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语 试 卷 2012.5

学校 班级 姓名 考号 1. 本试卷共12页,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 2. 在试卷和答题纸上准确填写学校名称、班级、姓名和考号。 生3. 试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题纸上,在试卷上作答无效。 须4. 在答题纸上,选择题用2B铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。 知5. 考试结束,请将本试卷和答题纸一并交回。 考一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对

话读两遍。(共4分,每小题1分) 1. 2. 听力理解(共26分)

A. B. C.

A. B. C.

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打造最大的国内教育平台 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最

佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共12分,每小题1分) 请听一段对话,完成第5和第6小题。 5. Who can?t speak Chinese?

A. Woo . B. Alison. C. Linda. 6. Where are the visitors from?

A. England. B. China. C. A college. 请听一段对话,完成第7和第8小题。 7. Whose birthday party is on Friday?

A. Jim?s. B. Carlyle?s. C. Mary?s.

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8. When does the party start?

A. At seven. B. At ten. C. At nine. 请听一段对话,完成第9和第10小题。 9. What did Jiro do in Toronto?

A. Skiing. B. Playing games. C. Shopping and sight seeing. 10. Which of the following is Jiro?s favorite place?

A. Toronto. B. Vancouver. C. Banff. 请听一段对话,完成第11至第13小题。 11.How did Angela know the three guys?

A.Through the dating club. B. On the Internet. C. By Peter?s introduction. 12.Why doesn?t Angela like Graig?

A. Because he?s shy. B. Because he?s too serious. C. Because he?s strong. 13.What can you infer from the dialogue?

A. Angela likes sports. B. Angela has met some guys. C. Mel may not be patient enough. 请听一段独白,完成第14至第16小题。14. What's the talk mainly about?

A. One-Minute Healthy Break. B. Healthy living. C. Healthy food. 15. How many suggestions does Dr. Graham Bain make? A.Four.

B. Two. C. Three.


16. What can you learn from the talk?

A. Dr. Graham Bain thinks healthy living is simple. B. Eating well means choosing your favorite food. C. Something you enjoy helps you stay healthy.



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打造最大的国内教育平台 Types Rooms Price Location (方位) Furniture needed 18. a __________ , not an apartment One living room, two bedrooms 19. $ ____________ a month 20.close to a __________line [来源学科网] 21. a bedroom furniture and a dinning room __________ and some chairs


四、单项填空 (共13分,每小题1分)

从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 22. — Hi, Lucy, could you lend ______ your MP4?

— OK, here you are.

A. I B. me c. my D. mine

23. The 30th London Olympic Games will be held _______ July 27, 2012. A. in B. on c. at D. from 24. —_____ did your family spend New Year? —In our hometown.

A. Why B. When C. Where D. How 25. — Can you play the piano?

—Yes , I _________ , and I?m good at it .

A. may B. can C. need D. must 26. —There isn?t _______ good on TV . —Let?s go to the cinema .

A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything 27. The story is quite interesting , ___________ it?s too long.

A. and B. or C. but D. so 28. Keep quiet, please. All the students _____________ in the library now.

A. are reading B. will read C. were reading D. read 29. Food and vegetables are much_________ than before.

A. expensive B. most expensive C. more expensive D. the most expensive 30. Lily _______ me a book as a birthday present tomorrow.

A. gives B. will give C. gave D. has given 31. Our teacher always tells us ___________ more English in and after class.

A. speak B. spoken C. speaking D. to speak 32. John?s car is not here. I think he ___________ somewhere.

A. goes B. went C. has gone D. has been 33. More trees and flowers ________________in and around the city next year.

A. will be planted B. are planting C. will plant D. are planted

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34. Do you know ______________ the meeting yesterday?

A. where did he have B. where he had C. where does he have D. where he has 五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)


His mother Beryl sat proudly and watched last night as Christopher was given the ?Child of Courage? award by his favorite TV star.

Christopher was in the car with 35 mother, father, sister Rosie, 10, and brother Mac,7, when his father drove into a big stone.

The family?s car fell down a hill into the canal, and 36 with its wheels up.

Christopher, then 12, swam 37 a broken window and got out into the fresh air. Then he saw the rest of his family were 38 in the car—in the water. He took a big breath and swam back to 39 first Mac, and then Rosie.

Christopher, from England, said: “ I didn?t think about it and only knew I had to get them out. I was 40 , but it was all happening so fast, and I didn?t really think about the 41 .” Christopher moved Mac to a safe place and then 42 back to get non-swimmer Rosie, who was under the cold, unclear water, in the car.

Christopher had to 43 for her seatbelt(安全带)because he could not see anything. He took the seatbelt off her, then went up for 44 . Finally he went back to 45 her out of the car. Beryl said : “When I got to the side and looked back. I thought Christopher and Rosie had gone. I thought they were 46 . Then I saw him come up out of the water like a dolphin, and I could see he had Rosie. I shouted across the canal, ?I?m so pround of you.?”

Christopher?s father was badly hurt in the accident and was taken to a nearby hospital. 35. A. his B. her C. my D. your 36. A. stopped B. went C. landed D.burnt 37. A. near B. away C. through D. to 38. A. already B. still C. only D. never 39. A. tell B. move C. carry D. save 40. A. hurried B. frightened C. expected D. tired

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41. A. speed B. result C. safe D. danger 42. A. walked B. ran C. swam D. drove 43. A. feel B. look C. ask D. care 44. A. tool B. water C. food D. air 45. A. push B. pull C. lead D. put 46. A. dead B. alive C. disappointed D. hopeless






I feel sorry for you, Gimbya. My best friend did the same to me and I still don?t know the reason. Could you ask another friend to speak to her for you? George, France Don?t worry about it so much! Phone your friend up as usual and she will answer you . Everything will be fine. Mary, America My best friend, Lily, doesn?t look at me or speak to me now. I don?t know why! Last week we telephoned each other every day and emailed too, and over the weekend we went shopping together and she was fine. She now stays with another group of friends. Gimbya, India 47. Who doesn?t speak to Gimbya now? A. Mary.

B. George.

C. Lily. D. Tom.

48. What?s Mary?s advice?

A. To do the same to her. B. To phone her up as usual. C. To ask another friend . D. To stay with another group .

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49. How many people give Gimbya advice?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.



How much do you know about animals in danger? Read the short passages below.

10 million reptiles are killed every year. Their skin is used to make fashion items, like handbags and shoes.

The main reason whales are in danger is that man kills them for their meat and oils. Orangutans live in rainforests. They want to live in peace, but people are cutting down the trees for wood and farming. This is a big problem because the trees are the orangutan?s homes.

They are very difficult to find and study because they are shy animals. They are also our cousins! There isn?t enough bamboo for pandas to eat because man has cut down nearly half the bamboo forests. Research has shown that there are only about 600 giant pandas left in the wild in the world. Most of them live in China.

Some people steal the turtle?s eggs to eat. The skin of the turtle is used to make some jewellery. In the Far East, rhinoceros? horns are used to make medicines. They are also used to make ornaments.

So what can you do to help protect them?

●Try not to buy jewellery made from animals. ●Try to keep the earth clean and free from pollution. ●Tell other people about what you?ve learned. 50. Reptiles? skin is used to make __________.

A. fashion items B. oils C. some jewellery D. ornaments 51. There are fewer homes for orangutans because _________________.

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A. their eggs are stolen B. their horns are cut

C. trees in rain forests are cut down D. half the bamboo forests have been cut down 52. “________________” doesn?t belong to protecting animals.

A. Keeping the earth clean B. Eating wild animal meat C. Stopping pollution D. Telling others not to kill animals C

I have become very interested in the importance of memory in our lives. Most people know that the brain controls how the body works. The brain also controls what the mind thinks, how we feel, how we work on information, and how we understand things. I am interested in how people remember, what they remember, and how they use and improve their memories.

Memory plays an important role in learning and thinking. People have different abilities to remember. Stress, fatigue, emotional problems, and illness can decrease the ability to remember. General good health contributes to good memory. Practice also improves memory. People gather and remember information in different ways. Some people remember colors or smells or sounds. Other people find it easier to remember spoken words. While still others remember printed words easily.

We have two kinds of memory — long-term memory and short-term memory. Long-term memory is the ability to remember events from the distant past. Long-term memory is often the strongest and lasts throughout a person?s life. One kind of long-term memory is called “screen memory.” This means that many experiences we get are put together in the mind as one memory.

Short-term memory is the ability to remember events in the recent past, for example, the name of someone you met at a party last night. Short-term memory is often challenged by stress, illness, and aging. Many of us have, or have had, grandparents who?re able to remember events from their childhood , but are unable to remember what happened yesterday. Most people can only remember seven items in order. This is why telephone numbers, for example, are seven digits ( digits: 0-9 ) long.

Not all memories are correct, but they all tell us something about the person who is doing the remembering. The memory may tell us what the rememberer likes or dislikes, what he or she wishes, and it may also tell us about his or her fears. The study of memory may also provide information about the health or illness of a person. This is a very exciting frontier in biological science. There is still a lot for us to learn.

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53. What does the underlined word “decrease” mean ?

A. improve B. destroy C. go down to a lower level D. make more effort 54. Why are the old unable to remember what?s happened recently?

A. Because they don?t want to. B. Because the events are not in the past. C. Because the old age affects short-term memory. D. Because short-term memory lasts a few days.55.What can you infer from the fourth paragraph?



A. Nine digits are used for telephone numbers. B. People can remember more than seven items in order. C. Telephone numbers will still keep seven digits long. D. Stress affects short-term memory less than illness. 56. What?s the main idea of the last paragraph? A. We should go on studying memory in the future. B. Some memories can provide us more information . C. Memories can tell us something about what one remembers.


D. We can know something else about the person by his memory.


Someone says that it is unfair to judge the book by its cover, or the man?s intelligence and abilities by his looks. It is true that Albert Einstein was not a picture of elegance (优雅) in his shapeless sweaters and baggy pants; and his refusal to wear ties and socks never hid his genius. But genius has its own special advantages, and Einstein never had to worry about people?s opinions about him. Among ordinary people, looks do mean something. While a man?s clothes don?t say anything about his intelligence, they say plenty about his personality, about his judgment (判断力)and about the opinion that he has of himself.

“If that man had any sense,” reasons a possible employer(雇主), “Wouldn?t he try to look attractive enough to make me want to hire him? Is he too lazy to make the effort? What kind of a worker can he be? Does he feel so bad about himself, and could his judgment be correct? Perhaps he doesn?t really want to work, or like to be taken seriously. Is he a trouble maker? Or is it just that he is, after all, stupid?”

The same kind of question will come to the mind of anyone who sees a person wearing, by

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chance, the wrong kind of clothes for any special events. The man who appears at a party or a reception in a not-too-clean shirt, without tie, or at a business meeting with two-days growth of beard (胡须)will never be mistaken for an absent-minded genius. People will think it is true that he is rude, arrogant (傲慢的), or anxious to be “different”. Right or not, everyone reaches a decision about his personality and situation. If the decision is wrong, the man has nobody to blame but himself; he has delivered the wrong message.

57. What does the underlined phrase “had any sense ” mean? A. understood well B. had a clear meaning C. realized D. felt 58. Which of the following is NOT true?

A.People are very likely to judge a person by looks.

B. People?s judgment about a person is greatly influenced by his looks. C. People may make wrong decisions if they judge a person by his looks.

D. A person?s looks can hide his intelligence, personality or something else in some ways. 59. Which of the following can be the title for this passage?

A. How to Look Attractive B. Clothes Make A Man C. Never Judge A Book by Its Cover D. How Clothes Make A Man


I was coming downstairs to get breakfast when the post came. I was waiting for a letter from my friend Sam, so I picked the letter up and looked through them. I wasn?t surprise to see that there were some bills. There was an invitation to a party. There wasn?t a letter from Sam. 60 , it shows some birds and the sea. What a nice picture!

I turned the postcard over. It wasn?t easy to read. 61 . I didn?t know who wrote it? I tried to read any of the words. I could read “Dear Tom, I?m having a lovely time in….” Then the writing became unclear. 62 . Who had gone to the seaside? I couldn?t think of anyone! It was a mystery(谜团). There was another mystery too. Where was Sam?s letter?

Just then the phone rang. It was Sam! “I?m calling to see if you got any postcard,” he said. “We are at the seaside, not in London. We changed our minds. Mum and Dad are resting after our walk. 63 . I?m sorry I didn?t write a letter. We?ve been so busy.” Both mysteries were solved!

A. So I?m ringing you

B. There was a postcard

C. Rain had made the writing unclear D. There?re many people here. E. I couldn?t read anything else E智网 http://www.ezhiol.com 24小时服务电话:0531-86558000 86555588


八、阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)

Acne(粉刺) is a very common skin disease. In fact it is the commonest skin disease among people. Many teenagers get acne. Usually it lasts only a couple of years and then it disappears. However, some people still have acne after the age of 20. And 5% of men over 50 still have acne. Acne “runs in the family”. So if your parents had had acne, you may get the disease too. And you need to look after your skin.

What causes acne ? Where does acne come from? The human body produces oil; this keeps the skin and hair healthy. But at times the body produces too much oil. Then the oil closes the holes round the hairs on the face. If the holes are closed, spots appear. This is called acne. The following information will help you to know some truths about acne.

● Some of your friends will say:” If you have acne, you mustn?t eat foods like chocolate and

fried potatoes.” Wrong! Acne is not caused by diet, so you can eat all your favourite foods. ● “If I?ve got bad acne, I should wash my face more often.” Wrong! Washing the face is not an

answer. The problem lies under the skin, not above the skin.

● “Luckily you can only get acne on your face.” Wrong! People can get acne on the face, neck,

chest and back. So what can you do if you have acne? If you have bad acne,

●don?t wear a tie; a tight collar(领子) around the neck usually makes the acne worse. ●if it?s a sunny day, get out into the sun. Sunshine helps acne get better. ●see a doctor. There?re many safe skin creams for acne.

●if you have very bad acne, your doctor may give you pills to take. This makes your body produce less oil.

And try not to worry. Most acne will be over in two years. If it helps, think of the Mexican hairless dog. It is the only animal that gets acne. And there are no doctors for Mexican hairless dogs! 64. Is acne a very common skin disease? 65. How long does acne usually last? 66. What causes acne? 67. Where can people get acne? 68. What is the passage mainly about?


九、完成句子(共10分,每小题2分) 根据中文意思完成句子。

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69. 你看上去很疲惫,为什么不好好休息呢?

You look so tired. _________________ have a good rest? 70.快点儿,该跑步了。

Hurry up, please. _____________________________run. 71.北京的春天与夏天一样美丽。

Spring is ______________________ summer in Beijing. 72. 为了节能我们应该人走灯灭。

In order to save energy, we should __________________________________________. 73.青少年在成长过程中,既要学会面对各种问题,还要竭尽全力解决他们。

Teenagers need to when they grow up. 十、文段表达 (15分)


某英文报纸就农民工子女(Migrent Workers’ Children)话题征文,请你投稿。 假设农民工子女李明是你的同学,两年前他随父母来到北京上学。他遇到了很多困难,例如:学习成绩不好,同学不愿意与他同组学习,不愿意和他聊天等。为此,他很不开心。请你简单介绍李明的情况,谈谈你的看法以及该为他做些什么。

英文提示词语:a migrent workers? child, classmate, difficulties, grades/marks, same, a lot ……

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一、听对话选图(共4分,每小题1分) 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B

二、听对话或独白选择答案(共12分,每小题1分) 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. C 11. A 12. B 13. C

15. A 16. C

三、听对话记录关键信息(共10分,每小题2分) 17. Cindy 18. house 19. 600 20. bus 21. table


九、完成句子(共10分,每小题2分) 划线部分1分

69. Why not 70. It?s time to 71. as beautiful as / as…as beautiful 72. turn off the lights as soon as we leave E智网 http://www.ezhiol.com

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14. B


73. learn not only to face all kinds of problems but also to try/do their best to deal with them not only…but also 其余的1分

十、文段表达 (15分) 74. One possible version:

Li Ming is a migrent workers? child. He is one of my classmates. He came to school in Beijing with his parents two years ago. He met a lot of difficulties here, such as his grades are bad and some of his classmates won?t work in his group or have a talk with him. He is unhappy with that.

I don?t think they are right. Migrent workers have done a lot for us. They?ve cleaned our city and built roads and buildings for us. We shouldn?t look down upon their children.

I will regard him as one of my friends. I will not only help him with his study but also tell him how to get along with others. If he has time, I?d like to talk about everything with him and tell him to cheer up. (137 words)

评 分 标 准

一、选择题答错或不答均不给分。 二、第三大题(听对话记录关键信息),大小写错误不扣分;信息正确,但有拼写或语法错


三、第八大题(阅读短文,回答问题), 内容和结构都正确给2分;内容正确,结构不正确,

给1分;内容不正确不给分。 四、第九大题(完成句子),结构和内容各占1分。


分数。具体评分标准如下: 第一档:(15~13分)

 完全符合题目要求,观点正确,要点齐全。句式多样,词汇丰富。语言准确,语意



 基本符合题目要求,观点正确,要点齐全。语法结构和词汇基本满足文章需要。语



 部分内容符合题目要求,要点不齐全。语法结构和词汇错误较多,语言不通顺,表



 与题目有关内容不多,只是简单拼凑提示词语,所写内容难以理解。

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话读两遍。 No. 1 A: Can I help you?

B: Yes, I?d like a pair of shoes.

No. 2. A: Can you tell me how to get to the post office? B: By No. 5 bus.

No. 3. A: What?s your favorite sport? B: My favorite sport is jogging. No. 4. A: Where do you work?

B: I?m teaching English in a high school.


佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。 请听一段对话,完成第5和第6小题。 W: Morning, Mr. Woo. What can I do for you?

M: Alison, some Chinese visitors will come to our school tomorrow. W: What can I do to help?

M: Well, The problem is I can?t speak any Chinese. Can you?

W: Yes, I studied it in college. My sister, Linda can also speak Chinese well. M: Wonderful! Who will be free , you or your sister? W: Both of us.

M: Thank you so much, Alison. 请听一段对话,完成第7和第8小题。

W: Jim, don?t forget we?re going to Carlyle?s birthday party tomorrow. M: What day is it tomorrow? Friday?

W: Today is Thursday. Then tomorrow is Friday. Yes, Friday. You?re not working, are you?

M: Acturally, I am. And I don?t finish until ten o?clock. W: Well,the Carlyle?s party starts at seven.

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M: Well then, you?d better call and tell them we won?t be there, Mary. W: All right. I will.

请听一段对话,完成第9和第10小题。 M: Hey, Emily! Long time no see.

W: Hey, Jiro! How long has it been? A year? M: At least. I was in Canada for a year. W: Really? Were you studying English? M: Most of the time. I also traveled a lot.

W: Sounds great! I?ve never been to Canada. What cities did you visit? M: Oh, Vancouver, Toronto, Banff…

W: You really got around. I?ve heard Vancouver is an exciting place. M: Yeah, it is exciting. I played a lot of games there. W: How about Toronto? What did you do there?

M: You know… shopping, sightseeing. It?s a really big place. Oh, and I went to the top of the CN Tower.

W: What about the nightlife?

M: Well, it?s pretty quiet but I still had a good time. Banff was nice, too… W: Oh yeah, I?ve heard the scenery is amazing. M: Yeah, Banff is really beautiful and the skiing is great. W: It?s not a very big place though, is it?

M: No, it?s very small. Still, of the places I visited, Banff was my favorite. 请听一段对话,完成第11至第13小题。 M: Morning. Angela. W: Morning. Peter.

M: How was your weekend?

W: Not bad. I had a date with another one of the guys I met through the dating club. M: Really? What is that, about three men you?ve met since you joined? W: I still haven?t found one I really like.

M: Tell me about the guy you met on the weekend. What?s his name?

W: Oh, it?s Craig. He?s a reporter and he also volunteers at a youth center. I really admire him.

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M: But…?

W: He?s just too serious. I don?t really like people who are too serious.

M: Well, he?s got to be better than the other guys you?ve met. What was the name of the one you went out with last week?

W: Stephen. He wasn?t that bad . I kind of like shy guys.

M: You told me he was more than just shy. Did he even talk to you?

W: No, he didn?t say much. I have to admit I wasn?t very happy with that. I think he?s more comfortable with books than people.

M: What about the third guy? Wasn?t he a gym teacher or something?

W:Yeah. Mel is very strong and good at sports. I like a guy who wants to go out and do things--- play sports, go hiking…

M: So what was the problem? You went hiking with him, didn?t you?

W: Yeah. He wanted to get to the end of the road and I just wasn?t fast enough. That wasn?t much fun.

M: Wow! You?ve had some bad luck. Are you sure you want to stay with this dating club? Maybe I should introduce you to some of my men friends. 请听一段独白,完成第14至第16小题。

W: Hello, everyone. We?ll get back to the music on your easy listening station—WGEZ—in just a moment. But first, here?s Dr. Graham Bain with your One-Minute Health Break.

M: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” But is healthy living really that simple? Well, here are some of my tips for healthy living. The most important thing in getting good health is eating a nutritious diet. Remember, eating well doesn?t mean giving up the foods you love; it means choosing wisely from many foods you love and choosing lower fat foods more often. Secondly, a good night?s sleep is necessary to good health, and good performance the next day. Get at least eight hours of sleep a night. A third key thing in getting good health: daily exercise. Now, exercise is something many people think they don?t have time for. But it only takes about 30 minutes a day to get good fitness. Finally take time every day to do something you enjoy, whether it?s reading a good book, gardening, or just talking to a friend. Remember: good health means good living. I?m Dr. Graham Bain. Thanks for listening.



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M: Good morning.

W: Uh…hello. My name is Cindy. I saw your ad. in the paper. M: Hello, Cindy. Can you spell your name , please? W: C-I-N-D-Y. Cindy. M: C-I-N-D-Y. W: Right.

M: How can I help you, Cindy?

W: Well, I?m hoping you can help me find a place to live. M: OK. Are you looking for a house or an apartment ? W: Oh, just a house .

M: All right, and how many bedrooms do you need? W: Um…let me see… two would be better. M: Is one living room OK? W: That?s OK.

M: Right. Do you need any furniture?

W: Oh, well I need a bedroom furniture and a dinning room table and some chairs . M: What about location? Close to a bus line or the subway? W: I only take the bus. M: How much can you pay?

W: Oh, Yeah, I can pay up to about $ 600 a month.

M: That?s all. Good luck! I?ll telephone you as soon as we have the house like that. W: Thank you! Bye!



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