OB13 - TIF09组织行为学第九章测试

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Chapter 9 Foundations of Group Behavior


Defining and Classifying Groups 1. Which one of the following characteristics is not necessarily true about groups? a. Group members are interdependent. b. Groups have two or more members. c. Groups have assigned goals. d. Groups interact. e. Groups have particular objectives. (c; Moderate; Groups; p. 284) 2. What sort of groups is defined by the organization’s structure?

a. informal b. task

c. friendship d. interest e. formal

(e; Easy; Formal Groups; p. 284) 3. When do informal groups appear? a. in response to the need for social contact b. in reaction to formal groups c. as a result of social needs d. most frequently in bureaucracies e. when formal groups cannot meet their goals (a; Moderate; Informal Groups; p. 284) 4. Julia, Bree, and David work in different departments but often eat lunch together. They are an

example of what type of group? a. formal b. informal c. command d. task e. reactant

(b; Easy; Informal Groups; p. 284) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 5. Which of the following statements is true?

a. All task groups are also command groups. b. All command groups are also task groups. c. All task groups are also friendship groups. d. All command groups are also informal groups. e. All informal groups are also command groups.

(b; Moderate; Command Groups; p. 285)


6. The group type that is determined by the organization chart is the _____ group. a. job b. work c. authority d. social e. command

(e; Moderate; Command Groups; p. 284) 7. Which one of the following group types is organizationally determined? a. job b. task c. work d. authority e. social

(b; Moderate; Task Groups; p. 285) 8. Employees who band together to seek improved working conditions form a(n) _____ group. a. union b. support c. interest d. work e. emancipated

(c; Moderate; Interest Groups; p. 285) 9. Which of the following statements most accurately describes interest groups? a. They are longer lasting than friendship groups. b. They develop because individual members have one or more common characteristics. c. They are formed because of some common objective. d. They are governed by labor laws. e. They are likely to involve great social conflict. (c; Moderate; Interest Groups; p. 285) 10. Groups based on support for a given sports team are examples of what sort of group?

a. booster b. interest c. friendship d. sports e. miscreant

(c; Easy; Friendship Groups; p. 285) 11. Which of the following is not one of the most common reasons why people join groups? a. security b. status c. equity d. power e. goal achievement

(c; Moderate; Reasons to Join Groups; p. 285)


Stages of Group Development 12. What are the five stages of group development? a. generation, implementation, construction, production, termination b. introduction, development, production, deterioration, adjournment c. initiation, evolution, maturation, degeneration, termination d. forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning e. acting, reacting, enacting, impacting, acting (d; Moderate; The Five-Stage Model; p. 286) 13. Which stage in group development is most characterized by uncertainty? a. introduction b. storming c. forming d. evolution e. norming

(c; Moderate; Forming; p. 286) 14. In the second stage of group development _____. a. close relationships are developed b. the group demonstrates cohesiveness c. intragroup conflict often occurs d. the job task is performed e. groups disband

(c; Challenging; Storming; p. 286) 15. After which stage of a group’s development is there a relatively clear hierarchy of leadership within

the group?

a. norming b. storming c. development d. evolution e. forming

(b; Moderate; Storming; p. 286) 16. Which is the stage of group development characterized by the development of close relationships

and cohesiveness?

a. bonding b. norming c. performing d. initiating e. forming

(b; Moderate; Norming; p. 286)



After which stage of a group’s development has the group formed a common set of expectations of member behaviors?

a. norming b. storming c. maturation d. development e. forming

(a; Easy; Norming; p. 286) 18. When the group energy is focused on the task at hand, the group has moved to the _____ stage. a. storming b. norming c. production d. maturation e. performing

(e; Moderate; Performing; p. 286) 19. Temporary groups with deadlines tend to follow the _____ model. a. sociometry b. five-stage group development c. punctuated equilibrium d. cluster variance e. frantic action

(c; Moderate; Punctuated Equilibrium Model; pp. 287-288) 20. A temporary task group working under a time-constrained deadline would be expected to behave

in which of the following manners?

a. forming, then storming, then norming, then performing, and finally adjourning b. exhibit long periods of inertia interspersed with brief revolutionary changes triggered by its

members’ awareness of looming deadlines

c. develop plans, assign roles, determine and allocate resources, resolve conflicts, and set


d. group energy will move rapidly from getting to know and understand each other to performing

the task at hand

e. a period of activity where tasks are set and the bulk of the project is completed, followed by a

period of inertia where what little work remains is performed

(b; Challenging; Punctuated Equilibrium Model; p. 288) 21. According to the punctuated equilibrium model, groups tend to experience what for the first half of

the project?

a. inertia b. reorganization and redirection c. mid-life crisis d. markedly accelerated activity e. discord

(a; Moderate; Punctuated Equilibrium Model; p. 288)


Group Properties: Roles, Norms, Status, Size, and Cohesiveness 22. Roles, norms, status, and cohesiveness are examples of _____. a. structural variables b. team mechanisms c. static factors d. team factors e. group properties

(e; Easy; Group Properties; p. 289) 23. What term is used for a set of expected behavior patterns associated with a particular position in

a social unit?

a. role b. role perception c. role identity d. role expectation e. identity

(a; Easy; Role; p. 289) 24. When Judith became a doctor she modeled her manner on her observations of more experienced

doctors, and also on the behavior of doctors in medical dramas she had enjoyed watching as a child on TV. What is Judith modeling her manner upon?

a. the role behaviors of doctors b. her role perception of doctors c. the role identity of doctors d. her role expectation of doctors e. the core role actions of doctors

(b; Easy; Role; p. 289) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 25. Which of the following is true of role identity?

a. Role perception creates the attitudes and actual behaviors consistent with a role. b. People have the ability to shift roles rapidly when the situation requires change. c. There is considerable inertia in role identity after roles are changed. d. Everyone is required to play one specific role in every situation. e. No two people ever agree on what constitutes a role.

(b; Moderate; Role Identity; p. 290) 26. Most people assume that a police officer should behave in a lawful manner, not show any

favoritism to any particular group, and do their best to uphold the law. What term is used for this kind of belief?

a. a norm b. a norm identity c. a role expectation d. a role perception e. a norm violation

(c; Moderate; Role Expectation; p. 290)


