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英语复习材料 第六单元

1、We couldnot ( induce )the old lady to trayel by air. 2、The test is used to ( diagnose )a variety of diseases.

3、The foreigners marveled at the ( miracle )of terracotta warriors. 4、the temple is supported by ( massive )columns. 5 will you ( wheel )him away because he cannot walk? 6 I needed money so ( desperately )at the time. 7 life is a battle from ( cradle )to grave. 8 he ( stroked )his long beard.

9 many parents claimed to be ( disgusted )by the amount of violence in the film. 10 the little boy (dreads )going to bed in the dark. 11 jeans are not ( appropriate )for a formal party.

12 I donot know if I should make my hair( curled )or leave it straight. 13 therefore ,each hour of this day will I ( cherish )for it can never return.. 第七单元

1、will you accept his view on the ( issue )?

2 this dictionary is available in electronic( version ).

3 he plantded some flowers on the balcony that ( projected )over the street. 4we ( anticipate )that food price is likely to go down.

5 the prices here are (ridiculous )I paid 4for a pineapple juice . 6 scientists ( claim )that sea level is rising.

7 western ideas ( penetrate )slowly through the east. 8 we are going to ( render )them economic assistance. 9、the great artists ( fame )spread all over the country. 10、the number of children in the school is ( decreasing ) 11、it is very ( odd )that she did not reply to our letter. 12、you can ( rely ) on him to help you 13、our economy is ( booming )and foreign companies are confidently pumping in capital. 第八单元

1、the workers are ( installing )a heating system.

2、a (blast )of hot air hit us as we stepped off the plane. 3、the museum is ( located )on the main street.

4、i ( estimate )it will take a year to build the house. 5、theres been a ( switch )in our plans.

6、canada is a country rich in mineral ( resources )

7、the college ( removed )rules that prevented women from enrolling. 8、the cruel man ( ababdoned )his wife and child.

9、the new aircraft has performed very well in it is ( initial ) trial. 10、the incident left ( permanent ) traces on his mind. 11、i plainly (perceive )some objections remain. 12、the teacher had ( extensive )knowledge.

13、the ( core )of our appeal is freedom of speech. 第一单元

1、michael has already spent ( considerable )amount of money and time in barcelona. 2、( organic )farning is better for the environment.

3、there has been a ( shift )in fashion from formal to more informal dress. 4、the proposal aroused little ( enthusiasm )in the group.

5、children (inevitably )make mistakes unconsciously or intentionally. 6、we have no right to ( consume )happiness without producing it

7、the creation of an efficient and(sustainable )transport system is critical to the long-term future of london.

8、the NGOs the non-governmental organizations began to seriously deal with the problems but they can only marginally reduce not ( eliminate )the hazards.

9、our correspondent has been( assessing )the impact of the sanctions. 10、Mr ying is one of those happy people who ( derive )plea 11、there we received several weeks of( intensive )training.

12、all this had an extremely( negative )effect on the criminal justice system. 13、the low level of current investment has serious( implications )for future economic growth. 第二单元

1、he looked arround to ( confirm )that he was alone. 2、these children were in a state of virtual ( neglect ).

3、i am unable to attend the meeting because of a ( previous )engagement. 4、his encouraging remarks( inspired )confidence in me

5、home-made parts are being( substituted )for imported ones. 6、these people are in( urgent )need of relief.

7、he tried to get into (contact )with the local branch.

8、the tang dynasty is a period( remarkable )for it is liberality. 9、he gave us very(specific )instructions.

10、this department( assembles )information on political extremists. 11、no new evidence( emerged )during the investigation.

12、this new discovery of oil is of great(significance )to this area economy. 13、the britsh political system has ( evolved )over several centuries. 英译汉

1、 他们试图在学校争取更多人支持他们作品。

They tried to win more people over to support their work. 2、 汤姆父母的举止极少有相似之处。

Tom s parents have little in common in their manners. 3、 整顿饭都很好,尤其是葡萄酒更好。

The whole meal was good but the wine in particular was excellen. 4、 由于大雪,他迟到了。

He was late as a result of the snow. 5、 她觉得自己好像是个大笨蛋。

She felt like a fool.

1、 他们权衡之后决定冒一次险,派士兵去叛乱地区。

They decided to take a calcuated risk and sent soldiers to the rebellious region. 2、 就人们向其寻求各种建议这点来说,今天的因特网起到了百科全书的作用。

Today the internet serves as an encyclopedia in the sense that people turn to it for all kinds of


3、 对于一个有如此多粉丝的产品来说,个别消费者拒绝人云亦云也不要紧。

To a product with so many fans it doesnot matter when a few consumers refuse to follow suit. 4、 他的刚愎自用只能把我们领到以前的老路上去。

His stubborn pride can only lead us down the same path we have been down before. 5、 十几年来新闻媒体决定了公共什么时间论坛什么内容。

For decades the news media have been setting the agenda for public discussion. 1、 你要是老这样子花钱,总有一天要负债。

You will end up in debt if you keep on spending money like that. 2、 文化的性质及其发展对图书馆的发展具有积极的影响。

The nature and extent of literacy will have a positive effect on library growth. 3、 核电站附近的动物正在遭受我们所不知道的辐射影响。

Animals that live near nuclear plants are being exposed to radiation we donot know about. 4、 在出口开始再增加之前,进口将必须缩减。

Imports will have to be scaled back until exports begin to rise again. 5、 这种新式飞机在最初几次试飞中表现性能良好。

The new aircraft has performed very well in its initial trials. 1、 医生对他说这种药可能有效。

The doctor told him that this kind of medicine may work on him. 2、至于这个问题我非常赞同你的意见。

As regards this matter I am quite of your opinion. 3、对多数学生来说这些学科已经丢失了吸引力。

These subjects have lost their appeal for most students. 4、他靠意志力赢得了这场比赛。

He won the game by virtue of his strength of will. 5、她完成了工作,但却以牺牲健康为代价。

She completed the work at the expense of her health. 1、 我们应该公正地评价历史人物。

We should equitably assess historical figures. 2、 我保证汽车6点钟以前到。

I will ensure that the car arrives by six oclock. 3、 他比他所有对手都强。

He surpassed all his rivals. 4、 你一定是感冒了。

You must have suffered from a cold. 5、 她因病缺席。

Her absence is due to illness.

