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第一篇Ford Abandons Electric Vehicles

The Ford motor company’s abandonment of electric cars effectively signals the end of the road for the technology,analysts say.

General Motors。and Honda’ceased production of battery.powered cars in 1 999, to focus on fuel cell and hybrid electric gasoline engines, which are more attractive to the consumer.Ford has now announced it will do the same.

Three years ago.the company introduced the Think City two—seater car and a golf cart called the THINK, or Think Neighbor.It hoped to sell 5,000 cars each year and 10,000 carts.But a lack of demand means only about l,000 of the cars have been produced,and less than 1。700 carts have been sold so far in 2002.

“The bottom line is we don’t believe that this is the future of environment transport for the mass market.”Tim Holmes of Ford Europe said on Friday.“We feel we have given electric our best shot”

The Think City has a range of only about 53 miles and up to a six-hour battery recharge time.General Motors’EVI electric vehicle also had a limited range。of about 100 miles. The very expensive batteries also mean electric cars cost much more than petrol-powered alternatives.An electric Toyot~RAV4 EV vehicle costs over$42,000 in the US, compared with just $17,000 for the petrol version.Toyota and Nissan…are now the only major automanufacturers to produce electric vehicles.

“There is a feeling that battery electric has been given its chance.Ford now has to move on with its hybrid program“,and that is what we will be judging them on,”Roger Higman,a senior transport campaigner at UK Friends of the Earth,told the Environment News Service.

Hybrid cars introduced by Toyota and Honda in the past few years have sold

well.Hybrid engines Offer Greater mileage than petrol—only engines , and the batteries recharge themselves. Ford says it thinks such vehicles will help it meet planned new guidelines “on vehicle emissions” in the U.S.

However, it is not yet clear exactly what those guidelines will permit.In June,General Motors and Daimler Chrysler won a court injunction,delaying by two years Californian legislation requiring car—makers to offer 100,000 zero-emission and other low—emission vehicles in the state by 2003.Car manufacturers hope the legislation will be rewritten to allow for more low--emission,rather than zero—emission,vehicles. 1.What have the Ford motor company.General Motor’s and Honda done concerning electric cars?

A)They have started to produce electric cars. B)They have done extensive research on electric Cars C They have given up producing electric cars.

D)They have produced thousands of electric Cars

2.According to Tim Holmes of Ford Europe,battery-powered cars A)will be the main transportation vehicles in the future

B) will not be the main transportation vehicles in the future. C)will be good to the environment in the future

D)will replace petrol—powered vehicles in the future.

3. Which auto manufacturers are still producing electric vehicles?

A)Toyota and NissanB)General Motor’s and Honda C)Ford and ToyotaD)Honda and Toyota

4.According to the eighth paragraph,hybrid cars

A)offer fewer mileage than petrol driven cars B)run faster than petrol driven cars

C)run more miles than petrol driven cars

D)offer more batteries than petrol driven cars

5.Which of the following is true about the hope of car manufacturers according to the last paragraph?

A)Low-emission cars should be banned.

B)Only zero-emission cars are allowed to run on motorways.

C)The legislation will encourage car makers to produce more electric cars. D)The legislation will allow more 10w.emission to be produced

「答案解析」 1.C 第一段第一个句子告诉我们福特汽车公司放弃了电动汽车,第二段说通用汽车公司和本田汽车公司停止生产电动汽车。

2.B 第四段第一个句子是Tim Holmes对电动汽车未来的评价,他认为未来的交通运输的大众市场不可能是电动汽车。

3.A 答案的依据是第六段最后一句。4.C 答案的依据是倒数第二段第二句。 5.D 答案的依据是文章的最后一句:the legislation will be written to allow for low-emission, rather than zero-emission, vehicles. 第一篇福特放弃电动汽车

分析人士评论,福特汽车公司放弃电动汽年的举动有力地证明了这种技术是行不通的。 通用汽车公司和日本本田汽车公司早于 1999年就停止了电池动力汽车的生产,转而开发燃料电池和电池内燃混合机,这对消费者更有吸引力。福特宣布它现在也要做同样的尝试。

3年前,福特推出名为 Think City的双排座汽车和 Think或 Think Neighbor系列高尔夫车,希望能销售 5000辆汽车、 10000高尔夫车。但由于需求不足,截至 2002年仅生产了大约 1000辆汽车,售出的高尔夫车还不足 1700辆。

“关键是我们认为电动车不能代表大众市场环保交通的未来”,福特欧洲区的 Tim Holmes于周五说,“我们感觉自己对电力车已做了昀好的尝试。”

Think City系列的运行里程仅 53英里,电池充电需 6小时。通用公司的 EVI电力车也仅能运行 100英里。

昂贵的电池也意味着电动汽车的造价比汽油动力车高出许多。日本丰田产的 RAV4EV系列电动车在美国的售价达 42000美元,而同系列的汽油动力车仅售 17000美元。丰田和日产汽车公司是现在仅存的两大电动车制造商。

“应该说电池动力车已经获得了充分的机会。福特现已转向电池内燃混合机开发项目,我们应据此评价他们的发展。”Roger Higman,英国 Friends of the Earth组织的一位高级交通运动代表这样对《环保新闻》评论说。



第二篇World Crude Oil Production May Peaka Decade Earlier Than Some Predict In a finding that may speed efforts to conserve oil, scientists in Kuwait predict that world conventional crude oil production will peak in 2014. This prediction is almost a decade earlier than some other predictions.Their study is in ACS’ Energy&Fuels1. Ibrahim Nashawi and colleagues point out that rapid growth in global oil consumption has sparked a growing interest in predicting \.\production reaches a maximum and then declines. Scientists have developed several models to forecast this point, and some put the date at 2020 or later. One of the most famous forecast models is called the Hubbert model2. It assumes that global oil

production will follow a bell shaped curve3. A related concept is that4 of \term \afterwards to start on irreversible decline.

The Hubbert model accurately predicted that oil production would peak in the United States in 1970. The model has since gained in popularity and has been used to forecast oil production worldwide.

However, recent studies show that the model is insufficient to account for5 more

complex oil production cycles of some countries.Those cycles can be heavily influenced by technology changes, politics, and other factors, the scientists say.

The new study describes development of a new version of the Hubbert model that provides a more realistic and accurate oil production forecast.Using the new model, the scientists evaluated the oil production trends of 47 major oil-producing countries, which supply most of the world’s conventional crude oil6.They estimated that worldwide conventional crude oil production will peak in 2014, years earlier than anticipated. The scientists also showed that the world's oil reserves7 are

being reduced at a rate of 2.1 percent a year. The new model could help inform energy-related decisions and public policy debate, they suggest. 词汇:Conserve v.保护,保存

crude oil原油spark v.闪耀;激发;鼓舞curve n.曲线

irreversible adj.不可逆的,不可改变的insufficient adj.充分的,不足的

注释:1.ACS' Energy & Fuels:ACS是American Chemical Society(美国化学学会)的缩写。该学会成立于l876年,现已成为世界最大的科技协会。多年来,ACS一直致力于为全球化学研究机构、企业及个人提供高品质的文献资讯及服务。ACS出版的期刊有34种,这些期刊在化学领域中是被引用次数最多的化学期刊,Energy&Fuels即是其中一本。

2.the Hubbert model:赫伯特模型是美国地质学家M.King Hubbert于1956年创建的,这是一个随时间增长的模型,Hubbert将其引入油气田开发,经推导使其成为一个可以预测油气田累积产量、瞬时产量、年产量和可采储量等多项开发指标的多功能预测模型。

3.a bell shaped curve:钟形曲线4.that of peak oil:that指代concept。 5.account for:说明,解释6.conventional crude oil:常规原油 7.oil reserves:石油储量。通常使用复数形式reserves。

练习:1.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word \paragraph 2?


2.The term \production will

A.take the shape of a flat curve.B.keep growing.

C.keep declining.D.start to decline after global oil production peaks. 3.Which of the following is NOT true of the Hubbert model?

A.It successfully predicted that oil production peaked in the U.S.in l 970. B.It has been used to predict oil production in many countries.

C.It is insufficient to explain oil production cycles in some countries. D.It provides a very realistic and accurate oil production.

4.What is the major achievement of the new study mentioned in the last paragraph? A.It predicts global oil production will peak in 2014. B.It predicts oil production will decline in 47 countries.

C.It confirms further the effectiveness of the Hubbert model. D.It discovers a new trend of Worldwide oil production. 5.Who develop the new version of the Hubbert model? A.American scientists.B.Kuwaiti scientists.

C.British scientists.D.Scientists of 47 major oil-producing countries.

答案与题解:1.B spark一词做及物动词使用时有\发动\、\激发\的意思,在此意为stimulated,即\引发\,这个句子的意思是:全球石油消费的快速增长已引发了对\石油峰值\预测的兴趣。

2.D此句接下来的句子中所提到的a related concept即是与a bell shaped curve相关的概念,也就是说,接下来的这个句子对a bell shaped curve做了解释,即世界石油生产达到最大峰值后将下降。

3.D 文章的第三段告诉我们,Hubbert预测模型精确地预测到美国石油生产于1970年将达到峰值。这一模型自受到公认后,已用于预测世界石油生产。第四段说,这一模型对于某些国家更加复杂的石油生产周期而言,其计算尚不充分。这些生产周期受到技术的改变、政策和其他因素的很大影响。所以,A、B和C都是对Hubbert模型的正确说明。

4.A选项8、C和D所述内容均未在文章中提到。最后一段告诉我们,科学家使用新的模型评估了47个主要的产油国家的石油生产趋势,并预计全球常规原油生产到2014年将达最高峰值。所以,A是答案。5.B 短文第一段的第一个句子提供了答案。

第二篇 世界原油产量可能提前十年达到峰值






最近研究描述了赫伯特模型的新版本,提供了更加实际、更加准确的石油生产预测。科学家使用新模型评估了47个主要产油国家的石油生产趋势,这 47个国家是世界常规原油的主要提供者。科学家预计全球常规原油产量将于2014年达到峰值,比之前预计的要早很多年。科学家还指出,世界石油储量正在以 2.1%的速度逐年减少,他们认为新模型会帮助做出与能源相关的决定,帮助进行国家政策辩论。

第三篇:Citizen Scientists

Understanding how nature responds to climate change will require monitoring key life cycle1events — flowering, the appearance of leaves, the first frog calls of the spring — all around the world. But ecologists can't be everywhere so they're turning to non-scientists, sometimes called citizen scientists, for help.

Climate scientists are not present everywhere. Because there are so many places in the world and not enough scientists to observe all of them, they're asking for your help in observing signs of climate change across the world. The citizen scientist movement encourages ordinary people to observe a very specific research interest — birds, trees, flowers budding, etc. — and send their observations to a giant database to be observed by professional scientists. This helps a small number of scientists track a large amount of data that they would never be able to gather on their own. Much like citizen journalists helping large publications cover a hyper-local beat2, citizen scientists are ready for the conditions where they live. All that's needed to become one is a few minutes each day or each week to gather data and send it3 in.

A group of scientists and educators launched an organization last year called the National Phenology4 Network. “Phenology” is what scientists call the study of the timing of events in nature.

One of the group's first efforts relies on scientists and non-scientists alike to collect data about plant flowering and leafing every year. The program, called Project Bud Burst, collects life cycle data on a variety of common plants from across the United States. People participating in the project — which is open to everyone — record their observations on the Project Bud Burst website.

“People don't have to be plant experts — they just have to look around and see what's in their neighborhood,” says Jennifer Schwartz, an education consultant with the project. “As we collect this data, we'll be able to make an estimate of how plants and communities5 of plants and animals will respond as the climate changes.”

词汇:frog / fr?g/ n.蛙ecologist / ,i:’k?l?d??st/ n.生态学家

bud / b?d / v.发芽,萌芽;n.芽,花蕾database / ’de?t?be?s / n.数据库 professional / pr?(?)’fe??n?l/ adj.专业的,职业的;n.职业选手,专业人员

phenology / f?’n?l?d?? / n.物候学neighbor(u)rhood n.近邻;邻近地区 注释:1.life cycle:生命周期,即生物发展过程的系列变化。

2.hyper-local beat:beat在此做名词用,意思是:某类新闻报道,如a business beat:商业专题报道。这是近年来出现的新词。hyper-local beat即hyper-local news,指的是被传统新闻报道方式所忽略的小型社区或居民居住区里发生的相关信息报道。在美国由此而诞生了hyper- local news websites,专门对主流媒体没有覆盖的地区所发生的事件进行报道,其形式多以网民,即短文中所提及的citizen journalists,上传所在社区发生的事件报道、照片或视频为主。这是网络时代产生的又一种新生事物。

3.data是复数形式,但常用作单数,所以这里的代词是it。另参见最后一段:“As we collect this data…”这里的data也用作单数。


5.communities :生态学词汇:生物群落,即在比较相似的环境条件下在特定自然区域或环境中生活和相互影响的一群植物和动物。


1.Ecologists turn to non-scientist citizens for help because they need them A to provide their personal life cycles.B to observe the life cycle of plants. C to collect data of the life cycle of living things. D to teach children knowledge about climate change. 2.What are citizen scientists asked to do?

A To develop a specific research interest and become professional scientists. B To send their research observations to a professional database. C To increase their knowledge about climate change. D To keep a record of their research observations.

3.In “All that's needed to become one ... (paragraph2)”, what does the word \one\

A A citizen journalist.B A citizen scientist. C A scientist.D A citizen.

4.What is NOT true of Project Bud Burst?

A Only experts can participate in it.B Everybody can participate in it. C It collects life cycle data on a variety of common plants. D It has its own website.

5.What is the final purpose of Project Bud Burst? A To study when plants will have their first buds. B To find out the types of plants in the neighborhood.

C To collect life cycle data on a variety of common plants from across the United States.

D To investigate how plants and animals will respond as the climate changes 答案与题解:1.C 第一段和第二段第一句告诉我们,要在世界范围观察气候对大自然中生物的生命周期的影响,数量有限的科学家不可能足迹遍及天下,为此科学家求助于普通公民的参与。所以C是正确选择。

2.B 第二段第三句中encourage ordinary people to observe · · ·的主语是The citizen scientist movement,即公民参与科学观察的运动。所以D不是正确选择。A和C不符合文章的句意,因此也不是正确的选择。这个句子的大意是:这一运动鼓励普通公民根据自己的兴趣爱好进行科学观察,并将观察结果送交数据库,让专门领域的科学家作进一步的观察。B正确表达了这个意思。

3.B one在这里是一个代词,其前置词是citizen scientists,而不是citizen

journalists,这里的one指的是one of citizen scientists。所以,A、C和D都不是正确选择。这个句子的意思是,只要每天或每星期花上几分钟收集数据并发送出去,就能成为一个公民科学家。

4.A 文章最后一段说,这个计划向所有的人开放(open to everyone),所以应选择A。B、C、D所述内容都在该段中提到。

5.D C表述的内容是Project BudBurst所要做的工作,但其最终目的不仅仅是收集数据,而是研究气候变化对生物生命周期的影响。因此,D才是正确选择。 第三篇公民科学家






“人们不需要是植物学家——他们仅仅需要环视四周看看周围有什么。”Jennifer Schwarts说,她是这项计划的教育顾问。“通过收集数据,我们就能够估算出气候变化对植物和生物群落会有怎样的影响。

第四篇:Motoring Technology

1.2 million road deaths worldwide occur each year, plus a further 50 million injuries. To reduce car crash rate, much research now is focused on safety and new fuels一though some electric vehicle and biofuel1 research aims at going faster.

Travelling at speed has always been risky. One cutting edge area2 of research in motoring safety is the use of digital in-car assistants3. They can ensure you don’t miss crucial road signs or fall asleep. The use of artificial intelligence software allows these assistants to monitor your driving and makes sure your phone or radio doesn’t distract you at a vital moment. Most crashes result from human and not mechanical faults. Some safety developments aim to improve your vision. Radar can spot4 obstacles in fog, while other technology “sees through” high-sided5 vehicles blocking your view6. And improvements to seat belts, pedal controls and tyres are making driving

smoother and safer. The colour of a car has been found to be linked with safety, as have, less surprisingly, size and shape7.

And alternatives to fossil-fuel8 based petrol, such as plant oils, are a hot area of research. Fuel cells9 based on hydrogen bum cleanly, and are the subject of a serious research effort.

But whatever is in the fuel tank, you don’t want a thief in the driving seat and there have been many innovations, some using satellite tracking and remote

communications10, to fight against car theft. These communication systems can also come into play11 if you crash, automatically calling for help.

Accidents cause many traffic jams, but there are more subtle interplays between vehicles that can cause jams even on a clear but busy road. Such jams can be analysed using statistical tools. Robotic drivers could be programmed to make traffic flow smoothly and will perhaps one day be everyone’s personal chauffeur, but their latest efforts suggest that won’t be soon.

词汇:distract / d?’str?kt/ v.使……分心,使……分散注意力 hydrogen / ’ha?dr?d??n/ n.氢radar / ’re?dɑ:r / n.雷达

innovation / ’?n?(?)’ve???n/ n.革新,创新pedal / ’pedl / n.制动踏板 interplay / ’?ntz?ple?t / n.相互影响;相互作用fossil-fuel n.矿物燃料 chauffeur / ’???f?(r), ???’f?:(r)/ n.(受雇于私人的)汽车司机

注释:1.biofuel:生物燃料。bio-用于名词或形容词前,表示“生命”或“生物”。 2.cutting edge area:最先进的领域。edge: an advantage(优势)

3.in-car assistants:车内辅助设施4.spot:在此作动词用,意思是“看见”。

5.high-sided:髙大的;其反义词为low-sided:矮小的。 6.blocking your view:挡住你的视线

7.The colour of a car has been found to be linked with safety, as have, less

surprisingly, size and shape:人们发现车的颜色与安全有关,令人不感到惊讶的是,车的大小和形状也与安全有关。as have, less surprisingly, size and shape可以理解为as, less surprisingly, size and shape have been linked with safety 。

8.fossil fuel:指煤、石油、天然气等矿物燃料。 9.fuel cell:燃料电池

10.satellite tracking and remote communications :卫星跟踪和远程通信 11.come into play:起作用 练习:

1.What are researchers interested in doing as the road accidents worldwide increase to a shocking rate?

A They are developing faster electric vehicles.

B They are analyzing road deaths occurring worldwide every year. C They focus their research on safety and new fuels. D They are designing fully automatic cars.

2.According to the second paragraph, most road accidents happen

A because drivers fall asleep.B because drivers make mistakes.C because of engine failureD because of speeding.

3.Which of the safety developments is NOT mentioned in the passage? A Radars that can help drivers to see obstacles in fog. B Devices that can help drivers to see through big vehicles. C Improvements in seat belts, pedal controls and tyres. D Windscreens that can help drivers to improve their vision.

4.What is NOT the purpose of innovations that use satellite tracking and remote communications?

A To prevent car thieves from getting into your car. B To call for help when one’s car crashes.

C To call for help when the car gets jammed in the traffic. D To track the car down when it is being stolen. 5.What is true of robotic drivers?

A It will take some time before robotic drivers can be put to practical use. B Robotic drivers are not allowed to drive on busy roads.

C Robotic drivers can never replace human drivers. D Robotic drivers are too expensive to use.

1.C文章第一段的意思是:在世界范围内,每年发生120万起交通死亡事故,加上5 000万起伤残事故,因此,正在进行的许多研究的重点是安全问题和新燃料问题,尽管一些电动车和生物燃料的研究旨在达到更快的速度。所以,C是正确选项。

2.B第二段最后一句说,大多数汽车撞车事故是人为原因造成的,而不是机械故障的原因。所以C是错误选项;A和D中的fall asleep和speeding是人为原因,但只是部分人为因素,不能概全。











第七篇:Late-night Drinking

Coffee lovers beware. Having a quick “pick-me-up” cup of coffee1 late in the day will play havoc with2 your sleep. As well as being a stimulant, caffeine interrupts the flow of melatonin, the brain hormone that sends people into a sleep.

Melatonin levels normally start to rise about two hours before bedtime. Levels then peak between 2 am and 4 am, before falling again. 3“It’s the neurohormone that controls our sleep and tells our body when to sleep and when to wake,”Says Maurice Ohayon of the Stanford Sleep Epidemiology Research Center at Stanford University in California. But researchers in Israel have found that caffeinated coffee halves the body’s levels of this sleep hormone.

Lotan Shilo and a team at the Sapir Medical Center in Tel Aviv University found that six volunteers slept less well after a cup of caffeinated coffee than after drinking the same amount of decaf. On average, subjects slept 336 minutes per night after drinking

caffeinated coffee, compared with 415 minutes after decaf. They also took half an hour to drop off4— twice as long as usual _ and jigged around5 in bed twice as much. . In the second phase of the experiment, the researchers woke the volunteers every three hours and asked them to give a urine sample. Shilo measured concentrations of a breakdown product of melatonin. The results suggest that melatonin concentrations in caffeine drinkers were half those in decaf drinkers. In a paper accepted for publication in Sleep Medicine, the researchers suggest6 that caffeine blocks production of the enzyme that drives melatonin production.

Because it can take many hours to eliminate caffeine from the body, Ohayon recommends that coffee lovers switch to decaf after lunch,

词汇: beware /b?'we?/ vi.当心;小心stimulant/'st?mj?l(?)nt/ n.兴奋剂 caffeine/'k?fi?n/ n.咖啡因melatonin/,mel?'t??n?n/ n.褪黑激素 hormone/'h??m??n/ n.荷尔蒙,激素

neurohormone /,n?ro'h?rmon; ,nj?ro'h?rmon/ n,神经激素

caffeinated /'k?fi?neitid/ adj.含咖啡因的;加入咖啡因的 halve /hɑ?v/ vt. 二等分;减半decaf/'di?k?f/ n.脱咖啡因咖啡 urine /'j??r?n; -ra?n/ n.尿enzyme /'enza?m/ n. 酶

1. have a quick “pick-me-up”cup of coffee:喝一杯快速提神的咖啡。pick-me-up 意为“提神饮料’这里用作定语。

2. play havoc with:干扰;对……造成严重破坏。例如:The noise of engines can play terrible havoc with a driver’s nerves.发动机的嘈杂声能严重扰乱驾驶员的神经。 3. Levels then peak between 2 am and 4 am, before falling again褪黑激素的


4. drop off:睡着。例如:He dropped off in the armchair.他在扶手椅上睡着了。 5. jig around:辗转反侧。jig:急蹦蹦跳跳。例如:Stop jigging about, Billy, and just stand still for a moment.别到处乱蹦,比利,稳稳地站一会儿。

6. suggest:在这里不作“建议”解,它的意思是“间接地表明;暗示”。例如:I’m not suggesting that the accident was your fault.我并不是说那事故是你的错。 练习:1. The author mentions “pick-me-up” to indicate that

A. melatonin levels need to be raised.B. neurohormone can wake us up. C. coffee is a stimulant.D. decaf is a caffeinated coffee.

2. Which of the following tells us how caffeine affects sleep?

A. Caffeine blocks production of the enzyme that stops melatonin production. B. Caffeine interrupts the flow of the hormone that prevents people from sleeping. C. Caffeine halves the body’s levels of sleep hormone. D. Caffeine stays in the body for many hours.

3. What does paragraph 3 mainly discuss?

A. Different effects of caffeinated coffee and decaf on sleep. B. Different findings of Lotan Shilo and a team about caffeine.

C. The fact that the subjects slept 415 minutes per night after drinking decaf. D. The evidence that the subjects took half an hour to fall asleep.

4. What does the experiment mentioned in paragraph 4 prove? A. There are more enzymes in decaf drinkers’ urine sample.

B. There are more melatonin concentrations in caffeine drinkers’ urine sample. C. Decaf drinkers produce less melatonin. D. Caffeine drinkers produce less sleep hormone.

5. The author of this passage probably agrees that A. coffee lovers sleep less than those who do not drink coffee. B. we should not drink coffee after supper.

C. people sleep more soundly at midnight than at 3 am. D. if we feel sleepy at night, we should go to bed immediately.

1. C pick-me-up指提神饮料,也就是一种刺激物,这篇文章里具体指咖啡。所以,答案应选C。

2. C第二段的第三个句子谈道,“控制我们睡眠的是神经激素”,而这一段的最后一个句子告诉我们“含咖啡因咖啡能使这种睡眠激素减半”。这正是咖啡因影响睡眠的原理。

3. A第三段涉及的是一个实验,这个实验的目的盛测试含咖啡因咖啡和脱咖啡因咖啡对睡眠的影响,该段主要谈论的是这个实验的结果。

4. D第四段是第三段实验的继续,是该实验的第二个阶段。研究人员通过对志愿者的尿进行化验发现,咖啡因摄人者体内的褪黑激素仅为非咖啡因摄人者的一半。褪黑激素就是睡眠激素,所以答案应该选D。

5. B文章的结尾谈道,“Ohayon建议爱喝咖啡的人午饭后应该换喝脱咖啡因咖啡”。另外,整个文章都在探讨咖啡因影响睡眠的机理,所以者大概会同意“晚饭后不应该喝咖啡”的说法。选项A是一个全称判断,这等于说“所有喜欢喝咖啡的人都比不喝咖啡的人睡觉少”。这不一定,因为如果咖啡适量,喝咖啡的时间适当,咖啡不影响睡眠。所以,作者可能不会会同意这种说法。根据文章第二段第二个句子,我们体内褪黑激素(睡眠激素)

的浓度在我们上床时间前两个小时开始上升,而这个时候我们会开始有困意。反过来说就是,人们并非一有困意就睡觉。所以,选项D 不是答案。

喜欢喝咖啡的人要小心了。晚上喝一杯快速提神的咖啡对你的睡眠造成严重破坏。并且咖啡因作为一种刺激物会打断褪黑激素的流动。褪黑激素是使人们进入睡眠的神经激素。 褪黑激素的浓度在睡前两小时开始上升。凌晨2点和4点之间达到最高植,然后再次下降。加利福尼亚斯坦福大学的斯坦福睡眠流行病学研究中心的Maurice Ohayon说:“控制我们睡眠是神经激素,它告诉我们的身体什么时候睡觉什么时候醒。”但是以色列的研究者发现含咖啡因咖啡能使人体中这种睡眠激素减半。

特拉维夫大学的塞帕医学中心的Lotan Shilo和一个小组发现六个志愿者在喝了一杯含咖啡因的咖啡后平均每晚睡336分钟,而喝完脱咖啡后平均每晚睡415分钟,他们用半个小时才能睡着——比平常长一倍,而且翻来覆去的时间比平常多一倍。



第六篇 Making Light of1 Sleep

All we have a clock located inside our brains. Similar to your bedside alarm clock, your internal clock2 runs on a 24-hour cycle. This cycle,called a circadian rhythm,helps control when

you wake,when you eat and when you sleep.

Somewhere around puberty,something happens in the timing of the biological clock. The

clock pushes forward,so adolescents and teenagers are unable to fall asleep as early as they used to. When your mother tells you it's time for bed,your body may be pushing you to stay up3 for several hours more. And the light coming from your computer screen or TV could be pushing you to stay up even later.

This shift4 is natural for teenagers. But staying up very late and sleeping late can get your body's clock out of sync with the cycle of light and dark5. It can also make it hard to get out of bed in the morning and may bring other problems,too. Teenagers are put in a kind of a gray cloud6 when they don't get enough sleep,says Mary Carskadon,a sleep researcher at Brown University in Providence,RI7 .It affects their mood and their ability to think and learn.

But just like your alarm clock,your internal clock can be reset. In fact,it automatically resets

itself every day. How? By using the light it gets through your eyes.

Scientists have known for a long time that the light of day and the dark of night play important roles in setting our internal clocks. For years,researchers thought that the signals that synchronize the body's clock8 were handled through the same pathways that we use to see.

But recent discoveries show that the human eye has two separate light-sensing systems. One system allows us to see. The second system tells our body whether it's day or night.

词汇:circadian/s3:'keidi?n/ adj. 昼夜节奏的,生理节奏的

adolescent/?d?u'les?nt/ n.青少年;adj.青少年的puberty/ 'pju:b?ti/ n.发育;青春期 sync/si?k/ n. (口语)同步;和谐,协调

synchronize/'si?kr?naiz / V.(使)同时发生;(使)同步

注释:1.make light of :轻视,不在乎。例如: We should not make light of their achievements.我们不应当低估他们的成就。

2. your internal clock :指的是第一句中的a clock located inside our brains ,也即是第二段第一句中的the biological clock (生物钟)。

3. stay up:不睡觉,熬夜4. This shift:这种调整。指上文所描述的由于生理时间的变化青少年上床时间越来越晚的现象。

5. get your body's clock out of sync with the cycle of light and dark :打乱了你的生物钟与昼夜时间循环之间的平衡

6. gray cloud :提不起精神的状态7. Brown University in Providence, RI:位于美国罗得岛州普罗维登斯的布朗大学。RI是Rhode

Island(罗得岛)的首字母缩写;Providence 是罗得岛州的首府。布朗大学是美国一流大学,

创建于1764 年,是世界闻名的美国“常春藤联盟”(还包括哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、普林斯顿大学、布朗大学、哥伦比亚大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、达特茅斯大学和康奈尔大学)中的一员。

8. the signals that synchronize the body's clock:平衡生物钟的光信号 练习:

1 .The clock located inside our brains is similar to our bedside alarm clock because A it controls when we wake,when we eat and when we sleep. B it has a cycle of 24 hours.C it is a cycle also called circadian rhythm. D it can alarm any time during 24 hours. 2. What is implied in the second paragraph?

A Young children's biological clock has the same rhythm with that of the teenagers.

B People after puberty begin to go to bed earlier due to the change of the biological clock. C Children before puberty tend to fall asleep earlier at night than adolescents.

D Teenagers go to bed later than they used to due to the light from the computer screen. 3. In the third paragraph the author wants to tell the reader that A it is natural for teenagers to stay up late and get up late.

B staying up late has a bad effect on teenagers' ability to think and learn. C during puberty most teenagers experience a kind of gray cloud.

D it is hard for teenagers to get out of bed in the morning.

4. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the fourth and fifth paragraphs?

A Our biological clock resets itself automatically.

B light gets through our eyes and resets our biological clock.

C Our internal clock as well as the alarm clock can be reset automatically. D Our internal clock,like the alarm clock,can be reset.

5. According to the last two paragraphs, what did the previous researchers think about

the human eye's light-sensing system?

A The human eye had two light-sensing systems

B The human eye had one light-sensing system.

C The human eye could sense the light of day more quickly than the dark of night. D The human eye could reset our internal clocks in accordance with the alarm clocks. 答案与题解:1.B 第一段第二句提供了答案。句中的your internal clock 即指a clock located inside ourBrains。

2. C 第二段主要内容是告诉读者,过了青春期(puberty),由于生物钟节奏的变化,青少年(adolescents and teenagers)比以前要晚睡几小时。所以C是该段所隐含的内容。 3. B 第三段的最后一句直接给出了答案。4. C 根据第四和第五段的内容,闹钟和生物钟都可以重新设定时间,但生物钟能通过眼睛接


5.B 问题使用的是过去时,问的是研究者在最新发现(recent discoveries)之前对眼睛感光系统的认识,即,the signals that synchronize the body's clock were handled through the samepathways that we use to see (眼睛所接受到的平衡生物钟的光信号同样作用于人类的视觉系统),也就是说,研究者之前认为人类的眼睛只有一个感光系统。但最新发现却是,人的眼睛有两个感光系统。

第六篇 不要太在意睡眠



生物钟的这种变化对青少年说是正常的,但熬夜到太晚会打乱你生物钟与昼夜时间循环之间的平衡,这样就会带来一些问题,例如:早晨很难按时起床。位于美国罗得州布郎大学睡眠方面的研究员Mary Carskadon说:“当青少年睡眠不足时会打不起精神,这将影响到他们心情、学习和思考问题的状态。”


很早之前,科学家就知道了昼夜光线强弱的变化对生物钟调节起到了重要的作用,长久以来,研究者们认为眼睛所接受到的平衡生物钟的光信号同样作用于人类的视觉系统。 但最近几年的研究发现,人类眼睛有两个感光系统,一个是视觉系统,而另一个是感知昼夜的系统。

第七篇Sugar Power for Cell Phones

Using enzymes commonly found in living cells,a new type of fuel cell produces small amounts of electricity from sugar.If the technology is able to succeed in mass production,you may some day share your sweet drinks with your cell phone.

In fuel cells,chemical reactions generate electrical currents.The process usually relies on precious metals,such as platinum.In living cells,enzymes perform a similar job,breaking down sugars to obtain electrons and produce energy.

When researchers previously used enzymes in fuel cells,they had trouble keeping

them active,says Shelley D.Minteer of St Louis University1.Whereas biological cells continually produce fresh enzymes,there’s no mechanism in fuel cells to replace enzymes as they quickly degrade.

Minteer and Tamara Klotzbach,also of St Louis University,have now developed polymers that wrap around an enzyme and preserve it in a microscopic pocket.“We tailor these pockets to provide the ideal microenvironment” for the enzyme,Minteer says.The polymers keep the enzyme active for months instead of days.

In the new fuel Cell,tiny polymer bags of enzyme are embedded in a membrane that coats one of the electrodes.When glucose from a sugary liquid gets into a pocket,the enzyme oxidizes it,releasing electrons and protons.The electrons cross the

membrane and enter a wire through which they travel to the other electrode,where they react with.oxygen in the atmosphere to produce water.The flow of electrons through the wire constitutes an electrical current that can generate power.

So far,the new fuel cells don’t produce much power,but the fact that they work at all is exciting,says Paul Kenis,a chemical engineer at the University of Illinois2 at Urhana-Champaign3.“Just getting it to work.” Kenis says,“is a major accomplishment.” Sugar-eating fuel cells could be an efficient way to make electricity.Sugar is easy to find. And the new fuel cells that run on it are biodegradable,so the technology wouldn’t hurt the environment.The scientists are now trying to use different enzymes that will get more power from sugar.They predict that popular products may be using the new technology in as little as 3 years.

词汇: enzyme/5enzaIm/n.酶 electrode/I5lektrEJd/n.电极platinum/5plAtinEm/n.铂,白金 membrane/5membrein/n.膜,薄膜electron/I5lektrRn/n.电子 oxidize/5Cksi7daiz/v.氧化degrade/di5reid/v.降解 glucose/5lu:kEus/n.葡萄糖polymer/5pClimE/n.聚合物 biodegradable/7baiEudi5reidEbl/adj.能进行生物降解的microenvironment n.微环境 embed/im5bed/v.埋置,插入 proton/5prEutCn/n.质子

1. According to the first paragraph,when can we share our sweet drinks with our cell phones?

A When enzymes can be commonly found in living ceils.

B When the technology of producing a new type of fuel cell appears.

C When the technology of a new type of fuel cell is suitable for mass production. D When the technology of mass producing cell phones appears. 2. What trouble did Minteer and Klotzhach have in their research? A They had trouble keeping enzymes in fuel cells active. B They had trouble keeping biological cells active. C They had trouble producing fresh enzymes.

D They had trouble finding mechanism for producing enzymes. 3. According to Paragraph 5,electrons are released

A when bags of enzyme are embedded in the new fuel cell. B when glucose from a sugary liquid goes through the enzyme.

C when the enzyme oxidizes the glucose from a sugary liquid that goes through a pocket.

D when the enzyme oxidizes the sugary liquid that goes through a pocket. 4. What is exciting about the new fuel cells?

A Their limitless power generation capacity is amazing.

B Their limited power generation capacity is a good beginning.

C Their limited power generation capacity is the result of great efforts. D Their limitless power generation capacity is a major accomplishment, 5. According to the last paragraph,what is NOT true of the new fuel cells?

A The new fuel cells run on sugar that is easy to find. B The new fuel cells are environment friendly. C The new fuel cells are biologically degradable,

D It will take some time before the new fuel cells can be used in popular products. 1. C A和D明显不是正确答案。B不是正确选择,因为只有当这种新的燃料电池被大规模生产时,才有可能实现用甜饮料给手机提供电能。 2. A 文章第三段的第一句是问题的答案。

3. C 该段第二句“When glucose from a sugary liquid penetrates a pocket,the enzyme oxidizes it,releasing electrons and proton”中的it指代glucose,而不是a sugary liquid,因此C是正确选择。

4. B 第六段的大意是,尽管这种新型燃料电池还不能产牛很多电能,但是,它能够产生电能的事实就已经是很大的成就了。因而激动人心。所以只有B是正确答案。

5. D 文章的最后一段指出了这种新型燃料电池的优点,即A、B、C所述内容。最后一句说,科学家预计,在不到三年的时间里这种新技术便可在大众的流行产品中使用。所以D是正确选择。译文:



圣路易斯大学的Shelley D.Minteer说,以前研究人员在燃料细胞中使用酶时,很难维持酶的活性。生物细胞能不停地产生新鲜的酶,但燃料细胞中没有能替换很快降解的酶的机制。



伊利诺斯大学Urbana-Champaign校区的化学工程师Paul Kenis指出,目前这种新型燃料细胞产生不了多少电能,但它们确实产生了电,这一事实令人激动。Kenis说:“单是使它可以产生电能,就是一项大的成果。”

消耗糖的燃料细胞有可能成为高效的发电工具。糖容易得到,而且消耗糖的新型燃料细胞可生物降解,因此这项技术不会损害环境。 目前,科学家们正试图利用别的能从糖中产生更多电的酶。


第八篇Eiffel Is an Eyeful

Some2 300 meters up, near the Eiffel Tower's wind-whipped summit the world comes to scribble3. Japanese,Brazilians, Americans — they graffiti4 their names,loves and politics on the cold iron — transforming the most French of monuments into symbol of a world onthe move5.

With Paris laid out in miniature6 below,it seems strange that visitors would rather waste time marking their presence than admiring the view7. But the graffiti also raises a question : Why, nearly 114 years after it was completed,and decades after it ceased to be the world, s tallest structure,is la Tour Eiffel still so popular8?

The reasons are as complex as the iron work that graces9 a structure some 90 stories high. But part of the answer is, no doubt, its agelessness. Regularly maintained, it should never rust away. Graffiti is regularly painted over,but the tower lives on.

\,says Hugues Richard10,a 31- year-old Frenchman who holds the record for cycling up to the tower's second floor 一 747 steps in 19 minutes and 4 seconds, without touching the floor with his feet. \,It inspires us11 ”, he says.

But to what12? After all,the tower doesn' t have a purpose. It ceased to be the world’ s tallest in 1930 when the Chrysler Building13 went up in New York. Yes,television and radio signals are beamed from the top,and Gustave Eiffel,a frenetic builder who died on December 27,aged 91 ,used its height for conducting research into weather, aerodynamics and radio communication.

But in essence the tower inspires simply by being there _ a blank canvas for visitors to make of it what they will14. To the technically minded15, it's an engineering triumph. For lovers, it's romantic.

\6”,says Isabelle Esnous, whose company manages Eiffel Tower.

词汇:Eiffel /'aifel/ Tower (法国巴黎的)埃菲尔铁塔eyeful /'aiful/ n.引人注目的景象 scribble /'skribl/ v.乱涂,乱画graffiti /grs'fizti:/ n?涂写,涂画

iron work 铁制品;铁工agelessness /'eid3lisnis/ n.永恒,永不过日寸 rust /rASt/ v.生锈(rust away 锈烂掉)frenetic /frs'netik/ a办极度激动的 tinker /'tiqko/ n.白铁匠,能做各种小修小补的人

aerodynamics /leorsudai'naemiks/ n?空气动力学

注释:Eiffel Is an Eyefiil:引人注目的埃菲尔铁塔。由于Eiffel和Eyeful读音相似,使用Eyeful而不是其他的词是有其修辞效果的。埃菲尔铁塔是古斯塔夫?埃菲尔(Gustave Eiffel,1832— 1923,法国工程师)为1889年的巴黎博览会设计的。该塔在塞纳河南岸,高300公尺(984 英尺)。埃菲尔铁塔的法文是第二段最后一句中的“la Tour Eiffel\。 some:意为“approximately;about,,(大约,将近)。如它 40 people attended the rally.大约有40个人参加了集会。

the world comes to scribble:世界各地的人们来此涂鸦。

graffiti:在此用作graffito的动词形式,意思是“涂鸦,在墙或其他表面上创作的画或铭刻”。 transforming the most French of monuments into symbol of a world on the move.使最有法兰西色彩的纪念碑成为动感世界的象征。the most + adj. + of + n.意为“在……中最

为…… 的” 如:Beethoven is the greatest of musicians.贝多芬是最伟大的音乐家。on the

move:在运动中。in miniature:小型的,小规模的,缩影的

would rather waste time marking their presence than admiring the view.宁愿花时间留下到此一游的痕迹,而不去观赏风景。would rather…than:宁愿……而不……: He would ratherstay at home watching DVD than going to the cinema.他宁愿待在家里看 DVD,而不愿到电影院去看电影。

在原句 Why is la Tour Eiffel still so popular?的 Why 与 la Tour Eiffel still so popular?之间插 AT nearly 114 years after it was completed, and decades after it ceased to be the world's tallest structure.

graces:在此作动词,意为“to give beauty, elegance, or charm to”(使……优美,优雅或具有魅力)oHugues Richard:法国自行车运动员,多次打破自行车运动的世界纪录,于2002年4月8日以19分钟零4秒的成绩骑自行车登上埃菲尔铁塔的第二层,第六次打破自行车运动的世界纪录。

“It’s iron lady,it inspires us. ”:“这是铁娘子,能让人产生灵感。”It指埃菲尔铁塔。

But to what?这是一个省略句,接着上段Hugues Richard的话发问,完整的句子可以是:But what does it inspire people to?

the Chrysler Building:是美国纽约帝国大厦(the Empire State Building)建成之前,世界第一高楼,共77层,设计师是William Van Alen。

a blank canvas for visitors to make of it what they will:—张空白的画布,任游客自由遐想 To the technically minded:对于那些善于从技术角度考虑问题的人来说,从技术的角度来说。

\:“这座塔将在我们所有的人离去后长久存在。”outlast:意为“ to last longer than”(比……持久)。out-:前缀,意思是“比…… 更…”。如:Women are said to outlive men.据说女人比男人长寿。 by a long way :副词,意思是“大大地”。 练习:

1. Why does the author think the Eiffel Tower is transformed into symbol of a world on the move?

A) Tourists from all over the world come to the Eiffel Tower by car or by plane. B ) Tourists of all nationalities come to scribble on the cold iron of the tower. C) The Eiffel Tower is the tallest building in the world.

D ) The Eiffel Tower represents all the towers in the world. 2. What seems strange to the author?

A) Visitors prefer wasting time scribbling to enjoying the view. B ) Visitors spends much time watching other people scribbling.

C ) Only Japanese,Brazilians and Americans like to mark their presence. D ) Scribbling spread from country to country.

3. Which statement is NOT true of Hugues Richard? A ) He is a cyclist.B ) He is a record holder.

C ) He climbed 747 steps up the tower in 19 minutes and 4 seconds. D ) He cycled up to the tower's second floor. 4. What did the builder use the Eiffel Tower for?

A) Sending radio and television signals all over the world. B ) Conducting research in various fields. C) Giving people inspiration.

D ) Demonstrating French culture.

5. Which of the following is nearest in meaning to “(The Eiffel Tower is like)a blank canvas for visitors to make of it what they will ______?

A ) Visitors can do whatever they want on the tower. B ) Visitors can paint on the tower whatever they want. C ) Visitors can imagine freely what the tower represents.

D) Visitors can draw on a blank canvas provided by the Tower management company. 答案与题解:

1. B第一段提供了答案。见注释3、4、5。

2. A 第二段第一句中的句型 would rather do something than doing something else,也可以用 prefer doing something to doing something else的句型来表达。所以,A是正确选项。句型解释见注释7。

3. C第四段i诉我们,Hugues Richard蹬车上塔,打破世界纪录。C不是正确选项,因为他 cycling up to the tower's second floor,而不是 climbing up the tower.

4. B A不是正确选项,因为Gustave Eiffel没有也不可能使用该塔向全世界发射电视信号。第五段的最后一句提供了答案。

5. C第六段的大意是:对不同的人,埃菲尔铁塔有不同的象征意义。见注释14。 译文:引人注目的埃菲尔铁塔



这个问题的答案就像那构成90层的铁塔的工程一样复杂。一部分的理由是,毫无疑问,铁塔是永不过时的。周期性的维护使得它永远不会被腐蚀掉。埃菲尔铁塔定期油漆,覆盖那些涂鸦, 但是它仍将继续存在下去。

“埃菲尔是巴黎的象征,而巴黎又代表了法国。所以,埃菲尔十分具有象征性。” Hugues Richard说道。这位31岁的法国人保持着在19分零4秒的时间内骑自行车经过747级台阶登上铁塔二层的纪录。“这是铁娘子,能让人产生灵感,”他说。

但是它能使人们产生怎样的灵感呢?毕竟,铁塔并没有任何&的。1930年纽约的克莱斯勒大厦取代它成为世界上最高的建筑。但是电视和广播信号仍然从塔顶发送出来,而古斯塔夫?埃菲尔,这个狂热的建造者利用它的高度进行气象学、空气动力学和无线电通讯的研究。他在12月27 日逝世,终年91岁。



第九篇 An Essential Scientific Process

All life on the earth depends upon green plants. Using sunlight, the plants produce their own food. Then animals feed upon the plants. They take in the nutrients the plants have made and stored. But that’s not all. Sunlight also helps a plant produce oxygen. Some of the oxygen is used by the plant, but a plant usually produces more oxygen than it uses.

The excess oxygen is necessary for animals and other organisms to live.

The process of changing light into food and oxygen is called photosynthesis. Besides light energy from the sun, plants also use water and carbon dioxide. The water gets to the plant through its roots. The carbon dioxide enters the leaves through tiny openings called stomata. The carbon dioxide travels to chloroplasts, special cells in the bodies of green plants. This is where photosynthesis takes place. Chloroplasts contain the

chlorophylls that give plants their green color. The chlorophylls are the molecules that trap light energy. The trapped light energy changes water and carbon dioxide to produce oxygen and a simple sugar called glucose.

Carbon dioxide and oxygen move into and out of the stomata. Water vapor also moves out of the stomata. More than 90 percent of water a plant takes in through its roots

escapes through the stomata. During the daytime, the stomata of most plants are open. This allows carbon dioxide to enter the leaves for photosynthesis. As night falls, carbon dioxide is not needed. The stomata of most plants close. Water loss stops.

If photosynthesis ceased, there would be little food or other organic matter on the earth. Most organisms would disappear. The earth’s atmosphere would no longer contain oxygen. Photosynthesis is essential for life on our planet. 词汇:

nutrient n.营养物organism n.生物体,有机体carbon dioxide n.二氧化碳 chloroplast n.叶绿体molecule n.分子vapor n.水蒸气oxygen n.氧气

photosynthesis n.光合作用chlorophyll n.叶绿素glucose n.葡萄糖cease v.停止 Then animals feed upon the plants.动物以植物为食。 1.In the first paragraph,the word “excess” means

A heavyB extra.C green.D liquid.

2.Which of the following does not move through a plant’s stomata? A Carbon dioxide.B Water vapor.C Oxygen.D Food. 3.In the title, the term Essential Scientific Process refers to A photosynthesis.B the formation of glucose.

C global warming.D water getting to the roots of plants. 4.This passage is primarily developed by

A explaining a process.B telling a story.C comparing and contrasting. D convincing the reader of plants’ importance. 5.Another good title for this passage would be

A Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide.B Plants and Their Roots.

C How Photosynthesis Works.D Why Our Earth Needs Water. 答案与题解:

1.B 前文讲到,植物产生的氧气一部分被植物自身消耗了,但植物消耗的氧气量远小于它们产生的氧气,因此可以推测这句话的意思应该是剩余的氧气对于动物以及其他生物体的生存是至关重要的。excess在句中的意思是“超额的”,与extra“额外的”意思相近。 2.D 从第三段的第一、二句得知,二氧化碳、氧气和水蒸气都能从气孔中通过,唯一一个没有提到的是food“养分、食物”,因此该题选D项。

3.A 文章通篇都在讲Photosynthesis,即光合作頌钠作用和重要性,文章结尾又重申了Photosynthesis is essential for life on our planet,因此选A项。B项是光合作用的一个部分,C、D项则毫不相干。

4.A 文章先是介绍了进行光合作用所需的原料和组织,又介绍了光合作用的过程,因此整个逻辑应该是解释过程,而不是讲故事或比较对比。D项是“向读者说明植物的重要性”,这确实是文章的一个目的,但不是文章的组织方式。

5.C 文章的主题是光合作用的基本原理,因此选项C。A、B项在文中有提及,但不是主旨,D项与本文无关。




二氧化碳和氧气通过气孔进出。水蒸气也是从气孔逸出。植物体通过根系吸收的水分中的90%。白天,大多数植物的气孔都是张开的,使得二氧化碳能进入植物体参与光合作用。到了夜晚,植物不再需要二氧化碳,于是大多数植物的气孔就关闭了,水分散失也停止了。 如果光合作用停止的话,地球上将不会再有食物或其他有机物质,大多数生物体都会消失,地球的大气中的氧气也将消失。光合作用对于地球上的生命来说是至关重要的。

第十篇Young Female Chimps Outlearn Their Brothers

Young female chimps are faster and better learners than young male chimps, suggests a new study, echoing learning differences seen in human girls and boys.

While young male chimps pass their time playing. Young female chimps carefully study their mothers. As a result, they learn how to fish for tasty termite snacks over two years before the boys.

Elizabeth Lonsdorf, now at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, US, and colleagues at the

University of Minnesota, Saint Paul spent four years watching how young chimpanzees in the Gombe National Park in Tanzania learned “cultural behavior”.

The sex differences in learning behavior were “consistent and strikingly apparent”, says the team. The researchers point out that similar differences are seen in human children with regard to skills such as writing. “A sex-based learning differences may therefore date back at least to the last common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans.” they write in the journal Nature.

Chimps make flexible tools from vegetation and then insert them into termite mounds, extract them and then munch the termites clinging onto the tool. The researchers used video cameras to record this feeding behavior and found that each chimp mother had her own technique, such as how she used tools of different lengths.

Analysis of the six infants whose ages were known showed that girl chimps were an average of 31 months old when they succeeded in fishing out their termites, where the boy chimps were aged 58 months on average. Females were also more skillful at getting out more termites with every dip and used techniques similar to their mothers while males did not.

Instead of studying their mothers, the boy chimps spent a significantly greater amount of time frolicking around the termite mound. Behaviors such as playing or swinging might help the male infants later in life when typically male activities like hunting or fighting for

dominance become important, suggest the researchers.

Lonsdorf adds that there just two main sources of animal protein for chimps — the

termites or colobus monkeys. “Mature males often hunt monkeys up trees, but females are almost always either pregnant or burdened with a clinging infant. This makes hunting difficult,” she says .“Adult females spend more time fishing for termites than males.” So becoming proficient at termite fishing could mean adult females eat better, “They can watch their offspring at the same time. The young of both sexes seen to pursue activities related to their adult sex roles{10} at a very young age.”

练习: 1. Why do young female chimps learn faster than young male chimps at fishing for termites?

A Because young female chimps don’t play with their brothers. B Because young female chimps begin to study their mothers earlier. C Because young male chimps never learn to fish for termites. DBecauseyoung male chimps are not interested in termites. 2. What are the tools with which chimps fish for termites?

A Tree branches.B Vegetation.C Fruits.D Grass.

3. Which of the Following is true about chimps fishing for termites according to paragraph 6?

A Males often compete with females in fishing for termites. B Males could get out more termites with every dip. C Females could get out more termites with every dip.

D Males are good at mastering technique for fishing for termites.

4. How did the researchers explain the fact that boy chimps spent more time on playing? A They like hunting. B They enjoy fighting.

C It helps them to stay fit. D It will make them good fighters and hunters in the future.

5. According to the last paragrnph, which of the following is NOT true? A Adult chimps hunt monkeys while young chimps fish for termites. B The main source of animal protein for male chimps is colobus monkeys. C The main source of animal protein for female chimps is termites.

D Female chimps fish for termites while watching their children.

1. B 根据第二段的内容,雄性小猩猩将时间用来玩要,而雌性小猩猩则研究她们母亲的行为,因此,她们比雄性小猩猩早两年学会捕食白蚁。 A、D文中没有提到, C与问题没有关系。

2. B第五段的第一个句子告诉我们,猩猩用植物作成方便的工具,用来捕食白蚁。 A、C和 D均是错误的。

3. C 该段告诉我们,对六只小猩猩的分析表明,雌性小猩狠不但较早学会捕食白蚁 .

而且能比雄性小猩猩更为熟练地捕食到更多的白蚁。所以, B和 D都不是正确选项。 A项内容文中没有提到。

4. D A、B和 C都是错误的,因为文中没有捉到雄性小猩猩喜欢猎食和打斗,也没有提及玩耍能使他们更健康。D是正确答案。第七段昀后一句说,他们喜欢玩耍的行为有助于他们长大后的生活,因为,到那时,他们要猎食和争权夺位。

5. A 根据昀后一段的内容,成年雄猩猩主要猎食生活在树上的一种叫做 colobus(疣猴)的猴子,而雌性猩猩捕食白蚁。所以 A是正确选项。 B、C和 D的内容均可在该段中找到。

第十篇 年轻雌猩猩学习优于她们的弟兄



美国芝加哥林肯公司动物园的Elizabeth Lonsdorf 和她在圣保罗市明尼苏达大学的同事们用了4年时间观察坦桑尼亚Gombe 自然公园的年轻黑猩猩学习它们的“文化行为”。 学习行为的性别差异是“一贯和惊人显著的”,观察小组报告说。研究人员指出,类似的差别也存在于人类儿童写作等技巧的学习过程。他们在《自然》杂志中写道,“基于性别的学习差异因而可以上溯到人类和黑猩猩最近的共同始祖。”




Lonsdorf 补充说,黑猩猩食物中动物蛋白的主要来源有两个——白蚁和疣猴。“成熟雄性常在树间抓捕疣猴,而雌性则总是因为怀孕或身上吊着小猩猩而难以捕猎,”她说,“成年雌性比雄性花更多的时间捕食白蚁。”因此娴熟地捕获白蚁意味着雌性比雄性吃得更好,“并且可以同时看护后代。雌雄两性似乎都是在十分年幼的时候就开始了与成年后性别角色有关的活动。”

第十一篇:When Our Eyes Serve Our Stomach

Our senses aren’t just delivering a strict view of what’s going on in the world;they’re affected by what’s going on in our heads1. A new study finds that hungry people see food-related words more clearly than people who’ve just eaten.

Psychologists have known for decades that what’s going on inside our head affects our senses. For example, poorer children think coins are larger than they are, and hungry people think pictures of food are brighter. Remi Radel of University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis2, France, wanted to investigate how this happens. Does it happen right away as the brain receives signals from the eyes or a little later as the brain’s high-level thinking processes get involved.

Radel recruited 42 students with a normal body mass index3. On the day of his or her test, each student was told to arrive at the lab at noon after three or four hours of not eating. Then they were told there was a delay. Some were told to come back in 10

minutes; others were given an hour to get lunch first. So half the students were hungry when they did the experiment and the other half had just eaten.

For the experiment, the participant looked at a computer screen. One by one, 80 words flashed on the screen for about l/300th of a second each. They flashed at so small a size that the students could only consciously perceive. A quarter of the words were food-related. After each word, each person was asked how bright the word was and asked to choose which of two words they’d seen — a food-related word like cake or a neutral word like boat. Each word appeared too briefly for the participant to really read it. Hungry people saw the food-related words as brighter and were better at identifying food-related words. Because the word appeared too quickly for them to be reliably seen, this means that the difference is in perception4, not in thinking processes, Radel says.

“This is something great to me. Humans can really perceive what they need or what they strive for. From the experiment, I know that our brain can really be at the disposal of5 our motives and needs,” Radel says.

词汇:threshold / ’θre?h??ld/ n.起点,开端;门檻 neutral / ’nju:tr?l / adj.中性的;中立的strive / stra?v/ v.努力,力求;斗争 disposal / d?s’p??z?l / n.处理,处置;配置motive/ ’m??t?v/ n.动机,目的

1.Our senses aren’ t just delivering a strict view of ... in our heads:这个句子的大概意思是:我们的五官感觉不仅仅让我们感知世界;五官感觉还受大脑活动的影响。 2.University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis:法国尼斯·索菲亚·安提波利斯大学,简称尼斯大学,1965年经法国政令正式宣布成立。尼斯大学在尼斯市设有7处主校园,另外,还在索菲亚·安提波利斯市(Sophia Antipolis)、戛纳市(Cannes)和芒东市(Menton)设有校区。索菲亚·安提波利斯是位于尼斯市西南侧的科技园区,是许多髙等学府的所在地。

3.body mass index:身体质量指数4.in perception :感知 5.at the disposal of:受到……的控制

1.What does the new study mentioned in Paragraph 1 find? A Hungry people see every word more clearly than ordinary people. B Hungry people are always thinking of food-related words.

C Hungry people are more sensitive to food-related words than stomach-full people.

D Hungry people do not have lower-level of thinking process. 2.Why was there a delay on the day of the experiment? A Because hungry people needed time to fill their stomach.

B Because Radel wanted to create two groups of testees, hungry and non-hungry. C Because noon was not the right time for any experiment.

D Because Radel needed time to select participants in terms of body mass index. 3.What does the writer want to tell us?

A Human’s senses aren’t just delivering a strict view of what’s going on in the world.

B What’s perceived by our senses affects our way of thinking.

C Human brains can really be at the disposal of our motives and needs. D Thinking processes guarantee the normal functions of our senses. 4.What did the results of the experiment indicate?

A 80 words flashed on the screen too fast for the participant to intentionally perceive.

B Hungry people were better at identifying neutral words.

C People who had just eaten were better at identifying food-related words. D The participants could barely perceive what they needed or what they strived for. 5.What can we infer from the passage?

A 42 participants are too small a number for a serious investigation. B An experiment with hungry and non-hungry participants is not reliable. C Our thinking processes are independent of our senses.

D Humans can perceive what they need without involving high-level thinking processes.

1.C 第一段第二句是本题答案的依据。饥肠辘辘的人只是看food-related words比较清楚,选项C的句意与上述句子的意思完全一致,是答案。选项A说的是every word,所以不是答案。选项B和D文章中没有提到。

2.B 答案的根据可在第三段找到。Radel为了保证42名学生到达实验室时是空腹,所以要求他们中午到达。然后告诉一部分学生实验时间推迟了,请他们10分钟后再来。他又请另外一部分学生用午餐。Radel用推迟实验的方法造就了两组实验者,即饥饿组与饱食组。选项B是答案。

3.C 虽然A、B、D选项均可在文中找到对应部分,但只属于细节,而非主旨,因此不能选。本文最后一句给出了直接的答案。

4.A 第四段第三行中consciously与A项中的intentionally是同义词。B项neutral意思为“中性的”,在本文中的意思是与food-related相对的,即“与食物不相关的”,因此是错误选择;C项不符合课文原意;D项barely意为“仅仅,勉强,几乎没有”,因此也不符合句意。

5.D 选项A所说的实验样本的大小与本题主旨无关,不是答案,而是干扰项;B、C内容也不能直接从短文中推断出来。选项D是答案。最后一段第二句的“Humans can really perceive what they need or what they strive for”为选择D项提供了依据。







雷戴尔说:“这就是重点所在。人类可以真正感知到自身的需要或者为之奋斗的目标。该实验使我了解这样的事实,即我们的大脑是受我们的动机和需要所支配的。” Florida Hit by Cold Air Mass

In January, 2003, the eastern two-thirds of the United States was at the mercy of a bitterly cold air mass that has endangered Florida’s citrus trees, choked northern harbors with ice and left bewildered residents of North Carolina’s Outer Banks digging out of up to a foot of snow.

The ice chill deepened as temperatures fell to the single digits in most of the South, with an unfamiliar dip below the freezing mark as far south as parts of interior South Florida. Temperatures in Florida plunged, with West Palm Beach dropping to a record low of 2 degrees.

“We couldn’t believe how cold it was,” said Martin King, who arrived this week in Orlando from England. “we brought shorts, T-shirt, and I had to go out and buy another coat. ”

The temperature plunge posed a threat to Florida’s US$9.1 billion-a-year citrus crop, more of which is still on the trees. Growers were hurrying to harvest as much of the fruit as possible before it was damaged by cold.

“Time is of the essence in getting fruit to the plant,” said Tom Rogers, a citrus grower who expected to see damage to oranges and grapefruit at that time.

In Florida, Governor Jeb Bush signed an emergency order to eliminate the weight limit on trucks so citrus growers could get as much fruit to market as possible.

Casey Pace, a spokeswoman for Florida Citrus Mutual, said growers had sprayed trees with sprinklers, which created a layer of ice and helped maintain a temperature near freezing. Citrus trees are considered in danger of damage if the temperature drops below minus 2 degrees Celsius for four hours or more. Snow ranging from a dusting to up to 30 centimeters blanketed the Carolinas, Tennessee and parts of Virginia.

1. Which of the following statements is not meant in the first two paragraphs? A. The cold air mass was a threat to Florida’s citrus crop.

B. The temperature in the United States except the South dropped below the freezing mark.

C. The northern harbors were blocked with ice.

D. The eastern two thirds of the United States was hit by cold air mass.

2. According to the second paragraph, in which area (s) did the temperature fall below zero?

A. Most of the south. B. Parts of interior South Florida. C. West Palm Beach. D. All of the above.

3. King’s statement that “We brought shorts, T-shirt, and I had to go out and buy another coat,” shows that

A. he was caught by the sudden cold. B. he needed formal clothes.

C. fashion in Florida is tempting. D. Florida is how compared with England.

4. Governor Jeb issue the emergency order because he A. thought speed limit for trucks was unreasonable.

B. tried to improved the traffic condition of the express ways.

C. wanted to encourage trucks to transport as much fruit to market as possible. D. wanted to stop trucks from carrying too much fruit to market.

5. Which statement is NOT true according to the last paragraph? A. Sprinklers were used to protect citrus trees from being damaged.

B. Citrus trees would be damaged if the temperature drops below minus 2℃for four hours.

C. The Carolinas. Tennessee and parts of Virginia were covered with snow. D. Florida Citrus Mutual sprayed trees with sprinklers for citrus growers.

1. A 第二段中就有冷气团侵袭到 most of the South,所以,B是不符合原意的。

2. B … with an unfamiliar dip below the freezing mark as far south as parts of interior South Florida.在南至南佛罗里达州腹地的一些区域,气温前所未有地降至冰点以下这句话说明 B是正确选项。在 most of the South,气温降至 10℃以下,在 West Palm Bench,气温虽然降至历史昀低,但有 2℃。

3. A 佛罗里达位于炎热的南方。 King只带了短裤、 T恤。到了佛罗里达,寒潮来了,他只好去买御寒衣服。

4. C 第六段中“ Jeb Bush signed an emergency order to eliminate the weight limit on trucks so citrus growers could get as much fruit to market as possible.”这个句子提供了答案。

5. D 选项 A、B、C文章中都提到,而且, A、B、C的内容都符合原意,唯有 D不正确。因为,文章中只是说 Florida Citrus Mutual (佛罗里达柑橘互助协会 )通报了柑橘种植人采取的防冻措施,并没有说这个协会自己采取了防冻措施。

第十二篇 纳佛罗里达遭受冷气团袭击








佛罗里达州柑橘信托基金会的发言人Casey Pace女士说,果农们用洒水器向果树喷水,这使果树表面形成了一层冰,冰有助于气温维持在冰点附近。如果气温降到-2℃以下超过4个小时,柑橘就会被冻坏。厚度从薄薄一层到30厘米的雪覆盖了卡罗来纳、田纳西和弗吉尼亚的部分地区。

第十三篇Invisibility Ring

Scientists can’t yet make an invisibility cloak1 like the one that Harry Potter2 uses.But,for the first time,they’ve constructed a simple cloaking device that makes itself and somethingplaced inside it invisible to microwaves.

When a person “sees” an object,his or her eye senses many different waves of visiblelight as they bounce off the object.The eye and brain then work together to

organize thesesensations and reconstruct the object’s original shape. So,to make an object invisible,scientists have to keep waves from bouncing off it.And they have to make sure the objectcasts no shadow.Otherwise,the absence of reflected light on one side would give the obiectaway.

Invisibility isn’t possible yet with waves of light that the human eye can see.But it is nowpossible with microwaves.Like visible light,microwaves are a form of radiant

energy.Theyare part of the electromagnetic spectrum,which also includes radio waves,infrared light,ultraviolet rays,X rays,and gamma rays.The wavelengths of

microwaves are shorter thanthose of radio waves but longer than those of visible light. The scientists’ new “invisibility device” is the size of a drink coaster and shaped like aring.The ring is made of a special material with unusual ability.When microwaves strike thering,very few bounce off it.Instead,they pass through the ring,which bends the waves allthe way around until they reach the opposite side.The waves then return to their originalpaths.

To a detector set up to receive microwaves on the other side of the ring,it looks as if thewaves never changed their paths as if there were no object in the way! So,the ring is effectively invisible.

When the researchers put a small cdpper loop inside the ring,it,too,is nearly invisible. However,the cloaking device and anything inside it do cast a pale shadow.And the deviceworks only for microwaves,not for visible light or any kind of electromagnetic radiation.So,Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak doesn’t have any real competition yet.

invisibility/invizE5biliti/n.看不见,无形 spectrum/5spektrEm/n.光谱 cloak/klEuk/斗篷,披风 infrared/5infrE5red/adj.红外线的 microwave/5maikrEuweiv/n.微波 ultraviolet ray 紫外线 reconstruct/5ri:kEn5strQkt/v.重建 gamma ray 伽马射线 radiant/5reidjEnt/adj.辐射的 wavelength/5weivleNW/n.波长


1.Harry Potter is mentioned in the passage,because scientists

Acan now make an invisible cloak of the same kind as he uses. Btry to make an invisible cloak of the same kind as he uses.

Ctry to invent a device Similar in idea to the invisible cloak he uses. Dknow that it is possible to make an invisible cloak of the same kind. 2.What is true of microwaves?

ATheir wavelengths are shorter than those of visible light. BTheir wavelengths are longer than those of visible light.

CThey are different from visible light as they are a kind of radiant energy. DThey are visible to the human eye.

3.What is NOT true of the invisibility device? AIt is made of a special material with unusual ability. BMicrowaves bounce off it when they strike it. CMicrowaves pass through it when they strike it.

DIt bends the microwaves all the way around until they reach the opposite side.

4.What does the word “coaster” mean in the passage?

AA disk or plate placed under a drinking glass to protect a table top.

BA vessel engaged in coastal trade. CA roller coaster.

DA resident of a coastal area.

5.Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak doesn’t have any real competition yet,because

Ascientists have not found out how his cloak works. Bthe cloaking device is a total failure.

Cthe cloaking device works only for microwaves. Dthe cloaking device works only for visible light.

1.C文章的第一段告诉我们,科学家还没有发明哈里·波特使用的那种隐身衣,所以不能选 A;该段还告诉我们,科学家已制造了,一种装置,这种装置能使自身或置于其中的物体不被微波发现,所以C是正确选择,也就是说,科学家发明的隐形装置和哈里波特的隐身衣仅仅在概念上相同,这同时说明B和D是错误的选择。

2.B第三段最后一句中告诉我们,A是错误选择,B是正确选择。该段第三句说,微波与可见光一样都是一种辐射能,所以C的说法是错误的,不能选择;根据该段第一句:with wavesof light that the human eye can see和第三句:Like visible light,可以得知D是错误的说法,也不能选择。

3.B第四段第三句说,当微波到达装置表面时,very few bounce off。very few是几乎没有的意思,所以选择B。其他选择所述内容都可以很容易在该段中找到。


5.CA句在短文中没有提到;按文章的内容B不是正确的说法;文章最后一段说,And thedevice works only for microwaves,not forvisible light,所以C是正确选择 隐形环


当一个人“看”某物体时,他的眼睛就会感知到从那个物体反射过来的光波。眼睛和大脑一同工作,编辑这些光感并重建其原貌。所以,如果要让一个物体隐形,科学家们就必须阻止光波反射。并且他们得确保此物体没有阴影。否则,反射光的缺失会使物体显现。 鉴于人眼对光波的感知性,要想隐形某物体很难做到,但对微波就可以做到。如同可见光,微波是一种辐射能。他们是电磁波谱的一部分,其中也包括无线电波、红外线光、紫外线、x射线和伽马射线。微波的波长比无线电波短,但比可见光长。




十四Japanese Car Keeps Watch for Drunk Drivers

A concept car developed by Japanese company Nissan has a breathalyzer-like detection system and other instruments that could help keep drunk or over tired drivers off the road.

The car’s sensors check odors inside the car and monitor a driver’s sweat for traces of alcohol.An in-car computer system can issue an alert or even lock up the ignition

system if the driver seems over-the-limit.The air odor sensors are fixed firmly and deeply in the driver

and passenger seats,while a detector in the gear-shift knob measures perspiration from the driver’s palm.

Other carmakers have developed similar detection systems. For example,Sweden’s Volvo has developed a breathalyzer attached to a car’s seat belt that drivers must blow into before the engine will start.

Nissan’s new concept vehicle also includes a dashboard-mounted camera that tracks a drivers alertness by monitoring their eyes.It will sound an alarm and issue a spoken warning in Japanese or English if it judges that the driver needs to pull over and rest.

The car technology is still in development,but general manager Kazuhiro Doi says the combination of different detection systems should improve the overall effectiveness of the technology. \it instead of the driver,the facial recognition system would still be used,\has no specific timetable for marketing the system,but aims to use technology to cut the number of fatalities involving its vehicles to half 1995 levels by 2015.

The car’s seat belt can also tighten if drowsiness is detected,while an external

camera checks that the car is keeping to its lane properly. However,Doi admits that some of the technology,such as the alcohol odor sensor,should be improved.\beer,it’s going to register,so we need to study what’s the appropriate level for the system to activate,\

In the UK,some research groups are using similar advanced techniques to understand driver behavior and the effectiveness of different road designs.

1. Which of the following statements is NOT true of the Japanese concept care A It has a sensor system that could issue a warning if the driver is drunk. B It has sensors that detect traces of alcohol inside the car. C It has sensors locked up in the ignition system. D It has a breathalyzer-like detection system. 2. What has Volvo developed?

A The same detection system mentioned in the previous paragraph. B A breathalyzer attached to a car’s seat belt. C A smart car seat belt. D An intelligent engine.

3. What is the function of the camera mentioned in Paragraph 4? A It monitors the driver’s eyes to see if he needs a rest. B It judges if the driver wants to pull over. C It judges if the driver wants to take a rest. D It issues an alarm when the driver speaks. 4. According to Doi,

A the overall effectiveness of the detection technology has improved. B Nissan is making a timetable to market the detection system.

C it is impossible to improve the overall effectiveness of the detection system. D Nissan aims to improve the detection technology to reduce the fatality rate. 5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in Paragraph 6? A An external camera checks that the car is going properly. B The car will automatically keep to its lane.

C The seat belt will tighten when the driver is found drowsy.

D The technology of the alcohol odor sensor should be improved.

1. C 选项A、B、D所述内容都可在短文的第一、第二段中找到。第二段最后一个句子告诉我们,传感器装在司机和乘客的座椅里,而不是在点火系统里,所以选择C。 2. B 短文第三段告诉我们,沃尔沃公司也发明了一种相类似的酒精检测装置,安装在保险带上。所以B是正确选择。

3. A 第四段描写了安装在概念车仪表板上的照相机的功能。相机跟踪司机的眼睛的活动从而监测司机是否保持清醒状态,如果发现司机需要停车休息,便用英语或日语发出警告。所以除A以外,其他选择都不正确。

4. D 短文第五段说,这种监测技术仍然在发展之中,使用不同的监测系统应能改进这项技术的整体有效性,所以A和C都不是正确选择。该段的最后一句说,日产公司并不准备将这种监测系统推向市场,但它的目标是使用这种技术到2015年将日产车的事故率年减少到 1995年的一半。所以B也不是正确选择,只有D表达了Doi的意思。

5. B 选项A、C、D在短文第六段都能找到,但是却找不到选项B所表达的意思 第十四篇 日本用来监视醉酒司机的新型概念车



员和乘客的座位上。另一个探测器装在车的换档把手上,用来测试司机的掌心的汗液。 其他的汽车制造商们也开发了类似的探测系统。比如,瑞典的沃尔沃在汽车的安全带上安装了很多呼气酒精检测器,司机在开车前必须向里吹气。


汽车监测技术仍在发展,总裁Kazuhiro Doi指出:综合多种探测技术将对整体技术水平的提高更为有利。例如,若是换档装置探测器被乘客代用,面部识别技术仍能受用。日产公司并没有明确将此项技术推向市场的时间,只是试图借助此项技术在2015年把死亡率降到1995年的一半。

如若探知司机昏昏欲睡,安全带会自动收紧,外部照相机也会检查汽车是否偏离路线。尽管如此,Doi承认有一些技术,如气味传感器仍有待改进。因为对很多人来说,往往只喝—口都会被检测出来。为避免这类事件的发生,必须研究激活系统的最低限度。 在英国,一些组织正在运用类似的先进技术来研究司机的行为和路标设置的有效性。

十五Winged Robot Learns to Fly

Learning how to fly took nature millions of years of trial and error1 -but a winged robot has cracked2 it in only a few hours, using the same evolutionary principles. Krister Wolff and Peter Nordin of Chalmers University of Technology (CUT) in Gothenburg , Sweden, built a winged robot and set about3 testing whether it could learn to fly by itself, without any pre-programmed data on what flapping is or how to do it.

To begin with4, the robot just twitched and jerked erratically. But, gradually, it made movements that gained height. At first, it cheated-simply standing on its wing tips was one early short cut5. After three hours, however, the robot abandoned such methods in favor of6 a more effective flapping technique where it rotated its wings through 90

degrees and raised them before twisting them back to the horizontal and pushing down. “This tells us that this kind of evolution is capable of7 coming up8 with flying motion,” says Peter Bentley, who works on evolutionary computing at University College London. But while9 the robot had worked out how best to produce lift10, it was not about to take off. “There’s only so much that evolution can do,” Bentley says. “This thing is never going to fly because the motors will never have the strength to do it,” he says.

The robot had metre-long wings made from balsa wood and covered with a light plastic film. Small motors on the robot let it move its wings forwards or backwards. up or down or twist them in either direction.

The team attached the robot to two vertical rods, so it could slide up and down. At the start of a test, the robot was suspended by an elastic band. A movement detector measured how much lift, if any11, the robot produced for any given movement. A

computer program fed the robot random instructions12, at the rate of13 20 per second, to test its flapping abilities. Each instruction told the robot either to do nothing or to move the wings slightly in the various directions.

Feedback from the movement detector let the program work out which sets of

instructions were best at producing lift. The most successful ones were paired up14 and “offspring” sets of instructions15 were generated by swapping instructions randomly

between successful pairs. These next-generation instructions were then sent to the robot and evaluated before breeding a new generation, and the process was repeated.


1. Learning how to fly took nature millions of years of trial and error:自然界里的飞行学习用了几百万年的时间反复实践和磨炼。

2. crack: to break through (an obstacle) in order to win acceptance or acknowledgement: 突破(障碍)

3. set about:开始做,着手4. To begin with: 首先5. short cut: 捷径

6. in favor of:原意为“赞成;支持”。这里,…… the robot abandoned such methods in favor of a more effective flapping technique意为:……这个机器人放弃了这样的方法,而去使用一种更为有效的扇动翅膀的技术。

7. be capable of: [指物]有可能,可以…… 8. come up: to manifest itself; arise 出现。 9. while:虽然,尽管 10. lift:升高

11. if any:若有的话。确切意思是 :如果它能升高的话。

12. ... fed the robot random instructions:给机器人输入随意设定的指令。 fed是feed的过去式。

13. at the rate of:以……的速度 14. pair up:把……配成一对

15.“offspring”sets of instructions:指的是将成功的指令配对后的结果。“ offspring”本来是后代的意思,在此修饰sets of instructions,所以加了双引号。练习:

1. Which of the following is NOT true of what is mentioned about the winged robot in the second paragraph?

A The two professors of CUT built the winged robot

B The two professors of CUT tested whether the winged robot could learn to fly. C The two professors of CUT programmed the data on how the robot flapped its wings. D The two professors of CUT tried to find out if the robot could fly by itself. 2. How did the robot behave at the beginning of the test? A It rotated its wings through 90 degrees. B It twitched but gradually gained height.

C It was twitched and broke down. D It landed not long after the test.

3. Which of the following is nearest to Peter Bentley’s view on the winged robot? A The winged robot could never really fly. B The winged robot did not have a motor. C The winged robot should go through further evolution before it could fly. D The robot could fly if it were lighter.

4. What measured how much lift the robot produced?

A Two vertical rods.B A movement detector.C An elastic band. D Both B and C. 5. What does “the process” appearing in the last paragraph refer to?

A Pairing up successful inst ructions.B Sending instructions to the robot.C Generating new sets of instructions for evaluation.D All the above. 答案与题解 :

1. C A、B、D在第二段中都提到过。 C是错误的,因为文中说,教授们测试机器人是否会自己学会飞行,而且预先没有对翅膀扇动的方式进行数据设定。

2. B第三段描述了机器人如何学习飞行的过程。第一句和第二句是问题的答案。

3. A第四段主要是 Peter Bentley对飞行机器人的看法。他认为前文描述的进化过程只能使机器人有一些飞行的动作,而要让其起飞则永远不可能,因为不可能有如此大功率的发动机。所以 A是正确选项

4. B答案在第六段的第三句中。

5. D文章昀后一段具体描述在机器人的进化过程中,指令的进化过程。成功的指令配对后产生新一代的指令,将指令输入机辑人,经筛选再进行成功指令配对,再产生新一代指令,如此反复进行。所以 D是正确选项 译文:

自然界中的飞行学习经历了几百万年的反复实践和磨练,而安装机翼的机器人仅在数小时内就成功实现突破,用的是同进化原理。瑞典Gothenburg Chalmers科技大学的Krister Wolff 和PeterNordin 研制出带翼的机器人,着手测试它能否在不预设振翅数据程序的条件下自行学会飞行。首先,机器人只是飘忽不定地振动盘桓,不过它的运动逐渐获得了上升高度,起初,它想走走捷径,试图仅用翅尖保持直立。然而三小时后,它放弃了这种方法,转用更有效的振翅技术,90度角旋转两翼,并在它们恢复到水平位置将其拉起。“事实告诉我们,飞行装置有可能实现这种进化。”Peter Bentley 说。他现正在伦敦大学研究进化计算技术。虽然机器人可以摸索出上升飞行的最佳方式,却不会起飞。“进化升级所做的只有这么多,”Bentley说,“这东西不可能自行起飞,因为发动机不能产生足够动力。”机器人的两翼由轻木制成,长约一米,覆有一层轻塑胶。它的小马达使机翼可以前后上下运动,并能在这两个方向上任意旋转。研究小组将机器人附着在两根竖直标杆上,它便能上下滑动。实验刚开始的时候,机器人悬挂在一根弹性带上。一旦它升高,运动探测器就能测量它任何运动的高度。每过20秒,计算机程序就给机器人输入任意设定的指令,以检测其振翅能力。每个指令或是让机器人停止运动或是在各种方向上转动机翼。通过来自运动探测器的反馈,程序测算出哪几组指令能最有效地产生高度。最成功的几组进行配对,而其“后代”指令则通过在成功组合间随意交换指令产生。在产生下一代组合之前,这些第二代指令被发往机器人并进行评估,然后这一过程反复进行。

十六Japanese Drilling into Core of Earth

In what resembles a journey to the center of the Earth, Japanese scientists have launched the world’s first attempt to bore a hole into the red-hot core of a volcano and unlock the secrets of deadly eruption.

A 50-meter-high oil-rig-like derrick perched on the scrubby slopes of Japan’s Mount Unzen will begin drilling through the volcano’s crust next week in a bid1 to sample the magma bubbling below2.

The aim is to study how the liquefied rock causes menacing gas buildup, said team leader Setsuya Nakata, of the University of Tokyo’s Earthquake Research Institute. “Gassing is important because it controls the explosivity of eruptions,” Nakata said. “The results can be expanded to anti-disaster research.”

Mount Unzen , a wind-swept 1.486-meter dome on the southern island of Kyushu, is a perfect model. It erupted in 1991, showering avalanches of hot rocks over a nearby town, killing 43 people and leaving nearly 2,300 homeless. Another 11.000 people were evacuated from the area until 1995, when the volcano had stabilized.

The results are particularly important to a nation like Japan, where the

meteorological agency monitors 20 dangerous peaks. Perhaps Japan’s most famous

volcano is snowcapped Mount Fuji, which last erupted in 1707 and sprinkled Tokyo with ash.

The drilling on Mount Unzen will begin very soon from an altitude of 850 meters on its northwest slope. Scientists hope to tap a magma vent around sea level by August and extract a 200-meter-long core sample by summer 2004.3

Boring into the glowing magma at that level would normally be impossible, because of its fiery 700 degree Celsius heat. Thus, a slurry of water will be pumped into the drill shaft to cool the magma and allow the drill head to cut through. Nakata said there is no danger of triggering another eruption.4 注释:

1. in a bid: 企图,努力 a在 in a bid之后,可接动词不定式,如 : The two sides negotiated again and again in a bid to find a solution. 双方进行一次又一次的谈判,努力寻求一个解决方案。

2.below: below指的是 below the crust。 3.Scientists hope to tap a magma vent

around sea level by August and extract a 200-mcterlong core sample by summer 2004:到 8月底,科学家希望在约为海平面高度的地方引出一个岩浆口,到 2004年夏末,提取长度为 200米的样本。 4. Nakata said there is 110 danger of triggering another eruption: Nakata说,不存在引发火山新一轮爆发的危险性。练习: 1. According to the passage, Mount Unzen

A erupted in 1707. B erupted in 1991. C erupted in 1995. D several times in the last century.

2. According to the passage, the study of the Mount Unzen volcano may benefit Japan in all the following aspectsEXCEPT A finding causes of volcano eruptions. B helping to launch anti-disaster research.

C looking into the connection between liquified rocks and gas buildup. D predicting volcano eruptions.

3.Why is this research project so important to Japan? A. Because Japan has many living volcanos.

B Because Japan wants to turn Mount Fuji to a dead volcano. C Because volcano gas could be a source of energy.

D Because Japan is testing a new way of drilling into the earth. 4. The drilling site on Mount Unzen is

A around the sea level.B on the northeast slope of the mountain.

C about half way up the mountain.D as high as 1,486 meters.

5. The title of this passage Japanese Drilling into Core of Earth actually means that they A drill a hole into the core of a volcano.B bore into the rocks near the volcanic vent. C conduct an imagery journey to the core of a volcano.

D regard magma as the core of Earth. 1. B答案的根据在第五段。

2. D 选项 A是这个研究项目的主要宗旨(见第一段的“ unlock the secrets of deadly

eruption”),选项 B是这个研究项目的后续研究项目(见第四段的“ The results can be expanded to anti-disaster research.”)。选项 C是这个研究项目的具体目标(见第三段的第一句)。选项 D文中没有提到,所以是答案。

3. A答案的根据是第六段的第一句。这一句说到 : “… the meteorological agency monitors 20 dangerous peaks. ” dangerous peaks指的是 dangerous living vocanos。 4. C Mount Unzen高 1486米,而钻探地点选在海拔 850米的半山腰。 5. A关于本文标题的确切含义在第一段的后半句能够找到。 日本人的地心旅行



研究工作小组的负责人,来自东京大学地震研究中心的Setsuya Nakata表示,这次任务的目的是要研究液化岩石如何导致威胁性气体的积聚。




钻探工作将很快从Unzen山的西北坡上850米的高度开始。到八月底,科学家希望在约为海平面高度的地方引出一个岩浆口,到2004年夏末,提取长度为200米的样本。 由于岩浆有将近700度的高温,在那个高度进行钻探是不可能的。所以,泥浆将被抽进钻孔机,用来冷却岩浆,以保证钻头的顺利工作。 Nakata说,不存在引发火山新一轮爆发的危险性。

