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ABRASIVE BLASTING: Process for removing scale from product after heat treatment and prior to grinding; product pieces are placed in a tumbler that bombards the surface with high velocity metal shot particles. This process also acts as a tempering or stabilizing process. (Also called Shotblasting)


ABRASIVE WEARING: Damage to bearing parts caused by fine foreign particles which get in through badly worn or defective seal and/or lubricants.


ACCIDENT: The occurrence in a sequence of events that usually produces unintended injury, death, or property damage.


ACID ETCH: The process of checking surface of ground product for cracks or burns by use of a series of acids or neutralizers. Also called Nital Etch

酸蚀:指使用一系列的酸或者中和剂来检查研磨产品表面裂纹或者烧伤的工序。也叫酸洗。 ACME SCREW MACHINE: (See: Automatic Screw Machine ) ACME 冲切机:(参考:自动冲切机)

ADDITIVE: A chemical added in small quantities to cutting fluids to impart certain properties. 添加剂:一种化学品,少量增加到切削液中以影响切削液的某些特性。

AGING: The process of running product through low temperature air draw furnaces for the purpose of relieving stress which was caused in the hardening operation. The process stabilizes the microstructure of the product so it will retain desired dimensions during use. Also called tempering or drawing.


AIR COOL: To cool by passing air over, into, around or through; cooling hot product to room temperature using air as a quenching medium.


ALL PURPOSE BEARING: The Timken Company \pre-adjusted, pre-lubricated, completely sealed unit. Applied to and removed from an axle without exposing the bearing elements, seal or lubricant to contamination or damage.

多功能轴承:Timken 公司“AP”轴承,是一种成套的预装配、预调整、预润滑、完全密封的轴承,在轴承安装和拆卸过程中避免了轴承部件、密封或润滑油的污染或者损坏。

ALLOY: A substance with metallic properties composed of two or more chemical elements at least one of which is metal.


ALLOY STEEL: A steel containing iron and carbide plus one or more other metals such as nickel, chromium, or molybdenum. The Timken Company is a world leader in the production of high quality alloy steel.

合金钢:指钢中含有铁,碳,以及镍、铬、钼等一种或多种其他的合金元素。Timken 公司是全球领先的高质量合金钢的生产商。

AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE - ANSI: An agency that develops standards and requirements regarding all things which affect the health and safety of associates. 美国国家标准协会:开发制定影响会员健康和安全的相关标准和需求的一个机构。

ANNEAL: Process of heating metal to a given temperature and then controlling the cooling of same metal so the product is softened properly for machining. (See: 80% Anneal )

退火:金属热处理的一道工序, 将金属加热到特定的温度后冷却并控制冷却的速度,以达到软化效果提高金属可加工性。(参考:80%退火)

80% ANNEAL: Tempering operation; process of heating product to remove hydrogen from railroad product so the product does not crack.

80% 退火:回火操作;加热去氢以达到用于铁路的产品不易碎裂的目的。

ANTI-FRICTION BEARING: All roller bearings are anti-friction devices; designed to prevent or minimize friction in machine operations through the use of rolling contact. If friction is not minimized, excessive heat and wear will severely limit the life and usefulness of machines.


ANVIL: A small piece of ground and lapped steel attached to the frame of a micrometer; serves as a flat, fixed point from which measurements can be taken.


APEX: The common point on the axis of a bearing where angular lines of each of the various tapered roller surfaces meet.


APICES: Plural of Apex.

顶点:APICES 是Apex 的复数形式。 AP BEARING: (See: All Purpose Bearing ) 多功能轴承:(参考All Purpose Bearing)

ASSEMBLED BEARING: A complete bearing assembly consisting of four basic component parts, the outer race (cup), the inner race (cone), the tapered rollers and the spacer-retainer for the rollers (cage). The \locking plate and backing ring.

成套轴承:完整的轴承套件包括四个轴承基本部件,外圈、内圈、圆锥滚子和保持架。AP 轴承还集成了隔圈、密封、密封耐磨环、轴端盖、端盖螺钉、锁定板以及后挡环等部件。

ASSEMBLY DEPARTMENT: Final Assembly and Inspect Department which takes finished bearing components (cones, rollers, and cages) and assembles and inspects them for final shipment to the customer.


ATMOSPHERE: Elements that make up the air in a confined locality such as in a furnace. 气体环境: 一个有限的空间如熔炉里的空气的组成成分。

ATMOSPHERE CONTROLLED FURNACE: Furnace which uses endothermic base atmosphere which is formed by the partial reaction of a mixture of fuel, gas, and air in an externally heated, catalyst-filled chamber.


AUSTENITE: High- temperature, solid form of steel; the non-magnetic form of iron; has the power to dissolve carbon and alloying elements.


AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE: A Machine into which seamless steel tubing is fed onto spindles; a piece of product (cup or cone) is cut off each time the machine completes a cycle. Steel is either turned or formed via carbide tooling into a cup or cone. Also called Acme Screw Machine; manufactured by the National Acme Company.

自动冲切机:无缝钢管在主轴上进给,自动冲切机一次循环可以冲切一块工件(外圈或者内圈)。它是用硬质合金刀具以旋转或者成形的方法把钢管加工成外圈或者内圈的。也称为Acme Screw Machine,由National Acme 公司生产。

AXIS: A straight line about which an object rotates; a straight line about which the parts of a bearing are regularly arranged. The center line of a shaft serves as an axis for a bearing; the cup and housing remain stationary while the shaft and cone rotate OR the cone and shaft remain stationary and the cup and housing rotate around it. The relative motion of the cup and cone is accommodated by the rolling motion of the rollers.


的轴线;轴承外圈和轴承座静止不动而轴和内圈围绕着轴的中心线旋转,或者轴承内圈和轴静止不动而外圈和轴承座围绕着轴的中心线旋转。轴承内圈和外圈的相对运动通过滚子的滚动实现。 AXLE: Rod or spindle on, or with which a wheel revolves; the bar connecting two opposite wheels. The shaft, (axle) of an automobile fits through the bore of a cone of the tapered roller bearing. 轮轴:指带轮子可以旋转的杆或轴;或指两端分别连接两个相对放置的转轮的横轴。汽车的轮轴与圆锥滚子轴承的内圈配合在一起。

AXLE END CAP: Cast iron part used to lock a Timken Company railroad bearing assembly onto the end of a chassis (axle); not produced by The Timken Company, purchased from several other companies for use with The Timken Company railroad bearing assemblies.

轴端盖:一种铸铁零件,用来锁紧Timken 公司的铁路专用轴承到轴端上;这种零件并非Timken 公司生产,而是从其他的一些公司采购,用于装配Timken 公司铁路专用轴承。

B 返回顶部

BACK FACE-CONE: The heavy or large outer diameter end of a cone; the wide end of a cone. With exception of unit cone.


BACK FACE-CUP: The heavy end of the cup; the back face fits against the back housing when the bearing is installed for use.


BACK FACE RADIUS: The radiused surface at the intersection of the back face and the inner diameter of cone and outer diameter of cup.


BACKING PLATE: Piece of tooling that attaches to the workhead of a machine which supports the product to be ground.

支撑板: 安装于机器工件座的一块工装板,用来支撑待磨工件。

BAD CHAMFER: Chamfer that is eccentric, nicked, torn and/or undersized and which is either scrap or repair.

不良倒角:指偏心的、有刻痕或擦痕,或者尺寸偏小的倒角,这种倒角要么报废要么需要修补。 BAR: Term used interchangeably with tubing or steel tubing. 钢管(棒):有时与tubing、steel tubing 同样表示钢管。 BATCH: (See: Economic Lot Size ) 批:(参考:Economic Lot Size)

BATCH PROCESS: A method of processing or production in which large quantities of material, information or goods are accumulated and then processed to completion as a unit. Such a process is used, for example, in the manufacturing of a variety of chemical products. (See: Continuous Process)

批处理:指将大量的材料、信息或货物先堆聚,然后作为一批次统一处理的一种工艺或者生产方法。 例如,这种工艺可以应用在生产品种很多的化学产品的场合。(参考: Continuous Process)

BEARING: Part of a machine on which another part revolves, slides, etc. Types of bearings include:

Tapered Bearings, Ball Bearings, Sleeve Bearings, Air Bearings, etc.

轴承:轴承是支撑其他元件并允许其旋转、滑动的机械零件。轴承的类型包括:圆锥滚子轴承,球轴承,滑动轴承,空气轴承等。 BEARING STAND: (See: Stand) 轴承标准:(参考:Stand)

BEVEL: An angled part or surface; to slope at an angle. 斜面:与水平面成一定角度的平面。

BEVEL PROTRACTOR: A tool for measuring an angle or marking angles. 量角器:一种可以测量和标记角度的工具。

BILLET: An unfinished bar or circular of steel, or iron. The Timken Company seamless tubing is made from billets.

钢坯:未完成加工的钢棒或铁棒,用于生产Timken 公司的无缝钢管。

BIT: The biting, cutting or penetrating part of various tools; the moveable boring or drilling part used in a carpenters brace; a drilling machine. Anything that curbs or restrains. Also: A computer term which refers to the smallest possible unit of information utilized by the computer.

钻头:不同工具的尖锐的部位,用于钻孔,切削及打孔;木匠用的手拉曲柄钻的可移动的钻头;一种钻孔工具。任何限制或约束。也称比特,一个计算机术语,指计算机里的信息的最小单位。 BLANK: The circular piece of metal which has been cut from a flat piece of steel but which is not yet punched or perforated into a form nearing that of a completed cage. 毛坯:从方形钢块切割而来的尚未冲压成保持架形状的圆形金属块。

BLANKER: First stage of operation in cage department which forms the cage; forms steel to approximate outer diameter and height, also cuts unused portion of strip into short lengths for scrap



BLUEPRINT: A mechanical drawing, detailed plan, or outline. Most common prints used in the Railroad Bearing Business are Tooling Prints, or Product Prints.

蓝图:一种机械图纸,详细的平面图或轮廓。在铁路轴承业务中大多数图纸为工装图或产品图。 BLUING / BLUE UP: Process of using blue dye to coat a surface of a master, gauge, or piece of product to check a flat, circular, or tapered surface. The results of the bluing process show surface irregularities and/or dimensional defects.


BORE: The process of enlarging an existing hole with a rotating cutting tool. 镗孔:使用旋转式切削工具扩大孔的过程。

BORE SIZE: The inner diameter of a cone, which accommodates a shaft. 内径尺寸:轴承内圈的内孔直径,安装于轴上。 BRAD: A thin, wire nail; sometimes peened on one end. 曲头钉:一种细金属钉;有时候一端是平头的。

BRIDGE: The vertical portion of the cage that actually spaces each roller properly around the cone assembly.


BRINNEL HARDNESS TEST: An indentation test commonly used for soft steel and metals, which measures diameter of an indentation made by a steel ball under a given load.


BUPI WASHER: Special piece of equipment used to wash tooling and Unipac bearings. BUPI 清洗器:一种特别的设备,用于清洗工装设备和Unipac 轴承。

BURN: A defective area caused by overheating during various grinding operations, usually causing discoloration or flat spots to the product. Some burns can only be determined by an acid test, some can be seen visually; they occur on front faces, back faces, ribs, outer diameters, and inner diameters. Also called Grind Burn Injury.


BURNISH: To make shiny by rubbing; gloss, polish. 磨光:通过研磨,抛光的方法来增加表面光洁度。

BURR: A rough, raised piece or bit of metal; when a bearing is gouged it leaves raised areas of metal around the gouge which are referred to as burrs.


BUTT END: The piece of steel tube left over after the last cup or cone has been cut in the screw machine operation. Most butt ends are returned to Canton to be melted and used again. In some cases they are saved for other manufacturing operations.

平头端:指冲切机冲切了最后一个内圈或外圈所剩下的钢管。大多数的平头端被送回Canton 熔化重新利用。在有些情况下它们被保存起来,用于其它的一些制造过程。

C 返回顶部

CAGE: Spacer used to maintain proper roller distribution around cone in assembled bearing; holds unit together.

保持架:轴承组件中用于使滚子保持一定间隔分布在内圈滚道上的装置。 CAGE SCRAP: Scrap produced during the process of stamping out cages. 保持架废弃料:在生产冲压钢保持架过程中产生的废弃料。

CARBIDE: A very hard and brittle carbon compound molded to form cutting tools. Also used as wear strips in gauging devices such as reference stops and surface plates.


CARBURIZING: The process of heating steel to a high temperature for a specific period of time while in contact with a material or gas which is high in carbon content. This forces carbon into the outer surface of the steel. Timken Bearing parts have a hard, wear resistant outer surface and a relatively soft, tough inner core.


CASE: The hardened, high carbon, outer surface of a piece of metal or steel. 表面高碳层:钢铁或金属的坚硬高碳表层。 CAVE: (See: Nib) 凹坑:(详见:Nib)

CHAMFER: The flat surface formed by cutting away the sharp edges of two meeting surfaces. 倒角:两个表面相交处,通过切掉尖锐边缘形成的平面。

CHAMFERING MACHINE: A machine which completes the green turning operation; it removes the sharp edges of cups and cones.


CHATTER: Surface defect on a given piece of product; defect appears as a wavy pattern of lines. 波纹:产品表面的一种瑕疵;表现为波浪造型的曲线。

CHECKER: A Job Checker is an appointed Application Engineer within Product Management. This Application Engineer will check the quality, accuracy, and thoroughness of your work on an engineering job.

检验员:产品管理中任命的一个工程师。他的职责是检验产品的质量,精度和整个工程作业。 CHERRY RED: The term used to refer to a certain temperature range of hot product; cherry red process means observing hot product and guessing the temperature of product by its color. 樱桃红:用于表示高温产品的某个温度区间;樱桃红工序表示通过观察产品的颜色来猜测高温工件的温度。

CHIP: (See: Spall) 碎片:(详见:spall)

CHIPS: Scrap bits of metal which are removed during the screw machine operation and caused by metal turning operations; they are returned to Canton for reprocessing. 铁屑:在螺旋转动以及金属车削加工中产生的金属碎片。

CLOSE IN: A quality control process which selects cages by random sample and which temporarily assembles them into a complete bearing; purpose is to determine whether or not the assembled bearing meets proper specifications.


COCKING: Undesirable defect caused by blanks or cages not seated or aligned in dies properly. 歪卡:原坯或保持架没有恰当的放置在模具里而造成的未预料的瑕疵。

COLLET PAD: Part of a green machine which has serrated teeth and which holds the steel tubing in place during the green machining operation. 机床爪钳:车床上在车加工时固定钢管的齿形夹具。

COMPLETE CHANGE: The process of making changes necessary to produce a new part number series. Also referred to as a set up.

完全改装:因为生产不同的产品系列而需要对机床进行必要的工序改变。 CONCENTRIC: Circles or diameters which have identical centers. 同心的:圆周或者直径有相同的圆心。

CONE: One of four basic components of the assembled bearing; also referred to as the inner race. The bore of the cone accommodates the shaft, which runs through the bearing assembly. 内圈:轴承组件的四个基本组件之一;也可称内滚道。内圈内孔装配在运转的轴上。 CONTINUOUS PROCESS: A method of processing or production in which raw materials are continuously fed in and finished products continuously drawn off without interrupting operations. Many Timken bearing plants use continuous lines. (See: Batch Process )

流水线工作:产品生产的一种方法或工序:生产时,原材料不断进入生产线,成品不断下线。很多铁姆肯公司轴承生产厂都采用流水线生产。(详见:Batch Process)

CONTROL CHART: A graphical chart with upper and lower limits and plotted values of some statistical measure for a series of samples; used in the process of monitoring temperature, gas

flows, and size control. (See: X-Bar Chart , R-Bar Chart )

控制图表:针对一系列样品的统计学图表,图上有指标的上限和下限以及样品的实际测量值;用于控制温度,气体流量,尺寸控制等的工序中。(详见:X-bar chart, R-Bar chart)

CONTROLLED CONTOUR: A profile following a designated pattern; cones that are dubbed or rounded into the undercut and recess of cone raceways; a profile following a designated pattern. 修形控制线:表面修形时参照的设计形式。内滚道上鼓起和倒圆时参照的设计形式。

CONTROLLED COOLING: Process by which steel is cooled from an elevated temperature in a predetermined manner to avoid excessive hardening, cracking or internal damage. A process to produce a desired microstructure or mechanical properties.


CONTROL LIMITS: Limits on a control chart, which is used as criteria for judging the significance of variations between samples or subgroups.


COOLANT: Fluid used to remove heat from tooling and pieces of product as they pass through the manufacturing process.


CORE: The soft, ductile, low-carbon inner area of a hardened piece of product. 内核:渗碳产品内部的柔软的易延展的低碳的部分。

CORROSION: The destruction of a metal by chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment.


CRACK: Surface defect on product caused by improper heat treating process during the process of producing steel.


CREW SHEET: Planning sheet which lists by name the employees assigned to a given work crew. 工作成员表:列出负责某任务团队所有员工名字的计划表。

CRIB: Unit used to store tooling; a storage system for jobs that have to be machined ground, inspected, etc.


CRITICAL TEMPERATURE: Temperature at which, upon heating, a steel transforms into the structure called Austenite. For most steels this occurs between 1350 degrees F. and 1500 degrees F.

临界温度:钢材加热使得内部结构产生奥氏体时的温度。通常大部分钢材的临界温度在华氏1350 度到1500 度之间。

CROWN: A convex surface on the raceway of a cone or the outer diameter of a roller. Degree of curvature cannot be determined by the naked eye.


CUP: One of four basic components of the assembled bearing. Also referred to as the outer race; the cone assembly fits into the cup.


CUTTING FLUID: Fluid applied to a cutting tool to assist the cutting operation by cooling, lubricating, or other means.


CYCLE TIME: Amount of time product spends in a furnace at specified temperature for the purpose of carburizing or hardening product. Also total time for any machine to cycle through a series of operations.

周期:产品在炉中某特定温度下渗碳或硬化所需要的时间。也可以指任何机器完成一系列操作所用的总时间。 D 返回顶部

DAMAGED GREEN: Any defect on a piece of product which was caused during the green machining operation or prior to the time the product is hardened.

初加工缺陷:是指由于初加工造成或在产品热处理之前,产品存在的任何一种缺陷。 DAMAGED HARD: Any defect on a piece of product which was caused during the hardening process, or any damage occurring after green machining up to and during the hardening or carburizing process or at any time prior to the grinding operation.


DAMAGED OUTER DIAMETER: Any damage to outer diameter; can be caused by any of the manufacturing operations or by mishandling of the product.


DATE CODE: One or more letters and numbers stamped on cups and cones to indicate the month and year they were produced. The Engineering Department provides the, letter date code, which is used instead of the customary numerical date system.


DE-BURR: Removal of sharp edges of product left by cutting tools. 去毛边:通过切削工具,去除产品的锐边。

DELAY TIME: The inadvertent delay in the manufacturing of product; production temporarily stopped.


DIE: Various tools or devices for stamping, cutting, or shaping. 模具:各种制造工具,用于冲压,切割或成型。

DIMENSIONAL INSPECTION: Method used to check product made by machines and then gauges using masters and dial indicators to check them in comparison to blueprint specifications.


DISPATCH: Centralized radio communication center for the purpose of facilitating communicationamong all departments of The Timken Company.


DOG KNOTS: Steel left on perforated cage surfaces. Usually caused by excessive clearances on cutting surfaces, undesirable defect.

Dog knots:是指经过冲压后保持架上留下的余料,这是一种产品缺陷,通常是由于切割表面间隙过大造成的。

DOUBLE RECESS: Green roller defect of the large end recess caused by punch and head operations being misaligned.


DRAG OUT: Defect on the inner diameter, outer diameter, or faces; undesirable spiral grind lines caused by too much pressure when the cutting tool or grinding wheel left the piece of product. DRAG OUT:指那些由于切割工具或砂轮与零件之间过大的压力而留下的螺旋形磨痕,是一种存在于内径,外径或端面上的缺陷。

DROP HARDENING: The process of dropping small cups and cones and all rollers directly from the drop hardening furnace into an oil bath which quenches them.

DROP HARDENING:是指将小尺寸的外圈,内圈和所有滚动体直接从熔炉里抛到冷却油中进行淬火的工艺过程。

DROP WORK: Slang term for cups and cones which have been drop hardened. DROP WORK:是指经过drop hardening 的外圈或内圈。

DUB OFF: Crown finish used to relieve pressure of the roller against the cone. (See: Crown) DUB OFF:是指一种表面弧形处理,用于消减滚动体和滚道之间的压力。 E 返回顶部

EARS: Excessive burr left at top corners of perforated cage; undesirable defect. (See: Burr) EARS:指经过冲窗后,在保持架边角处的过多余料,这是一种表面缺陷。 ECCENTRIC: Circles or diameters not having the same exact centers. 偏心:是指各个圆或柱,其中心不在同一点上。

ECONOMIC LOT SIZE: Minimum order size which allows a break-even point between selling price and total manufacturing cost.

经济生产批量: 是指最小客户订单,以取得在销售价格和制造成本上的平衡点。

EFFECTIVELY MANAGING MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES: Procedure for planning and executing all maintenance activities efficiently; procedure tracks, summarizes, and records those activities.


ELECTRONIC STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL: Timken Company developed software for PC based data collection and Statistical Process Control or SPC.

电子统计过程控制:这是一种由铁姆肯公司开发,基于计算机数据采集和统计过程控制的软件。 END OF PUN: Attention to a given amount of product has been completed in one department and is ready to be sent to the next department.

END OF PUN:是指对在一个生产环节已完成将要转移到下个生产环节的产品的关注。 EP LUBRICANT: Special extreme pressure lubricant which prevents metal to metal contact of mating parts and which imparts to rubbing surfaces the ability of carrying greater loads than would be possible with ordinary lubricants; prevents excessive wear or damage to parts.

极压润滑剂:一种特殊的极压润滑剂,可分离两接触物体间的金属表面,而且和普通润滑剂相比,它可使两摩擦表面之间承受更高的载荷,防止对产品造成额外的磨损和损坏。 F 返回顶部

FACE GRINDING: Parallel grinding of the front face and back face of cups and cones; usually done on Gardner Grinders. Removal of stock from faces of cups and cones while maintaining size, parallelism.


FERRITE: A room temperature structure of steel formed when slow cooled from above the critical temperature. Low in carbon and relatively soft.


FINGER: As in perforator finger refers to perforator punch; as in carrier bar, refers to the jaws that pick up, carry, and release cages in next operation.


FIRE POINT: The temperature to which a combustible liquid must be heated so that the released vapor will burn continuously when ignited under specific conditions.


FLASH: Green roller defect, caused by excessive stock forced out between taper die and head die. 毛刺:过多余量从锥模和顶模中挤出后引起的软滚子缺陷。 FLAT ROLLERS: Undesirable rollers produced from scored wire. 刮纹滚子:刮伤的线材生产出来的不合格滚子。

FRACTURE TEST: A method of breaking sample product into pieces for test purposes. 断裂测试:出于试验目的而使样件断裂的一种方法。

FRICTION: Factor, which makes it difficult to slide one object over another, slows down motion and makes parts wear due to increase in temperature.

摩擦:使一物体在另一物体上滑动变得困难,降低运动速度,使温度升高而使零件磨损的因素。 FRONT FACE-CONE: Front face of a cone is at the small outer diameter end of the cone; the narrow end of a cone. The surface that is perpendicular to the inner diameter.

内圈小端面:内圈小端面是指内圈外径较小的一端;内圈较窄的一端,端面垂直于轴线的方向。 G 返回顶部

GAULDED ROLL: Defect on the cage caused by punches, which do not move freely on the center pin; cause a deformed bottom or side of cage.



K 返回顶部

KNOCK DOWN: To disassemble a previously assembled bearing; the cage is cut or spread and discarded and the rollers and cones are salvaged and reprocessed.

拆卸:把已经组装好的轴承拆开;保持架被切掉或拆卸展开然后丢弃,而滚子和内圈从其取出并重新进行加工。 L 返回顶部

LAMINATED: A strip steel condition appearing as a separation within the steel surfaces; an undesirable condition.

分层:条形钢材会出现的一种情况,钢材表面分层脱开;一般不希望出现一种情况。 LARGE INSIDE DIAMETER: The large end of the cup raceway. 外圈小端内径:外圈滚道面较大一端。

LOBE: High points on a given surface ranging from 3 to 7 as measured on a Lobe Gauge. (See: Chatter)

凸缘:在所检测的表面上凸缘检具测量值为3 到7 的高点。

LOT: A group of units (bearing parts) used for convenience in scheduling or material handling. 批次:为方便计划或处理而划分的一组轴承零件。

LOTS TO CLEAN: Metal pallets of 12 pans each, which are waiting to be shot blasted. 批次清洗:一次清洗12 个,等着进行喷丸。

M 返回顶部

MAGNA GLOW: Process used to detect very small cracks; uses magnetic particles and inspection under an ultraviolet light.


MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY CARD: Card used in the management of maintenance activities. (See: EMMA)

维护保养卡片:用于维护保养管理的卡片 MENDER: The acronym MENDER stands for: MENDER: 每个字母代表的含义为: MEASURE - PHYSICAL ITEMS 测量 – 实物




MENDER is a predictive maintenance program that is designed to define a machine's condition and recommend the action required to correct any faults in order to reduce machine downtime for mechanical delays.

MENDER 是一种预测性的维护保养方法,用于跟踪监测机器的状况,并采取必要的行动来改正存在的错误以此降低机器停工的时间。

METALURGICAL SAMPLE: A sample slug, part, or section of a carbonized, or hardened steel used for testing to determine structure, hardness, case depth, etc.

金相组织样件:渗过碳的或硬化处理过的钢材切片或零件,用于检测组织结构,硬度,渗碳层深度等。 MICROINCH: A unit of measurement for surface finish; measured in millionths of an inch. 微英寸:表面粗糙度的一种单位,一英寸的百万分之一。

MICROMETER: Instrument used to measure various distances, angles, etc. 千分尺:用来测量不同长度,角度等的工具。

MICROSTRUCTORE: The fine, internal structure of steel resulting from being heated to a critical temperature then quickly quenched. The microstructure, or how the parts that make up steel are arranged, controls how the bearing will perform.


MIL: One thousandth of an inch. The Mil is commonly used to describe the thickness of thin items such as trash bag, The 1Mil is the one that won't get you to the street and the 2Mil is the heavy weight.


MULTICHECK GAUGE: Gauge which has the capability of measuring more than one dimension of a piece of product.


N 返回顶部

NEC: NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE, the standards concerning anything to do with electrical work. NEC: 国家电气规范, 与电气相关的标准。

NIB: Green roller defect on the small end radius; caused by taper die failure. A sharp protrusion on the small end of the roller.

NIB: 由于圆锥模具缺陷造成的半成品滚子小端倒角缺陷, 滚子小端有尖锐的突出。

NITAL ETCH: Process of checking surfaces of ground product for cracks or burns by use of a series of acids and neutralizers.


NOISE DOSIMETER: Instrument used to measure in decibels the amount of noise an employee is exposed to over an eight hour work day.


NO GO: Indicates that an order for product has not been satisfied; the term may imply a rush on the order because the customer needs have not vet been met.

不通过:表明一个产品的订单没有满足;该名词可意味着由于客户要求还不满足的条件下的匆忙订单。 NO STOCK: Surface of any piece of product which does not have enough stock to grind off in order to grind it to the correct size; usually visible as black, irregular area below abrasive contact.


NO STOCK ID: Defect on inner diameter; large NCU condition indicating lack of stock for regrinding within specifications, machined undersize in green operation or caused by error in hardening process.

内孔无余量:内孔缺陷,大的NCU 条件意味着没有足够的材料磨削至技术要求,初加工尺寸过小或由于淬火过程的误差。

NOT CLEANED UP: Defect found on any surface of a piece of product; the rib or other surface did not clean up adequately during the grinding operation. Also called no stock. (See: No Stock ) 不完全加工:零件任何一个表面的缺陷;挡边或其他表面磨削过程中没有完全完成工艺需要。 NOT TO MAN: Scrap produced by an operator which is not charged to him. 非人因素废品: 操作工生产的废品,但不算此人的废品率。

NOT TO PRINT: Product or machinery which is not made to concur with blueprint specifications. 未据图纸产品:产品或机器没有按照原始图纸要求生产。

NPM: New Product to Manufacture, is a system used for production. It replaced part number tooling data release (PNTDR) system.

新产品制造:新产品制造是应用于生产的一套系统. 新产品制造代替了型号工装数据分配系统。 NPR: New Product Request; system to obtain management approval, feasibility to manufacture product and obtain price of the product. New product request must precede other systems, such as SPO, NPM and POR.

新产品申请:新产品申请是为得到管理层批准的一套系统,该系统分析加工新产品的可能性,并获得新产品的价格. 新产品申请必须要在如SPO, NPM&POR 之前提出。

O 返回顶部

ON TIME DELIVERY: A measure of pieces delivered to a customer within a given period vs. the expected pieces to be delivered. The customer can be internal or it can be the actual customer receiving the product. This is expressed as a percent and the actual method of determining delivery can vary by area.

准时交货率:评估产品在给定期限内交货给客户的情况与要求交货量的比较. 客户可以是内部客户也可是实际需要产品的客户. 这是以百分比表示,实际方法可以根据区域不同而不同。 OPERATIONAL SCRAP: Work that is scrapped prior to completing all operations on a line. 工序废品:没有完成产品线所有工序前的废品。 OTD: (See: On Time Delivery ) OTD:见准时交货率

OUT OF ROUND: Product that is elliptical (egg-shaped) and having its maximum diameter 90 degrees from the smallest diameter.

不圆:产品是椭圆形(蛋形)从最大直径处到最小直径相差90 度。

OUT OF TOLERANCE: Product which is produced outside of the blueprint specifications; product that is either below minimum or above maximum values assigned. 公差超差:产品没有按照图纸要求生产, 产品要么是过小要么是过大。

OEE: Overall Equipment Effectiveness, a measure of actual pieces produced for some period vs. the pieces possible for the same period expressed as a percent.


P 返回顶部

PEANUT: Small sized pieces of product. Also called peanut product. 花生:小尺寸的产品,也叫花生产品。

PERFORATOR: Fourth stage of operation in the cage department. Simultaneously cuts out all pockets required in blank, maintaining proper top dimensions.

穿孔:在保持架部门的第四步工序. 同时按要求在切出保持架兜孔,维持合适的尺寸。 PIECEWORK: Incentive pay plan expressed in pieces. 计件生产:计件生产奖励机制。

PIERCER: Second stage of operation in the cage department; removes the bottom stock from the blank to the approximate inner diameter of the finished cage.


PIPING: A strip steel condition appearing as an overlap on the steel surface; this is an undesirable defect.


PIT: 1) A reservoir that holds cutting solution in green machining operation. 2) Type of furnace used for heat treating bearing components.

PIT:1) 粗加工过程中切削液的贮备池。 2) 轴承零部件热处理炉。

PITTED: Small indentations appearing as black dots on finished surfaces of any piece of product; undesirable surface defects.


PLUG FURNACES: Retort, shaker, and hearth type hardening furnaces. (See: Plug Hardening ) 塞式淬硬炉:蒸馏,振动器,锻造炉型的淬硬炉。

PLUG HARDENING: Process of maintaining proper size of larger cups and cones during the heat treat and quenching processes; sizing plugs are inserted into each piece of product during quenching.


PLUGS: Tooling used to insert into the inner diameter of larger size cups and cones to hold the correct size during the quenching process.


PLUS OR MINUS: Areas to the left or right of \dimension; larger or smaller than a given size.


POCKET: Holes in the cage which hold the rollers; Also refers to the large end recess of the roller. Also that portion of the taper die which forms the body of the roller.

窗孔:保持架上的用来保持滚子的孔;也用来指滚子大端面凹陷,也可指圆锥模具中成形滚子的部分。 POR: Prototype Order Request, a system to obtain prototype bearings. POR:申请样品订单, 申请获得样品轴承的系统。

PROFILE: The true picture of a surface in relation to a horizontal line; a contour of a designated surface of a cup, cone, or roller.


PROFILOMETER: A compact, direct reading electronic instrument for measuring the height of surface roughness in microinches (millionths of an inch).


PUNCH BOTTOM: (See: Piercer) 底部冲孔:(见冲孔)

Q 返回顶部

QUENCH CRACKS: Cracks formed in a steel part during or after quench, resulting from high stresses in cooling; could be caused by water in the quench oil.


QUENCHING: The process of rapid cooling from an elevated temperature. The product is placed in contact with liquids or gases, usually oil, water, or air.

淬火:指从某一高温快速冷却的过程。产品被放置于液体或气体中接触,通常是油,水或者空气。 QUILL: Cut off die. 套筒:切边模

R 返回顶部

R-BAR CHART: A chart that charts and monitors the variation or spread of a statistical population, used in statistical process control.

R 型柱状图:制图并监测统计人口的变化和分布情况的图表,常用于统计过程控制。 R-DOUBLE BAR: The average of the R-Bars, used in statistical process control. 双R 型柱:R 型柱状图的平均值,用于统计过程控制。

RACEWAY: Also called a race; the tapered surface of either a cup or cone. The surface against which rollers revolve.


RADIAL LOAD: The load that is caused by forces seeking to tilt, bend, or shove a shaft out of line. (See: Thrust Load )


RADIAL FORCE: The load on a bearing perpendicular to the axle, this and the Thrust load are forces that affect the design and application of bearings.


RECHAMFER: Defect on radii and chamfer; defective chamfer such as nicks that are considered to be repairable.


RED PAN: Pan of product at each screw machine; painted red to indicate that it is scrap. Red pan product is returned to Canton for reprocessing.

红盘:在车丝机上铁盘里的产品,涂抹红色表示它是废料。红盘产品需要被返送到坎顿回收再生。 RE-RADIUS: Denotes the need to correct defective radii on product such as nicked, torn, or undersized radii.


REPAIR: Product that is either visually or dimensionally out of tolerance but which can be repaired. 修复:能被肉眼观察到的或尺寸超差但能被修复的产品。

RIB: The cone has a rib at each and of the raceway. Ribs are at each end of the rollers when the bearing is assembled. Each cone has a large rib and a small rib which help position the rollers and

keep the assembly from coming apart once the cage is closed in. (See: Unit Bearing )

挡边:内圈在滚道的两端各有一个挡边。挡边就位于组装轴承滚子的两端。每个内圈有一个大挡边和一个小挡边来定位滚子,并且在保持架封装后能防止装配件分离(参加:轴承单元)。 RIB STOCK: Extra steel left on green product to be ground during the finish grind operation. 边角料:在抛光研磨的操作中,从毛胚件上被去除的多余钢材。

RING: To tap an item; to check for cracks; the testing of a grinding wheel. 测试圆环:利用它来轻敲砂轮某一部分来检查裂纹,一种测试砂轮的方法。

ROCKWELL HARDNESS: An indentation hardness test which measures hardness by determining thedepth of penetration of a steel ball or diamond sphero-conical penetrator into the piece to be checked.The hardness number is related to the depth of indentation; the greater the number the harder thematerial.


ROLL: To reduce the size and change the shape of steel by squeezing it between large steel cylinders in a rolling mill. Most rolling operations are performed on hot metal but there are also cold rolling operations.


ROLLER: One of four basic components of an assembled bearing. The roller is tapered, has a somewhat spherical shape and when assembled fits against the large rib of the cone. The rollers roll freely between the cup and the cone.


ROLLER SIZE REPORT: Daily computer printout sent from Canton to Columbus; reports roller part numbers by class (honed or surface).


ROUGH HONE: Grinding. 粗磨:磨加工的一种

RUN ALL STEEL AT MACHINE: Instruction from supervisor to operator to use up all available steel at machine.

使用完机器内所有(钢)材料:主管对操作员的一个指示,用完所有在机器内可被利用的(钢)材料。 RUN ALL STEEL IN YARD: Instruction from Production Planning Department to supervisors and stock checkers to use up all tubing and steel stored in the yard or storage area.


RUN OUT: An undesirable condition that exist when the products outside diameter and inside diameter is not concentric. (See: Out of Round )


RUN OUT STEEL: Instruction to green machine operator to complete a scheduled job, to finish cutting the bar (tubing) and then refrain from loading any more tubing on the machine.


RUST: Type of defect found on any surface of, any piece of product which appears as stain or corrosion resulting from atmospheric conditions or handling.


S 返回顶部

SAMPLE: One or more pieces of product taken from a larger group of product for the purpose of judging the quality of the larger collection.

样件:为了判断一个批次或多批次产品的质量,从一批产品中抽出的1 个或多个用于进行检测的产品。

SAMPLE SIZE: Limited number of pieces of product that are pulled from a total group for the purpose of checking them for quality.


SCALE: Oxidization of iron that forms on the surface of hot steel exposed to air or oxygen. 氧化皮:暴露在空气或氧气中的高温钢铁,在其表面所形成的氧化铁。 SCALLOPING: (See: Wavy) 波浪形:(参见: Wavy)

SCARF: Process of removing build-up of oil and dirt crust from wood block shop floors. 去污:去除工厂木制地板上油渍和污渍的过程。

SCORE: A flat surface mechanically cut into round header wire to identify that portion of wire to be metallurgically defective. This operation is done at the Gambrinus Roller Processing Plant. 纵切面:为检验金属丝的金相组织而将金属丝沿纵向切开所得到的切面。这是Gambrinus 滚子制造工厂所采用的工艺。

SCRAP: When product that is either visually or dimensionally out of tolerance and can not be repaired; product that does not conform to blueprint tolerances.


SET UP: Typically, the process of changing the tooling on a production machine tool in order to produce a different bearing component part number.


SHOE: Top and/or bottom castings used to hold tooling in place on machine tools or presses. 工装夹具:在机床或冲床中用于夹持加工件的上模和/或下模。 SHORT FEED: Product that was not cut to length on green machine. 进给不足:在车床上由于进给不足而造成长度缺陷的产品。

SHOULDER: Defect found on rib or outer diameter; a raised edge on rib face caused by grinding wheel; raised surface at either end of outer diameter raceway.

挡肩:外径或挡肩上发现的缺陷;挡肩上由于磨床砂轮所造成的突起;在外径滚道两端的突起。 SIZE GROUP CODE: (See: Size Group Commodity Code ) 尺寸组别编码:(参见:Size Group Commodity Code)

SIZE GROUP COMMODITY CODE: System The Timken Company uses to classify thousands of different component part numbers; organizes them into manageable and identifiable groups or lot sizes for production forecasting, scheduling, and control. Also called Size Group Code.

产品尺寸组别编码:Timken 公司用于将成千上万的零件型号分类的系统,将成千上万的零件型号分到不同的容易管理以及容易区分的组别中,便于产品的预测,排产以及控制。另一个名称叫做尺寸组别编码。

SIZER: Third stage of operation in the cage department; size blanks uniformly to proper outer diameter length and inner diameter dimensions.

尺寸定型:保持架加工的第三步工序;将毛胚件加工到适当的长度和内径。 SKID: Wooden skids used to haul materials and supplies. 滑动垫木:用于托运材料和物品的滑动垫木。

SKIP LOT SAMPLING: The random inspection of incoming items purchased by The Timken Company which causes some lots to be sampled and others to be skipped.

跳跃式的产品抽样:对Timken 购买的产品进行的随机性检查,这种检查会造成一些产品被抽检而另一些被略过。

SLOPPY: Extreme limits of tolerance, usually outside. 超差:公差的极限值,通常在外径上发生。

SLUDGE: An insoluble material formed as a result of either deterioration reactions in an oil or by contamination of an oil, or both.


SLUG: Portion of blank removed by perforator operation; small portion of a winged or spread cage cut out, caused by cocking; removed portion of blank at piercer operation. (See: Piercer, Cocking) 废料:冲孔工艺中从毛胚件上冲掉的部分;带边的保持架上被冲掉的小部分;冲底孔工艺中从工件上去除的部分。(参见:Piercer, Cocking)

SLUICE WAY: Trench under all screw machines, which carry chips and coolant to one of two pits. 回流槽:在车床底部的沟槽,用与引导车削废料和冷却液进入一个或两个废料桶。

