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Ⅰ. Vocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1 point each)

从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。 1. ----- will you be able to finish the job this week? ----- ___________ , but I'm not skilled enough, you know. A.I can't say so B.I expect so

C. I'm sure so

D. I don't know so

B. a little too; had caught

2. We arrived at the station _______ late, or we_______ the bus. A. too much; would catch

C. much too; would have caught D. too much; would have caught 3. We will not attack ______ we are attacked; if attacked, we will certainly counter-attack.

A. if B. when

C. unless

D. even if

4. “Do you hear someone knocking at the door?” “Yes, I did. I heard him ______ three times.”

A. knocking B. knocked C. being knocking D. knock 5. ----- _____ is the engineer's husband ?

----- The neighbor of your brother in the corner.

A. Who B. What C. How D. Which 6. A fireman discovered the __________ of the fire.

A. truth B.. reason C. cause D. fact 7. \ \

A. don't want to B. can't eat

C.. am not hungry D. I'm full

8.You may write to me or come to see me. ____________ way will do A. All B. Both C. One D. Either

9.I don't know what illness he suffered from, but I do remember he mentioned ___ in hospital last year.

A. to have been B . to be

C. having been D. being

10. Entering the room, I found my father __ at the desk and ___ something . A. seat... write B. seated ... wrote

C. seated ... writing D. seating ... writing

Ⅱ.Cloze Test(10 points,1 point each)



“Cool” is a word with many meanings. Its traditional meaning is used to show a temperature that is fairly cold. As the world has 11 , however, the word has expanded to turn out many different meanings.

“Cool” can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything.

英语(二)模拟试题 第 1页 共 39页

When you see a brand-name car in the street, maybe you can’t help 12 , “It’s cool.” You might think, “He’s so cool, ” when you see your 13 footballer.

We all enlarge the meaning of “cool”. You can use it 14 many words such as “new” or “amazing.” Here’s an interesting story we can see used to illustrate the usage of the word: A teacher asked her students to 15 the waterfall they had visited. On one student’s paper was just the one 16 , “It’s so cool.” Perhaps he thought it was 17 to describe what he saw and felt.

But the story also proves the shortage of words and expressions. Without “cool,” some people have no words to express the same meaning. So it is 18 to improve our word strength to maintain some richness .

As a popular word, “cool” stands for a kind of special 19 that people can accept easily. Excepting “cool,” can you think of many words that make your life as colorful? I can. And I think they are also very 20 .

11. A. changed B. been developed C. been cleaned D. informed 12. A. to say B. telling C. shout D. saying

13. A. famous B. out of date C. favourite D. modern

14. A. in stead of B. in place of C. to take place of D. exchange 15. A. write for B. copy down C. describe D. say something 16. A. phrase B. word C. story D. sentence

17. A. The just thing B. the very mean C. some methods D. the best way 18. A. important B. necessary C. impossible D. natural 19. A. habit B. culture C. language D. enjoyment 20. A. cool B. easy C. difficult D. important Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension(30 points,2 points each)

从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上 将相应的字母涂黑。

Passage One

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

What will man be like in the future-in 5000 or even 50,000 years from now? We can only make guesses, of course, but we can be sure that he will be different from what he is today. For man is slowly changing all the time.

Let us take an obvious example. Man, even five hundred years ago, was shorter than he is today. Now, on average, men are about three inches taller. Five hundred years is relatively short period of time, so we may assume that man will continue to grow taller. Again, in the modern world we use our brains a great deal. Even so, we still make use of only about 20% of the brain's capacity. As time goes on, however, we shall have to use our brains more and more, and eventually we shall need larger ones! This is likely to bring about a physical change to the head, in particular the forehead, will grow larger.

Nowadays our eyes are in constant use. In fact, we use them so much that very often they become weaker and we have to wear glasses. But over very long period of time it is likely that man's eyes will grow stronger.

On the other hand, we tend to make less use of our arms and legs. These, as a

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result, are likely to grow weaker. At the same time, however, our fingers will grow more sensitive because they are used a great deal in modern life.

But what about hair? This will probably disappear from the body altogether in course of time because it does not serve a useful purpose any longer. In the future, then, both sexes are likely to be bald.

Perhaps all this gives the impression that future man will not be a very attractive creature to look at! This may well be true. All the same, in spite of all these changes, future man will still have a lot in common with use. He will still be a human being, with thoughts and emotions similar to our own. 21. The passage mainly tells us that____.

A. man's life will be different in the future B. future man will look quite different from us C. man is growing taller and uglier as time passes

D. man's organs' functions will be on the change 22. What serves as the evidence that man is changing? A. Man has got stronger eyes now than he ever had. B. Man's hair is getting thinner and thinner.

C. Man's arms and legs have become lighter and weaker. D. Man has been growing taller over the past 500 years.

23. The change in man's size of forehead is probably because____ A. he makes use only 20 % of the brain's capacity. B. his brain has grown larger over the past centuries. C. the other 80% of his brain will grow in due time. D. he will use his brain more and more as time goes on. 24. What is true about a human being in the future? A. He is hairless because hair is no longer useful. B. He has smaller eyes and wears better glasses.

C. His fingers grow weaker because he doesn't have to make use of them. D. He thinks and feels in different way. 25. It is implied that ____.

A. human beings will become less attractive in the future. B. less use of a bodily organ may lead to its degeneration C. human beings hope for a change in the future life D. future life is always predictable.

Passage Two

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage

George was a quiet, serious young man. He had been studying very very hard one year, and when he passed all his exams, his friend Jim went to give him his congratulations and then had an earnest talk with him. “You've never been to a dance, George, ” he said. “It's boring always studying and never enjoying oneself. Come out with me this evening.”

“Maybe you're right, Jim,” replied George after a moment's hesitation. So they went to a dance and had a very good time. But George drank more than he was used to, and by midnight Jim had become worried about him, so he said, “ now

英语(二)模拟试题 第 3页 共 39页

we'll walk home in the cool air.”

On their way home, they came to a bridge, and George looked down at the river below very carefully, the stars were reflected in its surface. “What are those lights down there?” George asked. “They're the stars, George,” Jim answered.

“The stars?” George said. “Well, then, they should be above in the sky. How did I get so high up here? They are now at my foot!”

26. According to the passage, when did Jim go to see George? A. After George had passed all his exams. B. Before George had taken the exam. C. After they had an earnest talk. D. Before they had an earnest talk. 27. Which is true according to George?

A. It's good always studying without enjoying oneself. B. It's good always enjoying oneself without studying. C. It's good to study hard and enjoy oneself in a while. D. It's good to study hard and enjoy oneself often. 28. What did George ask Jim to do that evening? A. To have a good rest at home. B. To work hard as ever.

C. To go out with him. D. To go to the cinema.

29. What did they talk about on the way home? A. Bridge. B. Water. C.River D.Stars.

30. Why did George say the stars are then at his foot? A. Because he and his friend were high in the sky.

B. Because he was looking down at the reflections of the star on the surface of the water.

C. Because he was very happy to have passed the exam.

D. Because he was too happy not to see clearly.

Passage There Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage

I am the owner of a small clothing store. Three months ago I decided to move my store to Glendale, another area of town, because business was not very good. Now I rent a store in an old building. The new location in Glendale is excellent, and my sales have improved a lot. (The utilities are also cheaper!) There is a high school nearby, and many of the students come to my store to buy their clothes. This location has other advantages, too. It is closer to my home, and there is a food store on the next block, so it is convenient for me to go shopping after work.

The size of my new store is better too. It is much bigger, and there is a lot of storage space. But the building was not in very good condition, and I had to make many improvements. The paint was old and dirty, and I had to pick a new color and paint all of the walls. I hired a man to build new wooden dressing rooms. I also made new curtains for the rooms and the window. I am completely satisfied with the

英语(二)模拟试题 第 4页 共 39页

store now. Unfortunately, I learned last week that the owner wants to sell the building – after all my hard work! How did I learn this? I came to work Friday and saw a “For Sale” sign in front of my store.

31. The store owner wanted to move to the new location because ______. A. there was a food store nearby

B. there was a high school on the next block C. the old store did not sell a lot of goods D. it was in a new area 32. The store owner ______.

A. has improved her sales until moving to the new location B. sells clothes to some high school students in the area C. can go to the shopping center in her business hours D. has been told that the furniture is cheaper there 33. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. It is convenient for the store owner to go shopping because the clothing store is close to her house.

B. The old store was smaller than the new store, where she got much storage space. C. It was she who made some arrangements for the dressing rooms. D. After hard work, she is very satisfied with what she has done. 34. The building was not in very good condition, and ______. A. the landlord of the building had the walls painted B. the store owner made a lot of improvements to it

C. the store owner asked the workmen to repair the dressing rooms D. the landlord did a lot of work to rebuild it 35. The phrase “For Sale” means ______. A. to be hired

B. to be closed down C. to be rented

D. to be sold

Ⅳ.Word Spelling(10 points,1 point for two words)



36.成功的 a. s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 37. 工资 n. s _ _ _ _ _ 38.使混乱;混淆 v. c _ _ _ _ _ _ 39. 气候 n. c _ _ _ _ _ _ 40.影响;打动 v. a _ _ _ _ _ 41. 基本的,基础的 a. b _ _ _ _ 42. 容易地 ad. e _ _ _ _ _ 43. 根部;根源 n. r _ _ _

44. 给予帮助的 a. h _ _ _ _ _ _ 45. 消化 v. d _ _ _ _ _ 46. 相信;信仰 n. b _ _ _ _ _ 47. 轻微的,纤细的 a. s _ _ _ _ _ 48. 碳 n. c _ _ _ _ _ 49. 流行的,受欢迎的 a. p _ _ _ _ _ _

英语(二)模拟试题 第 5页 共 39页

Passage Two

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage

I am the owner of a small clothing store. Three months ago I decided to move my store to Glendale, another area of town, because business was not very good. Now I rent a store in an old building. The new location in Glendale is excellent, and my sales have improved a lot. (The utilities are also cheaper!) There is a high school nearby, and many of the students come to my store to buy their clothes. This location has other advantages, too. It is closer to my home, and there is a food store on the next block, so it is convenient for me to go shopping after work.

The size of my new store is better too. It is much bigger, and there is a lot of storage space. But the building was not in very good condition, and I had to make many improvements. The paint was old and dirty, and I had to pick a new color and paint all of the walls. I hired a man to build new wooden dressing rooms. I also made new curtains for the rooms and the window. I am completely satisfied with the store now. Unfortunately, I learned last week that the owner wants to sell the building – after all my hard work! How did I learn this? I came to work Friday and saw a “For Sale” sign in front of my store.

26. The store owner wanted to move to the new location because ______. A. there was a food store nearby

B. there was a high school on the next block C. the old store did not sell a lot of goods D. it was in a new area 27. The store owner ______.

A. has improved her sales until moving to the new location B. sells clothes to some high school students in the area C. can go to the shopping center in her business hours D. has been told that the furniture is cheaper there 28. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. It is convenient for the store owner to go shopping because the clothing store is close to her house.

B. The old store was smaller than the new store, where she got much storage space. C. It was she who made some arrangements for the dressing rooms. D. After hard work, she is very satisfied with what she has done. 29. The building was not in very good condition, and ______. A. the landlord of the building had the walls painted B. the store owner made a lot of improvements to it

C. the store owner asked the workmen to repair the dressing rooms D. the landlord did a lot of work to rebuild it 30. The phrase “For Sale” means ______. A. to be hired

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B. to be closed down C. to be rented D. to be sold

Passage There

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage

The first jazz musicians played in New Orleans during the early 1900’s. After 1917, many of the New Orleans musicians moved to the south side of Chicago, where they continued to play their style of jazz. Soon Chicago was the new center for jazz.

Several outstanding musicians emerged as leading jazz artists in Chicago. Daniel Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong, born in New Orleans in 1900, was one. Another leading musician was Joseph “King” Oliver, who was also credited with having discovered Armstrong when they were both in New Orleans. While in Chicago, Oliver asked Armstrong, who was in New Orleans, to join his band.

In 1923 King Oliver’s Creole Jazz Band made the first important set of recording by a Hot Five and Hot Seven bands and Louis Armstrong also made recordings of special note.

Although Chicago’s South Side was the main jazz center, some musicians in New York were also demanding attention in Jazz circles. In 1923 Fletcher Henderson already had a ten-piece band that played jazz. During the early 1930’s, the number of players grew to sixteen. Henderson’s band was considered a leader in what some people have called the Big Band Era.

By the 1930’s, big dance bands were the rage. Large numbers of people went to ballrooms to dance to jazz music played by big bands.

One of the most popular and long and very famous jazz bands was the Duke Ellington band. Edward “Duke” Ellington was born in Washington D. C, in 1893 and died in New York City in 1974. He studied the piano as a young boy and later began writing original musical compositions.

The first of Ellington’s European tours came in 1933. He soon received international fame for his talent as bandleader, composer, and arranger. Ten years later, Ellington began giving annual concerts as Carnegic Hall in New York City. People began to listen to jazz in the same way that they had always listened to classical music.

31. For which of the following reasons did Louis Armstrong go to Chicago? A. To form his own band.

B. To learn to play Chicago-style jazz.

C. To play in Joseph Oliver’s band. D. To make recordings with the Hot Five. 32. Which of the following can best replace the word “note” in Para.3? A. distinction.

B. memorandum.

C. mood.

D. song.

33. Which of the following conclusions does the passage support? A. By the 1930’s jazz was appreciated by a wide audience. B. Classical music had a great impact on jazz.

C. Jazz originated in New Orleans in the early nineteenth century. D. Jazz bands were better known in Europe than in the United States.

34. Which of the following cities is NOT mentioned in the passage as a center of jazz?

A. New York.

B. Washington D. C. C. Chicago.

D. New Orleans.

35. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

英语(二)模拟试题 第 12页 共 39页

A. Ellington had been to Europe several times B. Ellington was only a composer

C. big dance bands failed to attract a lot of people

D. Big dance bands made people

Ⅳ.Word Spelling(10 points,1 point for two words)



36.个人的,私人的 a. p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 37. 显然的,明显的 a. o _ _ _ _ _ _ 38.创造;创作 v. c _ _ _ _ _ 39. 致死的,致命的 a. d _ _ _ _ _ 40.凝视,注视 v. g _ _ _

41. 关心,关联 n. c _ _ _ _ _ _ 42. 风格,式样 n. s _ _ _ _ 43. 根部;根源 n. r _ _ _ 44. 申请 v. a _ _ _ _

45. 态度,看法 n. a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46. 未知的,不出名的a. u _ _ _ _ _ _ 47. 轻微的,纤细的 a. s _ _ _ _ _ 48. 使适应;改编 v. a _ _ _ _ 49. 完美的,十足的 a. p _ _ _ _ _ _ 50. 完全地,彻底地 ad. e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 51. 当地的,局部的 a. l _ _ _ _ 52. 额外的,外加的 a e _ _ _ _ 53. 业余爱好 n. h _ _ _ _ 54. 周末 n. w _ _ _ _ _ _ 55. 冒险,风险 n. r _ _ _

V.Word Form(10 points,1 point each)

将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。 56.Do you have anything _______ (say) about this? 57. Family is the feeling of ______ (belong) and love.

58. We dreamed about buying a ______ (wash) machine to make things easier for the family.

59. We should do everything possible to clear up the many _______ (understand) between us.

60. It is an ______ (attract) idea, but I’m afraid it is not very realistic. 61. It seems he has no ________ (aware) of the sharp division of opinion.

62. If there ________ (be) any inhabitants of he moon they would see our earth reflecting the light of the sun.

63. I would rather he ________ (buy) the house next year.

64. The government sent help to the _______ (survive)of the earthquake.

65. He had been interested in history since he was a child, so he _______ (special) in history when he was in college.

英语(二)模拟试题 第 13页 共 39页

Ⅵ. Translation from Chinese into English(15 points,3 points each) 将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。 66. 阅读完后,书应该放回原处。

67. 他的粗心大意是造成事故的原因之一。 68. 她知道如何控制自己的情感。

69. 这个故事听起来很有趣,但它不真实。

70. 我们即使不同意别人的意见,也应该容许其存在。

Ⅶ. Translation from English into Chinese (15 points)


It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstandings between them. They have always complained more or less justly, that their parents are out of touch with mordern ways; that they are possessive and dominant; that they do not trust their children to deal with crises; that they talk too much about certain problem and that they have no sense of humor,at least parentchild relationship.

If you plan to control your life, co-operation can be part of that plan. You can charm others, especially your parents, into doing things the way you want. You can impress others with your sense of responsibility and initiative, so that they will give you the authority to do what you want to do.


Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure(本大题共l0小题,每小题l分,共10分) 1.D 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B

6.B 7.C 8.A 9.B l0.A

Ⅱ.Cloze Test(本大题共1 0小题,每小题l分,共1 0分) 11.C l2.C l3.D l4.C l5.A

16.B l7.D l8.A l9.B 20.D

Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension(本大题共l5小题,每小题2分,共30分) 21.B 22.C 23.C 24.D 25.A 26.C 27.B 28.A 29.B 30.D

31.C 32.A 33.A 34,B 35.A

Ⅳ.Word Spelling(本大题共20小题,每两小题1分,共1 0分)

36. personal 37. obvious 38. create 39. deadly 40.gaze 41. concern 42. style 43. root 44. apply 45. attitude 46. unknown 47.slight 48. adapt 49. perfect 50. entirely 51. local 52. extra 53. hobby 54. weekend 55. risk 【评分参考】多写、少写或错写一个字母均为错。 V.Word Form(本大题共l0小题,每小题l分,共10分)

56. to say 57. belonging 58.washing 59. misunderstanding

60. attractive 61.awareness 62.were 63. bought 64. survivor 65. specialised

英语(二)模拟试题 第 14页 共 39页


Ⅵ. Translation from Chinese into English(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分) 66. Books should be restored to their places after reading.

67. His carelessness contributed to the accident. 68. She knows how to control her emotions.

69. The story sounds interesting, but it is not true.

70. We should be tolerant of the views of others, even if we disagree with them. 【评分参考】

(1)主要语法错误(如动词时态、语态、虚拟语气、主谓一致、否定、疑问 其他句型错误)或影响基本句意的重要用词错误扣1分。

(2)非基本语法错误(如介词、代词、冠词、大写、标点等错误)以及不差 本句意的用词错误每两处扣l分。


(4)如所用句型与答案不一致,只要语言和意义正确,均应给分。 Ⅶ.Translation from English into Chinese(本题l5分)


如果你打算要支配自己的生活,合作才是正确的做法。你可以用魅力征服他人,尤其是你的父母,而以自己想要的方法行事。你也可以用你的责任感和创造力给他们留下深刻的印象,让他们给予你想要的权力。 【评分参考】

短文英译汉的评分标准按译文质量分为l5一l3分、l2—10分、9—7分、6一4分 和3—1分五个档次。各档次标准如下:


(2)12—10分。全文主要内容翻译正确或基本正确,汉语表达通顺,但有少 句翻译错误。

(3)9—7分。全文不少于一半的内容基本正确,汉语表达尚通顺,有一些语 译错误。

(4)6—4分。少部分内容翻译基本正确,有较多的语句翻译错误。 (5)3一1分。仅译对个别句子。

(6)全文译错或译出零星单词或全文未译,不给分。 (7)缺译的语句按完全译错处理。


英语(二)模拟试题 第 15页 共 39页

53.常春藤 n. i _ _

54. 人类 n. m _ _ _ _ _ _ 55. 退缩;收缩 v. s _ _ _ _ _

V.Word Form(10 points,1 point each)


56.You really ought to have the doctor _______ (examine) that eye. 57. Weather _______ (permit), the picnic will be held as scheduled.

58. We have the __________ (please) to inform you that the above orders has now been

dispatched today.

59. Twenty dollars ________ (seem) a reasonable price for that skirt. 60. We invited 50 people, but only a _______ (hand) of them came.

61. The little girl looks so ________ (confuse), I’m afraid she is uncertain of

the solution to his difficult problem.

62. I regret _______ (hurt) your feelings at the party.

63. There ________ (happen) to be only one egg left in the refrigerator.

64. Barbara tends to get very ________ (patience) if you ask her more than two questions 65. There is no sense in _______ (leave) important decisions to inexperienced people. Ⅵ. Translation from Chinese into English(15 points,3 points each)

将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。 66. 虽然计算机有很多优势,但它代替不了人。

67. 不管你走到哪里,你都会看到那座城市发生的巨大变化。 68. 我记得这一切,就像它是昨天发生的一样。 69. 晨读对学生极为有益。 70. 中国不是过去的样子了。

Ⅶ. Translation from English into Chinese (15 points)

将下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题纸上。 If anyone asked you what were the main means of communication between people, what would you say? That isn’t a catch question. The answer is simple and obvious. It would almost certainly refer to means of communication that involve the use of words. Speakers and listeners-oral communication, and writers and readers-written communication. And you’d be quite right. There is, however, another form of communication which we all use most of the time, usually without knowing it. This is sometimes called body language. Its more technical name is non-verbal communication. Non-verbal, because it does not involve the use of words. NVC for short.


Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure(本大题共l0小题,每小题l分,共10分)

1.B 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. B 6.B 7.A 8. C 9. D 10.D

Ⅱ.Cloze Test(本大题共1 0小题,每小题l分,共1 0分)

英语(二)模拟试题第 36 页 共 39 页

11.A l2.D l3.C l4.B l5.C

16.D l7.D l8.B l9.B 20.A

Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension(本大题共l5小题,每小题2分,共30分) 21.D 22.B 23.B 24.B 25.D 26.B 27.D 28.A 29.D 30.C

31.B 32.B 33.D 34,C 35.D

Ⅳ.Word Spelling(本大题共20小题,每两小题1分,共1 0分)

36.popular 37.establish 38. deadly 39. entirely 40. mercy 41.occupy 42. attempt 43. abolish 44. ban 45. illegal 46. wealthy 47.gamble 48.vividly 49.fruitful 50.harmony 51. leap 52.heartbreaking 53.ivy 54. mankind 55.shrink 【评分参考】多写、少写或错写一个字母均为错。 V.Word Form(本大题共l0小题,每小题l分,共10分)

56. examine 57.permitting 58.pleasure 59. seems 60. handful 61.confused 62.having hurt 63. happens 64. impatient 65. leaving 【评分参考】语法错误或拼写错误均不给分。

Ⅵ. Translation from Chinese into English(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分) 66. Computers, which have many advantages, cannot replace man.

67. Wherever you go you will see great changes that have taken place in that


68. I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday. 69. Students benefit greatly by reading aloud every morning. 70. China is not what it used to be. 【评分参考】

(1)主要语法错误(如动词时态、语态、虚拟语气、主谓一致、否定、疑问 其他句型错误)或影响基本句意的重要用词错误扣1分。

(2)非基本语法错误(如介词、代词、冠词、大写、标点等错误)以及不差 本句意的用词错误每两处扣l分。


(4)如所用句型与答案不一致,只要语言和意义正确,均应给分。 Ⅶ.Translation from English into Chinese(本题l5分) 假如现在有个人问你,什么是人与人之间的主要交际手段,那么你会说什么?这并不是一个能把人难住了的问题。这个答案简单而又明确。这几乎可以肯定,指的就是用语言文字作为交际手段。讲话的人和听讲的人用口语进行交际,而写家与读者用书面文字进行交际。对了,你答得相当正确。但是,还有一种交际方式是我们大家在不知不觉地大部分时间都在使用的,这就是我们有时称为的身体语言。身体语言的更加专业化的名称就是非语言交际。之所以称为非语言文字的,就是因为这种交际是不用语言文字进行的。缩写是NVC。 【评分参考】

短文英译汉的评分标准按译文质量分为l5一l3分、l2—10分、9—7分、6一4分 和3—1分五个档次。各档次标准如下:


(2)12—10分。全文主要内容翻译正确或基本正确,汉语表达通顺,但有少 句翻译错误。


英语(二)模拟试题第 37 页 共 39 页


(4)6—4分。少部分内容翻译基本正确,有较多的语句翻译错误。 (5)3一1分。仅译对个别句子。

(6)全文译错或译出零星单词或全文未译,不给分。 (7)缺译的语句按完全译错处理。


英语(二)模拟试题第 38 页 共 39 页

英语(二)模拟试题第 39 页 共 39 页

