
更新时间:2023-03-19 13:47:01 阅读量: 人文社科 文档下载




1、I made a model house, She helped me.(合并成一句) She helped a model house.

2、Which do you prefer, the big one or the small one?(保持原句意思) Which , the big one or the small one?

3、There is a lot of traffic on the street.(改为否定句) traffic on the street.

4、The nearest shopping center is only 800 meters away.(就划线部分提问) is the nearest shopping center?

5、Don’t eat or drink in the classroom.(保持原句意思) eat or drink in the classroom.

6、This sign tells us to turn left.(就划线部分提问) this sign ?

7、At school we have rules to keep us safe.(就划线部分提问) have rules at school?

8、Let’s go to see the film. (就划线部分提问)

Let’s go to see the film, ?

9、I go to the Children’s Place once a week. (就划线部分提问) do you go to the Children’s Place?

10、The MP4 player cost 600 yuan.(对划线部分提问) the MP4 player ?

11、The flowers over there look nice.(改为反问疑问句)

The flowers over there look nice, ?

12、We often take the underground to go to school.(划线提问) you often go to school?

13、Do you live in the city? Do you live in the countryside?(合并成一句) Do you live the city the countryside?

14、We are going to see a film this Monday.(就划线部分提问) going this Monday?

15、If you want to stay healthy, you should go to bed early. (保持原句意思) Go to bed early


16、Of all the sports I like football best. (保持原句意思) is sport.

17、Sam does a lot of homework every evening. (改为否定句) Sam homework every evening.

18、Your father has been to Hongkong. (改为反问疑问句) Your father has been to Hongkong , ?

19、These hot dogs cost eleven yuan. (就划线部分提问) do these hot dogs ?

20、I’m selling American food. (就划线部分提问) are you selling?


1、Don’t make so much_________(noisy)! My father is writing.

2、Some_____________(Australia) like to camp in the coutryside at weekend.

3、It’s very _________(relax) to listen to de songs.

4、It’s very________(pleased) to meet you.

5、City life is very _________(difference) form the country life.

6、We must not ride bicycles here. It’s a ________(warn) sign.

7、Why don’t we go _______(camp) this weekend?

8、It is a _______(use) information for me,I think.

9、A:What does this sign ______(meaning)?

B:We mustn’t eat or drink here.

10、Can you make your life more____________?(enjoy)

11、I like living in the suburbs. It’s quiet and _______.(peace)

12、People have their own way of _________.(relex)

13、My uncle Jack likes _______in the suburbs.(live)

14、My computer is ___________.It doesn't work now.(break)

15、He used to __________when he was young.(smoking)


I. 应掌握的词组:

1. in front of 在 的前面(外部) in the front of 在 的前面(内部)

2. in the library 在图书馆

3. get out of/get into 出 之外/进入

4. sleep late 睡懒觉 sleep well 睡得好 get to sleep=fall asleep 睡着

5. walk down/along 沿 走

6. take off (飞机)起飞;脱下(衣帽)

7. on Sunday evening 在星期日晚上


8. in the tree在树上 on the tree在树上

9. take photos 照相

10. at the train station 在火车站

11. run away 跑开,逃跑

12. as+adj原形 as 和…一样…

例如: She is (not) as beautiful as her sister. I can run as fast as he(him)

13. buy/draw/make sth. for sb. 为某人买/画/制作

14. walk home 走回家

15. in history 在历史上

16. for example 例如

17. in the city of 在 市

18. on the playground 在操场上

19. ten minutes ago 十分钟前

20. take place 发生(强调必然性)

21. happen to sth./sb. 发生(强调偶然性)

例如:What has happened to you?=What’s the matter with you?=What’s wrong with you?

22. of course=sure=certainly 当然

23. all over the world=around the world 遍及全世界

24. outside/inside the station 在车站外/内

25. next to 相邻,紧贴

26. be ill in hospital/bed 生病住院/在床

27. hear about/of 听说(间接听到)

28. in silence 沉默不语 keep silent 保持沉默

29. an unusual experience 一次不寻常的经历

30. have meaning to 对—有意义

31. become the first Chinese astronaut in space 成为中国第一个太空宇航员

32. a national hero 一个民族英雄 35. be famous all over the world 全世界出名

36. for the first time 第一次

II. 应该掌握的句子:

1.What are you doing for vacation? I’m babysitting my sister.




2.Who are you going with? I’m going with my parents.





他们假期要做什么?他们要在家里放松放松。3.When is he going camping? He is going on the 12th of February, 2005.

4.I’m going to Tibet for a week. 我要去西藏一周。



5.What are you doing there? I’m going hiking in the mountains.

你在那里要做什么? 我要在山区里远足。

6.Show me your photos when we get back to school.




7.Where are you going for vacation? I’m going to Hawaii for vacation.



8.I’m going to Hawaii for vacation in December, and I’m staying for three weeks.我要在12月去夏威夷度假,在那里呆3个星期。


9.What is it like there? 那里什么样子?





10. Can I ask you some questions about your vacation plans?




11. He thought about going to Greece or Spain, but decided on Canada.





12. He is leaving the first week in June and staying until September.




我计划去美丽的乡村度过这段时间。13. Please don’t forget to close the door when you leave.


14.She couldn’t wait to get home to see he parents.




◆unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived? 知识点:


a) 过去进行时由“was/were+动词ing形式”构成。以动词work为列,其肯定式,否定式,疑问式以及简略答语见下表:

肯定式:I/He/She/It was working. We/You/ They were working.

否定式:I/He/She/It was not working. We/You/They were not working. 疑问式和简略答语:Was I working? Yes, you were.

Was he working? No, he wasn’t.

【注意】was not常简略为wasn’t; were not常简略为weren’t

b) 过去进行时的用法:过去进行时表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。这一特定的过去时间,除有上,下文暗示以外,一般用时间状语来表示

2.not until直到 才。表示动作在某时之前尚未开始,直到此时动作才开始。not until可以用after或when来代替,但主句谓语动词要用肯定形式。Until为连词时后接时间状语从句,until作介词时,后面接表示时间的名词。Until 用于肯定句多表示动作或状态一直延续到until所表示的时间为止,意思为“直到 ” from..till 中till往往表示不太具体的时间。From to 或from until常用来表示具体的时间。

3.find it to do,it在此句中为形式宾语代表动词不定式,动词不定式为真正的宾语,常用于这种用法的动词有find, feel, think, make等。

4.“疑问词+不定式“结构相当于一个名词性从句,常常可用同等成分的从句代替。改写时,只需在疑问词后面加一个适当的主语(这个主语一般与主句的主语一致),并将不定式改成适当形式的谓语即可。如,Where to go is still a question.= Where we should go is still a question.

5.when 与while:when连接的状语从句是个特殊句型,“前一个分句(谓语动词用过去进行时)+when(作并列连词,意思为“这时,突然”)+后一个分句(谓语动词用一般过去时)”表示在前一个动作正在进行的过程中突然发生了后一个动作, when强调动作的突然性,when后面的动词为非延续性动词;while表示“在 .过程中”,强调在一段时间内,所以while引导的从句中的谓语动词必须为延续性动词。在状语从句中,若从句放在句首时,应用逗号与主句隔开。

6.感叹句的构成:What +a/an+形容词+单数名词+主语+谓语!What a good book it is! What+形容词+复数可数名词+主语+谓语!What easy questions they are!

What+形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语!What cold weather it is! How+形容词+主语+be动词!How nice the watch is! How +副词+主语+谓语!How hard they are working!

7.take place, happen“发生”:take place指“发生事先计划或预想到的事物”;happen指“一切客观事情或情况的偶然或未能预见地发生”。两者都是不及物动词或短语,后面不能跟宾语,也不能用于被动语态;happen的意义很广泛,而take place 仅用于历史上的事件,集会等,是先行布置而后发生或举行的事件,它不用于地震等自然界的现象。

happen to do 巧遇 sth happens to sb某人遭遇某事

9.不定代词all, both, each,every与not连用时,只表示部分否定,在否定句中用and连接两个宾语,表语,定语,状语时,只表示部分否定,并且否定 and后面的部分;如用or连接句中两个部分,则表示全部否定。如,She isn’t a bright and beautiful girl.她并不是一个既聪明又漂亮的女孩。(部分否定) She isn’t a bright or beautiful girl.她是一个既不聪明又不漂亮的女孩。(全部否定)。

10. what和how引导的感叹句


a). What+a(an)+(形容词)+单数可数名词+主语+谓语!或是:What+名词词组+主语+谓语!如:

What an apple this is! What a fine day it is!

b). What+(形容词)+可数名词复数或不可数名词+主语+谓语!

What kind women they are! What nice music it is!


how用来修饰形容词、副词或动词。其结构是:How+形容词(副词)+主语+谓语! How hard the workers are working!

How clever the girl is!

How quickly the boy is writing!

what与how引导的感叹句,一般情况下可以相互转换,转换后意义不变。如: What an interesting story it is!==How interesting the story is! what a beautiful building it is!==How beautiful the building is! 在口语中,感叹句的主语和谓语常常省略。如:

What a nice present!(省略it is)

How disappointed!(省略she is或其它可作本句主、谓的词语)

