江苏省仪征市月塘中学八年级英语《Unit6 Natural disasters》学案三

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江苏省仪征市月塘中学八年级英语《Unit6 Natural disasters》学

案三(无答案) 人教新目标版

班级_______________ 姓名________________ 成绩_____________


1. 掌握文中的语言点。

2. 教育学生应学会在自然灾害中自我保护。



When the earthquake h_______________, Timmy felt a slight s_______________ through his body. Then he heard a big noise like t________________. Then real noise began, like b_______________ under the ground. People ran in all d_______________. Pieces of glass and b_______________ fell down. Timmy t_______________ his best to run out to the street. After the noise and shaking e_______________, he found he was t ________________ but still alive. He felt afraid but he tried to c_______________ down. At last people moved away the bricks and stones and s________________ him.



1. The doctor tried his best ___________________ (save) the poor child. 2. The bird has a good sense of ___________________ (direct).

3. He always says to ___________________ (he), “I am the best”.

4. Jimmy was so ___________________ (luck) because he wasn’t hurt at all in the car accident.

5. The teacher made Tom ___________________ (go) back to his seat.

6. I feel a slight ____________________ (shake) through my body.

7. —Why did they run ____________________ (wild) in the street?

8. You should speak ___________________ (loud) enough for everybody to hear.

9. All the students ___________________ (talk) with each other when the teacher came in.

10. Alex wants to visit Jinshan Park with us tomorrow. Please go and tell him when __________________ (meet) at the school gate.



( ) 1. They _____________ for help and then people heard exciting _____________.

A. shout; shout B. shouted; shouts C. shouted; shouted D. shouts; shouts

( ) 2. Look! The little cat is still ______________ after it fell from the tall building.

A. live B. living C. alive D. lived

( ) 3. They didn’t know ______________ their holiday.

A. how they can spend B. how could they spend

C. how to spend D. how they will

( ) 4. Most girls will _____________ when they see a big dog.

A. afraid B. feel fear C. be frighten D. feel frighten

( ) 5. I suddenly heard some noise _________________ me.

A. on B. above C. over D. at

( ) 6. _____________ today is Sunday, we don’t need to go to school.

A. When B. After C. As soon as D. Since ( ) 7. —Could you tell me what ______________ at that time yesterday? —Er, I was at work in my office.

A. are you doing B. you are doing C. were you doing D. you were doing

( ) 8. When I was working on a Maths problem, a good idea went ____________ my head. A. over B. in C. about D. through 课后提升


1. The chicken ran here and there when the cat came. The chicken ran ___________________ when the cat came.

2. I don’t know when I should start.

I donn’t know when ___________________ ____________________.

3. He is sad because he lost his new basketball.

He is unhappy ____________________ ____________________the ___________________ of his new basketball.

4. Finally, the noise and shaking ended.

_________________ _________________, the noise and shaking were _________________.

5. They hurried to move away the bricks and stones. They moved away the bricks and stones ____________________ ___________________ ___________________.


1. 既然我还活着,我告诉自己要冷静。

I told myself to _________________ _________________ _________________ I was still _________________.

2. Timmy被困在一个黑暗的地方. Timmy _________________ _________________ in a _________________ place.

3. 当玻璃和砖块正往下掉时人们正疯狂地逃跑。

People _________________ _________________ _________________ while pieces of

glass and bricks _________________ _________________ _________________.

4. 我正努力地找我出去的路,这时我突然听见上面有声音。

I was trying to _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ when I suddenly heard some noise _________________ me.

5. 由于洪水这些墙倒了。

The walls _________________ __________________ because of the floods.

