longitudinal weld of the storage tank must appear at the beginning and ending of the weld, 100mm far from the circular weld. One mark is enough when the longitudinal weld is less than 400mm.


Marking of the circular weld of the storage tank shall be made at intersection of circular weld and longitudinal weld. Weld marking shall be made for the length of circular weld equal to or less than one meter.

4.6 储罐焊接方法 Welding method for tanks 4.6.1储罐底板焊接方法 Base plate welding method

在所有焊接活动中严禁在坡口外母材的任何地方起弧,以免损伤母材表面。 For prevention of damage to the base metal surface, arc strike at any area of the base metal outside the groove is strictly prohibited. a).坡口(见图一)Groove (see figure 1)

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2. Construction Program 图一:储罐底板对接坡口图

Figure 1: Diagram of butt joint groove for base plate of the tank


Machining is to be adopted for processing of groove. b).组对 Assembly


Tack welding is to be conducted for positioning of the base plate during assembly, with the length of tack welding not less than 50mm and spacing to be 300mm. c).焊口施焊顺序(见图二)Welding sequence (see figure 2)


Figure 2: Welding sequence in butt joint of base plate


Weld spatter and slag must be cleaned from the crater after completion of welding of each pass. Welder shall enhance self-inspection of the weld. Interpass temperature control shall be in combination with base metal material and thickness.


Quick seal-welding shall be conducted with Φ3.2 welding rod, low current and short arc, provided that complete penetration can be ensured for ①④ welding pass. d).焊缝施焊顺序(见图三)

Sequence for welding of weld seam (see figure 3)

总体顺序应考虑焊缝收缩需得到补偿,即为先焊短焊缝,再焊长焊缝;由中向外。 如下图为例,1~10为短焊缝,11~22为长焊缝。

In terms of the overall sequence, considerations shall be given to compensation to the weld shrinkage, i.e. weld the short welding seam first and then the long welding seam, with direction from center towards outside.

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2. Construction Program Take following figure as an example, in which 1-10 is short welding seam and 11-22 is long welding seam.


Figure 3 Base plate welding seam arrangement diagram

1) 短焊缝(见图四)

Short welding seam (see figure 4)


Figure 4 Welding sequence for short welding seam


Divide a long weld into two weld numbers, with central point as the boundary.


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2. Construction Program 与分段施焊方向相反。

Back-step welding plus skip welding are to be adopted for welding operation, in which two welders carry out welding simultaneously with similar welding parameters. That is to say, at first, they simultaneously weld D and F sections as shown in figure 4 and afterwards B and H sections, and the like. At the same time, the skipped section shall be welded, so that the overall welding direction of the welding seam is opposite to that of the section welding. 2). 长焊缝(见图五)

Long welding seam (see figure 5)


Figure 5: Welding sequence for long welding seam


Divide a long weld into two weld numbers, with central point as the boundary.


The welding sequence is identical to that of short welding seam. That is to say, when welder A is welding section A in accordance with the direction as shown in the figure, welder B shall simultaneously weld section B' with same length as A and afterwards weld sections C and D', and the like. At the same time, skipped sections B, A' and etc. shall be welded, so that the overall welding direction of the welding seam is opposite to that of the section welding.


The welding sequence for long welding seam on the base plate shall be to weld the middle seam at first, and then to symmetrically conduct welding towards both sides in turn. That is to say, firstly weld the welding seam of 11 and 16, secondly 22 and 17, thirdly 12 and 15, then followed by 21 and 18, and the like. e).焊缝表面清理 Welds Cleaning


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2. Construction Program Remove slag and splatter from the weld face, pickle the face with pickling paste to present a neat and clean weld face.

4.6.2储罐顶板焊接方法 Welding method for tank roof plate

a). 坡口(见图六) Groove (see figure 6)


Figure 6: Diagram for butt joint groove of tank roof plate


Machining is to be adopted for processing of groove. b). 组对 Assembly

按照坡口要求进行组对。顶板组对点焊定位,点固焊长度不小于50mm,间距300mm。 Conduct assembly as per groove requirements. Tack welding is to be conducted for positioning of the roof plate during assembly, with the length of tack welding not less than 50mm and spacing to be 300mm.

c).焊口施焊顺序(见图七) Welding sequence (see figure 7)


Figure 7: Welding sequence for butt joint pass of tank roof plate


After completion of post-welding back gouging and satisfactory PT inspection of welding pass ①, ②~③ welding pass shall be welded in turn. Interpass temperature control shall be in combination

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2. Construction Program with the base metal material and thickness as well as other factors. 每一焊道在焊后应对焊口清理飞溅、残渣。焊工应加强对焊缝的自检。

Weld spatter and slag must be cleaned from the crater after completion of welding of each pass. Welder shall enhance self-inspection of the weld.

d).焊缝施焊顺序(见图八)Welding sequence (see figure 8)

总体顺序应考虑焊缝收缩需得到补偿,即为先焊短焊缝,再焊长焊缝;由中向外。 如下图为例,1~10为短焊缝,11~22为长焊缝。

The overall sequence shall consider the compension for the shrinkage due for welding, which require starting from short welding seam first and then the long welding seam, with direction from center towards outside.

Take following figure as an example, in which 1-10 is short welding seam and 11-22 is long welding seam.


Figure 8: Weld distribution diagram for tank roof plate

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2. Construction Program 1)短焊缝(见图九)

Short welding seam (see figure 9)


Figure 9 Welding sequence for short welding seam


The central point of long welds will be based as the boundary, divide a long weld into two weld numbers.


Back-step welding plus skip welding are to be adopted for welding operation, in which two welders carry out welding simultaneously with similar welding parameters. That is to say, at first, they simultaneously weld D and F sections as shown in figure 9 and afterwards B and H sections, and the like. At the same time, the skipped section shall be welded, so that the overall welding direction of the welding seam is opposite to that of the section welding. 2). 长焊缝(见图十)

Long welding seam (see figure 10)


Figure 10: Welding sequence for long welding seam


The central point of long welds will be based as the boundary, divide a long weld into two weld numbers.


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2. Construction Program B'段,再同时焊C、D'段,依次类推。再同时焊跳段B、A'等部分,使焊缝整体施焊方向与分段施焊方向相反。

The welding sequence is identical to that of short welding seam. That is to say, when welder A is welding section A in accordance with the direction as shown in the figure, welder B shall simultaneously weld section B' with same length as A and afterwards weld sections C and D', and the like. At the same time, skipped sections B, A' and etc. shall be welded, so that the overall welding direction of the welding seam is opposite to that of the section welding.


The welding sequence for long welding seam on the top plate shall be to weld the middle seam at first, and then to symmetrically conduct welding towards both sides in turn. That is to say, firstly weld the welding seam of 11 and 16, secondly 22 and 17, thirdly 12 and 15, then followed by 21 and 18, and the like.

e).焊缝表面清理 Welds Cleaning


Remove slag and splatter from the weld face, clean the face with pickling paste to present a neat and clean weld face. 4.6.3

储罐壁焊接方法 Welding method for tank wall



Machining is to be adopted for processing of groove.

1). 纵向焊缝坡口(见图十一)Longitudinal weld groove (see figure 11)


Figure 11: Diagram for longitudinal weld groove on tank wall

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2. Construction Program 2).环向焊缝坡口(见图十二)Circular weld groove (see figure 12) 储罐环向焊缝仅对上层壁板的下缘开坡口,下层壁板不开坡口。

Grooves are to be opened only on lower edges of the upper wall plate for the circular welding seam of the storage tank. No grooves will be opened on the lower wall plate.


Figure 12: Diagram for circular weld groove on tank wall

b).组对 Assembly

按照坡口要求进行组对。以点固焊长不小于50mm,间距300m m,对母材进行点焊固定。 Conduct assembly as per groove requirements. Tack welding is to be conducted to fix the metal base, with the length of tack welding not less than 50mm and spacing to be 300mm. c).焊口施焊顺序 Welding sequence


After welding the backing weld ① and filling cover pass ②③, carry out back gouging, visual inspection and afterwards welding of the back gouging pass. The interpass temperature control shall be in combination with material and thickness of the base metal .

1).纵向焊口施焊顺序(见图十三)Welding sequence for longitudinal crater (see figure 13)


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2. Construction Program Figure 13: Diagram for welding sequence of longitudinal crater

2). 环向焊口施焊顺序(见图十四) Welding sequence for circular crater (see figure 14)


Figure 14: Diagram for welding sequence of circular crater

d).储罐壁焊缝施焊顺序 Welding sequence for welding seam on tank wall 总体顺序:纵向焊缝---横向焊缝

General sequence: longitudinal weld---transverse weld


Weld distribution is shown in figure 15. 1/4 periphery is one weld at the counter-clockwise direction, with 0° as the starting point.


---(20) is the longitudinal weld and (21)---(40) transverse weld.

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2. Construction Program 图十五:储罐壁本体组对焊口分布图

Figure 15: Crater distribution diagram for assembly of tank wall body

1). 纵向焊缝 Longitudinal weld


Skip-welding method shall be adopted for longitudinal weld. Please refer to figure 16 for its welding sequence.

General welding direction


Figure 16: Diagram for welding sequence of longitudinal weld on tank wall

焊完A段后,再焊C、E段,然后再焊跳段B、D段。纵向焊缝整体施焊方向为由下至上。 Firstly, weld section A, second, weld sections C and E, and then weld the skipped sections B and D. General welding direction of longitudinal weld is from the bottom to the top. 2). 环向焊缝 Circular weld

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2. Construction Program 坡口加工采用机械加工。

Machining is to be adopted for processing of groove. nozzle



Figure 23: Groove diagram for welding of flanges to nozzle and nozzle to nozzle

b). 组对 Assembly


Assembly shall be conducted in accordance with the groove requirements. Symmetric spot welding is to be conducted to fix the base metal. c). 焊口施焊顺序(见图二十四) Welding sequence (see figure 24)




Figure 24: Welding sequence diagram for welding of flanges to nozzle and nozzle to nozzle


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2. Construction Program Argon arc backing weld is to be adopted for weld pass①, in which the pipe shall be filled with argon for protection. Arc welding is to be adopted for weld passes ② and ③. The interpass temperature shall be controlled in combination with the material and thickness of the base metal. d).焊缝表面清理 Welds Cleaning


Remove slag and splatter from the weld face, pickle the face with pickling paste to present a neat and clean weld face. 4.6.7

补强板与罐壁焊接方法 Welding method for reinforcement pad and tank wall

a).坡口(见图二十五)Groove (see figure 25) tank body

reinforcing pad


Figure 25 Groove diagram for welding of reinforcement pad to tank wall


Machining is to be adopted for processing of groove. b).组对 Assembly

补强板与罐壁的曲率半径应一致。按照坡口要求进行组对。对母材进行对称点焊固定。 The radius of curvature of reinforcement pad and tank wall shall be coincident with each other. Assembly shall be made in accordance with the groove requirements. Symmetric spot welding shall be conducted to fix the base metal.

c). 焊口施焊顺序(见图二十六) Welding sequence (See figure 26)

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2. Construction Program

tank body

reinforcing pad


Figure 26: Welding sequence for reinforcement pad and tank wall

焊道①采用小电流、短弧施焊。应结合母材的材质和厚度等因素控制层间温度。 Low current and short arc shall be applied to welding of welding pass①. The interpass

temperature shall be controlled in combination with the material and thickness of the base metal. d). 焊缝表面清理 Welds Cleaning


Remove slag and splatter from the weld face, pickle the face with pickling paste to present a neat and clean weld face.

4.6.8 补强板与接管焊接方法 Welding method for reinforcement pad and nozzle

a) 坡口(见图二十七)Groove (see figure 27)

reinforcing pad

tank body

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2. Construction Program 图二十七:补强板与接管焊接坡口图

Figure 27: Groove diagram for welding of reinforcement pad and nozzle


Machining is to be adopted for processing of groove. b).组对 Assembly

按照坡口要求进行组对。接管与补强板的间隙应均匀一致。对母材进行对称点焊固定。 Assembly shall be made in accordance with groove requirements. Space between nozzle and the reinforcement pad shall be uniform and consistent. Fix the base metal through symmetric spot welding.

c). 焊口施焊顺序(见图二十八) Welding sequence (see figure 28)

reinforcing pad

tank body



Figure 28: Welding sequence diagram for reinforcement pad and nozzle


The interpass temperature shall be controlled in combination with the material and thickness of base metal and other factors. d). 焊缝表面清理 Welds Cleaning


Remove slag and splatter from the weld face, pickle the face with pickling paste to present a neat and clean weld face.

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2. Construction Program 4.6.9 T字接头焊接方案 T-shaped joint welding scheme


Great care shall be taken in welding of T-shaped joint by welding the longitudinal weld to deposits inside groove of the transverse weld. Surfacing deposits shall be ground flush as per groove angle of the transverse weld.

a) 底板T字接头 T-shaped joint for base plate


After completion of short weld on base plate, T-shaped joint shall be assembled as per groove requirements.

b) 储罐壁和顶板T字接头 T-shaped joint for tank wall and roof plate


A space ranging from 100 to 150 mm shall be temporarily reserved for the lower part of longitudinal weld on the tank wall and roof plate. This part shall not be welded until corresponding circular weld has been completed with welding. Grinding as per groove requirements is necessary for welding of the reserved section.

4.6.10 预防变形措施与焊口返修 Measures against deformation and weld repair


For prevention of deformation, anti-deformation measures can be taken for weld on edges of the base plate, i.e., the groove shall be placed conversely by 1.5~2° in advance during assembly. (see figure 29)


Figure 29: groove assembly diagram for prevention of deformation


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Project Title:Storage Tanks for Jilin Hydrogen Peroxide Project

2. Construction Program 垫不锈钢薄板,防变形胎具如图三十。

To prevent from deformation, anti-deformation clamping fixture shall be arranged inside the tank for welding of the tank wall. A stainless steel thin slab shall be padded at the contact between the anti-deformation clamping fixture and the stainless steel plate. Please refer to figure 30 for the clamping fixture.


Figure 30: Anti-deformation clamping fixture


Weld defect shall be identified prior to rewelding of the welding seam. Depth for elimination of defects shall not be more than 2/3 of the plate thickness and the length of repair welding shall not be less than 50 mm. Rewelding of one identical part shall not exceed twice. 层间焊道的起弧点和收弧点应错开、焊后应缓冷。

The interpass arcing spot and arc-closing spot shall be staggered and slow cooling is necessary after welding.

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