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Unit 1

1. After 20 minutes of fighting, Butcher noticed the flash of a headlamp coming up from behind. 2. 二十分钟的战斗之后,Butcher 发现身后有雪橇前灯在闪亮。

3. Incredibly, she succeeded in driving the moose out of her team, but not before some of her dogs

had been severely injured. (11.1)

4. 令人惊讶的是她竟然把驼鹿从狗队里赶了出来,但(不无遗憾地)是几只狗已经严重受伤。 5. 在第一段赛程上Butcher 已经创下了一个新的时间记录,她几乎是稳操胜券了。 ( to set a

record ) (10.7)

6. Butcher had already set a new time record for the first leg of the trip, and her chances of

winning had never been better. Unit 2

1. 一直到1897年英国海军的船员还不容许用刀和叉子吃饭,因为用刀叉吃饭被认为是没有


2. As late as 1897, sailors in the Britain Navy were not permitted to use knives and forks, because

using them was considered unmanly. Unit 3

1. 在富人们的家里,经常有经驯服的凶猛的野兽自由自在地来回走动。 ( to permit ) 2. Dangerous animals were tamed and then permitted to walk freely through the houses of the rich. 3. Not only did rich people keep pets, they made them do strange things for their entertainment. 4. 富人们不仅喂养宠物,他们还让它们来做一些奇怪的事情以供他们享乐。 Unit 5

1. “ Your partner can save your life – you can save your partner’s life,” Wellman said as the pair

received congratulations from friends. “ There are real close bonds.”

2. “你的伙伴可以挽救你的生命,你也可以挽救伙伴的生命。”两人在接受朋友们的祝贺时,

Wellman 讲道,“我们之间亲密无间。”

3. 当这一切过去以后,两个人重提此事时,似乎没有发生什么严重的问题一样。但是也许正

是Wellman 敏捷的反应才挽救了他朋友的性命。( speak of )

4. When it was all over, both men spoke as if there hadn’t been a serious problem, but by acting

quickly, Wellman probably saved his friend’s life. Unit 6

1. 她的杰出才能和赫赫有名并未阻碍她拥有很多朋友( keep from ),并像中国小镇上的普


2. Her brilliance and fame have not kept her from having many friends and growing up as a

normal child in a small town in China.

3. 很多孩子在进入青春期时,开始从其他青少年伙伴那里寻求友情、鼓励和归属感 ( turn

to ) 。

4. Many children, as they enter adolescence, begin to turn to other teenagers for affection,

encouragement and a sense of belonging.

5. 历史上的一些著名的神童还有一个共同点,那就是他们的寿命都不长。(have … in


6. A number of history’s most famous prodigies have something else in common: they didn’t live

very long lives.

7. 那些对现在的神童进行过仔细研究的人们发现,神童们往往身处深深的孤独之中。

( observe )

8. Those who have studied today’s prodigies closely observed that they often live under the great

weight of their loneliness.

9. 尽管几个世纪以来人们对神童现象一直很着迷,对这方面的认真研究却是近年来才开始

的。( fascination )

10. Even though there has been a fascination with child prodigies for centuries, there has been little

serious study of them until recently. Unit 7

1. Lasers are used in our homes in music CD players and videodisc players, which offer much

better audio and video reproduction than we get from audiotapes or VCRs.

2. 在家里,激光被用在CD唱机和VCD机上,它们比(传统的)录音机和录像机播出的声


3. Over the past twenty years, personal computers have brought tremendous changes to the home

and the workplace, and many of the most important developments in computer technology are based on lasers. (10.7)

4. 在过去的20年里,个人计算机已经给家庭生活和工作带来了巨大的变化,其中计算机技

术最重要的发展是以激光为基础的。 Unit 8

1. In Europe, there are lines of people waiting to go up sections of mountains, guides walking

around, and garbage all over the place.

2. 在欧洲,会有很多人排队等候爬上某段山坡,到处都有向导来回走动,垃圾随处可见。 3. 近年来越来越多的美国人从事危险的体育活动来充实闲暇时间,他就是其中之一。( take

up )

4. He is one of the growing number of Americans who in recent years have taken up dangerous

sports to fill their leisure hours. Unit 9

1. Brushing stimulates the skin and the tissues underneath so blood can flow more easily and more

oxygen can reach the brain.

2. 梳理(头皮)可以刺激皮肤及皮下组织,促进血液流动,这样可以为大脑供应更多的氧气。 Unit 10

1. 根据调查,大多数中了彩票的人还干着原来的工作,住在原来的地方,还交着原来的朋友,

而且他们花钱很慎重 ( careful about )。

2. According to a survey, most people who win the lottery keep their jobs, stay in their

neighborhoods and keep the same friends.

3. Most people have found themselves daydreaming about winning a million dollars – as a

solution to their money problems or as a path to happiness and a life of luxury.

4. 许多人都发现自己做过中一百万元彩票的美梦,期望以此解决经济问题或者从此过上幸福


5. After a press conference when relatives mentioned that they’d like to buy a fancy car,

automobile salesmen started hounding her along with the press.

6. 当亲戚们在新闻发布会上提到要买一辆漂亮的汽车后,汽车销售人员就和记者们一起到处


7. To win the lottery you only need luck, but to manage the changes in your life that come with the

jackpot, you need lots of planning and good advice.

8. 中彩票你需要的只是运气,但是随着这一大笔钱的到来,如何把握你生活中出现的种种变

化,你需要的却是精心的安排和良好的建议。 Unit 11

1. 当亲密的关系终结或者当我们担心可能终结的时候,就不再产生太啡肽,我们就会被置于


2. When the relationship ends or when we’re afraid that it might end, productin of endorphins(内

啡肽)stops and we’re thrown into a panic.

3. 人们堕入爱河时的情感非常之强烈,当时绝对没有人会停下来考虑大脑里的化学成分的。

( in love )

4. The emotions we feel when we're in love are so powerful that when they're going on, nobody's

going to stop to think about chemicals in the brain.

5. 一个十五岁男孩的妈妈认为,儿子和一位远方的女孩产生认真的恋爱关系为时太早了。这

是他给这个男孩的答复。( relationship )

6. Here’s his answer to a fifteen-year-old boy, whose mother felt he was too young to have a

serious relationship with a girl who lived far away.

7. What’s intense in a relationship is newness. That’s why the great romances of literature are

never between people who stay together.

8. 恋爱关系中最强烈的是新鲜感。这就是为什么伟大的文学作品从来不去描述人们如何幸福

地生活在一起。 Unit 12

1. There is no definite way to predict an earthquake. “ We prefer the word forecasting,” says one

geologist. “ It sounds like weather, which allows us to be wrong.”

2. 现在还没有预测地震的准确方法。“我们更喜欢预测这个词,”一名地质学家说,“听起来


3. Scientists realize that there are a large number of fault lines under the Earth, many of which are

unknown to them.

4. 科学家们意识到地球下面有很多断裂带,很多对他们来说都是陌生的。

5. Even though the residents of California have always realized that earthquakes are a veay real

threat, most say going through one is an experience that you can’t have imagined until it’s actually happened.

6. 虽然加利福利亚的居民一直深感地震的威胁是很现实的,可是很多人说,地震这种经历,


