更新时间:2023-09-22 00:04:01 阅读量: 工程科技 文档下载
Yes, I can. Actually I've been driving for very nearly 40 years; I love driving, and I have driven in about 20 different countries in various parts of the world. But I don't drive here in China.
Yes. China certainly has been changing rapidly over the past ten years. Some of my Chinese friends have bought cars too.
Well, in economic terms, it has to be good. Firstly, of course, the expansion of the car market means growth in the car industry, which in turn means increased turnover, and therefore increased tax paid to the government. And it also promotes growth in other areas related to car-making and servicing. Finally, and also very importantly from an economic point of view, all that means growth in employment.
In social, or community terms, I think there are both positive and negative effects. There are those who say that growth in car ownership will help speed up urbanisation and the expansion of cities, and reduce crowding in city centres.
Yes, we do, very much so. Traffic jams make a city very much more inefficient. It is a problem that clearly, immediately affects us personally.
You are quite right. Air pollution is the real, deeper problem of traffic in cities. And the problem hasn't been solved ... at least not in major cities like London. The solution lies in having a really efficient public transport system. When it becomes quicker and cheaper to go by public transport than to use your own car, people will leave their cars at home.
Mark 记者
Mark 记者
记者 Mark
可是自己的车毕竟更舒适更方便,怎样能说服人们多使用公交,少用私车呢? It is a real problem because people feel safer and more comfortable in their cars. The best solution perhaps is to ban private vehicles from the city centre. In a city like London--and big Chinese cities like Beijing and Shanghai are perhaps similar in this--it is proving more difficult. The current plan in London is to impose a \that is to say anyone living outside the defined central area will have to pay £5, 60 to 70 RMB to take their car into the centre.
这样做的前提应该是公共交通非常便捷发达,不然人们可能要抱怨出门难了。 Yes, you are right. Upgrading a public transport system is hugely expensive. Local governments need to be willing to do so. But it is good for us all in the long run. 应该说从没有车到拥有自己的车,你是过来人,你也看到并经历了汽车给我们生活带来的正面和负面的影响。你觉得中国在发展私家车时应该注意些什么呢? Well, first of all, I’d like to say to the people who want to buy cars, \you really need one?\like a mobile phone was a few years ago; it is a sign of success, so people want them. I would like to encourage people to think very hard as to whether they truly need a car. For the local governments, I suppose it won’t be too long before they need to initiate measures to control cars.
记者 Mark 记者
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