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New Frontier English Training Center 6A Unit 1 The king’s new clothes Story time

long long ago 很久以前 make new clothes 做新衣服 visit the king 拜访国王 try on试穿

show the king his new clothes 向国王展示他的新衣服 magic clothes 有魔力的衣服 walk through the city 走过城市

clever people 聪明人 foolish people 愚蠢的人 in his new clothes 穿着他的新衣服 wear some clothes 穿着一些衣服

look at 看… point at king 指着国王 want to do 想要去做… laugh at 嘲笑 Fun time-Sound time

fit well 很合适 at half past four 在四点半 Cartoon time –Checkout time

play game 玩游戏 each student 每一个学生 one sentence 一个句子

on the mountain 在山上 the next sentence下一个句子 live in the house (住在房子里) think hard 认真的想

have to(不得不,有人称,时态,以及数的变化)

start the story aga重新开始这个故事 in front of 在…的前面

pick a flower采了一朵花 live with 和…居住在一起 be nice to her 对她很友好 live in 住在…

walk by走过 look after 照顾 turn into 变成 1. Long long ago, there was a king.

2. The two men show the king his new clothes. 3. They looked at the king and shouted. 4. The little boy pointed at the king and laughed.

5. Clever people can see them, foolish people can’t see them. 6. There was a lot of people in the street. 7. The king walk through the city in his clothes. 8. The king isn’t wearing any clothes.

9. Come to my party at half past four in the park. 一般过去时

含义:发生在过去的事情 句子结构:

1. be动词的一般过去时 主语+be (was / were) +其他 2. 实义动词的一般过去时, 主语+动词(过去时) + 其他 Unit 2 What a day!

in the morning 在早上 a parrot show 一场鹦鹉秀

by bike 骑自行车 in the sky 在天空里 fly a kite 放风筝 well done 干得好 be time for lunch是午饭的时间 go to the park 去公园 some interesting parrots 一些有趣的鹦鹉 become windy and cloudy 变得有风而且多云

some honey and bread 一些蜂蜜和面包

eat lunch 吃午饭 black clouds in the sky天空中满是乌云

look sad看起来难过 lose my new kite 我的新风筝丢了 climb up the hill爬上山 can’t hold onto it 没抓住它

fly high飞的高 fly away飞走了 near the hill 在山附近 want to know想知道 1. Then, the weather become windy and cloudy. 2. 主语+was / were… It was rainy.

It was funny in the morning. 3. 主语+V-ed(动词过去式) I lost my new bike. We climbed up the hill. Unit 3 Holiday fun Story time

come back to school 回到学校 be at home 在家

after the National Day holiday国庆节之后 visit my aunt 拜访我阿姨 go to the bund 去外滩 visit Shanghai Museum 参观上海博物馆 see many interesting things 看见很多有趣的东西

go to the farm去农场 near the Star Lake 在星星湖旁边 pick some oranges 摘一些桔子 go fishing 去钓鱼

catch some fish 捉一些鱼 Cartoon time ---Checkout time

have a fashion show 举办了一场时装秀 love beautiful clothes 喜欢漂亮的衣服

be excited about the show 对这场秀感到很兴奋

wear the paper T-shirt and paper shirts 穿着纸的T恤衫和纸的短裤

go well 进行的很好 at first 一开始 heavy rain 大雨 ask about 问关于…… go to the car museum 去汽车博物馆 1. What did you do for the holiday? I visited the Shanghai Museum. 2. Where did he go for the holiday? He went to a farm. 3. Why did you call me?

Because I wanted to give you the fish. 4. How was your holiday? It was great fun.

5. She is excited about the show.

be excited about修饰人,表示人对……感到很兴奋,而exciting是指某物是令人兴奋,如:an exciting film.令人兴奋的电影 6. It’s time for dinner.

It’s time for +名词 “是到……的时间”= It’s time to +动词+要做的事情 。 如:It’s time for breakfast. = It’s time to have breakfast. 7. Did the show go well? 8. But then there was heavy rain. Unit 4 Then and now Story time

then and now 过去和现在 six years ago 六年前 can do many things 能够做很多事情 twenty years ago 二十年前 write letters to his friends 写信给他的朋友 use the telephone at home 在家用电话

call people 给人们打电话 have a mobile phone 有一个手机 can call people anywhe能在任何地方打电话 write emails 写电子邮件

thirty years ago 三十年前 listen to the radio 听收音机 read newspapers for news 在报纸上看新闻

read and watch news on the Internet 在因特网上看新闻 read e-books 读电子书

make friends 交朋友 buy things from shops从商店买东西 from all over the world 来自世界各地

do shopping on the Internet 从网上买东西 Cartoon time

look out of 朝窗户外面看 listen to 听 get angry 变得生气 make a sentence 造句 wait for the answer 等待答案 in the cake 在蛋糕里 1. He could not write. Could表示过去的能力。

2. Mr Brown wrote letters to his friends. 3. Tom listened to the radio. 4. She does shopping on the Internet. 5. She bought things from shops. 6. Bob is looking out of the window.

7. He used the telephone at home and in the office to call people. 8. He has a mobile phone and he can call people anywhere. 9. He can read and watch news on the Internet. 10. ----What day is it today? ----It’s Wednesday.

11. Miss Fox waits for the answers. 新境界英语培训

