How to write a manuscript for a journal
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Mitteilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark Bd. 142S. 117–144Graz 2012 How to write a manuscript for a journal
Kurt Stüwe1 & Anton Drescher2
With 5 Figures and 1 Table
Accepted November 23, 2012
Although nobody reads more (or should read more?) papers in the literature than stu-dents, many appear to find it difficult to write their own manuscripts in the same style that all these scientific papers are written in. In part, this can be excused because a published paper is the final result of many months of corrections, review and editing. For all these steps between the initial manuscript and the final product, there are not many guidelines that explain which parts of this process are done by who (author, supervisor, editor, or co-pyeditor) and what the formatting differences between manuscript and final product are. In fact, there are practically no guidelines how manuscripts should be formatted while they are being written. This document will help the interested student to learn this. As the first author is a geologist himself, this article is predominantly tuned to manuscripts in the Earth sciences. Places in this article where writing-style opinions are expressed in the first person singular perspective (the German “Ich-Form”) generally refer to view points of the first author). However, most of the guidelines pertain to all sciences alike.
Large parts of the present document may be considered as a “tick-list” for the wri-ting of your own manuscript. Please also note that, although this document is written to help you with writing articles for scientific journals, most of the guidelines are the same whether you are writing a thesis, a field report, a consultancy document or a grant applica-tion. Do your editor, co-author, proof reader, supervisor and especially yourself therefore the favour and follow these guidelines – even during the early stages of your manuscript. It will save everybody time.
1. General Remarks on Manuscript Style (118)
1.1. Page Layout (120)
1.2. Global Manuscript Edits and Consistency Checks (120)
1.3. Mathematics (122)
1.4. References (123)
2. Content and Style of Manuscripts: Section by Section (124)
2.1. Title Page (124)
2.2. Abstract (125)
2.3. Main Body of Manuscript (125)
2.4. Acknowledgements (128)
2.5. The Reference List (129)
2.6. Figure and Table Captions (129)
2.7. Figures (130)
2.8. Tables (131)
1Kurt Stüwe, Universit?t Graz, Institut für Erdwissenschaften, Universit?tsplatz 2/II, 8010 Graz.
E-Mail: (corresponding author)
2Anton Drescher, Universit?t Graz, Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften, Holteigasse 6, 8010 Graz.
3. Etiquette of Manuscript Writing (133)
4. The Publishing Procedure (134)
4.1. Submitting Your Article (134)
4.2. The Review Procedure (136)
4.3. The Publishing (137)
4.4. Grants, Theses and Books (138)
5. Quality of Science (138)
5.1. Philosophical Remarks (138)
5.2. Measuring the Quality of Science (141)
6. Further Reading (144)
1. General Remarks on Manuscript Style
When writing a manuscript, there is a series of very general rules how the manuscript should look like and there are very little deviations in this style between manuscripts for theses, journal, books or reports. After the manuscript stage – (i.e. during copy-editing and printing), there are of course large differences between different publishers and jour-nals with respect to page format, font, editorial style and more. However, during the manuscript stage, the layout and editorial style of most manuscripts should look the same and for most of the points below there are no compromises! So try to follow the suggested style as close as possible. The general layout of your manuscript should be made up of nine sections:
1. page 1: Title, authors, affiliations
2. page 2: Abstract (usually no more than 1 page)
3. page 3 to n: Body of paper
4. page (n + 1) Acknowledgements
5. page (n + 2) to m: References
6. page (m + 1) to x: Figure captions
7. page (x + 1) to y: Table captions
8. page (y + 1) to z: Figures (one per page)
9. page (z + 1) to end: Tables (one per page)
As a very first point, please note that nowhere in this document there is a suggestion that your manuscript needs to be complete before you show it to somebody! Manuscripts should always be edited according to the guidelines presented here, but everybody acknow-ledges that you are a student in the process of learning how to write manuscripts, so don’t think you need to pass a complete manuscript to your peers! In fact, you may do your time management a lot of damage if you have your supervisor or co-author look at the manuscript at a (too) late stage (as the scientific direction may need adjusting). Even if you simply have written the headings on an empty page, this may be the stage where you want to give your manuscript to somebody to look at to discuss where to go from here. However, it is emphasized that the editorial style suggested below should be followed rigorously at all stages of the manuscript writing – even while the manuscript is still incomplete.
For digital housekeeping whilst writing your manuscript, it is advisable to keep the first seven sections (from the list above) in a single text file (Microsoft WORD or LaTeX or whatever) and each figure and table in a separate file bearing the name of the figure (e.g. “fig1.cdr”) or name and version date (e.g. “fig1_8312.cdr”). During your research, it may also be helpful to keep all work done for a certain figure in a folder bearing the name of the figure (e.g. a folder with the name: “fig1_stuff”).
119Fig. 1: Formatting example of four important pages of a manuscript. (a) Title page. Note that – in this case – the abstract is short enough to fit with the title on one page without looking crowded. (b) Page 2. (c) Page n + 2. (d) Page m + 1. The sections these pages belong to are listed in the table in the text.
1.1 Page Layout
When writing your manuscript, do not try to format your manuscript in the way the printed papers look like, but it is advisable to follow the following style: Page size and margins: Use A4 page size. The default page margins provided by WORD are generally OK. A rough guideline is 2–3 cm on all four sides of your page.
Justify the text: Left- or both sides justified text are both good options, but it should be one of the two and it should be done consistently throughout the manuscript.
Page numbers: Place them in the bottom right corner of your manuscript starting with the title page and finishing with the last page of the table captions.
Line numbers: This is optional. Some journals, supervisors and reviewers want them, others don’t. Reviewers find them usually very useful because it makes it is easy to refer to a certain line in a review. I personally think it looks ugly, so I often don’t do it myself in my own manuscripts.
Line spacing: Use 1.5 lines. Single spaced text is hard to edit and although many journals ask for double spacing, few authors actually do that. 1.5 lines spacing appears to be the common format of manuscripts these days.
Font and font size: Use 12 point in an easy to read font. Common fonts used in manuscripts are “Times New Roman” or “Arial”. 11 point is sometimes used, but 12 point is more common.
Line indents: Don’t use line indents at starts of paragraphs or anywhere else. The only exception I usually tolerate is the use of hanging indents in the reference section as the reference section takes a lot of space if each reference is paragraph separated from the next and is hard to read if its not.
Paragraph separations: T o separate paragraphs from each other, simply hit the return button once, i.e. insert one extra line. Do not use any formatting options that do paragraph separations in different width from line separations (this is one of those things that copy-editors get grey hairs from).
1.2 Global Manuscript Edits and Consistency Checks
Uniform style: Make sure that the entire manuscript is in the same font, has the same page margins, has the same line spacing etc. Don’t use “styles” or other options that the writing software of your choice provides. When your manuscript is typeset by the journal, the copy-editor will only cut and paste your text into his/her own typesetting package and they have to erase any formatting stuff that you have done before they start. This will only cause trouble.
Headings: Section headings are the only exception where you are allowed to use dif-ferent sizes, bold script etc. – but don’t exaggerate. 14 or 16 point bold (in the same font as the rest of the manuscript) is a common style for first level headings to offset them from a 12 point text.
Never insert figures or tables into the text: Figures follow the end of the text and tables follow after that as described on the first page of this document (see above). Even for theses and reports (that you later typeset yourself), you are well-advised to not insert figures into the manuscript until the very last step. You come into devils kitchen with page jumps and all kinds of other problems if you insert your figure into the text too early. Journal editors don’t want you to do this at all.
Total manuscript length: Typical manuscripts for scientific papers that are to be published in international journals in the Earth and biological sciences are between 10 and 30 manuscript pages long (in the layout described here and without figures and t ables). Theses and reports are of course a different story.
Heading hierarchy: Decide on the number of heading levels you want to use. Most journals don’t allow more than 3 levels of subheadings. The numbering and sub-number-ing of headings (as done here) is uncommon in many journals, but it may be quite useful for theses and reports as it may be helpful to structure your thoughts during the writing stage. Also: never have main heading and subheading immediately follow each other. Common styles for headings are:
1st level heading: 14 pt, bold font, Capitals for all nouns
2nd level heading: 12 pt, bold font, Capitals only for first word
3rd level heading: 12 pt, no bold font, Capitals only for first word
Reference style: All citations in the text should be of the same style. All references in the text neet to be listed at the back of your manuscript and vice versa. About all statements in your manuscript it must be either clear that they are yours or they must be referenced. This and other details about referencing in manucripts is explained in detail in the section on references below.
Figure citing style: All figure citations in the text should be in the same style (i.e. decide if it is: “Fig. 10” or: “fig. 10” or: “Figure 10”). Make sure that figures are cited in the text in the order they occur. That is: the first citation of figure 3 in the text should not occur before the first citation of figure 2. Even when figures contain a, b and c make sure that fig. 1c is no cited in the text before fig. 1a.
Proper names and location names: All proper names must be in the same spell-ing and style. This means, it is not so important if it is: “Eo-alpine” or: “eo-alpine” or: “Eoalpine”, but it is important that you make your choice of spelling and capitalisation consistent throughout your manuscript. Especially with local names where different spell-ings are known (just imagine the case for Arabic or Chinese names). Make a decision what you use and then be consistent. With respect to locations mentioned in text, make sure that they are seen on a figure somewhere and vice versa. Decide to use local names for localities if you can (use “Milano” and “Wien” for the two cities in Italy and Austria). Don’t mix l ocal names and English names in one paper (i.e. don’t use “Vienna” and “Wien” in the same manuscript). Use only one transliteration system in one paper (e.g. for the Ukrainian local-ity name “Чоп” there exists the german transliteration “?op” and the English transliteration “Chop”) (see Duden Satzanweisungen, p. 173–201).
Perform consistency checks: Before you give your manuscript version / draft to your peer, perform a series of consistency checks. You may consider them “boring” to do or even “useless”, but if you do not do them, your peer will do it and waste his/her time and may become less interested in reading through your work. It is also a matter of courtesy to do it. It’s a good thing to do in the evening and takes less time than you may be spending to complain about this boring task. So: do it! Some typical checks are:
Are all headings of the same level in the same style?
Is the entire manuscript in the same format (justification, line separation, font etc.?
Are reference citations in text all the same style?
Are all references cited in the reference list?
Are all figures cited in the right order and the same style (“Fig. 1” vs. “fig. 1” etc.)?
Are all proper names spelled consistently?
Are all mathematical variables explained?
The list of consistency checks is much longer – so insert your own below:
1.3 Mathematics
Variables: Mathematical variables should always be in italics, but units not! So: “s” means seconds without explanation, but “s” is a variable that needs to be defined.
Use few variables: If you define a variable or other abbreviation that is only used a handful of times in the entire manuscript, you should consider to rather write it out instead. As soon as you introduce a variable the reader needs to remember what it means every time it occurs. So if there are only few occurrences, no need to introduce it in the first place.
Abbreviations: There are some common abbreviations like T for temperature, P for pressure. Use those if there is a common abbreviation. Don’t forget to explain each vari-able the first time you use it in the text even if it is a common one.
Choice of processor: If you have a lot of Maths in your manuscript consider using LaT eX instead of WORD as your word processing package. LaTeX mathematics looks much prettier!
SI units: T ry to stick to the SI units (seconds s, meters m, joules J, kilogram kg and the derived units Pa for pressure, N for Newton and so on). Some common deviations from the use of SI units in geology are the use of “my” for “million years” (1 my = 3.15 x 1013 s) and “kbar” for pressure. It’s fine to use these as they are deeply entrenched in the literature, but if you do – be consistent (i.e. don’t mix the use of seconds with million years in one manuscript).
Million Year: Follow journal style for the use of “million years” abbreviation. This may be “my”, “Ma” or “m.y.” If there is nothing prescribed, then I suggest to use “my” for a duration (e.g. “Metamorphism lasted for 80 my during the Paleozoic”) and “Ma” if you mean a time in the past (e.g. “Metamorphism occurred 80 Ma ago in the Cretaceous.
Equation editor: Microsoft WORD has quite a nice equation editor, but it also has some problems. For example, it does not allow you to write units (which are not in italics) or an explaining word (also not in italics) into an equation. So be careful.
Numbering of equations: Equations should be numbered consecutively and used by citing “eq. 7” or: “equation 7” or: “eq. (7)” or something like this in the text. To offset equations from text, simply insert a paragraph break or even an extra line. There may be a journal-specific suggestion how to cite equations in the text.
Equations are part of the text: Remember that equations may occur in mid sentence. Whether a comma or a colon follows an equation, or whether you start with a capital or not in the next line depends on the sentence (even if it is in a separate line, the sentence goes on).
Axes on diagrams: Cartesian diagrams don’t naturally have “x” and “y” axes. They have an “abscissa” and an “ordinate” or a “vertical” and a “horizontal” axis if you wish, but don’t call axes “x” and “y” unless you define what these are in terms of variables.
Tensors, vectors, scalars: The symbols for vectors are often in bold, tensors often with capital letters and there are other common styles as well. However, nothing is so important as it is to be consistent and explain what each variable is.
Writing out numbers: Make a decision on writing out numbers or not. Often it is best to write out the numbers from one to ten, but write them in digits for larger numbers, i.e. its “nine my”, but: “90 my”. Also be careful with comma and dot. In German a comma is used to indicate where the decimals start. In English a comma is used to separate every 3 orders of magnitude. That is: “10,000” in English means ten thousand. “10,000” in German means ten point zero, zero, zero, i.e. ten accurate to three digits.
Latitude and longitude, compass directions: Writing out latitude and longitude in degrees, minutes and seconds or in degrees and decimal degrees is both possible (i.e. 36° 30’ 00’’ = 36.5000°), but be consistent. The use of north, east, south and west or N, S, E, W is similar. Make a decision on what you want to use and be consistent. Don’t forget to explain your reference system (e.g. WGS84) in the methods section!
1.4 References
At all stages of the manuscript writing, your manuscript should have a reference list that matches the citations in the draft of the text. That is: all text that you have written already should be cross referenced and be accompanied by a corresponding reference list. If your manuscript is still in the early stages, some references may fall out later again (and in this case you have typed it in for nothing), but references are such an integral part of scientific writing, that it is only sensibly possible to review or proofread you manuscript or help you further if the reference list that matches the text citations. So make sure that all references cited in text are in the reference list and vice versa. There is no need to list papers in your reference list that are not cited in the text. The style of the reference list at the end of your manuscript is discussed in section 2.5. For citations in the text use the following guidelines:
Citing in the main body of text: In the text, any statement of a fact or interpreta-tion must be either referenced or it must be clear that it is from your own interpretation / observation: For example, the sentence: “Garnet crystals are up to 1 cm in size” does not need a reference, if it’s clear that you refer to your own thin sections or your own area of study where you have a fair knowledge that what you say is true. However, “Garnet crys-tals in the Alps are usually up to 1cm in size” generally would require a reference (unless you are some Guru of Alpine Geology and have demonstrably a good knowledge of this fact). Even if you have cited a certain paper one line earlier: if you make a new statement on a different fact, cite it again.
Cite at the end of a sentence: Of course there is situations where a complicated sentence requires a reference that pertains only to the first half of the sentence (e.g. “In the Alps, garnet crystals are up to 1 cm in size (Smith and Wesson, 2000), but in my study area in the Himalaya they are only 1 mm in size”). In general, however, the need for such a mid-sentence quote usually indicates that you should break up the sentences up into two. So – if at all possible, place the references at the end of the sentence.
Use a consistent reference style in text: Typically in citing style it is discerned be-tween publications according to (a) single, (b) double and (c) multiple authored papers. Single authored papers should be cited by last name and year, double authored papers by both names and year and multiple authored papers by first author, followed by “et al.” and year. Here are some examples for typically used citing styles:
Single authored paper: Double authored paper: Multiple authored paper: (Smith, 2000) (Smith and Wesson, 2000) (Smith et al., 2000) (Smith, 2000) (Smith & Wesson, 2000) (Smith et al., 2000) (Smith 2000) (Smith and Wesson 2000) (Smith et al., 2000) [Smith, 2000] [Smith and Wesson, 2000] [Smith et al., 2000] [Smith, 2000] [Smith and Wesson, 2000] [Smith & al., 2000]
If your article is for a journal, then look in a recent issue what style they require and use this style already in your manuscript. If it is for a monograph or thesis, then pick your own style, but be consistent throughout your manuscript. Some journals also cite by numbers in the order references are cited in the manuscript (e.g. “Garnet crystals in the alps are 1 cm in size [4].”). In this example “[4]” is the fourth paper that you cite in your article. This uses less space in the text. This style is common in physics journals, but in Earth science there are only few journals that do it like that (EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS is one). Titles of papers or page or anything else do not feature in citations in the text of your manuscript.
124Referencing unpublished work : Citing “in prep.”, “pers. comm.” or “in print” is OK to do, but don’t use it excessively. Journals will allow you to cite “in prep.” and “in print” work during the manuscript stage, but will make you cut them out if they are not published by the time your paper goes to print.
2. Content and Style of Manuscripts: Section by Section
We now explain how each section of a manuscript should be designed both with respect to content and with respect to style.
2.1 Title Page
The title page of a manuscript needs to be its own. Only if the abstract is very short, you could place it together with the title stuff on the title page. Usually this is not done. Don’t start in the very first line. Follow the approximate aspect ratio for the layout of this page as shown on Fig. 1. The page numbering should start on this page. Other than that, the title page only contains the title, the authors and the affiliations of the authors.
Title should be as short as possible : The title of a paper is crucial. Spend some time on thinking about it when your manuscript is finished. The title should be short and yet capture the essence of the content. Remember to adjust the title to the scope of the journal. For example, a title of “The bizarre tectonic evolution of my study area” will be great for a journal with regional focus, but will be difficult to get published in a journal with a conceptual focus or international distribution. If you turn your story around and write: “My study area: an example for a bizarre tectonic evolution” you stand much better chance to get your manuscript past the review stage. Simply think: Regional titles for regional journals. Conceptual titles for conceptual journals etc.Also remember that you may need to rewrite parts of the introduction once you have adjusted the title. Quite often I find that I need to do that at the very end of the manuscript writing. Remember that 90% of the people that see your paper will only read the title whilst scanning the literature in the hope to discover something of interest. So it is quite OK to lean out or even exaggerate a bit (but only a bit) with the title if you think that it helps to capture your audience. The style of the title should be the same style as the first order headings in the remainder of the manuscript. Don’t use fancy different fonts or the like. Central justification is often nice to look at for the title.Author list and affiliations : Who should be an author on your manuscript is dis-
cussed in section 3. The affiliation that need to be seen on the title page is the postal Fig. 2: Suggestion for the style of the author- and affiliation list on the title page. For remainder of page layout see Fig. 1a.
address where the work was done. In countries were publications are directly related into the institute budget for the next year, this is a very important line. When you see multiple affiliations for one author, then this usually means that his/her funding came from more than one institution. Sometimes you see the words: “now at institution b” behind the affiliation (see Fig. 2). This means that the work was done whilst at institution “a” but the author can now be reached at “b”. Note that there is a difference to the “double affiliation” explained above. On Fig. 2 is a suggestion where the authors and their affiliations should be placed on the title page of a manuscript.
2.2 Abstract
The Abstract is actually not unlike the conclusion section of your paper, comple-mented with a “condensed” introduction section. In fact, it should summarise your entire paper in less than 1 page (only 150 words for journals of the American Geophysical Union AGU). The style of the abstract deviates from the remainder of the manuscript in as much as it is uncommon to list references (unless a given reference is at the heart of subject of your manuscript) and no abbreviations or acronyms. Everything else should be in the same style as the remainder of the paper: Page justification, page number (2 in this case) 1.5 line spacing etc. Have a look at figure 1 to see how the layout should look like. With respect to its content, the abstract should have three parts.
First part of abstract: One or two sentences justifying what you did. For example: “Life on Mars has intrigued many scientists over the years. Here we report of the first con-clusive proof ...” Don’t make this justification too long! Many authors confuse the abstract with an introduction to their work. All your findings need to be mentioned in the abstract in an abbreviated form. In fact, if the relevance of your findings is self evident, then you can leave any introductory sentence justifying what your did off all together.
Second part of abstract: The next 2–10 sentences (depending on the allowed length of the abstract) should explain what you did and what the results of your analysis are. For example: “In our study we analysed rocks from Mars for organic compounds and found embryos of little green men. Isotope analysis shows that these compounds are made of Helium nuclei ...”
Third part of abstract: The end of the abstract is a 1–2 sentence conclusion and/or possibly an interpretation for the wider reaching implications. for example: “We conclude that life on Mars is possible after all. Our conclusion supports the idea of NASA to settle people there before too long.”
Keywords: Usually, journals require 3–5 keywords for indexing purposes. At the end of the abstract is the place to put them, in a single line, starting with the bold font word: “keywords:”
2.3 Main Body of Manuscript
The body of a scientific paper consist typically of sections that deviate not very much between different scientific disciplines. In the first part of this section we discuss what each of these sections should contain. Then we explain how to edit them.
Introduction section: This is the part where you capture your readership. You have about three lines “time” to do this. If you haven’t gotten to the reason why your paper should be of interest to anybody by the third line – then you have lost. So don’t fall into the trap starting with “My study area is located at latitude xyz longitude xyz”. If you almost DID start your manuscript like this – think again: Is there really no better reason why you did all your work than to collect new data for region xyz ? What about: “Region
xyz is the missing link to explain the tectonic evolution of the Alps because....? You can then continue with: “In order to solve this problem I have studied.....”. I maintain that this style (i.e. posing a problem) is independent of the subject. Even if you are publishing a (seemingly boring) taxonomic study of foraminifera, there will be (hopefully) a larger picture why it is essential to collect this data for understanding planet Earth.
Large scale setting section: In Earth science papers, there is typically the “geological setting” section. From the philosophical point of view this section is really a part of the introduction, so it can be a subsection of the introduction, or a section of its own. For many papers you may not need such a section at all (depending on the theme and scope of your paper). If you do feel you need one, then keep in mind that you can’t keep the reader forever from your own work and really need to tell him or her only the essence necessary to understand the later conclusion of your paper. The length of the geological setting section very much depends on how much info you feel the reader needs in order to focus onto your problem.
Materials and methods section: Commonly (but not always) scientific manuscripts require a “methods section”. If your manuscript contains analyses made with some com-plicated mashine like an electron microprobe or a mass spectrometer, then list the model type of the mashine and the most important mashine specifics (acceleration voltage, beam diameter, mashine manufactorer etc.). In numerical modelling studies, describe the code you used, the software and the origin of digital data sets (if you used any). In biological studies you may need to mention the voucher material (e.g. “dried herbarium specimens are deposited in the herbarium of the University of Graz”). In some cases it would be necessary to read something about the methods of preparation and preservation here. In this chapter also list the means for determination you use (e.g. “Plant species were deter-mined after Flora Europaea T utin et al. 1964”) Also the methods used for the preparation of slides for chromosome counting, or the methods and processes for molecular biological methods should be given here. If your paper contains geographic northings and eastings, then mention which geodetic system you use for the geographic coordinates. Also, you may want to use this section to explain what acronyms you use.
Data section: In the data section you describe what you found. The most common mistake people make in this section is that they mix data and interpretation. Never write something like: “Garnets grew syntectonically” and not even: “Garnets contain spiral shaped inclusion trails and are therefore interpreted to have grown syn-tectonically”. Sim-ply write: “Garnets contain spiral inclusion trails” and keep the interpretation that this means syntectonic growth for the “interpretation” section of your manuscript. T ry to be as descriptive as you can.
Interpretation: This is the section in which you interpret your data. It is where you define a PT path from the mineral chemistry and petrography or it is the place where you infer a sequence of deformation events from superposition of fabrics described earlier. T ry to avoid wide reaching tectonic interpretations and keep those until later and focus on the direct interpretation of the observations.
Discussion: This is the section where you discuss the wider implications of your interpretation. Sticking to the examples from above, you can discuss here what your derived PT path means for the tectonic evolution of your area or how you interpret your deformation sequence in terms of a stress regime. This is also the place where you can question your own interpretation and discuss what alternative interpretations of your data are possible, what the error bars on your interpreted results are and so on.
Conclusion: Conclusion is not unlike the abstract. Thus, in some ways, you may not need a conclusion at all and many papers do – in fact – subsume the conclusion section within the discussion section. Personally I find conclusions useful and often make them as a point by point summary of the main results. The one-sentence-justification of your
work that you may want to have in the abstract is – of course – not necessary here. A useful sentence I often start the conclusion section with (but not obligatory) is: “In summary from above, we draw the following conclusions from this study: .....”
Aspects of style of the main body of the manuscript Consecutive Headings: Never have two consecutive headings with no text in be-tween. If you have a main section with three subsections and you feel you want to start the first subsection immediately after the main section heading – think again. Usually, this means that you only have a list of points you want to communicate and they are not integrated into a story yet.
Avoid attributive clauses (Attributs?tze): Those are very common German con-struct, but don’t make good scientific English. Although they may be grammatically cor-rect English, it’s usually not very clear. For example: “Garnet crystals, which are generally pyrope rich, are up to 1 cm in size.” Much better English would be: “Garnet crystals are up to 1cm in size. They are generally pyrope rich.”
Avoid long sentences: As a general guideline it may be said that sentences more than 3–4 lines long should be shortened.
Avoid quotes: This is common in humanistic disciplines. In the natural sciences, the excessive use of quotes is a privilege of gurus in review papers.
No footnotes: Again, this is something very common in humanistic disciplines, but not really done in science.
Not too short or too long paragraphs: As a general guideline, join paragraphs that are shorter than 4–5 lines together and break up paragraphs that are more than two thirds of a page.
Start of paragraphs: Start your paragraph so that the first few words (i.e. the first half of the first sentences) make it clear what offsets it from the last section. For example, if you have a petrographic description in which each paragraph deals with the description of one mineral, try to start with the mineral name. E.g. start the paragraph on garnets with some-thing like: “Garnet crystals are the third common phase in the rocks”. Another example: if you have a discussion of several theories in the discussion section start the respective paragraph with: “One theory says ......” and the next with: “The other theory says.....”
Don’t use formatting options to produce lists: If you have a list of points number them with 1.,2. 3..... or with (i), (ii), (iii) or (a), (b), (c) or whatever, but write them into the running text, especially if they are short (only one line).
References: Aside from your own data, references are – in science – one of the most important parts of your article. You need them to show where the state of the art of your subject is and many aspects of your article. Everything about references, how to cite them and where to use them is discussed in section 1.4 and 2.5.
Et al., e.g. and id est: Remember that “et al.” stands for Latin: “et alia” (“and others”) so that “al” is an abbreviation for “alia” (or “aliae” (fem.) Or: “alii” (masc.) ) and is therefore followed by a colon as it is an abbreviation. Remember that “e.g.” stands for “exempli gratia” – which means “for example”. Remember that “i.e.” stands for Latin: “id est” (“that is”) and should be used as such.
Avoid the excessive use of acronyms and abbreviations: When you do use them, explain once where they come from and then rigorously use them from there on. E.g. “mineral abbreviations after Kretz (1973)”. T ry to have no more than 3–5 acronyms in your manuscript. Once you have used “MCT” for “Main Central Thrust”, “STD” for “South Tibetan Detachment” and “MFT” for “Main Frontal thrust” in a manuscript on Himalayan tectonics, you have used up the patience of your readers trying to remember them all.
128Common Germanicisms : Several mistakes of native German speaking scientist are common in english language manuscripts: (a) Its “Earth” if you refer to the Globe and “earth” if you mean soil. (b) Its “grateful” not “greatful”. (c) Use “respectively” only for connecting two adjectives to two nouns and use it at the end of the sentence. Be careful: the German word “beziehungsweise” is also commonly misused as a substitute for “and” or: “or” or: “I mean something else” even in German. An example for correct use is: “The sky and the grass are blue and green, respectively”. (c) No complicated sentences.Spaces and hyphens : Check your manuscript for consistency of spaces between units and variables. i.e. is it “15 kbar” or “15 kb” or: 15 ky or: “15.000” years, or: “700 °C” or: “700 °C” “north-south” or “north – south”. Most manuscripts are with a space although mathematically strictly there should be no space between variables and units. Also be careful to discern between long hyphens and short hyphens. Short hyphens are used to connect two words (e.g. “green-coloured”) long hyphens are the German “Gedanken-strich” and are used in references and to insert attributive clauses (although you should avoid them – see above).Italics and bold font : The use of italics in the text or bold font to highlight stuff is generally not done. Italics should be reserved for mathematical variables and for scientific names of plant and animal taxa (Acer pseudoplatanus , Anser anser , but Festuca spec. if the species is not determined. Ranges and errorbars : Do not confuse a range of numbers with a distribution of numbers: If you have made 10 estimates of temperature and they range between 20 °C and 40 °C then do not write: “The data show temperatures of 30 plus/minus 10 °C. The use of “plus/minus” usually implies that it is a standard deviation around a mean value (i.e. a Gaussian distribnution). Also note that it is common to have a space between number and unit for degree Celsius or Kelvin, but no space for degree of latitude or longitude (i.e. “30° north”).Scientific writing : This document helps you to edit your manuscript and not to write. So: for scientific writing, I must refer you to other literature. However, there are a few simple tricks that I want to mention. The most important one is that you need to keep in mind at all times that your manuscript is interesting! After all, you have worked on it for months (or years) because you were interested in the result. So don’t exclude the possibility that others want to know too! Keeping this in mind you should write your manuscript in the same style you might write a novel, a report on your holiday activity to a travel journal or other stories of that sort. Words like “however” or: “nevertheless” or: “On the other hand” or: “Therefore”, or: “In contrasts, ...” are good words to start a new sentence and to connect it to an argument brought forward in the previous line. For manuscripts written in German language the Duden series “Satzanweisungen und Korrekturvorschriften” contains many useful hints.
2.4 Acknowledgements
This is the section where the reader learns who has contributed to the manuscript.
Field assistants or laboratories who provided analyses are typical candidates for acknow-Fig. 3: A typical acknowledgement section for a scientific paper.
ledgements (if they are not co-authors). Your mum is not a candidate for the acknow-ledgement section, but reviewers or editors are – even if they are anonymous. Funding institutions and project numbers usually should be listed too. A typical acknowledgement section may read as follows:
2.5 The Reference List
Use a consistent reference style in the reference list: Most journals give you their required style of citing. If you know already the journal you want to submit your article to, then use their style from the start onwards. Below are some examples. Note that there are only slight differences, but any editor (be it a journal editor or your supervisor reading your thesis) will jump at you if you have not followed your chosen style consistently throughout your manuscript.
Smith A. and Wesson P., 2000. On the use of hand guns. Nature, 22, 36–72.
Smith A. and Wesson P. 2000. On the use of hand guns. Nature, v. 22: 36–72.
Smith A., Wesson P. (2000): On the use of hand guns. Nat., vol. 22, p. 36–72.
When citing books, you usually need to list the publishers and the total page number of the book. For example:
Smith A., Wesson P. (2000) Encyclopedia of Barbie Dolls. Springer Publishers, 270 p.
When citing articles that have appeared in edited books, then you need to list the editors and both the title of the article you want to cite together with the title of the book it appeared in:
Smith A., Wesson P. (2000) On the use of hand guns. In: Einstein A. (ed.), Gun and knife handling in North America. Geol. Soc. of America Memoir 22, p. 36–72.
References should be listed alphabetically in the reference list: When there is several papers with the same first author, then his single authored papers go first, then the double authored ones, then his/her “et al.” papers. Within each of these go by year (if there are several “Smith and Wesson” papers. If there is more than 1 paper by the same authors in the same year, then use “a” and “b” where “a” is for the paper that cited first in the text of your manuscript (e.g. Smith and Wesson, 2000a).
2.6 Figure and Table Captions
Start each caption with the words: “Figure 1:” using bold font. Fig. 1d shows how the figure captions page should look like.
The first sentence of each figure or table caption must capture the essence of the whole figure / table. For example, when you have a plate with 6 photomicrographs of thin sections from (a) to (f), then do not start your caption with: “(a) Image of a garnet crystal.....”. Instead, the first sentence should be: “Photomicrographs of rocks from the Schlossberg.” ...
Make sure there is no duplication of information between figure or table caption and text. Think through what information you want in the caption and what in the text. In general any interpretation of the figure should be in the text (not in the caption) and the caption is reserved for straight explanation of what is to be seen. For example, the bulk composition for a whole rock chemical plot can either be given in the figure caption or in the text, but there is no need for both.
Write your figure and table captions in the same font, style, line spacing etc. as the remainder of the manuscript. Separate each figure and table captions from the next by an extra line break, just like you separate paragraphs from each other in the text (see Fig. 1d).
Make sure the figure / table captions are on page (m + 1) to x of the manuscript and NOT on the figures themselves. For some reason authors often have the captions for figures separate, but for tables they are inserted at the bottom of the table. T ry not to do this.
2.7 Figures
Figures build the skeleton of your paper. The order, number and content of your fi-gures parallels the logic build-up of the text and both are at the heart of good science. The order of figures very much depends on the theme of your paper. If you make a regional study, then Fig. 1 is usually a map of your study area. If you make a conceptual study, then Fig. 1 may be a cartoon of the microstructure you are trying to explain. In total aim at a figure to text ratio which is no more than about 1 figure for every two to three pages of text. Here are 2 examples what the figures of a manuscript of about 20 pages (6–8 figures) may contain:
Classic “hard rock” papers on a given terrain: Figure 1: Map with inset of where the region is. Figure 2: Plate with 8 field photographs. Figure 3: Plate with six photomicrographs. Figure 4: diagram showing plots of chemical data, stereo-plots of structural data, (Tables with data belong here too). Figure 5: Phase diagram showing thermobarometry, or: block diagram showing 3D structure, or: modelling result of some sort. Figure 6: Tectonic interpretation, paleogeographic sketch, 3D model, map reproduced from figure 1 showing interpreted structure or stress directions.
Conceptual modelling study of a microstructure: Figure 1: Cartoon or photo-
graph showing microstructure. Figure 2: Numerical model set up or analogue model geometry. Figure 3: Model results either in form of numerical diagrams or photos of the analogue set up. Figure 4: Model results with different set of boundary conditions. Figure 5: Some test of the model results using real rocks.
Figure 6: Interpretative figure of the application.
Of course there are zillions of variations to these general examples, but you will notice that there is a general order that is independent of the subject. This includes: 1. Setting the scene 2. The data. 3. The modelling interpretation of the data using a model. 4. The wider discussion and interpretation of the data.
Style of figures in manuscript
Don’t use previously published maps – it doesn’t work. In fact, strictly speaking, you are not even allowed to use them as they are copyrighted. More importantly however, you will find that any map published previously does not quite suit what you need to show in your paper. Redrafting maps is almost always necessary for each paper (this is why you often read “modified after…” in a map-figure caption) – at the very least for style consistency reasons.
Make sure there are not too many lines on the map that are not explained.
Make sure all geographic locations discussed in text are on the map and vice versa.
If you abbreviated regional names – explain them in the figure caption.
Grey shades are much prettier than patterns.
Decide if photos need to appear in colour. If not then immediately convert them to B&W to see if they still show what you want to show.
Highlight important features by drawing over the top of them with lines, arrows etc.
T o avoid huge megabyte sizes reduce the figures to the size they should eventually appear in and down-sample them to about 300 dpi
T rim photographs so that they only show what’s needed. The resolution of digital cameras these days allows to blow up small sections of a photo if you only need
a small section.
Make sure the axes are labelled and the labels explained in the caption.
Don’t go over the top with fanciness.
Placing the figure on the page: Place each figure on its own page (page numbering not needed). Place the figure in the middle of the page.
Labelling: Write the following words in the bottom right corner of each figure: “Fi-gure x; Your Name and co-authors 20xx”. Make sure these words are the same font and style (and the figure numbers are consecutive) on all figures.
Aspect Ratio: Keep the aspect ratio of the production medium in mind. If you pro-duce your figure in approximately the length – width ratio of the journal page you are thinking of (or the thesis page) then you wont get into trouble later on.
Size: Produce the figure in approximately the same size it will eventually be published in. Don’t do it more than 2–3 times as large anyway. This way, you avoid having to think about the legibility of text sizes (5 point fonts are generally the minimum size journals allow), the changes of line-widths or all those other horrors, that occur when downsizing figures that were produced in different sizes.
Layers: Personally I am not a friend of “layers” as they are supported by Corel or A dobe. They confuse the editor and even yourself if you look at it 6 month later for revi-sion (as you may forget which layers are switched on and which switched off). The same thing is true for multiple pages within each figure file. Simply have one file per figure.
Maps: On maps, all labelled locations should be used in the text somewhere and vice versa. In fact, it is even more important that all geographic locations mentioned in text are to be found somewhere on your map.
Colour or no colour: Even at manuscript stage produce figures that are supposed to be published in B&W in B&W and colour figures in colour. If you make a nice figure from colour-field photographs, that will eventually be published in B&W, you may get unwelcome surprises.
Font and font size: Make sure you use the same font on all figures. Typically “Arial” is a good font for figures, even if the text is in “Times New Roman”. Make sure that the smallest size lettering is at least about 5 or 6 point large.
2.8 Tables
EXCEL sheets: Don’t provide Excel tables. It’s of course OK to produce them in EXCEL, but in the end you should make a pdf when you submit them.
Analyses: Microprobe analyses should list the major components, the cations of the calculated mineral formula and possibly end member activities, mole fractions or other variables calculated from the composition that are used elsewhere in the text.
Numbers: Remember that the digits behind the comma (or dot in English) should be significant numbers! That is: if you say: SiO2 = 64.00%, then this means something different from SiO2 = 64.0%.
132Fig. 4: Some examples how the figures and tables should look like. (a) Typical figure 1 of a field manu-script showing map. (b) Typical figure 2 of a field based manuscript showing field photographs. (c) Typical diagram page. (d) Table. With all figures notice the labelling at the bottom right corner of figure (table) number and date. Also notice that the relative sizes of all figures are roughly those as they eventually should be published.
3. Etiquette of Manuscript Writing
With “Etiquette” of manuscript writing I mean some “do’s” and “don’ts” to keep everybody involved happy whilst you write your manuscript. With “do’s” and “don’ts” I do not mean any grossly wrong behaviour, let alone the wild and wonderful stories you often hear about stealing data, stealing manuscripts and criminal or semi-criminal actions.
I simply mean a series of little polite gestures that make sure that small misunderstandings don’t get out of hand. Here is a list of things to help you with this.
Authorship: Discuss the authorship with all co-authors and your supervisor BE-FORE writing it down anywhere on paper on the first page of your manuscript. Author-ships are touchy issues and once written down it’s much harder to change it than before-hand. You are well advised to start your scientific career without any thoughts about corruptive co-authors, egocentric supervisors or plagiaristic reviewers. All of this DOES exist, but such characters are fortunately few and far between. Be optimistic and assume that your supervisor wants the best for your future and recommends you something that is fair and best for you. Fortunately it is common practise these days that students who have done the majority of the work are 1st author. An old wisdom says that authorship is deserved by anybody who has contributed substantially to one of 3 parts: (i) having the idea; (ii) having done the work or: (iii) having written the paper. Remember that the per-son who paid for the data, the field work or your salary usually has done a lot of work for this manuscript long before you ever thought of this paper (i.e. during the grant writing and application procedure for the project that pays you).
Editing: Whatever you have written at the stage you want to discuss your work with your peers (supervisor, co-author, friends) try to have it edited according to the style described here! This is absolutely independent of how far your manuscript is at. Insert the references (see section 1.4) and proofread the style, even if there is only a few para-graphs of a manuscript “in work” that is as yet to progress a long way. I have heard many times: “Can you please read this for the science only – I know the style is in a mess, but I can clean this up later easily myself” ... Well, – if it’s so easy for you to clean the style up – then do it before you show your manuscript to anybody. Science is clarity! So the difference between the “good science” of your manuscript and “good editorial style” is actually s maller than you think (see section on philosophy below).
English language: Don’t excuse a bad writing style by blaming it on your lack of command of the English language. Experience shows that – with very few exceptions – authors who write bad English are also bad writers in their own tongue! Usually, if you know how to formulate something concisely and clear in German, then you will also find it easy to write this in reasonable English (even if your English is limited). Scientific language should be simple and written in short sentences, so there is no need for elaborate poetic style. So you don’t need many words, but you DO need to have your argument and story well laid out – in German as in English.
Hard copies: Personally I am a friend of hard copies of manuscripts. Whether you share this view or not, make sure that IF you print a hard copy, then (hand-) write the date (and possibly a version number) on the top right corner of the hard copy of your manuscript. At the latest stage when your manuscript is submitted for publication you should give a hard copy of the entire manuscript to all authors involved (with handwritten submission date and journal name on it).
Keep everybody updated: Make sure all authors know where the manuscript is at, during all stages of the manuscript writing and publishing procedure. The critical times when you should inform everybody are: (i) when you start writing, (ii) when you submit, (iii) when it’s in print.
4. The Publishing Procedure
One of the main reasons to write manuscripts at all, is to publish them eventually. In fact, publishing your work is an essential responsibility of you as a scientist. You owe this your funding institution, the tax payer who supports you, your mum or – at the very least – to yourself so that you can remind yourself of what you did in the future. Publishing your work in a journal with a proper review system is a lengthy process, but it’s worth it. Here is a step by step summary what happens during the publishing procedure. All publishing (with some exceptions) is a process where no money is involved. It is all done on an honorary basis.
4.1 Submitting Your Article
Once your manuscript is finished according to the guidelines explained above and all authors have been asked and given their OK, it is your job as the lead author to submit your manuscript for publication in a journal of your choice. (Asking for research money through grants is actually a very similar procedure and will be explained at the end of this section). For this you are well-advised to make your decision on the journal you want to publish your work in a bit before finishing your manuscript as the style of writing may depend a bit on the journal. There are three aspects that are important to think about when choosing a journal:
1. Journal Scope: Your work must fit into the scope of the journal. All journals have on their home page an explanation what type of work they specialise in publishing. However, this text is often very general and often you get a much better feel for the journal scope by leafing through a few of the most recent issues. The journal scope will determine the way you write your introduction. For example, in AFRICAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCE, an introduction pointing out the regional relevance of studying the border of east Gondwana in Sudan is perfectly OK, but if you publish this article in PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH you may want to rather point out why its important to know this boundary for the understanding of Precambrian geology in general and why Sudan is the best place to look at this.
2. Quality and level of work: T ry to get a feeling if the level of your findings is appropriate to the level of the journal. T ry to stand back and decide. In general, you can consider all journals with impact factor above 2 to require a substantial amount of research to successfully publish therein. An experienced advisor will help you to pitch not too high and not too low.
3. Practical reasons: There are several very practical reasons for the choice of journal.
Page limits: Several journals have page limits and your research may be too long or too short for a given journal. For example, GEOLOGY limits its articles to 4 printed pages, while JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY has a reputation for pub-
lishing very long manuscripts.
Page charges: Some journals charge for publishing each page and most jour-
nals charge for publishing colour figures. Keep this in mind when picking your journal.
T urn around time: There may be reasons why you need to publish quickly, be it be-
cause you are in competition with another group or because you need the track re-
cord for a job application. Find out how long the journal of your choice takes from submission to publication (typically this time is between 5 months and 1 year)
Rejection likelihood: If you REALLY need to publish your work, but you are not confident that it will pass the review hurdles, then it may be important to find out what the rejection rate of the journal of your choice is.
135Once the decision on a journal has been made, its time to actually submit your article. These days most journals have an online submission system and you will need to upload your manuscript and figures. At the very latest you will see at this stage that the layout described on p. 2 of this document is crucial, as this is also the order things need to be uploaded. Add a cover letter : When you upload your article you will be asked if you do want (or you must) upload a cover letter. Whether you are asked to do that or not I (as an editor) always consider it polite if authors do write one. Fig. 3 shows a suggestion for the wording of a cover letter (a minimum cover letter that is). You will see that the letter includes suggestions for reviewers. If you do that – then be careful not to name too close of a friend. It will ruin your reputation if you do and you are found out. Pick people you think of experts in the field of your research. Naming people you do not want to review your work is also perfectly OK to do. There may be good reasons to do so: for example if they are in a competing research group. Once you are all done, give your co-authors a hard copy of the manuscript (with handwritten submission date on front page). Ask your co-authors if they need / want a soft copy of the manuscript.Submission by the 2nd author : There may be reasons why the first author does not do the submission himself/herself. For example, if the 1st author is a student who just finished his or her thesis and is on an extended trip outside reach or interest of the sub-mission procedure. In this case, it is very important that the submitting author keeps the first author informed of every step as good as possible. Note that it is quite uncommon
that somebody submits the manuscript who is not the first author.
Fig. 5: Suggestion for the style of a (minimum) cover letter accompanying the submission of a manuscript for publication in a peer reviewed journal.
4.2 The Review Procedure
Once your article has been submitted it’s waiting time. You can expect an acknow-ledgement of receipt by the editor within a few days (or even automated acknowledgement from the submission system) and you can ask to get one if you don’t get one automatically, but other than that you should wait at least two to three months before you bother your pained editor with questions on the whereabouts of your manuscript. Behind the scenes and outside your knowledge the following procedure is happening:
Editor at work (1-10 days): The editor reads your manuscript and checks if it is appropriate for the journal, if it is edited well, the English OK etc. Once this is done, and the editor finds your article in principle OK and appropriate for the journal, he/she will think about possibly reviewers. Usually he/she will now pick two sometimes even three reviewers. In general the editor may want to pick one reviewer with regional expertise on your study region and one reviewer with conceptual expertise on your subject. As both reviewers should NOT be from your department or be your friends or enemies, it’s not a trivial task to find appropriate reviewers. Even if the editor finds them, they may decline to review your article because its a lot of work and the entire procedure operates with no money flowing anywhere. The editor can – of course – also decide to accept your paper for publication right away or reject it. While the former practically never happens, right out rejection is quite common.
Reviewers at work (1 week–3 months): Once the editor has found 2 reviewers, they will receive the manuscript for review (often this is by getting a password to access it via the online system). T o an experienced reviewer the review of an article for a high profile Journal (impact factor >1) will take about 1–3 full days, often more. I myself spread a review over about a week. When the reviewers are finally done (and this often takes several “gentle reminders” by the editor they will write their review of your paper and send it anonymously or signed back to the editor. Typical reviews are 2–5 single lined typed pages long plus a tick-sheet in which they make some formal recommendations and ratings on questions like: (i) is the data OK, (ii) is other relevant work cited properly, (iii) are inter-pretations justified by data, (iv) is the English OK, (v) are the figures legible .....
Editor decision (1–2 weeks): The editor now reads the reviews and decides on your manuscript. Normally this decision is one of four possibilities. The editor will then send you a letter with the decision and the reviews (usually anonymous). The typical four types of decisions are:
Publish with no revision. (This really hardly ever happens)
Publish with minor revision. (If you get this decision – its big smiles all round)
Publish with major revision. (This is very common.)
Reject (with either invitation to re-submit, or without). This is not so uncom-
mon either.
Author at work (1 day–3 months): Now it’s your job to work through the reviews and accommodate the reviewers comments. It is good to keep in mind that the reviewer has a distant view point and therefore the same view point most of your readers will have once the manuscript is published. Thus, for example, if the reviewer criticises something and you feel: “This is what I said anyway” then at the very least this means the reviewer didn’t understand you. Unless there is a good reason to NOT do a certain point, you are well advised to simply do what they suggest. With your resubmission you will usually need to submit a detailed point by point explanation how and where you accommodated the reviewers comments.
Editor at work: Now the editor has to compare your re-submission with the com-ments of the reviewers and look if the comments have been implemented or – if they were refuted – if this is justified to do so or not. The editor is free to decide whatever he/she wants: (i) Send the manuscript out for review again, (ii) reject it, (iii) accept it for publi-
cation with no further change. If he accepts it, but thinks there is still too many editorial inconsistencies, he may just send it back to you asking you to “clean up” your manuscript – this is actually very common. However, don’t count on the editor doing that. The edi-tor may angrily reject your manuscript at this stage because he/she feels the authors were careless. This happens regularly! In general, if you had two reviews of your manuscript with both only suggesting minor revision (and you have written a careful letter explaining how you accommodated these), the editor will accept your paper. If you had two reviews suggesting major revision, the editor often sends it out to one final reviewer for a 2nd check (this may be the same person who did the first review).
4.3 The Publishing
Once the editor accepts your article for publication with no further revision he/she will write you a letter to this effect and pass on your article to the publishing house. From now on your manuscript is outside the hands of scientists and in the hands of the pub-lishers. Soon after receiving your manuscript, the publishers will write you an email with a few forms attached. These forms will be:
Copyright transferral form: You will now need to transfer the copyrights of your work to the publishing house. Usually the first author signs on behalf of all authors.
Reprint order form: In the “old days” reprints of journal articles were a c ommon thing to collect and pass around. Although this has almost stopped with the advent of pdfs and cheap printers, journals still try to sell reprints and this form is to order some.
Colour plates: If your journal charges for colour figures, you will now need to pay and / or size them up.
Once you have filled those forms out, your manuscript will be copy edited by the publishers and typeset in their typesetting software to look like the articles in their journal. If there is a lot of problems the editor has not cleaned up, the manuscript may come back to you at this stage with a “query form” asking you to clean up stuff. Often this occurs with references and citations, in particular “in print” citations about which you will be asked to fill in the details. Once all this is done, the publishers will send you the “proofs” of your paper.
Proofs: On the proofs you will see for the first time how your paper will look like when published and it’s the last time you can make any changes. However, you can only change things that screwed up during type setting. If you want to add new sentences or delete some or do any other changes to text and figures that you should have discovered earlier, then you may be charged for those as it may mess up the entire page layout and thus cost extra time for the type setter. One of the most common problems on the page proofs I have en-countered are (a) that an important figure was reproduced too small, whilst an unimportant one was reproduced as a whole page or (b) that mathematical symbols in the text did not reproduce in the correct style. When you correct things on proofs, it is recommended that you use proper correction symbols. For manuscripts written in German, the duden Series “Satzanweisungen und Korrekturvorschriften” gives you guidelines.
Once the page proofs have been returned, it will not be long before your article will be published online and a few months later it will appear in the journal. Congratulations! The entire procedure may take anything between a few months and up to more than a year. There is also no money involved. Neither the authors, nor the reviewers or editors get paid for their work. The entire procedure only works for the sake of science and as honorary jobs – but its worth it! It is understood by universities worldwide that the salary for a scientist means that he / she should be responsibly involved with this procedure.

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