最新牛津译林版初中英语九年级下册9BUnit2 Great People 单元教

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9B Unit 2 Great People 课 题 备课时间 课 时 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit Period 1 教 具 总第 课时 上课时间 A recorder and teaching pictures Teaching To recognize and understand vocabulary about famous people aims To learn more about some famous people Teaching Talk about the great people they know focus Difficult points Teaching method Talk about the great people they know Free talk, Presentation, Practice, Consolidation. Teaching procedures The second preparing lessons Step1Lead-in: There are many great people in the world. Ask students to name some of great people they know and say who they like best. Step2Welcome to the unit: Part B:a guessing game Can you guess their names 1Chinese, the pioneer of China’s space technology programme 2South African, a fighter for the rights of black Africans all his life 3American,createdover1000 inventions 4Italian,one of the first Europeans to discover America 5Russian, a composer of classical music 6English, a great writer of English literature PartA:Present some pictures of famous people and ask students to guess what these famous people were.

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a. Present new vocabulary. b. Ask students why they can be famous people and introduce what they did to students. c. Complete “welcome to the unit” in class. Students can work in pairs to complete the exercises. Step3 . Comic strips: a. Play the tape and students listen to the tape to get the main idea. b. Students read after the tape twice. c. Ask some questions about the conversation Who does Eddie think is the greatest person in history? Why does Eddie think so?. d. Students read it in pairs and act it out. e. Why do people admire great people? Discuss and take down notes. Homework: Recite the conversation in the comic. 3 Teaching notes

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课 题 Reading 1 总第 课时 备课时间 课 时 Period 2 上课时间 教 具 9B Unit2 Great people

A recorder Teaching aims Teaching focus Difficult points Teaching method 1. To guess general meanings from keywords and context 2. To skim text for overall meanings and scan for details To infer general meaning from pictures ,title and context. Talk about Neil Armstrong Task-based approach Teaching procedures The second preparing lessons Step1ackground information: Step2Explain the context. Simon is reading an article about a famous astronaut, Neil Armstrong. Ask students whether they know when the first man walked on the moon. Also ask them if they know the names of the first two men who walked on the moon. Tell students that they will learn more about men visiting the moon in the reading passage. Step3Students listen to the recording for the first three paragraphs and then read them after the tape again. Step4Do True or False questions to check understanding of the first three paragraphs. A Neil Armstrong was born in the 1940s. B He flew in an aero plane when he was six.[] C The Gemini 8 mission is all about star signs. D Gemini 8 landed in the USA. E Neil Armstrong received his student pilot’s license when he was 15. F Neil Armstrong successfully brought the spacecraft down into the

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western Pacific Ocean when Gemini 8 was out of control. G Ask students to scan the first three paragraphs and underline the new words. Encourage them to explain the words to the class in English. Step5 Language points: a. at the age of… =when sb was … years old The boy could swim at the age of 5. = The boy could swim when he was 5 years old. b. work as… He worked as a teacher when he finished school. c order sb (not) to do sth The commander ordered the soldiers to stand in line. The doctor ordered me not to work for a long time and have a good rest. d cut sb/sth short The interviewer cut short his guest in mid-sentence. Homework: 1. Recite the paragraphs. 2. Preview the following paragraphs.. Teaching notes 9B Unit 2 Great people

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课 题 备课时间 课 时 Reading 2 Period3 教 具 总第 课时 上课时间 A recorder and teaching pictures Teaching To identify specific meaning in different contexts. aims Teaching To check understanding by answering some questions. focus Difficult points Teaching method To learn some useful expressions and use them in different context Free talk, Presentation, Practice, Consolidation. Teaching procedures The second preparing lessons Step1Revision When did Neil Armstrong become the first man that walked on the moon? What did Armstrong do when Gemini 8 was out of control? Step2Listen to the tape about the following four paragraphs and read after recording. Ask and answer to check comprehension: 1. Which was the first spacecraft to land on the moon? 2. How many people walked on the moon from Apollo11? 3. What did Armstrong and Aldrin do on the moon? 4. What did astronauts take back to Earth? 5. What was the highest award that Neil Armstrong received? Read the passage again and rearrange the following sentences: (1) Neil Armstrong was born on 5th August 1930. (2) Armstrong received his student pilot\\s licece (3) Armstrong became a naval pilot

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(4) Gemini 8 went into space (5) Two men walked on the moon for the first time (6) Apollo 11 returned to Earth (7) Armstrong was awarded the Medal of Freedom Step3Language points: 1fly flew flown fly to=goto…by air/plan Have a good flight 2she received a gold necklace but she didn’t accept it 3serve our country be in service 4choose chose chosen Choose sb to do sth=sb be chosen to do sth 5manage to do sth 6out of control=lose control in/under control 7further help/information/study 8be proud of=take pride in the pride of Homework: 1. Recite the paragraphs of reading part. 2. Preview vocabulary. Teaching notes 9Bunit2 Great people

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课 题 备课时间 课 时 Grammar Period 4 教 具 总第 课时 上课时间 Pictures tape Teaching aims Reveiew different tenses have learnt before. Review the simple present and present continuous tense. Review the simple past and past continuous tense. Review the simple past and present perfect. Teaching focus Difficult points Teaching method Review the simple present and present continuous tense. Review the simple past and past continuous tense. Review the simple past and present perfect. Review the simple past and present perfect. Task-based approach,Learning & practice Teaching procedures The second preparing lessons Step1. Presentation We have learnt different tenses . Review different use of simple present tense. Used for A preent state Daily routine and habits Example John lives in New York. I always go to bed at 10 p.m. Present actions that happen School is over and the students go home. one after another Actions set by a timetable The talk show starts at 7 p.m. or schedule Review different use of present continuous tense. It is 6:30 p.m. It is raining heavily outside. Used for Example Actions that happen at the Look! The reporter is interviewing th

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same time astronaut. Actions that happen at the Mum is doing the housework and Dad is same time working on the computer Action in a limited period I am working on a history project this week. of time Arrengements for the near I am leaving for Shanghai tonight. future Step2. Practice Millie is writing about what her family members are doing. Help her complete her article with the correct tenses of the verbs in brackets. Ask students to finish the exercise in part A. Check answers by asking students. Step3. Presentation Review the usage of simple past. Used for Example Actions that happened in the Simon played football yesterday. past Actions that happened one Simon came home, turned on thafter another in the past. computer and checked his email Review the usage of past continuous like this. Step 4. Practice Do exercise in part B. Check answers. Step5homework Do more exercises in Kekelian Teaching notes 9BUnit 2 Great people

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课 题 备课时间 课 时 Teaching aims Teaching focus Difficult points Teaching method Integrated skills Period 5 教 具 总第 课时 上课时间 A recorder To extract information from a profile To complete notes To complete a presentation. To extract information from a recording about Marie Curie Task-based approach,Scene pedagogy and Teaching with humor The second preparing lessons Teaching procedures Step1lead in Millie is making some notes about Marie Curie for her presentation. Ask a student to read the information about Marie Curie at the top of page.Ask students to raise their hands if they have any questions . Step2presentation Explain to students that they will not be able to find all the information they need to complete the notes in Part A1 from the profile. However, they should try to find as much information as they can . Tell less able students that they can find the answers to notes.1,2,9,10,11,12 and 18 in the profile. Step3practice Tell students they can complete the rest of the notes by listening to the recording about Marie Curie. Tell them to listen carefully for the answers they have not yet found. Play the recording through once, without stopping ,Ask students not to write anything, just to listen the first time round. Step4listening Play the recording again. Stop every now and then to give students time to write if necessary ,especially for weaker classes . For stronger classes, you should be able to play the recording all the way through without stopping. Step5Play the recording again without stopping for the students to check their answers.

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Step6Ask students to volunteer their answers . Listen for mistakes and mispronunciation. Explain to students that they can use the notes from page 64 to help them complete Millie’s presentation . Step7Divide the class into group of four .Each group must work together to come up with the correct answers , Each group must swap their answer sheet to anther group once they have finished . Ask one students to read one answer at a time . Encourage students to listen for mistakes and raise their hands when they have a questions . PartB 1. Explain the context . Millie and Simon are talking about the famous people . 2. Select two more able students to play the role of Millie and Simon . Ask them to read the conversation aloud . 3. Ask students to work in pairs . Encourage them to read the conversation aloud .Then ask students to talk about some famous people they admire . Remind them to use Millie and Simon’s conversation as a model . 4. As you walk around the class , commend students on any parts they do particularly well . Try not to criticize students too much on their spoken English ,as this can be discouraging . Teaching notes 9B Unit2Great people

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Study skills - 10 -

总第 课时

上课时间 课 时 Teaching aims: 年 月 日 第 周 星期 Period 6 教 具 A recorder To know formal and informal language Main points and Difficult points: To learn to use formal and informal language Teaching method: Task-based approach,Scene pedagogy and Teaching with humor Teaching Procedures: Step1,Revision 在书中找出并翻译下列短语: 1.use formal or informal language___________ 2.have a big mouth_________ 3 in the soup__________ 4.his cup of tea___________ Teaching Procedures : Step1.Lead in. 1. Explain: (1) What is “informal language”? Explain to the students the definitions of slang, abbreviations and contractions. (2) How to express formally? Tell the students when we should use formal or informal languages: When you speak or write, you can use formal or informal language. You use formal language with your teachers or unfamiliar people. However, when you speak or write to your friends or parents, you can use informal language. Step2. Presentation 帮助学生理解P31黑体字的内容。 Step 3. Practice 展示以下正式或非正式用语,学生两人一组按要求进行分类。 1.Have a big mouth 2. Mon 3. hello 4.Lots of love 5. BC 6. Good morning 7.All wet 8.we’ll 9. Dec 10.He’d 11.Yours truly 12. How are you? 13.Catch some Zs 14.can’t 15.Cheers 16.Simon has much more hair than his uncle.

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Personal design Greetings:_________________________________________________ Endings: __________________________________________________ Slang: __________________________________________________ Jokes: ____________________________________________________ Abbreviations:_____________________________________________ Contractions: _____________________________________________ Step 4.Presentation 独立完成P31练习并订正。 Try to find out the mistakes in Kitty’s letter. Don’t forget to tell the reason. Step 5.Practice 试着找出信中用法不当的地方 Hi Mr Zhou I hope that you are having a happy new year. My father has left for a business trip today and it’s raining cats and dogs. I’m now preparing for my new school year. It starts tomorrow, on 10th Feb. I have learnt that I will be in Class A. I will learn nine subjects including Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Geography. I haven’t got my textbooks yet. When I get them, I want to take a quick look at them, and I hope you would not mind answering my questions if I have any. You must be busy like a bee this term. I hope you will be successful and healthy in the coming year and stay cool forever. Come on You should not use ______________ _______________ ___________ _______________ ________________ _______________ _____________ Homework 1. Finish Period 6 2. Preview Task.

课 题 备课时间 课 时

Teaching notes Task Period 7 教 具 总第 课时 上课时间 A recorder - 12 -

Teaching aims Teaching focus Difficult points Teaching method To read and understand notes about a famous person To use notes to complete a piece of writing about a famous person . To do independent research about a famous person To write a draft about a famous person . To give a presentation to the class about a famous person Task-based approach,1.Reading&traslation2.Disscussion 3.writing Teaching procedures The second preparing lessons Step1 Free talk; Do you know any famous People? Who are they? What did they do? Why do you admire them? Step 2 presentation PartA Tell students that Amy made some notes about Yuan Longping . Ask one student at a time to read a note . Encourage students to ask questions 1.When was Yuan Longping born? 2.What is his title? 3.What did he do after graduating from college? 4.Why did he begin research into hybrid rice? 5.What is his contribution to the world? Step 3 presentation Part B 1 Ask students to complete Amy’s draft in PartB . Remind them that they should use the information in PartA Page32 to help them . 2 Once students have finished , read the text out loud for them . Pause at the blanks and ask the students to raise their hands if they know the correct answers . Complete this exercise as a class 3.How to write an article about a famous person. Introduction :Who is the person you want to write about Mainbody:Write some detailed information about his or her life. Conclusion:Explain why you admire hime or her Step4 Practice (Part C ) 1 Writing 请你根据下面的资料,写一篇介绍Martin Luther King的文章。 Name:Date of birth:15th January:1929

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Place of birth:Georgia, the USA Family and studies: the middle child in a family of three children; Very bright, progressed quickly through school,college and University Major events in his life: 18th June,1953:married Coretta Scott 1955:was awarded his PhD The leader of the black civil rights movement in the USA Organized a bus boycott and was arrested more than 30 times. 4th April,1968: was shot by James Early Ray Famous for :gave many speeches,calling for equality between blacks and whites . One is called I have a dream Prizes or awards:the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 2 Present the article and evaluate the article together Step5 Homework Finish the exercises in Kekelian Recite some important words and phrases Teaching notes 9BUnit 2Great people

课 题 备课时间 课 时

Revision Period 8 教 具 总第 课时 上课时间 A recorder - 14 -

Teaching aims Teaching focus Difficult points Teaching method To review key grammar and vocabulary items To give students the chance to practise the grammar and vocabulary items To allow students to check their progress and ask any questions they may still have To review key grammar and vocabulary items To check their progress and try to ask questions they may have Task-based approach,Scene pedagogy and Teaching with humor Teaching procedures The second preparing lessons Step 1 Warming-up Can you guess their names 1Chinese, the pioneer of China’s space technology programme 2South African, a fighter for the rights of black Africans all his life 3American,createdover1000 inventions 4Italian,one of the first Europeans to discover America 5Russian, a composer of classical music 6English, a great writer of English literature Step2Language points a. at the age of… =when sb was … years old The boy could swim at the age of 5. = The boy could swim when he was 5 years old. b. work as… He worked as a teacher when he finished school. c order sb (not) to do sth The commander ordered the soldiers to stand in line. The doctor ordered me not to work for a long time and have a good rest.

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d cut sb/sth short The interviewer cut short his guest in mid-sentence 1fly flew flown fly to=goto…by air/plan Have a good flight 2she received a gold necklace but she didn’t accept it 3serve our country be in service 4choose chose chosen Choose sb to do sth=sb be chosen to do sth 5manage to do sth 6out of control=lose control in/under control 7further help/information/study 8be proud of=take pride in the pride of Step3writing Write a great person you know Teaching notes

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d cut sb/sth short The interviewer cut short his guest in mid-sentence 1fly flew flown fly to=goto…by air/plan Have a good flight 2she received a gold necklace but she didn’t accept it 3serve our country be in service 4choose chose chosen Choose sb to do sth=sb be chosen to do sth 5manage to do sth 6out of control=lose control in/under control 7further help/information/study 8be proud of=take pride in the pride of Step3writing Write a great person you know Teaching notes

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