
更新时间:2023-10-31 23:54:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



Describe a famous person, still living, not from your country, who you like to meet. You should say: where this person comes from

How you first knew about him or her Why this person is famous

and explain why you would like to meet this person


If meet a person you just spoke about, what you would say to him/her? In what ways do people become famous?

Why do some people stay famous for just a short time while other people stay famous for a long time?

Why do some people want to be famous? Do you want to be famous on day?

What advantages and disadvantages of being famous?

What do you think is the biggest downside/ disadvantages of being famous? What influence do famous people have on ordinary people?

Are there any possible negative influences that famous people can have on society? Why do you think many companies like to use famous people to endorse their products in advertisements?

In what ways can having famous people benefit a country? How can famous people use their fame benefit other people?

Can celebrities make a difference towards social problems such as the environment? When a young person think of a famous person ads an idol or hero, what effects does this have on this young person or child?

Do you think a country needs internationally famous people to represent that country?

2. 饭店

Describe a restaurant you like/ impress you. You should say: where this restaurant is

What type of food the restaurant has Why you go to this restaurant

And explain why you like this restaurant/ why this restaurant impresses you. Part3

What are some reasons why people eat out?

Does it give people most status to eat in a restaurant rather than eat at the home? Do people now go to restaurant more than before? Do you prefer to eat in restaurant or at home?

What’s the differences between eating at home and eating in a restaurant? Which food do you think is healthier, restaurant food or home-cooked food?

How would you introduce a foreigner to the food and the food culture in/ from your country?

In your opinion, what is a healthy diet?

What are some examples of unhealthy food? Do you think children should learn to cook?

How should or could a person tech a child to cook?

When buying food, what do you think people need to pay attention to?

3. 家人

Describe a family member who you spend the most time with. You should say: who the person is

When you usually are together What kind of person he or she is

What you usually do when you are together

And explain why you spend more time with this person than with other members of your family. Part 3

In China today, what is the structure of the typical family?

What do you think are some of the advantages and disadvantages of big families as opposed to small family?

What are some of the pros and cons of the three generations living together?

Whose responsibility do you think it should be to look after old people- the government’s responsibility or the family’s?

How much do you think people should be responsible for their own parents? Do you think family relationships are important?

Which do you think is the more important, family or friends?

How do you think support from friends and support from parents are different? What responsibilities do young people have towards their family?

In typical Chinese families, who is the dominant person, the mother or the father? In the typical family, what is the role of the man and what is the role of the woman? Ideally, what roles do you think men and women should play in a family?

What’ s the difference between help from family members and help from friends?

4. 帮助邻居

Describe a neighbor you ever helped. You should say: who this person is

When you helped this person

And explain why you helped this person. Part3

Do you think neighbors are important?

Do you think it’s important to have a good relationship with one’s neighbors?

Do you think people’s relationships with their neighbors today is the same as it was in the past?

Would you day these are changes for the better or for the worse?

Do you think people’s relationship with their neighbors are the same in the cities as

those are in rural areas?

Why are these virtual communities becoming more and more popular nowadays? What are the benefits of belonging to a community?

Around where you live=in your neighborhood, are there any activities that groups of people can participate in?

Do you think local events are very beneficial for people?

5. 忙碌

Describe a time when you are very busy. You should say: when this time is

What you do at this time How you arrange your time And explain how you feel during this busy time? Part 3

Do you manage your time effectively?

Do you think it’s important to live in an organized life?

How do you think highly efficient people manage their time?

Do you think modern technology helps people to be more efficient with their time? How ?

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of using a timetable? If you had a timetable. What would it be like? Do you like drawing up plans?

What are the advantages of making plans? Do you prefer quiet or active leisure time? How do people in China usually relax? What do you do to relax?

Compare the way old people and young people spend their leisure time? Do people today have more leisure time than before?

6. 野生动物

Describe an interesting wild animal from your country(you like best). You should say:

Where you learned about this animal What it looks like

Where it lives (or where you saw it)

And explain why you like this interesting animal. Part3

Do you like zoos?

Some people don’t like zoos. Can you guess why they feel this way? Do you think zoos are good or bad?

Why do you think so many cities have zoos?

In your opinion, what features should a good zoo have?

Compare a nature reserve and a zoo, as places for wild animals to live, do you think zoos might disappear in the future?

What future developments do you think we will see concerning zoos? Why do you think wild animals should be protected?

In what ways does human activity result in the extinction or near extinction of some animal species?

At present, many animals are already facing extinction. How do you think average citizens could protect wild animals?

Why are many people interested in wild animals?

Why do you think films or books for children so often have animals as the leading characters in the film or book?

7. 学校朋友

Describe a friend who you had at school. You should say:

What he/ she looked like Where you first met

How you become friends What you do/ did together

And explain why you remember him/ her so well. Part3

Do you think friends are important? What are the qualities of a good friend?

Do you prefer to have one or two close friends or have a wide circle of friends?

Which do you think is better, to have a large group of friends or just a few close friends?

How can one distinguish between a close friends and an acquaintance?

In modern society, which do you think is more important, old friends or new friends? Is there any difference to the way you make a friend now, compared to when you were a child?

How is the way people make friends today different to the way people made friends twenty years ago?

Do you think it’s easier to make friends today than it used to be? Do you think it’s hard to make new friends in today’s society? Why do some people choose to make friends on the internet?

8. 城市

Describe a city that you have visited/ that left an impression on you. You should say: where the city is When you went there

What you liked & disliked about the city

And explain why you visited this city or why this city left an impression on you.


Why do so many people want to travel to the city you just mentioned? What materials did you use to get information about this city?

Which do you think is the better place to live, a city or a village in the countryside? Are the educational facilities in the countryside as good as those in the cities? What kind of people like city life?

Compare people who live in cities with people who live in rural areas.

What are the advantages of living in a city for families with children? Are there any disadvantages?

What are some of the problems associated with living in big cities?

9. 励志经历

Describe a positive experience when you were a teenager. You should say: where and when you experienced it What you did

Who you experienced it with and explain why this experience was positive for you

10. 离家之地

Describe a place away from home where you stayed. You should say: where it was

When you stayed there

What you did there and explain how you felt when you left it. Part3

Do you think the tourist industry is a good to work in for young people in your country?

Should there be any restrictions on the tourism industry? How often do you have friends visiting at home? Do you ever use your home to help other people?

How would you react if a guest rejected your hospitality?

How do you think a visitor to someone’s home should behave?

If a guest is staying at your house, do you think they should adapt to your family?

11. 家中老物件

Describe an antique or some other old thing that your family has kept for a long time. You should say: what it is

How (or when) your family first got this thing How long your family has kept it

And explain why this thing is important to your family. Part3

Which do you think are better, old things or new things?

