ch06Nontariff Trade Barrier(国际经济学-(By Robert J. Carbaugh)s
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International EconomicsBy Robert J. Carbaugh 9th Edition
Chapter 6: Nontariff Trade Barriers
Copyright ©2004, South-Western College Publishing
Types of non-tariff barriers
Import quotas Quotas are a restriction on the quantity of a good that may be imported in any one period (usually below free-trade levels) Global quotas restrict the total quantity of an import, regardless of origin Selective quotas restrict the quantity of a good coming from a particular country
Carbaugh, Chap. 6
Types of non-tariff barriers
Import quota: trade & welfare effects
Carbaugh, Chap. 6
Types of non-tariff barriers
Effects of a quota on sugar imports
Carbaugh, Chap. 6
Types of non-tariff barriers
Comparing tariffs and quotas
Carbaugh, Chap. 6
Types of non-tariff barriers
Tariff-rate quota The tariff-rate quota is a two-tiered tariff A specified number of goods (up to the quota limit) may be imported at one (lower) tariff rate, while imports in excess of the quota face a higher tariff rate
Carbaugh, Chap. 6
Types of non-tariff barriers
Tariff-rate quota: trade & welfare effects
Carbaugh, Chap. 6
Types of non-tariff barriers
Orderly marketing agreements Market sharing pact signed by trading partners Intended to protect less efficient domestic producers Usually involve voluntary export restraints, or export quotas Recent trade negotiations have restricted the use of these agreementsCarbaugh, Chap. 68
Types of non-tariff barriers
Effects of a voluntary export quota
Carbaugh, Chap. 6
Types of non-tariff barriers
Domestic content requirements Rules that require a certain percentage of a product’s total value to be produced domestically Often has the effect of forcing lower-priced imports to include higher-cost domestic components or be assembled in a highercost domestic market
Carbaugh, Chap. 6
Types of non-tariff barriers
Domestic content: trade & welfare effects
Carbaugh, Chap. 6
Types of non-tariff barriers
Subsidies Domestic subsidy Payments made to import-competing producers to raise the price they receive above the market price
Export subsidy Payments and incentives offered to export producers intended to raise the volume of exports
Carbaugh, Chap. 6
Types of non-tariff barriers
Subsidies: trade & welfare effects
Carbaugh, Chap. 6
Types of non-tariff barriers
Subsidies: trade & welfare effects
Carbaugh, Chap. 6
Types of non-tariff barriers
Dumping The practice of selling a product at a lower price in export markets than at home (or exporting at prices below production cost) Sporadic dumping - to clear unwanted inventories or cope with excess capacity Predatory dumping - to undermine foreign competitors Persistent dumping - reaping greater profits by engaging in price discriminationCarbaugh, Chap. 615
Types of non-tariff barriers
Other NTBs Government procurement policies Social
regulations (health, environmental and safety rules can also restrict trade) Sea transport and freight restrictions
Carbaugh, Chap. 6
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- 经济学
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- Barrier
- Robert
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