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龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn


作者:刘丽娜 黄滨 高俊


摘 要:为进一步推进北方地域满族传统体育的发展,采用文献资料法、SWOT战略管理分析方法对当前满族传统体育进行分析,结果表明:1)以冰嬉、珍珠球为代表的满族传统体育,其具有的健身价值和独特文化内涵是其开发与利用的优势;而传承人的缺乏、文化内涵的消亡和创新力的不足是发展中的劣势;2)虽然体育强国建设和中华体育的自立与自持是推进开发与利用的机遇,但面对全球文化交融下依托科技强势扩张的西方体育的挑战,满族传统体育必须从完善传承人的培育体系、构建可持续发展的文化源泉、打造核心竞争力和加速与现代科技的融合等4个方面进行变革与创新,在促进满族传统体育发展的同时,以自觉、自立、自持、自信的文化认知实现其科学地传承与可持续发展。 关键词:满族传统体育;SWOT分析;体育文化

中图分类号:G812.47 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1004 - 7662(2014 )09 - 0001- 06 Countermeasure Study of Manchu Traditional Sports Development Based on SWOT Analysis LIU Li-na1, HUANG Bin1, GAO Jun2

(1.School of Physical Education, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116029, Liaoning China;

2.Sports Science College, Harbin Normal University, Harbin 150025, Heilongjiang China)

Abstract:In order to further promote development of Manchu traditional sports in northern region, adopting methods of literature consultation and SWOT strategic management analysis, this thesis analyses current situation of Manchu traditional sports. Results show: 1) represented by ice and pearl ball, fitness value and unique cultural connotation of Manchu sports are advantages of its development and utilization. While lack of inheritor, extinction of cultural connotation and insufficient innovation are disadvantages in its development. 2) Although construction of sports power as well as self-reliance and sustainability of Chinese sports are opportunities for promotion, facing challenge from western sports relying on science and technology in cultural globalization, Manchu traditional sports should reform and innovate in following four perspectives: perfection of inheritor cultivation system, construction of sustainable cultural source, creation of core

